Everything's Relative

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A Matt, Chloe & Katie (from 'Like Mother') short story.
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Everything's Relative

By Alex Barton

Something about being at a wake made Matt want to smoke, and not only smoke but unfiltered Gitanes which were so rough they made his throat burn. Anyway...he decided he'd rather run the risk of searing his lungs with strong tobacco than spend another minute listening to the relatives and friends eulogizing his wife's uncle Paco whose funeral he, Chloe, and his daughter Katie had just attended before moving into one of the function rooms of the five-star Alfonso XIII hotel in the center of Seville in southern Spain.

What made matters worse for Matt was the searing lust he felt every time he glanced across at his beautiful mother-in-law, Juana Ramos, Paco's sister. He was not surprised to see Juana had changed into a very elegant black trouser suit and white blouse unbuttoned to show her cleavage, and that she was surrounded by men. By the law of averages, many of them must have fucked her in the past and, knowing his mother-in-law, some of them were highly likely to be her future conquests.

The Moroccan waiters greeted the beautiful Senora Ramos with the respectful 'Buenas tardes, Doña Juana', their tongues practically hanging out. Juana was the sort of woman who, enjoying a night out with her girlfriends, would excuse herself to powder her nose and return twenty minutes later with healthy doses of thick creamy sperm oozing from her cunt and asshole, a tell-tale sheen of sweat glistening on her enormous breasts.

Right now, a number of distinguished-looking and expensive-dressed older men were gathered around her, ostensibly to pay their respects on the death of her eldest brother, but also to be close to her, to flirt and perhaps to reminisce about when she was in their bed, or they in hers. But younger men also thronged to her, men in their 30s, 20s and even in their late teens, a measure of her extraordinary sexual allure.

Undoubtedly his mother-in-law was a nymphomaniac, a description she rejoiced in. She was separated from Matt's father-in-law Stephen who, although endlessly tolerant and indulgent of his wife's sexual appetite, had relocated to England which was why he had been the logical choice when Matt and Chloe wanted to introduce their daughter Katie to the pleasures of anal sex. As Katie's loving grandfather, he had not only fucked her ass several times in succession, but also taken her through the repertoire of rimming, ass-to-mouth and felching, all in one night. Katie had proved she was her mother's daughter by loving every moment of her first sodomy and had been a devotee of anal sex ever since.

Equally, Juana's open attitude to sexual pleasure when contrasted with the uptightness of others was a source of great amusement for Matt's mother-in-law. In the car after the funeral she had giggled with delight when she told him and Chloe about an affair she was having with a judge, a pillar of the community in Seville, who flew into a rage when he came round to Juana's apartment to find her bouncing up and down on the rigid penis of his teenage son.

Indeed, Matt knew Juana was the sort of woman who would not bat an eyelid if a lover suggested inviting his daughter into their bed when he and Juana made love, and her sensual character was so palpable this was precisely the sort of thing that men often did suggest, somehow sensing how much pleasure Juana would take from orally pleasuring and finger-fucking the daughter's pussy and asshole at the same time as Juana was being plowed from behind by the girl's father. Matt was not sure whether his mother-in-law was simply more hyper-sexual than most women, or whether she was just more open about it. He suspected it was both.

Now, as Matt sipped rebujitos and nodded his head sympathetically as he listened to two women lamenting the death of 'Paquito', which was sudden and unexpected, he felt his wife's hand on his arm and turned to her.

"Darling, Mama is feeling tired and wants to return to her apartment," Chloe said with a knowing look. "Do you think you had better walk her back to her place?"

"I think that would be best," Matt said. "I'm sure you want to catch up with Hugo."

"Yes, we were thinking of heading back to the hotel," Chloe said nonchalantly, looking across at her older brother who was standing on the balcony. "He's catching the 9 o'clock train back to Madrid."

Matt looked at his watch. It was 4pm. In effect his beautiful and desirable wife had just intimated, 'I assume you'll be wanting to fuck my mother,' to which the knowing look in Matt's eyes told her, 'Yes, which will give you the opportunity for you to be fucked silly by your brother.'

Following his wife across the room so he could smoke that much-needed cigarette and share a drink with his brother-in-law, Matt was aware this was not what people meant when they talked about the telepathy of married couples. He assumed they had in mind things like what to watch on TV or when to leave a dinner party, not the practicalities of organizing extra-marital sodomy and incestuous lovemaking.

Blanching at the noise of the city and the 30-degree heat which hit him like a hammer as he stepped onto the balcony of the function room, Matt greeted Hugo and said, "Sorry not to have had a chance to say hello before now," as he shook his brother-in-law's hand.

