Dual Heritage Ch. 06


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"Oh, come on," Mark protested. "I promise I won't get in the way. Plus, I'm a great mediator. I can smooth things over like butter on toast."

Vizi let out a short laugh. "You're a funny guy, Mark. I'll give you that."

"I try," Mark replied, grinning. "Now let's go. I don't want to keep the drama waiting."

They made their way out of the coffee shop and towards Ria's coven.

Vizi's eyebrows shot up, but he didn't look offended. "Fair enough, Mark. I get it. You've got every reason to be cautious. But for what it's worth, I'm not the villain in this story."

Mark leaned back, crossing his arms. "Well, that's reassuring, in a 'said every villain ever' kind of way."

Just then, Vizi's phone shattered the tension with its ring. He glanced at the caller ID, then answered. "What's up?" A pause, and Vizi's face darkened. "Alright, got it," he said, hanging up.

"We've got a situation," Vizi announced, urgency lacing his voice.

"What happened?"

"Ria's caught wind of our little magical skirmish with Alex. She's at her coven, demanding answers. It's a powder keg over there."

Mark's heart sank at the news. He had hoped that Ria wouldn't find out about the attack, at least not yet. He knew how protective she was of him.

"What can we do?" Mark asked, trying to keep his voice calm.

"I need to head back to the coven, try to defuse this ticking time bomb," Vizi said, rising from his seat.

Mark downed the last of his coffee and stood. "Well, I'm tagging along. This sounds like a must-see event."


"Yeah, I can just imagine Ria going all Hulk Smash on everyone. It's going to be entertaining."

Vizi shook his head. "I'm sorry, Mark. As much as I appreciate the offer, this is something I need to handle on my own. Ria's already on the warpath. Your battered presence might just light the fuse."

"Oh, come on. I promise I won't get in the way. Plus, I'm a great mediator. I can smooth things over like butter on toast." Mark grinned. "Oh, I'll be the epitome of discretion. I can be as subtle as a ninja in a library."

Vizi let out a short laugh. "You're a funny guy, Mark. I'll give you that. But seriously, this is volatile."

"I get it," Mark said, still smiling. "But I'm not one to sit on the sidelines, especially when it involves people I care about. So, shall we?"

Vizi sighed, finally relenting. "Alright, but if this blows up, it's on you."

"Deal," Mark said, his grin widening. "Now let's go. The clock's ticking, and I hate to miss the opening act of any good drama."

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As they drove through the security gate of the gated community, Mark couldn't help but be surprised. He had never heard of a coven being located in such a place. He expected it to be in some remote, mystical location, not in the middle of the city.

As they drove down the streets of the community, Mark noticed the immaculate lawns, luxury cars, and expensive-looking homes. He couldn't help but feel a little out of place, considering his modest upbringing.

"A coven in a gated suburb? What's next, wizards at Wall Street?"

"You'd be surprised. Magic and money often go hand in hand."

Mark glanced at the opulent homes, feeling like a fish out of water. "I'm getting Cinderella vibes, and not in a good way."

Vizi noticed the look of awe on Mark's face and chuckled. "Yeah, pretty fancy, right? You get used to it after a while."

"I bet," Mark said, still taking in the sights.

"Don't worry, you won't turn into a pumpkin. These are just homes for the magically affluent. Privacy is a luxury they can afford."

Mark nodded, getting the point. "So, where's the magical epicenter in this maze of mansions?"

Vizi pointed to an imposing structure at the end of the cul-de-sac. "There. That's the coven's headquarters."

"That's a coven? It looks more like a Wayne manor!"

Vizi laughed. "Well, when you're a magical powerhouse, you might as well flaunt it."

"Well, here we are," Vizi said, turning off the car. "Time to face the music."

"Let's go defuse a magical time bomb."

They stepped out of the car, each mentally preparing for the tempest that awaited them. Mark couldn't help but think that they were about to walk into the eye of a very personal storm.

As they stepped into the mansion, a cacophony of raised voices echoed from the upper floor. Mark and Vizi exchanged a glance of concern before sprinting up the staircase.

Reaching the top, they found Ria locked in a fierce argument with a woman who bore a striking resemblance to her—clearly her mother. Ria's posture was rigid, her eyes ablaze.

