Egg Ch. 09

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Jacob is brought to a party.
8.9k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 12/03/2023
Created 08/08/2022
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A special and corrective thank you to the proper title of my editor which is Pixel_Panda. Again a special thanks for helping me get this story to the next level with all the great feedback and help. I have been enjoying writing this story and talking about ideas about where it could go. Thank you all.

Chapter 9

Jacob no longer dreamt of the throne in the dark place. Aurora had seen to it that his wanderings in the ethereal dream world no longer occurred once his eyes closed. She had claimed that the world didn't need his presence and that the dangers far outweighed any benefit. Though she never elaborated as to what those dangers were. As Jacob lay in bed, he thought about that change.

Aurora hadn't replaced his dreams with anything. Every time he slept now, all he experienced was nothing. At least he woke refreshed, but he felt something left him now, but couldn't name what that was.

The house was quiet. It had been since the night before. He could still hear the echoes of his father's screams, but they didn't bother him. In fact, the house itself felt like a crypt now. He sat in his bed, staring at the wall and wondering about the death of his father.

The man, a strong abusive alpha type man, went out like a bitch. He could still hear the sounds of bones snapping and the whimpers of pain his father made in protest to his plight. True to form, Aurora feasted on the man wholly. Her monstrous form of morphable pink flesh was something to behold. She always looked like a horror movie monster whenever she took that form. Possesing an alien yet female-looking humanoid body with many flailing tentacles, mouths, and razor-sharp teeth embedded in an unspeakable number of places paired with a wholly different type of hunger that constrasted with her sexual one. She had consumed his father with that raging hunger.

Aurora left later that night to take care of Ms. Devons and hadn't returned. She had only looked at him with blue in her eyes. A probable sign of contentment or maybe sadness. He couldn't tell which. After she left, he inspected and found nothing of his father left. After that, he passed out strangely calm and horny.

He stretched and hoped the abused teacher fared well. His father had done an undeniable number on her. Today was a school day and he didn't feel like going. Left alone with no pick me up, he felt depressed.

Oh sure, he had that feeling before, but today, this feeling felt different. A need for worship filled him. Aurora swore such a thing should be done daily and multiple times. Yet, she left him to his own devices more and more. The doorbell rang, surprising him. Getting up from his bed, he moved quickly downstairs.

The doorbell rang again.

"Hold on, hold on," he yelled out. An annoyance grew in him as he went to the front door. While he didn't currently have anything particularly nice on, consisting of a solid blue t-shirt and pair of solid black shorts, he would still open the door.

Another ring and he grasped the door knob hard. A deep breath and he quelled his rising anger at the situation. Who would ring the bell so insistently this early in the morning? A heavy sigh and he pulled the door open, making sure to keep the locking chain in place.


His words were meant to cut through the air with warning in them. He did not like the impatience of a door bell being rung. To his surprise, standing there in front of him in a dress was Meredith.

"Is that the proper way to greet a lady, Jacob?"


He replied holding a hand up to block the bright light. Before clearing his vision, the cop pushed him back. While blinded still, he heard the door close. A vice-like grip grabbed his arm and pulled it down. Soft lips on his stifled the pain he felt from the vice-like grip digging into his skin.

A passionately invasive french kiss ensued and being that Jacob didn't want to end it, he fell into the deep kiss expecting it to lead to more of it. When Meredith's lips and elongated tongue pulled away, he growled in frustration.

"Now, now, hold on there, Jacob," Meredith said with a laugh. "I was only sent to fetch you. Aurora needs you over at my place."

"I have school," he said, angrily shifting as his throbbing cock strained against the fabric of his shorts.

"Skip it," Meredith replied with a shrug. Only now did he see how she looked. Her blond hair was much longer and she was in her police uniform. But it got a little tight in the top as he could see where the buttons strained in her shirt. Her pants also had a crease that said they were too small in the legs. She must have been uncomfortable with how she carried herself. Nakedness only a few buttons away.

Jacob let out another groan. For a species that needed to worship constantly, they seemed to put such an important thing on hold a lot. Sighing, he raised an arm up.

"Fine, let's go."

"You need to get changed first. Spruce up a bit. Aurora has a big surprise for you."

