Dr. Pastor's Recovery Plan Ch. 01


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He told his phone to call Beatriz and she answered swiftly.

"Hey Beatriz, is everything okay?"

"Better than okay! Colton, this is going to be easier than I thought."

"What is?"

"Fucking your mother. I just got off the phone with her and she confessed to being turned on the whole time she was jacking you off!"

"Yeah, that's why I called earlier, like, I didn't even need to say anything, she offered to 'take care' of me. And then she was, like, flirty!"

"I'm very excited for you! I think you should proceed slowly, let it feel like it's her idea."

"Okay, sure. I mean that handjob was incredible so I can wait."

"Colton, can you switch over to video?"

"Um, sure."

When the video came on he saw Beatriz sitting in what looked like her office. She was wearing a tight-fitting white cardigan, and he could tell that the buttons were straining against her ample bosom. He wished that her hair wasn't hanging down in front of her chest so he could get a better look.

She looked at him coyly and said, "Hi Colton."

"Hi Doc," Colton had a big grin on his face.

"Why don't you walk me through everything that happened?"

Colton began telling her but stopped when she started to unbutton her top.

"Colton, why did you stop?"

"Well, um, I mean, you started undressing..."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you should stop."

Colton picked up where he left off and Beatriz undid the rest of her buttons, and then the front clasp of her bra, revealing her rich brown nipples.

"No, Doc, you can't do this to me, I'm already getting turned on and I can't do anything about it."

"Almost as if that is the point," she said gleefully. She reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a little object that was roughly bullet shaped but made of what looked like purple plastic. "Colton, you're gonna keep telling me what happened, so I can get off. I started playing with myself while I was on the phone with your mother but didn't finish. It's no fair that both you and your mom had some fun this afternoon and I haven't!"

"What do you mean?"

"Your mother played with herself after our phone call, I'm sure of it. Now, enough delaying! I need to cum. Keep going!"

Colton felt that familiar strain in his crotch as he relived what had transpired between his mother and him that afternoon and watched Beatriz take use her vibrator. He found it especially hot that she needed to try so hard to be quiet because she was in her office. He watched Beatriz's face screw up in pleasure before releasing, and she sunk into her chair.

"Thank you for that, honey. For the story and for watching." She blew him a kiss and told him to keep her updated.

Colton wanted nothing more than to touch himself, or better yet have his mom play with him again, but he couldn't do the first, and he wanted to take Beatriz's advice and not force it. He resigned himself to his predicament and figured he'd go downstairs to watch TV.

He came down to the kitchen to find himself working on dinner. She'd changed into some loose-fitting pants cotton pants, the kind she wore when she did yoga, and a loose long sleeve top. Even with the looseness of the garments, they didn't hide her trim stomach, the bareness of her midriff provoking images of her in a bikini. Her hair was up in a messy bun. Colton couldn't help but notice how effortlessly sexy his mother was. He wished he could bury his head in her breasts while she toyed with his cock until he "was relaxed."

"Hey, sweetie!"

"Hey, Mom!"

"I'm just getting dinner sorted out, how about you take a seat, should just be a few minutes."

Colton took a seat at the kitchen island on one of the bar stools. It was a bit awkward; normally Colton would be able to lean forward on the counter, but with his arms bandaged up he had to just sit upright with his arms at his sides. Watching his mom work made it easier. Even in the loose pants he could appreciate the subtle curves of his mother's firm butt. And as he watched her stir the pot, he imagined pressing into her from behind and reaching up to grab her breasts. Given what Beatriz had said it seemed like that wasn't too unrealistic, but it would be at least six weeks until he could reach up and grab anything.

After a few minutes of daydreaming his mom came over to sit beside him with a bowl of chili. She had to scoot close to Colton to keep the distance from the bowl to his mouth from being excessive. Colton had to admit, having someone else feed him was not a perk of being bandaged up. It was quite infantilizing. But it was nice being this close to his mother. As she fed him, he pressed his leg into hers and she didn't move it. He moved his foot to brush up against hers and she let him.

