Edge of the Earth


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She cups his head, pulling it back so she can look into his eyes. "What are you doing me? I want to say yes. I want to be with you."

"Then be with me." he says happily, kissing her.

"No... no....I can't." she says, between his kisses.

"Yes you can." he kisses her hard, deeply, wanting her to know how much he wants her, how much she means to him. He pumps his cock quickly, her body jerks under his, her nails dig into his back.

"Oh my God, Jared." she cries out, her legs wrapping tightly around his waist, her hips thrusting and jerking at him. He can feel her insides tighten around his cock, squeezing it tightly, almost painfully. Her breath comes in shallow little gasps, her eyes close tightly as she comes. Another thrust and he moans, his cock twitches, jerks, his buttocks clenching. His legs stiffen out behind him, his toes dig into the blanket. The first wave of an orgasm washing over him. "Ahhh." He cries out, his fingers entwining in her hair, grasping, clutching. He shoves his cock deep inside of her, his whole body shaking at its release. Her insides clenching at his cock, milking it as the waves wash over her. Breathing hard, their bodies covered in sweat, their hearts beating wildly in unison. Unable to help himself, he thrusts into her again, another orgasm rushes through both of them, just as intense as the first.

"Oh Leigh..." he says, burying his face in her hair, her arms around his neck.

Wave after wave of the orgasm assaults him, each time jerking his cock. His whole body felt alight with some burning fire, every cell in his body felt like tiny explosions going off. Quick images of him and Leigh together, laughing, loving. Memories? The images flashed through his mind too quickly for him to analyze. He just knew they were suppose to be together. The whole experience was mind blowing, it was beyond ecstasy, beyond anything he had ever felt, or had even come close to feeling. This was like no other orgasm he'd ever had. It was probably ten times stronger, if not more.

He collapses on top of her, the weight of his body, causing her to exhale. He thought he was having a heart attack, his heart was beating too fast, his limbs were numb. The room was spinning around him, like he was on a carnival ride. He held onto her, concentrating on slowing his breathing. Feeling the warm tingling sensations gently wash over him, the warm water covering him, drowning him. He wasn't scared of the drowning sensation, it felt comfortable, reminding him of infancy, of being in his mother's womb. What a strange thought to enter into his head. He smiles and snuggles down, his arms going under her body, holding her tightly to him, enjoying her soft womanly body under his. He felt so comfortable with her, as if they had always been together, as if they were one.

Her arms stay around his neck, but relax their hold. Her legs too, stay wrapped around his waist, relaxed, her vagina throbbed against his cock, keeping him engulfed in her softness.

She sighs, catching her breath, "Oh my God that was incredible." she says softly. "I've never had... I've never experienced anything like that."

Just then, Jared hears noises at the front of the bus, someone is coming.

"Shit." he mutters, looking up and seeing Shannon coming up the steps, onto the bus. Jared quickly reaches behind him, his sex coming out of Leigh as he pulls the curtains to his bunk shut. Enveloping them in semi-darkness.

"I have to go." she whispers.

"No. You're staying here."

"Don't be silly, I can't." she pushes on his arm, wiggling her hips out from under him.

"No." he says more sharply than he should have, grabbing her arm and twisting it down on the bed.


"Shhhh," he covers her mouth with his other hand. Wiggling her body, she tries to move out from under him. He moves his leg to the outside, pinning her back underneath his body. His hair sticks to his forehead, dripping sweat down onto her neck, her shoulder. He releases her wrist and quickly wipes his forehead, licking his lips, listening for the guys. Ignoring her feeble head shakes as she tries to remove his hand from her mouth.

Jared can hear the guys talking and moving about the bus. Then Shannon's voice calls out, loudly, and right near the curtain, "Well, well what do we have here. Panties, a bra, shoes that aren't Jared's style at all. Whose clothes could these be?" the other guys from the band chuckle.

The curtain is slapped, "Hurry up in there, the bus is leaving soon."

Jared relaxes his hold on Leigh's mouth, she jerks her head away.

"I have to leave." she whispers to him. "I can't stay... Please let me go."

Jared closes his eyes, laying is face back down in her hair. "I don't want to lose you, not again." Something tells him they have been here before, that they have been together, and somehow lost each other. Fear of losing her again, strikes him.

"Jared..." her fingers run through his hair, tucking a section back behind his ear. "This is a dream, just a dream, right? Tell me I'm dreaming." Her voice sounds desperate as she clings to him, her arms going back around his neck, holding him close to her. Her lips briefly touch his earlobe, the butterfly sensation flitting over his skin, across his back. He feels himself hardening. He presses against her pelvis, his hands sliding down her sides, under her buttocks.

