Entangled Pt. 03


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"Perfect," Row said. "When are you free to go shopping? Tomorrow?"

"Sure," Jess murmured.

"I can—" Eric said as he stood.

"I'll pick you up at Eric's around one?"

"That sounds great." Jess smiled up at Eric as he stepped back then withdrew back to the pool. When she turned back Row as on her phone, typing. "Did you win a bet or something?"

Row laughed without looking up. "I'm booking you in with my stylist for the afternoon of the fundraiser."

"That's not necessary," Jess said with a little wave of her hand.

"My treat." Row looked at her with a smile then leaned forward to set her phone down. "I've no doubt that you can transform yourself into a vision of loveliness, it wouldn't take much work." She picked up her wine glass, tilted it toward Jess in a salute. "But I know how nerve wracking these things can be. You don't need the stress." Her phone chimed. She looked down at it and grinned. "All booked." She took a sip of wine. "We'll have a nice relaxing afternoon being pampered and fussed over then go show you off." Her joyful smile was infectious.

Jess just smiled and picked up her own glass. It was much easier to let Row take charge of the situation than trying to figure it out for herself.


Row arrived to collect Jess two minutes before one the next day. Jess kissed Eric goodbye then accepted the company credit card he pressed into her hand before joining Row at the elevator.

"This feels weird," Jess murmured.

"What does?" Row asked with a little smile.

"We haven't been together for two months yet and he's already lending me a credit card."

"I'm surprised it took this long," Row said as she pulled Jess into the elevator.

"Does he do that often?"

"Let's just say that he always treats his girlfriends very well."

The elevator arrived at the ground floor before Jess could formulate an argument. They exited the building and Jess gave herself over to Row's very capable hands. The truth was she was thankful that Row had decided to take charge of getting her ready for the fundraiser. She wouldn't have known where to go to find something appropriate and Row was only too happy to lead her from shop after shop searching for just the right creation.

They were on their fourth stop when Jess heard Row's squeal of excitement from the other side of the rack she was standing at. Jess let go of the sparkling blue confection she was perusing to peek around the line of dresses.

"It's perfect," Row said with an excited smile.

"I don't know about that colour on you," Jess said as she moved closer.

"Not for me." Row pushed the hanger at her and gave it a little shake. "Go try it on."

Jess eyed it for a moment before accepting it and heading toward the pair of dressing rooms in the back of the store. When she came out to get zipped up Row hopped up from the chair that she'd settled in and walked around her slowly. She came around to face Jess with a wide eyed smile.

"I love it," she pronounced.

Jess turned to the mirrors with a swish of fabric and stepped a little closer. Her gaze traveled from the bodice down to the hem resting on the carpeted door and then reversed. She almost didn't recognize the woman in the reflection.

The dress clung to her curves outlining her classic feminine shape beautifully. It flared out into a full shirt mid thigh, a line of sparkling crystals sparkled right above the flare. The bodice hugged her full breasts before dipping slightly into her cleavage giving just a hint of the treasures it held.

Jess caught Row's eye in the mirror. "I don't know." Jess' hands plucked at the bodice. "The colour..."

"Are you kidding? With your dark hair it's perfect." Row brushed her hand along Jess' hip then took a step back. "I wish I could pull that off."

Jess looked back at her reflection. If she could be completely honest with herself she'd have to admit the design was gorgeous. It made her feel incredibly feminine, almost beautiful. Almost.

"Okay," Jess said softly. "I'll take it."

"That's one," Row proclaimed with a grin.

Jess turned to her. "I'm sorry. We've been so focused on finding something for me we haven't even looked for you yet."

"Not to worry I spotted something." Row turned to the sales woman hovering nearby. "Would you be a dear and fetch me that gauzy black number in the front window? The one with the crystals on the skirt."

The woman disappeared quickly while Row helped Jess unzip her new gown. She was back before Jess had finished putting her clothes back on. Row disappeared into the other dressing room to slip into her own find. Jess gave the red gown to the sales woman then sat down to wait for Row to come out and show her the dress. She strode out of the little room a minute later, the skirt of the dress sparkling under the lights as she struck a pose in front of the mirror.

"That's—" Jess said as she stood.

