Endangered Species Ch. 17-24


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A tall and dangerous-looking man looked at me. "Ted Fulman, I'm the Lead Warrior. I am responsible for training and equipping our fighters. I command them if the Beta or Alpha is not present."

I looked at the two. "Are there female warriors?"

"No, but we have female trackers and guards," Ted replied. That figured.

"Kelly Chapman, Beta Female. I am responsible for the day-to-day running of the Pack and supervising the adult females. The Gamma and Delta females report to me. I am second in command to the Luna."

Her mate looked a lot like Cole; big, dark, and brooding. "Mark Chapman, Beta. I am second in command. I am responsible for Pack security and supervising the adult males. The Lead Warrior and the Gamma and Delta males work for me." I looked back and forth between him and Cole. "I'm Cole's cousin."

"Ah," I said. "Wait a minute, if the Alpha is gone, who is in charge? You or the Luna?"

"The Luna's responsibilities remain unchanged. I carry out the Alpha's orders."

Wonderful. The Luna wasn't truly second in command; they probably didn't think her to be capable of leading in place of a man, only at his side. "I know Alpha Cole and Luna Melanie, so let's continue on the other side with Doctor Pine."

"I am responsible directly to the Alpha for medical care and facilities."

The male next to her was not holding her hand but that of the wolf to his left. "Where is your mate?"

"He's a Pack Warrior. I am not a ranked wolf by dominance, but I was a human doctor before I met my mate. Pack Doctors carry a Beta rank by tradition because they are direct reports to the Alpha."

I nodded to the next man. "Gamma Sean Mason. I'm responsible for Pack finances, businesses, and facilities maintenance."

"Gamma Sally Mason, I am in charge of Pack services. The kitchens and dining staff, cleaning staff, and administrative staff report to me."

"Delta Alan Turner, responsible for the training and education of adults, except warrior skills."

"Delta Betty Turner, but you know that," she said. "I'm the equivalent of the supply officer. I work with the other leaders to ensure we have everything we need. Right now, I'm focused on the inventory and storage of the supplies our Warriors are bringing in."

She was the last one at the table. No one had claimed the three hundred some breeders in captivity here. "Who is responsible for the humans?"

"They are female, so the ultimate responsibility is mine," Melanie said. "I work with the Lead Warrior and the Gamma and Delta females on this. I want to see them adapting to their new life and contributing to the Pack."

"Uh-huh." I looked between her and her brother. "Who is running the breeding program?"

"I am in charge of the program," Doctor Pine replied.

"The guards monitor the women's fertility, then bring them to Medical for the insemination when donated sperm is available," Melanie replied evenly. "This gives us the greatest chance of pregnancy."

"And the milking of the males? Do their mates jack them off into a cup or spit it?"

Cole stiffened at those words. "Mated wolves collect the excess immediately after sex and have it delivered to Medical."

"I'm sure they love the tender afterglow of the creampie collection," I said with a snort. "You didn't think this through, did you?"

"What do you mean," Melanie replied defensively.

"You are taking on breeders because human fertility is five to ten times greater than werewolf fertility, correct?" Nods around the table. "And you hope that by using sperm from ranked wolves, you'll get children above Omega rank? More nods. "Would you agree that werewolves are protective of their mates?"

"Without a doubt," Beta Mark replied as he held Kelly's hand.

"Do you have any children, Beta Mark?"

"Not yet, but it's only been three years."

Right into the trap I set. "Beta Kelly, how will you feel when a human female presents Mark with his first-born son?" Her eyes flashed, and her wolf came forward. "Hell, he might get five women pregnant at once since there's enough of his baby batter to inject multiple women! He might have a dozen of his pups running around before you can give him just one!"

"You BITCH," she said as she jumped out of her chair. Her mate held her back, nuzzling her neck as he calmed her down.

I raised my hands and smiled, sitting back in my chair. "And that's just one problem. We saw the other a few minutes ago."

"What do you mean, my mate?"

He had to throw that in just to piss me off. "I'm human, and I have a mate. Two other humans found their mates in other Packs, and one of them may be pregnant with the son or daughter of a mated wolf in THIS pack. How did that go over?"