"She always has something," he growled before storming off to the upstairs. He showered quickly, groaning the whole time in discomfort. His cock throbbed heavy and hard down his leg. Balls full and swollen, he twitched in pain every time he touched them. Washing made him constantly wince, but there was no telling what adventure Aurora was sucking him into.

After his shower, a task which he did not rush, he took his time to find a nice outfit. For Jacob, a nice outfit meant putting on a collared polo and some khaki pants. A look that he never wore before, but always wanted to. Jacob's wardrobe before the change didn't include dressing nice. He had bought the clothes on a whim thinking or hoping to wear them for an occasion. There never existed an occasion before or one he could make up an excuse for.

Sitting on his bed, he pulled out from underneath it a few shoe boxes. Another few purchases and most of these were on a whim too. But one particular pair would be perfect for the occasion. After pulling out more boxes, he finally pulled out the one he wanted.

The box itself did not look like the others. Thick and heavy with intricate designs scrolled across it. A red box with black swirls that were raised to the touch. With a smile, he opened the lid and pulled out shoes that mimicked the box in design. At almost a grand in cost, the smell of new leather pleasantly filled the air.

"Jacob," Meredith's voice sang up the stairs. "You're taking too long."

"Yeah, yeah," he replied, briefly looking up from the shoes. A memory of a time of his where his father yelling up the stairs suddenly popped into his mind, making him cringe in response. The house seemed quiet now. Even the sound of the AC circulating did little to dissipate how empty the house felt.

He selected the nice pair of shoes and started putting them on after pulling out the paper inserted in them. Noting as he went about slowly putting them on, he thought about how the weight felt nice in his hands, the quality of the leather of the shoes, and the wonderful smell of newness. To finish up his outfit, he fished out a black colored watch that matched his outfit with its silver etched details. After a quick look in the mirror of the bathroom, he was satisfied with the results. He walked down the stairs.

"About time," Meredith said to him before she even laid eyes on him. He knew she was waiting in the living room and when he walked in, her expression quickly changed.

"That's what took you so long?" she said.

"You don't like it?"

"I love it. You look downright amazing."

Jacob felt a heat rise in his cheeks. The praise felt nice.

"I wonder if Aurora would mind too much if we were a bit late."

Jacob's cock sprung up with those words. Throbbing into hardness that took him a second to adjust himself with how uncomfortable it strained in his pants. Of course, Meredith got a show of him adjusting himself.

"No, you insisted we get to her. Missed your chance for this round," he replied with a laugh.

Meredith let out a guttural growl that took him aback and almost made him cower. Without thinking, he stepped towards her. A reaction his body knew before his mind, that needed to happen.

"Listen here, you've made your choice. Next time don't spur my offer."

Much to Jacob's surprise, Meredith's jaw suddenly dropped impossibly open revealing a row of triangular teeth each on her upper and lower jaw. Her dripping wet tongue dropped out too, revealing a horrific sight as the bottom of her jaw suddenly split open into 4 halves like a blooming flower. For a second, Jacob almost lost his resolve at the sight.

Aurora wouldn't allow anything bad to happen. Better yet, he wasn't going to allow it.

"Don't you dare get moody like that with me," he said, taking a step towards her. Her eyes shifted to a crimson color. That caught his attention too. Apparently as her skin shifted from a normal tone, to the same type Aurora had when she shifted. Pale and almost rubbery looking, Meredith slowly transformed into a monstrosity. Still, Jacob committed himself to the role.

"Meredith," he yelled at her. Her mouth flowered wider apart as more rows of sharp teeth appeared. As her sensually red tongue grew increasingly long, the tip suddenly split apart into a 4-petaled starfish shape with an undulating orifice in the center, from which a finger-thick needle-tipped tendril emerged while dripping an unknown liquid as it extended towards Jacob.

Without thinking, Jacob did the only thing he could at the moment. He turned around and walked out the front door, leaving the blossoming horror movie monster in the house alone. Whatever she had going on, Jacob didn't need her to get to Aurora. He already knew where she was.

