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The youngster gulped, recognizing the Benden leaders and thoroughly intimidated by them "Y... Yes, ma'am, that was me. I, I mean we, we didn't think you would mind. We, uh, we didn't think we were doing anything wrong."

"What were you doing back there?" she repeated.

"Y... You were flying flat and wide. You didn't have any slot riders, and we could see that you were getting hurt. We didn't want to leave queens uncovered, so we moved in to try to help."

Lessa stared at the frightened youngster. Her intimidating stare suddenly broke into a wide smile. She reached out and pulled the bronzerider into her arms, giving him a tight hug and rewarding him with a kiss on the cheek. She then turned toward the Istan Weyrleader.

"G'dened, if you ever decide you don't want this young man, contact me. He'll have a home at Benden." She stepped aside, allowing her weyrmate to come forward.

F'lar extended his hand, noticing that the still shaken lad hesitated to move. "Take it, son. I'm not going to bite."

The comment caused the nervous boy to snicker. He reached out and took the Bendenite's arm, delighted to be engaging in an arm clasp with the legendary bronzerider. The youngster grinned broadly.

F'lar returned the smile. "Well done, bronzerider," he remarked. Looking toward the Istan leader, he added, "You've got a good one here. Well done, D'phel." Releasing the young man's arm and waving, he rejoined his Weyrwoman and moved back toward his own riders.

M'noral stared after the couple, reaching up to rub the cheek that Lessa had kissed. His momentary bewilderment was broken by his own Weyrleader's voice.

"M'noral, sit down over here. Tell me what went on up there."

The boy sat down, nervously accepting the mug of klah which was passed to him. "I'm sorry, sir. We didn't mean to do anything wrong."

"You don't need to apologize. From what Lessa and F'lar said, it sounds like you did something to be proud of. I just want to know what that something was."

The weyrling nodded, taking a small drink from his mug. Then he turned to the three riders watching him.

"We were bringing firestone to the second flight, but we couldn't find a way to get to them. The thread was too dense. Then Xanth looked down and saw the queens. He said they needed help. When he asked for firestone, I said no. Then he just stuck his muzzle into the sack and started eating. He took the entire sack."

The young rider paused, taking another sip of his beverage. He then continued his report. "When he finished, Xanth released a test gout of flame, just to be sure he was ready. Then he glided down into the slot above and below the queens. I didn't know there were any other dragons with us until I saw a brown and a blue on my side. I don't remember which side. I remember the queenrider in front looking up and waving, then we were too busy for me to see much of anything else."

G'dened nodded, looking at his two compatriots. Both wore amused, approving smiles. "How many dragons were with you?" he asked.

"I don't know, sir," came the uncertain reply.

D'phel interrupted. "He had himself, two browns, four blues, and seventeen greens."

"A full wing?" the surprised Weyrleader questioned.

"A full wing. Twenty-four young fire-breathers," the Weyrlingmaster related proudly.

G'dened shook his head, regarding the young man with a respectful smile. "How old are you?"

"Sixteen, sir."

"Very well, then. See to your wing. We're going to want to meet with you tomorrow. You have a duty to attend to that we'll teach you."

"My wing, sir?" the youngster asked incredulously.

"You led them, didn't you?"


"They followed you, didn't they?"


"They're your wing. Get with the masterhealer here and check on your casualties. Then see that your dragons are attended to. Get them fed and bedded down. When you're done with that, bring your riders back in here and get them fed. Choose a table for you riders or ask D'phel to assign one to you. You aren't weyrlings anymore."

"Yes, sir!" M'noral grinned.

D'rian stood up. "Come on, son. Let's check up on your riders."

As the two walked away, D'phel turned back to G'dened. "What duty are you referring to?"

"His wing lost two dead, didn't they?"

"Yes, they did.'

"He's going to have to notify their parents."

D'phel grimaced. He turned an alarmed expression on the senior bronzerider. "That's a brutal duty to lay on a child of his age!"

"Yes, it is," G'dened agreed. "But, if he's going to be a wingleader, he might as well learn the ugly side of the job now as later."

The two men looked at each other for a moment, then both sighed. "Damn," said D'phel. "What a lousy was to break in a new wingleader."

