Dreamer School


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They didn't need to say anything. There was nothing for me to write about them in that moment. They were complete.

Everything was still for a while, their hearts synchronizing like long lost lovers remembering a million lives past and a billion more yet to come.

Eventually, Sea broke the silence and Molly's heart sank as she knew what he was going to say, "the night's almost over Molly, you have to leave soon."

She sank her claws into his robe and lifted her head looking at him. It was too short of a time in paradise for her. She needed more. There was no way she could leave.

"I want to do it," Molly decided, "I want you inside me."

"I can't do that to you," Sea said, "I can't share this fate with you like that. You'd be mixed up with more than just me."

"I don't care, I need it," Molly said, "I'll do anything for you."

"Molly..." Sea said, he ran his hand along her hair and looked at all of her, he replaced her glasses on her face and she scrunched her freckled nose.

"A sentence, a word," Molly said, swallowing, "anything from you, I can't leave here without something of yours in me. This is my choice to make."

"What if I am just using you?" Sea said, "what if I targeted and lured you back here on purpose because you are so new to all of this? What if I am just taking advantage of you?"

"Then use me!" Molly said, she sat up in his arms and swiped some hair out of her face.

"There's nothing I can say to change your mind?" Sea said, "I don't know what the other two will do to you."

"Just a sentence then," Molly said, "it's all we have time for now anyway, what can a single sentence do?"

"Fine," Sea said, putting out his hand.

Molly placed her journal in his hands with a buzzing heart. Sea's journal floated over to her and butted against her to pick it up. She studied it. There was a small capital "M" with sharp serifs embossed in the center of it. Her hands quivered once as she lifted it from the platform. It was heavy in her grip, she hugged it into herself.

"Okay then," Sea said, "this is your final chance, are you sure you want this?"

Molly nodded and licked her lips.

Sea rubbed his hands on her surface and traced the "M" with a finger. Molly gasped, she could feel it. She looked at him startled. He opened her up.

Molly's entire everything bloomed open and she felt herself spread wide. His fingers were deep in the folds of her pages, he turned through her. Everything she was, flashed out in front of him. She was in his hands utterly. She felt like a single flower trembling in the center of a galaxy.

Sea turned to the two pages soaked in the rusty shades of her blood. He looked at her and Molly's lip quivered, her large black eyes began to burn with budding tears.

A raven feather quill was suddenly in his hand. He poked the tip of it into his left wrist and dragged it down his creamy, pale flesh, two inches. A thick black ink began to dribble out. He dipped the tip of his pen in a single drop of it and returned to the blood-stained pages of Molly' body and mind.

He wrote out three words in a tall, wonderful cursive into the cor of the page, "HEART OR DEATH."

Molly felt something like a giant wave of bliss flow through her and force its way out of her lips, "fuck... how did you know that?" Molly's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed into the couch, Sea's journal slipping out of her grip. Molly fell through the couch, she was falling into Sea's emerald eyes.


Molly was floating in a lake of her own blood in a white open space. Along one shore of the dark red lake, were her friends and family. Molly was reaching out, calling for help, she was drowning. But none of them wanted to get their pure white clothes stained.

Molly felt herself sinking deeper into the mire of her blood on the rug of her floor. She was crying and reaching out desperately, but no one budged in the crowd. Her mother was looking at her with disgust.

She was slowly sinking, sinking... sinking.

A fading Molly saw some movement from behind the crowd, someone was pushing through from the back to the front of the gathering. She saw a man in a black robe burst forth, shoving the white clothed people out of the way until he was at the edge of the lake. He quickly took off his robe and clothes and walked in towards the pale Molly at the center of the lake with a determined look on his face.

He came up to her and she felt his arms lift her up and hold her to his chest. The white of his nudity was stained in the dark blood of her despair up to his chin. But it didn't seem to bother him. Molly looked into his green eyes with awe as he carried her across the lake to the other side.

He walked with her in his arms, Molly reached up with a bloody hand and touched his face. He looked down at her and kissed her hand, smearing it across his lips and cheeks.

"Why?" She asked.

Sea looked at her confused, "because you're mine," he said.

