Dr. Joseph's Office Ch. 02


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"Okey-dokey," Maci said, as Laci pulled into a parking space. They unbuckled together and stepped out into the mostly empty parking lot. "You're, like, rilly sure this place has sexy clothes, right?" Maci said, surveying the run-down shopping center.

"Oh, yah, Kandy's got, like, totes sexy shit. And she's, like, pretty hawt herself!" Laci grinned widely. "'Course, she's nowhere near as sexy as, like, you or me!"

"Well, we'll, like, have to see about that," Maci murmured, giving her pussy a good hard rub. She lifted her hand to her nose and breathed in the smell of her own pussy juice. To her side, Laci moaned a bit, but seemed to have herself pretty much under control.

Laci led the way into the store, holding the door for Maci. It was a slightly grimy store, but the racks seemed to hold all kinds of spandex, nylon, and leather clothes. Though most of them were so tiny, Maci could hardly imagine them covering up a baby. This was definitely the place.

"Hi, can I help you?" said a young Asian woman, stepping out from behind a partition. Laci squealed and bounded forward. "Hey, Kandy!" she chirped. "It's, like, totes me!"

"Um, do I know you?" Kandy replied. Laci closed the gap between them and squeezed the store owner in a tight, boob-filled hug. "Silly Kandy," Laci replied. "I'm Laci!"

"Wait, seriously?" Kandy said, looking Laci up and down. "You know, you can drop the bimbo act. And when did you get those implants?"

"It's, like, not an act, Kandypants!" Laci replied. She smothered Kandy with another hug. "And I don't have, like, no implants!"

"So you do have implants?" Kandy asked. "Because a double negaaa..." She lapsed into a low moan as Maci came nearer, and the musk of her pussy juice pervaded the air.

Maci took another bit of pussy juice on her hand. "Laci's just, like, a bimbo," she told Kandy, who stumbled towards Maci's outstretched hand. "Just like me. Just like you, pretty soon!"

"Biiiiimboooooo," Kandy moaned. "Yes, a bimbo," Maci said patiently. "But first, you gotta, like, answer some questions for me."

"Annnythiiiing..." Kandy replied, trailing off. Maci rubbed the pussy juice in the palm of her hand into Kandy's hair. "Is your, like, real name, like, Kandy?" Maci asked.

"Nnnnnooooope," Kandy said, pressing into Maci's titties. "'M name's Kaylee Stein. Thought Kandy sounded sexy and stuff."

Before Maci could think to point out how unusual such a name was for an Asian woman, Kandy added, "An' before you say an'thin'... M' mom an' dad n' shit adopted me. An' shit. From, uh, Vietnam, or somethin'."

"Okey-dokey," Maci said, a couple stray thoughts popping into her head. "I also wanna know, like, what kinda stuff do you have? 'Cause you got, like, clothes and stuff, but do you have, I dunnoh, like, vibrators or shit? You got any whips?"

"Uhhhhh..." Kandy moaned. "Ummm, yah, there's a buncha shit in th' back. Can't, uh... Can't put it out front where kids an' shit might see it... Ooooh... Wanna..."

"I'll, like, totes let you lick me if you answer my last question," Maci said. She smeared another finger load of pussy juice all over Kandy's surprisingly unsexy clothes. "Wh- wh- whassit?" Kandy asked, her eyes unfocused. Drool began to collect in one corner of her mouth.

"Can I, like, take whatever if I let you lick my pussy?" Maci asked. Kandy moaned loudly and dropped to her knees. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!" The dazed businesswoman looked up at Maci. "Please, please, please?"

"Sure," Maci said, offhandedly. Kandy lunged at Maci's pussy and clawed aside the thong. The rumpled and heated-up businesswoman frantically licked at Maci's pussy as if she were milking it for every last bit of fluid. It wasn't exactly the sexiest shit, but Maci was feeling pretty aroused.

Her body warmed once again with arousal, from head to toe. Maci groaned and pushed Kandy's face deeper into her pussy. In the corner of her awareness, she noticed Laci masturbating furiously. She grinned happily and leaned against a column, allowing Kandy to do all the work to bring her to climax.

Less than a minute later, Maci orgasmed. Her climax, once again, caused a huge load of cum to splash all over Kandy's face. The formerly-respectable businesswoman eagerly licked up all the bits of cum she could find. Maci leaned back against the column and wiped her sweaty forehead.

"Oh yeah!" Maci said, as a thought popped into her head. "I, like, totes forgot! Kandy, or Kaylee, or whatever your name was. You oughta be Kaci, now that you're, like, a bimbo and shit." Kaci nodded eagerly, then went back to picking up a bit of cum that had fallen on the dirty floor.

