Eurotrip Pt. 02


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"Oh si. In my country, familia es so important. The thing that always keeps a marriage fresh and new is desire. Desire always brings it back to the first day you saw each other." She stared at John, laser-focused upon him, allowing him the next move in this game she started.

Then John, who was already loaded with surprises up to this point, came out with a "left fielder" of his own. Seeing how Camilla was staring as if she was conversing, in silence, with the inside of John's subconscious, and since he was lacking in judgement from several drinks he polished off, which Janice made sure to replenish even before John would ask for it, he felt led to get right to the point, the point he had a feeling that Camilla was eventually going to lead him to. "Are we all about to have sex? Am I feeling something that isn't there or is there a tension in this room that can only be addressed through more extreme measures?"


This is a great time to offer some insights into John's childhood, In his youth, John was a recluse. John had a low self-esteem. Due to these factors, he spent the majority of his time in his studies, working toward his goal of becoming a doctor. He wanted to be a heart surgeon. When he wasn't doing homework or spending time with his mother and father, he would study books with drawings of the body and how each part eventually needed the heart to provide the pressure to keep the blood flowing, providing nutrients and platelets vital to the body's growth, healing, and overall development.

Then, in an unlikely turn of events, when he turned 17, his father, who backed his son's future plans to become a life-saving doctor, arranged a viewing, at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, of a triple bypass--open heart surgery. Up to that point, John was singularly focused on this career path, so he was excited for this event. He and his father sat in the elevated viewing seats reserved, normally, for students at local colleges to observe all sorts of surgical procedures.

When the stage was set, the doctor responsible for performing the bypass introduced the team of anesthesiologists, nurses, and other necessary staff, gave the viewers, John among them, a brief overview of the procedure, and turned to begin his first incision. The scalpel came down slowly. John was absolutely transfixed upon the exact location the doctor placed the tip of the bright metal blade, his eyes wide and glassed over as he leaned forward in wonder. Then, as his attentions were given to the breach of the skin and the slow and calculated movement of the doctor's hand, they deflected suddenly back to the location where the incision first began, where a small bead of blood emanated from sallow flesh of the patient. John, having received most, if not all, his education on heart surgery from books and weekly TV shows set in hospitals, finally got to see what his future was going to be if he continued on this path. What he didn't know was a small detail about himself that would have been very helpful early on when he decided on surgery as a life calling. He hated the sight of blood.

Moments after the doctor calmly made his approaching incision, John vomited right there in the viewing booth. Students, faculty, other physicians, anyone in ears length of the sounds of retching and heaving that came from the aspiring heart surgeon came flocking to help, but his father simply waved them off. "It's fine," he smiled. "He's just planning on heart surgery as a career. The excitement got to him. He can't wait to tear into his first patient." John's father was a good man. Bad with words. These words caused more violent heaves from the 17 year old. After a brief moment on the floor of the viewing room, John asked his father to take him out of the room.

After all the work, the ignoring of girls in school, the complete lack of a social life in return for a blissful career in his desired field, at the age of 17, right before his senior year, John had to start back at ground zero, and for weeks after that, he was inconsolable.

It wasn't until he was already in college, studying Liberal Arts, with no aim in sight, that a dorm pal he met turned him on to a career in management explaining that he was very close with a band that needed one and he would be a perfect fit. John figured, "Why not?" Fast forward a few years and he had built a reputation as a shrewd man, a manager that can handle practically any size band in any size venue. A multitasker. He was built for this. His once strong desire to become a heart surgeon was all but a memory.


The problem with this scenario was that throughout almost his entire childhood, John was a shut in, and it was during this time that one develops their ability to communicate. He knew a lot about one thing, heart surgery, and even that he only knew enough to hold a discussion with another his age. It was an imperfect knowledge. He spent no time as a child being a child. He was socially awkward and this moment was not one he was going to come out of looking like a porn star. He was going to make an ass of himself or worse.