He looked into Hugo's eyes and smiled, knowing that very shortly his brother-in-law would be thrusting his prick into Chloe's rectum, and he could tell from the twinkle in Hugo's eye his brother-in-law knew that too, yet there was no lack of ease between the two men. Like Matt, Hugo was a family man, enjoying an incestuous sexual relationship with his beautiful teenage daughter, Sophie, which his wife both knew about and approved of, just as Chloe took intense pleasure from making love to her own daughter, encouraging Matt to fuck Katie in every hole whenever he or Katie felt the desire. That Katie was submissive to her daddy's lust was only natural because Juana had brought Chloe up to service her own father whenever he desired.

Chloe reappeared just as a waiter arrived and Matt passed drinks to Hugo and Chloe, then took a fresh one for himself. His wife looped her arm round her brother's waist, snuggling into his side, a sign Matt knew only too well meant she was extremely horny.

"Do you remember when we used to holiday with Uncle Paco, how he loved to watch me skip about in the nude?"

"God, yes," her brother said, sliding his hand down to cup Chloe's bottom. Matt knew his wife wasn't wearing panties under the thin material of her pleated skirt and his cock started to stiffen in his pants as he watched Chloe respond to Hugo's caresses, her big, heavy breasts rising and falling rapidly beneath her blouse as her breath quickened.

Chloe reached up and gently placed a kiss on her brother's cheek, her eyes meeting her husband's as she reached a hand down and stroked her fingers over the bulge at Hugo's crotch.

"Uncle Paco was always an early riser," she said softly. "I used to slip out of the bed you and I shared so I could go down and join him while everyone was still asleep, my pussy and asshole overflowing with your thick, creamy cum. Remember? He said I was his divino querida."

Chloe's voice was thick with lust as her brother slowly raised the material of her skirt in his fingers until the whole of his sister's curvy ass was exposed and he could slide his hand down between her legs. She let out a soft gasp of delight and Matt guessed Hugo had just pushed several of his fingers into his wife's receptive asshole.

Chloe glanced across into the function room, a signal that Matt picked up and he followed her glance and then moved a pace or two, surreptitiously closing one side of the balcony's glass door as Chloe and Hugo moved to one side so Hugo was leaning against the wall and Chloe was able to stand with her back against her brother.

"You definitely were a teenage temptress," Hugo said, a catch in his voice as his eyes met Matt's, taking a quick sip of his drink before Chloe reached a hand back behind her body and unzipped his pants. "He told me especially loved sliding his cock into your rectum when it was full of my cum."

Matt watched as Hugo put his glass on the balustrade so he could slide one hand round to the front of Chloe's mons, still hidden by the material of her skirt, taking his cock in his other hand and positioning it between his sister's now bared buttocks.

Matt glanced round and, seeing the various groups gathered in the function room were still talking animatedly, nodded as he took a sip of his drink to wet his suddenly dry mouth. Chloe let out a soft groan of pleasure and Matt, his cock rock hard and throbbing in his pants, almost came as he realized that, because Chloe had not bent at the waist to give her brother access to her cunt, it meant Hugo had pushed his cock into her back passage.

"I'm just as slippery with spunk now as I used to be when Uncle Paco fucked me in the ass," Chloe said, turning her face so her lips met her brother's in a passionate kiss. Then she whispered, "Matt sodomized me before we left for the funeral this morning and that's his cum you're sliding your cock into. Does it feel nice?"

"Exquisite," Hugo said, smiling at Matt who watched the incestuous pair so devotedly following Juana's instruction to her family to love one another without inhibition.

"Come for me, Hugo darling," Chloe said, reaching her hands up to cup her breasts through her blouse, her fingers finding her stiff nipples through the soft lace of her lace bra and pinching the hard little buds. "Pump all that hot cum in your balls deep into my bowels. Then, when we go back to your hotel room, you can suck it out of my asshole and fill me up with a fresh load I can give to Matt when we're in bed, his cock in my mouth tasting and smelling of Mama's back passage...oh god, I'm - OH YESSS!"

Matt took huge pleasure from his gorgeous wife bucking in orgasm as she ground her curvy bum back against her brother's groin, forcing every inch of his spasming cock deep inside her body. Hugo's eyes were closed, his chest heaving as he pumped out the contents of his balls into his sister's bowels, a sight that, had they been able to watch it happening, would surely have delighted many of the men and women standing talking in the function room and Juana in particular.

