Eric Olafson, Fleet Cadet (Vol 3)


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Again she took me by the hand and dragged me with a soft but persistence to one of the one story buildings.

Inside it had only one room and a flight of stairs leading upward. There was a fire place that came to live with a crackling fire as we entered and the light came from warm yellowish glowing lanterns. She smiled apologetic." I know it is too much of the rustic décor, but I haven't been here in over two hundred years and frankly I don't think I will be back much. I much more prefer my apartment on Lorman's Starbase which I consider my real home."

She pointed at a full length mirror mounted inside a wooden frame, I was not certain if it was there before and she said. It's our version of an auto dresser and it does work just like that as well. The reflection you see is how you would look like and the mirror does the rest."

"Is it magic?"

She sighed. "I think I wasted a lot of explanation. No it is not magic, there is no such thing as magic. Like the super exotic particle I told you about we exist on both sides simultaneous and with our side that rests in the nether world we are able to do some things that others cannot. Did you ever question the things your Friend Narth did? Believe me compared to the Narth we are childlike and impotent, with all our knowledge we don't understand what Narth really is. When we came to this Universe the Narth did not like us being here, and considered us nothing more than perhaps annoying gnats, not that we believe we would still be here if we really annoyed them. A few millennia ago a Narth explained to our mother what we had to do to find peace and a place in the Universe, through their council and perhaps help we were able to form these bonds to human hosts that allows us to mirror is an advanced Saresii Auto Dresser. We do not oppose technology and it only looks that way to match the rest of the interior. Saresii Auto Dressers are just like magic to us as they manipulate matter, even skin and tissue on a molecular level."

I had held my breath I think the entire time while she spoke and now took a deep breath. "I never liked Psionics, but since everyone knows about them and we get tested in school for the HPI I never really questioned them. In Science class they even explained to us how they work and all that."

"If things go as I hope then perhaps pupils get tested for their Channel ability in a few decades from now."

The mirror image of me began to change and first I saw Freya as she looked, as I looked when going out with the other girls at the Space port mall. Then there was Elena and an Image of my mother and they somehow swirled and melted together to a new image of a complete stranger, a woman I had never seen before and yet I knew exactly who she was. This was me. This was me how I might have looked like if I was born female from the start. She had my eyes and that is where I recognized her. The truly golden shimmering hair of my mother, somehow looking shinier and softer than the hair I was used to. My arms did not appear as thick or pronounced but rounder and smooth. In this reflection I wore the old maroon dress, the one with the golden seams. Without thinking my hands touched my chin and then slid down to the plunging neckline of the dress. This cleavage was not something artificial, it felt warm and I could feel my own touch. The reflection the image in the mirror had become me. I turned to Gwen. She had changed the drab boiler suit for a soft looking white blouse and a black skirt." Sul be damned, you are stunningly beautiful and what a choice of dress."

"It is your magic mirror that did all this. It's not real." I said trying to convince myself, in a losing argument. I felt elated and free and deep down wished that this was the end of my confusion and this was the way I was meant to be.

"There is no force we know of, this side or nether side that could read your mind if you don't want to. What I see before me is what you want us to see. This, is you, Freya or should I call you Erica?"


I could not help it but feel beautiful. It was and I clearly recognized a distinct female emotion. Something that resonate in a completely different way with the very core of my being.

There was a validation in this as well, it somehow did not feel wrong or perverted but perfect and just as nature intended.

I had followed Gwen outside, and paid a little more attention to the details of this world, at least this region of it.

The sky was heavily clouded and if I would had to guess, I was certain it would rain very shortly. Due to heavy and dark cloud cover, a misty twilight was cast over the cobblestone streets and the one story stone buildings.

I did not see anyone else. The place had an eerie almost dead character. There were no advertisements, nothing really colorful.

She walked next to me and seemed to guess what I was thinking.

There are not all that many of us, Erica. We are all many thousand years old." She sighed."I guess we are older in soul and spirit than we realize. I too find all rather depressing to be honest."

