Education of a Jezebel Pt. 09: Deciding on a Major


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After the hoopla was over, Sam handed the prize to her pupil and said, "I'm hitting the town, want to come?"

Kelley knew what would happen, decided she wasn't in the mood to get picked up. "I think I'll pass."

"Suit yourself," and she was gone.

It was approaching ten o'clock, Kelley wondered what to do. Waylon found her. "Hey, congratulations."

"Honestly, I don't know what we did to deserve this. I think it was a sop to my boss." Waylon was wearing a nice but inexpensive suit of grey wool, Kelley was in a blue evening sheath.

"You know this is the first time I've ever been in New York, and I wanted to see the lights of Broadway. Want to take a walk with me?"

"Sure," Kelley agreed. "Let me head to my room to stash this and get a wrap." She expected Waylon to say he'd meet her in the lobby, but instead he followed her to the elevator and got off at her floor. As she unlocked the door to her room she said, "I'll just be a minute," and it was only that, he waited in the hallway.

They headed to the street, the excitement of Times Square. Theaters were letting out, you saw every form of dress from tuxedos and original gowns to the dingy winter coats of the homeless. Kelley led her charge through the rush of a Saturday night crowd in Times Square, then over to Rockefeller Center. Wanting a view of the city, Waylon paid for two tickets to the Top of the Rock observation decks. Kelley watched this neophyte enjoy the glittering lights of the big city, she became a little chilly in the breeze and let Waylon put his arm around her. "Is that the Empire State Building?" he asked and when Kelley turned her face to answer him, they shared a bit of a kiss. Nothing major, just a little memento of a nice night to make it nicer.

Walking back to the Marriott, they passed a Hyatt, Waylon suggested, "How about a nightcap?"

"Why not."

They sat in overstuffed leather chairs as they drank, port for Kelley, scotch for him. Waylon confessed he was only twenty-seven, you could see the dreams in his eyes. When the waitress presented him with the tab, Kelley smiled to herself as she watched the shock in the boy's eyes - drinks in a New York Hotel are far from cheap! "Let me split it with you," she offered.

"No... no, I invited you in here. A hayseed in the big city, huh?"

On. the way back, Waylon touched her hand, she slipped it into his. And as they approached the entrance to their hotel, she was mildly startled to feel the adrenaline flow through her veins. She hadn't realized she was aroused, hadn't been thinking of Waylon as anything but a nice boy to be around. But she'd been amused at his reactions to the Metropolis, she saw something of herself as a young person her first time here.

In the elevator she broached, "You want to come up to my room for a little while?"

He looked at her. "You sure?"

"Why not? I've had fun with you the last couple of hours."

She led him into the room, slipped off her heels. "The next time you get reincarnated, don't come back as a woman, shoes will kill you." After she rubbed her feet, she walked to the window, Waylon followed her. The view was nothing compared to the 70th floor of the Rockefeller Center, it was hemmed in by a lower building across the street, the skyline was minimally visible, the crowds on the street seemed to be dwindling. But still, it might be termed 'enchanting.' When Kelley faced the man, he had the sense to put his arms around her, they kissed. It was pleasing, but Kelley thought she sensed disquiet.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Sort of," he admitted.

"Are you living with her?"

"No, it's not that serious."

Kelley pecked his lips, put her hand on his shoulder. "If you want to leave, I'd understand." A clear option, take it or leave it.

Waylon bent for a more serious kiss. "I'd like to stay," he committed.

Her room faced the W hotel a half block north, the lamps in her room gave off plenty of light, it was quite possible they were being watched from a room across the way, perhaps even a dozen. Kelley didn't care, she chose to leave her curtains open. She let her hands roam over Waylon's torso, she helped him slip his suit coat off, loosened his tie. Turning her back to him she begged, "Unzip me please." She let the gown slip off, placed it on a chair trying not to wrinkle it.

Waylon gazed at her, standing before him in bra, panties, thigh highs and jewelry. "You're beautiful," he stuttered. It meant nothing to her, she knew she was merely attractive, but she appreciated his meaning.

Still standing before the window, they continued to strip each other, when she had him naked she was down to her panties, she kneeled on the floor before him, took his manhood in her mouth. As she plied her trade, he rocked on his heels, gently screwing her mouth. When she felt he'd had enough, she rose and asked, "Was that good?"

