Enemy Ch. 06

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A combustible reunion.
3.2k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 03/06/2007
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Veda and Maddy cried hard, hugging Bianca as close as they could with out hurting the baby.

"We were so worried!" Maddy squeaked her thick mascara and jet black eye liner running down her face.

"We didn't know what happened!" Veda cried.

"You just disappeared!" Maddy wailed

"Blake said you ran away-" Veda choked up.

"But we knew you wouldn't run away with out telling us first!" Maddy finished wiping the tears that were pouring from her eyes

"I would have never just left you; you're all the family I have." Bianca said with a sadness that made the two girls cry harder. "He sent me away."

"Because of Diago Stone?" Veda asked

"Yes." Bianca answered, her head down, still filled with regret for betraying him.

"Is that why your back?" Veda asked a glimmer of hope in her eye.

"To tell him about the baby?" Maddy added.

"Yes, and I need your help."

"Of course! Anything you need!" the girls lit up, ready for the challenge.


"I'm here to see Diago Stone." Bianca said to the heavy set security guard sitting inside the security post, taking a large bite of a greasy sub. She winced as a large glob of mayo plopped down on the paper plate.

"Who are you?" he asked bits of sub dribbling from his mouth as he spoke.

"Rita Dare." she said than waited as the guard called in the name.

"Nope, sorry, no Rita Dare on the list, I suggest you call Diago and tell him to put you on, otherwise there's no way your getting though this gate." he said than took another large bite, turning back to the little TV. Bianca walked back to the car

"He won't let me in." Bianca said as she got in.

"Oh, you're getting in there." Maddy said looking at her options.

"There's no way I'm leaving here with out seeing him. I've come too far." Bianca said seriously

"What do you want to do?" Veda asked already grinning. Bianca turned to her with a look of pure determination.

"Break it down."

"Good choice." Maddy started to reverse the caddy, "Buckle up girls." she said as she slammed her foot down on the gas pedal.


Bob, the security guard watched as the car backed up, than went back to his sports game, thankful the girl wouldn't continue to pester him. He had been through enough with that insulting little bitch Brittany Tinsel; she threatened to get him fired, when he wouldn't let her through.

He had just opened his mouth to take his last bite of his sub, when the car barreled towards the gate at top speed. He jumped out of his seat automatically calling back up as the car crashed through.

"I need back up, some one just crashed through the gate!" he yelled into his walkie, carefully setting his sub down. "HEY YOU! STOP THAT CAR IMMEDIATLEY!" he yelled, watching the car as it sped up the front yard. Bob sat back down; his main priority now was to alert Mr. Stone.

"Sorry to bother you sir, but I need you to prepare your family, someone has just drove their car through the main security gate." Bob looked to see his back up had arrived, he would let them chase the fugitive vehicle, he had no intentions of over exerting himself. Besides under circumstances like this, he could be more helpful in the post, keeping his eye on everything.


"What is it?" Darleen asked her husband as he slammed down the phone.

"some one crashed through the gate and their heading towards the house." he said rushing out of the dining room and up the stairs, Darleen fast on his heels, she knew exactly where he was going; straight to his gun case. "Davis! Diago! Dante!" he yelled to his sons.


Maddy drove the now smoking car right up to the front door of the mansion, Veda put the rickety old top down and Bianca stood up in her seat, the girls holding her hand as she climbed to the hood.

"DIAGO!" she yelled at the top of lungs. "DIAGO!"

Dorian heard the familiar voice and looked out the window; he immediately picked up the phone and dialed security.

"Yes sir?" Bob asked.

"Did you call the police?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, now call Braxton Rose and tell him to remove his spawn from my property!" he spat in disgust, slamming down the phone.


Diago knew that voice better than his own; it was the very voice that had been haunting him for the last 6 months. He walked out of his room, down the hall to the grand staircase and the huge glass window on the front side of the mansion.

His heart stopped beating and his lungs felt like they had collapsed.

He could barely believe his own eyes; there she stood on top of Maddy's old caddy, the sun illuminating the heavy white cloak she wore, making her look like an angel. The slight breeze lifted her mass of sooty curls and his fingers twitched, wanting to run through every lock. That's when he remembered, this girl was his enemy, and she had betrayed him worse than anyone had ever betrayed him. She had left him feeling weak and vulnerable. He hated this girl, he told her to NEVER come back!

