Dr. Joseph's Office Ch. 02


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"That's what neighbors are for, honey," Lacey replied, with a dazzling smile. "I'll probably bring them over tomorrow, okay? And we can have some tea, and talk about cats and stuff."

"Sure," Marsha replied, caving in to her neighbor's bubbly enthusiasm for neighborliness. "You can come over any time you like. Just try to let me know in advance."

"Gotcha," Lacey said, giving Napoleon one last scratch. He purred and rubbed up against her legs, looking up expectantly. "Come on, you silly cat," Marsha said, picking the tabby up and cradling him in her arms.

"See you then," Lacey said, opening the garage door and stepping out. Marsha waved at her, then ducked back inside, still holding a loudly protesting Napoleon in her arms. She was left to wonder, as she closed the garage door, just what had gotten into her since the dentist's office. And why she'd picked up Napoleon, when she knew he didn't like being picked up. Moments before he could sink his claws into her flesh, she let him go, and sunk down on her couch, deep in thought.

Five days later

"Thanks for the ride," Marsha said to Lacey, as they entered the parking lot. "I really, really didn't want to impose, but..."

"Oh, please," Lacey replied, waving away Marsha's effusiveness. "It's not that big a deal, and you weren't imposing. I was headed out this way to begin with. You said the surgery's supposed to take an hour or so, right?"

"Yeah, that's what the email said," Marsha consulted her smartphone. "But I really mean it when I thank you. I didn't know anyone who'd do this for me until you introduced yourself. Seriously, thank you."

"Oh, come on," Lacey said, her cheeks flaming a bit. "It really isn't that much of a problem for me. Seriously, any neighbor would do the same, right?"

"Of course," Marsha said, her cheeks flaming a bit, too. "So I'll see you in a little bit." She stepped out of the car and added, over her shoulder, "And, Lacey? Thank you." She walked away feeling better about herself than she ever had before.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiii!" Noor warbled as Marsha walked through the front door. Marsha sighed a bit, but her heart just wasn't in it. She still found the Arabic bimbo annoying, but she really couldn't bring herself to puncture her obvious happiness. In a certain way, it was actually nice to see the energy Noor brought to her job.

"Uh, you're, like, Maci, right?" the bimbo added, her face scrunching up into a pouty little frown. Marsha rolled her eyes and said, "Yes, that's me. Where should I go?"

"I dunno," Noor replied, then she seemed to remember something. "Oh yeah! You're, like, doing the surgery thingy, right? You totes wanna go to room 69!" She giggled. "Just gotta go, like, all the way down the hall! You can't miss it!"

"Okay," Marsha said, opening the door that would let her leave Noor behind. The hall was about the same as before, but she went all the way down this time. Noor was right about one thing - she couldn't miss room 69. Not with a big huge number on its door.

She entered the surgery room, and found herself in the company of two more bimbos. One was Ming, from the other day, who giggled and waved, bouncing up and down. The other was an equally curvy redhead, who looked up from a tray of tools and giggled.

Marsha was moderately okay with Ming, if only from familiarity. But she wasn't sure about the redhead. Ming at least wore scrubs. The redhead seemed to have taken her professional fashion cues from a nurse-themed porno set in the 1950s. Her outfit was tight and white, with a miniskirt so short Marsha expected to see a little bit of red fuzz poking out.

For just a second, Marsha considered turning around and leaving. There were plenty of other dentists who could handle this. And odds were, they wouldn't have bimbos on their staff.

But she took a seat on the chair in the center of the room, and allowed herself to lay back. The redhead giggled and flounced over, mask in hand. "Time to go nightie-night!" she exclaimed, and put the mask over Marsha's nose and face. As Marsha inhaled, she felt the world around her dissolving away, bit by bit. The last things she saw before dropping into unconsciousness were the redhead's freckled boobs jiggling.

The blackness pulled away in front of Maci, to reveal a vast cavern. She was about halfway from the top, floating in a sea of huge bubbles. Why hadn't any of the bubbles popped? She peered into one and saw long rows of double-spaced text in a binder - a manuscript she'd read before.

No sooner had Maci peered into the bubble, than it popped. She reeled back in surprise, as she felt other bubbles popping around her. A smaller bubble containing what appeared to be a battle of some kind popped right in her face, covering her in something wet. The only response that felt right was giggling, and so she giggled. Her giggle seemed to make the bubbles pop faster, so she giggled again, just to see what would happen.

The bubbles beneath her seemed to collapse, and Maci squeaked as she felt herself plummeting to the bottom of the cavern. She was pretty sure none of this was real, but it sure felt really. Fortunately, not all the bubbles beneath her had popped.

