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"Go Blue," yelled Ray. The people staring at us turned back to what they were doing and forgot us.

"You're married?" asked Hank.

"To him," she said pointing at Danny, who looked shocked and then played it off.

"Yeah," she said. "That damned Dennis almost ruined our marriage. It's taken us years to get over him stalking me and seducing me. I still don't understand why he'd go after the wife of his best God damned friend. He's just evil."

"I hate that asshole too," sneered Hank. "He ruined my entire life. "First he prevented me from getting into the NFL..."

"How'd he do that?" asked Annie.

"I think he paid the players on the other team to knock the shit out of me," said Hank.

"Don't they try to do that anyway?" asked Annie.

"Well...yeah, but when you pay them, they really do it even harder," said Hank. "And as if that wasn't enough, I think he's been following me all over the mid-west getting me fired from job after job. I think he's been paying people to fire me. And they always fire me for stupid things. That's why I'm sure he's a part of it."

"What kinds of things have they fired you for?" asked Annie. Even from where I sat, I could tell that she was having trouble keeping her face serious.

"Well, I've been fired for lack of sales," spat Hank. "Obviously, he went to my customers and paid them not to buy from me. I've been fired for sexual harassment three times. I'm sure he had something to do with the last two. In fact, I'd bet my life on it."

"Why the last two?" asked Annie.

"Well, the very last one was ugly as sin," he said. "A woman that ugly should have been glad to have someone harass her ass. And the one before that was fat. Fat women are supposed to be desperate. How the hell does a fat woman file for sexual harassment? Someone had to have paid her ass and we know who it was, don't we." Annie jumped up.

"Excuse me," she said. "...Ladies room."

When she went back to the table with her face still red, Danny and Hank were still going over all of the reasons he believed that I was following him all over the mid-west sabotaging every job he'd ever had.

"Sorry, I had to go badly," said Annie. "Why do you think that he's been doing this to you? I know why he did what he did to me." Both Danny and Hank looked at her.

"It was the sex," she said. "He was out for some hot pussy and there's no one hotter, right Danny?" Danny nodded his head.

"But why would he chase you all over the country, fucking up your life?" she asked.

"Because he's jealous of me," spat Hank. "He always was. The quarterback is usually the team leader. But my obvious leadership qualities had him jealous. And he was going out with Belinda. Belinda was attracted to me. He knew that he was going to lose her with me in the picture, so he stooped to underhanded tricks to keep her."

"So Belinda really loved you?" asked Annie. Both she and Danny were fighting to keep the tears from their eyes.

"If that bastard hadn't interfered, Belinda and I would probably be married right now. She was crazy about me. But most women are. You said it yourself. I'm an attractive man," he said.

"Yes," said Annie. "You and Belinda belong together. Tomorrow you and my hubby will go shopping together. And the next night, we'll arrange for you and Belinda to run into each other. From there, we'll just let the magic happen."

"Aren't you going to come?" he asked. "Maybe a woman's opinion on the clothes might be good."

"I've already messed up once," she said. "I'm not sure I should spend too much time around you."

"I understand," said Hank. He got up and drained his drink and then left the bar. As he got to the door, he turned back towards the table and shot Annie what he thought was a smoldering glance and then walked out the door.

Hank and Annie erupted in laughter and couldn't stop. I got up and went to the door. Hank was across the street standing at a bus stop. I made sure he was on the bus and then joined Ray, Danny and Annie at the table. They were still laughing.

I hugged Annie so hard I lifted her off of her feet. "Thank you so much, Annie," I said. "You were brilliant."

"Hey, stop that," said Ray. "You don't want things to go too far again."

We looked at him. "You've already almost ruined the woman's marriage," said Ray. "She's lucky that Danny took her back."

"Uh, Ray," said Danny.

"Let me guess," said Ray. "You're fine with Dennis screwing your wife. Wow, I never thought that you were a wimp. And you'd think that if you were going to let someone have her, it should have been me. I'm the only one of us who isn't married and..."

Danny and I just shook our heads.

"Ray, it didn't happen," I said. "I don't go around screwing other men's wives; especially not my friends' wives."

He looked at Annie. "You lied to Hank," he accused.

"He's an asshole," said Annie.

