Double Secret


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Romy laughed her ass off at the guy's faces while Clarice smirked at her superiority.

'I think your console has been getting problems during the years.' Will said.

'I agree.' Luis said.

'While you pay tribute to queen Clarice, I'll go make us hot dogs.' Romy said and hopped giggling into the kitchen.

She got out the buns and sausages, put them in the oven and turned it on, then leaned against the kitchen counter. Luis came up behind her and embraced her. 'You're really worried, right?'

She nodded, a tear falling on the counter. 'What if they're going to hate us? If they want us out of their lives?'

'Have a little faith in mom and dad.' he whispered and planted a kiss on her head. 'They might get mad or sad, but do you really think they'd stop being our loving parents?'

She sniffed, turned around and ran her fingers through her brother's fur. 'No..'

'Then don't worry.' he said, kissing her wet cheeks.

She gave him a tender kiss. 'I love you.' she whispered.

'I love you, sweet girl.'

The ring of phone came from the living room and Will shouted 'It's your mom and dad!'.

Luis went back and answered his phone, talking to his father about the time they'd get back, then hung up. 'They're going to land this evening and Frank's able to pick them up at the airport on his way here. They should get here around seven thirty.'

'Would you like us to be here when they come home?' Clarice asked, seeing Romy's nervousness as she brought in the hot dogs.

Romy smiled a little. 'Thanks, but we'll manage.'

Clarice gave her a hug. 'You can always come to us.' she whispered.

'So, how can we distract you until that time?' asked Will with a slight grin.

'Lose miserably.' Luis said and he pulled out the next game to fight Will.

This time Clarice and Romy sat close on the couch, watching their men turn into kids.

'You two are really courageous.' Clarice said, holding Romy's hand.

'How so?'

'Because you confessed your love for each other. I don't think many people would admit it and just live with a secret.' Clarice said. 'Even I hadn't confessed my love to your brother, and I'm not even his sister.'

Romy's eyes grew big and looked at her friend. 'You're in love with my brother?'

Clarice smiled. 'I just had a big crush on him for a long while, knowing it wouldn't lead anywhere. Will knew and helped me through it, which caused me to fall for Will, even if he hadn't expected that.'

Romy squeezed Clarice's hand. 'I think brother would have been happy to hear that.'

Clarice nodded, then looked at Will's energetic back. 'I think it's for the better. Somehow I feel you two were meant to be together.'

'Like a romantic fairy tale.' Romy chuckled. 'Although it does seem to be the truth.'

'Clarice!' said Will, turning back to her. 'Tell that jerk he's cheating!'

'What!? You're just incompetent! Like you always were!' said Luis.

'Tssk.' said Clarice. 'I guess I'll have to give my body to someone who doesn't whine like a little kid when he can't win in a simple game.'

Will turned to Luis. 'Replay! Now!'

Romy laughed as Will restarted the game with renewed energy. 'You're so mean.' she said to Clarice.

'Just keeping him on his toes. And he'll get his reward anyway.' Clarice said with a wink.


Will heard the car horn outside. 'They're here.'

Clarice hugged Romy tight. 'I don't know what to say in this situation so I'll just say good luck.'

'Thank you.' Romy said, hugging back tight.

'Hang tight.' Will said, clasping one hand with Luis and giving him a manly hug.

'Will do.' Luis said, hugging back.

'We have your back.'

'You're good friends.' Luis said, looking at Will and Clarice. 'We'll let you know how things turn out.'

Clarice and Will nodded, then went out the door.

'Oh, hello there Clarice and Will.' said Marielle as she walked up to the house. 'How are you two doing?'

'Very well.' Clarice said. 'We just had a sleepover with Romy and Luis and stayed until you came home.'

'Oh, you don't have to go for our sake.' Marielle said, kissing Clarice and Will's cheek.

'Well, we don't want to keep you up after that long trip. We'll hear about it later.' Clarice said. 'Besides, it's time to go home and eat.'

'You sure?'

'Yes, we'll make it up later.' Clarice said, then walked with Will to the other side of the street.

Romy came out and hugged her mom tight. 'Welcome home, mom.'

Her mother gave her a kiss on her forehead. 'Happy to be home, no matter how good the vacation was.'

