Drow's Dilemma Ep. 115: Conspiracies

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There's much planning to be done.
7.2k words

Part 16 of the 58 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/29/2019
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Author's Note:

A Drow's Dilemma began as a one-on-one roleplaying project and has been converted into a chapter-by-chapter format for weekly posting with the permission and assistance from my partner. It will contain a considerable amount of sexual themes such as femdom, lesbian, straight, 'reverse' rape, BDSM, group sex, romance, and other themes. The main goal of the story, however, is to tell an epic tale of adventures, gods and goddesses, fae, and nymphomaniacs. This episode and every episode to come will be available for free on Literotica for the foreseeable future. All characters that engage in sexual or suggestive situations are mentally and sexually mature: the human equivalent of 18 for their race.


Episode 115: Conspiracies

While Caleldir was having a wild foursome with two succubi and a foreign noblewoman, a different scene was going on in Risa's Dimension. Once Ashyr, Selene, and Tsabdrin were inside, Althaia called a meeting. Her concerned look was enough to give the others pause.

"I am afraid that the ambassador was not human," she began. "While her knights are mostly Lawful or True Neutral humans and her Scribe is a Chaotic Good human sorceress/warlock with... enhancements, the ambassador herself is a Lawful Evil demoness. A succubus of enormous power, to be precise. Perhaps not as powerful as Dahlia, but it is very concerning to find a succubus in that position. It says things about the state of affairs in Clachleom that worry me greatly."

After this speech, Ashyr was the only one who didn't look particularly concerned. She was also the only one who had words to speak. "We... may have already been informed that there's been some infiltration," Ashyr said a little sheepishly. They hadn't kept Althaia in the loop as much as they should have. "Eh, our live-in succubi seem to be decent enough. Perhaps we can get Dahlia to find out what's going on over there. Maybe Clachleom has good relations with a Seduction over there like we have good relations with ours."

"...maybe." Selene finally said in response to Ashyr. She didn't sound convinced, though. "From what I gathered from the country during my brief time there, a good deal of the citizens would not like discovering how closely their queen is dealing with those demons."

"Indeed." Althaia nodded. "An infiltration is exactly what I suspect. A hostile takeover, even. Especially when combined with Clachleom's rather complex political situation and succession crisis." She sighed. "A powerful neighbor being taken over by demons when we cannot afford an enemy from the back..." She shook her head. "I think that we need a scout to send to Clachleom and investigate. Someone who is an expert at stealth and information gathering. Someone who is an expert fighter, with a certain degree of magical ability and resistance."

Althaia turned to the rest of the group. "Well? I am being too paranoid here?"

"It would be smart simply to know what our neighbors are doing- Whether they're up to something or not, Ashyr. But in my experience, they're always up to something," Selene agreed with Althaia. "And relying on Dahlia to tell us everything we need to know... downright idiotic."

"The Blackdawns have been over there. Why not just rely on their information? From what I've seen of them, they are a truthful, trustworthy lot," Ashyr asked. She looked as if she wanted to interrupt her cousin before, but Selene was getting that stubborn set to her jaw again.

"They have their own agenda. It would be better for one of our own. One... like you, Tsabdrin." Selene's stern crimson eyes met widening blue.

"Me?" he asked, looking consternated.

"You fit Althaia's description, brother."

"Actually, Selene is right. You really do. You're a ranger, Tsabdrin. Wouldn't you like to go ranging again?" Ashyr said, seeming to warm to the idea. Her ranger cousin needed something to do other than play secondary caregiver to the children who would do well enough with Risa alone.

Althaia hesitated for a moment. She knew that Tsabdrin did have those qualifications, but Abanonda did as well. But if Selene and Ashyr thought Tsabdrin should go, and it would be good for his mental well-being to be useful... Aha! This was the perfect time to enact her plan to reward Tsabdrin for everything and get his mind off the past. "Tsabdrin is almost perfect, but I am afraid that he does have one issue." She turned to him. "You will be dealing with succubi, most likely, and ones of a level of power that will have no trouble at all ensorcelling you. So, I do not think that you should go alone. Do you mind taking on a few apprentices?"

"That was exactly what I was going to say!" Tsabdrin said in a protesting tone. "If it's succubi we're dealing with, I could get nabbed by- Wait, a few apprentices?" he asked, his mind finally catching up to the second part of Althaia's words. "I... do not know how apprentices would help me avoid succubi. If anything... well, if anything they would slow me down, don't you think?"

