Dynamic Duo Pt. 02-03


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Soon the girls drove into their parent's yard. Chris met them carrying his pride and joy, Carson. The girls exited the car quickly, greeting their stepfather and greeting their new brother with kisses. Shia joined them and cleared her throat. "Can I have a hug or two?" She asked. The twins squealed, and rushed to their Mom. Soon the family went inside, and Annette, Cedric and other family members came over.

Chris had already planned a cookout, and the group eventually went out back. Tika and Kita were excited as friends and more family stopped by. Aunt Madge was a welcome surprise. She noticed that Tika was a bit quiet, and raised her eyebrow. It seemed that Chris would be meeting a new young man soon.

The gathering was in full swing when the doorbell rang. Tyrone waited. These were his girls, and Shia and her new man could not keep his daughters away from him. One of the younger kids opened the door and Tyrone walked right in. "Where are they?" He asked, the kid pointed to the backyard. Tyrone smiled and headed out back. Following the sound of laughter, he found his way to the patio.

As he walked out, everyone went silent. Chris was laughing with his brother when he looked up. The men froze. Chris advanced as Shia and the other women looked on in disbelief.

"Tyrone, what are you doing at our house? You need to leave now." Chris stated.

Tyrone laughed, "I don't have a problem with you Chrissy boy. I want to see my girls, my daughters."

LaKita and LaTika were silent. They looked at their birthfather. In all honesty they did not really remember him. He was handsome, so they could see how their mom would have been attracted to him. Soon their uncles all stood behind Chris. Not wanting anyone to get hurt, LaKita spoke.

"Chris, it's OK. LaTika and I want to talk with him." Chris still refused to move. This man stalked his wife, followed her, and scared her.

Shia touched his arm, but Chris pulled away. "Chris please." She whispered.

Taking a deep breath. Chris stepped back.

"That's about right then. Girls, come give daddy a hug." Tyrone stated.

Kita and Tika didn't move. Then Tika spoke, "Tyrone, we'll call you Tyrone. We would like to say welcome, but you were not invited. However, since you are here, we can talk."

LaKita then spoke, "Let's get a few things straight. First, never disrespect our parents again. And secondly, you are a guest here, uninvited but still just a guest, remember that." She exhaled. "So, Tyrone, where have you been all of these years?"

Tyrone was ticked off. The sneaky little bitches thought they could disrespect him. He'd play along for now. As soon as he got a chance, both of his daughters would be taught to show their father respect.

"Well, girls, you mama and step daddy had me locked up. They didn't want me In your lives, so they had me framed." He sighed. "I tried to reach y'all but Old Chris here wouldn't let me."

Chris started to speak, but Tika shook her head no. Kita kept talking to her father. She smiled, "We'll let bygones be bygones."

The celebration continued as Tyrone searched. He had no intentions of losing his new cash cows. Meanwhile, Kita made a quick call. In all honesty, she didn't have to call Brandon, but she wanted to hear his voice.

"Hello, Kita, what's up?" He asked, trying ot pretend that he was not excited that she called.

Kita smiled. The sound of his voice affected her on a spiritual level it seemed.

"What can you find out on Tyrone Jackson James? You see daddy dearest is up to something." She explained. Brandon's interest was piqued. He'd know all he needed in the next hour or so. Soon he had his information and he did not like what he was reading. Tyrone James was a bad person and if he was near LaKita, then he was going there. He called Thomas, and within the hour, the two men were landing in Georgia.

Tyrone turned on the charm. Everyone was cordial, but Annette and Cedric didn't trust him. He went so far as to get the girls to promise to have breakfast with him the next day. Chris didn't ;like it, and he Cedric, and his brothers already knew they were trailing them. Soon people started leaving, and Tyrone left.

At the end of the party, both girls were ready to head to the local hotel when Chris stopped them. "I know, I can't demand anything, but we want the two of you to stay here." He glanced at the door. "I'd rather you stay here where I'll know you're safe. Besides, your mom has spent a lot of time preparing rooms for you."