Fernandez thanked Frank for the ride and gave Debbie a couple of specialities as souvenirs, then followed his wife and daughter into the house, his hands full with luggage. He dropped it in the living room so Romy could hug him tight.

'How's my little doll been?' he asked.

'Good.' she said, then let him go and stepped back.

'Where's Luis?' asked her mother.

Romy felt her heart beat faster. The time had come.

'Mom, dad, can you sit down?'

Her mother looked worried at her daughter's averted face. 'Has something happened?'

Romy pulled on her shirt. 'There's something we need to tell you.'

'Did you get into trouble?' her father asked, frowning.

Her mother sensed the distress of her daughter and put her hand on her husband's arm. 'Let's sit down and hear her out, dear.'

They sat down on the couch while Romy looked at the stairs where her brother came down silently. 'You know about werewolves, right?'

'Yes?' her father asked, raising one eyebrow.

'You know how some movies show them as bloodthirsty, others as caring creatures?'

Her mother nodded as she knew stories, her father didn't really watch any of that.

Romy stayed silent for a while, fiddling with her fingers. 'Luis..' she whispered.

Her mother sat on the edge of the couch. 'What about Luis? Tell me.'

Romy couldn't tell her parents and Luis spoke up. 'Sis wants to tell you I've had something unbelievable happening to me.'

'Luis?' his mother asked, her and her husband's attention turning to the stairwell.

'Please don't freak out.' Luis said, then appeared from his hiding place.

His mother clasped her hands before her mouth. His father tensed, looking wide eyed at his son. 'God have mercy..'

'It's me..'

'You're kidding, right?' his father said.

Luis shook his head. 'I wish I were.'

His mother stood up and moved closer. 'Luis, is it really you..?'

He nodded.

Tears ran down her cheek as she carefully touched her turned son's cheek. 'How..? Why..?'

'We don't know. It started two weeks ago, and we've turned twice for a couple of days before.'

His mother looked back at Romy. 'We..?'

Romy nodded. 'Yes.' she whispered.

Luis caught his mother as her knees gave out. 'Mom!'

He helped her back to the couch where she tried to regain control of herself. Romy hurried to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water.

'Dad?' asked Luis, looking at his father.

Fernandez looked at his son, reached out and touched his arm. 'I'm not dreaming this, am I?'

Luis shook his head. 'I'm afraid not.'

'Can you fetch me a stiff drink?'

Luis gave him a soft smile. 'Sure, dad.' he said and filled a glass with his father's cognac and handing it to him.

'It's not, painful?'

'It happened in our sleep so far.'

His father nodded, then downed the contents of his glass, handing it to his son to have it filled again.

'Romy?' asked his mother.

'Mom?' Romy asked, taking the glass after her mother had drank a bit.

'It has happened to you too?'

Romy nodded.

'You won't believe how adorable she looks.' Luis said with a chuckle, getting a nudge and shy smile from his sister.

They sat silent for a while until Luis's stomach protested again. Romy chuckled.

'You haven't eaten yet?' their mother asked, finding something she can deal with.

'No.' Romy said. 'We've been too nervous to eat since you called.'

Her mother took a deep breath. 'I'll make dinner then. At least that'll give me something normal to hold on to.' she said and stood up.

'Are you sure?' Romy asked.

Her mother smiled at her. 'I can't have my kids getting hungry, no matter how they look.' she said, then went into the kitchen.

'Make extra for two.' their father said.

'Extra?' Romy said.

'I think your friends could use something to eat too.' he said, nodding at the couple at the other side of the street. 'Looks like they won't leave until they're sure you're okay.'

Luis smiled. 'Yeah, might have guessed.' he said, then went to the door to open it and beckon Clarice and Will inside.

They looked worried as they came inside.

'We heard the story.' Fernandez said. 'Even though Luis is here in the flesh, it'll be a while before it sinks in.'

Will looked at Luis. 'I'm glad it has turned out well so far.'

'We just couldn't leave without being sure you're all right.' Clarice said to Fernandez.

'Thank you.' he said. 'You're good friends.'

They talked about the cruise while Marielle and Romy made dinner and continued about it while they ate. After Luis and Romy brought back the plates to the kitchen, their father leaned back with another cognac. 'What else is going on?' he asked.