"But he's only an asshole because Dennis ruined his life," said Ray. "What I can't figure out is how Dennis has time to do all of the work he does at his own job, while following Hank all over the mid-west ruining his life."

"Uhm, Ray, I'll explain it to you later," said Danny.

Annie looked at me and smiled. "This was fun," she said. "Wait until I call my cousin and tell her, she'll get a kick out of this."

I looked at her strangely. She elbowed Danny in the side. "You didn't tell him, did you?"

"I forgot," said Danny.

"What?" I asked.

"Okay, I guess you should know this," said Danny. "Annie has always hated Belinda, even back in the days that we were in college. She always thought that you were too nice for Belinda, so she tried to set you up with her cousin."

"I don't remember that," I said.

"Yeah ya do," said Danny. "Last Saturday, Della, who's friendly with Annie called her and asked her why she hadn't gone to the party your wife was having. They spoke for a while and the way Belinda threw us all out of the house came up. Della told Annie that we were going to play golf. Annie called her cousin who was in town on business and told her which golf course we'd be at. Her cousin got to the golf course just before us and you've been uhm...exploring her nether regions ever since."

"So, my Steff, is your cousin?" I asked Annie. Annie looked at Danny and her eyes got huge.

"So when we get married, I'll be your cousin?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah," smiled Annie.

"I told you," said Danny.

* * * * * *


Nothing I did seemed to register with Dennis. It had gotten to the point when he wasn't even doing what I told him to do. A couple of days ago, I'd asked him in a very polite tone to stop off at a beauty supply store that was on his way home and find out what shades of red fingernail polish they had. I'd told him to just go to the store text me pictures of their red shades and I'd text back the one I wanted him to bring home.

He never even bothered to stop. When he walked in, I wondered where the bags were.

"Where's my polish?" I asked nicely. "You forgot it didn't you?"

He looked at me with a look I'd never seen before. Then he just smiled. "I didn't even bother stopping," he said. I realized then that my mother was right. My Dennis was getting uppity with me. He was acting totally crazy. I expected him to start singing, "We shall overcome," soon.

"Belinda, I love you," he said. I knew that already. Despite the fact that he'd been acting shitty towards me for almost two weeks, I knew that Dennis loved me. We hadn't had sex in so long my pussy was dried out, but he loved me. I think he was trying to make some kind of point. My mother had told me that he needed to be beaten. His next statement was beginning to push me towards her view.

"Belinda, I have to work all day, five days a week," he said. I didn't see his point. Someone had to work and I didn't think it should be me.

"You're home all day," he continued. "You do some housework, whatever you feel like doing, all day. You're not on a schedule. You don't have anyone giving you assignments. You don't have a due date. You don't have a team to coordinate with. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want..."

"Well Dennis, that's why I stopped working," I said.

"So, if you have all of that time to do nothing," he said angrily. "Why couldn't you get off of your ass and go get your own polish?"

"Because I was relaxing," I said. "If I had to get up and go driving around, I wouldn't be relaxing anymore."

He just walked away. That ended up being another night without sex. Actually, he went to the golf club again. I knew that was my fault because I was the one who started him going to the golf club. But at least he was being considerate. I could tell that he was using the showers at the golf club now. He always smelled like he'd just showered when he got home. In the old days he'd go bowling, or golfing and come home all sweaty and want to jump on me and fuck me. I miss the old days.

The next day, I was out shopping when a man stepped in front of me so suddenly that we bumped into each other. He dropped his briefcase. I was just about to scream at him when he looked up at me.

"My God, Belinda, is that you?" he asked. "You haven't changed a bit. I'll bet you could still fit into your cheerleader outfit."

I just looked at him and smiled. "I just got done meeting with a client," he said. "Normally, I don't go to them. They have to come to me. But it's a three million dollar account. So what brings you here?"

"I was shopping," I said.

"I'd love to hear about your life and what happened to you after school," he said. "Can I buy you a cup of coffee or a drink?"

I said, "Either." He decided on the bar right there in the building and after stowing my packages in the trunk of my BMW, we sat down. We ended up talking the entire afternoon away. It took a while for me to actually remember Hank from college, but after he started to flatter me, I loosened up.

