Downward Spiral of a Neglected Wife

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A loving German wife's move to South Africa.
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My first attempt at writing about a sexual experience please forgive the grammar mistakes English is not my first language but I am hoping it's not too bad.


We bought a new property in Cape Town I few years ago. Moving was a real pain and stressed me out quite a bit. For the average person this would not have been a big issue, but it did cause me to become slightly manic.

I am Anna I 32 years old when this took place. I am about 5 foot 5 and weigh around 155 pounds. I am not what you would consider a small girl, but I have been told that I have curves in all the right places mainly my breasts and my bubble butt.

You see I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder as a child and a side effect of the condition was severe hypersexuality. It is treated with medication (antipsychotics and mood stabilizers) and has not stopped me from living a full and successful life.

The problem was that we recently moved to South Africa from Germany for my husband Jay's job and everything was a bit up in the air, I needed to have my medication refilled and for that I needed to find a new psychiatrist while dealing with the move and everything attached to it so, it was a stressful time for me.

Adding to the situation was the fact that my husband's job was consuming most of his time and he rejected me in the bedroom when I made moves on him several times because of low energy and it added to my weak state of mind.

I am not trying to make excuses for what happened, but I would like to make it clear on the whole situation I found myself in. I was not incredibly happy with the new property when we first moved in either. It was situated quite central to everything and I was close to shops the airport and the city, but it was still what you would consider a black neighborhood if I were allowed to use that term. We were a block away from the main Rd it was mostly filled with foreign little shops in the day but corner to corner prostitution at night.

The apartment building across the street from us had multiple broken windows and honestly looked like a crack den to me. It was a bit of a culture shock to me as a European at first. I did love the property itself it was old and rustic with wooden floors and a fireplace, I big open plan kitchen with a four-meter-wide folding glass door that led into the backyard that was surrounded by 8-foot white walls and a small white security gate in the back corner and a newly installed hot tub. The gate led to a walkway approximately 3 meters wide paved that led all the way to the front of the house and once again split with one gate entering our front and the other entering our neighbor's front yard, so the walkway was shared by both properties. This meant that our windows at one side of the house were approximately 3 meters away from our neighbors' side of the house and felt a little intrusive.

Luckily, our neighbors were incredibly nice. Samyno and Themba where a black couple from Tanzania that lived next door to us. They both came over on the first day we moved in and offered to help with anything we might need. it was the first time I was happy for a while at that time during it all. They were an older couple but didn't really show it, Simone was in her early 40s, short and a little chubby but still managed to look great she worked as a nurse at the local hospital while her husband Themba was a few years older than her in his early to mid-50's maybe and was a qualified electrician and Leo was Themba's son from an earlier marriage that lived with him then and was working as a plumber's assistant.

Both Themba and Leo were large men about 6 foot 5 and you could clearly see a resemblance even though Leo was maybe in his 30's and much younger than his dad you could tell Themba had him when he was young.

Samyno and I became close and more than just neighbors but actual friends over a noticeably short period of time because I did not know anyone else. Things were starting to settle down we were moved in; I found a great doctor and Jay started to enjoy his new job. I would often go over to Simone and I would spend hours chatting and laughing while she would have wine and I had juice or club soda.

But one week everything that could go wrong between me and Jay did. once again, he was too tired to have sex with me, and blamed it on his stressful job, even though I got dressed up in stockings and suspenders with pair of red pumps with my ass cheeks covered in baby oil and my butthole plugged with my black steel butt-plug with its red diamond tail.

"Please honey it's just the work you look fucking amazing I promise!" Jay tried to explain himself as I walked angrily to the bathroom.

"So, I look amazing just not amazing enough to fuck is that it?" I retorted as I pulled my red bathrobe off the hanger and put it on to cover myself.

"Please baby you're starting to become a little manic and you know I can't stay I have to leave for that business trip today it's only for a week and I can't cancel this close to the deadline. I promise from next week I'm all yours and we can do whatever you want including making hours of love to that sexy body." Jay replied as he tried to put his hand around my waist, but I pushed him away.