Maci landed on the handful of remaining bubbles hard enough to drive the air from her lungs. But otherwise, she felt pretty much awesomer than ever before. So she did the obvious thing. She giggled.

Two of the bubbles beneath her swelled in size at her giggle. She squeaked and rolled over, peering into the one she was still on. It was hard, at first, to tell exactly what was happening, but gradually she was able to make out something that looked like a porno. This bubble was definitely all about fucking.

For some reason, the thought of fucking all the time, fucking everyone, fucking everywhere, fucking for any reason at all, made Maci giggle uncontrollably. Beneath her, the bubbles grew larger and larger and larger so very, very quickly. The fucking bubble seemed to grow larger, but Maci could barely tell. She was so caught up in giggling.

When the bubble reached the ceiling, with her still on top of it, Maci squealed in surprise. The ceiling felt surprisingly warm to the touch, which was nice, given that the bubble had covered everything else around her. Maybe if she just kept on doing what she'd been doing...

She giggled, and the whole cavern vanished in a wet pop.

"Ms. Smith?" said a familiar male voice. "Ms. Smith, can you hear me? Can you see this?" A bright light shone in Maci's eyes, and she waved it away with a giggle.

"Like, of course I can, you big sillypants!" Maci replied, blinking her eyes as the world appeared around her again. The room was much like she remembered from before the mask went on, only she felt much funner. She giggled, and the two bimbos in the room joined in.

"Excellent, excellent," Dr. Joseph replied. "The surgery seems to have worked quite well. Are you feeling well?"

"Oh, yeah! I, like, feel like a million bucks!" Maci chirped, then tried to frown. It came out as a pout, but she continued on anyway. "'Cept my titties kinda hurt a bit." She looked down at her chest.

"I thought my titties were, like, so much more tinier," Maci pouted. "Now I gotta, like, buy a whole new wardrobe and shit!"

"You can start with this outfit," Dr. Joseph said, gesturing at a tiny pile of spandex and leather on a tray next to the chair. Maci cooed at the sight and jumped to her feet. She ripped off her old, boring clothes and plunged enthusiastically into the new outfit.

When she had finished, Maci looked down at herself. "Ain't I, like, the cutest?" she asked Dr. Joseph, who smiled. "Try looking in the mirror," he said, pointing behind her.

Maci spun around and found herself facing a full-length mirror that had somehow appeared in the surgery room. "Oooooh, I'm just, like, soooo totes fuckable!" she squealed. Her titties were so much bigger, and her tiny outfit spotlighted that.

A small spandex top barely covered the upper edges of her nipples, and stopped far short of her bellybutton. Below her waist, a tiny leather thong technically covered her pussy, but she could see a little shock of hair poking out. "All the boys and girls are gonna totes eat me up, aren't they, Dr. Joseph?" she said, looking over her shoulder.

"They sure will," Dr. Joseph said, smiling. "Perhaps you should put on some different shoes, though." He held out a ridiculously high pair of stilettos.

"Oh yeah!" Maci replied brightly. "These old shoes, like, hurt my feet and shit. And those are soooo much more fuckable!" She tossed her old, serviceable shoes to the side and wriggled her feet into the heels.

"Alright, off with you," Dr. Joseph said, making a shooing motion. "Your friend is waiting for you in the waiting room. I'll bet you want to give her a little present for being so nice to you." He took the two bimbos by the arm and pulled them close to his body.

"Oh totes yeah!" Maci gushed. "Like, thanks a ton, Dr. Joseph!"

"My pleasure," Dr. Joseph, and the bimbos giggled. Maci giggled in reply, and stepped out of the surgery room. She shut the door behind her, but not before she heard a thud and a zipper being unzipped.

She jiggled her way down the hallway, heels clicking on the floor. When she opened the door, Noor sat behind the desk, giggling at something. "Oh hiiiiiii!" she said as Maci opened the door. "I like your friend, Maci! She's gonna be, like, totes hot!"

"Marsha?" Laci asked, her voice slurred. She was sprawled across a row of chairs, and she looked a bit out of it. Her pants were unzipped and halfway down. A pink thong covered her pussy, though she had shoved it aside to stick her fingers into that pink crevice.

"Awwww, you're, like, so cute," Maci replied. "You're totes right, Noor. Laci's gonna be, like, such a yummy fuckable treat." She stepped over to her befuddled neighbor and pulled Laci's fingers out. "I got, like, a much awesomer pussy for you, 'kay?"

"Huh?" Laci said, then she squeaked as her hand plunged into Maci's pussy. Maci giggled and reciprocated, sticking a whole hand up Laci's pussy. The two neighbors squeaked as Laci rolled over and fell off the chairs, bringing Maci down to the floor with her.

