Dr. Cole's Casefiles - Vanessa


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As her pulse hammered, Vanessa pondered the consequences of refusal. Certainly, the loss of Judith's almost otherworldly attention. Now that the sample had been consumed, Vanessa's hunger for it needed satisfaction and its absence entailed the severest of deprivations. And, perhaps, the loss of Karen, her only true friend and her first real lover.

All that certain and potential loss. Devastating. But what would agreement cost her? At this moment, with her nectar seeping, dampening the tops of her juicy thighs, Vanessa could think of nothing she valued. Better to be a bird in a gilded cage than a lonely and frustrated woman.

Judith brushed her hand over Vanessa's nether lips, eliciting a whimper from the young beauty. "Say the words, my sweet morsel."

Vanessa contemplated what it would be like to have such a beautiful and skillful woman to obey, to relieve her of the duty to think and decide, to be able to lie back and enjoy the thrill of approaching ecstasy brought on by the expert attentions of the dark beauty, to savor and taste such beauty with her own hands, lips, and tongue. Her cunt dribbled, her nectar ran down her thighs, her magnificent bosom heaved, her hips rocked. Vanessa's will to resist evaporated. Physical beauty such as the dominatrix possessed is a powerful thing by itself. Combined with charisma, it can be overwhelming. Without surprise, Vanessa heard herself say, "I'm yours, Mistress. Take me."

She turned into Judith's embrace and kissed the older woman deeply, fully. The dominatrix returned the kiss and squeezed Vanessa's lovely bottom. She broke the kiss. "Now your training can begin."

Her voice hoarse with lust, Vanessa asked, "Training for what?"

Judith stared at her coldly. Vanessa's eyes widened for a moment before she realized her mistake. "I mean, training for what, Mistress?"

Judith half-closed her eyes, projecting an air of mystery. "All the ways for you to be a proper submissive to me. And, the first rule is, 'No questions.' You do as I say. You don't ask what or why. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Her new mistress inserted a finger into her. "You seem aroused, my morsel. Are you?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"You'd like to come?"

Barely able to mutter the words, she answered, "Yes, Mistress."

"Rule 2: the slave cannot come without permission."

Vanessa gaped, but managed to think before she spoke. "Please, Mistress, may I come?"

"No. Slaves have to earn their orgasms."

Thinking quickly, Vanessa said, "Please Mistress, tell me how to earn an orgasm."

Judith delivered a disturbing answer. "Perhaps after breakfast. We'll see."

Vanessa stifled her whimper, fearful of rousing the dominatrix's disapproval. She heard Karen call out, "Breakfast is ready," through the open door. Vanessa looked around for the coral robe she had worn yesterday while Karen had applied her makeup, but didn't see it.

As if reading her mind, Judith said, "Rule 3: the slave cannot wear clothes without permission."

Vanessa felt a blast of cold air coming from the vent in the ceiling. The heat and humidity in South Mississippi often required folks to run their air conditioning units during the Christmas holidays. Vanessa saw her nipples harden in the cool air and the flesh on her arm looked like that of a plucked bird. "Please, Mistress, may I wear something against the cold air?"

Judith stared at her for a moment before retrieving a black robe for herself and putting it on. "No. Your body belongs to me, now, and I'll watch it as much as I wish. Speaking of that, the slave usually follows her mistress, but I want to stay behind you. I've seen your breasts as you walk, but not your bottom. Go ahead."

Vanessa made a bold decision. "Mistress, would you rather watch me walk in high heels?"

Judith's eyes smoldered. "Good idea, slave." She pointed. "There's the ones you wore last night. I find them especially appealing. Put them on."

"Yes, Mistress."

Vanessa bent over as she fastened the buckles to give her new mistress a full view of her rear. She looked down in appraisal and confirmed that her feet looked good in the sexy shoes even without stockings. Without looking back, she went through the door and toward the kitchen, walking with as tantalizing a strut as she could manage.

From behind her, Judith spoke. "That's excellent, pet. Your bottom is truly of the highest order. Keep this up and you'll certainly earn an orgasm."

"Thank you, Mistress."

When they entered the kitchen, Vanessa expected Karen to look surprised, but she didn't. Instead she turned to Judith. "I'm glad to see you've acquired her, Mistress."

Judith nodded. "Yes, my dear, and your reward has only started. Last night will be repeated throughout the day, as part of the new slave's training."