Jacob chose to walk to Meredith's. Somehow, the decision seemed better in his mind than driving his new car. Besides, he didn't like the idea of being summoned at someone else's will. Aurora would wait, and as he rounded the street corner, he figured Meredith hadn't realized his move. Walking quickly, he went with a brisk pace for a bit before he felt comfortable slowing down.

Jacob didn't recognize the neighborhood he found himself in. This path never traveled because of avoidance of his bullies. The neighborhood itself needed to be crossed to get to the one Meredith lived in though.

The air hung weirdly in the air. Hairs raised, he knew that dressed-up, he broadcasted a signal of a target. Then again, he hoped that the demise of Billy and his new physique would ward off anything. Too bad that didn't happen. As he crossed the street, one of Billy's friends appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey douchebag, you lose some weight and think you're king shit now?"

Jacob heard the broad casted yell of anger. Then while he turned to the sounds, a fist connected with his face and sent him sprawling to the ground. Pain laced his cheek, but a flare of his anger quenched that pain and he came back up. Something hit his chest, maybe another fist, but Jacob didn't feel it. Instead, he barreled through the bully, slamming his attacker to the ground.

"You little-"

Jacob silenced the bully with his own fist now. Fist after fist crashed down onto flesh. Before long, the thrown blows lost strength. Knuckles bloodied, Jacob didn't even check the limp form of his attacker as he left the boy behind. Walking, he felt his heart pound in not only his ears, but on his flaring knuckles. An attack like that deserved no acknowledgement from him and so he walked.

The pace of his walk felt slow, but only because a heat in his ears let him feel like danger could strike from any direction. Soon enough though, he crossed across the street and into the neighborhood that Meredith lived in. As soon as he crossed the threshold between, the air changed drastically. Without even needing to think about it, he knew the change reflected a heavy presence of lust in the air.

Nothing moved outside. Not a car, not a bird, nothing. He walked slower now, weirded out about the eerie atmosphere. While his knuckles still beat with his heart, he didn't feel pain any more. A smell hung in the air now too, but he couldn't place the pleasant scent.

Walking past the first few houses, nothing grabbed his attention. Cars sat in normal positions. Front doors were closed and no sprinklers sprayed. Something not normal being that this neighborhood was considered to be more affluent than his. Most homes here came built with three or more bedrooms than his own. The thought of home reminded him of Meredith and he wondered how she fared with his departure. Eventually those thoughts kept him focused on what type of monstrosities he brought into existence as he walked up to her home.

Meredith's home looked to Jacob, like it was one of the biggest on the block. While her police cruiser sat in the driveway, he knew she wasn't home in it. His car sat next to it. Weirdly he couldn't recall it being borrowed. Honestly, he thought he walked by it when he left.

He walked up to the front door and reached out to grab the door handle. Jacob didn't move for a moment. His thoughts circled around in his head of what would be in the home. What would he walk into? Even now, his cock throbbed in excitement as the air seemed to have an even more powerful charge of lust in the air. Like a moth to the flame, he knew opening the door would bathe him in something erotic.

"I could simply walk away."

He said the words out loud, not realizing the thought may have reflected how he truly felt. A linch-pin of the organization, he didn't want people to be hurt. The women where becoming literal monsters and eating others under some sort of sexual fetish. All for a mate they say. What about him though? Sure he could have any woman it seemed, but what if he wanted just one? Just Aurora?

The door unexpectedly opened.

Standing naked in front of him was a woman he didn't recognize.

"You must be the party favor," she said. Her black hair looked disheveled and she had a bit of pudge on her gut. Stretch marks flowered out over her stomach. Jacob had no idea who she was and he didn't even get out a protest to her when she grabbed him and pulled him inside.

Shoved up against the wall, he heard the door slam shut as a hand reached into his pants.

"Hey now," he cried out, but then soft lips pressed against his with a deep throaty moan reverberating into his chest. Hot and sweet, the woman pushed him hard against the wall and began working his cock out of his pants. Jacob wanted to push her away, but his body responded to the stimulation with a crippling effect. Putty in her hands, his cock came out under the pulling and stroking of her hand.

