Endless Opportunities Pt. 03


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She was suddenly all business again, almost as if her insane declaration about my magical cum hadn't even been made. I looked at Laurie who simply shrugged as Jocelyn clicked a button. The windows suddenly tinted themselves and the biggest TV flared to life with the company's name emblazoned in crimson letters on it. We sat and listened to a thirty minute power point about... well... business shit I guess. Jocelyn made it almost sound interesting. I sat there and fingered Laurie while occasionally leaning over to make cruel wishes, "I wish your nipples had nice tight clamps on them." That made her gasp loud enough that Jocelyn gave us a look before continuing.

"I wish there was a vibrating dildo in your cunt right now," I said at one point. My fingers were suddenly displaced by a vibrating plastic shaft that I shoved further up her tight little fuck hole. Her eyes fluttered into the back of her head but she kept her composure this time.

"I wish you'd silently cum over and over again until Jocelyn finishes her presentation," I told her and suddenly her body went rigid and her eyes closed. Her mouth was in an "O" of pleasure that nobody could really see because of the dim lights. She stayed like that for the last 15 minutes of the presentation, occasionally shaking or twitching but otherwise making no sounds.

"Thank you, Master," she whispered to me seductively when it finally stopped. Damnit. I guess I'd have to be crueller to the bitch if she was really going to get her punishment.

"Any questions, Mr. Lindsey?"

"Yeah," I said, "What can we do to help? I got the impression that the company was in some disarray since my Dad died. What did the old man do here?"

"He mostly just managed by walking around, kept the girls happy and working hard. And he glad handed all the clients. That's what he really did. He was our best and only salesman," she said somewhat wistfully. "In fact, there's a party Friday night that it would be great if you could go to. Right the ship so-to-speak. Let the clients know that everything is fine."

"And who are the clients?" I asked.

"Uhm... there will be," she said, pausing as she looked at her iPad. "Three senators, seven congressmen, twelve fortune 500 CEOs, a couple ambassadors and the Prime Minister of... oh... just India and the Secretaries of State and HHS."


"Health and Human Services," she clarified unnecessarily.

"I think Thomas was simply surprised at the... calibre of the party," Laurie said giving me a little wink. Apparently long drawn out orgasms made her pretty happy.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. It's normally a bit more impressive roster but with your father dying, we've lost some of our bigger clients."

I blinked and looked at Laurie. What the hell had my Dad really been doing?

She simply shrugged in return. "Can we meet some of the staff? I'd like to get to know everyone. At least the key personnel."

"I've scheduled 1 on 1 staff meetings with the senior staff. They can brief you on the state of affairs. Is there anything else you need from me?"

I leaned over to Laurie, "I wish she'd spend the rest of the day imagining increasingly depraved fantasies about me." Laurie smiled at me in acknowledgement. I thought I saw a little flick of Jocelyn's eyes as the first mental image flitted through her mind. "I think that's all. I'm ready to meet the staff."

She nodded her head and walked away. You'd think I'd get tired of staring at hot little asses but apparently there's no maximum limit to that visual. I sat down at my late father's desk and sunk into the chair. It was an almost comically large leather chair. The kind of thing a supervillain might sit in as he stroked his evil cat. Or maybe his submissive pussy was a more appropriate metaphor? I looked down and chuckled. There was actually a recessed spot on the floor under the desk with a pillow placed in it. The purpose was clear.

"Laurie, get your hot little cock sucking lips down here and suck me off while I conduct these interviews."

"Yes, Master," the bubble headed bimbo said as she obediently crawled under the desk and began fishing out my cock. It was quickly engulfed and plunged down her throat. I sighed with pleasure as I let the sensations wash over me. I'm assuming most of you have never had your cock sucked by a magical being enchanted to bring maximum pleasure. I highly recommend it.

I looked down at the desk and noticed a row of five buttons dangling down from the rim of the desk on the right hand side. I picked one at random and pressed it. I heard a soft woosh but otherwise didn't notice change. I glanced around before noticed a light shining from underneath the desk. Cock never leaving her mouth, I scooted back slightly to see that the front of the desk... the part that was obscuring Laurie's slutty ministrations from casual onlookers, was now translucent and a light was now illuminating her beautiful form. If you wanted to showcase a girl sucking cock, this was definitely the way to do it.

I pressed the next button, pondering briefly how little about my Dad I knew. This one was more obvious. A section of the wall spun around like something out of a fucking Scooby Doo cartoon. Except instead of a secret lab, what was revealed was a whole wall full of Bondage gear. A cross with cuffs on it. A wild variety of whips, canes and other spanking tools. Dildos, vibrators, plugs and clamps. Dad was a seriously kinky fucker apparently.