"The apprentices that I am talking about are mine," Althaia explained. "Young Nymphs, about a year or so younger than I am: born Nymphs like me. I trained them in the paladin arts but they want to study the ranger arts as well. Since they are already trained in the most essential of the Paladin arts, they will not be vulnerable to succubus magics. Since they are Nymphs, they are naturally stealthy and good with animals. So it will be more the combat arts and scouting techniques that you would need to teach."

"It would be difficult to train people and be on a mission," Selene agreed, brow furrowed. "Abanonda would perhaps be a better fit as a scout, but as a scout for Duskhaven? She would answer to Blackdawn first."

"They could both go!" Ashyr said with a rather sly grin that only widened when Tsabdrin began to look self-conscious. "I'm sure it would do good things for house relations."

"We could send either, but I do not think both," Althaia said. "I was thinking about sending Abanonda to scout originally and having you here to keep an eye on Caleldir, Tsabdrin - as I fear that with increased succubus presence Dahlia might decide that they are powerful enough with allies from Clachleom (which may well be being ruled by a succubus Domination) to try to kidnap and incubize him - but on further reflection, the reverse might be a better idea. Abanonda can bodyguard Caleldir with some of my Nymphs who want to learn her arts, and you can go to Clachleom with some of my Nymphs that want to learn yours."

She smiled dazzlingly. "Thoughts?"

"Nymphs," Tsabdrin said, mulling the word over.

"Yes, Nymphs. As you know, with a bit of the Paladin Arts, they become very dangerous." Althaia grinned. "I think you will enjoy having them around."

"Dahlia, band with a Domination? To incubize Caleldir? Bah, can they even do such a thing in his current state?" Ashyr questioned while Tsabdrin thought Althaia's proposal over. "I don't think she's going to try that any time soon."

"We would be fools to assume that that isn't her ultimate goal," Selene retorted thoughtfully. "But Ashyr is right. Goelon would not be turned into an incubus, I would think. The curse would stop things. But, once we purify Deusterra, a bodyguard may be necessary." Selene's lips then twisted in distaste. "Only, maybe not another female. She will inevitably fall in love with Caleldir, and you know how he can't resist a woman in love with him. I'm uncomfortable enough as it is with Ashyr's letting him couple with the women he's already done so with."

Althaia looked thoughtful. "That is true, Goelon would be impossible to turn; he is the wrong alignment, too powerful, too angry, and already dead. They would have trouble getting Goelon out of Caleldir. But I still worry about what Dahlia might have planned, especially with powerful allies." She sighed. "Once Deusterra is purified. I think that we should put this 'Caleldra' as his bodyguard since she was his old apprentice, is very powerful, and will be following him around anyway, most likely. So, if Abanonda is a no go, then I will be content to trust that Dahlia will not make a move before the curse is lifted. Plus, Abanonda is already in love with Caleldir, so the probability of her having sex with him if she is his bodyguard is roughly 100%, so Selene's point is well made. I do not mind her having a few tastes, but I understand how that rankles you, Selene. Unless Ashyr has another thought on the matter? It is your call in the end, Matron."

"Yeah, 'Caleldra' is not going to leave Caleldir alone anyway. I think we may have to put up with her permanently, Selene," Ashyr said, though she didn't look disappointed about this eventuality. "Abanonda in love with Caleldir, you say?" Ashyr asked, leaving the topic of Caleldra for a later time when it was more pertinent. "I know she lusts after him, but you think full-on love?"

"Love, lust, eh." Althaia shrugged. "She has both but disconnected. She loves him platonically rather than romantically, but strongly lusts after him as well. It is creating some dissonance in her. Also, as far as I can tell just from my observations of her, she is a bit averse at the moment about getting involved with someone who is already so divided in his attentions."

Ashyr chuckled. "Maybe we can let her at him after all."

"Ashyr," Selene said in an almost whining tone. "He's pulled a hundred ways as it is!" The mage was clearly jealous. "Give her temporary leave if you must, but I'm really uncomfortable with more drow being permanently attached to him. Seriously, if it was just me and you..." Selene glanced at Althaia. "... and Althaia and Risa, it would be perfect. But now Caleldra and who knows who else?"

"Alright, alright Selene. I think the more the merrier. You, Althaia, and Risa are as much my lovers as Caleldir is. But if it really makes you uncomfortable..."