When a bystander tried to intervene, Ria unleashed a burst of magic that sent him sprawling. Mark's eyes widened at the raw display of power, but the crowd seemed more resigned than shocked. Only her mother dared to challenge her.

"Ria, calm down," her mother said, trying to placate her. "There's no need to be so upset."

"No need to be upset?" Ria exclaimed, her voice rising, she was practically seething with rage.

"Young lady, you need to calm down!"

"I am calm," Ria retorted, though her voice was tight with anger. "Why did you order Alex to attack Mark?"

"I did it for your own good," her mother replied, her tone dismissive. "You know how important it is for you to focus on your duties as the next in line. That man is a distraction."

"A distraction?" Ria scoffed. "He's not a distraction, he's my boyfriend! And even if he was just a friend, he doesn't deserve to be attacked like that."

Her mother's face hardened. "You don't understand, Ria. The future of our coven is at stake. We need to maintain our bloodline and ensure that only the strongest and most powerful magi are in control."

"That's ridiculous," Ria said, her eyes flashing with anger once again. "You can't just order someone to attack someone else because you don't like who they're dating."

"I can and I did."

Mark felt himself bristling at Ria's mother's words. He had known that the world of magic was heavily steeped in tradition and bloodlines, but he had never thought it would come to this. He glanced over at Vizi, who seemed pretty nonchalant about all this.

"I don't care what you say," she said. "I will not have my daughter mixing with those who are not of our kind. It is against tradition, against our coven's values."

"You and your so-called bloodline can go to hell for all I care."

"How dare you speak to me like that," her mother said, her voice cold and controlled. "You forget your place, young lady."

"I haven't forgotten anything," Ria shot back, her voice laced with anger. "I know who I am, and I know what I want. And I won't let anyone, not even you, stand in my way."

Her mother shook her head in disbelief. "You don't know what you're saying, Ria. You're just a child."

"I'm not a child," Ria said, her voice firm. "I'm an adult, and I can make my own decisions. And besides Mark is more than qualified. He's my partner."

"Don't be ridiculous," her mother scoffed. "He'll never be your equal. You're a maga of the highest order, and he's just a mere magi with some tricks up his sleeve."

"He's the man I love."

"Love won't protect our lineage," her mother retorted.

Ria's eyes flashed. "I don't care about your archaic bloodline politics."

"You will, when you're older."

"I'm old enough to know bigotry when I see it," Ria snapped. "And for your information, Mark is a magus."

There was a collective gasp from the onlookers in the hall, including Ria's mother, who looked shocked by her daughter's declaration.

"What?" she said, her voice laced with disbelief. "How do you know this?"

Ria turned around and pulled her hair to the side, revealing a small mark on the nape of her neck. "Because he's imbued my soul."

Her mother's eyes widened in shock as she took a step back. "What? When did he do that?"

"It doesn't matter when he did it," Ria said, her voice firm. "The point is that he did and now I belong to him."

Her mother opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it, seemingly lost for words.

Meanwhile, Mark felt a sense of unease wash over him. He had no idea what Ria was talking about with the imbuing of souls, and the mark on her neck only served to confuse him even more.

From the distance, he could make out that the mark was small, but distinguishable. It looked like a black ink-like pattern that took the shape of a small circle with two lines that grasped onto it, morphing together to form an intricate knot. He strained his eyes to see more details, but it was difficult to make out from where he was standing.

He looked over at Vizi, hoping for an answer, but Vizi was still intently watching the argument with a detached expression.

Mark couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He had never heard of such a mark before and had no idea what it meant. He wondered if Ria had told him about it and he had just forgotten. He made a mental note to ask her about it later.

Ria's mother's face paled at the realization of Mark's true identity. "If he's a magus, that means...that means you won't be his only mate."

Ria rolled her eyes, exasperated. "I'm well aware of that, Mom"

Mark couldn't believe what he was hearing. Multiple mates? Was that even possible? He remembers talking to his aunt about it briefly bit didn't give it much thought.

Vizi nudged Mark, grinning. "You're in for an interesting life, my friend."

The idea of having multiple mates was not even on his radar.

"But you don't understand," her mother said, "A magus is highly revered and sought after. They can have multiple mates, and you'll just be one of many."

