Ethan and Josh

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Ethan hypnotizes Josh again.
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Ethan was restless. It was raining outside, he was home alone, and Josh was coming over. Ethan had hardly slept. His mind kept replaying the events from yesterday, and his hand kept going back down to his cock. He didn't know what to expect, and he didn't know what he wanted to happen. He just knew that what had happened yesterday had been the most erotic thing in his entire life. He had absolutely loved it, all of it. Watching Josh go into trance, masturbating under hypnosis, and of course, the utterly incredible experience of fucking him in the ass, while he was hypnotized, while he was controlled... By Ethan. By Ethan's hypnotic suggestions.

And then Ethan had gone to the toilet, and when he came back, Josh was gone. Ethan had almost-sent a whole swarm of messages, but deleted them all, unable to decide what he wanted to say. This morning, Josh had messaged "we need to talk, I'm coming over". So Ethan could only wait. Wait, squeeze his cock, and try to keep his swirling fantasies and fears in some sort of order.

And boy, did he have a lot of both. One minute he felt sure Josh wouldn't be alone - his father, his big brother, the police, anyone - would be with him. The next minute, he got a vision of Josh sitting on the bed, blank, naked, hypnotized, ready to - obey. From there, his imagination ran riot, bringing up all sorts of impossibly erotic scenarios, only for some other part of Ethan's mind to remind him that he'd known Josh since they were three, and was this a way to treat a friend? Then Ethan would groan and feel like shit. And off his mind went again, for another round.

When the doorbell rang, Ethan was staring out the window and hit his head on the window frame as he started. He half-ran, half-stumbled down the stairs and opened. Josh was standing outside, in a hooded rain jacket and jeans, looking tense. But alone.

"Hi," Ethan said. Josh nodded. "Wow, it's raining a lot. Come in. Hey, put the jacket in the corner. Mom doesn't like it when we get water in the shoes." Josh nodded, took off his jacket and hung it on the clothes rack in the corner, above a plastic mat.

"Let's go to my room," Ethan said, trying to sound sure and confident, despite feeling pretty queasy.

Josh took off his shoes and followed Ethan upstairs, past the TV room - with the couch - into Ethan's room.

Ethan sat down on his chair. Josh remained standing, looking around in the room, not meeting Ethan's eyes.

"How... how's it going," Ethan said, like he usually did.

"It's going... swell," Josh said, the standard response, but he sure didn't look like it.

They were silent for a while.

"About yesterday..." Josh said, and trailed off.

"Yeah," Ethan said. "I'm... How do you... feel? About it. I mean."

"I'm... I don't... know," Josh said, looking up at Ethan. "It was... great. I'm scared. I'm confused."

"Okay," Ethan said. "Yeah. I'm. I'm... sorry."

"Crap," Josh muttered, or something like it. "Look. Okay. What happened yesterday was... great. It felt... great. I was so horny... But I - I don't... don't know... now. What are you... going to do? Now?"

"Me?" Ethan said, surprised.

"Yeah," Josh said, again staring back at the floor. "Are you going to hypnotize me again?"

"I... don't know," Ethan said. "Do... you want... me to?"

"Dunno," Josh said, very quietly. "I... I liked it. But you... lied."

Ethan swallowed. He took a deep breath.

"I know," he said. "I said I just wanted to test the induction. It was... true. I was planning to do that, and... see if I could get you to jerk off. We've done that before, and it's part of my plan for... getting girls." Josh looked down at him, looking skeptical.

"Was there a plan for that, or was it just a trick?"

"It wasn't a trick," Ethan said. "Although... I can understand... It was just... when I saw you... hypnotized. And then stroking... I got so horny. It was... My cock sort of took over. I'm... Josh, I'm sorry. I really am."

"Yeah," Josh said, slowly. "I felt dirty, right after. Tricked. Fooled. But... it was so good, too. I had to, to go home. I've hardly slept, tonight." He grinned at Ethan, sheepishly, a familiar grin. Ethan grinned back.

"But then I got scared," Josh said. "Look. We've known each other so long. I know you're more... forceful than I am."

Ethan nodded.

"I never thought you'd do something like this. And, and I never thought... I'd enjoy it." Josh was staring at the floor again. "But I don't want to be your... slave."

Ethan's eyes widened. At the word, but also at the slight shiver that went through Josh's body. And his own. It was one of the things his feverish imagination had drawn up for him during the night, of course. Josh standing naked, at attention, cock hard, saying "yes, Master" when Ethan gave him orders. He felt his cock harden again. Damn. He'd spent so much time fighting off these fantasies.

