Dr. Cole's Casefiles - Vanessa


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Her expression must have conveyed her doubt. Judith said, "Don't worry, darling. Those are for another time, when you have more experience. Tonight is for more mundane, but highly satisfying pleasures." The older woman reached behind the blonde, ran her hand up her spine, and rested it on the back of her head. She pulled Vanessa close and kissed her deeply.

The delicious creature found the dominatrix's kiss surprisingly gentle, similar to Karen's. She wondered if Judith could be in love with her too. Karen had warned her that Judith was incapable of love and only saw the world's people in terms of dominants and submissives. But as the kiss lingered, Vanessa found she didn't care.

Perhaps Karen had learned to kiss from Judith, but just then, Judith did something different. She sucked Vanessa's tongue into her own mouth, massaging it as Karen had done her clit. Vanessa's pulse, already quickened, pounded and she labored to breathe.

Judith broke the kiss and moved behind the blonde. She kissed her ear wetly and caressed her breasts. Her breath burned Vanessa's neck as she whispered, "Look in the mirror, my sweet morsel."

The blonde opened her eyes and watched the warm fingers of Judith's left hand pinch her nipple while those of her right trailed down Vanessa's tummy, seeking her womanhood. She ran them up the young woman's slit to her bud and rubbed it firmly with a circular motion. Vanessa gasped and moaned.

"Watch, my lovely. Watch me make you come."

Vanessa opened her trembling thighs to give the older woman better access. Her hips rocked and she lost awareness of her surroundings. She didn't hear Karen enter the room. She raised her arms and held Judith's head, running her fingers through the loose curls. Judith tongue-kissed her neck. Her moans got louder as her orgasm approached. Then, it happened.

The earth shook. The spasms of ecstasy radiated from her clit down her legs and up her body. Her nipples hardened into two pink diamonds and a red flush of lust burned up her neck and cheeks. Her scream of passion filled the room.

She had been unaware of Karen and Judith holding her by the arms and walking her toward the bed. When she regained full awareness, she was lying on the bed and they were caressing her breasts, her tummy, and her legs. Karen murmured soft words of love into her ear.

The dominatrix said aloud, "Welcome back to the land of the living, my sweet. How do you feel? Wait, don't tell me." She inserted a finger inside Vanessa, swirled it around, and brought it back out. She held the glistening digit up. "You're soaking wet again. Your hips will start rocking in a few minutes." She held her wet finger in front of Vanessa's mouth. "Taste yourself and tell me if you're sweet."

Vanessa sucked her nectar off Judith's finger. "I'm very sweet. Do you like it?"

Judith licked her lips and nodded. "I'm going to show you just how much. Would you like to know why?"

Vanessa nodded.

Judith said, "Karen, darling, you've said how beautiful Vanessa's feet are. I agree. Why don't you demonstrate your admiration while I talk?"

"Yes, Mistress." Karen moved to the end of the bed. She caressed Vanessa's left foot, unbuckled the narrow strap around her ankle, and removed the sexy shoe. She did the same with the other. She returned to the left and massaged it. Then she lifted it with both hands and kissed the sole. Just a peck to avoid tickling. She closed her eyes and nuzzled the dainty object, so smooth, especially when encased in an expensive silk stocking. She kissed the big toe as if it were a cheek before taking it into her mouth and entwining it with her tongue while running her hands up and down the blonde's leg. She repeated the process with each toe.

Judith watched. "You're a good girl, Karen, so obedient. It helps that you love this heavenly creature, doesn't it?"

Karen's voice was hoarse with lust. "Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress." Then she resumed worshipping her lover's feet.

Judith gazed into Vanessa's eyes. "I never lie. I may withhold information in order to manipulate people, but I eschew the crudity of a direct lie. So, believe me when I say your beauty isn't classical, it's primal."

Vanessa found the sensation of Karen's lips and tongue distracting and her attention wavered.

Judith spoke sharply. "Pay attention or I'll make Karen stop."

Vanessa refocused her eyes. "I'm sorry. Please go on."

Judith asked, "Have you ever heard of the Forms? I don't mean just any form, but THE FORMS?"

Vanessa nodded. "The Greeks, right?"

Judith said, "Good girl. Clever girl."

Those words struck a chord of pleasure within Vanessa, something more than just a physical sensation. She began to understand that Judith's approval was becoming important to her.

The sexy blonde didn't yet know that was the first sign of her ultimate submission. But Judith, wise and wicked, observed her closely and could tell. She continued. "History, drama, poetry, architecture, even the formation of thought itself, the Greeks defined how all things should best be done and thus was born what we call Western Civilization. Do you understand?"