"Like a turd in the hot tub," Delta Betty said softly. "And that's not our only problem." She looked at her Alpha. "The Quinalt Pack knows we have hundreds of healthy, fertile human females under our control. After the ONLY two unmated wolves in the group find mates, how many other unmated males will be here in the next few days? They will come in numbers to rescue them."

Beta Mark looked at her quizzically. "Rescue?"

"Before their forced impregnation," I said. "Before the night is over, the Quinalt Pack will hear everything from the two women. The families you killed, the tattoos, the enslavement, and the inseminations will all come out. Their mates and families will be rightly outraged. I can't imagine slavery falls under Werewolf law."

"It doesn't," Gamma Sean says. "If a human learns of our nature, it's a voluntary change or death."

"So let me review the HUGE lapse of operational security you had here tonight," I concluded. "Wolves from another Pack saw your new home, which can hold thousands of wolves beyond the hundreds you've got now. They saw operational vehicles, electric power, storerooms of supplies, and hundreds of potential mates between your unmated females and the human females. You've fought and worked hard to claim this territory, but what now? It's far easier for another group, human or wolf, to attack and take over than to do something like this on their own."

Alpha Cole scoffed at this. "We are impregnable here. Not only is our Pack large and strong, but the facility itself can survive any attack."

"And whatever remains of the US military will figure that out sooner or later," I replied. "What will they do when they realize a hostile force has taken control of a Trident facility with nuclear weapons? You just became a high-value target. If you're lucky, they'll send troops once they can operate in the daytime. If not, there are multiple ballistic missile submarines out there. Each is capable of vaporizing this base dozens of times over."

"They wouldn't nuke their own country," Beta Mark said.

"There aren't many American citizens left out there," I replied. "Don't assume anything."

"She might be right, but I'm more worried about other Packs right now," Beta Kelly said. "The Quinalt Pack knows our weakness, and she's sitting right there."

She was looking at me. "Me?"

Kelly nodded. "The best way to change the leadership of a Pack is to kill the Alpha, and the easiest way to do that is to kill his mate. That's why the Luna has guards. You are human and weak, and others know this. If they can kill you or convince you to reject him, it's only a matter of time until the Alpha dies. If they challenge and defeat my mate, the Pack would be theirs."

I had more power than I thought, but I was in more danger at the same time. I stared into Alpha Cole's eyes. "Your punishment already has you on Rejection Cliff, Alpha Cole. I'll need an apology and immediate concessions from you, or you might fall off the edge."

"What kind of concessions?"

"The humans go under MY command," I replied. "Their welfare and their treatment is solely MINE to decide. This power is not subject to negotiation."

The meeting dissolved into chaos as I sat back and watched.

Ch. 20

They all started responding at the same time.

Melanie yelled, "If you want the power, take the fucking BITE."

"These women are PACK PROPERTY," Beta Mark growled.

"They work for ME," Gamma Sally objected.

"They are MY responsibility, not yours," Beta Kelly said.

Doctor Pine objected. "You can't stop the breeding program!"

I sat there waiting for the only person that mattered in this decision to weigh in. Soon, we were all looking at Alpha Cole. "Angela, you are my mate. The well-being of all females is your responsibility as soon as you take the change. You can rule at my side, but that time is not now. Not while you stubbornly refuse your place and your destiny."

"I'm doing you a favor," I replied. "What must happen contradicts what you've already ruled on and ordered as Alpha. Rather than appearing weak and indecisive by changing your mind, I'm giving you an out. All of the changes and reversals will be on me. I'm human, so when I change things to make them more humane and favorable, the Pack will believe it is my human weakness that allows it, not your werewolf strength."

"Why would I give you the authority in the first place," Cole challenged.

"I threatened to reject you and leave if you didn't," I replied evenly. "That is the truth, and all wolves will understand the threat. Humans don't feel the pull to the same extent, so they will accept you had to take this action, along with several others, to keep me around. The future of your Pack depends on it."

Beta Mark stared at me. "What other actions?"

"I will move about the base as I wish, and no places will be off-limits. I will be armed to protect myself, and I and those I choose will accompany your men on your trips outside the fence."