"I don't want a slave," Ethan said. It was true. His cock loved the idea, but he'd managed to think it through, and realized just how much trouble it would be. Especially since both he and Josh still lived at home, with their parents. They might move out towards the fall, when it was time to go to university, but even then, it would be complicated. Ethan didn't know what he'd do with a slave. He didn't need one.

Not yet, a voice whispered in his mind. For a moment, he lost his train of thought as he realized he could have a slave - later. He hadn't thought about it like that. He'd just thought about Josh, right now - but yeah, he could hypnotize more people, later. His head spun. He closed his eyes and took a slow, deep breath. Focus. Don't fantasize.

He opened his eyes, and smiled at Josh, who was frowning at him.

"It's true," Ethan said. "I don't want a slave. I'm not lying. I've thought about it. There are, well, stories, on the Internet, of people who can hypnotize others. They always seem to be enslaving others, right and left. But it always seems to become so complicated. A slave needs to be taken care of. Then I would need to take care of him... or her. I don't want that. I really don't."

"Yeah, that sounds true," Josh said, smiling. "You don't like taking care. Remember the dog we had?"

Ethan chuckled and nodded. Josh and his brother had gotten a puppy years back, and they'd been so engaged in it. Ethan's parents had, too, but Ethan had mostly been annoyed. It was always in the way, always running around and demanding attention. And it needed to be fed, and walked, and, yeah, taken care of. Hah. Maybe Josh was right.

"You're right," he said. "Having a slave would be a hassle, and I don't want a hassle. So no slaves." He smiled at Josh, hoping it looked reassuring. Josh smiled back, so maybe it was.

"I just realized yesterday... I love hypnotizing people," he said slowly. Josh nodded.

"That also doesn't surprise me. You've been going on about hypnosis for years, and I remember how you watched those Scooby Doo cartoons."

Yeah, but I didn't think I would be so fucking turned on by it, Ethan thought.

"Yeah," he said. "I just - want to hypnotize you again." Oops. That was not what he'd planned to say.

"I want to be hypnotized again!" Josh said, in a surprisingly intense voice. He looked surprised too. "I mean, I - I would like to, some time, perhaps," he continued, in a much weaker voice. He looked up at Ethan. They stared at each other.

"I won't make you my slave," Ethan said softly. Josh nodded and looked down at the floor.

"And... Ethan?"


"I... I don't want to be gay. Please don't make me gay." Josh looked up, looking anguished.

Ethan smiled.

"I can't make you gay through hypnosis," he said. "Nobody can. There has to be something to work with. If you really don't want to have sex with a man, I can't hypnotize you into wanting it."

"Okay," Josh said, looking relieved.

"But you liked what we did yesterday," Ethan said, moving close to Josh.

"Yeah," he said, very quietly. "The hypnosis, and the... sex."

"We could do more of that. Without going further."

"We could? I mean, you'd be okay with that?"

"Sure. I said I like hypnotizing people. If I can do that, I'm happy." Ethan had an idea. "And... I can make it sweeter for you!"

"What do you mean?"

Ethan got down on one knee and looked Josh in the eye.

"Here's what I mean. I will hypnotize you again. I will make you love being hypnotized by me, and make you want to play around with hypnosis, so I can practice. But play only, nothing permanent. And, I will make you love being hypnotized into having sex." With me. No, be honest."Into being... fucked. But."

Ethan took Josh's hand. "I will also hypnotize you so you want to fuck any girl I hypnotize. Then I will find girls and practice, and you will test drive them. No matter who they are or how they look, if I've hypnotized them to be willing, you will want to fuck them - and you'll get to do it. And I'll hypnotize a lot of girls."

Ethan finished with a broad grin.

"That's all you'd do?" Josh said, meeting Ethan's gaze.

"Yeah. I promise. Nothing more. You'll leave here happy to be hypnotized and, eh, to be fucked by me, and with a trigger that makes you want to fuck any girl I hypnotize."

"I want it," Josh whispered. "But I'm... scared. I... won't be... What if you..." "Do something else," Ethan finished for him. "I said hypnosis has to have something to work with. Here's what we'll do. Before I hypnotize you, we will both repeat what I'm going to do. Then your mind will know that, and won't allow me to do anything else."

"Oh," Josh said. "I thought hypnosis was... different."

"Like in Scooby Doo", Ethan said with a laugh. "It isn't." He didn't know it what he'd said to Josh was actually true, but he wasn't planning to do anything different anyway. Right now, he just wanted to get Josh into a trance. His cock was getting insistent.

Josh sat quiet for a short while. Then he nodded to Ethan.

"Okay, let's do it. What do I do?"

"Yes! Great. Um, just lie down on the bed!"