It reminded him of being back in middle school, the first unsure attempts of pursuing someone. It was reassuring to have his mother be as receptive to his efforts at closeness as she was. Of course, he wanted more. So, when his mother got up to do the dishes, he stood up too.

"Mom," he said, "Um, I just wanted to say thank you for earlier. And not for the reasons you're guessing. Um. I'm just grateful to have such a caring mother. You'd go to any length to help me...and I know there are plenty of other kids who don't have that. And, yeah. Thanks." He meant it too. A part of him felt guilty for a moment, that this plan was maybe taking advantage of his mom. But then he remembered what Beatriz had said, about how his mom had enjoyed what had happened in the shower just as much as him.

"Oh, Colton." His mom put the dishes down and came over and gave him a hug.

"Sorry I can't hug you back, Mom."

"When you started high school sports I'd give you hugs, and feel how much bigger you were, and I'd always think to myself, 'Wow my son's really growing up, isn't he?' And then you say things like that, and I realize you've grown up in more ways than one. I'm very proud of the caring young man you're growing up to be, sweetie. Intelligence and charisma can take you places, sweetie, but more than anything, it's how you treat people, the respect you show them, that matters more than anything." She looked down and away for a moment, then said, "Some people lose sight of that."

Colton could tell that there was something more to what she was saying but didn't know how to draw it out. Instead, they just stood in silence as his mother hugged him. His mother rubbed his back. In spite of the serious tone the moment had taken, he was a teenage boy and having a sexy woman's arms wrapped around you, your pelvis pressed into her body, it elicits a certain reaction.

His mother looked down and chuckled.

"Really, Colton?"

"Sorry, Mom, it just kinda happens. I sprout boners in Chemistry class when we talk about chemical attraction."

"And just like that you're a teenager again!"

"Well, have you seen my chemistry teacher?" he joked.

"Alright, Colton, settle down." His mother rolled her eyes at him. "But. Do you need some 'help' with that?"

Colton decided to try and play it cool, "Oh, Mom, that's okay--"

"No, Colton, the doctor said the dopamine is good for you, and I doubt you'll sleep well if you're frustrated so let's just take care of it okay, and then we can take it easy for the rest of the night."

"Okay, Mom, if you say so..."

Colton could see concern on his mother's face. "I know that this is unusual, to say the least, but it is for your own good, honey. If the doctor had recommended you undergo surgery for the breaks you would've had the surgery, right?" Colton nodded. "Well, the doctor told us this is what we have to do, so we're gonna do it, okay? And let's be honest, this is more fun than surgery, isn't it?" Colton had to laugh at that, it was a good point. It was also satisfying to hear how okay his mom was with the whole situation.

Colton decided to be a little bolder, "Is it fun for you?" he asked.

His mother paused before answering. She was measured when she answered, "Do you need this to be fun for me?"

Again, the feeling in the kitchen had changed, the air felt charged. Colton was equally measured when he responded, "I mean...I'm not sure I need it to be fun for you, but I would like to know you're not doing something you don't want to do." He realized as he said it how much he meant it. He realized that depending on how his mother answered he might have to tell Beatriz the plan was off.

"Well...I would say that first and foremost, I'm your mother, and that means that I derive...satisfaction...from helping you. And it makes me feel good and useful to be part of making you better. And so whether or not it is fun, or any feelings I would have had about this in the abstract beforehand, shouldn't matter, because it's my job to take care of you, and I love doing my job. So, I don't want you to worry about that." His mother paused before continuing, blush slowly spreading across her cheeks. "Having said that, I did have fun this afternoon."

"You did?"

"I did."

His mother walked over to him and undid the drawstring of his shorts. Colton hadn't put underwear back on after the shower, so the thin fabric of his athletic shorts was all that kept his penis hidden from the world. He could feel the blood begin to rush to his cock and it twitched and grew.

"Mom, you want to do it here?"

"Why not? It's just us here." His mother let go of the draw string of his shorts and they crumpled at his feet, so he stood naked from the waist down in the kitchen. He thought back to that night from a little over a year ago.