Ria looked her mother in the eye and spoke with conviction, "I'm completely fine with it. I know Mark will never make me feel like one of many. He will always make me feel special and loved, just like he does now."

Mark stood standstill, still processing the revelations and what they meant for his relationship with Ria.

"I don't belong to anyone else, Mom," Ria said, her voice firm. "I belong to Mark, and only him. He is the only man I need."

Her mother looked like she was about to argue back, but Ria cut her off. "I'm done arguing. Accept my choices, or don't. But I won't let you control my life."

Mark felt his heart swell with warmth and happiness. It was clear that she only belonged to him and didn't want anyone else which really pleased him. She had stood her ground, not just for their relationship but for her own autonomy.

Her mother opened her mouth, but no words came. Ria had said her piece.

Mark's instincts screamed at him, a sudden surge of adrenaline sharpening his senses to a razor's edge. The air itself seemed to thicken, charged with an electric tension that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Something was terribly amiss.

Vizi caught the shift in Mark's posture, his eyes narrowing. "You sense it too?"

"Something's off," he whispered, his eyes darting around the room as if expecting an attack from any direction.

Before either could delve further into the unsettling feeling, the atmosphere erupted into a chaotic dance of light and shadow. Portals—swirling vortexes of energy—materialized out of thin air, disrupting the room's gravity. Mark's eyes widened in disbelief as figures stepped out of these portals, their faces obscured by dark hoods.

"Magi hunters," Vizi hissed, his voice tinged with both awe and dread.


scene break

In the midst of the chaos, spells fizzled and died in the air, their energies snuffed out as if by an unseen hand. Mark's eyes darted around, landing on Ria, who stood like a tempest in the eye of the storm. Her lips moved in a silent incantation, but the magic failed to manifest. Time seemed to slow as hunters closed in on her and her mother.

With a burst of adrenaline-fueled speed, Mark lunged at the nearest hunter, tackling him to the ground with a force that rattled his bones.

Vizi was right behind him, his fist connecting with another hunter's face in a satisfying crunch. They fought back-to-back, a whirlwind of fists and fury, but the hunters seemed impervious to their magic.

Ria, meanwhile, was a vortex of frustrated energy. Her spells were stillborn, choked off by some invisible force. She looked around, her eyes locking onto a man who stood apart from the rest.


Ria turned to her mother, confusion etched on her face. "Who's he?"

"He's a hired gun among hunters," her mother said, her voice laced with fear.

"You don't remember me, do you?"

"Should I?"

"I'm hurt that you don't remember the man who put up such a good fight."

Ria's eyes widened in realization. "You're the one who attacked us that night."

"Ding ding dind.. right answer. How's your boyfriend doing by the way?"

"What do you want?"

Elia chuckled. "Oh, I don't want anything. I'm just here to do my job."

"Which is?" Ria pressed.

"To capture you and bring you to the hunters' council."

Ria's mother stepped forward, her expression stern. "You have no right to be here, Elia. This is a private residence."

Elia just chuckled. "You think I care about that? I've got a job to do, and I'm going to do it."

As Ria tried to cast a spell, her frustration grew as she realized her magic was not working.

"What's the matter, sweetheart? Can't seem to cast a spell?"

"What have you done?"

Elia grinned wickedly. "We've put up runes around this place to block out your magic. You're powerless now, princess.".

Ria's eyes widened in shock. She had never heard of such a thing. "How is that even possible?"

Elia shrugged. "Let's just say that the hunters' council has some powerful allies. We have access to some pretty amazing toys."

"Runes can be broken."

"You really think you can take me down without your magic, little witch?"

In answer, Ria lunged, her foot connecting with Elia's midsection in a powerful kick. He staggered back, momentarily stunned. But he recovered quickly, retaliating with a pulse of dark energy that sent Ria sprawling into a wall.

She groaned, her vision blurring as she struggled to her feet. Elia advanced, his eyes gleaming with malevolent satisfaction. "Is that all you've got? I expected more from a so-called princess of Avadh."

As Elia approached Ria with his hand raised, ready to deliver another attack, a powerful blast knocked him off his feet and sent him flying across the room. The room fell silent as everyone turned to see what had happened.