Vanessa assumed that Judith referred to what she and Karen had done after Vanessa passed out. Karen smiled, as if she knew all about what would happen. Vanessa felt nervous, at first, but then remembered her words to Karen last night, that she would accept whatever happened so long as Karen was there with her. The lovers exchanged meaningful glances.

Karen suppressed her initial impulse just in time. "Mistress, can I please kiss your new slave?"

Judith held up a finger. "Yes. You may kiss her and caress her ass and breasts, but no pinching the nipples and no rubbing the clit and no plunging your fingers inside her. She hasn't earned that kind of attention yet. She's such a horny little slut, it might give her an orgasm suddenly and without permission. We can't have that."

Vanessa thought that she should have been insulted at being called a slut and, if anybody else had done so, she might have grown angry, but not when Judith said it. It actually made her hornier. She glanced at Judith and saw the older woman scrutinizing her, examining every emotion that played, however fleetingly, across the alluring blonde's face. Vanessa could hide nothing and decided not to try. She accepted Karen's kiss and fondling in the loving fashion in which they were given.

When Karen broke the kiss, Vanessa asked Judith, "Mistress, how should I address Karen?"

"Just call her by her name, girl."

Vanessa nodded and pranced proudly to the place setting at the side of the table, assuming that the heads would be reserved for Judith and Karen.

The other two women sat and Vanessa remained standing, waiting for permission. Judith looked at Karen. "This one learns even faster than you, my dear. I think we can start the training as soon as we finish eating. Would you like that?"

Karen nodded. "Very much, Mistress. How long do you think it'll take to get her properly trained?"

The dominatrix shrugged. "Most certainly by the end of the holidays. Maybe as little as a week to ten days. She really is quick, you know, and so willing."

As the two women discussed her, Vanessa kept her eyes lowered and ate. From the slender girl's promise, she knew she wouldn't be physically hurt. It was merely a question of digesting new experiences and Vanessa thought herself ready.

They had finished eating. Judith looked at Karen. "Clear the table. I have a use for it while you do the dishes."

When the table was empty, Judith untied and opened her robe, sat on the table in front of Vanessa, and spread her legs. "Karen says you're a good pussy licker. Show me, girl."

Vanessa looked at the dominatrix's smooth pink cunt. Vanessa thought it strange that she could neither see nor smell any indication that the dark-haired beauty was aroused. Her pussy lips did not glisten with female nectar, nor did she give off a scent. The blonde couldn't help but glance at the older woman's eyes.

Judith, being such an old hand at the game, had seen everything and knew what Vanessa's hesitation meant. "I'm not as easily aroused as you young girls, and it takes a lot more effort to get me off. You've never been with another woman besides Karen, isn't that correct, pet?"

"Yes, Mistress."

She leaned forward and cupped Vanessa's chin aggressively. "I have no tolerance for slaves who disappoint me, girl, no matter how much potential they have. I am now the focus of your life and pleasing me is the most important thing you can do. Impress me. I'll let you come as many times as you can make me come. How's that for motivation?" She slapped Vanessa's face. Not much more than a tap, but it sufficed to assert her authority. "Get to work."

The slap surprised Vanessa more than it angered her and it didn't hurt. She moved like lightning. She stood, grabbed the back of Judith's head, and kissed her. She sucked Judith's tongue just as the dominatrix had sucked hers. She splattered hot kisses on the older woman's neck and shoulders while running her hands over the beauty's slender body. She licked her nipples and kneaded her breasts. She trailed her tongue down Judith's belly, passed her cunt, down her leg, and sucked her toes, one at a time, while caressing the leg. She moved to the other foot and worked her way up back to the center of the dominatrix's womanhood.

Vanessa had taken a lot of time to do these things, moving slowly, moaning in pleasure at the taste and feel of her mistress's body. To her delight, Judith began pumping her hips. Vanessa looked up and saw that the older woman had closed her eyes and her chest rose and fell rapidly.

The sexy blonde teased Judith's nether lips, licking up, down, side to side, never touching her bud, very similar to what Judith had done to her the night before. Vanessa was pleased when the older woman grabbed the back of her head and cried out, "Suck my clit, slut. Do it now. Make me come," while rubbing herself against the blonde's mouth.

Vanessa obeyed. Judith had an enormous nub. It had hardened and emerged from its sheath like a very small penis. Vanessa swirled around it several times before sucking it up into her mouth and rubbing it firmly with her warm, wet tongue. She plunged two fingers inside the older woman and massaged her G-spot.

Judith stiffened, then trembled, then shook and cried out in a language Vanessa didn't recognize. She squeezed Vanessa's head so tight with her thighs that the young blonde thought she might smother.