"It does! Althaia, why don't you do something like give Abanonda your nymphs to train? Then she can still be around, but she'll be busy with other things," Selene suggested, proving that she was listening to the other part of the conversation. Her brother, however, still seemed deeply thoughtful.

"I plan on giving Abonanda two or three of my nymphs to train regardless. The only difference being if she is guarding Caleldir then her nymphs will also be around to protect him from succubi." Althaia also had other reasons for wanting Nymphs around Caleldir but decided to not broach that topic just yet. She looked pensive. "As I said, I leave the decision to Ashyr as to how to proceed. I cannot give my fully unbiased judgment here. But... that said..." The nymph took a deep breath. "I talked to Lord Blackdawn about various subjects and he did mention that their family would be enormously pleased if one of their members was close to Caleldir in some regard. They have a rather complicated history there. They would definitely not be averse to a relationship between Tsabdrin and one or more of the women of their House, though. So, I guess if you think Abanonda would be best with Tsabdrin, we can ask for Blackdawn to send another of their females as an apprentice to Caleldir who can keep an eye on Dahlia."

Selene didn't look happy about this either. "Another one would be sent?" The heavily pregnant drow fidgeted. No, it made sense. Someone had to be here for the sake of House relations since Blackdawn and Duskhaven were so new to each other and needed to work so closely. "Then she will become enamored with Caleldir and things will be as they are," she predicted gloomily.

"You have attached yourself to the most coveted man in the country, Selene. I'm afraid you'll have to get used to this," Ashyr said with a grin.

"Indeed," Althaia agreed. "The problem with Caleldir is that he is some sort of Demigod, and the closer he gets to realizing his potential as one, the more magnetic he becomes. But as far as how succubi, rusalka, and, well, nymphs are attracted to him, it seems out of all proportion. Presumably, Valkyries would feel the same if there were any around. But no matter."

"Well, thankfully we don't get many Valkyries so far south," Selene said with a deep sigh. "I don't need- ahem, we don't need a whole other race of people interested in our Caleldir." She blinked, smiled, then put Ashyr's hand on her swollen stomach. "She's kicking." The smile on Ashyr's face indicated that she felt it too.

"Anyway, Althaia, my decision: Abanonda stays here, trains a few nymphs (if she is up for it), and can informally guard Caleldir until the cleansing. Tsabdrin, you've been quiet. I approve of your mission and the training scheme, but I won't force you if you can't stand the idea," Ashyr decided.

Tsabdrin looked conflicted. "I... do admit that my allosauruses and I have been feeling antsy recently. Especially them. They're big enough to be ridden, you know, and would usually have far more land to roam. As for nymphs..." He looked over to Althaia. "I think it will be possible for me to train one or two. I'm not used to training people, so more than that is out of the question."

"The sisters I am thinking of will be perfect for you, then. Two sisters, a year apart in age. Highly talented. Good with animals, of course, so your Allosauruses should not have any trouble with them."

"Sisters," he said, referring to the nymphs. "Alright. Fine. I will not object. When they're ready, I'll be in the stables out in Duskhaven Manor making some preparations." With that, he stood up and made his way out of the room.

Althaia took her leave immediately after Tsabdrin did, striding out with a look of purpose on her lovely face.

And so, about an hour passed, and Althaia and two shorter women appeared at the stable. Althaia was in her usual outfit these days: a mostly modest white dress, but her two companions were a bit of a sight.

Both of them were small for nymphs, one about five foot three and one five four, with larger eyes than average. They were clearly sisters, with typical pale skin, deeply red-brown hair, like mahogany or iron-rich river mud, and river-weed green eyes that darted around mischievously. The taller one had slightly smaller breasts and slightly narrower hips, but both were as heart-stoppingly gorgeous as Nymphs always were.

They were dressed rather impractically by combat standards, wearing what amount to loose leather micro skirts that barely went lower than their butts and cleavage-baring leather bras that managed to show the majority of their torso and push up their breasts, with leather boots and bracers. It managed to be more indecent than mere nudity. They had large bows and quivers at their backs and long, slender blades at their sides. "Tsabdrin! Please meet Phaile and Nekaia. They are anxious to meet you as well."

"Lovely to meet you, Sir," Phaile, the taller one, said in a sweetly musical voice.

Tsabdrin looked upon the nymph's outfits with disapproval (and arousal, but that was to be expected with nymphs). "I know that the weather doesn't normally hinder you, so wearing clothes for warmth isn't necessary... but these outfits hardly look protective enough for combat and other forest hazards."

