Elizabeth's Grand Escape Ch. 02


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"I told you all was well, but you said yourself she did not wish to marry, perhaps that is why she ran away."

"Yes perhaps, but she would have done this before the marriage not after?"

"Charles I will do all that I can to find her, be sure of that," he knew he would stop at nothing to bring her back to face him, before he killed her.

The carriage pulled away and he turned to find Bales standing beside his carriage, "I want you on the next ship sailing for every port between here and Virginia. I want you to find out all the information you can about Elizabeth, or this Beth Williams you can find. Also check into information on the White Serpent, if he did take the Anne Marie what happened to the passengers."

"Aye sir, I will do all that I can to find out everything I can and send you reports as readily as I can."

"Be sure that you do Bales, I want this woman found alive if possible."

"It will be done."

Handing Bales a pouch, "this should be enough for your expenses if you should require more send word. Find all the information you need from the dock manager, he has the names and can get you on a ship as soon as possible."

"Aye sir."

Jaime knew that he should move Beth and Millie inland to the main house with Beth in her condition, she should have all the comforts of a real home at this time. He would send Asheem to ready the house for their arrival in the next few days.

He returned to the hut to tell Beth of his decision and was met by Millie, "What is it Millie is she not well?"

"She worries me sir, she will not eat or sleep she only sits looking out the window. I fear she will make herself ill if she persists in this way."

"When did this all start Millie?"

"It started when she returned from the beach a few days ago."

"After the doctor told her of her condition?"


"I see. Do you think she is not happy about having her husband's child? Or perhaps she is just sad that he will not see his child?"

"Let us hope he does not!"

"What ever do you mean, I thought he was dead?"

Etta turned away she knew she had given them away by allowing her anger to get the best of her.

"Millie! I want the truth and I want it now, I know you and Beth are keeping a secret from me, if it will help her you must tell me and you must tell me now is this understood!"

"But I can't sir, if she finds out that I told you she would be very angry at me, she would not forgive me this."

"I insist I will make sure she knows that I forced you to tell me."

Millie walked to the door of the room looked inside Beth had her head propped against the chair she knew she was at last sleeping. She walked past Jaime and went to the settee and sat down, Jaime sat down beside her.

"I guess to begin with, my name isn't Millie, its Etta. My lady's name is Elizabeth Buckingham, sorry Kenworthy. She is indeed married to Lyle Kenworthy, he is a vile and despicable man. Her father Sir Charles Buckingham, forced her to marry him because he feared she would never marry and he would have no one to look after his businesses after his death other than Elizabeth. It is my belief that her father made a deal for his daughter with him in affect sold her to him."

"That is unconscionable for a man to sell his own daughter."

"I fear that is not all that is wrong, I know my lady she would never have slept with her husband willingly. On her wedding night we planned our escape from him, I believe while I was gone to make arrangements for our escape that he raped my lady."

Jaime stood the anger apparent on his face.

"I knew something was wrong when I returned but we had no time to speak of it for we had to be gone from there quickly."

"You had no way of knowing Millie, I mean Etta. Look, I came here to tell you that I am going to move you and Beth to the main house inland. I think you and she would be more comfortable there. Now with this happening I do believe that it would be best to have the doctor on hand just incase something should happen."

"I think that would be best, when do we leave?"

"With this news I believe we will leave this afternoon after I go to the ship and retrieve the doctor, please have your things and hers ready to go I will bring a wagon."

"Yes sir, we shall be ready she sleeps right now."

"That is good she needs to rest."

As the time came to leave for the main house Beth had yet to awaken the doctor believed her to be so exhausted that she would probably sleep well into the next day or so, so they padded the wagon well with a mattress from one of the beds covered it with blankets, they placed her in the wagon. The trip to the house was not really a long one; they needed only to go the valley behind the waterfall. As they rounded the trail the house came into view, though not elaborate by any means the two story log cabin type home was indeed beautiful. It had a wonderful balcony over the front that overlooked the large lake which obviously fed the waterfall.

The inside was most definitely a ships captains' home. The lavish furnishings looked as if they had been taken from directly from aboard a ship. Jaime carried Beth up the grand staircase to the main bedroom placed her on the bed and left Etta to help her.