"Please don't try and use my condition as an excuse. We have been having this issue for a few weeks now since moving to South Africa and this was your idea. But fine I'll be OK until next week I promise." I murmured to my husband not looking to get into an argument.

Jay seemed 2 buy the fact that I was going to be OK. We kissed before he went off to the bedroom to pack.

"My ride is here" my husband said as he unclipped his suitcase handle and pulled it behind him towards the front door as we heard the honking from the Uber driver outside.

"I love you please call me when you land" I said as I gave him sloppy wet tongue kiss that seemed to get him excited.

"Fuck it do not do that to me now Anna." he replied with a smile as he squeezed my hand.

"Well, I'm giving you something to think about I said with a cheeky smile as I undid my bathrobe belt and pulled it open exposing my perky breasts and soft smooth pussy to my husband.

After Jay left, I breathed a sigh of relief because I could tell I was becoming quite manic and insatiably horny. I did not want him to feel worried about me and thought I could get it under control by myself. I walked to the lounge still dressed and my stockings and suspenders I slipped the bathrobe off my shoulders and it dropped in the hallway as I entered the lounge my 5-inch pumps clapping loudly on the wooden floors.

I grabbed my cordless magic wand vibrator and randomly picked q video from my husband's porn collection. It was a clip that went on for approximately an hour showing various white girls being brutally stuffed and absolutely destroyed by big hard black cocks. I imagined it was me getting brutally manhandled as big hard black cocks slammed into every hole I had at the same time. the look of shock and surprise and regret on those dumb sluts faces made my little clit pulse with excitement as I rubbed my vibrator over it and felt myself starting to cum.

"I should not be watching this filth this isn't good for you stop!" I tried convincing myself in vain

I had four raging orgasms with my legs wide open and shaking on the couch over the next 20 minutes as I moaned and breathed heavily, my eyes transfixed on the screen. I barely notice the soft knock on the back door. it took me a few seconds to realize that the security shutters on the folding door were all closed except for the one on the left we used as just a single door.

I gave Samyno a key to the back gate of our property to get in about a week ago when she came over to visit and completely forgot about it. I scrambled to get off the couch frantically trying to stop the hardcore porn movie playing on the big screen mounted on the wall while I was dressed and lingerie and a pair of red pumps. I looked behind me and saw Samyno looking at me through the open shutters as my face turned bright red with shame and embarrassment. I immediately looked away and stumbled over to where the bathrobe was is laying between the dining area in the hallway to cover myself.

With my back still turned I heard the back door slowly open and Samyno s voice.

"Hi Anna and what are we up to?" I heard her say in a cheeky playful voice. I tied my bathrobe and sheepishly turned around with my head down and my hand over my eyes still fiercely embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry how long have you been standing there; shit can we just forget you saw anything? I just need to find some balance" I said with my voice breaking a little feeling like I'm about to cry.

"Oh, sweetie you don't have to be embarrassed it's perfectly normal to watch some porn and I fully encourage every woman to do it as often as possible. Especially you ladies married to the white boys" Samyno said laughing realizing I was upset and gave me a hug.

"So, come on show me what you're working with under that bathrobe." Samyno asked as she walked over to the wine rack and pulled down two glasses.

Samyno must have noticed my confusion while looking over her shoulder as she pulled a bottle of white wine from our fridge.

"Oh, I'm sorry I thought you white European girls would be more open minded and not as repressed as the white women here." She commented jokingly with just a hint of what felt like a little insult in her voice.

I stood up and gently pulling on my bathrobe belt, as the knot came undone both sides of the robe fell open and I struck a sexy pose arching my back and pulling the rest of the robe open to show her my naked lingerie covered body. I could tell my heart rate increasing, my nipples getting harder and taking increasingly larger breaths.

"This is turning me on!?!" I thought to myself getting a little worried for a second as I closed the bathrobe and made a knot in the belt.

Samyno just stood there with her mouth half smiling half hanging open.

"Fuck Anna with a body like that we can drown you and black cock anytime you want! Let us loosen you up and have a few drinks." Samyno casually remarked as she poured 2 glasses of wine with a heavy hand and handed me one.