"Its not a dream."

"Jared, no....we can't."

"This is real....I know it is." He mutters, moving his legs between hers, forcing them back apart.

"Jared stop, please." she pushes on him, trying to roll him off of her.

"Shhhh...." His mouth covers her, his lips stifling her pleas. He jabs at her with his cock, humping until he finds his way inside. She whimpers under his kisses, her body once again opening under him. He fucks her quickly, cheek to cheek, their bodies sliding against each other. His hands under her ass, lifting her up, slapping urgently into her. She moans in his ear, grabbing his butt cheeks, squeezing hard as her feet wrap around his ankles. He grunts, biting his lip, slamming into her hard, over and over. He raises his head, looking at her. He can see her biting her lip also, holding her cries of passion inside.

"I'm gonna fuck you forever." he says in her ear, kissing her earlobe. "You're mine, you've always been mine."


The orgasm hits him, again every cell in his body explodes. Million of little fireworks flash through his mind. Visions of Leigh and him together. Something tells him they are memories. Memories of past lives. He knows deep inside they are meant to be together, together through all of time.

"What does..." she whispers, "I don't understand...what does this mean?"

Was she having the same visions? He shakes his head, not sure if he comprehending the meaning either. What were the flashes, the images in his head, trying to tell him.

The curtain to the bunk is slapped again, "Come on lover boy. Sorry to break this up, but we have to be going. The next city waits for no one, especially you." Shannon says.

"Fuck off." Jared yells.

"Oh, so you are in there." Shannon chuckles. "Do you need any help?"

Jared pulls the curtain back a little bit, sticking his head outside. "Do you mind? Give us a little fucking privacy. Get the fuck out of here."

Smirking Shannon tries to peak in, guessing who was with him. This only irritates Jared further. "Oh, you need 'fucking' privacy..." Shannon says, "well then maybe you should have gone to hotel." He slaps the curtain again.

This time the curtain is pulled back and Leigh wiggles out. Completely naked, she avoids eye contact with Shannon, and grabs for her pants. Shannon steps back, his mouth dropping open.

"You don't have to leave." Jared says, pushing the curtain even farther open, swinging his legs around and sitting on the edge of the bunk beside Leigh.

Leigh sticks her legs into her pants, then stands up and puts her back to Shannon, wiggling her butt into the tight fabric. One could almost imagine her boobs bouncing up and down as she pulls her pants on. Jared stands up behind her, watching as she bends down and grabs her bra. She wraps the bra around her waist, clasping it. She turns the bra around, sticking her arms through the straps, bending slightly and shaking her shoulders to get her breasts positioned into the cups.

Jared touches her spine. She flinches away from his touch, bending down to retrieve her shirt.

"Don't leave." He whispers, leaning in, but then quickly ducking backwards as she pulls her shirt down and flicks her hair out. She grabs her boots and turns around, putting the back of her hand on Jared's chest, moving him aside. She closes her eyes as the sensation zaps through him, through both of them.

"You don't have to leave." he tells her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards him, his fingers holding on tightly.

She winces, "I can't... this..." she swings her free arm out, almost hitting Shannon with her boots, "this was not suppose to happen. I can't be here. I shouldn't be here."

"But you are, now stay." Jared tugs on her.

"No... no... I can't... please stop. I have to go." She tries to jerk her hand away, but Jared holds tight.

She looks at him, her eyes pleading with his. "Please Jared, there are so many things you don't know."

She gives him a pained look, tugging on her hand, tears starting to well up in her eyes.

"Then stay and tell me. I want to know everything about you. Every--"

Quickly she steps up and kisses him, a sweet tender kiss.

"I'm married." she whispers.

His hold on her wrist falters, she pulls her hand away. Stepping back from him, Jared sees a tear run down her cheek. "I'm so sorry."

She turns, squeezing past Shannon in the tight area, pass Tomo and some other guys.

"No..." Jared starts to run after her, but Shannon blocks him.

"You might want to put some pants on there little bro."

"Move!" Jared shoves Shannon aside, watching as Leigh pushes on the bus door, this time it opens for her and she goes flying out.

"Leigh!" Jared rushes towards the front of the bus, butt naked. He can't let her go.

"Tomo!" Shannon hollers.

Tomo steps up and blocks the door, completely surprised by Jared's actions. "Whoa dude, you ain't got no clothes on."

Jared pauses for a second, growling, he turns around and goes back to the bunk area, grabbing his pants, he pulls them on.