The door buzzed, distracting me from further exploration and I quickly pressed the buttons hiding the kinky torture wall and Laurie. I scooted back into the desk, shoving my cock pleasantly down Laurie's throat. The blonde slut simply moaned in happiness as I practically choked her on my shaft.

Jocelyn walked in with another woman. I shouldn't have been surprised given what I'd been told and seen already but I couldn't help but pick my jaw up off the floor a bit at the woman that walked in. She was absolutely stunning. Long brown hair, full lips and innocent doe eyes. I felt my cock surge harder which Laurie took like a champ. The newcomer was wearing a short, tight skirt and a jacket that didn't appear to have a blouse underneath. Apparently the dress code at the office was "as sexy as you'd like".

Jocelyn spoke first, "Thomas, this is Helen. She's our head of legislative affairs."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lindsey."

"Call me Thomas."

"Oh, I couldn't possibly, Sir. That would be far too familiar," she said with a smile that belied the stiff formality implied by the words. "I won't take too much of your time, I just wanted you to be aware. In the past couple of months there's been a big push in the Senate to pass a bill that would limit the way we mine data out of social media sites."

I had gleaned enough from the presentation earlier to understand that was bad, "What's the impact if the bill gets passed?" I asked. My voice only slightly faltering as Laurie did something extraordinary with her tongue.

Helen raised an eyebrow but didn't ask anything, instead she continued as if nothing had happened. "A big chunk of our business is reliant on that data. We'd be okay without it but we'd lose a bunch of small to mid-size clients."

"We'd be pretty reliant on McSmythe-Patton," Jocelyn added and Helen nodded. "They'd be our biggest client by far. Almost 20% of our business is what we project. Their CEO, Mr. McSmythe is a real piece of work. You should probably put him on your 'List to talk to' actually."

"And I assume some of these Senators will be at the party?"

Jocelyn nodded and Helen smiled, "I'm glad you've got your father's sharp mind. Yes. One Senator in particular will be there. He's the deciding vote in getting the bill out of committee and he leads a small voting coalition that could sway 5 more votes our way in the broader Senate."

I nodded. Laurie was making it hard to concentrate. "Anything else," I choked out as Laurie sucked on my cock as if she was trying to actually make it come off.

"No. That's the highlights from my area. Is there anything else we can do for you?" she said. It was an obvious line. A ridiculously transparent line. But there was insufficient blood in my brain to think straight. I simply shook my head and waved them away as I clutched the arms of the chair. Helen and Jocelyn stood and started walking away. I vaguely heard Helen said, "Just like his father," as they walked out. I reached down and grabbed Laurie's head, roughly shoving her down onto my cock and holding her there as the orgasm poured out of me. I shot rope after rope of cum down the slut genie's throat. All she did was eagerly slurp it up as if it was mana from heaven. My head a little clearer, I pushed away from the desk as Laurie crawled out. She smoothed her skirt and took a seat on the couch on the far wall as Jocelyn knocked and came in with the next employee.

As with Helen, this one was stunning. This little piece was a real spinner. A red haired girl who couldn't have been more than five feet. She was very fit and looked like she was even younger than me. Unlike Helen, she wasn't wearing anything remotely like you'd expect to see in an office. Instead, she was wearing a ratty, cut-off t-shirt with several holes in it, a pair of ripped jeans and flip-flops, more appropriate for a day at the beach than the office. In fact, I was pretty sure I could see a bikini on underneath the shirt.

"This is Brandi. She's our CTO. She handles all of the technology which, for our company, is a big deal."

"I can imagine. It seems like a big job for someone so young," I asked as they sat down. The blonde's firm tits strained against the T-shirt and I could see her hard nipples poking out at me.

"Your Dad had a lot of faith in me. He hired me after I got my Algorithmics doctorate even though I was only 18."

"You got your doctorate when you were 18?" I asked, feeling a little ashamed of myself.

"My second. I got my doctorate in Software Engineering when I was 16 then went to MIT for the second one."

I glanced at Jocelyn, "I told you. Everyone here is a genius, Thomas."

"And beautiful," I said without thinking. Brandi blushed cutely. "Sorry, that was inappropriate."

"Oh no, Sir. It's never inappropriate for you to complement an objective attribute of a subordinate," Brandi said in a rush. This was a weird fucking place, I was finding.

"Uhmm... well... then you're, without a doubt, one of the sexiest women I've ever seen."

She blushed again and Jocelyn elbowed her, "Tell Mr. Lindsey what you need, Brandi."

"Uhmm... well, Sir. I was hoping to get some research money to start spinning up a quantum computer team. We can increase our analytical capacity exponentially if we can get one built."