Maci rolled her eyes and scraped together some of the cum that had clung to her thighs and crotch. "Here ya go," she told Kaci, who lapped up every last bit. The Vietnamese bimbo ended up sporting great black hair and a tremendous pair of titties, but her ass was truly remarkable. It was huge, jiggly, and just begging for someone to shove a dildo up it.

Ten minutes later, as the three bimbos browsed through the back of the store, Maci did just that. Kaci squealed in pain and delight, and Laci tried to one-up the Vietnamese girl with a dildo twice as long and twice as wide. She succeeded, but only just. "C'mon, Laci, you gotta, like, take that out," Maci told her. "You can't even, like, walk or shit."

A pouting Laci removed the dildo and just as quickly fixated on a remote-controlled gel vibrator. Kaci worked the dildo in her ass, climaxing several times on the floor of her own shop. Only Maci had enough mental capacity, though that wasn't saying much, to keep browsing and setting aside sexy clothes and toys.

When Maci had filled eight large bags with clothes, and four bags with sex toys, she waved at Laci and Kaci. The two bimbos had found their way to each other's pussies, and both seemed content to just roll around on the floor. "Hey, you big dumbos," Maci said. "We gotta, like, go now."

Obediently, Laci and Kaci got up. "'Kay, Laci, you're gonna, like, start carrying this shit out to the car," Maci said, handing a bag to the other blond bimbo. "'Kay-kay," Laci replied, and bounced towards the front door.

"Uh, like, what about me?" Kaci asked. Her face shaped itself into a pout. Maci patted the Vietnamese bimbo on her head. "Like, don't worry, silly, you're gonna do some shit too. Oh!" Maci slapped herself on the forehead and called to Laci, who was about to open the front door, "Stop, Laci! Come on back here!"

Laci pouted the whole way back, and dropped the bag at Maci's feet. "Like, what?" Laci said.

"I, like, totes forgot that you gotta put on your new clothes. You too, Kaci." Maci produced a purple spandex "dress" and tossed it to Laci. The other blond sighed and wriggled out of the remains of her old, boring clothes. When she finally managed to fit herself into the spandex outfit, it covered a bit more than half of each nipple and just enough of her butt to make her technically decent.

"And your heels, too." Maci handed over a set of sequined stilettos. They weren't as tall as Maci's own heels, but they were still pretty damn high. "You just gotta, like, take that shit off when you're driving, and stuff. 'Cause you, like, can't drive in heels."

"'Kay-kay," Laci said grumpily. "Can I, like, start taking stuff out?" Maci rubbed her temple and then brightened. "No, there's, like, one more thing that I, like, nearly forgot."

She pulled out a sparkly pink dog collar. It wasn't an actual dog collar, but it looked pretty close to the real deal. The heart-shaped tag on the front read "SLUT" in pink letters. Laci slipped it on, let Maci pull it shut, and picked up the bag she'd dropped a little while ago.

"Like, when do I, like, get a, like, sooper hawt outfit like Laci?" Kaci whined. Maci thought for a minute, then grabbed a couple of the few remaining items from a nearby clothing rack. She handed them over to Kaci, who immediately set about shedding her businessy clothes.

The top was basically a spandex band that went over Kaci's nipples, rendering them technically covered. Except for the fact that said nipples were fully erect and entirely visible through the spandex. The bottom was a sheer skirt that, measured by length, seemed modest. It actually reached near to Kaci's knees. Except for the fact that it was just a single layer of sheer nylon, allowing for any casual viewer to peer through and see Kaci's pussy.

As for Kaci's shoes, Maci chose the most unstable pair of heels she could find in the store. That would spotlight her jiggly ass as she wiggled and shook her way around the world. Kaci wouldn't have to jiggle her ass deliberately, if her shoes did it for her.

"You know, we're gonna, like, all go out an' get tattoos," Maci said, sorting through a pile of sexy dog collars. "And I can, like, totes see what you're gonna get." She found a ridiculously spiky one, and fastened it around Kaci's neck. That way, the Vietnamese bimbo would be forced to look straight ahead, and never down.

"'Kay now," Maci said, satisfied at her outfitting of this bootylicious bimbo. "You're gonna, like, help me close this place up, 'kay?"

Kaci wrinkled her nose in puzzlement. "Like, how'm I gonna do that?"

"Aw, c'mon," Maci replied. "You gotta, like, remember how you useta close up, right? You, like, lock doors and shit? You clean out the cash register? Any of that, like, ring a bell?"

"Oh!" Kaci said, brightening. "I, like, used to, like, totes do that shit, like, every day!"

Maci rolled her eyes, and grabbed the much shorter bimbo by the shoulders. "Then go and, like, do all that shit!" she said. She pushed Kaci forward, setting the other bimbo's ass jiggling. Kaci flailed her arms for a little while, trying to get some semblance of balance.