Ethan jumped up from the floor and got out the pendulum from his desk drawer. He rolled the desk chair close, sat down on it and held the crystal above Josh's face.

"Here's what I'll do. I will make you love being hypnotized by me. I will make you love being fucked by me. I will make you want to fuck any girl I hypnotize. Now you say it."

Josh stared up at the crystal, and repeated what Ethan had said.

"Good. Now, look at the crystal. It's the same crystal as yesterday, a crystal on a chain, and it's swinging back and forth. Just a crystal, swinging back and forth. Just follow it. Just stare at it and follow it with your eyes..."

Josh did. His eyes tracked the crystal, back and forth.

"Keep watching the crystal, and relax. Just relax your body. Relax your mind. Look at the crystal, and relax, deeper and deeper."

Josh was already still. Only his eyes moved tracking the crystal as it moved. Ethan's cock was rock hard.

"The crystal swings, back and forth, you feel yourself relaxing, deeper and deeper, and sinking into hypnosis, deeper and deeper. It feels good, doesn't it, to be hypnotized again, to sink into trance, to relax and sink deeper and deeper."

Ethan felt almost dizzy with arousal as Josh just stared at the swinging pendulum.

"You want to relax more, to just let go and relax. Keep watching the crystal, and feel yourself sinking into trance, sinking into relaxation. You feel yourself sinking into the bed, your body relaxing more and more, and as you relax, you sink into trance, into hypnosis."

"You're already hypnotized, resting in hypnotic trance, but still relaxing, still sinking deeper, deeper and deeper into hypnosis. Just follow the pendulum, and relax. Just follow the pendulum, and count each time it turns, as it swings back and forth. With each count, you relax deeper. Just count and relax. One." "Two. Three. Four..." Josh stared at the pendulum and counted.

"Very good," Ethan said. "With each number, you feel yourself relaxing, deeper and deeper, sinking down into the bed, sinking into hypnosis, relaxing and sinking, deeper and deeper, feeling better and better. As you relax it gets harder to count, and that's fine. If you lose count of the numbers, just start over. Each time you start over, you relax even deeper, deeper and deeper, deeper into hypnosis."

Ethan moaned to himself as Josh counted, then lost track, started over, and lost track again. He felt like he would explode.

"Good", Ethan said when Josh had completely lost count, and was just repeating the number one...

"You're so deeply relaxed now. So deep in relaxation. Deep in trance. Deep in hypnosis. Feeling so good. So relaxed. So hypnotized. So happy. Just listen to my voice and follow the pendulum, and relax deeper and deeper into hypnosis, becoming even more deeply hypnotized. I will count, from ten to one, with each number, you become ten times as relaxed, ten times as hypnotized, as you already are. You feel a wave of relaxation moving through your body and starting at your eyes, and it makes you relax ten times deeper, it makes you ten times as hypnotized each time. You sink deeper and deeper into hypnosis with each number, and let go of all worries, and problems, and troubles, and thoughts, and everything. Just let go of everything as I count, and sink deeper into hypnosis, and let your mind become blank, empty, relaxed, hypnotized. Ten."

Josh made a soft, sighing noise, as his face became slack.


Ethan had to take out his cock. He held it in one hand, the pendulum in the other, as he counted.

"One. Sleep. Just close your eyes, and fall deeper, much deeper. Feel yourself falling into a very deep hypnotic sleep, becoming very deeply hypnotized. Let everything fall away except my voice. Just let go of everything except my voice. All you can hear is my voice. Let everything else just go away. Just rest, deeply hypnotized, and let my voice just be in your mind. There is no need for you to do anything, or to think anything. Just let my voice be in your mind, let my words float in your mind, like thoughts."

Ethan lowered the pendulum and squeezed his cock. Damn. He loved this. He'd thought he loved this, but it was even better this time. Josh looked so unbelievably hot, lying limp on the bed. Hypnotized. Again. By Ethan.

Ethan realized he was panting. He felt... powerful. Ridiculously powerful. He had hypnotized his friend again. Josh was blank and open now. Open to whatever Ethan put into his mind. The image of Josh standing at attention, as a hypnotized slave, returned, and Ethan gasped as he almost came. Fuck. He didn't want a slave... but damn, it was a hot image. Josh would do whatever he was told. Ethan could just lean back while his hypnotized slave worked for him.

And then he would fuck his slave.

Josh wouldn't even know. Ethan realized that even if the ploy with repeating his intention worked, it didn't say anything about whatever else Ethan might do... He could make Josh his slave, and make him believe they'd agreed on that all along.