As Judith's climax passed, she loosened her thighs and croaked, "Enough. Good girl. Clever girl."

Vanessa broke the pussy kiss, stood, and bent over Judith's supine body. Her face now wet with the older woman's honey, she offered her mistress a kiss. Judith threw her arms around Vanessa's neck and licked her juices off the blonde's face before giving her a deep kiss.

When her breathing slowed to normal, Judith said, "That was remarkable. I've had very experienced women not do half as well. You, my sweet morsel, are among the best. You've earned your orgasm. Karen, take this lovely thing into the living room and get her off." Judith ran her hand across the blonde's cunt. "Judging by how wet she is, I doubt if she lasts five minutes."

Karen put her arms around her lover's waist and kissed her. Then she exclaimed, "My God, Mistress, she's boiling. I've never known a woman's mouth to be so hot. You're right. She won't last long."

As they walked toward the couch, Judith called after them. "I'd better hear her scream when she comes, Karen. She's earned it."

"Yes, Mistress. I love her. I'll put everything I have into pleasing her."


I asked, "And did you?"

Vanessa tilted her head. "Do what? Scream when I came? You bet. I had no inhibitions left. The way Karen worshipped my body was irresistible. Judith had the experience and the skills, but there was something special in the way Karen showed me her love. Slow and tender. I was hot enough to want it rough, but Karen could never treat me with anything but love and I always responded to it. She made me erupt."

I nodded. "We all crave love and affirmation, even when we can't return it fully. Even if it was of an entirely different kind, it sounds as if Karen was the first person since your father who truly showed you love."

I didn't mean to make her sad, but Vanessa started crying. "You're right. I often wish that I could've loved Karen as much as she loved me. But under the circumstances, I mean with her relationship with Judith being what it was, I don't think it would've made any difference. Karen and I both had, I guess you'd call it weak personalities, especially when compared to Judith."

I narrowed my eyes. "That's a shrewd observation, Vanessa. Do you care to continue?"

She blew her nose. "Yes. It was Judith's training that laid the foundations for my relationship with Aaron, so I shouldn't feel bad about how things turned out."

I waited for her to regain her composure. "Would you care to elaborate?"

"Yes. See, after Karen finished, I heard Judith come into the room. I was still lying on the couch. She had put on a black leather corset and matching thigh-high stockings and high heels. But this time she had a cock. I goggled at it for a moment before I saw it was attached to a belt around her waist. It looked about seven or eight inches long and as big around as three fingers mashed together. It was the same shape as a real cock.


Observation mode.


Judith massaged her lady cock and stared into Vanessa's eyes. "I know you and Karen have used some of my dildos and vibrators, but you haven't been fucked except for those few male idiots you bedded. It's time now, my sweet, for a bit of hard fucking. But don't forget, no coming without permission. If you do, I'll have to punish you. Understand?"

"Yes, Mistress. But Mistress, it looks so big. I'm afraid it'll hurt."

She grabbed a handful of Vanessa's hair to once again assert her authority. "Do you question me," her cold and hard voice demanded. Vanessa shook her head, fear in her eyes.

Judith snorted. "That pussy of yours is designed for a baby to pass through it. This," she shook the cock in the blonde's face, "is nothing as large as that." She let go of Vanessa's hair and turned to Karen. "Let's show her how it's done."

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress."

Karen had been on her knees while she licked Vanessa. She turned to Judith as the dominatrix approached. She put her fingers around the lady-cock, swirled the head, then drove it down her throat and raised her head back up. She swirled some more and swooped again. When she came back up, she let it escape her mouth. A string of saliva stretched from her mouth and fell on the floor. The dildo glistened.

Karen got up, kissed Judith, and bent forward over the back of the couch. "Please, Mistress, fuck me hard."

Judith held the cock steady with one hand and put the other on Karen's hip. She carefully inserted the tip into the slender girl's cunt and Karen gasped. "Oh, Mistress, that's so good."

The dominatrix pushed slowly until the entire length was buried. Karen moaned. Judith pulled it back but not out. Then she pushed it back in, a bit more quickly and then back, then in, more quickly still. Karen's breath became labored. She whimpered. "That's so good, Mistress. Harder, please."

Judith rammed the lady-cock back in. Karen gasped. Judith fucked her with long quick strokes hard enough to shake Karen's body. The slender girl's breasts weren't large enough to bounce, but she pinched her own nipple with one hand and rubbed her clit with the other.

