Drip-Fed Pt. 09


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Reysha reached into her bag and pulled out a strip of Steproot wood, shoving it into her mouth while she watched Nudru slowly march through the darkness. For her and Apexus' cat eyes, the night wasn't too big of an obstacle. Making out both his slowly shrinking form and his destination was easy.

It was another abandoned resting place, not too different from the one the trio was currently occupying. A clearing in the forest with numerous spots where a tent would be safe from rain and a central circle of stones around a fairly sizable firepit. Whatever group had used this place once upon a time had been fairly sizable, between seven and ten people. A small wooden wall had been used to make a house from the overhang of a giant boulder. A house the two debt collectors sat in front of, playing some dice game on a table, illuminated by candlelight.

They didn't seem too bothered with their own safety and had a familiarity with this place. As Apexus correctly guessed from that, this was a regular place they used when they had to stay in the area.

Reysha swallowed the strip she had been chewing on and immediately shoved a new one in there. While she would have liked to say that she was only eating to make sure she was in top condition, that wouldn't have been half the truth. Her jaws worked continuously, clenching beyond healthy degreed, making her teeth hurt and only increasing the intensity with which her heart pumped.

Crouching, she tried to remain calm outwardly, if nothing else. Something that, to her two lovers, gave away her nervousness more than anything else. The tiger girl just didn't stare that concentratedly at a target under normal circumstances. She just did things as they came to her. While that had been somewhat compromised the past few months, this amount of singular focus was odd for even in these bad times.

"Can you hear them?" Aclysia asked her two beloved companions. Both of their acute ears were raised and waiting.

Apexus watched the movement of the man's hand. It looked like he was throwing the dice, but he heard nothing. "No," he quietly answered and turned his ears to listen for any other sounds in the forest. "Think it's safe to get closer, what about you, Reysha?"

"I can smell someone sweaty from somewhere in that direction," she said and gestured towards the opposite end of the clearing.

"Do I understand correctly that they have their own back-up?" Aclysia asked.

"At least one really smelly guy, yes," Reysha answered. "But they seem rather awful at their job if they're dumb enough to stand with their backs to the wind. I think we can get a bit closer without issue."

Reysha took the lead, with Apexus right behind her and Aclysia hovering to avoid making any sounds herself. They made their way towards another brush and hid themselves. "Can you hear them now?" the metal fairy asked again, even quieter this time around.

"Yes," the chimeric slime answered, following first the roll of the dice and then the words that echoed out.

"And there is the star of the evening," said one voice. That was the previously annoyed man, now sounding a whole lot happier with life and generally exuding patience. "Take a seat, this doesn't need to be as ugly as our last encounter."

"T-thank you," Nudru answered and the third person at the table, the angry man, grumbled something. It was unintelligible, not because of the distance, but because there was barely a word in there to start with. Apexus watched that same brute gathering the dice from the table and put them in a leather cup. Just out of sheer boredom, he began to shake it, giving the conversation the backdrop of steady rattling.

"Now, do you know why we beat you to a pulp last time, Nudru?" the patient man asked.

"Because I owed you money?" the Scribe asked, thinking it would have been obvious.

"No, no, that is not the point," came the swift response. "If you had stayed where we could see you, we would have just come across your home every now and again and extract you until we got what we needed -- by non-violent means, as long as you played along. We're a professional syndicate in defiance of the 'civilized' law, not some kind military under the command of a robber baron. No, the entire reason why we had to beat you up was because you tried to run away. We cannot let anyone think they can get away with that. So, do us all a favour -- whenever you find someone else who tried to flee from us, tell them that we'll be a whole lot nicer if they spare us the trouble of finding them."

"I... I'll keep it in mind," Nudru said and yelped when he got a firm shoulder pat from the brute.

"Good lad," the much larger man said, before going back to shaking his dice.

"Now, I don't know or care who you made a deal with to get healed and the money in such a short amount of time," the patient fellow continued, "and neither do I care. You've gotten our warning, we will get our money and we'll just separate like civilized people. Whoever your benefactors are, we don't care to ever investigate them and they promise to never meddle in our turf, does that sound good?"