"The one," Row said as she caught her eye in the mirror. "Now we need can move onto shoes." She laughed as Jess' shoulders slumped. "You'll perk up once we get to picking out lingerie." She left Jess standing there with her cheeks a deep pink while she changed.

New love was so much fun to watch.


Six days later all the pampering in the world couldn't erase the nerves that settled into Jess' stomach and refused to budge. Once they'd finished at the spa Row drove them back to her place and shooed everyone downstairs while she and Jess changed into their fundraiser finery.

Jess was standing next to the chest of drawers in the middle of the walk in closest when Row stepped inside with a black box in her hands. She set it on the drawers then tapped the lid. "Eric sent this over earlier this week." Jess turned to it with a little smile. "The brat made me swear I wouldn't open it." She clasped her hands together, rested her chin on them as she leaned over it with Jess.

"What do you think it is?" Jess asked softly.

"My guess is jewelry."

"He wouldn't—" Jess sucked in a breath as the lid slid free. Diamonds sparkled as the light hit them. "He didn't," she whispered.

"That guy has good taste," Row said as she looked up at Jess' wide eyes.

"I can't accept these." Jess' voice wavered even with the firm edge she'd applied to it.

"What?" Row straightened. "Of course you can, they'll go beautifully with your dress."

Jess took a step back. "I don't know if I can do this." Her hands pressed the fabric of her dress against her stomach. "This isn't me."

Row moved around the drawers reaching for Jess' hands. "I get it." She pulled her forward. "It wasn't me either." Jess' eyes filled with confusion. "Did you think I was born to into this life?"

"Weren't you?"

"God no," Row said with a little laugh. "Before I met Ryan I was an event planner. Well junior planner actually." She turned back the box and plucked an earring out to hold it up to Jess' ear. "Lovely." Her gaze shifted back to Jess'. "We met at one of these events."

"I had no idea." Jess looked down at the box.

"Getting comfortable with all this takes time and a damn good reason." She smiled. "Ryan is worth it. And my babies are definitely worth it."

"You guys make gorgeous little people," Jess murmured.

"We do." She winked at Jess then pulled the other earring from the box to hold it up. "Tonight might be intimidating but I'll be there with you, so will the boys." Her smile turned lopsided. "Well maybe not Blake, he tends to wander off at these things. But I know Eric will take good care of you."

"And you don't think these will make all this too much?" Jess waved at herself.

"Nope. It should be just enough enough to help you fit in a little bit." Jess hummed softly. "Honestly you're going to stand out simply because you're so much more lively than these botoxed ninnies." Her eyes crossed as she spoke. Jess giggled. "See." Row grinned at her.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Jess asked.

"Meh, it's just one night right?"

"Just one night is how I ended up in this to begin with," Jess muttered.

Row sat down on a chair near the door to the closest to put her shoes on. "What does that mean?"

"I probably shouldn't be telling you this." Jess picked up the earrings up from where Row had laid them out on the drawers. "That's what Eric asked for the night we met. One night." Row smirked. "You think I'm a slut don't you?" Jess ducked her head.

"Hardly," Row said as she stood. "You just don't seem the type to agree to that."

"Normally I wouldn't have."

"What changed your mind?"

Jess looked up. "I can't think when he touches me. Crazy right?"

Row sighed wistfully. "I know that feeling. It was like that between Ryan and I in the beginning. Still is sometimes."


"Uh huh, usually after the kids are tucked away for the night."

"So it's just a physical attraction." Jess' voice held a note of relief.

Row's head tilted. "I'm sure that's part of it but don't you feel like there's something more in there?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been married."

"This isn't the same. My husband never made me feel the way Eric does." Her cheeks went hot as she pictured him over her. "I'll deny it if you say anything to him."

Row clasped her hand to her chest. "I won't say a word." She smiled widely. "Do you have any idea how exciting this is?"

"Exciting? It's bloody terrifying."

"Come on, he's a good guy."

"He's fucking perfect," Jess murmured. Nothing that had happened in the weeks they'd spent together had changed her initial assessment of him. If anything it had been strengthened as time and again he stubbornly refused to let her fear come between them by patiently coaxing her farther into his life.

"Maybe for you," Row said with a laugh.

"We barely know each other."

"I thought you got to know each other online before you met."

"Yes but it's so easy to lie. My ex did it to hundreds of women," Jess said softly.

