Dragon Riding

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A couple of goblins sneak into Alexstrasza's private bath.
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A request featuring Alexstrasza and two goblins from WoW.


The Broken Tusk tavern served everyone from orcish grunts to tauren braves, from blood knights to warlocks to thieves and aristocrats, and, tonight, a pair of the dirtiest goblins in Orgrimmar. Perhaps the luckiest, too.

Krib eyed his friend disapprovingly from the other side of the table they were seated at, a fly buzzing obnoxiously about his head. The smell of a nearby elf's flowery perfume mixed with the aroma of hog shanks, roasted quail and sweaty orcs, forming a thoroughly unpleasant scent. It was a hot and humid evening, made even worse by the great flickering fireplace situated near a primitive kitchen where a peon poked at a pig on a spit.

"Haven't you had enough to drink?" he asked.

Neiza slammed her mug down on the table, eyes accusing. "Says who?"

"Says you, remember? You said one drink." He held up a finger. "One."

She tossed back another swig of alcohol and then pursed her lips. "Nope. I need to get smashed to get the juices flowin'."

"Juices? Oh no." He groaned, a growing sense of unease twisting his gut. "Not more of your ideas."

"Please!" she snapped, leaning across the table. "What are you bellyachin' for? It's because of me that you got to do this--" Neiza made a lewd gesture with her mouth and hand. "--with Sylvanas and Tyrande!" An orc from a nearby table looked at her curiously, and her lewd gesture turned into a rude one. "What are you lookin' at, greenskin?"

Krib made no comment to the fact that her skin was even greener than the orc's. The orc snorted, thankfully more amused than anything else.

"One of these days we're both going to get burned by one of your ideas," he said.

For a moment she looked as if she'd blow her top, but then a queer, foreboding thing happened that scent a chill down his spine: a smile crept its way across her features, toothy, slightly lopsided, and promising misfortune. He didn't like it. Not even a bit.

"Burned! Now that's an idea!" she said, clapping her hands together.

Oh no.

He took a sip of mead, trembling so badly he nearly spilled his drink.


"We're going to die."

"You know, you'd think you'd learn to trust me by now," Neiza said, feet stomping loudly on the stone tiles of Wyrmrest Temple's lowest floor.

Neiza had forced--or convinced him, depending on which one you asked--to travel with her to the frozen continent of Northrend and all the way to the very center of its icy wastes. He'd been nervous the entire trip, expecting death to come in the form of either Scourge remnants or winged behemoths, but so far they'd managed to remain unscathed.

For now.

As they made their way through the halls of Wyrmrest, dragons both in and out of their humanoid forms stared down at the two of them as they passed, their ancient eyes curious, suspicious, perhaps even a tad hungry. Walls of ancient stone loomed impossibly high above them, and there didn't seem to be a single thing within the temple smaller than they were. It was at rare times such as these that Krib wished a gnome was nearby. Or even a dwarf. They were accustomed to feeling small in Orgrimmar, but this was something else entirely.

"Do you know where you're going?" he asked, avoiding the gaze of a dragon licking its lips and eyeing him like a snack.

" 'Course I do."

"Really? Because you've never been here before and you aren't carrying a map."

She gave him an exasperated look, like he were a child, and then gestured towards a pair of guards standing watch beside an archway. "All you gotta do is find the biggest, meanest, toughest looking guards. Bonus points if they're dressed like royalty. Whatever they're guarding is bound to be important."

"I have doubts about your method," he said, although the more he thought about it the more he came to realize that she might be onto something. The Kor'kron, Sylvanas' Royal Dreadguards, spellbreakers...

"Come on, I'll show ya!"


Neiza didn't wait. She marched right up to a scaly gold dragonkin and waved her hand in his face. Or rather, his legs. He was about ten times her size, with glorious crimson armor that probably weighed more than they did combined. "Where's Alexstrasza?" she asked, thumbing over her shoulder at Krib. "We got business with her."

The two-legged reptilian looked Krib and Neiza over, his gaze cold and snake-like, his breath hot and escaping in plumes of vaporous smoke from his nostrils. After an uncomfortable period of time, he blinked. "Business?" he said, his voice deep and lazy.

"That's right. The Dragon Queen needs a massage."

The guard stared at her contemplatively, slowly, infuriatingly, then blinked again. "Massage?" he asked.

"Yeah, massage! Don't you know what a massage is? Here." Neiza rummaged around in her bag and pulled out a pair of pictures. "See? We're experts."