Maci sat up on her cute little butt and pulled Laci closer. "Come on, Laci," she said, wrinkling her nose. "You're gonna lick my pussy, and we're, like, both gonna be hot bimbos! We're gonna fuck, like, everyone in the world!"

"Wha?" Laci replied, as Maci spread her legs. "C'mon, let's fuck, hot stuff!" Maci said. She unbuckled her thong and pushed an unresisting Laci towards the wet crevice. "Lick me, cutie-pie!"

Laci's tongue licked out, into Maci's pink folds. "Oh yeah, keep on licking, you dumb slut," Maci moaned. "You and me are gonna fuck so hard. And we're gonna be the bestest bimbos in the whole fucking world!"

The two women writhed around on the floor, oblivious to anything around else around them. Maci found her vision narrowing, as her whole body rose to a climax. She gasped as her whole being came to the peak of ecstasy, and she came.

As she once again became aware of the world around her, Maci noticed that her cum was surprisingly plentiful. Most of it had splattered onto Laci's face, but there were stray bits that had hit the carpet, and she could still feel some dripping from her pussy. "H- hey. Laci," she said, still unsteady with lust. "Lick up all that shit, 'kay?"

Laci nodded, a dazed expression on her face beneath the cum. As Maci watched, her neighbor began cleaning up the mess. Every bit of cum, Maci observed, seemed to inflate Laci just a bit more. Her blond neighbor grew blonder, and bit by bit, curvier. Maybe Maci was just being full of pride or shit, but she thought that the end result didn't hold a candle to her own bimbo body.

The last bit of cum in the carpet was hard to get out, but Laci managed. And when she finished, Maci held out her cupped hands, in which she held the remainder of her cum, the stuff that had leaked out of her pussy. Laci giggled and licked it out of Maci's hands. It was the last little bit that completed Laci's transformation, and the two bimbos sat on the floor, looking at each other.

They were practically mirror images of each other, though Maci was a bit more bimboey. Both had long, flowing platinum blond hair. Both had enormous titties, and big jiggly butts. The only real difference, in Maci's opinion, was that she had a decent tan, and her titties might be a bit bigger.

Laci giggled, and Maci giggled back. Noor, behind the counter, giggled with them. They looked up at her, and she tittered wildly. "You guys are, like, totes hot and shit, but you gotta go somewhere else now. Dr. Joseph has some other appointment soon."

"Okey-dokey," Maci replied cheerily. "We gotta, like, shop and shit, anyhow. Come on, Laci." Laci moaned something that sounded like, "Nooooo," so Maci dipped a finger into her pussy and held it out.

The other bimbo responded immediately, lunging towards the musky smell of cum. Maci carefully kept it just out of Laci's grasp, maneuvering her bimbo into standing up. With her heels being so tall, it was easy to keep her finger out of reach. But once Laci had stood all the way up, Maci let her lick the finger clean.

Laci moved to squat back down, trying to get to Maci's pussy again. "No, no, no," Maci said. She put her arm around Laci's shoulder and held the other bimbo close. "We gotta go, Laci. C'mon, c'mon."

The two bimbos staggered out of the office and into the light. Laci was still totally out of it, so Maci steered the two of them towards the car. "Hey, Laci," she said. "Hey, girl, wake up. You, like, totes gotta tell me where I can get some sexy shit to wear. Laci!"

"Huh? Sexy... uh, uh, you're totes sexy without clothes and shit," Laci muttered. It wasn't much, but it was a start. Maci propped her friend up against the car and started looking for the keys. "Oh, um, uh," Laci said, gathering her thoughts, "Uh, you, like, want the keys or what?"

"Like, totes yeah," Maci replied. "C'mon, cutie-pie, snap out of it. You gotta drive, 'member?"

"Oh! Oh yeah!" Laci said, returning to full consciousness. "Uh, my keys are in, like, the back pocket of my pants." She pouted. "Now that my butt's, like, so cute and big, they're, like, digging in and it totes hurts and shit."

"Okey-dokey!" Maci said, fishing out the keys carefully. Laci moved to get in on the passenger side, and Maci grabbed her wrist. "No, you big sillypants," she said, "that's, like, my side of the car. You gotta drive, and, like do all that shit."

"I totes knew that," Laci replied, edging around the front of the car. "I was just, like, testing to see that you, like, remembered."

"Nuh-uh," Maci said, sticking her tongue out. "You're a big silly bimbo now, and you forgot where the drivy stuff is. If I hadn't, like, reminded you, you'd be totes lost."

"You're a big silly bimbo," Laci retorted. "You're the one who, like, did this shit to me. How come you get to be the boss of me?"

"'Cause I'm still a smarty-pants," Maci said, hopping into the passenger seat. "You're a big ol' dumbo now, and that means you gotta do what I say. And that means you gotta drive when I, like, tell you to drive."