"Y-yes!" the Scribe answered, once more way too loudly. A small thud followed his words, when the bag was placed on the table. Money was presented and counted and, finally, the glove brought forwards. "W- I didn't manage to get all of the money yet. I hoped that glove would make up for the remaining ten silver."

The patient man hummed and appraised the glove, turning it in his hands. "Boss loot?" he asked.


"That will do then, our own boss likes his collections." There was a moment of hesitation and then the patient man grabbed two silver coins from the clean stacks and slid them back towards Nudru. "Let's say it counts for twelve, then you can at least feed yourself tomorrow." The patient man smiled and added, "Again, we're not animals. We run a business. Remind people of the fact that they only need to fear us when they cross us and nobody will need to get hurt, neither now, nor later. Sound good?"

Nudru nodded eagerly several times in a row and then jumped in his chair when the brutish man slammed the dice on the table. Reysha's body pulled together like a spring about to relax in a massive burst of energy. There was a raw laughter from both criminals, followed by some calming words and the large man beginning to throw the stacks of silver into a bag.

'Ask about the assurance!' Apexus shouted in his mind. Something that it took the meek Scribe another ten seconds to get to. He was almost as tense as Reysha still was.

"Uhm, what about the guarantee for my debt being paid?" he asked.

"Ah, yes," the patient man said and rummaged in his own bag and produced a single item. "Here you go," he said and placed it on the table.

"Uhm," Nudru looked down on it. "That's my old adventurer's card. I know I gave it to you as a countervalue but..."

"Yes, indeed," the patient man sounded amused by the evident confusion of his debtor. "How do you think we knew to search for you here in the first place? You signed a document made by a Contractor and you left us with an object that has your personal aura attached to it. Sure, it's not as accurate or easy as higher level solutions, but we wouldn't just hand out loans without some assurances on our end." He tapped on the card, created on a copper sheet, with three drops of blood and the magic of a Scribe. "Honestly, I don't think you're cut-out for the adventuring business if you don't think about things like this."

"Yeah... yeah, I agree," the Scribe sighed and sunk down, while the two men stood up. "T-that's it?"

"That's it," the patient man responded and stretched. "We have some other business in town, but that's none of your concern. If you ever come across us again, act like you don't know us and we'll keep it the same. It's in everyone's best interest. Now, be on your way."

"Yes!" Nudru sounded downright ecstatic about that, practically jumping out of his chair and almost sprinting away.

The trio in the trees kept still, quiet and muscles tensed, all the way until Nudru arrived where they had originally parted. They looked back and forth between the Scribe they had helped and the men in the clearing. "Pfffff..." Apexus heard a tiny, amused sound, when they saw how the two men they already knew were joined by a few other individuals, just chatting. They grabbed the table and carried it into the house. "...hehehehe..."

Apexus and Aclysia both looked at Reysha just in time to see the tiger girl turn around and dart away from the clearing as quickly as she could run. They chased after her as quickly as they could. Given that Reysha was by far the quickest out of them when it came to short distances, that gave the tiger girl a considerable lead. Only when the fairy and the slime were in the air, they managed to keep up with her.

It wasn't a terribly long distance they bridged, a hundred metres or so, then the redhead suddenly collapsed on her knees and just exploded with laughter. Seemingly endlessly cackling, giggling, loud roars of enjoyment and all other kinds of laughter that existed poured from her mouth. She threw herself on her side, rolled around, kicked and punched the air until her stomach hurt and she had to clutch it, even as the maniacal sounds continued to echo in the forest.

"Ahahahaaaa..." one last loud series, then she managed to, just barely, inhale. "That was... hihihi..." she tried to say, when her two companions stood bowed over her in the warm, winter grass. "That was... so easy... pffff..." she giggled for another minute straight. Giggled and cried, felt truly alive for the first time in months. Felt like she had finally been aligned with herself again. "What in the name of the roots... what was I so worried about the entire time...? Why couldn't I just do things?!" Her laughter continued, but was overtaken by tears of relief and confusion. "Why wasn't I able to be myself? That's just so stupid!"

"It may have been stupid, but now you laughed again," Apexus said and kneeled down, smiling himself, as he hugged her. "I like it when you laugh, Reysha. It's loud and carefree and wild. I love you and want to hear you being happy and so I like it when you laugh. I missed it."