The young ones turned silent while his wife looked at him. 'What do you mean?'

'I know there's something more to this story. I can see it in the way they look at each other. Another secret lingers between them.'

Marielle looked at her daughter, who looked down.

'It's true.' Luis said. 'There's something more..'

'Brother..' Romy said, putting her hand on his.

He smiled gently at her, turning his hand to take hers, then looked at his mother and father. 'Mom, dad, I've realised my true feelings and taken Romy as my girlfriend.'

His father and mother froze.

'It's not only him!' Romy said. 'I've also taken brother as my boyfriend because I love him more than anything!'

Their parents kept silent as they watched them.

'Mom..?' Romy asked, tears welling up in her eyes. She saw her mother stand up and leave for the kitchen. 'Mom..' she whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks.

'Dad?' Luis asked, seeing his father pinch the bridge of his nose and frown. 'I know it's unforgivable to do this to your daughter, but she's the only one for me.'

His father shook his head. 'Leave us. Your mother and I need some time.'

The kids stood up.

'Please don't hate us.' Romy said to her father before they went to the front door.

'If you need a place to go..' Clarice said, hugging Romy tight.

'Thank you.' Romy said, wiping her cheeks.

'Bro..' said Will to Luis, trying to keep a straight face.

Luis nodded, forcing a smile. 'I know..'

Romy and Luis waved goodbye to their friends, then went upstairs. They looked at each other at Luis's bedroom door.

'I want nothing more than to stay at your side.' Romy said with trembling voice.

'I know.' Luis said, choking down his words. 'I understand.'

Romy kissed her brother, afraid it might just be the last time. For a brief moment they conveyed their love, then pulled apart to go into their own bedrooms, keeping their eyes locked until the last moment.

Luis heard his parents come up later and go into their own bedroom. His mother halted for a moment, hearing her daughter cry softly into her pillow.


Luis woke up from a knock on his door after having finally fallen asleep. 'Breakfast.' his father said.

Feeling groggy like never before, he dressed and went downstairs, expecting the worst possible news. His mother served pancakes and eggs as he sat down. A moment later Romy walked in, his heart aching at the sight of his little sister's red eyes.

Their father put a pancake on his plate, smearing butter on it. 'Your mother and I have been discussing this matter all night.'

The siblings held hands under the table without looking away from the surface, both of them afraid of what might come. Mostly afraid to be split up.

'Did you think about the talk of the town when they find out?'

'I've thought about moving to the other side of the country.' Luis said. 'I can make a living anywhere with my skills.'

'And I'll follow him anywhere.' Romy said, holding her brother's hand tight.

'You're really serious.' their father said, cutting his pancake.

'I'll do anything to make her happy.' Luis said, glancing at his sister who smiled softly at him.

Their father ate his pancake while their mother cleaned the dirty dishes.

'When we were at a port in Argentina we met a nice guy at a restaurant.' their father said. 'We started talking and he's a businessman in a branch related to the company I work for. It turned out there's a need for a local supplier for our products and I discussed this with our accountants and the board. The suggested plan is to open up a branch office and locally assemble a couple of our products there. Of course they need a head they can trust over there, but it'll be a long term job if things go well.'

He took another pancake from the stack and poured syrup on it. 'Which means, for whoever takes the job, they'll have to move to that country for at least a year. Although it will take about half a year before everything's set up.'

Romy and Luis looked at their father, trying to understand what's going on.

'In other words,' he continued. 'I guess if you're really happy together your mother and I can leave for Argentina with a little less troubled heart in a few months.'

The world stood still for a second.

'Wait,' Luis said. 'you're okay with us?'

Romy watched her mother wiping her cheek and moved to her. 'Mom? Is that true?'

Her mother nodded at her, smiling gently and Romy hugged her tight, crying.

'Seriously, dad?' asked Luis.

His father nodded. 'We trust you. Although it will take some time for us to feel comfortable with it, we've accepted you've made a difficult choice.'

Luis felt tears well up in his eyes. 'Thank you, dad.'

His father cleared his throat. 'Now, we can talk to school, find an excuse to have you absent sometimes, and it might be possible for you to work part-time for the company on the website and software, seeing you are pretty good at those things.'