Eventually, though, Kaci was able to check on all the doors and shit. Her progress wasn't exactly swift, but she was doing the job. In the meantime, Maci had opened the cash register, and found a surprisingly decent amount of money. Plenty of tens and twenties, and beneath the drawer, she even found a couple hundreds.

Leaving behind about a hundred dollars of change in various denominations, Maci took the rest and stuffed it into a bag from behind the counter. Laci returned for the next-to-last bag, just as Kaci finished the rest of the closing up things.

"Kaci, you're gonna, like, take the last bag, 'kay?" Maci said. Kaci nodded eagerly and started picking up the bag. She seemed to be getting the hang of walking on unsteady heels, but the huge bag was a bit too much. Maci took pity on her newest bimbo friend, and helped Kaci steady the whole thing.

As Kaci tottered out of the store, Maci, taking up the key ring, flipped the sign out front to "CLOSED" and locked the front door. They were gonna make this place into a serious destination someday. First, though, they all needed to get really sexed up and stuff.

Laci had already started the car up, before Kaci had even gotten out of the front door. Maci crossed the parking lot as fast as she could to help Kaci fit the last bag into the trunk. It was a tight squeeze, but they got it in.

"Ohhhh!" Laci said, slapping her forehead, right as Maci opened the passenger side door. "I, like, totes forgot about work." She smiled over at Maci, who had pulled herself into the car.

"Like, what about it?" Maci asked. She shut the door and buckled her seatbelt.

"'Kay-kay. Uh, you, like, know how I, like, never told you what my, like, actual job is?" Laci said, carefully pulling out of the parking space. "All I, like, said was that it's, like, the night shift."

"Yuh-huh," Maci said.

"Well, that's cuz I used to be, like, sooper worried and shit," Laci said. She turned onto the road surprisingly well, and Maci gave a minute sigh of relief. "I was, like, totes worried that if I, like, told ya what I, like, do, you'd think I was terrible. Cuz I'm, like, a stripper."

"Oh," Maci said. It made a lot of sense, she supposed. The old Laci had been pretty good-looking anyway, and she'd always been out at night and stuff.

"Yeah, so I totes forgot that I'm, like, supposed to go in tonight." Laci twiddled a piece of her platinum blond hair between two fingers. "It's s'posed to be, like, amateur night, but the boss always, like, wants a couple of us there, in case there's, like, not enough amateurs. Or, like, in case they all suck."

"Oooh." An idea struck Maci with the force of a skirt flying into a crowd of horny men. "Are you, like, saying we should, like, go to amateur night?" Maci was thinking as much as she could about the idea, and it sounded like a good one.

"Yah!" Laci said excitedly bouncing a little in her seat. "I mean, you guys would all, like, clean up from the audience. And there's totes gonna be a buncha cute chicks, too! You could, like, turn 'em all into bimbos!"

The more she thought about, the more it seemed like a good idea to Maci. Kaci seemed to be unable to speak, but she was nodding enthusiastically. "Let's, like, go be strippers!" she shouted, and Laci shouted, "Yay!"

About twenty minutes later, they found themselves parked behind a nondescript brick building. There weren't a whole lot of other cars there, even though amateur night was supposed to begin in about twenty minutes. Maybe they wouldn't have a lot of competition.

Laci was about to dash in, but Maci held her back. "C'mon, we gotta, like, get stripper clothes to put on." Kaci had already teetered out to the back of the car. She popped it open, and Laci rushed back to find an outfit.

Fortunately, the best stripper clothes had gone into the last bag, the one that Kaci had carried out. "Here ya go," Maci said, tossing a bundle to Laci. "That work for you?"

"Yah yah, it's, like, totes my theme." Laci sorted out the bundle and held up the top and bottom. It was something that could best be described as "sexy farmgirl". The bottom was a tight, short jean skirt, while the top had overalls printed on it. Maci offered her a pair of more reasonable heels, but she waved them away. "I can, like, handle these," she said, flashing one of her heels.

Kaci rummaged in the bag for herself, and came out with a tight pair of latex pants. "Uh, you sure you can, like, take those off, Kaci?" Laci asked. "Cuz part of being a stripper is, like, ya know, stripping? And that would be, like, sooper hard for even, like, me."

Maci pulled out a tiny thong bikini, then a top and a bottom that looked like a business suit, but cut-down and sexier. "Put the bikini on, like, underneath," she told the black-haired bimbo. "Then put on, like, the sexy suit, and, like, strip that off."

"Ohhhh!" Kaci said, her face lighting up. "That, like, makes so much sense! Thanks, Maci!"

