Drow's Dilemma Ep. 130: Surprise

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Caleldir finally meets Gailwen.
7.2k words

Part 31 of the 58 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/29/2019
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Author's Note:

A Drow's Dilemma began as a one-on-one roleplaying project and has been converted into a chapter-by-chapter format for weekly posting with the permission and assistance from my partner. It will contain a considerable amount of sexual themes such as femdom, lesbian, straight, 'reverse' rape, BDSM, group sex, romance, and other themes. The main goal of the story, however, is to tell an epic tale of adventures, gods and goddesses, fae, and nymphomaniacs. This episode and every episode to come will be available for free on Literotica for the foreseeable future. All characters that engage in sexual or suggestive situations are mentally and sexually mature: the human equivalent of 18 for their race.


Episode 130: Surprise

Gailwen Goldstar, the aasimar merchant from the southeastern Byzromine Empire, had not taken the opportunity to move into Port Afron despite being free to do so. Instead, she had been content to continue plying her businesses at the outlying towns and small docks away from the main metropolis. After all, this was where her contacts were.

At night, she slept in the small apartment above her warehouse. One of these days she would buy an actual house, but for now, she would just pour all that money into her business.

And security. One could not be too careful in these lands. Which was why she woke

up every few hours to do a quick check of the perimeter. Clad in her long, modest nightgown, she strode through the dark warehouse, light floating around her, making sure all windows and doors were secure.

In the darkness, a soft noise began to swell. At first, it sounded like wind brushing against the waters of the river. Then the sound of a woman's voice became increasingly distinct. It was a mournful song of tragedy and heartbreak: the sound of a woman who had lost all hope and sought to literally drown her sorrows.

The song's luring nature was twofold. It had a magical quality too, of course. All who heard it were drawn in... except for those who had been lulled into a magical slumber by a certain blonde fae. The only one left awake was Gailwen. If she had been an ordinary merchant, she would have instantly fallen underneath the rusalkas' sway. As she was, though, she was a Light-Elven Aasimar paladin blessed by the heavens, and highly resistant to mental manipulation.

Of course, when she heard the music she went anyway. Out of worried curiosity. She drew her sword, did not bother to get her armor, and ventured forth to investigate.

There on one of the smaller docks, lit by the pale light of a full moon, knelt a tragically beautiful woman. Her well kept crimson red hair and moderately embroidered emerald green dress marked her as a successful merchant or a daughter of one. She stared out at the river forlornly as she sang a soft song of heartbreak in a foreign dialect of common. The woman didn't seem to notice when Gailwen exited her place of business nearby.

Although Gailwen did not know about the rusalka, she had suspected a siren, a mermaid, or a banshee; when she saw an ordinary-looking human woman, she stopped, confused. She did not even appear evil! Gailwen dropped her guard and approached the girl.

"Your song is beautiful, but you seem distressed," she said in a gentle tone.

The red-haired woman twitched in genuine surprise, having apparently lost herself in the words of the song so much that she didn't hear the other woman's approach. She turned her tear-stained face to look at who approached. "Distressed?" She asked mournfully. "Yes, I suppose you could say that I am." The woman looked back out at the waters. "I... I must leave these lands soon. I thought that I would welcome such a thing... but I must now leave the father of my unborn here." Her voice dropped to an almost inaudible whisper. "I find myself at an uncertain edge..."

Gailwen melted a bit. She took a seat next to the red-haired woman. "I do not know the details of the situation," she said gently. "But it seems to me that, if you would rather stay with the father of your unborn, you should try to do so. What sort of man is he? Is he someone worth staying with? Does he want you to stay? Why must you leave?"

She listened to the other woman's questions in silence, her tearful eyes still gazing out at the moonlit waters.

"What sort of man?" she murmured after a few stretched-out moments of thought. "He seems an honorable, worthwhile man. Only, I know that that cannot be true. My sisters know. And he does not want me to stay. He wants me to leave this place with my family. I must be with my family. Family is the only worthwhile thing. Or so they say," she explained, her words as halting and confused as her mind

"He seems to be an honorable man," Gailwen said with narrowed eyes. "And yet, he did not marry you to have sex with you. That does not sound honorable to me. Does he know that you are pregnant? Does he not want to raise his own children? And your sisters, if they say that he cannot be honorable, but you think that he might be, are you wrong, or are they? How much do you trust them? I think that they may be right in saying that he is not worth it, but you seem less certain. Why do you seem uncertain?"