So why was she here now?


Bianca's heart skipped to the beat of three, as she looked up into Diago's face. She had not seen him in so long; it had been the longest, hardest 6 months of her life. She wanted to fly up and kiss him, hold him as tight as she could than kiss him all over his handsome face.

They both stood frozen where they were; silent and still as the world went crazy around them. Security was screaming orders through their walkie talkies, the police were pulling up to the broken gate, and his family was on their way down stairs.

"Come down!" She cried. He said nothing, just staring at her, "PLEASE!" she pleaded, "I'll come up there!" she started to get down from the car.

"NO!" he yelled pointing at her, "Don't you move!" she got down off the car anyway, watching him come down the stairs through the huge window.


"What the hells going on?" Davis asked seeing his father with his gun.

"Bianca Rose is on our property."

"What, are ya going to shoot her?" he asked a strange look on his face.

"Not a good idea." Dante said.

"Come on," his father barked, "we have to find Diago!"

They were going to follow their father alright, they were going to make sure he didn't do anything stupid; Dorian Stone was a different man entirely when it came to his blood enemies.


The police were there instantly, they didn't mess around when it came to Dorian stone, and he paid triple to keep his family safe at all times.

The Stone family was filthy rich, more money than they could ever spend in 33 lives; but with the good, came the bad. Being rich opened him up to a whole other world of dangers; kidnapping, bribery, ransom, the list went on and on.

He had a fellow colleague whose daughter had been held for ransom, fortunately they caught the killers and he was able to keep his money, unfortunately they had never found his daughter.

Money came with a price and he would never risk his family for any amount of money.


He just stared at her for a moment, a million memories flying back to him. She looked so innocent, so beautiful.

"We have to talk." she said breathlessly, still in shock that she was actually face to face with him.

"No." his voice was cold and his face was blank, nothing of the Diago she remembered.

"I dare you." she held out her hand, her fingers parted to show the old ratty, somewhat pink bow, he looked down at the one thing in his life that had given him pleasure. Than he looked up at her face, she was sincere now, but she was too weak, she was a liability. Hearing a scuffle, he looked to his right to see the police headed right towards them.

"I'll take care of them! Get her out of here!" Maddy yelled, driving in reverse, making all the cops scatter.

"Come on." Diago said as he grabbed the bow than grabbed her hand, sprinting to the side of the house. He took her deep into the garden; his great, great, great grandfather had designed a labyrinth on the property, 7 foot tall walls of rose bush covered stone. There were roses, vines, leaves and ivy crawling up the stone, giving only glimpses of the grey below the thick foliage weaves

"Where are we? She asked looking around in awe at all the flowers, as he led her into the maze. He immediately found the perfect spot, a secluded little dead end, hidden by the thick twisted ropes of falling vines.

"The labyrinth, it's the only way off the property."

"NO!" she stopped yanking her arm from him, I am NOT leaving until we talk!" she almost stomped her foot. He stopped and turned to her.

"You shouldn't be here." he said.

"I had to." she said taking a step towards him, her bare feet sinking into the perfectly groomed lawn below her. The long thick jacket dwarfing her, reaching to her ankles, slowing down each step she took.

"there's no reason we said everything we had to say." he said, his words so harsh, his face void of any emotion, no trace of that look that he gave her that made her melt inside, he may as well have been talking to some stranger.

"I didn't."

"it's to late now." he looked at her wanting to hold her and kiss her, she was a weakness to him, something that could make him feel so wonderful than turn on him and destroy him. He couldn't fall for it again, no matter how he felt about her.

"no it's not!" she snapped" she rushed to him, grabbing him, he stopped her with a look that could melt stone, "please." she gasped, tears burning her eyes. She just wanted to collapse in his arms, she wanted him to hold her and tell her he forgave her. She just wanted his love and tobe able to love him freely in return.


"Did you find your brother?" Dorian asked Dante and Davis.

"No." Dante answered, Davis shook his head.

"Davis check the labyrinth, Dante you check the stables."


"I already put my family through enough, I betrayed them for you, so you could betray Me." he hissed, the feelings he thought he had buried were now raw. "I told you last time I saw you to stay away from me, there is no reason in this world for you and me to ever see each other again."