Ria looked up to see Mark standing in the doorway, his eyes blazing with fury. Vizi was by his side, his fists clenched as he glared at the magi hunters.Mark quickly approached Ria as she struggled to get up, her eyes filled with pain and confusion. "Are you okay?" he asked, worry etched on his face.

Ria looked up, her eyes widening in realization. "Mark? You're here?"

Elia, regaining his footing, sneered at the scene. "Ah, the knight in shining armor arrives. How quaint."

"You know, for a guy who's been knocked down twice by me, you sure talk a big game. Glutton for punishment, aren't you?"

Elia's face twisted in rage. "You don't even know who you're dealing with, boy."

"Oh, I think I do. You're the guy who's about to get his ass kicked. Again." Mark taunted, a smirk on his face. "What makes you think you'll fare any better this time?"

With a feral growl, Elia lunged at him, who sidestepped effortlessly and landed a punch, his fist covered with faint glow, that sent Elia stumbling back.

"How are you using magic?"

"I can do a lot of things you wouldn't expect."

Elia clenched his fists, his eyes narrowing. "This isn't over."

Mark just chuckled. "I wouldn't be too sure about that." He stepped forward, summoning another shield as Elia tried to blast him with another spell. "I'm just getting started."

Elia growled in frustration and charged forward again, aiming a powerful punch at Mark's face. But Mark was quicker, ducking under the punch and delivering a swift kick to stomach.

"How about we make this more interesting? You and me, one-on-one."

Elia sneered in response. "Fine by me. I'll enjoy taking you down myself."

The two of them circled each other warily, sizing each other up. Elia was quick to strike, throwing a powerful blast of energy towards Mark. But Mark was ready for him, summoning a powerful gust of wind that blew the attack off course.

Mark retaliated with his own blast of energy, but Elia dodged it with ease. The two continued to trade blows, moving too quickly for anyone else to follow.

Suddenly, Elia backed away, holding up a hand to signal the other magi hunters to hold their positions. "No interference," he commanded, his eyes never leaving Mark's.

Both of their movements were lightning-fast, as they traded blows and dodged attacks. Sound of clashing magic echoed through the manor, and furniture and objects were sent flying as the two fought. Every time they clashed, the shock waves would send debris flying and cause more cracks to appear in the walls. Furniture and objects were being tossed around like they were made of paper, and the coven members scrambled for cover, their eyes wide with awe and fear.

Each clash sent shockwaves rippling through the room, dislodging debris and deepening the cracks in the walls. It was as if the very fabric of the manor was protesting, unable to contain the magnitude of their battle.

As the battle unfolded, Elia's face twisted in disbelief. Despite the mana-suppressing runes in the manor, Mark was matching him blow for blow.

On the other side of the room, Vizi was a whirlwind of motion, his fists a blur as they connected with the remaining magi hunters, sending them sprawling.

Mark dodged another of Elia's attacks, his eyes locking onto his opponent's. "You know, you're either really brave or incredibly stupid to come after us again. Given our history, I'm leaning towards stupid."

"You got lucky before, that's all."

"Luck? No, skill beats luck. And I've got you beat on skill."

Elia roared in response and unleashed a powerful blast of energy towards Mark, who countered with a wave of wind that knocked the attack aside staggering the caster. Mark seized the opportunity and delivered a powerful kick to Elia's chest, sending him crashing into a bookshelf. Books flew off the shelves, and the shelves themselves toppled over, crashing to the ground in a cloud of dust and debris.

But just as Mark prepared to press his advantage, a wave of dizziness washed over him. He staggered, clutching his head.

"What's wrong?" Ria cried out in alarm, moving closer to him.

Mark shook his head, trying to clear the fog from his mind. "I'm not sure," he managed to say through gritted teeth. "Something's not right."

Mark felt a strange sensation creeping up the back of his neck, and suddenly his head began to spin. He stumbled back, his mind feeling foggy and disoriented. He took a few deep breaths, trying to clear his head, but the dizziness persisted. He had never felt anything like this before. It was as if his mind was being pulled in different directions at once, making it difficult to concentrate.

"Looks like your hero's losing his touch, huh?"

With a burst of speed, Elia lunged, landing a punch square on Mark's jaw. Mark went flying, crashing into a table that splintered upon impact. He tried to rise, but his limbs felt like lead.