"Yours?" Molly asked in a daze, tracing her fingers around the stubble on his chin and the red of his lips.

"You belong to me," Sea said.

"What about all this blood," Molly asked, "doesn't it scare you?"

"Your blood is my blood," Sea said, "everything of yours is mine. I would eat you alive if I could."

Molly pushed up her glasses, what was he talking about? She was horrible?

Sea laughed, "the way you push up your glasses or scrunch those freckles of yours when you think, god, it makes me want to tear you apart."

Molly gasped.

"I want to lick the sweat from the back of your slender neck where your hair lays against it, I want to learn what makes you scream and purr. I want to take every little pain you've ever felt and eat it for you. I want to wrap you in my wings and feel you sleeping soundly against my chest. I want to know all those dark thoughts that stain your eyes. I want to feel your claws in my skin. I want to shove my hand into your skinny chest and wrap my fingers around your heart and feel what makes it tick. I'm a greedy monster and I want you Molly. I want all of you. And I am taking you with me where I'm going, no matter the cost." He licked her blood from his lips. His eyes looked at her like two blistering, white stars.

His speech was like a cannon that had blown clean through her head. Her nipples hardened. She dug her claws into his chest and kissed him violently.

They fell to the ground on the other side of the lake and they were kissing through the blood. Molly lost anything that resembled control. All she knew was that she wanted this man.

He was trailing a tongue down her cherry lips and over her throat. She felt his teeth against her skin as he sucked her neck. The two of them moaned at the same time and Molly felt his vibrate through her neck and combine with hers forming one single oath in the night. He was suddenly in the middle of her chest and Molly gasped. His tongue and lips were on her nipples and the heat of his hunger was pressing hard into her right thigh. Her legs shook and her body shivered. Her hands ran though his dark, wild, musky curls and she smelled her fingers. God, it was too much.

His hand was exploring between her legs and she felt the unique talent his fingers possessed touching her directly in a fashion that drove her wild. She knew she was dripping and it embarrassed her immensely as he caressed her into a frenzy of blushing gasps, her embarrassment only made her wetter and she was beginning to lose herself in his touch.

"Please, please..." Molly begged as his finger dipped inside her at just the right moment, her mouth shot open and her head tilted back as her eyes darted wide. She lifted her head and grabbed his face, "look at me, look at me!"

He looked up at her from her breasts and those green thieves stole instantly into her gaze and he was inside her head. He took inventory of everything she had and bent her over a silky red bed in the dark, whipping her with his gaze, spanking her with his intense focus. He knew everything she was and he wanted it, and she gave him all of it. She spread her legs wider and he pulled the back of her hair and lifted her head, he leaned over her back and her arms began to shake, her tongue found his and her glasses were flung from her face as he whispered some terrible secrets in her ear and let her hair go with one last sucking bite on her juicy bottom lip. Molly screamed. She felt his hard member rub against the dark patch of her scented garden and she looked back at him, begging with her eyes and the tilt of her head. His eyes exploded into emerald infernos and tore into her big, dark voids the instant he penetrated her.

Now they were in a private forest in the night, next to a lake. She heard the frogs and smelled the grass. There was a thin sliver of moon in the blinking sky watching them. He was on top of her, he placed a lacy, cotton crown on her dark head and kissed her hard. He was thrusting deep inside her tight virginity, her breasts were rocking in tune with the movements of his hips against her. Their combined smells filtered into the misty air around them and Molly could smell herself on him. She dug her hands into the cold grass at her sides and wrapped her legs around him. She moaned and screamed his secret name.

He grabbed her chin and forced her to look into his burning jade flames and they were back on that black leather couch and Molly's frame was sinking deeper and deeper into its cushions with every one of his heated thrusts. Molly wrapped her legs tighter around his rear and tried her hardest to press her entire soul into his through her wetness. She ran her hands over his entire body, it was perfect in all the ways she would have never expected. She looked into his face, felt his hot breath, working hard on her. This was it, this what the thing she had always wanted. His forehead came down to touch hers and they stared into each other's souls. Their lips were as close as they could be without touching and they shared one breath, three words.