"Oh, the best ever!"

"Good. And you're going to eat me, aren't you?"


She backed up, let her bikinis slide to the floor, he gasped when he saw her bare mons. "Doesn't your girlfriend shave down there?" she teased.

"No, she trims but that's all."

"Well, look all you want." The desk was behind her, she slid everything to the floor, sat on it. "It's your turn, come and get it."

He knelt on the floor, she put one foot on his shoulder, one on the chair, completely open for him. As he toyed with her cunnie with his fingers and mouth, she looked out onto the city. She imagined other men were watching her, she propped her tits up with her hands for the potential observer's pleasure. She wasn't sure if Waylon was good at the art, or whether it was just her randiness, but she managed a decent enough first orgasm, it rolled through her but lasted only a half minute.

"That's enough," she urged, "come here." Waylon stood, and she was a little surprised when he took hold of her ankles, raised her legs above her shoulders. She had just enough room on the workspace to place her hands behind her and hold onto the edge, he slid towards her and managed to find her void with his pipe. Pushing in, she gasped at the feeling, how she was being used, completely defenseless in that position - not that she had any desire to do anything but let him have his way with her!

He started a little slow, as she smiled at him and encouraged him he lunged deeper, with fury. Again Kelley thought what a voyeur might be looking at, it pushed her over the edge again, she let herself have a good one. It would have been so much better, but she was having to control herself with her arms lest she collapse. She was just coming out of it when she felt him shiver, a rising groan burst from his lungs. It was nice, feeling him slide in and out, letting him loose his sperm. She laughed in pleasure, and when he could he joined her in the mirth.

It took them a moment to untangle, Kelley slipped off the desk and pulled on the drawstring to close the heavy drapes; the show was over. She dragged him to the bed, they hugged and smiled. "I guess you're not going to tell your girlfriend about everything you did in New York, are you?"

"Most of it," he laughed, "I think I'll keep this a secret. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, I was just divorced a few months ago. I'm playing the field right now. I'll put you in the outfield, if you lived in Morreton you'd be second base, I think."

They were lying together on top of the comforter, Kelley thought about pulling it down and getting between the sheets. But if he left in the morning, one of the other conference people might see him, it could get around. "Oh, look at the time," she bellowed.

"Guess I should be leaving, huh?"

"I'd like you to stay, but..."

He picked up his suit, by the time he was dressed she was in the plush robe the hotel provided. On his way out they shared the last kiss. "See you tomorrow?" he said.

"Yeah, I guess."

She turned the lights off, thinking how grand Waylon's memory of his first weekend in Gotham City would be. Her's too, as a single woman!

Samantha was bleary eyed at breakfast. "I didn't get in till after four, met a guy at a bar, went up to his room. What happened to you?"

"Nothing," Kelley said with a straight face. "There's nothing to do in this town late at night."

Sam shook her head. "In New York..."

Chapter 28

It had been a busy three weeks since she'd returned from New York. Not professionally, the Holiday season started early for DoorsOpen, until January they'd just mark time. Kelley found she was working from home a lot or spending time at the gym while she was downtown. Not twenty hours a week was spent in the office.

Her evenings were what were keeping her going. The night after she'd gotten back Tom called her, told her he needed her badly, she spent that night at his apartment, since then had spent a full weekend with him, then a few other nights. On a Saturday she'd gone over to Ashley and Don's, Nick had been there, it had turned into a gentle bacchanal.

Kurt had bothered her a couple of times, he prearranged one night and took her out for a meal, then on a Monday night he called her out of the blue, since she was bored and hot to trot she'd said sure.

Then there was Tavon. She'd let him escort her to another lecture on a Monday evening, when he dropped her off she invited him in. It had been not much better than the other times, she'd had to do all of the seduction and most of the work. He was a nice enough man, but she doubted she'd date him again, there were too many other fish.

It was the Friday before Thanksgiving, Tom took her to a get together at a friend's house. The dinner for ten people at a McMansion was populated by other bigwigs at USPG, including Tom's boss. He'd warned her about it beforehand, of course. This was the kind of thing Luciano had wanted her for, she knew the rote well, even though she was the youngest person there everyone seemed impressed by her suaveness. As she was returning from the toilet at one point, she'd overheard a man telling Tom, "Looks like you've got a keeper there."