"Psh," Reysha let out a mocking sound through the tears and cackled again. "I... urgh, I don't even..." she stopped trying to answer, just embraced him back and gladly included Aclysia when she kneeled down as well.



As always: skippable scene, know only that Reysha got her sex drive back.

"W-where should I go?" Nudru asked.

"I don't fucking know, just stay wherever you lived before I found you! It's not even been a week, I'm sure you can still get in," Reysha told him while she shoved him out the door. "Come back tomorrow morning or something, if you feel sentimental or something like that! I need privacy right about now, privacy!"

The Scribe was completely removed from their home and the tiger girl slammed the door shut behind him. Then she turned around and stared at the slime and the angel, both tilting their heads quizzically. Of the two, Apexus' confusion cleared first and almost immediately, seeing the ravenous glimmer in Reysha's blue-in-dark-grey eyes. Aclysia only managed to add two and two together when the redhead started fidgeting with the bindings on her armour and slipped out of it as quickly as possible.

"I will light a few candles," Aclysia hastily announced. She had originally bought them to help with her own lack of night vision, cheap as they had been, but rarely ended up using them. Now, however, she was incredibly glad she had them. They weren't large, but that only made it easy to scatter them around the room. Soon, the soft golden glow filled enough of the windowless cabin that the nightly darkness was held at bay.

Apexus saw the flickering dance over the light brown curves of his tiger girl lover. He had never forgotten how beautiful her body was. That wild, red hair, that smooth skin with the darker stripes symmetrically covering her curvy form. Breasts and hips had a nice balance to them, with a narrow waist in the middle holding a flat and athletic midriff. She may have slouched a bit the past few months, but not enough to put on any fat or lose a considerable amount of muscle. As an adventurer, magic sustained a considerable amount of her shape anyhow.

Her red and black tail was raised high, an instinctive movement to prevent it getting in the way of what should naturally follow her stripping down. Tiny bumps on her chests signalled where her nipples were on her moderately large breasts. Although she felt the beginnings of excited wetness between her legs, it wasn't enough to create a stripe in the cloth. She didn't plan to wait until it did, getting rid of her undergarments as well and standing completely naked before Apexus, only wearing a smile.

Although the tiger stripes covered all of her, from the ankles all the way up to her face, the highest two stripes stretching over her eyes like permanent warpaint, they remarkably stayed clear of her crotch area. There, the only decoration was a neatly trimmed amount of pubic hair, high enough to not surround any of her brownish pink pussy lips, the colour harmonizing with her body.

Throughout all the time she had spent wishing to feel lust again, she hadn't stopped preparing for the moment she would. The only hair on her body was that trimmed triangle and the scarlet on her head, flowing all the way down to the middle of her back.

"Darling," Apexus heard the sweet voice of his beloved angel. He didn't even need to turn his head, the pale woman stepped next to the delicious, caramel skinned redhead. She was just as smooth and didn't even have that hair between her legs. The only parts of her that interrupted the flawless white of her bottom-heavy form was that pretty pink pussy, the full light pink of her nipples and pillowy lips, the light green of her eyes and the black parts of her moth-like wings.

The rest of her pear-shaped body was a perfect canvas for the golden light. Apexus loved the little shadows that formed around her petite, perky breasts and even more he loved the way the light accentuated her wide hips. They would be perfect for bearing offspring, which spoke to some of the most basic of Apexus' instincts, and her perfect, round and firm ass was enabled thanks to those hips.

She was a tad taller than Reysha, a fact almost neutralized by the fact that her white hair sat quite flat on her head, especially around the top, where it naturally flowed backwards. It fell down to the lower end of the base of her wings, around the tip of her shoulder blades. Pointy, elf-like ears prevented her hair from falling forwards, leaving her angelic face unframed.

One of his girls was ordered, the other chaotic, both were extremely beautiful and both were in love with him and only him. "I feel it again," Reysha purred and spread her pussy with two fingers of her left hand. A drop of love juice slowly dripped out, holding on a gooey strand for a long while before properly falling. "I finally feel it again. Apexus, I need you to fuck me."