Josh is your friend. The thought was like a bucket of cold water. Ethan bit his hand to force himself away from the fantasy. He made himself think of all they'd done, through the years. Playing hide-and-seek when they were little kids. Holiday trips with each other's families. Ethan teasing Josh for his first girlfriend - before Ethan had one. The high school years, studying, fooling around, laughing, arguing. If he made Josh his slave, he'd lose that. He get a slave, but lose his oldest friend.

You can make other slaves. Ethan nodded to himself. He was horny as hell, and was having a hard time focusing, but it was true. He didn't have to make Josh into his slave. He could do what they had agreed on, and enslave someone else, later.

Ethan took a deep breath and let go of his cock. Focus now. Focus. He held the pendulum above Josh's face again.

"I want you to open your eyes again," Ethan said, "but stay deep in trance. Stay deeply hypnotized, but open your eyes. Look at the pendulum above you. Do you see it?"

"Yes," Josh said.

"Look at it. Look at it, and let it sink deep into your mind. The pendulum is a hypnotic trigger. When you see it, it makes you want to be hypnotized. As soon as you see me holding the pendulum, you want me to hypnotize you. This is correct."


Josh simply agreed. Ethan shuddered and grabbed his cock again, but kept himself focused on what they'd agreed on.

"Ten. Wake up," Ethan said.

Josh took a deep breath and opened his eyes, blinking.

"Hi," Ethan said. "Welcome back."

"Hi," Josh said, sounding a bit sleepy still. "That... It's blurry, but that was... great." He grinned up at Ethan. "Did it, well, work?"

"Let's see," Ethan said, standing up. He slowly unbuttoned his pants and let them drop. Josh gasped and stared. Ethan took his boxers, and pulled them down, letting his cock spring free.

"Oh," Josh said.

"Go ahead," Ethan said. Josh sat up on the bed, reached out and took hold of Ethan's cock. Both of them shuddered.

"It's..." Josh said, his hand stroking up and down the shaft. He stared at it, looking almost hypnotized again.

"It's beautiful, isn't it", Ethan said. Josh nodded, still staring.

"Powerful," Ethan said. Josh nodded.

"You can't look away from it. You want to touch it, and lick it." Josh nodded.

"Do it," Ethan said. Josh leaned in, opening his mouth.

Ethan stepped free of his pants as Josh's lips touched the tip of his cock. He almost came right there. Josh moved forward, slowly parting his lips and sliding his mouth down along the shaft, down along Ethan's cock.

"You, you love my cock," Ethan gasped. "You're, oh fuck, addicted to it. But only when I want. Then all, all yoooouuu... you want is my cock. Only my cock. No other cock." He bit himself in the hand to try to divert the sensations. No. He had to... He reached down and pushed Josh backwards, off his cock.

"Get on all fours," he panted. "Get naked." Josh had the same wild look as yesterday, but nodded and quickly stripped naked. He turned around and stood on all fours, facing the corner, his ass towards Ethan. Ethan just shook his head. This was... He felt hypnotized himself as he stepped forward and took hold of Josh's ass. Josh moaned as Ethan kneaded his ass cheeks. Possessively. Mine, Ethan thought. Just mine.

With one hand on Josh's ass and one hand on his cock, Ethan guided them together. He found the hole, and pushed. Oh fuck. It was so tight. It parted. Ethan pushed slowly, then paused, again kneading and squeezing Josh's ass. It felt... just fantastic. Josh was moaning and groaning, and mumbling "yeah fuck me, fuck my ass, I want your cock, fuckmefuckme".

And then it was in. Ethan stared down, feeling feverish, dazed. He stared down at his friends back and ass, and his own pubic hair - and he couldn't see his cock. It was buried. Buried in Josh's ass.

"Don't move," Ethan croaked. Just standing there was keeping him on the edge. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his breathing.

After a moment, he opened them again. Slowly, he reached down to pick up the pendulum again.

"Hey Josh," he said, and held the pendulum out to the side. Josh turned to look, and saw it.

"Oh," he said.

"What do you want?"

"F-f-fuck me," Josh stammered. "Hypnotize me. Oh... my... I-I-I want... oooooaaahhhhh."

Ethan leaned forward, over Josh. His cock shifted in Josh's ass, and he thought he'd come, but didn't. He moved the pendulum out in front of Josh, and started to swing it.

"Oh yeah," Josh moaned.

Ethan just swung the pendulum back and forth, and felt Josh going back into trance. He felt the body under him relaxing, swaying slightly as the mind controlling it sank back into hypnosis.

With his free hand, he held Josh by the hip and pressed him back, against his own body. The suggestions seemed to be working. Ethan felt Josh relaxing, but still staying in position. It probably helped that he was mounted on Ethan. Ethan raised the pendulum slightly. Josh's head rose to track it.