The first question, Mirjana knew, would have an awkward answer for the obviously good aasimar beside her. It might scare her off, which was the opposite of what she wanted. Thankfully, there was a deluge of other questions she could answer. "He knows I am pregnant and he has said before that he wants to be with his children. My sisters and I have to go back home, though, and he does not want to come with us. Though, I suppose I cannot blame him for that. My sisters are... overwhelming." To put it lightly. "And they think that no men are worthwhile, but I think they may be wrong. But my thoughts must be wrong because they go against everything I've been taught."

Gailwen leaned back, frowning as she thought over everything the woman told her. "Hmm... so you think that he might actually want to be with you, and you want to be with him, but your sisters do not want that, so they are sabotaging the relationship. Well, I think that if you can form a relationship with the father of your child, that would be best for the child. You should always do what is best for the child. And your sisters sound very toxic. It might be good for you to get away from them. Do you think that this man would treat you and your child better than your sisters would?"

The redhead hung her head and sighed. "The answer to that question is complicated. Would we be treated better? He would almost certainly be kinder and gentler. But would that be good for either of us? Wouldn't that cause us to become weak? I know that if I choose to stay, I can never go back home to my people. But what if that's not what she wants? If she wants to go back, she will not be equipped to live with her own people!"

"Ah, I think I understand a bit more," Gailwen realized. She smiled. "So, your paramour is one who would treat you kindly, while your sisters would not, and you are worried about that making your daughter and you weak. But that will not happen. Kindness is not weakness. If it was, then Evil races and cultures would triumph. But that is clearly not the case. Many of the Evil races are clearly stronger than their good counterparts. And yet, they always, always lose. If your daughter is raised in gentleness and righteousness, then she will be stronger than your relatives, not weaker."

The woman gave that explanation some thought for several long moments. "Gentleness and righteousness..." the redhead repeated slowly. She wasn't sure about the second part. Her people were instilled with the idea that the punishment of wicked men was a righteous cause. This aasimar, however, likely meant something very different. That aside, Mirjana had noticed the pattern. "Like when Lord Faust became corrupted..." she said softly. "The city suffered; Lady Althaia would have never been able to take over while Faust was, well, gentler. And now that Faust is-" she coughed. "Now that Phanuel is controlling the city, I see signs of Port Afron growing more powerful and prosperous than it ever was."

"Exactly! Exactly!" Gailwen agreed with a grin.

With that, she looked over to Gailwen with a slightly weak smile. But behind that expression was one of resolve. "My sisters will leave, and I will stay. Thank you for helping me decide. My name is Mirjana, by the way." With that, Mirjana gave Gailwen a long hug. A very long hug.

"Oh! You are much stronger than you look!" The aasimar almost squeaked. "But I am..." Gailwen began before she stopped, frowning. "How, how did you know that Faust and Phanuel are the same person?" she said with narrowed eyes.

"Uh..." Mirjana said. She pulled back, thought her arms still clasped the other woman's shoulders. More than her arms were grasping, in fact. Mirjana's hair had entwined across her body while Gailwen was remarking on her strength, and snapped into a tight grip.

The Aasimar struggled mightily but she was not nearly strong enough to break away from the rusalka. "Lorelei!" she cried. "I should have known! But you are not Evil!"

The rusalka gave the aasimar a slightly guilty look. "Would you like to meet the father of my unborn?"

"... Because, like it or not, you get to know him very intimately," said a new woman, who rose from the river itself with a wicked grin on her face. Her own wet blonde hair joined Mirjana's crimson red.

Gailwen knew immediately that the new creature was mildly Evil. The Aasimar paled. "No..." she murmured. "I was tricked." She closed her eyes and said a prayer.

No help came.


Caleldir gasped when he saw the tied aasimar in the heart of the rusalka's territory. He pulled at his bonds. "Wha... what are you doing?" he asked. "No... not again..." Memories of Marigold leaped back into his mind. Damn. The Rusalka and the Succubi were very clearly cousins. Except for the fact that Rusalka could not convert women into more of them by sex.

Only by murder.