While I did pay attention to the surroundings, and listened to her words. I also was fascinated by my new body. I could not put in words, but it almost felt as if I had moved from a lowman's shack into the luxury chambers of a Clan lady of the highest standing.

"I don't really understand it, to be honest. I mean what you really are. This place seems abandoned, more like some sort of museum or exhibit instead of the main town of a society." I gestured towards the fields beyond the buildings."I am no expert on agriculture by any means, as we do not have much in terms of fields or such on Nilfeheim, but even the fields seem dead ans abandoned."

"Maybe we should pay more attention to the now. I think I told you, I feel much more at home right at Lorman's Star base. I have friends and colleagues there. As much as Lorman's is a dusty and dry world it is much more vibrant and alive."

"And we are going where?"

She pointed out a larger building we were approaching. "we are going to the Circle and meet the others."

We entered the building she had pointed out a few moments later and just ahead of the starting down pour. The door was just like the door of her cottage, made of heavy wood and iron bands, except this one was much bigger and had two wings.

The room beyond was lit by candles and lanterns.

It all reminded me of the Thingstead house, because here too, a bunch of individuals had gathered in an almost complete circle. All of them were females. Dressed in varieties of outfits. Dresses, skirts, blouses. Old and young faces, beauty and women that could only be described as old and ugly.

They all stared at me and there was a great silence. Some of the faces clearly showed disapproval of my presence. Others apparently approved and even smiled.

Right across the entrance and from the direction we had entered stood a tall woman She had a very feminine voluptuous body, with ample breasts. Her skin had the shade of dark gray slate and her hair was long and of an ashen color. Her face was quite beautiful, but her eyes glowed in a subdued red.

She wore skin tight leather pants, an ornate bikini top that matched her belt. Her outfit also included wispy white veils attached to her bra and the ornate metal belt. "I am Luci, the oldest. Welcome to the Circle of the Coven, you are the first outsider ever we welcome here in this very nucleus of our society."

I was quite unsure as to what was expected from me, so I said."Thank you for this invitation. I must confess I have no idea what I am supposed to do or why it was me that has been picked for this task."

I curtsied and said."I am Cadet Olafson and I am representing the United Stars of the Galaxies. From what I understood of my orders this is not a first contact situation but an evaluation for potential Union membership."

The tall, white haired woman across me nodded her head in an elegant fashion."Indeed Erica, this is part of the reasons you are here indeed."

The woman next to her, appeared to be a Saresii beauty, also with white hair and I was almost certain I had seen her before.

A woman to my right suddenly changed her appearance and was no longer a human female but appeared to be a gnarled, muscle bulging demon, drooling fire armed with a glowing chain.

As if by signal dozens of them transformed and became truly frightening entities. Gnarling and growling at me. One of them, I think it was the first who transformed growled. "You are a little human, shaking and trembling with fear. We do not need to become members of that pathetic Union of yours. I think I will devour you now. It is quite a while since I ripped a little human to pieces."

I did not move and said."I did not come here prepared, my understanding why I am here is a mystery to me to be frank. But one thing I can tell you, we do not offer Union membership. It has to be applied for and if the Assembly deems you worthy enough, it might allow you to begin the process of becoming a Union society. I am not afraid of you or any of the others. So if you want to kill me go right ahead. I can't fight that many and I am unarmed, but by Odin I will not run."

The gray skinned half naked woman that introduced herself as Luci snarled."Return to your human form, all of you. Erica is our honored guest not an enemy."

The one that looked like a Saresii smiled proudly."Those of you who share their existence with a human of Terra, know how stubborn, how violent and how curious they can be. None of you could impress the Eternal Warrior, and it becomes apparent you can't do so with her."

To me this was more than just bizarre and none of my previous experiences gave me any guidance or reference what I was supposed to do here. The strange women demons however reverted to their human forms.

The Saresii said."Erica, we have met before in the office of Admiral Webb. I am Alycia Lichfangh."