We sat at the dining room table and finished off 2 bottles of wine and well into 3rd bottle, talking and laughing about the week and a dozen other random things. Part of me realized how manic I was, I knew I was drunk, but I was also rubbing my plugged asshole on the long wooden dining room chair and feeling how it was moving around inside me. I needed Samyno to leave so I could try get a grip of myself. I really did not want to embarrass myself and thought that I might do just that in my current state.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Samyno whispered while leaning across the table slurring her words somewhat just as drunk as me.

"About a week after you moved in and we started hanging out and you guys gave my husband the job to rewire the house well anyway not the point..." she rambled a bit nervously.

"Well fuck it! Themba was fucking me in bed, and we have this weird little role-playing fantasy game where we pretend, we're other people and well it was really dark, and he wanted me to pretend I was... well YOU I even let him call me Anna as he fucked me senseless." She was running her fingers up and down my forearm as she confessed to me. Her hand shot up to her mouth and she seemed to regret telling me but seemed curious about my response while still giggling enamored.

"I'm sorry I said anything I'm so sorry I'm just drunk please just forget that!" she said when she realized I was not saying anything because I was so confused about what I was supposed to say.

"No please don't say sorry I just didn't know what to say in response I think that is kind of kinky and hot. Did I at least cum ridiculously hard" I replied trying to keep my voice stable and the conversation light while laughing nervously.

"Oh yes you came harder than you have ever cum before as he slammed his massive black cock balls deep into your white soaking wet fertile pussy. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you begged him two seed your white German cunt." She said laughing but still seeming to want to turn me on.

I could feel myself breathing heavily. What was going on? Am I reading into this too much? I've miss read signs before when I was manic, but It did not feel like this. Why was she speaking like this? My head was spinning in confusion with questions and doubts.

We continued chatting and drinking and Samyno informed me about how she and Themba were in an open marriage and how big a crush her stepson Leo had on me. When we ran out of wine Samyno gripped me by the arm and pulled me up from the dining room chair.

"Come over to my place we have Gin and I feel like dancing."

I was in no condition to resist anymore and I was so out of it that Samyno got me all the way into the backyard before I pulled back on my arm.

"I'm not coming over to your place dressed like this!" I said laughing.

"Oh, I almost forgot yes leave the bathrobe!" she replied jokingly as I quickly ran in and went to the bedroom giving her a WTF look over my shoulder.

I took off my bath robe and trough a low-cut red sun dress over my head instead. It was tight fitting around my breasts so I did not need to wear a bra and it covered my suspender straps which would have been virtually impossible to get off in my state. I was clearheaded enough to take off my red pumps and replaced them with a pair of more sociably acceptable open toe heels.

We stumbled over the walkway and through the wooden gate on their side entering through the back door into their small kitchen and I was reminded that Samyno and her husband were a lower income household. Their backyard was filled with junk and their house was completely unrenovated. The small kitchen had a small cheap pressed wood and aluminum table that wobbled and old kitchen cupboards that looked like they came with the house.

Leo came walking up the hallway when he heard us stumbling around in the kitchen giggling. He was wearing a pair of oversized grey sweatpants barefooted and bare chested with a joint in his right hand.

" You two ladies OK there?" he asked as he came up and hugged me and his musty smell filing my nose and made my heart race.

We need gin and dance music!" Simone yelled and demanded as she grabbed me by the arm and kissed me full on the lips while we continued giggling in our drunk state.

Leo handed his stepmom the joint and poured us both two extraordinarily strong gin and tonics. Simone took a drag from the joint before holding it towards my mouth. I halfheartedly tried to stop her, but she insisted as I put the joint between my lips as she held it and took a drag. At that point, my memory became a bit hazy as we made our way down the hallway with our drinks to the lounge. We passed Leo's bedroom on the right closest to the kitchen and then Simone and Themba's bedroom also on the right before coming to the lounge where Themba was sitting just as bare-chested as his son wearing a pair of navy-blue shorts and watching TV with a quart of beer.