"Come on," his counterpart directed. "Let's check up on the rest of your weyrlings."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

D'rian helped the new wingleader check on his riders, then had to address the difficult task of telling the lad that two of his wingriders had died in the fall. The boy had shuddered for a moment, but then squared his shoulders and asked what he needed to do. The Cygnan explained that it was his duty to find the riders' parents and explain to them the circumstances of their deaths, assuring them of their children's courage in the face of great danger and the pride with which the Weyr would remember them. As this was the first time he would have to perform this duty, the Weyrleader and Weyrlingmaster would accompany him.

When he had finished and dismissed the bronzerider, the Cygnan proceeded to the weyrbowl, seeking his weyrmate. He found her treating one of the last scoring victims. Her own score stretched across her left cheek and the corner of her eye.

"I'm going to look like a pirate," she complained.

"Yeah," the Cygnan agreed, "but you'll look like a beautiful pirate." She rewarded him with a poke in the ribs.

They located the Masterhealer and asked for permission to retire for the night. It had been a long, trying day and both were tired. Neither felt like eating. They just want to return to their weyr and get some rest. Oldive thanked them for their work and wished them a pleasant evening and good night's sleep.

Before retiring, D'rian detoured into the cavern. He told Elysina that he wanted to make sure Selana was alright before calling it a night. She had reacted badly after being notified of V'line's death. They found her sitting at a table against the cavern wall, her head laying on K'trin's chest.

Walking up quietly, the avion laid his hand on her shoulder. "Sel, are you alright?"

"V'line!" she squealed, turning towards him and coming to her feet. When she saw who he was, her face fell and her shoulders sagged. "Oh, it's you," she said, then sat down and turned back to K'trin.

The raven-haired queenrider saw the pain in her weyrmate's eyes and the stunned, almost defeated expression on his face. Her eyes flashed a furious lightning as she prepared to launch a bitter tirade against the other goldrider. Before she could start, however, she felt D'rian's fingers on her lips.

"She's in shock," he advised her quietly. "Let it go. Let's go home."

They walked across the weyrbowl and climbed the stone steps to the junior queens' weyrs. Valkryth and Tyranth were curled up and asleep as they silently walked past. Elysina could feel the anguish in her mate, but there was nothing she could do to help him. The sickly green-grey tint of his skin alarmed her.

The avion dropped his riding jacket on the table and headed directly into the washing chamber.

Elysina sat at the table, her elbows on the edge. She lowered her head until her forehead touched the wood, squeezing her hands over her ears. Unable to shut out the horrible sound of the avion retching, she began to cry.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

(November 11th)

The next day started quietly, although it wouldn't stay that way. Shortly after breakfast, G'dened told Cosira that he needed to talk to her. They sat down at their inner weyr table with steaming cups of klah.

"Sira, I'd like to have you invite Eastern, Fort and High Reaches to a ceremony and a feast tomorrow. Benden will be involved in the ceremony, so they've already agreed to come."

"A feast, after what we've just been through?"

"Yes. We fly a standard fall the day after tomorrow. We've got to get our people back together mentally or we're going to get chewed up again."

Cosira chewed up her lower lip, considering the situation. "You know we can only put two flights in the air, and we won't have a queens wing."

The Weyrleader sighed. They were going to be flying short, although Benden, Fort and Eastern had promised that he would have help forthcoming very shortly. Help or no help, however, they had to meet the thread. "We've flown thread with only two flights before, many times. We'll just have to do it again. There's nothing we can do about the queens, so we're going to have to rely on ground crews."

"Do you really think this is a good idea? Isn't it a little two soon?"

"I mentioned it to Imala and Betrella last night. They both thought it was a good idea. Betrella said that Eastern would help us with the cooking and serving. Besides, think about what the Healer Hall did last night. Master Healer Oldive left two masterhealers with us, both psychologists. I think it's pretty obvious that they're as concerned about this as I am."

Cosira sipped at her klah. Inviting the three Weyrs wouldn't be difficult, but it sounded like there was a lot of planning yet to be done. "Have you decided on a time for all of this?" she asked.

Her mate shook his head. "No. I thought that you, Lessa and Trelka should make that decision. Should be fairly early, though, no later than mid-afternoon."

"Benden has already accepted?"

"Yes. Lessa is part of the ceremony. She'll be able to tell you exactly what we're planning and exactly what will be needed, probably better than I can."

The Weyrwoman snickered. "There's no argument there," she chuckled, winking at her mate. "Alright. Caylith and I will take a ride to Benden as soon as we can. I can't be gone very long."

"Why not have Caylith bespeak Ramoth? Invite Lessa to come here. She knows what we're up against."