He slammed into her harder and she gripped him tighter, she could hear the sounds of her body sucking him in with wet claps. Their eyes were locked with tethers of words and their sweat glued their bodies into one animal. Molly dug her claws deep into the muscles on his back and watched the single wince of pain float over his face like a minor nuisance. She smiled devilishly and kissed him hard. Their tongues found each other and his kiss snapped her lock open and she felt herself climb closer towards infinity with every one of his powerful thrusts claiming more and more of her soul. Her body arched up into his and her soft sex clamped down on his hardness as she climaxed. She felt hot fire shoot into her and coil up her spine, forging a chain around her heart and a collar around her neck, in three simple words.

She clawed his back one last time as she fell into the wonderful bliss of his vast desire for everything that she was.

"I love you..." Molly whispered before she fell asleep under his panting weight.


She woke up in his arms, he was carrying her out his door and down the hall towards her room, she saw him reading the doors on both sides of the hallway until he found her name.

He owned her now. Body and soul.

It was something she felt deep inside her. Her journal was his now. He was free to do with her as he pleased, to fill her up with whatever he wanted.

She reached up and traced a sharp nail along his chin. He looked down at her.

"I see you're awake," Sea said.

Molly nodded, dreamily.

"She'll be back soon," he said.

He set her down on her bare feet and handed her journal back to her. Molly could still feel him inside her, the three words of him still making love to her.

Molly hugged her journal and backed up against the door with her name on it.

"Come in," Molly asked, "even for just a moment."

"I can't, I don't have the time," Sea said.

Molly's heart fell, she didn't want to say goodbye.

Sea looked at her. He came in close and Molly felt him press her into the door as he planted a deep kiss on her lips.

Molly's lip trembled and her knees were going weak. He released her lips and stared into her. He placed a hand on her neck.

"Sweet dreams," Sea said, and turned.

Molly watched him walk down towards his door and the shadow reappeared around him.

She sucked in her lips with a smile, tasting him one last time and turned to open the door.


Before her hand could grab the silver handle, something slammed into her from behind and forced her to the ground.

She saw the shape of Rebecca, no Claire, she guessed it was, hovering over her.

"You little creeping slut," Claire said, straddling her, "I knew you were going to be a problem, I know who you really are."

Molly saw Claire's eyes turn from pitch black holes into the swirling flames of a Dragon's eyes and scales rippled out along her body. Horns grew out her head like thick, rapid roots. An alligator-like tale dropped out behind her and twirled in the air.

"You think you can make a fool of me?" Claire said.

Molly tried not to stare into the Dragon Goddess' eyes, they were giant molten tunnels of crackling flame.

Claire moved her hands up to Molly's throat and began squeezing her thin neck. Molly swiped out her hand and dragged her claws across Claire's face.

"Ahh, you fucking cat!" Claire yelled in a girly scream that crackled and popped with sparks and flame. Claire reeled back from the pain, her one eye shut tight.

Molly slipped out from under her and stood. She hissed and felt fangs in her mouth. Molly growled and groaned, baring her fangs at Claire. She had lost control of herself and something else was in charge of her body.

There were doors in the hallway opening up and Molly heard the clacking of Patricia's heels as she ran towards them.

"What's going on?" Patricia yelled as she approached.

Molly stood with her claws out, ready to strike.

Patricia arrived, panting.

"Who- who are you?" She said to Claire, "and Molly, what is going on here?"

Claire turned to Patricia and pointed to Molly, "she couldn't control herself, Sea wrote himself into her! What kind of dense teacher are you?"

Patricia gasped and looked at Molly, "is this true Molly? How did you do it?"

Molly felt her timid self return and nodded bashfully, clutching her journal very tight, no one was going to take him away from her now.

"Gee..." Patricia shook her head, "this is no good."

She turned to Claire, "and why do you look so familiar? Wait, you're part of the Goddess that claimed him aren't you? That's why you're out here..." Patricia became lost in her thoughts about something.

"Yeah, and what good you've done as a teacher, letting someone as inexperienced as her bond with someone like my precious Sea, who has one pact already!" Claire said, poking a pointed nail into Patricia's chest.

"This is abnormal," Patricia said, swiping away Claire's stabbing finger and looking towards Molly, "we need to speak to The First Dreamer. Come now! Both of you."