I blurted out. "Commander Hollow, is a JAG officer and now I find PSI Corps command here. Yet you are not Union members. Is this some sort of conspiracy?"

I wished I had a weapon and needed to contact Admiral McElligott.

Alycia spread her arms. "No, Cadet Olafson. Those of us that serve the Union are indeed citizen. You won't find a more dedicated and loyal fleet officer than my young sister, Gwen. The man known as the Eternal Warrior has been encountered by me over 1500 of your years. I fell in love with him and became a Union Citizen. I too serve our community ton the best of my abilities. However our society, the Coven has not joined the Union and many were opposed and wanted to remain hidden and dissociated."

The gray skinned, uncanny looking woman named Luci continued. "This has changed, we are discussing and pondering Union membership ever since Richard Stahl had gallantly fought for one of us, ignoring her true form and risking his life to save hers. Gwen followed her older sister and she too became a citizen and advocated membership. We asked her to bring you here, so we may get to know you and make the decision to join, after this meeting."

"I should feel honored and humbled to be the one you invited to this, but ever since Gwen revealed her motives to me, I can't help but wonder why you picked me." If you are indeed General Lichfangh and you know Admiral Stahl, would he not be infinity more qualified for this? Or perhaps yourself?"

Luci answered."Neither Gwen, Alycia nor the eighteen other sisters that are already Union citizens are unbiased. They are biased advocates to say it mildly. Now look at you. You stand before us in female form. The mirror revealed your inner self and expressed it as we see you. This is one reason why it is you that stands before us. No man, not even honorable Stahl can join us here within the circle."

She stared at me with her glowing eyes. It is indeed not a disguise, you are female and yet you are also male. The duality expressed in one person."

Gwen standing next to me made an amused face."You see, there is more to you as well."

Luci stepped down and came closer."Welcome indeed Erica. You fought gallantly for Gwen and I think your female side has suffered a lot, let her be and relax for a little time. Take a vacation not only from your ordeals but also from Eric. This world is yours to explore while you perhaps explore what it means to be Erica."

I blinked."That is it? I was sort of expecting some ordeal or test and perhaps more explanations as what you all really are."

"You are welcome here and all of us will try to make you understand what we are. Perhaps it is easier to understand by osmosis instead of trying to understand raw words that mean little, especially with a subject like this."

The PSI Corps general also came closer. "You promised Obrock to take it easy and stay out of uniform and away from fleet business. This is a pleasant world and there are vast oceans. Swimming is a favorite past time of yours is it not?"

"Yes I do love swimming for sure."

That big meeting was anti climactic for sure. I could not tell if I failed a test or if there was something like that in the first place.

Luci made an inviting gesture."Why don't we give you a little tour of the place, while the feast is prepared."

Gwen answered my unasked question."There is always a feast when the sisters of the coven meet. It is all traditionally prepared and some of it is very good, I promise."

"Spider legs and toat skin?"

Both of them laughed and Luci said."No Erica, roast beef, dumplings, chicken and fish. Lots of vegetables. Many dishes are prepared after century old pre-astro recipes. No witches potions, honesty."

They took me to a vaulted chamber, I suspected was more or less right underneath the big meeting room. It appeared to be some sort of treasure or trophy chamber. With items and artifacts displayed on little stone stands and in alcoves. There were crowns, swords, helmets, shields, pieces of jewelry and ornate decorative items. In the center of the room, an open display stand with a single silver colored ring of sorts. The ring was not ornate, or female in design. It did not seem to fit with the rest of the collection. Still I was suddenly and strongly drawn to that ring."What kind of ring is that?" I asked.

Luci said."It is an old, a very old token. It is waiting for its right owner since this Universe came to be. Like us, it is not of this plane. Go ahead touch if you like maybe you can. No one was ever able to."

That made little sense to me. "Is it electrified or under some sort of force field?"

I didn't really wait for an answer. I was mesmerized by that simple piece of jewelry. Now I could see its face was decorated with the same strange fanged skull symbol, the man in the black robe wore on his chest. The one claiming to belong to the Church of Darkness; the one we met at the shore walk on Perryton.