Hank told me all kinds of things that I never knew, like what an asshole Dennis had been at college. I also learned that Hank had always liked me. I barely remembered him trying to make a pass at me in school. I think the only reason I remembered it was because I got a big kick out of Dennis being so jealous that he screamed at me to stay away from the guy.

By the end of the afternoon, Hank had eased his hands under my skirt and was working his way to the promised land. All kinds of thought went through my head. Hank was probably rich as hell and wanted me badly. On the other hand, I loved Dennis. But Dennis was treating me badly because I'd treated him badly. We couldn't let that continue to escalate. Sooner or later someone had to give in.

I was as horny as a herd of cattle though and Dennis was refusing to do his husbandly duties, because he was angry at me. So it would serve him right if I gave someone else some pussy. Of course, I'd never tell him. Then I thought about what would happen if he caught me again. This time there would be no second chances. But I started to reason a different way when Hanks hands got closer to the promised land. I called it the promised land because it had been promised to my husband. But if he wasn't building on that property, maybe it could be leased to someone else temporarily.

My mind made all kinds of leaps of judgment. Hank wasn't nearly as attractive as my husband. He was flabby and balding and smelled funny. On the other hand, he handled lots of multimillion dollar accounts. If Dennis did catch us, I could just marry Hank.

An hour later, we were in a motel room. I paid for the room because Hank only had hundred dollar bills and he was sure that the manager of that flea bag motel couldn't break one.

Hank tried really hard, but he left me even more frustrated. His dick was bigger than Dennis' but he had a hard time getting it up. He told me it was because of stress at work and asked for a rain check. We made a date at the same motel for the next day.

I went home with my pussy gushing and frustrated. But I was no longer upset because if Dennis didn't fuck me that evening, I'd do whatever I had to, to get Hank up the next day. Dennis didn't realize it, but he was about to lose the best thing that had ever happened to him. For the first time in my life, I realized that Dennis was stupid. Engineer or not, my husband is a Mucking Foron.

When I got home, Penny came over. I swore her to secrecy and told her about my situation. She looked at me as if there was something wrong with me. "Belinda, Hank Walker, is a genetic aberration," she said. "Don't you remember him? He's nowhere near as attractive as Dennis."

"Hank Walker wants to fuck me really bad, Dennis won't even touch me," I spat. "If you can't be with the one you love...take the available dick."

"But Belinda, do you remember that disgusting lunch lady in college? Remember, the one who weighed like four hundred pounds, and had that huge mole on the end of her giant hook nose. Remember, she was the one who actually looked better in her hair net? She smelled worse than the mystery meat."

"Yeah," I said, shuddering at the memory.

"Honey, Hank Walker fucked her. He went after anything that wasn't nailed down. And he's famous for something." She pulled out her phone and called her husband.

"Honey, do you remember Hank Walker from school?" she smiled at me. "Yeah that's the one. Doesn't he hold some kind of sports thingy?"

She smiled at me. "I already know that he was a big time football star until Dennis got jealous and ruined his career," I said.

"Belinda, Hank Walker to this day holds the NCAA records for most fumbles during a season and most dropped passes. He's also the only player in history to run head first into a goal post and knock himself out," she said with a big smile on her face.

"See I told you that he was a big time football player," I smiled. "Maybe I'll let Dennis know I ran into him and he'll get jealous."

"Honey, don't be a fool," she said. "If Dennis gets wind of Hank sniffing around you, your marriage is over."

"So what, Hank makes millions now," I said. "Unlike Dennis, who obviously peaked in college."

She just rolled her eyes at me and shook her head. "I'm going to give Dennis a chance," I said. "But I'm only doing it out of loyalty and because I love him. If Dennis doesn't step up to the plate tonight, tomorrow it will be Hank's turn at bat."

"Belinda, please don't do this," she begged.

"Don't worry," I told her. "I wouldn't actually let Dennis find out. He only caught me last time because that fucking Eric showed up at a party we were at and started bragging about doing me. Dennis doesn't even know that Hank is in town."

So, feeling confident, I sat down on the sofa to wait for Dennis to come home. He came home and changed and skipped back down the stairs. He looked happy as hell. I don't remember the last time I saw a grown man skipping. He headed right for the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To play golf," he smiled. He even leaned over and flicked one of my nipples playfully.

"Those things are huge," he said. Then he headed for the door.