"I'm gonna, like, take Little Miss Sugarass inside, 'kay-kay?" Laci took a pair of more sensible heels for Kaci and pulled the other bimbo towards the club's backdoor. Maci barely acknowledged their departure, because she was digging through the bag, looking for a good starting outfit.

She found it just as the other bimbos entered the club. For her underwear, she picked out a set of decorative lingerie that was mostly mesh, except for a few strategically obscured areas. On top of that, she planned to put a faux-scientist outfit, complete with a very tight "lab coat". She even had a set of unnecessary glasses to use as a prop.

For just a second, Maci considered putting on a more reasonable set of heels. She was an amateur, after all. No one would fault her for that. But she loved her tall heels. Even if she tripped over herself on the way to the pole, she would find a way to make that sexy.

So she gathered up her outfit, closed the car, and walked towards the backdoor. Right as she was about to reach for the handle, it burst open, and another woman stomped out, right into Maci. "Ooopsies!" Maci said, as the two of them collided. She grabbed onto a rail, and was able to keep from falling over.

"Oh!" said the new woman. "I'm so sorry about that." She'd bounced off of Maci's chest and nearly ended up falling on her ass.

"Nah, it's, like, no big deal," Maci chirped. She gave the new woman a hug. "Anyhoo, my name is, like, Maci, and I'm totes happy to meet you. Like, what's your name?"

"I'm Rachel," the new woman said. Then she wrinkled her nose. "Oh, God, you're just like Lacey and her bimbo friend! Man, I'm out of here."

Maci put an arm around Rachel's shoulder, drawing the other woman in closer. "Oh, babe. I'm, like, so much better than Laci and Kaci." Rachel struggled a bit, but she was no match for Maci, even one-armed.

"I- What..." Rachel mumbled. "What are you... Oh, what's that smell? Oh! Ohhhh..." She seemed to melt against Maci's shoulder, bonelessly slumping into the bimbo queen's embrace. Patting Rachel on the back, Maci helped the other woman back up the stairs. "Hey, hey, you, like, totes don't wanna leave yet." Maci giggled. "We're, like, just getting started!"

Propping Rachel against the rail at the top, Maci opened the door. The dazed other woman roused herself just enough to stagger inside. Maci followed. "Hiiiii!" she exclaimed.

"Oh, great," said a scruffy-faced guy with a beer belly. "Where are all you bimbos coming from? Do you grow on trees or something? We've only got so many slots for tonight, and we can't waste any of 'em for brain-dead morons without any moves." He started at the sight of Rachel. "On the other hand, thanks for bringing her back in."

"Like, totes no problem!" Maci said. She hooked her spare arm around Rachel's elbow. "If you, like, show me where to take her, I can, like, lead her there and stuff!"

She'd gotten close enough to the man for his nose to fill with the musky scent of Maci's bimbosity. "Uh," he said intelligently. "Uh, just, you know, take her around the corner, let her, uh, sit down. Her, her dressing room, it has her name on it. She probably just needs to settle down a bit. Yes, yes, yes, we all need to just settle down. Settle down. Go on, go on."

Maci blew a kiss at the man and steered her latest girlfriend off down the hallway. Laci and Kaci seemed to be picking up where she'd left off, from the sound of things. Sure enough, Rachel's dressing room had her name on it. Leading a softly giggling Rachel, Maci opened the door and stepped inside.

It wasn't much of a dressing room. The term conjured up something that was well-lit and not filthy. Also, perhaps there might be enough room to swing a cat, in a decent dressing room. But it was enough for Maci's purposes.

"Ooooh... pretty!" Rachel said, as Maci propped her up against the wall. The dazed woman giggled while Maci closed the door, and took a seat on the lonely swivel chair before a grimy mirror.

"So, Rachel," Maci said, unbuckling her leather thong. "When I, like, meet girls like you, I try to, like, ask for their names. So, like, I know just a bit about you, ya know, before you turn into a bimbo." She tossed the thong aside and dipped a finger in her pussy. "So, like, what's your name?"

"Uhhh... Bimbo? What? Uh- I..." Rachel looked confused, so Maci stood and stepped closer to her newest conquest. "Yes, you'll be, like, such a hot bimbo, babe," she said soothingly. "Now you just gotta, like, tell me your name, and I'll let you lick my pussy."

"Pussyyyyyyyyyyy..." Rachel moaned, as Maci embraced her tightly. "My name... uh. I'm, um, uh, Rachel, uh, Rachel Martinez." The squirming Latina sunk her face between Maci's breasts, breathing deeply.

Maci dabbed pussy juice on Rachel Martinez's face, and stepped back towards the chair. She sat down and spread her legs. "Do you, like, really want my pussy?" she asked Rachel.

"Oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes," Rachel replied. She sank to her knees and began leaning in towards Maci's wet pussy. Before she could sneak in, Maci shut her legs like a trap.