Election Night Denial


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The result was so stunning that Cameron briefly forgot about his urgent needs and stared at the display. A female news anchor spoke,

"The pink wave that we're seeing here on the east coast is completely unexpected. Texas still isn't reporting but with Florida already claimed by Sofia Perez it's hard to imagine how Talbot can pull off a win tonight."

Cameron felt a knot tighten in his stomach. What sort of matriarchal world were they headed for?

"The polling error we are seeing is just unprecedented. Our analysts are attributing this to the shy male voter. Men who claimed they were voting Talbot haven't followed through in the voting booth and that change of heart has given the feminist Sofia Perez an early advantage."

The video shifted from the anchor to a female correspondent in the field. "I'm here in Austin Texas, and you can see Perez supporters in the streets cheering. They just announced a new batch of results and they're skewing heavily pink."

A bead of sweat ran down Cameron's forehead. He had never actually been scared to be in this country before, but he realized that people like him were no longer in control. Not even close. But the fear was mixed with a sickening arousal, and he remained perfectly stiff beneath his wife's neglectful hand.

Mariko on the other hand was simply beaming. He rarely saw her so gleeful. Every so often she would squeal and clap as a new result came in. This went on for some time as Cameron became more disconsolate.

Finally, the anchor announced, "I've heard from our decision desk that they've seen enough. With the results from Michigan, we are forecasting a Perez victory, and probably a landslide at that."

Mariko cheered again and leaned down to kiss Cameron full on the lips. Then she grabbed her phone off the nightstand and sent a few excited messages to friends.

At long last his erection had withered and in between messages Mariko remarked wryly, "Well I'm glad you support me baby, but I can't really blame this little guy for not liking the results" and she tapped the head of his limp penis playfully.

After a few minutes, the news anchor cut to Sofia Perez herself, who was preparing to address the nation.

Perez was behind the podium, hugging members of her mostly female campaign team. Known for being provocative, Perez was wearing a scandalously tight pink dress with a deep neckline. The youngest President ever elected, she looked more like a femme fatal than a politician.

A large, antique key dangled from a gold necklace between her impressive cleavage. One could be forgiven for assuming that the key was ornamental, but her boyfriend stood behind her on the stage, and through his outrageously tight suit pants one could make out an obscenely sized padlock and the outline of a full chastity belt that suggested the almost medieval key was as practical as it was symbolic.

As she walked towards the podium she noticed that a strap on her stilettos had come loose. The moment felt staged to Cameron, but all the same the audience applauded as she pointed at her feet and her boyfriend knelt to fix her heels for her. Planned or not, the image of this woman, now the most powerful person on earth, commanding her locked up man to kneel before her was captivating.

As her boyfriend finished his work and stood to move out of the spotlight, she put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down. Obsequiously he continued kneeling next to her, and she patted him on the head. The absurd display of dominance activated something in Cameron's brain and he felt a tingle in his crotch again.

Mariko noticed.

"I'm glad this is turning you on too baby. Even if you're just getting hard watching Perez boss around her boy toy."

She paused to savor the victory.

"Do you realize this means that you're never going to touch your own cock again for the rest of your life without my permission? Fuck it makes me so wet."

And Mariko lied down next to Cameron so that she could look up at the screen and masturbate while she watched. She shimmied out of her silk panties and then hung them over Cameron's boner like it was a coat rack, and since he was tied up, he made no effort to remove them.

She smiled mischievously at his predicament and then her mouth formed a capital O as her fingers sank into her waiting pussy. Cameron listened with desperation as the slick sound of Mariko penetrating herself competed for his attention with the words of President Perez.

"Thank you ladies! Thank you! Tonight is a historic night. We have done something together that no one thought we could do. A woman has been re-elected President!"

Cheers surged from the crowd.

Perez continued her speech, "And we're not finished doing great things. In fact, we've barely started. Next year, to honor our partnership with congregations around the nation, we are going to ban unsupervised male pornography. Then we are going to extend our locking laws to all visiting tourists so women can rest easy knowing that every man they meet on the streets is safely contained. And we are going to change voting laws so that keyholders have the influence they deserve, like the right to accompany their charges into the voting booth to provide timely advice."

Mariko knew that Perez was understating her plans. This would be the last election that Cameron ever voted in. And if men could not vote, the locking laws would be permanent. She looked over at his bound, vulnerable form with pity. She knew this was for the best, but wouldn't have the heart to tell him what it all meant just yet. She was grateful though that she would be there to hold his hand through this new era. Somehow these feelings of tenderness and affection mingled with her arousal and she moaned involuntarily.