He closed his eyes and tried to cast a spell to get him out of here. But the rusalka's hair was stopping him from casting any such magic. He made a strangled sound. "What do you want of me?" he asked angrily.

"What do we want of you?" Rostimira said with that sharp-toothed grin that most of the rusalka were currently wearing (except for Mirjana, who was now sitting by the pool and contemplating her life.) "What do we ever want from you? Amusement, of course."

Nemanja made a pouting face. "Only, you haven't been very amusing since you resigned yourself to having sex with us."

"Indeed not," Rostimira agreed. "So we're adding... flavor to our interactions." She ran her fingernails across a soft, naked breast of the woman tied in front of her. "You seem to be very much against having sex with new women. I wonder, would that aversion be doubled when made to couple with a woman who thought she was saving herself for her husband?"

Amusement? Of course! Caleldir cursed himself internally. He just had to stop pretending to resist and give them the rape play they so loved. He had to try to ruin their fun because he was annoyed with them.

And this was the result. A very, very predictable result. He let out a long breath, looking furious and somewhat defeated and dejected.

"I will not let you do this," he said, attempting to go ethereal.

He was successful for a split second, which was enough to get away from Danica and Miloslava's hair. Not far away, but he could move. He attempted to sprint towards the exit. "Aida!" he called out. "You have to save me and the elf!"

[Neither of you are citizens of Port Afron.] Intoned a voice in a metallic echo throughout the chambers. And that was all that Aida had to say on the matter. She was, after all, programmed to protect the only city and its citizens.

Caleldir shook his head. Of course. He had programmed her that exact way. Why was he expecting anything different? "Dahlia! Get back here and get me out of here!"

Dahlia did not answer over their mental link. It was highly unlikely that she would assist anyway. Most likely, she would reply that he was still under contract with the rusalka.

Nemanja, who had been walking towards Caleldir, went into a quick sprint to chase him back down. She was much quicker and more focused than either Danica or Miloslava. Both the pale-haired rusalka stood for a moment in shock. Then in a desperate dash, Miloslava also made an attempt to grab Caleldir.

Danica wandered off.

Caleldir dodged Miloslava's panicked tendrils. He was getting good at that. He leapt into the air using a very temporary flight spell. His eyes darted over the room, noting where each one was. Danica was disinterested, merely watching the show. Miloslava was the weakest of the rusalka and he would be able to evade her on his own for a bit. Nemanja was closing in, but he could evade her. Rostimira was tied down by having to tie down the captive. Katia seemed to not have stirred herself just yet. Mirjana... hmmm... where was she?

He decided that his best bet was the water. The water would retard their hair a bit, and though rusalka were water fae he could still swim every bit as well as they. He dived into the stream.

It would have been a good plan, but there was one rusalka who was especially keyed in to Caleldir's actions: Mirjana. Though she had been contemplating the pool when Caleldir first entered, as soon as her leader began to explain the situation, she was hyper-focused. She slid into the pool with the silence of the water-based predator she was and thus was right there to meet Caleldir as soon as he dived.

Crimson hair snapped quickly around his legs and arms. It pulled him right back onto land, quickly followed by Mirjana on top of him. She stretched her naked flesh against his and nuzzled against his neck. "Caught you," she boasted aloud. Then, in an almost tender whisper only he could hear, "I'll always catch you."

Caleldir let out a long breath. She would always catch him? "What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you later," she responded, then she pulled away from him. She gave him a look of lip-bitten excitement.

So, Mirjana seemed excited about something. Caleldir had not been lying when he told Rostimira that he was fond of the redheaded rusalka, but right now he was worried. Whatever got that sort of reaction out of her, it was probably not good.

By that time, Nemanja and then Miloslava had reached the two of them. Gray, blonde, and red hair entwined to easily pull the fighting Caleldir up and dragged him back to where Rostimira and Gailwen sat.

"You thought you could get away?" Rostimira said with amusement.

Caleldir swallowed. "It was worth a try," he said angrily. "Forcing me into sex with you is one thing, but this is a step too far! Leave outsiders out of this! This was never part of any deal of ours!"

"It was never excluded from the deal either," Rostimira responded in a taunting tone.

Caleldir gritted his teeth. Rostimira's logic was infallible. 'Never said I would not'. Argh. "The deal was for me to help the rusalka," he said with gritted teeth. "Not to cooperate with your abuses."