The girls laughed, and Chris brought in their bags. Down the street, Tyrone watched. The girls were staying at the house. Old Chris was crafty. I wonder if he's trying on smash them. Hmm, they are fine as hell. It won't matter. When I finish with them tomorrow, they'll want to take care of me. Tyrone then crunk his car and left. As he drove out, a Lexus drove past. Within minutes, Thomas and Brandon arrived at the Brighton's home.

Kita and Tika helped bath and dress Carson for bed as the doorbell rang once more. Chris answered and was surprised to find the Wend twins on his doorstep. "Gentlemen, come in. The girls didn't tell me you were coming." He explained, surprised.

'They didn't know. LaKita called earlier for some information and what I found was disturbing. We needed to come and make sure they are ok." Brandon explained. Just then Shia walked in. "Girls," she called.

Both girls entered with LaTika carrying Carson who was not ready to sleep. They gasped when they saw who the surprise guests were.

"Brandon, Thomas, what are you doing here?" LaKita asked surprised.

Brandon smiled, "Well, um," Carson began to fret. Thomas reached for him, and the little one went straight to him. "I brought you the information you requested." Brandon explained.

However, Shia and Chris noticed that there was something else between LaTika and the less talkative brother. Chris cleared his throat. Shia collected her son, and left to put him to bed. Chris and the four had a seat.

They talked, but he noticed that Thomas watched LaTika intently. Soon, the time grew later, and he ended up inviting both young men to stay over. Shia was not fooled. Chris was extremely protective of the girls. He just wanted the two men close so he could keep an eye on them.

The six talked, then Chris and Shia retired leaving the four young adults alone.

It did not get past LaKita that Thomas would not stop touching her twin. The four talked and Brandon shared what he had learned. Tyrone James was busy. He spent over a decade in prison. Upon getting released, he floated all over the west coast living with many different women. Several of which had given birth. Tyrone never supported his children. His last known address was with a disabled woman with whom he had three children. The children all had special needs. Tyrone denied paternity and left her to return to Georgia. He had no work history. He had no record of ever owning anything. His modus operandi was to find women to support him.

LaKita was pissed. He abandoned them and as a little girl she wondered, If she was not enough. Was she the reason daddy left? But to learn he'd father children all over the east coast and never acknowledged any of them fueled her anger. Tyrone wanted them to meet him for breakfast. She was meeting him, but it would not be the happy reunion he wanted. She had a few choice words for her dear old dad.

"You are not meeting him alone." Brandon spoke. Kita was about to argue when he spoke. "LaKita for once you will listen. For the longest time, I've let you call the shots. I've allowed you to set perimeters, but on this I am making the call."

LaTika was shocked. She'd never seen Brandon be so vocal. Thomas smiled. It seemed his brother was not as immune to the lovely LaKita as he pretended to be.

He faced LaTika, "We are joining you. Tyrone won't be happy. However, he's a user and very manipulative. Brandon and I need to be with you."

LaTika sighed, "OK, but you know Kita is not going to let Brandon get away with this." She giggled.

Thomas smiled, "Well, that's between them. " he sighed.

"Are you really thinking of leaving the country?" LaTika asked.

Thomas swallowed. "It's for the best. I mean, as long as I'm here, you won't ever..." He looked away.

"Wait, I won't what?" Tika asked.

"I'll never be the kind of man you want. And I won't stay here while you search for him. You see I'd want to attack any man that touched you, but that would make you hate me. I'd rather die than have you hate me." Brandon whispered.

LaTika smiled, As she caressed his cheek. Then all o a sudden she knew. "Don't go. I want someone that loves me for me. I want to spend my life with the man I wake up thinking of and dream of when I sleep. He makes me laugh and I can be myself when I'm with him. Thomas Wend, I want you."

Thomas smiled, and pulled her into his embrace. "I love you LaTika." Tomorrow he was asking her father for her hand, but first this Tyrone had to be dealt with.

LaTika kissed him, her passion burning through any doubts he had left. He knew that she was his one and only. LaKita and Brandon stopped arguing as they realized their siblings had somehow connected.

Then Brandon spoke, "LaKita, I love your fire. I love your ability to stand on your own. But this man is dangerous. I won't risk you. We deal with him, and afterwards we explore what is happening between us."