Vanessa nodded. Judith said, "Good girl," and the blonde couldn't suppress a whimper.

Judith thought, "She's already mine. Poor Karen. I can see why she's so in love. But that won't stop me from making this delectable morsel my slut. I have plans for her." Aloud, she said, "Physical beauty, too. The Greeks defined the fundamental traits of physical beauty. I have them all. You only have some. You know that, but you have something better. Something that predates the Greeks. What you have goes back to the time before writing, to the very dawn of humanity."

She caressed the blonde's body while gazing into her eyes. "In modern times, since the Renaissance, people have gradually lost their recognition of our utter dependence on the land for survival. When science was born, we began to control our environment. Before that, we knew we existed at nature's whim and caprice. Ninety percent of humans farmed and raised livestock, half of women died in childbirth, and half of all children failed to survive their first five years. Then we developed new forms of energy, especially electricity, and modern medicine. Now, only ten percent of the people produce our food and death during childbirth or from childhood disease is rare.

"In the millennia before the Greeks fashioned their myths, humans created fertility goddesses and sacrificed to them to assure that their crops wouldn't fail and that their animals, women, and children wouldn't die. Did you know this, my sweet?"

Vanessa shook her head. "But it makes sense." She closed her eyes briefly. Karen had begun on her right foot. She enjoyed the physical sensation, but even more, the idea that another person so admired her body thrilled her. She rubbed her left foot gently against Karen's upper body to show her gratitude.

Judith continued. "I've seen statues representing different versions of these goddesses. They aren't cold and slender. They have figures of opulence and expressions of warmth. They represent what their worshippers needed most, abundance and nurturing. The breasts are always large, their eyes always kind. That's you, my sweet. Your body is the best living expression of the idea of a fertility goddess that I've ever seen. It speaks to our most primal needs. YOU are the archetypal WOMAN. That is your attraction and Karen and I will pay homage to you tonight. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Oh yes. Please do whatever you want to me."

Judith said, "Clever girl. Good girl. Karen, darling, you heard her."

"Yes Mistress. Do you want to taste her first?"

"Of course, darling. You've enjoyed her for many weeks. It's time I drank her nectar."

Judith slid down to the foot of the bed to take Karen's place. She kissed the slender girl deeply. "You've done well and you'll be rewarded, my dear."

"Thank you, Mistress."

Judith wasted no time. While Karen slid up the bed to kiss, caress, and lick Vanessa's upper body, Judith licked the blonde's nether lips. They glistened with the juices of her lust and Judith drank greedily, up and down, side to side, approaching but never reaching her nub, teasing her into mania. Vanessa's hips rocked and she whimpered in her need. Whenever Judith's tongue got near her bud, Vanessa lifted her hips, trying to meet it.

Above, Karen bit the sexy blonde's nipple hard, then swirled her tongue around it, then bit and swirled again. Vanessa squirmed and cried out, "Please."

Karen purred, "Do you want me to stop, baby?"

Vanessa, her voice choked with lust, begged, "No. Please don't stop."

Karen bit and swirled again, and again.

Judith finally relented and swathed her tongue around Vanessa's bud. Vanessa awarded her with a grunt and a thrust of her hips. She locked her legs around Judith's head. She grabbed Karen's head. Judith sucked the delicate button up into mouth and rubbed it hard and steady with her skillful tongue.

Vanessa's body stiffened and then shuddered as she screamed out her coming. Judith didn't stop. Instead, she continued sucking and licking and inserted two fingers into Vanessa's womanhood, rubbing the ventral wall, hitting her G-spot. Vanessa shuddered again. This time, her cry was hoarse. Then she lay still.


I concentrated on my pad. My panties were soaked and I could only hope that Vanessa didn't smell my arousal. I took a deep breath and asked, "What happened then?"

"I don't know. I was out, as if I'd died and gone to heaven. I didn't wake up until the next morning."

I glanced over at the clock. "We've been going for two full hours. Is it okay if we stop there?"

"Yes. Next week, then?"

I nodded. "Will you be okay?"

She said, "Yes," and sat up and reached for her shoes.

Session 06

Bill said, "Damn, you were right, Detective Sue. It's like an X-rated spy movie. An agent spots a vulnerable target, informs her controller, who happens to be incredibly beautiful, cold, and wicked, and this beautiful wicked super-agent, with a vague foreign accent, no less, says, 'Bring her to me.' Now we've seen the first stage in the recruitment, the initial seduction, and I can't wait for the next. Will the inducement be money or blackmail? What do you think?"