In the drawing room Jaime and the doctor sat drinking a glass of port when Etta again joined them, "She is still sleeping, and she only stirred momentarily when I put her in her night clothes."

"I believe Captain she will sleep more than likely into tomorrow, but I shall keep a close on eye on her have no fear." "I have the utmost confidence in you Dr. Major's, thank you for all your help."

"Thank you sir."

That night as Beth lie sleeping in his bed, Jaime sat on the side of the bed watching her. She looked so beautiful with her dark hair sprawled across the pillow. He wished he could take all the bad from her mind, and replace it with all thoughts of things good and happy. Hopefully some thoughts of himself as well, he could not fathom his feelings so deeply for this woman for whom he had just met. He loved her spirit, and feistiness. His hatred ran deep for the man who had hurt her so badly, he knew what he would do should this man cross his path for the wrongs he had done to his lady.

The next morning Etta crept quietly into the room, Jaime was sleeping in the chair next to the bed and Beth was still sleeping as soundly as she had been the night before. She thought she had been quiet enough but saw that Jaime stirred from his sleep.

Waking Jaime looked to the bed that Beth slept in and saw that she was still not yet awake, he then saw Etta quietly padding across the floor towards him.

"I'm awake."

"Has she awakened at all?"

"No, and that has me worried."

"The doctor did not seem worried at all when I talked to him; he said that he had came in to check on her very early this morning while you were still sleeping. He said that she was just in a very deep sleep and to give her time that she would awaken on her own when she was rested."

"She has much on her mind to cause her such exhaustion; she will be fine I am certain of it."

"You have feelings for her don't you Captain?"

"Etta, I have such feelings that even I cannot understand where they come from. But then that she is still married leaves a problem don't it?"

"Aye that it does."

There was nothing that any of them could do but to wait and allow her to rest and awaken on her own. She slept all that day and into the night, again Jaime watched over her from his chair. When she finally began to stir Jaime was sound asleep and did not hear her. Beth looked over at the chair as Jaime slept so peacefully, she wished she had met him long ago, before her father had forced her into a marriage that she did not want, with a man who would hurt her in such a fashion that she could not stand to be near anyone, least of all Jaime. It hurt her to think that he would some day find out what had happened to her, the shame she already felt would be unbearable should he find out. She lay on her side watching him sleep, his long hair free from its leather strap flowing over his shoulders. His features soft with his sleeping rest, she thought of how nice it would be should he be lying beside her. His body near to hers, their arms wrapped about each other with love and caring tenderness. She had only known pain, fear and hatred thanks to Lyle, but she knew with Jaime it would have been gentle, loving and wonderful.

As the day broke the sun filtered through the drapes Jaime awoke to the feeling that he was being watched, his eyes slowly opened and saw her beautiful green eyes staring back at him.

"Ah, you're awake."

"It would seem so. Where am I?"

"We moved you to the main house while you slept."


"The doctor, Etta and I."

The use of Etta's real name set fear throughout her whole body; it must have shown on her face for Jaime rose and walked to the bed.

"What is it, what's wrong?"

"She told you didn't she?"

"I forced it out of her; she had no choice but to answer to me truthfully."

Jaime felt his hatred rise when he saw the sadness the fell across the features of his lady, his love. He longed to take her in his arms and hold her to show her how love could be, how it should be.

"Where is she?"

"Downstairs with the doctor, I will get her if you need her."

"No, I am fine."

"Please do not be angry with her Beth, she felt it only for the best to tell me."

"My name is Elizabeth, not Beth."

"I know, but you'll always be Beth to me."

The tenderness in his voice was like metal daggers in her chest, she could not bear to hear his kind words when she was unworthy of them. She could no longer look him in the eye, because he knew what had happened to her.

"Would you ask Etta to bring me some tea please?"

"Of course."

When he left the room nothing could stop the torrent of tears that erupted from her soul. She no longer felt free and happy, the ugly, unclean fear had returned to her. She could no longer think of a life free from the things that Lyle had done to her, this child would be an everyday reminder of him and the vile things he had made her endure. She could no longer dream of a happy life with Jaime, for he knew what had happened to her. She no longer innocent in his eyes.