Relaxing, Jacob returned the kiss in earnest now. His tongue got sucked on while it moved around her swirling one. Then, it was his turn to moan as the hand moved quicker on his cock His hips began to move, trying to get the head of his cock more stimulation. Suddenly, as if answered by a prayer, the head of his dick sank into something wet and warm. An earnest tongue swirled over the head, something Jacob knew by the actual sensation.

Total relaxation as the woman's hands rested on his shoulders now. Their kiss, unbroken by the change happening to him, continued with a growing intensity from the woman. Suddenly, she began convulsing and it was only then, that the kiss broke.

The woman wailed her sudden immersion into explosive pleasure. Without much warning, she threw herself against him when her orgasm died down. Eyes open now, he managed to look past her shoulder to see a mass of tentacles moving about. Some were twisting and hugging the lower body of the chubbier woman. Then as if some sort of switch had been flipped by the sight, a powerful suck on his cock, his balls erupted forth, spewing a viscous discharge of cum.

The sucking stopped and then the heat of everything dissipated from his cock. He let out a sigh of relief at the change. Sensitive now, his cock started overloading on stimulation from the continual sucking. Then Jacob found himself standing across from a naked Aurora.

"Hey," she said, with a smile breaking across her face. "You need to be more careful with the people here. One stray orgasm and the vibe will be thrown off."

That would explain the blowjob from her. Never apparently for fun now, his orgasms were only a tool or a dangerous weapon.

"You shouldn't be so downtrodden," Aurora said to him. "I only mean that once you get an injection of your baby batter into one of the women here, the change will happen fast and it would break the spell of the place at the moment."

"What are you doing?"

"At the moment?" she asked, flicking her hair back. He studied that her hair was blonde now and she was in a nubile form while being short. "At the moment, I am running interference on your cock.I have to tell you soon what I am preparing, but now is not the time."

Suddenly, forming from within her body, clothes appeared like they formed out of liquid. An alien ability, and he worried why she was clothed.

"The clothes are because many here aren't fully under the sway of lust. Even though their guards are down, many haven't accepted our new goddess yet."

Jacob remained silent and zipped himself up. The wetness on his cock felt uncomfortable against his leg. Fabric quickly absorbed the leftover clinging saliva and that too stuck against him.

"What needs to happen?"

"Nothing yet. We don't have a lot of time. Plus, we have to get to our own worship real soon. I am running low on grace from our Goddess."

Jacob had forgotten about it. Aurora needed his cum in order to maintain a physical form. How had she managed to be away from him for so long?

"So do you want to see?"

"Yeah, so we need to talk about Meredith," he said, interrupting her offer.

"You worry too much," she said with a laugh. "Come on, let's see the house."

Aurora skipped away from the wall and led Jacob into the single story dwelling. Where he lived, one-story homes took up many of the neighborhoods. Mostly because many of these homes came built with basements.

"Meredith was a perfect choice. That sexy little cop minx has an entire basement made up for hosting parties."

Jacob nodded at the knowledge as Aurora led him through the house and into a hallway. There, a lone door stood open.


"What's down there?"

"Probably five or six naked women," Aurora replied with a shrug. "This basement provides the perfect place to have an induction spot. Think of all the women who will prostrate themselves before you in here to become one with our Goddess."

"Is it like an interview process?"

"Kind of. All are welcome to the goddess, but as you already know, not all are capable of performing the required devotion that is needed. We have to weed those out."

"I know, but why is it only men that we need to weed out?"

Aurora turned around to look at him and cocked her head to the side.

"It's not only men. We just haven't run across a woman yet who doesn't fit the requirements."

"Is the teacher okay then?"

"Oh yeah. She is back at her place completing the ritual now. Your father did a heavy number on her and she needs more time to heal in the pod than it will take to change fully."

"I thought it was like a caterpillar."

"What does that mean?"

"A caterpillar cocoons and then it actually fully melts away before it reforms into a butterfly. The wings don't grow out of the caterpillar's body. They grow out of the butterfly."

"Oh, well I am unsure of how the process really works, but her body needed to heal first due to the fractures. She is lucky she had already begun part of the change beforehand. I think a normal woman would have been killed with how your father treated her."

Jacob was thinking of a reply when a resounding roll of rapacious female laughter echoed up the stairwell, catching his attention. He looked down it.