"No!" Laci said, starting up the engine, after five failed attempts at sticking the key into the ignition. "I ain't no big dumbo! You're, like, a more big dumbo than me!"

"Oh yeah?" Maci said. "Then what's 1 + 1?"

"That's so easy," Laci replied. "It's, like, one-one, or eleven, or, ya know, whatever the shit that dumb number is."

"No, it's not," Maci said. "It's 2. I'm, like, really fuckin' sure of that."

"Awww, that ain't fair," Laci said. She fiddled with the air conditioning and pressed the gas pedal, but they were still in park. "I hate math. Ask me, like, something about geo... geo... geographics, or whatever."

"Uh, okay," Maci replied. "If you're really a smartypants, like me, then you gotta answer this. What's, like, the capital of America?"

"Oooh, I totes know this!" Laci said, as she tried to shift into reverse using the stereo. "The capital's America City! Or no, wait, it's New York City! That's the capital!"

"Nope." Maci frowned. "It's, like, Washington, even though there's, like, a state called Washington. I dunnoh why. But you're totes not a smartypants the way I am. That's why you gotta do what I say!"

"Awww," Laci pouted. "That's, like, totes no fair. We're both bimbos, ya know. Why can't we, like, just be bimbos together?"

"'Cause if I didn't do any of the thinky stuff, you'd, like, never get any shit done." Maci pointed at the shifter. "And you gotta use that to get into reverse. Move it 'till it's up against the 'R'."

"That's totes what I was about to do," Laci retorted, though she'd been fiddling with the side-view mirrors. She put the car into reverse and backed out with surprising care. Maybe Laci just needed a good start to be a driving bimbo.

"Now, we're not gonna go back home yet," Maci said, as they pulled up to the parking lot exit. "You're gonna take me to, like, the best place for sexy clothes you've ever gone to. Any ideas?"

"Oh." Laci paused for a very long moment to think, and then brightened. "Oh, yah, I totes know where to go! There's this, like, boutick or boutek or boutique, or, like, however you say that shit. It's called Kandy's Klothes, and it's, like, only a couple miles away." She scratched her forehead. "But I'm not sure, like, which couple of miles away. I mean, do we go, like, left, or right? Or straight, maybe?"

"Don't go straight," Maci warned. Straight didn't lead into anything. If they went a couple miles straight, they'd probably crash through a couple houses on the way. "Here, lemme look it up on my phone."

Maci pulled up a map app and typed in "Candy's Clothes". The app corrected her by inserting the "K"s and she rolled her eyes. "Uh, 'kay now. It says, uh, take a left. Then..."

Laci turned right, directly into the path of a semi-trailer. She barely missed getting splattered, managing, at the last second, to reach the second lane. "Aw, fuck!" Maci squealed, gripping the dash. The semi honked indignantly as it passed them by.

"Fuck, Laci, that was right, not left!" Maci said, barely containing herself. "I told you to go left!"

"What? I, like, thought that was left!" Laci replied. Then she started crying. "I'm soooo sorry, Maci! I totes shoulda listened to you! I'm sorry!"

"Look, just pull over, 'kay?" Maci said. "Pull over onto that street, and we'll, like, get all turned around right and shit." She flinched as Laci changed lanes right ahead of a minivan. And she flinched again when Laci turned right suddenly and barely missed a plumber's van.

"Omigod, omigod, omigod!" Laci squealed. "Omigod, I'm, like, so terrible at driving and shit! Omigod, Maci, you drive! You drive!"

"Stop freaking out!" Maci yelled at the top of her lungs. Laci pouted and subsided into silence. "Look, I totes get that you're a dumb bimbo. Honestly, I'm, like, not that much more smarter. But you gotta drive, Laci. You gotta be my driver bimbo for now. When we're done with shit, we'll go and have some fun, 'kay?"

"'Kay," Laci replied quietly. Her eyes were downcast and her mouth was drawn into a pout. "I'll, like, drive for you, Maci. 'Cause we're friends."

"That's right," Maci said soothingly. "That's right. Now let's get back on the road, 'kay? You're gonna turn left outta here."

"Uh, left," Laci said. "Gotcha." This time, she managed to turn left, and she did so without any near-misses. Maci smiled and patted her bimbo friend on the back. "'Kay," Maci said. "Now you gotta turn left at..."

The rest of the drive to Kandy's Klothes was mostly uneventful, except for a left turn of dubious wisdom, which made Maci clutch at the dash again. But both of them were still alive when Laci pulled into the shopping center that housed the boutique. "Taa-daa!" she chirped, with no apparent sign that she'd been crying not that long ago.