"I think sometimes you can be an asshole, Bill."

He put his hand on his chest, opened his eyes wide attempting to look innocent. "What, me?" Then he began laughing.

"I swear, if you weren't my best friend I'd whack you with a baseball bat. Vanessa's case history is no laughing matter. She is a lovely young woman in a lot of distress. Really, Bill, can't you at least TRY to maintain some level of professionalism?"

Bill'd had his laugh. I didn't usually mind his joyful and playful nature. It was an aspect of his personality that I admired and wished I could emulate. I suppose Vanessa was a sore spot with me for reasons I've already described. Looked at from an entirely neutral stance, I could see Bill's point.

He shrugged. "You're right. I'm sorry. A patient's distress is no laughing matter. It's just that you've been so serious about this particular case that I'm worried about you and I tried to lighten the atmosphere. I know you say you've overcome your initial feelings for this woman, but have you really? Not that I doubt your word, but with her mood swings, it isn't beyond the realm of possibility for her to tempt you past your ability to control your reactions. I still advise you to send her to somebody else. I'll take her on."

"I know you would and I appreciate it. I wish you'd believe me when I say I'm utterly invested in her making progress. I simply can't drop her. I can't consider setting her therapy back, possibly a great deal. Don't forget that I think she was suicidal when she first came to me. I'll stick to the treatment protocols no matter what."

He nodded. "Okay, then. Proceed with caution."



Vanessa lay on the couch. I asked, "Comfortable?"

"Yes. It was a good weekend."

"What happened?"

"We took the boat down to Chandelier Island and Aaron caught a cooler full of speckled trout. You ever eat fresh caught fish?"

I shook my head. "I'm not the outdoors type."

"That's too bad. You never tasted anything better. Fileted, skinned, wrapped in foil with salt, pepper, and butter, and cooked on an open fire. Yum. And roasted vegetables on a skewer. And a crisp Chardonnay. It doesn't get much better."

"How do you manage an open fire on a boat?" I really had no idea how people functioned in the out-of-doors.

Vanessa wrinkled her nose as she smiled. "You don't. We waded onto the beach and made a driftwood fire. Aaron has a sort of raft that we put stuff on so we can pull it to the shore and keep our things dry, like the fire starter kit, blankets, Aaron's guitar, cooking supplies, you know, stuff like that."

I pursed my lips. "I see. Aaron caught the fish, got everything that y'all needed to shore, got a fire going, prepared and cooked the meal, then played the guitar and sang songs to you by the campfire under starlight?"

She smiled and nodded. "He's the kind of man who can do anything and he's very romantic. We go to Chandelier because it's always deserted and we can make love by the fire."

My eyes bulged. "And did you? Make love on the open beach by the fire?"

Vanessa nodded and smiled at the pleasant memory. "Yes. It's our special thing."

I probed. "So, this past weekend, you got the full experience?"

"If you're asking me whether Aaron can make me come, then the answer is 'yes.' Every time. Often at least four times. Occasionally, more. He's a skillful and attentive lover. Our sex is good. I look forward to it."

I decided not to push further. I didn't want to derail my taking of her complete sexual history. We'd get to her relationship with Aaron at a later time. "It sounds wonderful, like a dream. I'm glad you have that."

"Thank you."

"So, when we stopped last time, you'd fallen asleep after your first encounter with Judith. Would you like to continue?"

Her face always tightened whenever I first mentioned Judith's name. I'd noticed it before, but it was more pronounced this time. Last time, the more she talked, the more she relaxed until I could detect no tension. I expected the same now.

"Well, like I said, Judith and Karen both, I don't know how to say it other than they 'worked' on me at the same time, Karen at the top and Judith below. I literally lost my mind. I couldn't even tell you how long we did it, whether they brought me to orgasm quickly or slow. I just know that it was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. It overwhelmed my senses. It was so intense, I passed out and slept the rest of the night.

"Next thing I knew, daylight streamed in through the window and I was so aroused. At first I thought I'd been having a sexy dream but then I realized that Judith was kissing my tits and Karen was licking my pussy. That's what must have woke me up. And they must have been doing it for a while, cuz I was on the verge of another orgasm. Just knowing that they'd been at me while I slept was so sexy that when I realized it, I came. I mean a full blown screaming orgasm that lasted several minutes.

"They didn't stop until my body quit shuddering. All I could do was lay there and mutter 'Oh my God. That was so good.' And stuff like that."