Brandon kissed her. LaKita had never felt this way for any man. She knew her feelings for Brandon were deeper than she liked to admit, but she found herself melting beneath his touch. Instinctively, her arms circled his neck as he held her close. Her body quivered in his arms. Soon the moment passed as someone was clearing their throat. The four looked up, right into the face of Chris. LaKita and LaTika blushed and started to explain. Chris looked on stone-faced, staring the brothers down. "Girls, your room is upstairs." He stated calmly. The girls bid their friends good night as they rushed past their stepfather to their rooms. Brandon and Thomas shared a thought as they faced the man they both knew was the real father of their ladies.

"Um, Chris," Brandon stammered.

"Um," Thomas added.

Chris frowned, "Those two are my babies. They hold my heart. I like you, but if you think about using them, I will hunt both of you down."

Thomas spoke, "I love her sir. LaTika is everything I've dreamed of. One day soon, I hope she will agree to become my wife. Sir, I am asking your permission to marry your daughter?"

Chris was speechless. He smiled. "Well, I'll be damned. Son, welcome to the family, but first you have to convince her mother." Brandon and Thomas looked terrified. The Chris sighed, "You boys think I'm scary. Just wait until you talk to their mother, whew, she's tough. Come on, I need a drink."

The three men talked. Brandon and Thomas explained why they came and Chris agreed with them. Kita and Tika were not meeting Tyrone alone.

Soon the three men retired, Brandon lay down smiling. "So when are you going to propose?" Brandon asked.

"When she returns home, I'll plan a special night." Thomas exhaled. "Will you stand for me?"

"Man, you don't have to ask." Brandon whispered, as he wondered if he could convince LaKita to take a chance on him.


The next morning, the girls were up early, but Carson was already downstairs. It seemed that Brandon and Thomas were naturals with kids. The two women watched as the four males bonded.

Chris was making coffee as they entered.

Soon the four were ready to go out. They were meeting Tyrone for breakfast. Like clockwork, the phone rang. Tyrone was making sure they would meet him.

The four left, and arrived at a local eatery. Tyrone was already inside having a coffee. He wondered which girl was paying for breakfast. The other would cover lunch. By the end of the day, he'd make sure they covered his stay for the rest of the month at the hotel.

Then he needed to see what they were into. He'd let them talk, then after listening, he'd tell them how things would be from now on. Being that Shia raised them, they'd resist. However, he was their father. They were his blood. They'd heed his words.

Soon, the girls entered. Tyrone stood. As they approached, he noticed that two Asian men walked behind them. He was surprised when all four walked over to the table.

"Morning, Tyrone. These are our friends, Brandon and Thomas. You don't mind if they join us, do you?" LaKita asked.

Tyrone was pissed, but he hid it. However, Brandon and Thomas were not fooled. "Sure, I was hoping we'd have time alone though. I mean we have never had a chance to catch up." He complained.

The group sat and ordered. Tyrone just wanted coffee. His stomach rumbled, and Tika asked, "Are you ordering meal?"

Humping his shoulder and trying his hardest to look pathetic, he said coffee was fine. "Coffee is fine with me. I don't need a lot. I mean, um, I'll try to pay for you and your sister."

Brandon knew he was a leech. "Sir, I'm paying for breakfast. Please order whatever you would like."

Tyrone called the waitress back and ordered a steak, eggs, juice, toast, everything thing he could think of. As they ate, his phone rang. He answered and apparently, he had to check out of his hotel. He needed to pay today or his things would be sat outside.

LaTika and LaKita shared a look. Then they smiled. "We can help. Aunt Annette volunteers at Hands of Mercy. It's a shelter for men. We can take you there to get a bed."

Brandon paid the bill and the five traveled to the shelter. Tyrone had not given up. His children were not about to abandon him in a homeless shelter.

Sure enough, they had a bed available, and Tyrone was set. They even offered to take him to the hotel to get his things. He refused. He'd get his things himself. The morning progressed. Tyrone had questions for the Asian boys. He didn't want his girls mixed up with men that couldn't protect them. His insults were down right mean and racist. "You boys know jackie Chan? Tell me do you boys eat only rice? Look, is it hard for you to see things that are far away, I mean..." LaKita had enough, Tyrone, stop it."