Perez's voice interrupted her.

"Moving forward, our scientists are developing new technologies: It won't be long before keyholders can use an app to track their man's every attempted erection."

"It may sound like everything is getting better, but I will tell you one thing that will never improve under my watch. The government agencies that provide a safe outlet for men without a keyholder will always be a last resort. Wives will never have to worry that their husband can book a quick visit to the clinic and get his rocks off whenever he feels like it. The wait times will be long, the visits will be short, and the staff will be professional nurses who always say "no" to a man that does not understand his place."

"Now some members of the media are in shock tonight. But if you haven't figured out how we did this yet, then you haven't been paying attention! This is thanks to your hard work." And she pointed at her supporters in the audience.

"This is thanks to every mother who sat her college aged son down and explained to him how he would benefit under a pink government." She paused till the cheers and clapping died down. "This is thanks to every wife who dragged a reluctant husband to the polling booth and every girlfriend who spent weeks preparing their partner so that when election day came they understood, deep in their very loins, that voting pink was in their best interest." Here the audience laughed and clapped.

Next to Cameron, Mariko's breath was becoming labored. Her conflicted feelings about her loyalty to her husband versus her loyalty to womankind were drowned in the rush of contributing to this feminist coup. Like millions of other women, she had done her part by manipulating her husband to hand over his own freedom. And he had chosen that night's satisfaction over a lifetime of independence.

As she touched herself with her left hand she allowed her right to roam over Cameron's body. She caressed his stomach and then his inner thigh and finally slipped her hand beneath his balls and brushed his skin with the lightest contact. But she would not even graze the one place where he needed her so badly.

"Please, please touch me" he pleaded with her as he watched Perez claiming her victory.

"Oh? Do you want me to masturbate you while you fantasize about the woman who took away your erections?" Her hand moved tantalizingly close to him.

"Yes, please." He admitted ashamedly.

"Are you sure you're ready? You've waited a long time to just go back in your cage again. Ah, but you want to finish while she's still on screen don't you? You want to ogle her as I help you pump out all the warm goo you've been saving up?"

"Yes, please, I'm sorry. I want it."

"Hmm, well you're going to have to wait a bit longer I'm afraid," and she removed her hand from the edges of his groin and used it to reinsert a finger inside herself.

As this was happening Perez continued above them. "Tonight, some of you will decide that your man deserves a little relief after making the right choice. And that's fine. A lot of men in this nation are going to sleep deep tonight. But if your man gave you grief this election season, even if he voted the right way in the end, then you may decide that he needs a few uncomfortable nights rolling around wishing he had behaved better. Because until he learns to put your pussy on a pedestal his training is not finished."

At this, Mariko's animal side took over and she acted quickly.

"Fuck baby, this is so hot, I want you to make me cum while she's talking." Without waiting for a response, Mariko repositioned herself so that she straddled Cameron's face.

Cameron was thirsty for the taste of his wife. Her shaved pussy was already dripping, and he knew from the sounds she had been making that he didn't need to ease her into it. As she descended on him he buried his tongue in her wetness, and knowing that no part of him would go deeper into her tonight, he contented himself with moving upwards to pleasure her clit with his mouth.

Cameron stared at Mariko while he did his best to bring her to climax. Her face was exultant as she watched the President speaking. Her nightgown had fallen around her hips, partially obscuring Cameron's view of her breasts which Mariko herself was violently squeezing. He wanted so badly to slide his hands over her smooth thighs and onto her ass. To feel her warm flesh above him, but his arms would not budge.

Perez continued, "Our history has shown that men cannot be trusted with their own bodies. And our four-year experiment with the locking laws has proven that our nation is stronger when male orgasms are regulated by responsible women."

Mariko was getting closer. She leaned back with one hand and fumbled for a hold on Cameron's cock. He twitched in response, so desperate for her touch. But in her own ecstasy she quickly gave up and placed her hand on the bed between his legs instead, while his hips thrust ineffectually into the air. Meanwhile her thighs clenched the side of his face as an orgasm rose within her.

In a daze, Cameron listened to Perez's triumphant voice. "And I can tell you that, as women, we will never give back the rights we have won. The right to walk the streets safely. The right to equal division of labor in the household. The right to torment your husband, your boyfriend, your son, your brother. The right to keep his manhood in a little cage, to make it your plaything, always available to you but never to him. The right to tell him, 'Get on your knees and beg me for your next orgasm.'"

Mariko began shaking uncontrollably and her screams drowned out the presidential speech. "Fuck yes, fuck yes, fuck, fuck fuck!"