Samyno turned on loud dancing music and pulled me into the middle of the lounge as we started dancing among the set of mismatched lounge chairs until we were dripping with sweat. Our hands explored each other's bodies as we put on a sexy show for the two black men sitting opposite each other watching us.

I was barely having any clear thoughts anymore, but I could tell how my body was reacting to the situation of being on display and looked at while Simone was running her hands over my ass cheeks and breasts. My nipples were rock hard while between my thighs it felt like someone had opened a water tap.

Themba and Leo kept bringing us gin and tonic refills while they drank quarts of local beer and kept smoking joints until the ceiling was covered in a thick layer of smoke hot boxing the lounge. I was so wasted my eyes were closed and I just allowed the music to move my body with my arms above my head, I did not notice someone switching off the lounge light and the only light was coming from the kitchen down the hallway and through the cheap old curtains from the streetlight outside.

Samyno was dancing in front of me as we rubbed our breasts against each other and her hands pulling my dress up just so slightly as we danced. I felt Themba coming up behind me as he started rubbing his crotch on my married bubble butt to the rhythm of the music. Leo started doing the same to Samyno from behind her. Samyno kissed me again but this time I felt out lips parting and I tasted her tongue in my mouth.

My heart was racing and whatever semblance of common sense I still had was long gone. My tongue slipped into her mouth as we started kissing passionately. I wish I could tell you that I stopped her when her hand slipped under my dress and she started rubbing my soaking wet pussy, or that I moved away when her husband reached under my red sundress and grabbed two hand fills off my bare-naked ass cheeks pulling them apart and squeezing them.

But instead, I threw my right hand over my shoulder and wrapped it around Themba's strong sweaty neck to support myself against his big broad chest and spread my legs as Simone's fingers slipped inside me. It was dark but I could clearly watch in complete lust overdrive how Leo's hand was clearly down his stepmom's yoga pants rubbing her cunt as he continued grinding against her to the music, his eyes fixed on me.

Samyno brought her hand up after vigorously finger-banging me into cumming all over her palm and fingers. She licked and sucked on her fingertips bringing her hand closer to my mouth, so I opened my drooling mouth and licked the tips of her fingers before she pushed them into the back of my throat and fingered my mouth-hole surprisingly hard.

Meanwhile Themba started licking and biting my ears while I watched Samyno's left hand holding Leo's forearm and pushing him deeper into her yoga pants or perhaps, she was trying to make him slow down my mind felt completely fractured and I was just trying to stay conscious at that point.

Samyno pulled Leo's hand out of the front of her yoga pants as she stood to the side and guided his wet hand towards my gushing cunt while I stared on in shock and insatiable lust. His wet big fingers flicked my clit and made me have a raging orgasm. My left hand grabbed Leo by his wrist and pushed two of his fingers up to the knuckles into my wet pussy moaning like a whore.

Themba was pulling and pushing on my butt-plug while still licking my ears and kissing me in my neck making me squirm with enjoyment. He gave a hard pull on my butt-plug and my over lubricating pussy made the plug so slippery it slid out of Themba's fingers and dropped on the carpet.

Samyno stumbled backwards taking a joint out of the hand of Leo's that was not trying to bruise my overactive g-spot. She pulled down her tights and panties falling onto the couch behind her. She rubbed her pussy with one hand while taking deep drags of the joints with the other watching her white neighbor being dominated by her black husband and stepson.

Their smell was seared into my mind I never smelled real African men like that. It was not gross, but it was much stronger and mustier and harder to explain, it was in the taste of the air and their sweat and their spit and precum and even in their warm creamy salty sperm. I grabbed and squeezed my breasts hard feeling Themba pushing two of his fingers past my sphincter and into my fucking rectum.

I started moaning louder as I grabbed Leo behind the neck with my left hand and violently slammed his mouth on mine and pushing my wet tongue down his throat. He returned the favor as we swapped spit like an insatiably horny couple. I only broke our kiss to throw my head over my right shoulder and gave Themba the same unrestricted access to my tongue as I thrusted my hips down harder on their thick black fingers wiggling around inside my cunt and rectum.