Erasing Julie Ch. 03


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"This advice is born of my pain, suffering and unhappiness. Listen closely so that you don't repeat my mistake," Gus continued. "No one really likes to talk about the Dark Side of marriage. This is where errors, mistakes and misjudgments occur together with the hurt, pain and heartbreak that result. I know what you are both thinking: it won't happen to me! I'll never do that! You are wrong. It will happen. And not just once, but many times during your marriage. Sometimes it will happen accidently, and sometimes it will be purposeful. Sometimes the incident will be small, and sometimes it will be enormous. Suddenly you will find yourself in the role of Darth Vader wondering how you joined the Dark Side."

Gus labored to control his breathing. He began to doubt the wisdom of giving his talk the evening before Bess's wedding. It could ruin an otherwise joyous occasion.

"With the help of a lovely lady, Shelly Green, I have discovered two ideas, two tools, to extract myself from the Hell of the Dark Side, and I want to share these with you both.

"The first idea is: you are the only one responsible for your own happiness. You and only you. It's easy to be a victim and give up responsibility for your happiness to someone or something else. Victims feel at home in the Dark Side of marriage. You want to leave the Dark Side? Simple: take back the responsibility for your own happiness. Stop being a victim!"

Gus looked directly at Bess and Brian. Both looked surprised at the intensity of his words and that told Gus he had to continue. He didn't want his daughter's marriage to fail as his had failed.

"The second idea is: release. Release isn't about the other person, either. It is all about the person who is releasing. It's about letting go of all the anger and pain so that you can love once more. You don't release for the sake of other person, you release for yourself. So release and be happy. Or don't release and stay miserable. It is simple, really," Gus summarized with a forced smile.

He looked around the table and saw the stunned looks of the guests. No one could have imagined Gus would discuss such dark, serious topics on the eve of the wedding.

A movement caught his eye, and he looked at the back of the room. Julie was leaning against the back wall. Gus took a deep breath and continued.

"For the past four months I have been living in the Hell of the Dark Side. But as my son, Josh, observed, I was still carrying the hate and pain with me every moment of every day. I certainly was not happy, nor could I be happy. Thank you, son."

Gus glanced at Josh and saw the smile and thumbs up from his son. At least one person was supporting his efforts.

"And tonight, I take the next step," Gus continued as he looked at Julie.

"Four months ago I discovered that my wife of twenty-four years had engaged in a clandestine two-year affair with an old college lover in Seattle."

The guests were shocked and began whispering among themselves. Many of them had suspected something was amiss in the marriage, but Julie's untimely death had silenced any rumors. No one wanted to speak ill of the dead.

"She returned to Anchorage a few days before her accident. She was pregnant with her lover's child."

Loud murmurs circulated around the table. Gus knew that he had to ignore them and just keep going to the end. He clasped his hand together to keep them from shaking.

"We were in the initial stages of a nasty divorce when Julie died as a result of a traffic accident," Gus continued. "It was nasty because I chose to make it so. I was angry, and I wanted to punish her. "I will never forgive Julie for all her actions concerning her affair with Greg Peterson. But I will no longer hide the truth and keep it bottled up inside me. The truth about Julie is dark and ugly, and telling that truth will set me free from the pain, anger and hate that I have been living for far too long."

I'm sorry, Gus.

Gus watched the back of the room as Julie disappeared.

Bess bolted from her chair and embraced her father.

"Daddy, I'm so glad you are getting help," she sobbed. "That's the best wedding present you could have given me."

Brian stood nearby smiling. Several people left their chairs to shake Gus's hand and console him. Gus sat back down in his chair, put his face in his hands and wept.

Epilog: Five Years Later

"I forgot to tell you" Gus said to his wife. "I had a dream about her last night." They were holding hands walking down the hall to the maternity ward. He loved sharing his dreams with Shelly. It made Gus feel closer to his wife.


"Julie. I hadn't thought about her for almost two years. Now she's in my dream. What do you think it means."

"Tell me the dream."

"I don't remember much. She just appeared in my dream and said 'See you soon, Gus' then she walked away. You don't think I'm going to die soon, do you?"

Shelly laughed and hugged her husband. He was the best thing that had ever happened to her and her daughter, Annie. She wasn't about to let him go anywhere!

"No, you are not going to die. Your dream may have been triggered by the birth of your first granddaughter, Gus. Or maybe it was a touch of indigestion. Don't read too much into it, okay?"


They continued walking in the hallway until they saw Josh approaching them holding a small bundle. "Here she is, Dad," Josh said with pride as he presented his daughter to his father.

"She's is beautiful, son," Gus replied. "My first granddaughter."

"Well, we have to catch up with Bess and Brian's two boys, right?"

"Have you and Linda picked a name for her?" Shelly asked.