Apexus' ears turned a few times to make sure Nudru wasn't still hanging around the house, then he grabbed his mask and his robe and did away with them as quickly as he could. "Get on the bed," he commanded, seeing no reason to do this anywhere else but the most comfortable part of the house.

Excited by his deep voice, they obeyed in a hurry. Both laid down on their sides, showing Apexus their backsides, as he went on the lower side of the bed. Aclysia's ass was absolute perfection from every angle, but Reysha's bubble butt was not far removed from it. By its colour and the way two stripes that curved from her sides towards the lower end of her spine framed it, in addition to the animalistic look of her slowly swaying tail, it was its own work of art.

This was the first time they would have sex in several months. Indeed, the last time they had all felt the need and had the time to indulge in each other's bodies had been all the way back before Apexus had been 'killed'. Something that only momentarily blipped up in the slime's mind, realizing that he had never used this new shape to pleasure his women before.

Now made curious, he reached out and took a handful of each of their butts. He couldn't believe how fantastic the feeling was. Touching those things with his tentacles had already been glorious, but feeling the squishy, soft meat spill between his fingers was a whole other level. It was as if human hands were made to caress bubble butts. He kneaded and grabbed and enjoyed the little giggles and gasps that came from the two in return.

It was little more than curious foreplay. "Where are your tentacles, big guy?" Reysha asked with a lustful sigh, while Apexus enjoyed the tactile sensation of running his hands over flawless skin, towards the two women's breasts. It may have been just curious foreplay, but Apexus wanted to satisfy that curiosity before he moved on. It had been long and he would be thorough.

"I have better control now," he told the tiger girl. Whether it was the months of celibacy, an increase in power or simply age, the breeding tentacles didn't just sprout uninvited anymore. That wasn't to say he was any less horny however.

He took hold of their breasts and their breathing accelerated. There was less to play with there, particularly with Aclysia. Apexus couldn't help but wonder what really big tits would feel like under these hands. What he had distracted him from such thoughts. Although not much to play with, what was there was still soft and sensitive, as more and more moans made clear. Especially when he played a little bit with their nipples.

Soon, his curiosity in this regard was sated and another thing he wanted to try took hold in his mind. Something that had been Reysha's idea and, rightfully, he should try it on her first. Still, he hesitated to just go ahead.

"Please her first," Aclysia suddenly said, as if reading his thoughts. Smiling, she earned a surprised look from Reysha. "To celebrate your advances in recovery and because you're dear to me, Reysha," the metal fairy whispered, before leaning down and kissing her sensually. It had been the tiger girl who had taught the angel to kiss and now she fully got to enjoy that, as light pink and dark lips opened wide, creating wet sounds between two tongues.

Apexus smiled as best he could, while making his way back down the bed. By grabbing one of her soft legs, he turned her on her back. Her tail jumped excitedly on the mattress, but she didn't yet know what was actually about to happen. Apexus leaned between her legs and opened his mouth as wide as he could. A singular tendril, formed in his mouth cavity, stretched out and began to vibrate audibly, thanks to the connection to the Speaking Plates.

There was a drawn out, muffled moan, that only grew louder when Apexus licked up her cunt and ended at her clit. His reward was a sudden tensing of her entire body and a lustful shout, still suppressed by the ongoing kiss. Pussy juice flowed in much higher quantities now and Apexus happily let that liquid seep through his membrane. It tasted sweet and salty, the later courtesy of the fact that Reysha hadn't washed since noon and her earlier running outburst.

He didn't mind any of it, relished in it even. Although she didn't have the taste of a successful hunt, there was something even more satisfying than simple nutrients to her. Love and the lust of sex. Although Apexus was still infertile by his own choice, reversible at any point, his entire system was designed to reward the act of procreation and anything associated with it with pleasure.

Unable to keep to teasing her, his faux-tongue pressed into her. It was longer than any humanoid tongue, nimbler than any human tongue, could be however girthy he wanted it and it vibrated. Apexus used all of those attributes to put into effect a lesson he had learned by watching the two women caress each other: that the way he used his limbs was even more important than the raw size of them. Although size could certainly help.