"Hundreds?" Row reached out and grabbed Jess' forearm. "Well this time you made a good choice. Eric is so honest it's almost irritating."

"That's not exactly a selling point you know." Jess blinked back the tears that had welled up as she spoke about her ex and smiled.

Row laughed. "Maybe not but it's true." She snagged the necklace from the box and held it up. "Now be a good girl, put your gift on, then we'll go show these stuffy millionaires what real beauty look like."

"Yes ma'am." Jess bent her knees so the shorter woman could slid the rope of sparkling gems around her neck and fasten it.

"You should be prepared to get some attention tonight," Row said as she stepped back to look her over.

"No one will even see me next to you," Jess said with a big smile.

Row smiled back then opened the top drawer to pull out a jewelry box and lifted out a pair of diamond earrings and a simple white gold chain with a large diamond pendant. She put them on while Jess gathered up their little clutch purses. Row patted her hair one more time then took the purse Jess held out to her.

"Let me go first so I can see his reaction," she said to Jess at the top of the stairs.


Eric and Ryan waited at the bottom of the staircase, impatiently adjusting their clothes every few minutes. Blake was busy chasing the kids around the kitchen. The nanny was crowded against the counter trying not to get trampled by the bodies hurtling past her.

"Finally," Ryan murmured when he caught sight of his wife at the top of the stairs. "I don't understand why it takes you so long to get ready for these things. You're already beautiful," he called up to her.

"That's true but aren't I worth the wait?" She swept down the stairs toward him.

He watched her with a little smile. "You most certainly are." He kissed the cheek she offered to him before she turned back to the stairs.

"Come on Jess." She glanced at Eric. "Before he expires from anticipation." Jess' laugh drifted down to them.

Eric's eyes widened as she started down the stairs, then grew hot as she closed the distance between them. She went slowly, gripping the banister lightly, her other hand holding the skirt away from her feet. The hours of shopping and prepping, all the stress, was suddenly worth it just for Eric's reaction. As she reached the last few steps he held his hand out to her.

"You look incredible," he murmured.

"Mommy." Emily's little voice pulled Row's attention away from the couple. "She looks like a princess."

"She sure does." Row bent down to hug Emily close.

Jess released the skirt and the scarlet fabric settled around her feet. The dress itself was quite simple but the way it hugged her curves and the fiery colour gave her a regal elegance. With thousands of dollars worth of diamonds gracing her earlobes and neck she felt like royalty.

Row had directed the stylist to pull her hair up into a very simple twist, to show off the lines of her neck, and apply light makeup with a deep red lipstick to call attention to her lips. She couldn't have been more pleased with the result.

Jess was unconsciously sexy, either unaware or out right avoiding her allure. The way she moved hinted at some kind of dance background, it was calm and measured, and there was something about the way she moved her hands that made it almost appear that she was caressing an item rather than just touching it. Row had wanted that inner beauty to shine through the formal trappings and just from the reactions of the three men at the bottom of the stairs she knew she'd been extremely successful.

Even Blake, who had chased the boys into the front foyer, came to a stop to look at her. The boys ran past him with excited shrieks heading to the kitchen and the frustrated Sadie who was trying, rather unsuccessfully, to clean up the dinner dishes. The boys darted around her, forcing her to stop or end up tripping over them.

"Row, who is that and what did you do with Jess?" Blake asked with a smile.

Row stood with Emily balanced on her hip. "Now, I expect all of you to take good care of her tonight."

"I'll be fine," Jess said softly. Her eyes hadn't left Eric's since she reached the bottom of the stairs. She was fascinated by the look in his eyes. If they had been alone she was sure he would have had his hands up her skirt by then.

"I'm sure you can take care of yourself but even so, I don't want any of those vultures scaring you off," Row said as she stepped closer to Jess.

"What do you mean?" Jess finally dragged her eyes off of Eric and saw what she was talking about.

The three men were all dressed in tuxes and to say they were good looking was an understatement. Even Ryan, whom she hadn't looked at that way, with his red hair and easy smile was just plain dreamy in his formal wear.

"You're right." Jess' gaze ran over Blake then Eric in turn. Eric was still staring at her, looking very much like he wanted to get her out of that dress. "Should we go out back and find a couple of big sticks, just in case?" Row laughed. Blake just smiled and then gave her a wink.