"Yeah. We wanted to run it by you first, Dad. How does Marie Juliette Randall sound?"

"Your mother would be very pleased, Josh" Gus replied hesitantly. "It's a fine name, a really fine name. May I hold her?"

Josh's selection for his first granddaughter's name unsettled Gus. It would be a constant reminder of his first wife, someone he wanted to forget. Josh gingerly passed his daughter to his father. Gus accepted the bundle and held her close. Shelly peered at her face and saw that the child was awake. Gus looked closely at his granddaughter. She was looking around as if searching for something. Finally she looked Gus straight in the eyes and he thought he saw a slight smile. For a child born a day and a half ago, she seems unusually aware of her surroundings, Gus thought. The infant continued to stare at Gus.

Those eyes reminded Gus of Julie's eyes. Yes, the infant definitely had Julie's eyes.

"Hello, Gus."

Gus was so startled by hearing Julie's voice in his head that he almost dropped the child. "Fuck," Gus said under his breath as he quickly passed her back to Josh.

"What?" Shelly asked.

"Josh, I'm suddenly not feeling well, so I'm leaving now. I don't want to give it to Marie." Gus turned, grabbed Shelly and quickly walked away.

"Gus, what's wrong? It looks like you've seen a ghost," Shelly inquired.

"Worse than that. Much worse. Let's get the hell out of town, Shelly. Far, far away from this place. Okay?"

"Sure, Gus, sure," Shelly replied. She was very concerned for her husband. His actions were uncharacteristically abrupt.

Over the past five years with Shelly's help Gus had convinced himself that Julie's ghost was just a figment of his imagination. And after he began to work with Shelly to release Julie, she never appeared again; the wedding dinner was the last time. And now...

Was he going crazy? Or was Julie back in his life?

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

4-stars. Could have been great but it went off the rails with the Mexican drug cartel debacle. Oh so close.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The story would be better without the Mexican rapists.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Loved the ending.

NoBullAlNoBullAl4 months ago

Thoroughly enjoyed this story until the last few paragraphs when you went off the deep end and it became one of those stories that should be relegated to the file for wasted hours of reading!! Didn’t even mind too much with your throwing in a ghost but it really went off the rails when a spooky baby was brought out!! Thought this was a the LW category not horror!!!

WolfOfTheWorldWolfOfTheWorld5 months ago

That ending didn't suck, it just brought home that 'forgivness is divine'.

Your story touched something deep and dark in me. Something that ate any light near it. Something I think I will be seeing before I am ready to. It's not the lies that eat you after the divorce is years behind you, it's the hate. Unless you release that hate, your hate for someone else will become self-loathing and self-hatred. It is unnatural to loathe and hate yourself. You keep that person close, some small part of them that remained with you. You have to forgive whatever they did to you, whether its real or imagined. Get rid of them totally, or be willing to have them take up residence in our mind and dreams. This revelation was far easier to realize and put down that to do. I hate my first wife, she took my sons and poisoned them against me. I'm so fucking glad she's dead, turned into paste in an accident.

I wanted to drive a road compacter, a steam roller over her body, turn her into the paste they buried. My sons died hating me, thanks to her. They both we Army Rangers, they both died in different parts of the Sandbox. They hated me because she told them that I put in for postings they could not go to. For 6 years and for 4 years they had her hate, when I lost my leg they never reached out or contacted me. When I was discharged I waited half a day for SOMEONE to pick me up. That never happened. I left the VA hospital in my own wheelchair and under my own steam.

Everything I sent them was returned, they backed over whatever I sent them. Now my family is dead, even though I remarried there were no children. One son died in Iraq, the other in Afghanistan. I hate that bitch, and I see her, smirking at me. With my hate for her I give her power in my life and over me. However, I cannot forgive her.

ker63469ker634695 months ago

Great story until the end. Gus really needed to forgive his wife and move on with Shelly

shopratshoprat6 months ago

Great story until the end. The ghost part would have been OK if she and Gus had gotten closure with his public release and she had moved on. Having her show up again at his son's baby's birth put what was until then a good story right over into Bride of Chucky territory. This piece should be in horror, not LW Great job on the first 2 chapters, but I really think you should rewrite the ending.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I admit I have dug myself into some deep holes while writing a story. I only hope to stay out of the wormhole you dove into and only got out of by invocation of ghost to resolve a bad marriage

Alvares1414Alvares141411 months ago

Okay...I didn't understand some parts of this trilogy. Especially regarding Julie

It was very clear, over and over in the first two parts, that she didn't actually love Gus. She was "fond of" him and their life was comfortable. But she didn't love him or even find him sexually attractive

With that being said, what was with the melodramatic bullshit in this last part? All the crocodile tears and declarations of love? Was she still deluding herself somehow, or simply trying to both prevent herself from looking worse than she already did and somehow salvage her comfortable lifestyle?