Alpha Cole tapped on the table. "You ask a lot from us. What do I get in return?"

He was right, and I would owe him. "I will stand, sleep, and eat by your side. I will give the mating pull the time to work while I learn about you, your Pack, and your ways. I will behave as your future Mate in front of the Pack and any visitors."

Cole's wolf flashed in his eyes; this was what he wanted, time to build the bond and prove himself to me. "What will we tell those who visit?"

"The truth. I am hesitant about taking the change, and I refuse the bite until humans can make a free choice about their future. Instead of you appearing weak by facing rejection by a human, you appear stronger because of my moral courage. I am the human who stands for what is right and is putting this Pack back on the right course. We are becoming a team."

No one said anything for a bit. It was a bitter pill I was offering. "Let me tell you what is coming if you refuse me. I will refuse the mating, and your Alpha will become weaker and more erratic as his wolf fades. Many women you've captured will do anything to end their slavery and avoid forcible breeding. There will be escape attempts, uprisings, attacks on your guards, food poisoning, and sabotage. You will try to crack down on them, but like water through your fingers, the more you squeeze them, the harder they are to hold. The pregnant will find ways to harm their children rather than bring more of your kind into the world. Ask your Doctor if I speak the truth. Ask her if Breeder 84 would have accepted slavery."

They looked at the Doctor. "Our men killed her family, and she wanted revenge. The future Luna is right; she didn't care about her life and wanted to take some of us with her. That's why I had to put her down." She looked from her Alpha to me. "What do you plan to do with them?"

"What you should have done from the beginning," I said. "Some women in this group would make good Pack members. They understand why werewolves are better suited to the new world and would voluntarily make the change. Those who volunteer should get the bite."

"They will be weak wolves," Lead Warrior Ted scoffed. "We don't need them."

"Do you think I will be a weak wolf?" His face showed him that he'd just stepped in it. Answer yes, and Cole would punish him. "Perhaps some will surprise you. In any case, you need Omegas just like the Navy needs junior enlisted. They keep the work of the Pack moving." I looked into Cole's eyes. "If you had spared the males, especially ones with fighting spirit, you would have a more balanced group. If males find mates among us, would your females not find mates among the human men? You didn't even give them a chance to find out before you killed them. Human male mates would grow your Pack, not another. You denied the Pack their skills and abilities as well." Melanie choked back a response to that; the others started to get the message. "When you turn the first humans, you will return to compliance with Werewolf law and give hope for a better life to the remaining humans. As they see things change, I expect more and more will request the change. That will grow your Pack faster than a breeding program."

"And those who don't?"

I turned to Delta Betty. "Other Packs will not accept holding their potential mates as breeding slaves. The rest of the humans know about your kind, and I don't want them killed as Pack law would demand. They will have a choice. Those that want to stay will be accepted into the Pack and ranked below the Omegas. All are potential Pack members and mates who have not yet agreed to the change. They will be treated fairly like any other junior wolf."

"And the ones who want to leave?"

"We let them go," I said, which caused more objections. I held up my hand, and the talking stopped. "We let them go, but we do so AFTER ensuring they have the complete picture of what is going on. I told my story, and so did others. Leaving this place is a death sentence. Outside are roving bands of criminals, fires, disease, and a sun that can kill you."

"She is right about that," Ted replied. "It's getting worse every night."

"Some will see the destruction and decide life here is better. Others will have to experience life outside the fence first. We let them go and tell them they can return if they change their minds. Their breeder tattoo is their pass to get back in."

Melanie looked horrified. "How many do you think will leave?"

"Half will say they want to, but some will change their minds when they see the outside world. Others want to find their families and will return when they find them dead. Maybe a third will leave and never come back?" That was still over a hundred people. "Those that remain have to know we will let them go, or their 'choice' is meaningless."

"I hate to be a stickler for the law," Beta Kelly said, "but under the law, those who don't accept the change must be killed. Euthanizing Breeder 84 was the correct decision, not letting her go."

I looked at our Lead Warrior. "Ted, how long will a female last outside the fence?"

He thought for a moment. "Almost all will be dead inside a week. Those who survive will wish they are dead. The bands of criminals roving around will rape any they find."