"What the hell do you need sticks for?" Eric asked, finally snapping out of the fantasy he'd been mired in.

"Why, to beat the ladies off of you hun," Row said with a giggle. "Something tells me he won't even notice them tonight," she murmured to Jess. "Okay everybody!" she called out toward the kitchen. "Come get your good night kisses." The boys came barreling into the foyer. She kissed Emily's cheek then handed her to Ryan who cuddled the little girl close and planted a big kiss on her cheek. Emily giggled and squirmed in her daddy's arms.

"Goodnight princess," Ryan set her down so she could get some love from Blake and Eric before they left for the night. Riley took the opportunity to throw his arms around Ryan's neck and gave him a big hug. "You guys be good for Sadie. No sass about bed time okay?"

Riley nodded solemnly then turned to hug his mother. Row gathered him up and kissed him while his little brother Garret took his place in Ryan's arms. Blake snatched Emily up to give her a loud kiss on her little cheek. He looked rather put out when she reached for Eric but he handed the insistent child over to his brother then caught Riley for a hug.

Eric cuddled Emily against his chest, rested his cheek on her hair, and smiled at Jess. "Have a good night," he murmured.

Emily looked over her shoulder to where Jess was watching the scene with her heart lodged in her throat. It was amazing to her to watch all these big men melt for these little people. She swallowed hard as she took in the picture of Eric with Emily in his arms.

He should be a father. She thought.

"And Jess," Emily said then ducked her head shyly.

"You want a kiss from Jess?" Row turned, surprised by the request. Emily was her reserved child. She tended to chose the adults she liked very carefully, usually from a safe distance.

"Of course you can have one." Jess stepped closer to the pair, touched her hand to the girl's back, and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek. "Have a goodnight." There was a little catch in her voice.

"You too," Emily said with a smile.

Row started waving the grown ups towards the door. "Good night my little loves." She moved to the door with Blake and Ryan in tow then turned back to Eric. "You can't take her with you," she said with a laugh.

He set Emily on her feet then smoothed her hair. "Bye sweetheart." He took Jess' hand to lead her after the departing group.

Sadie stepped out of the kitchen to watch the glittering group. Row waved to her. "Good luck my dear!"

"Have fun tonight," Sadie called back with a smile.

The group walked out into the gathering darkness to the sleek black limo waiting for them. It was only the second time Jess had been in one, the first being on her wedding day. Eric helped her get in then slid into the seat next to her and took her hand.

"I'm not nervous," she lied softly.

He smiled at her. "Make you a deal." Her eyebrows rose slightly. "You suffer through tonight and I'll make you breakfast in the morning."

She laughed. "That's not much of a deal. You always make breakfast on weekends."

"Ask him to make you cookies," Blake said with a smirk as he settled across from Eric.

Jess looked at Blake. "Why cookies?" Blake didn't answer so she turned to Eric. He did not look happy. She was sure if he could have gotten away with it he would have smacked Blake right then.

"Because I can cook," Eric said with a growl. "But I can't bake and he thinks it's so damned funny." Her eyes went wide for a second.

He had a flaw.

"Well you're in luck." She leaned against his shoulder. "I love to bake and I'm pretty good at it." She looked at Blake with a smirk. "I've been eyeing up your ovens for weeks." She turned back to Eric. "Maybe I can show you how to make chocolate chip cookies."

"Ugh, you guys are so cute together it's disgusting," Blake said as he sat back. Row winked at Jess. Ryan laughed. Eric leaned closer to Jess and pressed a tender kiss on her lips. "I like cookies too." Blake muttered.


The drive to the hotel was over far too quickly for Jess' taste. And no one had prepared her for the scene that greeted them when they exited the limo. A throng of well dressed people was mingling outside the entrance along with several photographers.

"You forgot to mention this part," she whispered to Row before they joined the crowd.

Eric took her hand and looped it around his arm to rest on his forearm. "Just smile and let them try to figure out who you are." He brushed his lips against her cheek. She shivered under the gentle caress then smiled up at him. They were enveloped in a set of flashes that almost blinded them.

"Come on," Row said as she took Jess' free hand. "I'm not standing out here with these hopefuls."

"What does that mean?" Jess asked as Eric led them forward.

Eric leaned down to speak in her ear. "Some people like the attention."