"Aren't all the big players already doing all this?" I asked, remembering the newscast I'd seen in my lawyer's office.

Jocelyn and Brandi smiled at each other, "Sort of, Sir. We're the subcontractor doing most of the work for Lockheed, D-Wave and Raytheon. We've got all three prototypes in the basement. If we let them fund the hardware, we can focus on the software side. That's where all the power is anyways. Nobody knows how to even write this stuff yet," she said in another excited rush. Her rapid speaking had the secondary effect of leaving her catching her breath. A sight that was almost as pleasant as watching Laurie choke down my cum minutes earlier.

"How much?" I asked, knowing that was the real question.

"1.5 should get us there, Sir?"

"1.5... million?" I asked.

She laughed, "No sir. $1.5 million won't even cover the two researchers I'd need to bring in. $1.5 billion."

I choked a little. "Can we afford that?" I asked looking at Jocelyn.

"Keep the Senator happy and we'll be just fine," she said with a smile.

"Okay, go ahead and get started, I guess. Uhmm... yeah," I told her. My eyes flicked over to Laurie who was still staring at me with that dopey loving look. She seemed to only have two modes since I changed her. Adoration and lust. At least both looks looked good on her.

Jocelyn, on the other hand, was beaming with genuine happiness. She escorted Brandi out and turned back to me before leaving, "This is going very well, Mr. Lindsey. It's so good to have someone back in charge and telling us what to do."

"What was that all about?" I asked Laurie after the door closed. "Dad had some weird stuff going on. Did he ever talk about it with you?"

She shook her head, "He never even brought me here. I'd have been horribly jealous if he had. All these beautiful girls..."

"About that. Can you... you know... can you tell me if there's any funny magic shit happening?"

"Of course, Master," she said.

"Well... tell me then," I instructed, slightly annoyed. I thought I'd made that clear.

"There's magic all over this office, Master. And over almost every girl here. I'm guessing most of the women your father hired were improved with wishes. And any mortal woman who enters this building would be affected regardless."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't tell for certain, Master. But at first guess, I think this office makes women sexually compliant and horny... oh... and it increases their brains and beauty over time."

Dad was a weird dude alright. A knock on the door interrupted us and Jocelyn brought another woman in. This was the oldest woman I'd seen but it made her no less stunning. She looked like she was in her late thirties or early forties. Like Helen, she was wearing a tight, sexy business suit that showed plenty of leg and cleavage. "Mr. Lindsey, this is Janice. She's our head of HR."

"Is that a busy job?"

"You'd be surprised, Sir," she said formally as she sat down. "Given your father's... proclivities... I've had to deal with more than a couple sexual harassment claims."

"Really?" I said in genuine surprise. I mean, if I didn't know about the sex genie, I'd have said, "Sure... seems right given all this hot ass walking around and the sex dungeon installed ten feet away," but with a sex genie on hand, I found it difficult to square with what she was saying.

"Well, historically they weren't that big a deal. He'd hit on someone at a party. They'd file a complaint. I'd set up a face to face and inevitably the late Mr. Lindsey would... come out on top as it were," she said, letting the sexual innuendo hang for a moment. She was a lot more sultry than I would have thought a head of HR should be. "I've been with him since the beginning and that was just always the way things were. But 8 or 9 years ago, I had to learn to deal with actual complaints. He sort of lost his mojo, I guess you'd say. New hires were a little less... compliant at first. But given time, everyone who works here always ends up loving it. We've never had a real lawsuit."

Nearly a decade ago? That was before Mom had died. That must have been when Dad freed his genie? I guess that's why he couldn't stop Mom's cancer. I still didn't understand why anyone would do that. I looked over at Laurie and tried to imagine why I'd ever free the little bitch. Even if I didn't hate her for gold digging from my Father, I still would have a hard time passing up the magically obedient perfect bimbo.

I turned back to Janice who was simply staring at me, "I don't think I'll have that problem, right Laurie?"

"No, Master," she said. I winced but Jocelyn and Janice simply smiled.

"Sorry... we have a sort of... thing."

Jocelyn laughed, "It's not the first time a Lindsey man had a submissive in the office."

Janice laughed as well, "Probably not the last either. Something must run in the family. Does his...?" Janice asked trailing the question off in embarrassment.

"Cum make you cum? Oh yeah," Jocelyn said, licking her lips as she remembered our encounter earlier.

"Well then, I don't think there will be any problems, Sir. So let's get down to it. Are there any new hires you want?"

"Uhmm... Brandi said something about two researchers," I said, unsure what she was asking.

"No, sir. I meant... uhmm... pardon me... special hires?"