Etta came in with the tray of tea and bread, sitting on the side table she could tell that her lady had been crying.

"I am deeply sorry Mi-lady; I had no choice but to tell him. You slept so long, we feared for your health."

"I understand, truly I do."

Etta poured her some tea, handed her the cup, "Thank you, if you don't mind I would prefer to be alone."

"Yes, Mi-lady."

Elizabeth remained closed in the room, she ate a moderate lunch and dinner in her room. As evening approached Jaime knocked upon the door.

"Come in."

Pushing the door open, Jaime observed her sitting before the large open French doors that led onto the balcony that looked out over the lake.

"Are you well this evening, we had hoped you would join us for dinner downstairs?"

"I am well thank you for your concern."

"Isn't the view beautiful from here?"

"Yes, it is. Your home is quite beautiful too, you can tell a ships captain lives here."

"Yes indeed. There is a reason for that, this house is primarily built and furnished from the ships I have bested at sea. The wood planks, beams, rails, masts and hulls all used to build it."

"Ingenious way to hide your prize."

"I thought so."

He smiled when he saw the slight way she tried to hide her smile.

"The sun is setting, would you like to go for a walk by the lake?"

"Thank you no; I would like to just sit here for a few moments more before I go to bed."

"Alright, I will say goodnight then."

"Goodnight and Thank you for everything."

"It is always a pleasure to serve you my lady."

The night broke over the lake, the moonlight bathing everything in its silvery glow. Elizabeth finally rose from the chair that she had been sitting in for nearly the whole day. She had given it all good thought, she could not carry on this way. She could not look at Jaime with his knowing what had happened to her, she could not and did not wish to look upon the child of that monster who had left her now with no other choice. Elizabeth took the letter that she had written for Etta and placed it on the bed pillow. Along with it she placed the pouch of jewels that she had taken from her father's office. She hoped Etta would find the peace and happiness she could not.

The grass on her bare feet was wet she felt no need to wear shoes or even clothes for that matter, she walked along with just her chemise and pantaloons. Heading for the waterfall, and freedom from her shame and disgust.

Before heading to bed Etta went to look in on Elizabeth and found her bed empty, upon the pillow laid a letter and the pouch of jewels. She opened the letter, her face changed from a puzzled expression to a look of horror and fear. She ran from the room and quickly to Jaime's.

Jaime looked up from the fire as Etta burst into the room, "What is it? What's wrong?

"It's my lady sir, I believe she about to do something horrible," she said as she handed Jaime the letter she was holding.

He read:

Dearest Etta, You have long been my one true friend; it pains me to have to leave you in this way. But I can no longer go on feeling as I do, the pain of having the one man I have come to love knowing what a horrible thing was done to me, it's evidence would be showing soon and I could not bear to look on the poor innocent child's face knowing that I hated it so. I have no other options, I love you my dearest friend and I hope that one day you will forgive me. Please take the jewels, ask Jaime to take you to Virginia to your family I am feel certain he would do that one last thing for me, use them and have a good life. Tell Jaime, I don't know what to tell him Etta. I in this short time that I have come to know him, though his captive I have come to love him. He is kind and loving on the inside a side I fear he rarely shows. In the short time we knew each other I do believe he was starting to have feelings for me, though I am not sure of such things having never been in love, but I feel certain he might have had some feelings for me. Do not let him blame himself for anything that has happened to me, I do not blame him or anyone else for what has happened to me, except for my father and Lyle. You may show Jaime this letter, in this perhaps he will understand and forgive me too. I love you all so very much, Elizabeth

"Where would she go?"

"I do not know," Etta said sobbing.

Jaime ran down the stairs and out of the house, running to the lake he feared perhaps she would try to drown herself. No sign of her there, he headed for the falls. As he approached the edge of the rocks he saw her standing poised at the edge of the falls. He did not want to frighten her so he slowly crept upon her from behind, it was not soon enough for she turned to see him walking towards her.