So now, John, who married Becky, a woman he met backstage at a Bathed Sewage concert, was sitting before three women, all beautiful, one of them his wife, losing confidence and started to understand that this whole situation could snowball into an unstoppable force that will eventually end with the signing of divorce papers if he doesn't come clean right now. In his head, he was dizzy from the idea that in moments, he would admit to Becky that, while on the road for the last eighteen months, he let himself go and cheated on her with over a dozen women.

"Wait a second! Woah! This cannot happen!" He was cautiously aware that these three wanted to do something with him that most men would have jumped into with both testicles, but he couldn't do it and keep a clear conscience. So he turned to his wife and, right in front of both Camilla and Janice, admitted to his infidelity. "Becky, I need to tell you something that you aren't going to like hearing."

"I'm intrigued." Becky's stare translated to the affect that she was completely unaware of what he was about to say. She was in for a shock.

"Being on the road.....Doing what I do for a living......Ya know, lots of different arenas and with my position.....Always with the band and people are crowding us......" He could hear how stupid he sounded beating around the bush, how emasculating he came off to these women. Hadn't he been emasculated enough? "I've cheated on you......a lot."

There was a pause. For all but Becky, it might as well have lasted a lifetime.

Becky' sails lost wind immediately and that feeling she had that she was about to win back the love of her life changed in an instant to so many things, none of them resembling a return to a normal husband/wife relationship.

"Can you tell me details? What do you mean 'a lot'?" Her tone wasn't completely angry, but it was certainly not playful. She sounded almost like she was running numbers in her head and was asking these questions while trying to remember the figures.

"Well.......I mean.......over 10......"


Silence. Complete silence for over a minute. Deafening silence. Aside from Camilla providing Janice with play-by-play commentary in Spanish, they sat in a jaw-dropped trance almost unable to register that they were in this room at this time as this was being aired out right in front of them. Finally, Camilla broke the silence. "You know, we should find another room. You two need time to fig....."

"No!" Becky's immediate delivery made Janice drop her drink. "No, you stay right here with us." Tears formed, turning her eyes into wells of sorrow. She seemed victimized. Less retributive, more despondent, hopeless.

But as she continued in this state of part denial/part disbelief, something else began to glow in her eyes. All three could tell that Becky was not pleased with this development, but that she also had this determination. They knew she was about to drop a bomb on this already defunct gathering.

She blinked and the wells overflowed and ran down her cheeks. Using her hands, she quickly wiped them away as if to hide the idea that she would ever cry over such trivial nonsense. But she knew this was not trivial. This was colossal. It was marriage ending. But it was also an grand opportunity. And no one saw it but Becky.

Becky rose from her place on the couch and walked in front of a man she only thought she knew, but now, knew him as unpredictable, his new trait. This new label was now going to be the label he would wear for the foreseeable future. She needed this to be the case as she beckoned John to rise and face her. He did as asked, a slave to his own infidelity.

She leaned forward and with her full and pouting lips whispered in the slightest of audible tones, a tone only he could hear, "We are going out tomorrow night. You and I are going to find a place for me. You will watch me as I find a way to attract any man who makes eyes for me. You will watch them all fuck me in any and all ways they wish to have me. Then, and only then, are you forgiven. I told you I need this. You gave me the way. Thank you, honey." With that, she wrapped her demure arms around the back of his neck and embraced him.

John was dumbstruck, but reciprocated in the most indifferent of ways, his thoughts wrapped around what he had just done. How badly did he just slip up? He all but said no to Becky's need to let loose in Eastern Europe, then, as if wanting to sabotage his own refusal, provided a path right to where she wanted to go, and now, all he can do is live with it.....and get extremely fucked up. He was in Amsterdam, after all.


The next morning, Becky woke with a spring in her step. Camilla and Janice had taken to the bathroom to prepare. Once dressed and polished to look the pristine Jezebel, Becky went on her own to the communal kitchen for some delicious Stamppot Stamppot, but not too much, of course. Becky was no fool. For the task at hand, she knew all of her holes would be open to penetration. So she was measured as to what she allowed herself to ingest.