"Hmm." He scratched at his scaly face while he inspected the photos, yawned, then stood up straight and struck the flat end of his halberd against the floor. "Proceed."

Beyond the guards a portal glowed, thrumming with arcane energy and swirling with colors. Neiza quickly hopped through it. Krib followed behind after saying his prayers to any spirit he could think of.

The portal took them to an inner chamber on a nondescript floor, bright and massive, enclosed on all sides by cyclopean masonry of gray and bronze, lavishly furnished with bookshelves lining the walls and great draconic tapestries hanging about. Serpentine hallways branched out from this chamber, and as they explored them, opening doors and searching for the Life-binder, Krib began to grow curious as to the subject matter of those photographs Neiza had presented to the guards.

"What exactly were those pictures?"

Neiza glanced left and right at an intersection of the maze that seemed to comprise Alexstrasza's chambers, then turned left. "Us with Sylvanas and Tyrande," she said, holding her hands out in front of her and squeezing the air.

"You took pictures of--nevermind, forget I asked. I don't want to know. The less I know the better, that's what my parents always say."

Neiza rolled her eyes and led them deeper into the chamber. At last they came to a beautifully ornate door with depictions of dragons and vines etched about its surface. More pressingly, a sound could be heard beyond it, a faint rumble followed by a splash.

"Water?" he whispered. "Up here?"

"Come on!" Before he could stop her, Neiza opened the door and slipped inside. He clambered after her, nerves causing him to sweat, mind racing with the possibilities of what a dragon could do to them. Burning, scorching, tearing, gnashing...

They saw everything upon entering the room: the sparkling pool of water, the great ivory columns rising up to the ceiling, the smooth tiles adorning the floor, the exquisite murals depicting various scenes of nature upon the walls, and her, the Life-Binder herself. Within the shimmering pool Alexstrasza stood, naked and astonishingly beautiful. Water droplets clung to her tan skin, rolled down her generous curves, dampened her long crimson hair. The fine craftsmanship of the bathing chamber paled in comparison to the Dragon Queen's beauty, and he found himself almost drooling at the sight of her naked body, his jaw slack and hanging open.

A tug on his arm snapped him out of his reverie. Neiza brought a finger to her lips and then gestured for him to follow her. They crept closer until they reached one of the massive pillars, huddling behind it and peaking out from either side. Alexstrasza didn't notice them and continued bathing, eyes closed as she soaked in the hot water, splashed it across her supple skin, steam rising up all around her.

"What are you doing?" he whispered.

Neiza had dropped her bag and was rifling through it. The low roar of water being pumped into the pool obfuscated the noises she made, but he nevertheless worried about their discovery. Alexstrasza may be the Aspect of Life, but he doubted that she would approve of a pair of voyeurs spying on her, and an angry dragoness was the last thing he wanted to face.

Neiza pulled a camera out of her bag and flashed it to him, grinning wickedly. His eyes bulged and he shook his head violently. "Are you trying to get us killed?"

"Shush," she said, fiddling with the big bulky contraption then pointing it at Alexstrasza. He winced when it clicked and spat out a black and white photograph. "Damn! Had the wrong filter on."

"Let's get out of here," he urged, taking a swipe at the camera, "There's nowhere to hide if she gets out of that bath and comes over here."

Neiza dodged his attempt to take the device and held it up again. "One more picture and--damnit, the lens is all fogged up." She cradled the camera and rubbed at the lens with her sleeve. Scrubbing... scrubbing... dropping... dropping.

The two goblins lunged for the camera, collided with each other, and cringed when they heard the soul-splitting sound of it clattering upon the floor.

"Who is there?"

The Dragon Queen's voice boomed within the steamy chamber, shaking them to the bone and freezing them in place. Fear prickled their skin as they took in the sight of Alexstrasza rising from the pool, tall and furious and naked, breasts full and healthy, her body entirely what one would expect from the Aspect of Life. Arousal commingled with fear, and their apprehension gave way just enough for the two goblins to take a tentative step backwards.

"Do not move!" she said, her voice shaking the room. The air about her shimmered and refracted, heated by the intensity of her fury. "Who are you? Let it be known, and do not lie or I will reduce the both of you to ash."

"W-w-w-we're Neiza!"

"And Krib!"

Alexstrasza stepped closer, those wide, fully fleshed out hips of hers swaying seductively despite her anger. Completely at ease with her nakedness. "Keep talking."

Neiza stumbled unintelligently over her words. Krib didn't know what to say. He elbowed her in the ribs and that seemed to knock enough sense into her to talk properly.

