El Paso Faleena


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Rosa saw how dangerous it was to get on the wrong side of old man Clinton. She had seen many men fall foul of his wrath.

El Paso was a lawless border town, and Clinton was the man. He ran the town.

In despair, Sinclair pulled me aside and complained. "Feleena, it can't go on like this. I love you, I want to be with you, but not like this. Come with me, be my wife."

I had to try and make him understand, to see my side. "Sinclair, I love this place. Rosa is my friend. It is my dream. I cannot walk away. I love you, you must never doubt that, but we have to find a way so that we can both be happy."

"Then you leave me no choice, Feleena. I'm leaving."

Shocked by his sudden change, I muttered. "Si, that might be for the best. This is no way to live," I said sadly. He was as Rosa said, the love of my life. I didn't know how I could survive without him. But, I could see this consuming him, and I could see a confrontation looming. It would be safer for him if he was away from me.

It broke my heart the day he rode out of town. I cried for days, and it was Rosa who comforted me.

"Corazoncito, it was always going to be a passionate love. Flames that hot need a lot of fuel. He is a proud man, you cannot expect him to accept the way men are around you. If you want to be with him, then you need to give up your dream, and start new ones with him."

"But I love this."

"Then you have made the right choice, he is free."

"But I love him." I sighed exasperated by the finality.

"Then you must choose, Corazoncito."

She was right, and I knew it. A week later, I was preparing to ride off in search of him. The blacksmith said he headed for Las Cruces, north along the Rio Grande.

Walking out onto the street, I was shocked to see Hardy Clinton ride in, accompanied by two of his amigos. When he saw me, his eyes lit up. "Feleena, baby, we gotta talk. Now I been getting sick and tired of the way you been hanging round with that no-account farmer. You are mine, it's time you got used to that."

He leapt from his horse and wrapped me in his arms. "You gotta stop running away. I know you're afraid of the strength of our love. You mustn't be afraid, sweetheart. You and me, we're meant to be together."

"Get away from me," I screamed loudly. "I do not love you, I detest you."

The blacksmith walked out of his shop carrying a double barrel shotgun. "Mr. Clinton, sir, you better step away from that young woman. I don't want to take sides here, but you heard her, she don't want nothing to do with you."

Clinton stared angrily at him. "Buddy, you better get the fuck off the damn street. If you make me reach for my gun, you're gonna be sorry."

"No sir, Mr, Clinton. It ain't right, and if you do reach for your gun, you're gonna force my hand. I don't wanna do it, but if I have to, trust me, I will."

Hardy stood up tall and faced him down, it was when Rosa walked out accompanied by a couple of barmen, all carrying guns, that he backed off. "Feleena, we're meant to be together. One way or another, you're going to be with me."

"No, Hardy. I have a life here, I want nothing to do with you. Leave now, before something bad happens."

He turned to the others and snapped. "C'mon boys, lets get something to eat."

I walked back to Rosa, who hugged me tight. "Come back inside. You'll be safe there."

Inside, I explained that I was going to try and find Sinclair. "No, not till Clinton and his friends have left. It is not safe for you to be alone at the moment."

It was true, as much as I wanted to find Sinclair and tell him I was ready to leave with him. I was going to have to sit it out.

That night as I performed. Hardy Clinton and his amigos walked into the bar. I saw the concern on Rosa's face, and she readied the barmen. He walked up to the stage and tried to drag me off. That's when Sinclair strode in. Fire burned in his eyes and he punched Hardy sending him flying. One of Clinton's sidekicks tried to grab Sinclair, but Sinclair had him. With his fists swinging. He sent him staggering back into a crowded table of vaqueros who started a fight of their own, sending Clinton into another table.

As Hardy got back to his feet again, he stared down Sinclair. His hand hovering over his pistol. Sinclair steadied himself, his feet planted squarely on the ground. His hand slid slowly down his hip. Like Clinton, it hovered, motionless, like a snake ready to strike.

The crowd parted. This was going bad fast.