"That's a good idea. I'll ask her."

- - - - -

By mid-morning, the first help arrived, and it was a shock. Eastern was first to send aid. Employing lessons learned from his bereaved predecessor, M'kel did not send individual riders, but an entire wing. Once more, T'sarl's thirty experienced dragons and riders temporarily changed weyrs, this time to Ista. The arrival of an entire wing gave G'dened hope that he might yet be able to field three full flights.

Lessa accepted the invitation, arriving shortly after the Easterners. She, Cosira and Imala huddled, soon joined by Betrella, who was retrieved by T'sarl himself. The four women set about the detailed planning of the next day's events.

Early that afternoon, the conference broke up and the women went their separate ways, the bulk of the remaining work falling on the two headwomen. With the assistance of two Weyr's dragons, extra personnel were quickly transported to Ista to provide the hands needed to make the preparations.

Shortly after Lessa's departure, another Benden queenrider appeared. Amaranth and her rider, Breda, settled to the weyr floor. The young brunette told Cosira that she was assigned to Ista until they could get their queens wing healthy again. The Bendenites were quickly shown to one of the larger guest weyrs which were set apart for queen or bronzeriders. That would lead to another problem, and some unexpected comedy.

Late that afternoon, N'ton arrived from Fort with several reserve riders and an additional queen in tow. He advised G'dened that the riders were being assigned to Ista until they were no longer needed. The Istan expressed his appreciation, then asked the Fortian Weyrleader and Queenrider to step aside and speak privately with him.

"Breeana," he began, "we're happy to have you here. We certainly need your help. However, I need to address an issue with you immediately." He paused to ensure that he had the young woman's attention. He did.

"I know that you and Cosira are sisters. However, while you are assigned here, she is your Weyrwoman. You will respect her and you will obey her orders. If you can't do that, go back with N'ton. We can't afford any problems right now."

The woman nodded. "I understand, Weyrleader. I won't be a problem. I promise." She noticed N'ton looking at her with an uplifted eyebrow. She returned a sheepish smile and a shrug.

"That's good enough for me," the Istan revealed. "Welcome to Ista, queenrider. If you can give us just a few minutes, we'll come up with a weyr for you and Liereth."

As Breeana moved to her dragon, N'ton spoke to his fellow. "If she gives you any trouble at all, let me know. I'll take her back to Fort and assign Nitali here."

G'dened looked up in horror. "Nitali! You trying to get me killed?"

"Now who would do that?" the Fortian chuckled.

"You don't know Cosira very well, do you?"

"Oh, I don't know. I might know her better than you think."

The Fortian walked away laughing, jumping onto an equally amused bronze dragon. They lifted into the Istan sky, leaving a confused and slightly worried Weyrleader behind them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"He assigned WHO here?" Cosira shrilled.

"We can't exactly be choosy right now, Sira. She's a queenrider. With her and Breda here, you can at least put a minimal wing in the air. And you'll have an entire wing of slot riders in support."

"Oh, shells," the Weyrwoman shuddered, "not Breeana. Sometimes I think I'd rather be scored than have to deal with her."

"Well, let's hope that's not prophetic," the bronzerider returned. "I'd hate to see that exquisite beauty scarred by a score line."

Cosira looked up with a sardonic grimace. Remarks of that type from her mate usually carried a price. "Alright, bronzerider, what are you after now?"

G'dened shrugged. "Now what did I do? I thought it was just a complement."

"Uh huh," his mate retorted. "I know you too well. What's the charge for this one?"

The male chuckled, shaking his head. "Come on, let's at least try to get this over with."

"Caylith. Please tell Nibelth and Liereth that I need to see their riders in the weyrbowl immediately." The queen indicated her understanding, communicating the order to the other dragons.

The Weyrleaders walked slowly from their quarters to the weyrbowl, finding the two riders waiting for them. Cosira smiled at her sister and pulled her into an affectionate hug.

"Hey, Bree. How are you doing?"

"I'm good, sis. How are you and Caylith?"

"We're doing well. Thank you for asking. I'm glad to have you here. We're really going to need you." She stopped, looking at her weyrmate and grimacing. Neither of her guests missed the expression or the exchange of glances. G'dened rolled his eyes toward the sky.

"Um, I asked you to meet me because we have a bit of a problem," Cosira resumed. She saw curiosity in T'sarl but saw her sister stiffen.