"So we are killing them," I said. "It is a lesser offense than keeping slaves."

Cole looked across the table at me. "If I accept your terms, how will you proceed?"

"I've had plenty of closet time to consider that," I said, making him wince. "The ones who want the change should be taken aside immediately. Pack women need to explain everything to them, and you need to assure them of their safety and Pack acceptance. Hold a ceremony after dinner to accept all who volunteer to stay in the Pack as human members. Those wanting to become wolves get the bite next. They should be cared for by your wolves and by some women who are hesitant about the change."

"How will we know the difference? If they don't take the change, they don't have the link or a Pack scent."

I held up my hand with the "B287" tattoo. "Put a 'P' at the end of the number, and say it now means Brinnon Pack human member," I replied.

"That could work. The tattoo will disappear during the change." That explained why I didn't see ink on them; their wolves healed the skin as fast as it marked. "And the ones who want to leave?"

"Give them a backpack with a few days of food and water and a knife or gun for self-defense." Eyes raised at that. "The others need to know we are giving them a fighting chance at living. Send small groups out with your raiding parties. Make sure they see what they are facing. Halfway through the night, let those who still want to leave do so."

"Not all at once?"

"No. The ones who change their minds will inform the ones who haven't left yet. Some of those people will decide to stay. The ones determined to leave will still do so."

Cole nodded. "If you would please step out, I need to discuss this with my leadership."

"Of course." I closed the door behind me, pleased with how it had gone. Cole hadn't rejected my ideas out of hand. I was glad he was discussing it with his people. Captains didn't lead alone; they took counsel in private, then decided. Everyone would leave the room unified behind him.

Ten minutes later, I was back at the table. "We have a few conditions of our own," Cole said.

"I'm listening."

"You asked to be armed. I know you had a pistol when captured. Warrior Lois will evaluate your skills, and you will train for at least an hour a day on them. You must be able to protect yourself."


"You asked for free movement within the base. I will allow that, but a senior Pack Leader, Warrior Lois, or a member of her Guard will be your constant escort."

"I don't need a babysitter," I objected. "Does Melanie have a guard?"

"When I am away from the Pack, I have a bodyguard," Melanie replied. "I have a strong wolf inside to protect me. You do not, and that makes you vulnerable. Anyone who wants to harm us could kill you, including those human females who hate us. We do this for your safety and his."

"Agreed. Anything else?"

"If you leave the base, it will be at my side," Cole said. "As you said, it is dangerous out there, and I couldn't bear to have you in danger without me by your side to protect you."

Damn mates. "Agreed."

He stood up and walked around the table to me. I got up, sticking out my hand to seal the deal with a handshake. He kept his hands at his side, a smirk forming on his lips. "You are my mate, Angela. I do not seal the deal with a simple handshake."

"What do you? Oh." He reached for my cheek with his hands. Tingles shot through my face and down my body as he drew me close. My body was reacting to his presence, preparing itself, and I didn't care. His hands moved down my back, pulling my hips into him. I could feel the hot length of his arousal against my stomach as his head bent towards mine. I leaned my head back, tilting it slightly, and our lips touched.

Holy crap! I moaned into the kiss, parting my lips slightly to allow his tongue entrance. My hands moved without thinking, wrapping around his waist. I lost myself in the sensations of the fairy tale kiss of my dreams.

I don't know how long our kiss went on, but when I finally pulled back, we were the only ones in the room. "Wow," I said.

"We have a lot to do," he said reluctantly. "The humans are gathering in the dining area. I will address them first. When I leave, they will be yours to command."

"I'm sorry it has to be like this," I said as he took my hand and walked towards the door. "I'm doing the best I can in the circumstances."

"You aren't what I expected, Angela. Melanie may be right, though."

"About what?"

"You are what I need. By the Goddess, I need you."

Ch. 21

I did what I promised. I stood by Alpha Cole's side as he spoke to the humans about the changes coming. "I never expected to find a human mate," he said as he looked down at me with love shining in his eyes. "I was wrong in how I treated you. Your future Luna is now in charge of humans in this Pack. She will tell you your options, and you will decide your future. I hope you choose to join our Pack to make it stronger. Thank you."