I reached out for the ring and at first it appeased it was always just a few inches out of reach just beyond my finger tips. No matter how much I tried to reach it. At the same moment something cold, utterly cold was rising from deep within me. It was not painful or unpleasant at all. On the contrary, it was a welcome oddly satisfying sensation. I could hear my own voice yet I could not really tell where it came from."Nothing can prevent me from taking what is mine."

I took it and put it on the ring finger of my right hand. For a split second that may have lasted an eternity, I felt unimaginable power. I was certain I could see the entire galaxy, the very universe and the desire to punish and destroy it all. A supernatural voice, so tremendous it could not originate from a living being spoke. "Hail thee, darkness incarnate. The age of your resurrection has begun. Once you reunited all that is yours, the decision must be made."

Whatever just occurred started to fade. Numb and in a strange confused state I found myself standing by that display stand. The ring was no longer there. It was on my hand.

"Sorry, I seem to have slipped on your ring."

Luci whispered in an almost breathless way."It is your ring, Erica. Yours alone!"

While I marveled at a diamond and jewel encrusted dagger, I tried to remember what just happened. Something profound, something very important I was certain of it, yet I could not remember. "That dagger seems particular impractical."

Luci said."Yes it appear that way, but in the hand of the queen it was a deadly instrument and sharp enough to pierce the kings heart."

"I assume you of the coven did more than just dance around cauldrons and chant dark magic spells."

Gwen nodded. "Indeed, Erica. There is no such thing as magic. It is just science and the utilization of conditions that are not known to man."

The gray skinned woman touched her chest."And sometimes, female magic yields as much results as swords and brute strength."

"I wish my mother had some of that magic." I sighted.

"And I think we sulked and reminiscent-ed enough for one day. I am hungry and I bet Erica is too." Alycia said.


I had spend three days on Coven, planet indulging myself swimming to my hearts content in the cold deep oceans.

The water was fresh and good, but just like the planet the waters weren't like the oceans of other worlds. I did not see much in terms of fish. Nothing big or aggressive. The entire world had a sleepy somewhat old and tired character. I was also still contemplating what the real reason was for me to come here. That short somewhat strange meeting with the other members of this weird society could not have been all there was to it.

But the ones I spoke to were friendly and everyone tried to explain to me what the Coven really were. While it smacked of things and supernatural conditions I had hard time accepting, it wasn't like things Narth tried to explain to me.

From what I understood, the Coven were a group of beings that existed in a previous, different universe. That there were more than one spatial conditions was not new. Quasi space, GalNet and Space-trains all this technology utilized different planes of of existence and space to circumvent the limitations of this Universe. I knew of Anti matter of course, and the idea of Anti energy and an entire anti universe was not so far fetched.

If I understood them correctly, they were survivors of a different universe and escaped its destruction by entering that anti universe they called the Nether-verse.

And in order to exist in this universe they had to share bodies with beings from this reality.

While it all sort of made sense and it wasn't so hard to understand, as long as you didn't try to understand the details. I still didn't like the idea of yet another unseen power able to influence and manipulate beings and conditions. I didn't like or really understand psionics and now there was another power like that.

I was lounging in a comfortable chair right by the shore and while I contemplated these heavy and hard to realize concepts, I could not help but marvel at the long lissome legs of mine. My body was really all female, it wasn't a disguise or a costume. Yet while I felt utterly content, there was deep feeling inside, a feeling of certainty that this was not the end of my transformation and that I was indeed developing into something else.

Alycia Lichfangh walked into my field of view. She wore a one piece bathing suit with a wispy beach skirt tied around her hips.

"You making the same face as my beloved when he contemplates the fate of the Universe." She said coming closer.

From where the second chair came that was now right next to mine, I could not say. With the elegance and grace only a woman could, she flowed into the other suddenly present beach chair.

I sighed. "I am thinking about all this, this strange planet. You and Gwen and what you guys really seem to be. About myself and what it all means."