Elizabeth turned to look one last time and saw Jaime fast approaching her to stop her. No! She could not allow him to stop her. She quickly turned, and lifting her foot from the rock stepped off the edge.

Jaime's screams were of anguish as he saw her step off the edge and begin to fall. He ran to the rocks to see her body falling through the air, to hit the waters below, he had no way of know if she survived the fall, he feared the worst. Running down the secret path that led to the cave that went through the falls and came out at the bottom of the falls, tears streamed down his face as he reached the bottom of the caves.

He searched the water and banks for signs of Elizabeth, and then he saw her. Face down in the water not far from where he was standing, he jumped into the water swimming quickly to her. As he reached her he rolled her over to look into her lifeless face, he willed himself to pull her to the edge and carry her from the water. Laying her on the ground, he pushed on her stomach to force the water from her lungs. He had seen it done many times for men who had gone overboard. Nothing happened, he placed his lips on hers breathing into her mouth, willing her to breathe. He did not have any idea how long he had been doing this when the doctor and Etta arrived, horrified at the scene before them.

"Jaime lad, it's of no use. She is gone."

Etta crouched beside her lady holding her hand, sobbing uncontrollably, "Why, why would she do such a thing?"

"She felt she had no other choice, she could not live with her pain," the doctor said as he placed a hand on Jaime's shoulder.

Jaime had taken her limp body into his arms, holding her tightly to him, when he suddenly felt some movement in her chest, "Doctor, she's breathing."

The doctor quickly kneeled beside her taking her hand in his and touching her wrist, indeed there was a heart beat drumming through her veins. A hand placed at her stomach revealed it was rising. Impossible, he looked up from where she had fallen; it had to be some kind of a miracle for her to have survived such a fall.

"Quickly, we must get her out of these wet things and into a warm bed before she catches her death of cold."

Happily Jaime carried her back to the hut it was the closest place he could take her. Laying her on the bed, he left the room to allow Etta and the doctor to take care of her. He paced the floor outside the room frantically, the thought of losing her pained him so deeply it struck him strange to know he could come to love someone so deeply that he could feel her pain.

The doctor and Etta removed her wet things, finding that she was bleeding, "she's lost the baby hasn't she doctor?"

"Yes I believe she has, let's get her cleaned up so I can examine her more closely."

"Do you think she will live?"

"Right now Etta I am unsure all we can do is hope and pray."

A Message arrives in London

A courier arrived at the offices of Lyle Kenworthy with a message from the man he sent on the trail of the missing Elizabeth Buckingham Kenworthy. The message a short one but very clear.

Mr. Kenworthy, I believe I have found the trail of your missing wife. The ship she set sail on vanished after being attacked by pirates. The manifest itself does not list your lady by name, but shows a lady and her maid sailing alone. I do believe it to be your lady and her maid. The passengers from the attacked vessel were set ashore, except for the lady and her maid. They were taken by the pirate captain to an undisclosed location, but I feel sure by the time you can arrive here I will know more. Come to the Eleuthera Harbour Islands, Spanish Wells. Jack Bales

Lyle immediately summoned his coach, he set out to Charwood Hall to speak to Charles Buckingham to acquire the funds for the trip to the Islands.

Lyle was lead into the study by Benjamin, Charles looked up from his desk to find Lyle sitting down before him.

"What is it Kenworthy?"

"My man I sent to look for Elizabeth believes he has found her."

"Are you sure it's her?"

"He believes so."

"And with this belief you want to what?"

"I want enough funds to acquire a vessel to take me to where she may be."

"I see, and where is it that this fellow has found her."

"A small island near the America's called Eleuthera Harbour Islands. At a port called Spanish Wells."

"He is absolute in his findings?"

"He said by the time I arrive he would have more information for me."

"Then we must set sail immediately."


"Yes we, if my daughter is alive, I want to be there to comfort her after her perilous adventure."

"It will be a long journey are sure you are up to such a voyage?"

"I will have it no other way."

"I will go and make the arrangements and meet you at the docks."

When Charles arrived at the docks in London he found the Lyle had indeed found passage for them, he practically had to purchase the vessel. In no time they were on their way to find Elizabeth.