"There, happy now?" he rushes past Shannon and Tomo, sprinting out the door, looking for Leigh.

He shouts her name, looking around for any sign of her. Listening, nothing, but an echo coming off the building and the bus. He calls her name again, rushing into the building. He runs into some people, asking if they had seen a girl in a purple shirt. Surprised at the shirtless and barefooted Jared, they nod their heads no. He continues down the hallway, shouting her name. Unable to find her in the nearly empty building, he runs back outside. Going to the side gate that is open, where some of the equipment trucks have already left, heading for the next city on the tour. Jared sprints across a parking lot, looking for any sign of her. The faint sound of a car door closing, fills the air, the sound of a car engine come to life. Turning around he sees a small red car about five hundred yards away.

"Leigh?" He yells, half running, half walking towards the car. "Leigh?"

The headlights come on. Jared holds his hand up, shielding his eyes from the blinding light. "Leigh...its alright! I don't care if you're married! Its ok..."

The car starts to backup. "Leigh?"

He panics, his heart races, "Don't leave, don't leave", he mutters under his breath. He lowers his hand, trying to see pass the glare of the lights. Was it her?

Palms open and exposed, he lowers both hands, "Please...don't leave...."

The car peels away, its tires squealing on the asphalt as it recklessly turns, heading out of the parking area and disappearing over a small rise.

"Leigh!" he screams, chasing after it, but its no use, the car is gone.

Shit. Shit. He stops running. A stitch in his side makes him double over. His hands on his knees as he catches his breath. After a moment, he straightens up, flicking his hair back with his hands.

"Fuck!" his voice carries on the breeze as he screams at the top of his lungs. He stamps his feet, twisting around in a small circle, his hands curled into fists. "FUCKKKKK!"

He puts his hand over his heart, his chest is hurting, like he's missing a vital organ. Like his heart has been ripped out of his chest. He looks around, he is alone in an empty parking lot. He curses some more. Slapping his forehead with the palm of his hand. What the fuck? What was he suppose to do now? He didn't want to go back to the bus. He didn't want to face Shannon. Didn't want to explain what had happened. He didn't want to talk about it all. He wanted her to come back. He looks back at the spot where the car had disappeared, hoping that she was returning. Hoping that maybe she was feeling the same pain as he was. They had connected on a spiritual, sexual level, maybe somehow they were connecting on the pain of separation too.

He stands there for a moment, staring off into the distance. The farthest row of parking lot lights shut off. The sudden darkness starting to creep up on him, as each section goes black, coming closer to where he stands. He turns around, making his way slowly back to the bus. Shit. He puts his hand back on his chest, it was throbbing painfully.

Withdrawal pains? He chuckles at the thought, coming to a complete stop. He suddenly laughs out loud. Throwing his head back, he laughs like a crazy man. Laughing so hard tears come to his eyes. He wipes them away, laughing even harder when he sees them on his finger. What a sissy he is, pining over a female. A female he doesn't even know, met only, what forty-five, sixty minutes ago, and to top it off, she was married. Fuck.

He drops down on his knees, stretching his arms straight out from his sides, palms open, he looks up at the night sky, laughing. This was all so ridiculous. What the hell was he doing? Why was this effecting him so? Why had she effected him? What had she done to him? Why was he terrified of going back to the bus and facing Shannon? Tomo? Then suddenly he bends over, burying his face in his hands, he presses them against the hard cold asphalt.

His laughing turns to crying. He was on the edge of the earth, and it felt like he had just fallen off.

The last section of parking lot lights shut off, their buzzing noise abruptly stopping. All that is heard in the darkness are Jared's sobs, echoing across the parking lot.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Loved it

Beautifully written, descriptive, alluring and sexy. The details are amazing.felt like it was happening to me. Bravo!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I think it's really funny how as I'm reading this a song by them comes on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
To be honest....

I think you were way to kind. I have a feeling Jared Leto is a bit more of a dick in real life. But this was nice. As needy and angsty as his music........ And you may be the first person in the world who has ever noticed that there are other band members in 3STM....ha ha

Cristina18Cristina18about 12 years ago
Loved it!

Please continue this really enjoyed it, great writing and flow throughout! PLEASE continue :) x

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

what scared me is that i'm just like her....except for the whole meeting him part and the sex :/

sacrificedangelsacrificedangelabout 15 years ago
Poor Jared!

...despite him...not getting the girl in the end...I still loved it! Would love to see a sequel? Pleeeaaaaseeeeee????

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
wowo good one


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