I wasn't a fan of Julie's "ghost" popping up over and over either, though I'd rather imagine that was Gus' guilt for not showing up at her deathbed than a literal manifestation of Julie's spirit. She certainly had no right to be haunting him, if the latter was true, given her hideous behaviour

What did redeem the story for me (though I can't say I didn't yell "HA!" when Julie died and Gus didn't show up) was Gus finally making peace with himself. He was probably haunted by the notion that to be a good person means to forgive, even if it's undeserved. That's NOT always the fucking case, and Julie was an example. He stood up, told the world what a horrible person Julie was, that he'd never forgive her, but he was done wasting his own time drowning in her memories

That brought this story up from a mediocre 3 to a 4 for me. The trilogy did have flaws regardless, not least of which was my bugbear of Julie's 180 switch in personality, but the ending was satisfying enough....The lack of that final star came in part from that last paragraph, too. NOT THAT SHIT AGAIN!

Busman19639Busman1963911 months ago

When it got to the supernatural and ghosts I lost a lot of interest. Up to then it was a good story.

Perhaps a rewrite for the ending?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Got too weird for me in this last chapter.

Spoiled a good story.

HarleyRider1955HarleyRider195512 months ago

Unlike some others, I was enjoying the story. Even the ghost thing. The abrupt ending spoiled the story. Endings like that make me feel I wasted my time reading the story. I rated the first two installments highly. The last not so much.

bobareenobobareenoover 1 year ago

The whole ghost thing didn’t work for me. Others seem to enjoy it, but it added nothing and derailed the story for at least this reader.

bobareenobobareenoover 1 year ago

The whole ghost thing didn’t work for me. Others seem to enjoy it, but it added nothing and derailed the story for at least this reader.

MightyheartMightyheartover 1 year ago


Lovely story.

Great end.

Wonder why this author stopped writing.

netinguwannetinguwanover 1 year ago

A fantastic story, the end included. Gus and Julie needed those last encounters, Gus especially. His hatred of Julie would have manifested itself in poor health mentally and physically eventually.

za_robionyza_robionyover 1 year ago

Thanks for the Ghost End đź‘Ť

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I probably have a minority opinion here but I thought turning the LW story into a ghost story was very inventive and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Fact or fantasy it doesn't really matter does it? Chalk one up for the BTB crowd. 5/5 for me.

LoejtcLoejtcover 1 year ago

Well this author certainly knows how to torpedo his own story. Silliness.

inka2222inka2222over 1 year ago

I loved the story. The ending was a bit... weird, but unlike most LW storied, the protagonist won 100% - he didn't lose money in divorce, he didn't lose kids or their affection because "mommy needs you", and he got a new better woman in trade. No idea why people didn't like this part.

As far as the ghost - if you don't like it, just accept the therapist's recommendation. Consider it a trick his mind is playing on him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A great story destroyed by an author's overreach. A 1

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Shame, just like Monty this author seems to always go one bridge (story) too far.

Liked the first two but the last one was garbage

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The first two parts were great. Part three started well but then this ghost nonsense appeared and killed the story dead. He was divorcing his wife for her infidelities. She got killed. It should have ended there, or even gone into a little bit of what happened to everyone - her lover enjoying being used as a cum dump in gaol, the children seeing what infidelity causes and being good spouses, Gus moving on and having a productive happy life. Julie should be dead and stay that way. End of her. Enough of her.

SunnyU2SunnyU2almost 2 years ago

Kids should have erased Gus from their lives when he refused to see Julie on her deathbed

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Dun dun dunnnnn

Dlh143Dlh143about 2 years ago

1 star because of the bullshit forgiveness blackmail. There's no forgiveness for a cheater ever. It ruined the entire story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

More Edgar Allan Poe than Loving Wives that must really confuse the hell out of the BTB brigade. Wife is a selfish, manipulative bitch who is well and truly burnt and then the even viler, vindictive husband is haunted by her ghost. I feel sorry for the kids and the poor deluded woman who married the prick. But I like the way this author thinks.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The ending of this story is an example of Forgiveness Shaming and Blaming. When individuals, families or groups send the message that forgiveness is the end goal and something someone should or must do, it can often be detrimental and further emotionally damaging to people in pain. Forcing forgiveness on someone who's been serious hurt and damaged by someone else can make them feel like they're being victimized all over again.

You have a right to feel your feelings. All of them. You have a right to not forgive someone or something that’s hurt you. Whatever you feel about that right now is okay. Your healing process is your own and you don’t have to be anywhere other than where you are. You are not responsible for making anyone else feel comfortable by feeling something other than what you feel. You get to have your experience.

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