"I'm not sure I follow." I was genuinely confused.

"The late Mr. Lindsey liked a certain type of girl to accompany him on trips. He had a thing for... well... slightly bubble headed blonde bimbos."

"Yeah... I noticed," I said looking at Laurie. I guess my dad had a type. Although at least the whole company wasn't filled with them.

"I'd be happy to acquire your... type, sir?" she said.

"Uhmm... let me think about that," I told her and she simply nodded and made a note.

"Any special instructions for the staff?"

"Uhh... no... just keep plugging along I guess?" Another scribble in the pad.

"Any dress code changes? Or special requests."

"Dress code?"

"Since your Dad died, we've been working on 'Free dress' which just means you can wear whatever you want. But your father would change the dress code when he felt like something different or an important client was coming in. Business casual, casual, slutty casual, lingerie, nude, etc."

My mouth nearly hit the floor, "Nude?" I asked. "I could order the whole office to work in the nude?"

Janice nodded, "Yes, Sir. Whatever you want. And don't forget the special days. The staff really gets into that."

"Like Halloween," I asked.

"That's the big one but we all really enjoyed French Maid Friday or Topless Tuesday," Janice said.

Jocelyn added helpfully, "Don't forget Manacled Monday. Mr. Lindsey really enjoyed watching us try to type with handcuffs on."

I couldn't help myself, "And this didn't bother anyone?"

Janice actually considered it for a second, "Now that I think about it... No. Not really until the last few weeks when i got a couple complaints from London and Tokyo. But there haven't been many complaints here at this location. I think we're all just glad to have these jobs and we all really appreciate Mr. Lindsey."

Dad made some seriously clever wishes. My respect for the old man was skyrocketing by the minute.

"So I pretty much have free reign, right?" I said, finally understanding. Things were going to get REAL interesting around here.

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SirDarkeSirDarke5 months ago

Please write more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Does he have partys on a island ? ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Maybe in future chapters the "Pollack" paintings could be "Pollock"s? The former being a nonsensical mis-spelling and the latter being a real artist? Just sayin'...

C_frommnC_frommnover 3 years ago

Nice start but now that he has found his Dads Harem. He needs to do something to control everyone like the Senators. Give them ED if they don't vote his way.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984almost 4 years ago

Good read please write more.

JAFCriticJAFCriticover 4 years ago
Great chapter! Here’s some random thoughts.

Wonderful blend of sex and story with enough to peek my curiosity to want to read more.

Thomas is a good character to use. He’s young with all the usual things that go with it like arrogance, yet goes with the flow; at times knows everything and at other times is clueless; and of course, sex obsessed!

The mystery of his father’s actions in freeing his sex genie is interesting. The timing too. I’m now more curious about Thomas’s mom and what her relationship with his father was like. I don’t think she was the genie that was freed, but I feel that there may be something important that happened back then that’s caused things like his mother’s cancer and death. Also, given just how powerful his dad was, considering his company’s influence, was his death more than just an accident?

The creative way that his dad used sex in his wishes to to do non sexual things like increasing the intelligence of his employees along with their beauty and sex drive is a testament to not only how powerful a sex genie is, but how smart he was. Can Thomas live up to his father’s image?

The scope of his father’s company is surprising. He has offices in Tokyo and London? Wow.

Since his fathers death, it seems that some of the wishes he made are breaking down or at least that’s what I understand what this part means at the end.

Jocelyn added helpfully, "Don't forget Manacled Monday. Mr. Lindsey really enjoyed watching us try to type with handcuffs on."

I couldn't help myself, "And this didn't bother anyone?"

Janice actually considered it for a second, "Now that I think about it... No. Not really until the last few weeks when i got a couple complaints from London and Tokyo. But there haven't been many complaints here at this location. I think we're all just glad to have these jobs and we all really appreciate Mr. Lindsey." So I can see Thomas having to travel to all the branches of the company at some point and reasserting control of this empire he’s inherited. That should be interesting and fun.

I found this part with Laurie when Jocelyn is talking about the party with the senators and government officials intriguing:

"I think Thomas was simply surprised at the... calibre of the party," Laurie said giving me a little wink. She comes off as more than a dumb bimbo here. In becoming a sex genie, did she also get a boost to her non sexual attributes like intelligence? Does she then only use them as her master needs those things?

Well, thanks for the chapter. I hope that you keep up with the series.

towedjumpertowedjumperover 4 years ago

Love this, so much room to run with it so please keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
keep it up, great storie, can't wait to see more

very interesting twist, love to see more descriptive changes to those around Thomas and Rhonda, physical and mental

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Nice Start

Excellent start. Looking forward to more!

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