"It's alright, Lakita. I'm sure he means no harm." Brandon intervened.

His defense of him ticked Tyrone off even more. What really made him mad was the fact that his stupid daughter seemed to listen to him.

"That's right, girl. Listen to your boss. Calm down." Tyrone added laughing.

The group spent even more time together. Tyrone was eve more rude and crude. He asked questions that were demeaning and downright disgusting. He ended each attack stating that if they were with a brother, then he wouldn't be so weak. Soon the day ended and Tyrone realized he was no closer to manipulating his girls into taking care of him.

Tyrone had enough, "Look, Kina, Lacy, whatever y'all mama named y'all. I'm your father, not that white man she's shacking up with. You girls are supposed to take care of me. Now spending the day with you Asian boyfriends was nice, but tell Pu and Yu, this ain't their business. I need money. I need food and someplace to stay. I know y'all make good money. So I want you to give me what I need."

Tyrone was livid. The Asian males talked and with each word he grew angrier. Finally he faced them, "So you four fucking or what? How does that work, y'all take turns, or they pass you two from brother to brother."

LaKita was stunned, She was also pissed. Brandon started to speak when she whispered, "I got this."

Tika stood with her sister. "Tyrone, you are sick. The only reason we agreed to meet with you was out of respect for our elders. We don't owe you a damn thing. So as far as Tika and I are concerned you can crawl back under the rock you came from. We're leaving, and if we never see you again, it will be too damn soon.

'Bitch, you can't talk to me like that." Tyrone grabbed her arm. Brandon moved, "Take your hand off of her, now." he ordered. "You are a vile, disgusting man. Do you have any idea of who we are. One call, and your pitiful behind will be back in prison. How much child support do you owe anyway?"

Tyrone started yelling. Thomas stepped up. His movement angered Tyrone even more. LaKita and LaTika were done. Soon people were staring. Tyrone knew he was done. He had to go before the police arrived. He faced his daughter, "You two are sluts just like your mother." Thomas jumped at him, but Brandon stopped him.

LaTika faced her father. Often she was the quietest of the two girls, but his slur against her mother was too much. "We're done. I've taken all I will take off of you. You are a worthless piece of crap. You can go and crawl back under the rock that you came from under. We want nothing to do with you."

LaTika was furious. So much so that LaKita grew concerned. "Tika?"

Tyrone left when the police arrived. "I'm fine, Kita. He can't say stuff about Momma. He won't." She whispered.

The police arrived and the crowd dissipated.

"Hey, are you OK?" LaTika asked. She'd never seen Thomas so angry before. He did not speak. He wanted to get his hands on Tyrone.

The four did not return to their parents' home right away. Instead they spent the day together. As the evening grew near, LaKita wondered about her friend. Brandon moved behind her, holding her close. "LaKita, I'm making it known. We are more than friends." She sighed.

Soon they returned home where Shia was waiting. Chris had gone to work. Shia knew something had happened. She was foolish in her youth, but she never regretted her children. "What did Tyrone do?"

"Nothing, mama. He's nobody. We just want to forget about him." LaKita explained.

LaTika didn't speak, but she noticed that the young man, Thomas stayed by her side.

"I'm sorry, I should have warned you that he was here. I never thought he'd stoop so low." Shia explained after Brandon explained what stunts Tyrone tried to pull.

Carson, who was in his basinet, cooed, completely distracting his sisters whose main job was to dote on him. Thomas and Brandon watched. Shia laughed as she went on cleaning. Thomas made a decision. He joined her in the kitchen. "Mrs. Brighton, I asked your husband last night, and he said I needed to address you. I am asking your permission to marry LaTika?"

Shia smiled. Chris had told her he would ask this morning. "I want her to come home for the wedding. That's my only request."

Thomas smiled, "Yes ma'am."

Shia hugged him, "You can call me Mom."

The two then joined the others with the baby.

The end of Part 3

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Tyrone is a fool to think the girls would want anything to do with him after being so nasty to them. They should've dropped his narcissistic behind off at the police station. I'm quite sure they have plenty of space for him to lay his head.

I wonder what he has up his sleeve next because we know he isn't done.

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