"He better know how to fix your mess," Claire said, following after Patricia.

Molly followed slowly after Patricia and Claire, her chin on her purple journal.

Patricia stopped at Sea's door and knocked loudly, "everyone else back in your rooms!" The doors down the hall closed and it was just the three of them now in the hallway.

The door opened and Sea was there.

"Ah, Patricia," Sea said, only his two eyes were shining in the darkness of his room like binary stars in the void, "it's too late, I've already put myself in someone else." Molly saw Patricia blush, she wasn't sure if it was anger or something else.

"This isn't funny, Sea!" Patricia yelled, her voice squeaked out in a way that wasn't like what Molly usually saw of her.

Sea laughed.

"This poor girl doesn't know what you've done to her," Patricia said, "how could you take advantage of such a new student like that?"

He laughed again, "Poor girl? Do you think I'm an idiot? I know what the three of you are."

"Let's see what The First Dreamer has to say about this," Patricia said.

"Yes, let's go see the old man," Sea said and opened the door.

He stepped out as beautiful as ever and Patricia backed up from the angry black shadow swarming around him. Claire smiled slyly as she watched Patricia trying to avoid coming too close to Sea. They both seemed to ignore Molly.

Molly tried to trail as close to Sea as she could, she wanted to put her arm through his, but that dragon bitch's curse prevented her, Molly glared angrily at Claire, she was in the way. The four of them walked down the hall and into the stairway. She wasn't entirely sure what was going on, she looked at the nails on her hands, Claire's blood had disappeared. But what was that side of her that acted on its own in that moment?

They entered the courtyard with Patricia leading towards the giant tower just outside the front gates. None of them said anything. Molly kept her eyes on the back of Sea, he turned and looked at her. He winked. Molly blushed, she wanted to get him alone.

She felt like his pet now. Those three words had claimed her, bound her to him in ways she didn't understand. It made her want to giggle with a joyful madness.

They came to the bottom of the castle tower and Molly looked up, there was a single light on the top floor, it leaked out from a giant window into the mist of the clouds that crowned it.

"Let's go," Patricia said and opened the door to the tower.

They all stepped in.


The spiral staircase seemed to go on forever. There were statues of eagles and phoenixes lining the curving walls. Molly wanted to stop and catch her breath, but the others just kept going.

Molly looked out the windows and watched everything get smaller the further they went up the stairs. It was starting to make her a little dizzy, so she stopped looking out the stone portals and focused on the three figures ahead of her.

They finally reached the top and a white light was flickering under the thick wooden door and across the grey stone of the floor at their feet.

Patricia knocked nine times and the door unlocked on squeaky hinges, the brass loop of a handle jingled as it slowly crept open.

There was an old man the size of a bus in a red robe sitting on an equally large wooden throne. The night breeze blew in through the window behind him and made the tip of his drooping, pointed cap dance. There was a tall, bright lantern next to him. He seemed to be just waking up as his guests approached. He closed a book he had sitting on his massive lap and placed his wrinkled hands on top of it.

"Ahhh," he said, his voice booming out gently. He wore a knowing smile on his face above his white beard. His eyes shone with a great sparkle of life.

"Your Lordship, The First Dreamer, we are in need of your guidance," Patricia said, bowing.

Molly followed in behind meekly, was she in trouble with this old man? She looked up at the immensity of him, she hoped not.

The four of them stood at the Giant old man's feet.

He cleared his throat with a couple good hacking coughs and adjusted the light on his lantern by closing one of the shields on it, to dim the light in the room enough for the guests to look up at his face without being blinded.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" The old man said.

"Your Lords-" Patricia tried to start up.

"Not you, Patricia," the old man said, "my son here, tell me what you've learned."

Molly watched confusion sweep over Patricia as Sea stepped forward and knelt before the old man.

"The First Dreamer, The King of Hermits, The Hermit King, Old Sleeper, Grand Dirty Old Man, Star Chaser, Dream Reamer, MC PRIME," Sea began, "after countless hours and hundreds of thousands of words, I've finally narrowed it down to these three. These are the three young Goddesses running amok in my house."