"Fuck you, Sinclair," Hardy bellowed as his body moved and his hand snatched wildly for his gun.

Sinclair was different, he barely moved, his hand, though, was full. His Colt 45 already recoiling from the bullet that turned Clinton's eye into a bloodied hole. He was dead before he hit the ground, his hand still holding the dragoon pistol that had only just cleared the holster.

It was hushed, only the shocked gasps for breath audible. I rushed to his side. "Are you okay?"

Sinclair wrapped me in his strong arms and the world seemed calmer, better. This was where I was meant to be. Everything else meant nothing without him. He turned to Hardy's sidekicks. "You boys have a choice to make. You can try and make more of this, you could go for your guns. Or you can leave with your dead buddy. It is your choice.

The cowboys picked up Clinton's dead body, one of them snarling contemptuously. "You god damned fool. You're dead asshole. You're gonna pay for this. If you think old man Clinton is going to take this, you're mistaken, badly mistaken."

When the cowboy looked around the room, judging support. He gasped. He saw the shotguns brandished from behind the bar. That only got worse when he heard Rosa say, "Senor, I suggest you go, and never come back."

Sinclair pulled me tight into a hug. The feel of his body against mine. It was a joy I never wanted to be without, never again. He was my man.

The next day, it was Rosa, who said. "Sinclair, I think you should leave for a while. If you stay, it will only make the situation worse. Feleena is safe here. Clinton will come looking for you. It would be better for all of us if you weren't here."

"Yeah, I got it, and you're right."

"Sinclair, just give it time. We all know what an asshole Hardy was. His old man will eventually calm down. Just stay out of town."

Sinclair grimaced; it wasn't what he wanted, but he understood. He knew this wasn't over, and Clinton would come looking for him. What's more, he didn't want Feleena with him when that happened. He would deal with Clinton himself. When the danger was past, then he would return and make Feleena his wife. "All right, I'll leave, but, I don't like it. Assholes like him can't be trusted. Feleena, you have to stay away from them, you hear me. No more riding off on your own. You stay with Rosa."

I walked with him to the corral, and as he saddled up his horse, I said, "Sinclair, we are going to be together forever. I will do whatever it takes. If it means I never sing again, we will be together. I love you, I am ready to be your wife. I promise you this on all that is holy."

He pulled me into his arms. "I love you too, Feleena. We can start again we will find a way so that you can sing. The world needs your voice."

"Where are you going to go?" I asked, unable to hide my fear for his safety.

He chuckled. "Home, to my ranch, It's just up the river. It's terrific place. You'll love it. Green grass, river flats. I can't live without you. I was coming back last night to tell you. I don't care what happens, I want you for my wife."

"Ve con Dios, Sinclair, be safe."

He kissed me one last time, saying, "I will come for you when when the time's right."

I stood in the middle of the dusty street watching him ride out of town. He was barely out of sight when I heard the rifle shot. I knew in my heart, it had to be him. I ran, the wind carrying me quickly to his side. His shirt drenched in blood. I fell to my knees beside him, his head cradled in my arms. "No, please god, no."

"It's okay Feleena. I love you, go before they get here. Flee, I am dying. Promise to remember me, but go quickly."

"Never, I will not leave you. I will get your horse, get you to a doctor."

"Feleena, I'm done. Go, save yourself, don't make my death be in vain."

With his head pressed against my breasts, I felt his last choking breaths, as he uttered, "Remember me, go. I love you forever." With that, he was gone.

I heard the riders approaching, and when I looked up, it was old man Clinton. "You are going to be mine, Feleena. Hardy may be dead, but you're not escaping my family. You scorned Hardy, but no matter. Now you will be mine, instead. Now get up, get his god damned horse and we will be gone."

"I will never be yours, pendejo, you can chinga tu badre."

His evil glare darkened. "Feleena, I'm not joking around. Leave that shit head there, where he belongs, and go and get his god damned horse. You're coming with me."

"Never, you are the devil," I spat hysterically. "You took away the only thing I ever loved."