Then he shook himself. "Forgive me, Phaile and Nekaia. It is good to meet you," he said in a more formal tone that spoke of his noble breeding.

The two young nymphs laughed, while Althaia smiled and shook her head. "We are nymphs. The forest holds no power to harm us, no matter what we wear. As for combat..." She took a deep breath. "Well, our beauty is our armor. If we conceal it, we are vulnerable."

"Exactly!" Nekaia said cheerfully, swiveling her hips to the side and thrusting out her chest. "I am more protected in this than I would be in plate armor! The only reason we wear clothes at all is because we need something to hang our weapons on!"

"And because certain body parts are supposed to be covered, for some stupid reason," Phaile added.

Tsabdrin looked suspicious. But nymphs did laze around the wilderness completely naked as a rule, so he was ready to accept the excuse after some thought. "Fine, fine. But if we are to infiltrate any settlements, we need to have 'normal' looking outfits. So be prepared to not always enjoy showing much skin."

"Understood, then. 'Normal' outfits." Phaile said seriously. The way she accented 'normal' seemed to imply that she had no intention of not dressing scandalously. Then again, unless the nymphs wore bags over their whole bodies, they would not be able to wear anything that would not draw a lot of attention.

Tsabdrin cleared his throat, not knowing what else to say. Those 'outfits' were rather distracting. "Um. So. I guess I'll be ready to head out tomorrow or whenever it is you two are able to leave with me." He looked to Althaia. "Do... they have rooms to stay in or...? Oh! And you'll need to meet Tooth and Nail. I think, if they have the scent of you, they won't attack when I'm not around." He turned to his two reptiles, who eyed the nymphs with curiosity and not a hint of hostility.

Althaia chuckled. "Tsabdrin, I just sent two nymphs to learn from you. They will stay in your bed."

"Naked! And you will be naked too," Nekaia said cheerfully. "After all, if we are too stressed all day, how can we concentrate on learning anything?"

Phaile nodded. "Exactly. We look forward to really getting to know you." Her tone was sweet and innocent as if she was talking about picking flowers or eating dessert.

"And maybe some pretty human women in Clachleom!" Nekaia smiled and nodded.

"I told you not to do that. If we are going to be civilized, we need to learn to control ourselves." Althaia said dryly, although there was an affectionate twinkle in her eyes as the sisters looked visibly disappointed. "Anyway, I leave you to these two, Tsabdrin. Have fun!" She cheerfully strolled away.

"Right. Of course," Tsabdrin said to Althaia, his finger and thumb pinching the bridge of his nose. Somehow, it hadn't quite occurred to him that his nymph apprentices would expect more from him than wisdom. But now that it was mentioned, it was obvious. Althaia had practically given him wives. Tsabdrin wasn't sure what to think about this. Probably shouldn't think about it too much, really.

The sisters closed in on Tsabdrin with somewhat feral looks on their faces. "So, Tooth and Nail?" Phaile said, glancing over at the dinosaurs for a moment. "They are quite beautiful. I will enjoy getting to know them. Maybe riding them."

"So will I," Nekaia said, licking her lips as she reached out to run a hand over Tsabdrin's chest.

"Somehow, I don't think you're too interested in my animal companions right now." Tsabdrin said dryly. "There are times when you need to concentrate, though." His voice was as stern as he could make it while a stunningly beautiful woman was caressing him. He tried to channel his father's look whenever he needed to be firm with his children apprentices, to moderate success. "Help me pack, and then we can... ahem... get to know each other in my - our - room."

Phaile and Nekaia pouted for a moment, before bursting out giggling. "Of course there are times we need to concentrate," Nekaia said easily. "And we are aware of what times those would be."

"We can help you pack so you can concentrate, though," Phaile added.

The nymph sisters were flirtatious but well able to combine sexual teasing with effectiveness. They themselves seemed to be unconcerned with packing much, though. They seemed to be of the opinion that they could find food and water anywhere, which was probably true, and that they could just make campsites out of nature, which was also true for them.

Tsabdrin, however, was used to the days of poor hunting in the Underdark and the plains to the south. As a result, he made sure to pack enough supplies to hold them over for a week, should an emergency happen. Maybe it was unnecessary, but it made him feel more comfortable. He was able to (mostly) focus on practical things, though the nymph sisters were distracting (seriously, were those outfits really THAT necessary?).