Luis went around the table and hugged his father. 'I'll do my best not to bring further shame on this family.'

His father pat his back. 'Just make sure you two are going to be happy. Then there's no shame in it.'

Romy hugged her father next, kissing his cheek.

Luis regained his hunger and wolfed down the rest of the pancakes, fighting over the last one with his sister before their mother added another stack.


Luis looked from his work on a website for a new client, up at his sister holding their month old daughter, feeling very proud. 'When did they say they'll visit?'

'They'll be able to catch a flight in three weeks when dad can take a few days off. Mom said business is going well and he's very busy.'

He moved closer to Romy, kissing their daughter on her forehead before softly kissing her.

'I love you so very much, puppy.' he whispered.

She smiled at him, caressing his cheek. 'I love you, brother, my sweet wolf.'

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Crying emoji, so sweet

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 2 years ago

Very Romantique und Sweet!

11/10 Spiked Dog Collars!!!!!

LucalightdragonLucalightdragonabout 4 years ago
Awesome story

Honestly I wanted to cry it was beautiful romantic sexy and just all around a great story great job I wish it was all way bigger story even like them finding out why they're transforming maybe them transforming more often or permanently or haven't control over it like I could see this being a major novel even with enough work at it but I'm a nerd like that that thinks in those aspects hell I can even picture a trials and tribulation section of the story some ups and downs of conflict yeah that would be a good story

baileytommybaileytommyalmost 5 years ago

I couldn't help but like the story'I hope you write more of it

SciFurzSciFurzover 6 years agoAuthor
@ Ambivalence

Dog and wolf? Good question, I'd like to find out myself. ;-)

That, and how they got infected and others not are things I left out on purpose because that wasn't the goal of the story. I'll revisit this though because there have been requests for a sequel and I added it on my to-write list on Patreon.

As for the parents more bothered by incest than their kids shedding fur all over the house, humans are weird beings and tend to focus on the wrong thing during stress.

Their friends already saw what was happing between the two siblings and thought their love was deep enough, which is why they weren't really bothered by the incest thing themselves.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 6 years ago
Huh... interesting questions created here...

It would be nice to know why she's a dog and he's a wolf...

Would be nice to know why after years of giving an impression of feelings above and beyond acceptable to the normal person their parents are more bothered by the incest than by the lycanthropy...

Their catching it isn't totally out of bounds if it doesn't need to go *directly* into the blood stream... but then if simple contact will spread it, who or what else might have caught it by virtue of moving it...?

Their friends are pretty good friends too all things considered...

SciFurzSciFurzabout 7 years agoAuthor
@ anonymous and retired army NCO

Thanks! :-)

I don't have a specific idea for a sequel, but I will write more about them when the right idea pops up.


Thanks! :-)

I think I'd not let both Will and Clarice change in a sequel but just one of them, to create that little bit of extra hurdle to get over. Both would be too easy, but it'll depend on what twisty plot I can come up with.

Is the percentage of unfinished stories really that high? I can image some having trouble finishing one, as I come across hurdles often enough, but if I'm just one of the few to finish what I start, I feel a little like being in an elite group. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
A 5-STARS Story

A really well written story with an excellent story plot and excellent character development. A seguel would be great showing their lives' together with their new daughter. It would be fun to see Clarice and Will becoming infected and change also. That way the 4 of them would be supportive of each other. I feel that Clarice and Will are open-minded enough that they would accept the change without any problems. As to how they became infected is really open to question as they only touched the fur and did not appear to come in contact with the salvia which carries the virus. I gave you 5-STARS for this excellent werewolf story. I want to thank you for being in the 10-15% of writers who actually finish their stories as the other 85-90% DO NOT finish their stories. Your ending is a good one but yet you could write a sequel without any problems. But the sequel should also include Clarice and Will weither they transform or not as Romy and Luis will need their friendship and support in their new lives. Maybe seeing Romy so happy with her new life and baby that Clarice will want a baby of her own and a life with Will. Retired Army NCO

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I agree with everyone that this needs a sequel! It was so adorable!

SciFurzSciFurzabout 8 years agoAuthor
@ anonymous

Thank you! I'd actually like to do more with this, or like this, so we'll just have to see what the future brings. ;-)

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