"Well, we're just dating. We've only known each other a couple of months."

"Well, hang on to her if you can."

They'd left a bit after ten, in Kelley's apartment the sex had been very nice - very. But there was also an undertone to it. They were beginning to know each other in bed pretty well, there'd been no surprises that evening. As they laid on the bed afterwards, Kelley was a bit torn. Were they getting too close? Was it to be expected that now, after she'd been introduced to his peers, that they would become an item? She dropped off, her head on Tom's shoulder.

He left after breakfast that day, telling her he'd pick her up at seven, they were going to go to a movie that night.

She met Ashley for their monthly mall excursion and lunch. "I've got a problem," Kelley told her friend.

"Join the club. How bad is it?"

"I'm not sure. Last night I went to a dinner party with Tom, mainly the people he works with. And I think he's getting to the point that he's thinking of me as a girlfriend."

"And you don't want that, do you?"

"I didn't think I did. I'm only six months out, I'm enjoying what I'm getting, I don't think I want to settle down yet. On the other hand, Tom's a real catch. I'm not sure I'd do as well after a couple of years."

They went around that for another fifteen minutes, and Ashley ended it with an observation. "So, you need to make a decision. Tom, or your freedom."

"But I want both," Kelley whined.

The movie that evening was a romantic comedy with a stale plot: a woman trying to spread herself among two men, both of them aware of the other, both trying to outdo themselves. The acting was pithy, the actress and actors appealing. There was a bit of nudity, the woman's breasts, a man's backside, but nothing out of the ordinary.

"Stop for dinner someplace?" Tom asked.

"Let's just go home, I'll open a can of soup and make a salad."


They ate, speaking of the movie and work, then moved into the living room. Kelley expected the usual: a tiny lecture about a Classic Rock artist, moving together, linking of hands and lips, moving into the bedroom for completion. It wasn't as if Kelley was bored with it, Tom had been shown to be a fanciful lover, changing techniques to fit a mood from sensual to obscene. It was just growing a bit, well, expected.

But this evening Tom had other plans. "We need to talk."

'Oh-oh,' Kelley thought, 'is this the brush off?' She wondered, if he was going to break up with her why had he taken her to the dinner party the night before? And all the magazine articles said you never did it at somebody's house, you always did it out in public.

Tom continued, "You know how much I like you. If I was going to settle down, you'd be the one I'd do it with. You know that, right?"

So it was the kiss off. Kelley felt her eyes become moist. 'Don't cry,' she told herself, 'DON'T CRY!' "You're breaking up with me?" she whimpered.

"Good God, no," Tom responded, "What gave you that idea?" When she didn't react he resumed. "I just have to tell you about some habits of mine, things you don't know. When you hear them, you might want to break up with me, I just hope you'll think about it. I'm not a one woman kind of guy. Emotionally, I could be, I guess, in fact I think I'd like to be. But I don't want to be monogamous. I've tried it a couple times, it doesn't fit me. While I want to see you, often, I want the freedom to see other women. Of course, if that's the way it is for me, it should be that way for you, too. If you saw other men, it would be okay. If we continue as a couple, I wouldn't want you to think you'd need to be faithful to me. Is this making sense?"

Kelley gave him a timid smile. "Yes, it does. To answer your question, at least I think it was a question, yes, in the two months we've been dating, I've seen at least one other guy. And you know I've only been divorced six months, I'm not close to wanting to settle down with just one man just yet. So, yeah, I think we can make something like this work."

As she answered him, a broad smile came to his face, he settled back to the sofa, she curled to him, they began the foreplay Kelley had expected. But there was a twinge of spice to it. She realized she no longer had to feel even slightly ashamed that she was 'cheating' on him with Kurt or Don or whoever. As they moved into the bedroom, she thought about another woman giving him a blowjob, were they as good as she was? When Tom licked at her pussy, she thought how good he was at that, wondered if the other women responded as brightly as she did. And when she rode him to a wonderful orgasm for herself and his signature growl, she knew how much she satisfied this man, wasn't the slightest bit jealous that other women were able to mollify him.