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry is not good enough." he hissed than froze as he heard crackling foot steps, he backed her against the wall, putting his hand over her mouth leaning against her, carefully peeking from behind the stone wall.

Bianca moved his hand down from her face, her body overwhelmed with being so close to him; she was becoming over stimulated by his presence. Without thinking, only feeling, she went to her tip toes, yanked his head down and kissed him with everything she had been holding inside her.

He had not been prepared for that; even if he was prepared it wouldn't have made any difference; this girl alone had the ability to knock him off his feet. Her soft full lips, she felt so familiar, so perfect, so his. How had he survived this long not tasting those lips? What fool was he that he honestly thought he could resist. Damn he loved this betraying beauty.

"Diago." the two froze, looking to the side to see Davis standing there. Diago looked at him warily as he pulled away from Bianca. "They have 2 police officers waiting at the end of the labyrinth." he said, "your only chance is the servants entrance."

"Thanks." Diago said, wanting to say so much more, the fact that his brother had his back meant a lot to him.

"You better go." Davis grinned, "Dad's on a rampage." Diago grabbed Bianca's hand and ran out of the labyrinth; he was going around the back of the house when he saw Dante. Dante was a grouchy, mean old man trapped in a young mans body. He rarely smiled, he didn't joke, and he never cared about much except himself and business, so Diago was surprised when he ran over to him.

"Go through the back door, everyone's out here searching the yard, but hurry you don't have much time."




"Did you check the labyrinth?"

"Yea, if he's in there he's heading towards the end, and there's two officers waiting for them."

"Good." Dorian stalked over to Dante.

"Did you see him?"

"No, but I heard some noise coming from the woods. Dante misled him.

"There in the woods!" Dorian barked into the walkie talky. They watched their father walk away.

"Are they really in the woods?" Davis asked.

"No, I sent then through the house."

"Good, let's go to the front and make sure they make it safely off the property."


It didn't take long for Braxton to get the call from the police; it took even less time for him and Blake to get there. Since Bianca had been gone he was able to afford a cheap car, it was covered in rust and made real strange noises, but it ran.

He squealed in front of the broken gate than jumped out of his car and started running up the yard, Blake fast on his heels.

"Hold!" a police officer said and Braxton and his son slowed down.

"I'm here to get my daughter."


They ran through the back door all the way through the huge first floor to the front door, looking out of the glass to make sure it was clear. He threw open the door, he thought they were free; he had taken no more than 3 steps when he heard it.

"FREEZE!" Bob said with a smile, "I got them," he said in his walkie "in the front yard." Within seconds the two were surrounded, his father and brothers coming up from the left, security guards behind them. To top it all off, they looked to see Braxton and Blake being led up the front yard by the police.

Bianca looked around, her breath catching in her throat as she watched them all crowd around her. They had been in this position once before and it had turned out disastrously. She closed her eyes and raised her chin; she had been someone else that last time, someone she no longer recognized! She was sick of hiding, she was sick of running and she was sick of this war, it ended today one way or another!

"You hold it right there Bianca Rose!" Braxton yelled, running up to them, Dorian stone coming up on their right and plenty of security guards filling in the gap.

Bianca stopped as Diago tried to keep going; she stopped dead in her tracks forcing him to stop.

He may have hated her for her betrayal, but he was not going to let her go against this angry mob alone, he continued to hold her hand.

"What the hell are you doing here, you're supposed to be with your aunt!" he started yelling immediately.

"You can't control your own damn family Rose?" Dorian spat at Braxton. Braxton was furious he was once again humiliated by his daughter.

"your an embarrassment to your family, I'm ashamed that your my daughter!" he yelled, standing close to her, he was shaking uncontrollably, I should have beat you more often!" he said right before his hand snaked out and he slapped her hard across the face. There was a series of gasps, Darleen gasping the hardest, and just as Diago was ready to pounce on the man, Bianca drew back her small hand and slapped him back across the face with all her might.

"YOU'RE embarrassed to call ME daughter?!" she cried out, "I wasted my whole life trying to please you; I did everything you ever asked of me! All I EVER wanted was your love and all you ever gave me was more hate! Well fuck your love, and FUCK YOU!" her eye were glowing red, tears soaked her face, "I'm the one that's embarrassed to call you father."