As she ate, John was right where she left him; laying in bed with head, shoulders and arms sticking out of the comforter on one end, feet, ankles, and half his calves sticking out on the other, staring upward at the methodically creaking fan that revolved so slowly, it seemed its' only real purpose was to make sure no one beneath it slept. His pupils focused on one of the blades as it turned, dark circles of worry formed and defined below his eyes. He was trying and failing to emotionally detach himself from this future agonizing event. But he knew his options and he'd be damned if he ever divorced his wife. It just wasn't his style and his threats prior were just his attempts at posturing. Moreover, while watching his most beloved wife as she is ransacked by countless Europeans isn't his, or anyone else's, style, he'd rather endure one evening of debauchery than 10+ years in court appearances. He heard from so many already about the legal system's views on divorced couples and while he loved his wife, his true motivation was to not get taken to the cleaners by someone who claimed to love him. It would be so much more to bare than this one night. That was his logic and he felt it was sound.

Back down in the kitchen, Camilla and Janice joined Becky and the three were amidst the other denizens, mostly males, with all eyes glued to these three women who were like a mirage in a desert. As Becky pecked slowly at her sausage and breading, from behind her were two familiar voices. She turned to find Craig and Bailey from yesterday's bathroom romp. Instantly, Becky's panties began absorbing her flowing pussy juices. She wanted to ask them to rejoin her in the bathroom since today, anything goes, but she found temperance. The build up is part of the fun.

"Ohhh, Becky! You have fun in Holland?" Bailey's voice had an affect to it so that anyone who heard him say this would certainly conclude that he had sex with her.

"You know I have, you beasts!" She patted the table space across from her as a sign for the pair to join her and her friends. "Listen," she leaned in. "I'm looking to go out tonight and sorta go all out. Do you know what I mean?" She waited for the two to confirm.

"Go all out? You mean some sex?"

"Yes, yes, sex. And you know how much fun I can be, am I right?"

"Oh yes," then, glancing over to Camilla and Janice, "she much much fun with the sex. We did it......."

Becky was starting to really not like the English language and interrupted, "YES! Yes yes. We did do it. Moving on. I was wondering if you two could be my tour guide thru this town. I'm looking to find a place packed with people. A place where people go for drinks and to find someone to have sex with. You have more time here than me. Could you show me around?"

Without hesitation, Bailey and Craig bellowed out an in sync, "YES!!" Becky thought to herself that now, at least 2 guys would definitely be part of the festivities tonight.

She could feel her smooth slit leaking as her imagination planted wild images in her head of a dichotomy of sexual situations that she was at the center of. The anticipation was palpable. "What about you?" She turned her attention to Camilla, who was requesting water from the waiter.

She turned and exclaimed, "If you think, for un second, that I'm missing this, you gone loco. Janice and I will be there."

After the short meal, and the confirmed plans with Camilla, Janice, Bailey, and Craig, Becky returned to the room to get her husband. Upon entering, he was exactly where he was when she left; laying in bed with head, shoulders and arms sticking out of the comforter on one end, feet, ankles, and half his calves sticking out on the other, staring upward at the methodically creaking fan. He was tortured, a man with every reason to feel angry, but with no way to express it without running right into his own infidelity. He loved his wife and his wife really did love him back, but this act she planned on partaking in was an act that, on his end, could be the beginning of the end.

"So you still plan on going through with your wild European vacation plan?"

Becky decided to mess with his head, "Actually not exactly." John got very excited and sat up in the bed transforming a bit from forlorn to mildly curious, but on the inside, he was elated. Becky continued, "No, the plans have definitely changed because Camilla and Janice are tagging along and remember those two guys who pretty much hate fucked me in the showers?"