They were relaxing in the candlelight, Kelley asked, "Okay, so we get to see other people. That's cool. It is just going to be sometimes we're with each other, and sometime with other people?"

"It can be like that. One of the things I've learned is that it helps if we're honest about it. For example, there was that one Saturday night when you wanted to go out and I said I couldn't. I presume you thought I was seeing someone else?"

"The thought never occurred to me," she lied.

"Well, if we decide we want to be primary partners, then I'd tell you I was seeing someone else. That way you'd know."

"Would I be able to ask details?"

"Sure. Of course. Like what?"

"Well, what her name is, of course. What you guys did. Does she like being swung from a chandelier?"

"Like you do?" Tom laughed. "Yeah, if you want to go into detail, it'd be fine with me. Of course, I get to ask about the same details."

"You like to talk dirty, don't you?"

"It can be fun."

She decided to test him. "Okay, so here's a detail. On that trip I took to New York? A guy picked me up, and I let him come back to my room. I let him do what he wanted to me, but I didn't turn off the light or close the drapes."

"Did you find the idea of people looking at you while you were getting laid was a turn on?"

"Yeah, it was."

"Good. Tell you what, let's open this window and let your neighbors see us."

"That's a little too much. But if you want to go to another city and get a hotel room where people could see us without knowing who we are, I could be tempted."

"Well, what if I could give you an even better deal? There's a club about an hour from here, halfway between us and Hill Valley. People go there to meet up and have sex. And if you wanted, we could make love while a bunch of people watch us. Would that turn you on?"

Kelley already knew about the club, Ashley and Don sometimes went there. She decided to string Tom along. "And would it just be you and me making love?"

"Depends on what we want, there are options."

"You've been there, then? Recently?"

"It's been over six months, before we met," Tom revealed.

"And it's just couples that know each other? Does anybody ever swap with other people? I've heard of things like that."

"Yes, they're called 'swingers.' In fact, most of the people there, the ones that want to have sex, they do it with people they didn't come with. How do you feel about that?"

"I'll have to think about it," Kelley demurred. She realized, for the first time in weeks, that Tom was getting solid enough to go at it again. "So, I told you about a guy I've met recently. Tell me about a girlfriend you've had."

Tom opened up about a married woman he'd met on one of his trips, how he'd bought her a drink at the bar and how she'd invited herself up to his room while she set up her phone and her husband watched via video. And while he told her this story, Kelley and Tom banged fiercely.

Kelley woke the next morning, Tom was still snoring. She took her time, brushed her hair and made her face to minimum acceptance. snuck back into the bedroom and found a mesh shift, she didn't think Tom had seen it yet. And panties! For some reason, guys wanted you to wear panties just so they could take them off. When Tom yawned his way into the kitchen, he found her sitting at the table, munching on fruit. "You look good," he flattered, inspecting her closely. "You planning on taking me back to bed?"

"Let's say I want to take somebody to bed. You're convenient." After he'd gotten his coffee and poured a bowl of cereal, she tried to further the conversation they'd had during the night. "So you've been in the LifeStyle, right?" When she'd fazed him with the noun, she continued. "Yeah, I do research. So, how long have you been in it, how did you get into it?"

"You remember me telling you about that woman I lived with in London? Elinor? One night we were over at some friend's house, it got a little drunk out and we wound up making out with each other's partners. It didn't go anyplace, we just sort of felt each other up, didn't even get naked. Elinor and I talked about it, decided it was fine, the next week we invited them over and swapped. From there, we got into it with other couples, they're easy to find on the Internet if you know where to look. And we had some threesomes, too, with me and another guy with Elinor."

"Why did you and Elinor break up?"

"It had nothing to do with the sex. I was moving up with USPG and she'd never even gone to University. We just weren't a match socially, she knew that and didn't want to go there. I wasn't disappointed, I was wondering how I was going to motivate her into raising herself up, England is a very class conscious place."

"Okay, and after that, did you stay in the LifeStyle?"

"I'd been introduced to it, it wasn't much of a stretch to get myself invited to parties and such. I found I liked it. Some of the people in England knew a couple here in Morreton, when I got transferred, I looked them up, and I became what's known as a 'single male.'"