His mother reached down and gently grabbed his cock, that simple action provoking a strong twitch and an accompanying surge of blood as he quickly stiffened. She stroked him slowly as she looked up into his eyes.

"Um, what was fun about it, Mom?"

"Don't you mean 'momma'? That's what you called me earlier."

"Okay, what was fun about it, momma?" Colton couldn't think straight as his mom stroked his cock at such a torturously slow pace.

"Well, I suppose, it was fun seeing how much you enjoyed it, and it's gratifying seeing a handsome young man have a strong response to me...and, uh, you came a lot." Colton had never heard his mom say something like that. It felt transgressive to hear his mom talk about enjoying the size of his orgasm.

"Do you like, um, a lot of cum?"

"I guess I can be honest with you," she looked down at her hand on his cock, "considering the circumstances. Yes, I do." Even with the slow pace, the conversation he was having with his mother was rushing him toward completion. He was leaking pre-cum and his mother dragged her thumb across the head of his cock to pick up the natural lubrication and spread it around the head of his cock.

"How is this sweetie, are you enjoying this? Is momma making this fun for you?"

Colton was about to answer when the sound of the garage door opening stopped both of them in their tracks.

"Oh shit!" exclaimed his mother, she quickly pulled up Colton's shorts and fumbled with his drawstring. She wasn't able to get it tied by the time Colton's father walked into the house. As his mother stepped away from him Colton pressed his waist into the island, hoping he would be able to pin the waistband between him and the counter and keep his shorts up.

"What're you doing back?" asked his mother.

"Well, when I got your call earlier today about the incident, I rescheduled everything in New York and rushed back." Grant walked up to his wife and gave her a quick kiss hello. "How are you feeling champ?"

"A little worse for wear, but, you know, it could be worse."

"Grant, why don't you put your things upstairs. There's still some chili left; I'll heat it up for you."

"Ah, thank you." Grant walked out of the kitchen and upstairs. Linda quickly went over to Colton and tied up his shorts, but she couldn't help noticing that he still had a prominent tent in his shorts.

"Mom, what're we supposed to do know that he's home?"

"Don't worry, I'll come up with something."

Grant came back downstairs a few minutes later and Linda brought him a bowl of chili.

"Mmm, thank you, this looks delicious."

"Colton and I are gonna go pick up his pain medication from the pharmacy, so we'll be back in a bit."

"Oh, come on, I just rushed home to see you, Colton. Stay here with me."

"Grant, Colton's been cooped up all day and he wants to get out of the house."

"Alright, I'll see you when you get back, I guess."

"We'll watch something when we get back, okay Dad?"

Colton's mother grabbed her purse and keys and Colton tried to obscure the bulge in his shorts with his bandaged arms as he exited their kitchen. They hopped into his mother's Range Rover and drove out into the neighborhood.

They drove for a few minutes before pulling into the parking lot of a woody park. The lot had plenty of parking spots that were not well lit, and Linda pulled the car into one.

"I'm sorry, honey, but we're gonna have to be kinda quick right now."

"That's ok."

Linda undid Colton's shorts and pulled them down until his cock was exposed. She started jacking him off quickly until he was back to full hardness. She then leaned over and lowered her head a bit, making Colton think she was about to give him a blowjob. Instead, she pursed her lips before dripping saliva over the head of his cock. She spread her spit over his cock and resumed pumping his cock quickly. His mom's eyes were focused on his cock.

"You know, I think it's kinda hot, you jerking me off out here."

"You do?" she looked up at his face.

"Yeah. Like somebody could come by and see us..." Linda slowed her pace a bit.

"And that turns you on?"

"Um, yeah, I guess, like sneaking."

"Yeah?" Linda had a delicious smile on her face. "You like the risk?"


"You want momma to sneak around, and make you cum? Is that what you want?" His mom's talk was getting Colton close.

"Mom, where am I gonna cum?"