"We're workers! I mean servants! I mean, masseuses!" she stammered. "Look!" Groping desperately into her satchel, Neiza produced a flask of oil and a bright white towel. "See? Best there is, too! Served Tyrande and Sylvanas--she's undead and even she loved it, can you believe that? I don't wanna brag but--"

"You serviced Tyrande Whisperwind and Sylvanas Windrunner?" The dragon's eyebrows raised in frank disbelief, her eyes smoldering like molten bronze.

"We sure did! Here--" Neiza handed Alexstrasza the photographs she'd shown the guards earlier. "We specialize in high-profile clientele."

"Hmm." Alexstrasza inspected the photos while the goblins inspected her. With hips and thighs like that, and an ass you could see from the front, the title of Life-Giver didn't do her enough justice. She'd given birth to an entire flight of dragons and still looked incredible. "You two are here to what, give me a massage?"

"Yes, Your Winged Grace," Neiza said with a clumsy bow.

She handed the photos back to Neiza and said, "You've caught me at a good time, despite the abruptness of your visit. Please me and I will allow you to leave unmolested." Her eyes narrowed to draconic slits. "But if you displease me, or if there are any tricks..." She rubbed her thumb and forefinger together as if striking a match. A gout of flame erupted from her hand, blazing high up to the ceiling before flickering out as quickly as it had appeared. "Understand?"

"Yes!" they simultaneously squeaked.

Alexstrasza nodded, hands on her hips. "How shall we begin then?"

The smooth tile floor of the bathing chamber was as good a place as any for a massage, and so they instructed her to lie down on a towel, face-up with her head on a pillow, her absurd curves difficult not to stare at while they worked. Neiza, who Krib frequently considered to be little more than a primitive cavewoman obsessed with sex, had quickly shed her fear and taken to the massage, making good use of her oiled up hands. Kneading and rubbing Alexstrasza's beautiful body, likely enjoying herself more than the dragoness was.

Krib on the other hand did not fully relax until he'd gotten well underway, putting his all into it and doing his best to service the Dragon Queen, paying close attention to her pressure points and utilizing his hands to lightly stroke her long legs and impressive thighs.

The oil they used was viscous and smooth, scented like peppermint and infused with Neiza's aphrodisiac. It flowed over the hot canvas of Alexstrasza's body, absorbing into her skin and gradually inciting her desire. She was soft and firm at the same time, toned and plump, her body radiating heat like a furnace.

Gradually, Alexstrasza began to respond to both the aphrodisiac and their double-jointed massage. Her full lips parted with a sigh, her stacked chest heaved with the intensity of her breathing, and more and more both Neiza and Krib themselves became affected by the lust inducing oil. Growing more bold, they skirted the line of decency and professionalism, massaging where they shouldn't, brushing her mound, sliding their hands against the voluminous weight of her breasts.

"Not very thorough, are you?" Alexstrasza said, relaxing with her eyes closed while they rubbed their hands over her body. "You missed a spot... or two."

Krib and Neiza looked at each other, shrugged, and increased their efforts, providing the Life-Binder with a far more in-depth massage than before. Krib's fingers didn't just brush her mound now, they dipped inside her sex, palm grinding her clit and fingers sinking into the warm and juicy depths of her cunt. Neiza went a step further, involving more than just her hands. She leaned in and groped the dragoness' tits, sucking on her hard nipples while she massaged her breasts, alternating between them.

Alexstrasza murmured her appreciation, her delicious body squirming beneath their hands, their mouths. Neiza could barely contain herself. Grinning wickedly, she said, "Please flip over, Your Scaly Eminence."

The Dragon Queen did so, revealing her no less exquisite backside to the goblins. They spent a few good seconds just staring down at her, taking in her naked form. Toned muscles stood out on her back, slender, thin, feminine, while her enormous breasts, smushed against the tile and pillowing out beneath her, stood out like prominent flotation devices from either side of her.

Her ass was similarly decadent, round and lusciously plump, her reddish-tan skin a shade lighter across a pair of bubbly cheeks that looked big enough to take a pounding from a proper dragon even whilst she was in humanoid form.

Neiza wiped the drool from her mouth and scrambled to lay her hands on the Life-Binder. She groped at the soft supple meat of Alexstrasza's behind, providing a thoroughly unprofessional massage, lost to her own lust. Her hands were far too small for each cheek, but she rubbed Alexstrasza's voluptuous ass lovingly, then bit it savagely, alternating between a constant flux of tender and hard. Kissing, licking, making her way between Alexstrasza's cheeks and towards her asshole, still wet with the warm, cleansing water of her private bath.