"We're out of weyrs designed for queens or bronzes. There are plenty of high weyrs on the side walls, but nothing appropriate for either of you. So, I'm going to have to ask you to share a weyr."

T'sarl snickered, smiling at the weyrwoman. "That's a problem?" he queried.

Breeana wasn't quite so forgiving of the situation. "Was this your idea?" she demanded, rounding on the Easterner. "This some kind of an inside joke?"

"How could it be my idea?" T'sarl protested. "I didn't know we were being assigned here until this morning."

"Don't give me that! You're in tight with M'kel. All you had to do was ask him."

"I didn't ask anything. He just called me in and said the wing was being reassigned. He's done this with us before, so I guess he figured we could handle it."

"Likely story," she snapped. "Why didn't he just bring his wing up here instead?"

"Bree!" the bronzerider protested, "He's the Weyrleader. He can't leave the Weyr for who knows how long? We don't know how long we're going to be here."

"He could have left the Weyr to you or any of the other wingleaders," she snapped. "He could have come up here and shacked up with Elysina for a few seven-days."

"She's D'rian's weyrmate," G'dened interjected. "That would not be a smart move."

"Never stopped her before."

Now Cosira stepped in. "Breeana, that is enough. T'sarl had nothing to do with this. We didn't even know what was happening until mid-morning."

"You stay out of this, big sister. T'sarl would do anything to try to get into my pants again."

"Didn't have to try too hard last time," came the sardonic reply.

The Fort queenrider turned bright red, her poorly aimed swipe missing the rider by a wide margin. Even as he started to run with her close behind him, everyone in the Weyr could hear her. "You'd better run, bronzerider! When I get through with you, you won't need a weyrmate! You won't be able to do anything with her if you do get one!"

As the voices faded, G'dened turned to his mate. "Uh, do we really want her here?"

"Nope," came the immediate reply, "but it's too late now."

The Weyrleader released a long hissing breath. "Just what I need. Another problem."

"Yeah," Cosira chuckled, "and that's not the worst of it.

The Weyrleader reached up to scratch at his cheek. He wasn't sure he liked the impish gleam in the woman's eyes. "That's not the worst of it?"

"Nope," she confirmed. "I never did assign them a weyr."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ista Weyr

Next Day

(November 12th)

It was an impressive sight. More than a thousand dragons, sitting on their own ledges or perched along the weyr rim, watched the ceremony taking place in the weyrbed. There, the riders of five weyrs stood in formation, their Weyrleaders and Weyrwomen standing at the front of the assembly, facing them, with a line of twenty-two bewildered young riders facing the leaders.

The aroma of roasting meats wafted from the cavern, making everyone present hope that the purpose of the gathering would be reached quickly, allowing the feast to begin. Cavern workers from both Ista and Eastern labored within, trying hard to have all ready for the huge assembly.

The nearly perfect acoustics of the weyrbowl allowed everyone in the Weyr to hear their words, even the quiet comment of the Istan Weyrleader to the Bendenite counterpart. "Let's do this quickly. Don't know about you, but I'm getting hungry,."

Subdued chuckles and laughs sounded throughout the group, getting a surprised and somewhat embarrassed smile from its speaker. With a shake of his head, the tall blond Weyrleader stepped forward.

"Fellow dragonriders, I think you for attending this day. We are here to honor those who gave their lives in the recent terrible Super Threadfall, and to acknowledge the efforts of a small group of surprising heroes.

"Just two days ago, we faced the heaviest Threadfall in the history of Pern. Five Weyrs rose together to face that threat, and those five Weyrs triumphed. However, we paid a heavy price for that victory. Forty-five of us left this world, giving their lives for the safety of Pern.

"During this battle, a young dragon and his rider were attempting to perform their assigned duty, to provide firestone to the second flight of Ista's dragons. Because of the depth of the thread, they could not find a way to reach that flight. The bronze looked down and saw a startling and frightening sight. Our most precious asset, the Queens of five Weyrs, flew in a single large wing. Of those fifteen golden beasts, eleven riders and dragons had already been either scored or laced.

"That bronze weyrling turned to the firestone sack its rider carried. When the rider followed his orders and said 'no', the dragon pushed his snout into the sack and ate the stone anyhow. After ensuring that he had enough to flame properly, the bronze glided downward and slid into the slot behind the queens. Following the bronze's example, twenty-three other dragons joined this impromptu wing, following the bronze's leadership.