As Mariko climaxed she curled her body forward and Cameron continued licking her until her shaking subsided. He felt her juices running down the side of his face and neck and swallowed what gathered in his mouth.

Then she leaned back, remembering her promise that this evening was going to be all about him. She reached for his hard cock, and stroked it once, before the words of the President came back to her.

Cameron looked up at her eyes from between her legs. In the heat of this historic moment, he knew that he would not be allowed to cum.

She took a moment to catch her breath. Then she spoke. "Cameron, tonight I have claimed permanent control of your penis. I know I promised you release, but now I truly have the right to take it away. So I'm going to start stroking your cock, and you're going to beg me to stop and lock you back up in your little cage because you know that deep down you are nothing but a man who deserves to be denied."

Mariko moved off his chest and knelt beside him so that she could be methodical about what came next.

She took the thick white cream that had accumulated on the lower entrance of her pussy and smeared it on his cock while it jerked and flailed about powerlessly. His balls throbbed with each beat of his heart and his limbs pulled pointlessly against their bindings. As soon as her hand began pumping his shaft he knew he could not last.

"Oh fuck, fuck. Please, please stop stroking my cock, I can't take it anymore."

"Louder Cameron. I thought you would know how to beg by now." Her strokes were slow, but tight, squeezing the cum out of his cock like paint from a tube.

"Please, please stop touching my aching cock. I'm so close. I don't want to be bad and make a mess. I don't want to jizz all over myself. Lock me in my cage so I can be a good boy."

"Very good." Mariko stopped stroking, but held his cock firmly. As he tried to stave off his orgasm his eyes turned to the screen above him. Sofia Perez had her hands raised in victory and his focus settled on her breasts and the key in between them.

Mariko followed his gaze. "Before I lock you up for the month..." she let the word 'month' linger in the air like a sword over the bed, "I want you to thank President Perez for giving me control of your precious orgasms."

Cameron shuddered. Even though Mariko's hand was not moving, he didn't think he could hold back the tension building in his balls much longer, and the thought of groveling almost pushed him over the edge. Reluctantly he looked directly at the image of the President and spoke through ragged breaths, "Thank you President Perez for locking up my cock and taking away my orgasms."

Mariko smiled and removed her hand, but it was too late.

"Oh God, no, not like this, no, ahhh..." Cameron moaned, unable to stop his body from what came next.

His cock bobbed in the air, up and down, and after a long delay, a slow stream of semen poured out of him as he squirmed under the futility of a ruined orgasm.

Mariko laughed at his aggravation and then scolded him. "You naughty, naughty boy. You know I punish boys who are disobedient. And I don't think you'll like what I'm going to do."

Cameron was aghast. He had enjoyed none of the benefits of an orgasm, but would now take all of the consequences.

Mariko ran her index finger through the white pool collecting on his stomach, even as more flowed out from his frantic, despairing cock.

She inspected the thin glaze that now coated her finger. In the last few years she had forgotten what semen tasted like. She daintily touched the tip of her finger to her tongue and the sea salt flavor came back to her.

Cameron sat up as high as he could to watch her do this and then collapsed and writhed against the ropes in what Mariko knew to be exquisite sexual frustration.

Now quite certain that she did not miss swallowing Cameron's orgasms, she tauntingly scooped more cum off his belly and rubbed it on both breasts. When her smooth, dark nipples gleamed with a wet sheen, she lowered them to Cameron's waiting mouth which opened to take them without complaint. As his lips suckled quietly, his cock drooled and twitched for the attention that it would not receive, flopping helplessly about in a puddle of its own making.


The next day a thread titled "Election Night Denial" topped the front page of Keyholder. While Mariko relaxed on her lunch break she searched for her own post to see how it had fared since she published it that morning.

Sandy_sandals28: The night of the election my husband came home from a late shift around midnight. I had told him the week before that if he voted pink then I'd let him eat me out when he got home and as long as I finished he could have a blow job. Of course, when I heard Perez's speech I decided to add a twist. So I gave myself two orgasms with a vibrator while he watched naked from across the room. He didn't quit though. He was down there for an hour licking me every way he knew how and he stayed hard as the granite countertop he spent all weekend installing, but I just scrolled through my phone and enjoyed the aftercare. Don't worry, he gets to try again tonight.

Carefree_in_Carolina: My boyfriend and I are both in 3rd year of college and live a few hours from our hometown. Until recently his mom was his keyholder and she would let him out so that we could sleep together whenever we visited over the holidays or on weekends. But this summer she pulled me aside and said that if I'm still dating him in six months then she'll transfer his key to me.