Disregarding decor, she smothered her head between Alexstrasza's ass cheeks and serviced the queen with a bath of her own, lapping at her star and wiggling her tongue into her tight little hole. The Dragon Queen's supple red cheeks surrounded her, engulfed her comparatively small head between two plump pillows and made her feel like she was on cloud nine.

Alexstrasza hummed pleasantly, and when Neiza took to fingering her cunt she canted her hips and wiggled her ass back against her. Needy, horny, and hungry for more, driven to the sweetest depths of desire by the oily aphrodisiac. Her pussy gripped hot and tight around Neiza's fingers, and while Krib watched, restless and horny, he could barely contain himself. He nearly ripped his clothes off if not for the strength of his mental fortitude. His cock could cut diamond, its bulging outline visible as it strained defiantly against his trousers, yet he obediently continued the massage, heart pounding, breathing heavily, desperately seeking to maintain some semblance of professionalism in case Alexstrasza got upset.

"What have we here?" she purred, startling him with a sudden tap on the cock. She poked it through his pants, a sly smile on her lovely face and a lustful gleam in her oddly draconic eyes.

"That's... er..."

"Remove these," she ordered, tugging on his waistband.

Krib beamed. "If you say so!" he said, yanking his trousers down and unleashing his rock-hard cock. It bounced free in front of her face, a throbbing slab of goblin vitality, green and bold and ready.

She reached for it with a slender hand, her grip firm, her skin pleasantly warm. Viewing it from every angle and inspecting it. "Not bad for one so small."

Before he could say anything, she opened her mouth wide, a gaping cavern with four sharp reptilian canines. Her lips wrapped around his tool, soft and full and pulling him into her mouth. She was expectantly hot, radiating a heat that warmed him to the core and made him want to blow his load right then and there.

I'm getting head from a dragon! The dragon!

Unsurprisingly given her age and proclivity for breeding, Alexstrasza knew how to suck dick. She devoured his stiff cock expertly and without restraint or one single shred of hesitation, as if she enjoyed it, as if she craved the taste of manhood. Bobbing smoothly and easily even whilst Neiza ate her out and fingered her cunt, purring happily and making full use of her long, serpentine tongue, licking and lathering while she sucked and slurped.

Alexstrasza paused for a moment to prop herself up on her forearms, giving her a better angle at which to suck dick and giving him a better view of her humongous tits, then continued her increasingly spirited fellatio, head dipping forward and back, forward and back. Wet and loud, so damn good he couldn't help but groan.

The ebony horns atop her head looked heavy, but they didn't slow her down or get in the way at all. She alternated speeds, fast then slow then fast again, taking him into her throat and then sucking in shallow pulls, focusing on the swollen head of his cock, twirling her prehensile tongue and glazing him with a shiny sheen of saliva that made his green skin glow a bright, verdant green.

While Krib practically melted from pleasure, Neiza was relentless in her own right, helping herself to the Dragon Queen's ass with all the zeal one could expect of a horny, sex crazed goblin. Kneading her cheeks and spanking her ass while she tongued and licked, her fingers churning in and out of Alexstrasza's clutching pussy.

Even now the massage oil and its aphrodisiac properties further inflamed their desires, bringing them to a raging boil. Alexstrasza sucked ravenously on Krib's cock, breasts jiggling, one hand fondling his balls, throating the entirety of his shaft before she abruptly pulled away and rolled onto her back. Spreading her long, shapely legs, she ran her hand through her slit and spread her drooling cunt.

"Come and please me," she commanded in a sensual, throaty voice, her entire body oiled up and shining a beautiful, erotic red.

Shoving past Neiza, Krib wasted no time positioning himself between the Life-Binder's legs. His cock jutted out with singular purpose, hard as could be and aimed directly at her sex. He nudged it against her folds and then slid in deep, groaning the entire way as her tight cunt gripped him in a warm embrace that caused his body to tense up and a tingle of electricity to spark up his spine. Almost immediately upon entry, he blew his load, creaming Alexstrasza's pussy and continuing on without stopping or slowing. He was too addled with lust to stop himself at just one orgasm. Not when Alexstrasza lay bare before him like an exotic delicacy, incredibly busty, mesmerizingly beautiful, ridiculously tight, and expecting him to give her the deep dicking that she craved.