"Oh shoot, um, let me think." His mother kept stroking his cock but at a slower pace while she thought before withdrawing her hand. Without explanation Linda sat back and pulled her top off, exposing her nude bra. She reached behind and undid the clasp of her bra. Colton gulped with anticipation as he took in the beautiful sight of his mother's C-cup breasts.

"Cum in my bra, okay? Just let me know when you're close."

Colton wasn't going to question it. He'd wanted to see his mother's breasts again, and now, not only did he get to see them, but he got to see them bounce as she jerked him off.

"Do you like seeing momma's breasts?"

"Fuck yeah, I do. Your breasts are incredible, momma."

"Yeah? Do they make your cock hard?"

"Jesus, momma, yeah they do!"

"Yeah, is seeing them getting you close?"

"Yeah, fuck, I just wanna cum all over them." Colton wondered if that was too much, but it was true.

"No, baby, you've gotta cum in momma's bra okay. Momma's gonna milk you out into her bra."

"Momma, I'm about to cum." Linda took her bra and put one of the cups just beneath the head of Colton's cock, and made sure that the cup rose so that it would catch any particularly explosive shots of cum. Colton burst in her hand and covered the cup of her bra in cum. He thought he might have cum more than he did that afternoon.

"Yes, baby, you did great." She continued stroking him gently until she was sure there was nothing more to coax out.

They sat in the car, the only sound both of their heavy breathing. His mother set her bra down in the center console as she tried to sort out her shirt to put it back on.

"Mom, wait."

"What's wrong?"

"Well. You've gotten me off twice today, and well. Um, I guess, I know how I react to you, and I figure that, well, you might also need some taking care of. And well if you need to you can. You can take care of yourself in front of me."

"Colton, I don't know."

"Momma, you've made me feel so good. And I just want to make sure you're doing okay."

"Oh, god. Okay, you need to close your eyes and turn your head away."

Colton wanted to protest, but he figured this was as far as he was going to get. He closed his eyes and turned away. At first, Colton couldn't tell if anything was happening, but then Colton heard his mother's panting. The panting gave way to gentle moaning. The moaning started to come more frequently. Despite his mother's clear instructions Colton needed to see. He turned back towards his mother and opened his eyes.

He saw her writhing in ecstasy in the driver's seat, her right hand buried in her pants, her left hand pinching the nipple of her left breast. His mother's eyes were clenched, her face a mask of pleasure. He got the sense that she was close.

"Momma, look at me."

His mother's eyes flashed open and they locked eyes and her mouth opened wide as the loudest moan yet filled the car. Colton could tell from the spasms of her abdomen that she was cumming. When she finally came down, she looked over at Colton and smiled sheepishly as she covered her breasts.

"You weren't supposed to look," she said, though she didn't sound angry.

"I'm sorry, momma, I just couldn't help myself."

"Alright, let's get sorted out, and then we actually do have to go to the pharmacy."

She reached over and pulled Colton's shorts up before doing something Colton didn't expect at all. Without making any effort to clean his cum up, his mother put her bra back on. Colton's cum was now all over one of his mother's breasts, he couldn't believe it. Once she had her shirt pulled back on, she smiled wickedly at Colton and restarted the car.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Omfg where is part2????

Bucks7T2Bucks7T24 months ago

Sublime; it just screams MORE!

MaxOgdenMaxOgdenover 1 year ago

What a great story. Fast paced, but never felt rushed. Flirts at times with the absurd, but nowhere close to suspension of disbelief that many similarly themed stories found here require of their readers.

But enough talk. Chapter 2 needs to be here and soon!

5 stars for this excellent entry into a hopefully lengthy series.

timbrewulftimbrewulfabout 2 years ago

Really really really good. No, better than good. I really really enjoyed your story. Thanks for your time and effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Awesome story please continue with more!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I literally come back here every day to check for an update man :( come on wobbility!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

more please

Radical11Radical11over 2 years ago
good !

i'm pretty sure mom's a big time slut !

Tica21Tica21over 2 years ago

Hope this continues. Although an oft used story line you've added a few twists that made it even better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great! More please,make mommy become more slutty before she ends up pregnant!

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