Overcome by loss and knowing how evil Clinton was, I knew he wouldn't be satisfied until I was his. I did the only thing I could think of. He was never going to have me.

I reached into Sinclair's holster, pulled out his gun, placed it against my breast and pulled the trigger.

The world stopped, there was no pain, I felt at ease. I fell across Sinclair's prone body, and I felt the joy of his arms again as he held me close, our blood mingling as it congealed together under the burning sun. "I am coming, Carino," I whispered breathlessly as my heart stopped beating.

I had to trust in god, that he would deal with Clinton. I died happily, in the arms of my one true love.It was Clinton who would have to deal with god.

Carino, sweetheart.

Ay, chihuahua!

Qué pasa Whats happening

Más se consigue lamiendo que mordiendo

Literal: More is achieved by licking than by biting

Similar Saying: You catch more flies with honey than vinegar

Mijo and Mija - "My Son" and "My Daughter"

Pendejo - "Dumbass"

Chamaco / Chamaca - "The Kid"

Culero - "Asshole"

Pendejo stupid personal

Chinga Tu Madre. Go fuck yourself.

Ándale! = Hurry up

Chicano, American born of Mexican parents

ay, caramba! wow

I watched in startled fascination.

Her face full of, taunting flirtation

Glossy red lips, slippery and moist,

extracting adulation

My heart hammered, in uncontrolled palpitation

She drove my expectation


Her body so lush and curvaceous

Bold and bodacious

Eyes teasing bright and flirtatious







Her beautific face moved as if in slow motion

Her full red lipstick covered mouth opening

our hunger driving the insistent desire.

Our heads tilted, just a touch.

Her lips so full, grazed listlessly across mine.

Oh heaven, her beautiful, succulent red lips.

Like melted honey dripping.

Sweet and delicious.

Her firm full lips, like velvet, wet slippery velvet.

My mouth opened, to receive her inquisitive tongue.

The slithering, pervasive intruder frolicking playfully

The searing intensity

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Thank you C'gurl, your tale added well to Randi's. 5 stars

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

FYI, if you look up the lyrics, its FELINA.

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireover 1 year ago

Faleena didn’t get nearly as much airplay back in the day, though I’m not sure if it was how it was released, that it was long, or that it was so darn sad! We see here how Faleena has come from such a difficult background, how she has her own hopes and dreams, and, unfortunately, how she was trapped in a rough and tumble world where the men had the power and the women rarely had a say. In the end, Faleena shows that she does have a say, but it has that sad ring of finality as in the song.


I liked that, seeing the story with Sinclair from Faleena’s perspective, we see more depth to the situation, particularly with respect to Sinclair’s jealousy and his temper, which were mostly glossed over in his telling. The tack-on notes at the end could have been separated better to show it wasn’t part of the story.


In summary, very good adaption, both alone and as part of the trilogy/event. Thanks for writing and sharing it.

SorchakSorchakover 1 year ago

Neither your or Randi's links work.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 1 year ago

Umm... anonymous, there are three songs, released in the same order as the stories, and we were covering the songs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Okay, I’m not really sure that we needed this version along with Randi’s…nor why there was a particular order. And I’m not at all sure that the stuff at the end was any help at all…so long after the fact. The story was written well, as one would expect of CG, so I would have rated it higher had I not just read Randi’s version. The song itself was much more powerful the first time I heard it…but less moving with each exposure.

BaggyUKBaggyUKover 1 year ago

That's really cool! Thanks Cg, looks like you're the excellent filling in a very fine sandwich😁. You built her formative character well, not easy when she wasn't originally yours, impressed as always.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Similar to the sister in "For a Few Dollars More."

Heybuddy65Heybuddy65over 1 year ago

I have to say I have the Marty Robbins song “Big Iron” in my playlist and all the double entendres that would go with that fact. Someone more talented than me would have to write that story (hint, hint). As for the rest, since we have a music motif going, take some advice from Taylor Swift.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 1 year ago

That was moving and romantic. They loved each other in life and in death. 5* story. First rate.

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