"Well we all 5 had breakfast together and the plan now is for the two guys to show the three girls, and you if you want to join, which I hope you do, around the city! It'll be a blast! You should come." She laughed in spite of herself. She knew she was being mean. She understood that her attitude wasn't making things better for her loving husband, but 10 women behind her back? She had to seize the opportunity. After Europe, she would be 100% the good wife she was prior to this trip, but his admission only served to bolster Becky's resolve to have the vacation she wanted to have with no reservations.

"I'll join you in a bit. I just need to get ready. I understand my position in all this is to now just watch and receive the retribution I deserve, but I need you to promise me something."

Becky walked to John and placed her hands into his. In truth, his pain wasn't making this easier for her, so she would grant him practically anything that didn't interfere with this trip to alleviate the guilt she was feeling. "What is it, my love?"

"When we return home, be mine again. I'll be yours. We will both put our transgressions behind us and move forward. The past will be the past. Just memories. I'll be the husband you deserve and you be the wife I need." He teared up a bit, but held it together as he listened to Becky's response.

"Ok. And I know this isn't going to be easy for you. You can walk out of the room, wherever this happens, anytime you can't handle the scene and I'll understand." She drew closer to his face until he could feel her breath on his neck. "When we return home, I'm yours again. You're mine. Just memories. I do love you. And if you love me, understanding that this is something I need very badly will prove that." She held him. He felt comforted by her words and turned to prepare for the day to come. "I'm heading out, sweetie. Contact me when your ready and I'll send our location."

"Okay honey." The door closed behind her. John wept as he considered how the next 24 hours would play out. He wasn't sure what would happen, but he was certain that it would be the most difficult day of his life.

Becky was with the crew when she received a text from John 90 minutes after she departed from the hostel bedroom. She shared her location and sent a gps tracker so John could catch up.

"Craig posted up next to Becky, "Was it your husband?"

"Sigh.....yeah. He's depressed, but you play, you pay, right?"

Craig seemed unaffected by her quip and, instead, bounced back a command, appropriate since they were in a clothing store, "Get in room, now slut!" He gestured for her to enter one of the dressing room stalls and hailed Bailey, waving him over to join in.

Becky was so excited waiting for the two to enter and take her any way they wanted, she was undressed even before they pulled the curtain open, stared at her nakedness in bug-eyed admiration, and swiftly presented their cocks, pushing them both into her face. She took hold of them and took turns guiding each of them into her mouth. At times, either of the two would become overzealous and push his cock in with the other so Becky's jaw would practically unhinge to make room for them.

They didn't want to cum on her since there was so much day left and the guys felt it would be way over the top if they glazed her face only to have John see it. So Becky made the suggestion for them to fuck their loads up her ass while she is on all fours so the loads travel up further into her body. She brought them both to the point of orgasm, then bent over face down, ass up and used her hands to spread herself apart so her taut, pink pucker was easily available. One after the other, Craig and Bailey both crammed their cocks up her ass and pushed themselves as deep as they could, releasing ropes of hot cum into her colon. Becky remained in that position for a moment to let the white baby juice settle inside her as her two friends left the stall, then she slowly stood up and dressed. Before she left, though, she had an idea. She wanted the feeling of having her asshole penetrated all day and the best way to simulate this while walking was to buy a butt plug. So once she left the stall, she requested to stop at the nearest sex shop with the best selection of anal toys and unsurprisingly, both Craig and Bailey simultaneously headed in the same direction. The girls followed as Becky informed them, in whispers, what had transpired in the fitting rooms.

They were joined by John, who approached with his hands in his pockets and his head hung low. It was a beautiful day, but his hunched frame and raised shoulders gave him the guise of someone walking through a snowstorm.

"Hey baby," Becky ran to John, kissed him gently on the cheek and asked if he found the group easily enough. He just nodded almost indeterminately. She took his hand and walked with him, explaining what she had just done. John just looked indifferently at his wife and confirmed that he heard what she was saying. His reaction to everything was to just observe and remain open. No judgements came from him. He was even willing to make conversation with the two foreign men whose baby batter was currently floating around somewhere up his wife's ass.