Well, half a year came and went a few days before the election so she put the key in the mail. I told my boyfriend that if he voted for Perez I'd unlock him as soon as it arrived. As it happens, the delivery drone dropped off the package right after the election speech, but I knew that in this new world I needed to show a little discipline. So I told him the package was just some makeup and there must be a delay. He looked so heartbroken it was adorable. Then I got him to attach a strap-on designed to fit to his cage and he fucked me senseless for two hours.

As much as I love to feel him finish inside me, I just want to have sex a few more times where he's still horny at the end rather than sleepy and disengaged. Two more weeks should be enough.

Third from the top she found her own post. Shared by 200,000 users and counting. She had hundreds of responses and a new direct message to read over later (DMs were pretty rare on this particular app).

She suddenly felt a wave of guilt for divulging the night's events, albeit anonymously, and for her cruelty in how she had described them. As a punishment, it was perhaps a step too far. She began rereading what she had written.

Mary_Co: Like many of you I promised my husband the night of his life if he voted pink. And like many of you I had second thoughts when I realized how secure we were in our victory. There wasn't some other president coming to free my husband with an executive order. He was trapped. Then I saw Perez make her boyfriend kneel on the stage... my panties were instantly flooded and I knew there was no way my husband was cumming that night.

I climbed on his face and he happily ate me out without being asked. After an earth-shattering climax I teased his cock (it was so purple I thought it might explode) and told him to beg me to stuff him back in his cage. The thing is, he had no incentive to do that. He should have been begging me for an orgasm instead. But a few years of chastity have turned my macho husband into putty in my hands.

I'm going to make him rewatch the memspecs footage with me tonight. In the video from my perspective the bottom of his face is still covered in my juices, and he looks so forlorn as he begs me to stop touching him so he can be a good boy and not make a mess (I always make him talk like that when I let him out of the cage).

But I decided to push him further. I told him to thank President Perez for taking away his orgasms. He looked up at her on the screen with these puppy dog eyes and said it like he actually meant it. I let go of his cock, but he was too turned on by being forced to thank the woman who placed him in permanent chastity that he ended up having a hands-free orgasm tied to the bed. I guess we both got our happy ending on election night.

P.S. @President_Perez I know you sometimes check these forums. If you ever want to brighten your day with some footage of my husband thanking you for putting his dick in a cage and then cumming all over himself please feel free to DM me.

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AaronSatieAaronSatie5 days ago

Amazing story that gets better with each read. I love the world building. Do you think you'll write a story that focuses on the clinics? We got a taste of that in Her Uncle's Keyholder, but I'd love to see more. Keep up the great work!

Longjohnsilver30Longjohnsilver303 months ago

Amazing story...loved every part of it

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Clever premise.

Needed much more teasing/edging before cumming.

Three stars.

cadionagicadionagiover 1 year ago

This would be a dream come true for me. I am a beta and I know I should be denied and pussy free for ever and I would gladly vote for President Perez!!!

RegretsRegretsover 1 year ago

It is a great story. I would like, if rarely, men are brought to such an orgasm as they have never experienced before, even in the days when they used to manage their own, a crashing and unforgettable experience, but of course, entirely under the control of their wives sisters or girlfriends. But orgasms of this type would be granted very rarely. The men, knowing that the women could do this again whenever they wished would become very attentive and careful to please in all ways, in home life.

Equally of course long periods of chastity by itself can produce such attention to the wishes of the key holder. Best of all, the character of women and girls would change hugely when they realise that they can move in the public space with no concerns about their personal safety. Young women would go through a few years behaving as entitled brats but to get the best experience when behaving in that way they would learn the arts of tease and denial in complete safety and while still young and lovely. The men would appreciate that, albeit, with their level of arousal closely overseen and attenuated if thought excessive

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is an incredible story, an excellent balance of erotic and plot. I loved how the power of the women without falling to steryotipical femdom acts of ball crushing. The lust from the successful coup is the hottest thing I've ever read. Please write more, I would love to know how other (groups of) women prepped and manipulated their men to vote pink and resulting aftermath. Keep up the stellar work!

NightroNightroalmost 2 years ago

Great story. More like this

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

this story is so scary as man, that someday this could real happen to the male race..

jrivers00jrivers00almost 2 years ago

Excellent. I am not sure what bothers me more...that something like this could happen...or that I would like it if it did. Great story. Thanks for writing it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Very clever and imaginative. Entertaining.

Please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Loved this world! Kinda want to see more of President teasing her boyfriend...

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