Judith said, "That's it, slut. Take it all. Rub that clit. I want to hear you scream when you come."

Vanessa watched, fascinated. She began rubbing her own clit, an instinctive act. Judith saw her. "Keep your hands off yourself, slave. You'll get yours soon enough."

Vanessa snatched her hand away. "I'm sorry, Mistress. That's just so hot."

"Watch and learn." Then to Karen, "Are you getting close?"

"Yes, Mistress. So close." Her voice rose an octave. "Oh God, Mistress. Please, may I come?"

"Yes. Come now, slut. Come right now."

Karen stiffened and screamed as her body shook. When her orgasm completed, Judith let her collapse and she sank to her knees. Judith walked over to Vanessa and put the dildo in her face. "Clean my cock."

Vanessa took the cock into her mouth and licked it clean of Karen's nectar. Judith purred. "Is it sweet? Do you love licking Karen's juice off my cock?"

Coming up for air, Vanessa answered, "Yes, Mistress. I could lick Karen's honey all day. It's delicious."

Judith cocked an eyebrow. "Don't I know it? I don't eat my slaves, usually, but I make an exception of Karen and I'm sure I will of you. But you have to earn it. Are you ready now?"

For answer, Vanessa bent over the couch. "Yes, Mistress. I belong to you, now. Do whatever you like."

Judith paused. "Whatever I like, eh? That's a good idea." She turned to Karen. "Go lie on the dining table, face up." Then to Vanessa. "Into the dining room, slut."

Vanessa's legs trembled. Her nipples were so hard and tender she could feel the passage of air as they bounced while she swaggered, swinging her magnificent ass side to side. She heard Judith grunt. That grunt told her a lot. Despite her cold demeanor, Judith was becoming obsessed with her new sex toy. Getting into the role, Vanessa smiled and sighed in anticipation of being fucked for the first time in more than a year and relished the irony of the job being done by a woman, not a man.

In the dining room, Karen waited, lying naked on the table, propped up on her elbows, one leg flat, one knee raised. She remained silent, but winked at Vanessa. Vanessa smiled. She had told Judith the truth; she liked nothing better than licking her lover's pretty pussy.

Knowing what approached, Karen raised her other knee, lay back, and spread her legs. Her cunt glistened. "Has my beautiful Mistress brought me a present?" She giggled.

Judith answered, "You've earned it, my dear, for bringing me this delicious treat. Now that she's mine, you'll get extra special treatment."

Karen purred and began masturbating. Judith told Vanessa, "Bend over and serve your lover."

"Yes, Mistress." The table reached the middle of the blonde's thighs so that when she bent to deliver the ultimate kiss to Karen, her own pussy was exposed. She spread her legs to give Judith the fullest, easiest access possible.

Karen moaned as the voluptuous blonde's tongue teased her nether lips, savoring the flowing juice of her lust. Vanessa grazed her fingertips over the slender girl's prominent hip bones and ran them up to her long nipples, then back to her hips. Karen ran her fingers through Vanessa's hair and crooned thanks and encouragement.

Judith watched for a moment. "You two are an erotic pair and no mistake. Watching you makes me hot." She caressed the smooth, warm, firm flesh of the blonde's shapely derriere while she spoke. She knelt and spread the cheeks, inhaling Vanessa's lusty scent and admiring the pink flesh of her labia. She put one finger into her new toy and fucked the girl with a circular motion. Vanessa responded by pumping her hips. Judith added a second finger, eliciting a moan.

The older woman stood, grabbed her lady cock, and rubbed it along the lovely blonde's slit, down and up and down, gently back and forth across her clit, and then up. Vanessa's hips rocked faster as she moaned into Karen's womanhood.

Judith inserted the cock's head and stopped. Vanessa gasped. Judith purred. "Does that hurt, my sweet morsel?"

"No, Mistress. It makes me want more."

"Good girl. Lovely little horny slut. Tell me what you need, girl."

Vanessa broke her pussy kiss. Urgency filled her voice. "Please, Mistress. I need you to fuck me. Please give me all of your cock."

"Ahhh," she exclaimed as Judith rammed the whole length into her. The dark beauty waited, giving her new slave time to get used to the feeling. Then she pulled back and thrust forth and stopped again. Vanessa pumped her hips up and down, seeking stimulation from the motion of the dildo resting inside her. If Judith wouldn't provide sufficient motion, the blonde would provide her own. She rocked back and forth, faster and faster, moaning into Karen's cunt. Karen murmured, "I love you, baby. I love you. Only you."