"Well, since your familiar has not come to help you after you called to her, she seems to think that this is fine," Nemanja interjected with a sadistic grin.

"Now, my pretty, would you like to see who you will be having sex with today?" the rusalka leader asked her captive as she ran a hand down her curiously pink hair. The captive could only respond with muffled indignation. Then Rostimira uncovered her eyes and Gailwen was able to stare accusingly at Mirjana.

"Oh, don't give me that look!" Mirjana admonished with more good humor than she had ever displayed. "This is the man I spoke to you about. Isn't he beautiful?" She pressed her body up against the back of one of his arms, and ran a hand down his smooth chest to his cock, making him shiver.

Caleldir's breath caught a little when he saw Gailwen's rose-gold eyes for the first time. Those eyes and hair... "You are an Aasimar," he realized. "How did these women get hold of you?"

Gailwen's nostrils flared with anger, and she stared pointedly at Mirjana. This was all she could do to respond to Caleldir.

"I am sorry to meet you like this," he said with genuine regret. The Aasimar seemed to be blaming Mirjana for being here. What had she done? "Mirjana! Please, you are better than to help with this!"

"Would you rather have Katia help with this, then?" Mirjana asked him quietly as she nipped at his ear. She was pretty sure she already knew the answer to that. None of the lower-tiered rusalka liked 'playing' with Katia.

The question caused Caleldir to blanch. Mirjana was preferable, of course. She would be much less cruel about this. Then again, maybe her cruelty would be preferable, to distract him from the perversity.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You would probably like to hear her talk, wouldn't you? I admit I'd like to hear her complain as well. But she keeps trying to cast silly little spells on us, so her talking privileges have been revoked. Ah, paladins," Rostimira said carelessly.

An Aasimar paladin... Caleldir's eyes went wide. "Gailwen Goldstar," he realized. He had heard that name before! She must be the woman that Ashyr had brought blood from to turn Faust into Phanuel. He gritted his teeth. "I am sure that you can stifle her magic with nothing more than your hair like you did with Dahlia," he said with repressed anger. "I mean, surely you would rather hear her protests? Isn't that more fun for you?"

"We can stifle her magic that way. We cannot, however, stifle that annoying chanting she was doing when she was insisting on trying anyway. Not without covering her mouth, anyway." Rostimira explained.

"I would have thought that useless chanting would have amused you," Caleldir said with gritted teeth. A cloud passed over his face and stayed there. This was worse than with Marigold. At least with the ex-nun, he could talk to her! He closed his eyes and made a rather angry noise.

"It did to a point," Rostimira said with a shrug. "Any sound that isn't my sisters' singing gets old after a while."

Mirjana and Nemanja forced Caleldir to his knees directly in front of their other captive. Mirjana took hold of his hand and lifted it to Gailwen's smooth breast, forcing him to knead the soft flesh. He let out a long breath. Damn. Her nipples were hard. Despite the situation, Gailwen was clearly at least as aroused as he was.

Rostimira wrapped her arms around the aasimar's waist to take her off of her knees. Her hair repositioned Gailwen's legs outward, spread wide for Caleldir to see her perfect, hairless womanhood. The aasimar's eyes bulged at this new level of exposure.

"Look at how perfect and unspoiled she is," Mirjana whispered loudly into his ear. "Doesn't your body just ache for hers?" With that, she gave him a little shove, and her hair guided him to his hands and knees above Gailwen. "Wouldn't you like to spill your hot seed into her again and again?"

Another, louder noise of protest came from Gailwen. She struggled again, but in vain.

Caleldir could not keep himself from opening his eyes again and looking. His eyes bulged a little in his turn, but he tore them away, looking up at the Aasimar's face, eyes filled with apology.

"Mirjana, please, no. Not this," he pleaded with her. But his cock did ache.

"I suppose I can let you talk to her again if you want her to talk so badly..." Rostimira said on a whim. She finally removed her inky hair from Gailwen's face entirely.

"Unhand me!" Gailwen demanded as soon as she got the chance.

"Fine," Rostimira said. She took her hands off of the captive woman. Her hair, however, was free to encircle the paladin's wrists and force her hands to feel Caleldir's torso. "You should have said 'unhair me' or something like that. Though it would have been just as effective as what you demanded."