"You can NOT talk to me like that I AM your father and you WILL address me as so-"

"You're not my father, you gave me away to that wicked Bitch of an aunt!" she yelled, half hysterical, tears pouring from her red rimmed eyes "I gave up Diago and you still threw me away!" She cried hard, "I gave up the one person that I knew loved me, just for me. He fought the world to be with me and I gave him up for you!" she yelled. "YOU!"

"You have no family honor! You gave yourself to our enemy!"

"Family honor?" she took of her large white cloak, "I do have family honor, but you're not my family anymore." she took off the jacket that was underneath, standing in a pair of her old sweatpants and a snug white tank top. "this is my family now," there was a chorus of gasps as they all watched her put her hands to her protruding belly, "and my family has your blood and your enemies." she smiled viciously, than turned around and started to walk away.

"You filthy deceiving whore!" Braxton raged going after her.

"STOP HIM!" Darleen demanded her only though to protect her unborn grandchild.

"I told you she was no good, dad!" Blake yelled, "She's Stone trash now!"

With out another thought, Diago's brain stuck on Bianca round belly and her father stalking towards her, Diago freaked out, jumping on the man, tackling him to the ground.

As if on cue, Maddy was squealing the old caddy up to Bianca, Veda jumped out and quickly helped her in the car, holding her in the back seat as Bianca released that thick emotion she had been barley holding onto.

The caddy pulled away from the chaos in the yard and the huge fight that had erupted. They had to get her out of there it was just too much stress for her condition. If she wasn't careful she would miscarry and they were not going to let that happen!

"He hates me." Bianca sobbed on Vedas shoulder as Veda put her hand on her head holding her close.

"It's going to be alright, we're going to get you out of here."

Bianca turned around and took one last look at the man she loved. He had told her not to ever come back to him; he told her she was his enemy. She thought he had said it out of anger and frustration, but now she knew he meant it. She cried harder, knowing she was going to have her enemy's baby, all alone.

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AMHJ89AMHJ89over 10 years ago

I am surprised his dick isn't rotten with all the random chicks he was banging and I don't know why she didn't tell him she was pregnant while they were alone in the labyrinth maybe things would've been different, maybe.. wishful thinking

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
i'm addicted

i love this story so much,that i've read it four times already and i've cried each time i read it.what can i say,i'm addicted and love it


Fight for the love that you have for each other and it will prevail...

gravyruggravyrugover 13 years ago
Still needs editing

But a great story, just the same.

Jujubee50Jujubee50over 13 years ago

I agree with the comment below! This is a great story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

This story is so fucking deep!! This crazy Romeo and Juliet type of story got ke bout to cry!

TallDarkandThoughtfulTallDarkandThoughtfulabout 15 years ago

i mustve read this chapter a hundred times and im still sitting here crying!! Why does fate have to be so cruel?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Freaking amazing...and to the douchebag that pointed out "your" and "you're" try reading some other literotica stories cuz that one little mistake is NOTHING compared to the shit out there on this website!! Good job on this one...you're an excellent writer. I can't wait to read your other submissions!

msjay123msjay123about 16 years ago

I LOVE this story!!! and anyone who is freaking complaining about it being a good story but the grammer takes away from the story is totally brain dead!! anyone hwho is anyone that reads your stories knows or will know that you are a VERy talented writer wether the grammer sucks or not!!!! i love it!! 100% FANTASTIC!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

whens the next one comming PLEASE hurry up

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
good, but

its an awesome story, but the mood just keeps getting ruined with the grammar. i'm sorry, but i'm really partial to mistakes and all the uses of 'your' instead of 'you're' make me wince. and the mix up with blake and braxton, they keep switching places, it's confusing. sorry again, but please write a new chapter, the story is lovely

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
More Please!

I absolutely love this story! Please write another chapter, I'm dying to find out how their story ends!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
C'mon! Write faster!

Excellent! I love it! By far the best I've read in a long while on this site!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I've been dying to find out how this ends!! C'mon!! Hurry with the next part please!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

omg i couldnt stop crying u have got to get a new chapter up please!!!!!!!!!

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