"Dennis, you forgot your golf clubs," I said.

"Belinda," he frowned. "I'm not using those clubs. I carried them because you bought them for me. But they're like the worst fucking golf clubs in the world. I tried leaving them at the club and someone returned them to me. I left them at a bus stop near the golf club and when I got home they were on our porch." He sat down next to me and looked in my eyes.

"Belinda, I don't want to lie to you anymore," he said. "My game has gotten so much better. I love golf now. But I haven't used those clubs all week."

He got up and went out the door then. I heard the sound of his Mustang's motor. My mom was actually right. That thing was loud as hell. Then I remembered that he liked it that way. He'd paid more money for that exhaust system. I'd have to try to explain that to mother.

That night Dennis came in just after dark. I knew he hated to play in the dark so he was always home by about ten. His golf game must have been strenuous, because although he was smiling from ear to ear, he looked like a whipped dog. Thankfully, he'd taken a shower.

I went up to our room and he was already in bed. I stripped naked and went over to him. I pulled the sheet off of him and grabbed his limp dick. I must've sucked on it for a half hour and it didn't so much as twitch.

"Sorry, Honey," he said. "I left every ounce of energy I had on the golf course. It was amazing. Hole after hole, we kept going. Front, back, doggie, I could barely move when we got done. I honestly don't know how the pros do it. Maybe tomorrow..." and then he was snoring, but he still had that damned smile on his face.

I was pissed. Dennis was finally back in a good mood, but I still didn't get any sex. Well, he'd stepped up to the plate and struck out. It was Hank's turn. And as far as I was concerned, Hank could stay in the batter's box until Dennis was ready again.

I did get some good news, though. I found out why Dennis had emerged from his sour mood. It hadn't been anything I'd done at all. It was obviously guilt. I should have seen it from the beginning. Dennis started acting out the day of the party. It hadn't been the way I treated him after all. All of my stupid friends were wrong. It was simply guilt that had him so angry. Dennis was basically a nice guy. He was my puppy and always would be. He was ashamed and guilty over his terrible treatment of my mother. He'd been in a foul mood ever since he'd left her at that bus stop. Apparently, this morning he'd called her from work to apologize and things were fine between them now. He'd come home energized and happy, but then he'd wasted all of that energy hitting a ball into a hole with his club on the golf course. He should have been using his club and balls in my hole at home.

I woke up the next morning when Dennis leaned over the bed and gave me a tender and gentle kiss before leaving for work. My Dennis was back. I was still pissed though. And I was still horny. I was pissed because Dennis had put me through over two weeks of hell because of something between him and my mother. He had no fucking right to treat me like shit because of her. I know that my mother has a big fucking mouth, but that doesn't give him the right to treat me like shit because of it.

My date with Hank was still on.

I arrived at the motel and went to the same room that we'd had the day before. Under my clothes, I had on one of my Victoria's secret lingerie sets that I'd custom ordered. This one came with a corset that pulled my waist in by about four inches and gave me a better profile. It made my waist look smaller and my boobs look huge in comparison. I knew that it would light Hank's fire.

When I knocked on the door, Hank answered it. Something was off.

Hank was wearing the same suit he'd worn the day before. Why would a multimillionaire wear the same suit two days in a row?

"Hank, isn't that the suit you wore yesterday?" I asked.

"Oh shit, I forgot that I'd worn it," he said. I could tell he was a bachelor then. No woman would let her husband wear the same clothes two days in a row.

"I guess I did it because it's my favorite suit and I wanted to look my best for you," he said. "You're so beautiful."

I was getting warm downstairs. It was a start. It wasn't like a flood in the basement the way I got with Dennis, where my panties would get so wet I had to wring them out, but at least Hank had me in the mood for sex.

I took off my clothes and he saw my lingerie. His eyes lit up immediately and he forcefully pushed me onto the bed. He pulled my legs apart and pulled his pants down. His big old sausage was sticking out of the fly in his pants. I grabbed it and started sucking on it.

I noticed immediately that it started going up. I was ready. The taste in my mouth almost made me want to gag though. He tasted awful. There was no way I'd ever let him cum in my mouth. I tore open a pack of condoms and placed one by the pillows. I kept his dick in my mouth while I worked.