"What happened next?"

"Well, I noticed that we were all naked. Judith went to the bathroom and Karen explained. She told me that after I passed out, she pulled off my stockings, the only thing I had left on me, put a blanket over me. She and Judith undressed gently so as not to wake me up, then Judith 'worked over' Karen elsewhere in the room. Her words. I asked what she meant and she said I'd be seeing for myself soon."

"And did you?"

"Yes. But later. First, Judith wanted us to take a shower together. The shower for that room was huge. The three of us fit in easily. God, that was so sexy. Lathering each other up, kissing, caressing. I got horny again almost immediately. Judith may have been 50 but her body was still shapely and firm. I was amazed that her breasts didn't sag at all. I expect mine will start by the time I hit 40. That's the real problem with having a full figure, the early sagging."

I interjected, "You sound as if you know that, not just that you've heard it."

"That's because I do know it, but I'll get to that later. Anyway, once we had dried each other off, Judith said to Karen, 'Darling, go make breakfast while I talk to Vanessa.' Karen answered, 'Yes, Mistress,' put on a short pink robe, and left. Judith looked at me and said, 'Time to talk, my delicious morsel.'


Observer mode


In other circumstances, and out of another person's mouth, such words sounded corny, not to be taken seriously, derided, even. But the timbre of the dark beauty's voice and the intensity of her gaze had a hypnotic effect on the lovely blonde, eroding her resistance, melting her into a puddle of need, fomenting a desire to surrender to the dominatrix, to submit to her power, her beauty, her skill, her charisma. The words, "Yes Mistress" hovered in her mind. Yet, could she surrender, give up her power of choice, immerse herself in Judith's kinky world? Her damp cunt said, "Yes," but she hesitated, unwilling to yield her self-reliance.

Instead, she gave a neutral answer. "Sure, Judith. I'd love to talk with you."

Judith licked her lips. The aroma of the young woman's arousal rose from between her shapely legs, her struggle plain to see for one of the older woman's experience. She never smiled, but she scooted next to the lovely blonde, thigh touching thigh, and placed her arm around the girl's shoulders.

Judith's eyes bored into Vanessa's. "Last night was intended to be a gift, sort of a Christmas present. You seemed to enjoy yourself. Did you?"

Vanessa nodded. "Oh yes, couldn't you tell? I mean, how many women come so hard they pass out?"

Judith lifted her chin. "More than you'd think, actually, though not very many. I know my women. The fact that you did means that you're special. Would you like to be? Special, I mean."

"Special to you?"

Judith blinked slowly while she nodded.

Vanessa sounded uncertain. "What would I have to do?"

Judith cupped the blonde's breast and ran her thumb over the nipple, sending a ripple of pleasure through her target. "You already know."

From her wide-eyed expression, the opposite of a frown of confusion, Vanessa telegraphed the fact that Judith was correct. The dominatrix stood and held out her hand. Vanessa took the hand and followed Judith to the wall mirror. The dark beauty moved behind her prey, reached around, and caressed her breasts and tummy, just as she had done the night before. She whispered into Vanessa's ear, her breath hot, sultry, and demanding. "Say the words, my sweet morsel."

Vanessa remained silent, staring into Judith's eyes in the mirror. The sexy blonde looked for all the world like a helpless fawn who knew she was being tracked by a lioness, knew that the predator had the advantage, knew that her own desire weakened her beyond hope of escape. She put her hands on top of Judith's. She expected the brunette to pinch her nipples, to rub her clit, to plunge those long elegant fingers into her warm and wet cunt. But Judith did none of these things. She only ran her warm hands across Vanessa's delicate skin and, her voice hoarse with lust, whispered into her ear. "Say the words, my sweet morsel."

Vanessa's generous bosom rose and fell, the air in the room seemed uncomfortably thin, and her eyes glazed.

The dominatrix ran her right hand down, past Vanessa's womanhood to her leg. The younger woman opened her thighs in invitation, but Judith brought her hand back up to the blonde's tummy and whispered, "Say the words, my sweet morsel." The words. The obvious words. The correct answer to the dark beauty's prompting, echoed in Vanessa's mind. In her imagination, she heard, 'Submit, my dear, my sweet morsel. Become my new toy and you gain these hands, this mouth, this tongue. You gain rapture every day, such as you've never experienced before. Yesterday I gave you a taste. A feast awaits you.' Aloud, hot breath on the blonde's ear, Judith murmured, "Say the words, my sweet morsel."