As her orgasm ebbed, Chloe slowly eased herself forward, reaching behind to slide her skirt back into place as Hugo's cock slid from the tight clasp of her asshole. Matt looked down and saw how large and thick Hugo's cock was, sperm dripping from the tip, and he knew how much Chloe enjoyed having her anus well stretched by such a monster. Fortunately he was very well endowed himself so he knew his wife was not only capable of taking her brother's cock but would have no hesitation in taking both his and Hugo's cocks in her asshole at the same time if there was a suitable opportunity.

Chloe slid her hands up the lapels of her brother's suit and kissed him to say thank you for satisfying her lust. Then she turned to her husband.

"Thank you, darling," she purred, kissing Matt softly on the lips. "I'm a horny slut, aren't I?"

"Yes, sweetheart, you are," Matt said with a grin. "And I love you for it. Now, I'll leave you to enjoy round two with Hugo while I go check on our daughter. Knowing Juana, Katie could well be in a bedroom being fucked silly by a handsome Spaniard at the same time as your mother uses a strap-on to fuck her in the ass..." and he left Chloe laughing at just how likely such a possibility actually was.


Stopping to help himself to a gin and tonic, Matt spotted Katie standing close to her grandmother who was talking to a tall, handsome Spaniard. From Juana's body language it was obvious the man was either a former or current lover.

Not wanting to interrupt, he leaned down and kissed his daughter on the cheek and then whispered in her ear, "Are you alright, darling? I know these things can be pretty gruesome..."

"I'm fine, Daddy," Katie whispered back. "Only Grandma has her hand under my skirt and has been masturbating my asshole for the last ten minutes and now I'm horny as hell. Do you want to find somewhere quiet where you can fuck me, please?"

"I'd like nothing more," Matt whispered back. "I've just watched Mummy being fucked in the ass by Uncle Hugo and it's left me desperate to come."

"Well that's what loving daughters are for," Katie said with a giggle. "Just give me a moment," and she turned to Juana and whispered something in her grandmother's ear who smiled at her and nodded, winking at Matt while Katie took a very small step forward so she could extricate Juana's fingers from her backside, smoothing the little white pleated skirt she was wearing back into place. Juana paused from talking for a moment so she could kiss Katie softly on the lips and then slide her fingers into her granddaughter's mouth, allowing Katie to savor the taste and scent of her rectum.

"Fuck, that was hot," Matt said as he took Katie's hand and led her toward the door.

"Grandma was telling me how when Mum was my age she used to visit her uncle Paco and spend siesta time after lunch spread out naked on his bed with her hands and ankles handcuffed together, a ballgag in her mouth. Uncle Paco would fuck her in every hole and then insert a buttplug so she could take his load home for Grandma to enjoy."

"Yep, sounds like your Mum," Matt said, his prick almost painful he was so aroused.

"Grandma too," Katie added with a giggle and Matt stopped in the middle of the corridor and put his arms round his daughter, pulling her hard against his body, his mouth seeking hers in a passionate kiss, his tongue sliding deep into Katie's mouth at the same time as she slid his hands under her skirt to fondle the cheeks of her naked ass. He wanted to fuck his daughter in the worst way and Katie responded by grinding her mons against the base of his prick, her hands reaching up to cup her father's face so she could show him just how eager she was to be fucked by her loving daddy.

Moments later they were safely behind the door of the suite Matt had booked for Chloe and himself to stay in overnight. Juana had asked if Katie could stay with her and Katie, knowing exactly what was in store, had agreed excitedly.

"How do you want me, Daddy?" Katie asked, licking her lips as Matt quickly took off his jacket and laid it on the bed.

"Preferably in bed, both of us naked," Matt said with a sigh of longing. "But I can't walk out on the wake for too long because it will be seen as a sign of disrespect. You know how these things are in Spain, they take honoring the dead very seriously."

"Okay," Katie said, lifting the hem of her skirt and paddling her fingers in her wet cunt, sliding them back and forth with an audible slurping sound while Matt watched, spellbound. "How about you sit in the chair," Katie purred, "and I'll sit in your lap?"

"Wonderful," Matt said and did as instructed, his eyes filled with love for his beautiful daughter.

He never minded when Katie was too impatient to be fucked for foreplay. She was as skilled at sucking his cock as her mother and often did it while Chloe sat nearby and watched, finger-fucking herself at the wanton sight of her beautiful daughter demonstrating how well she had learned the lessons her mother taught her. No longer did Katie gag when the head of her father's cock slid down her throat and she always made sure to coat his shaft with a flood of her saliva mixed with his abundant precum to make the pressure of her lips sliding up and down feel delightfully sensual. Likewise she made sure to pull her head back slightly so she could savor the taste of his cum in her mouth rather than have it slide down her throat to pool in her belly. Katie had turned into a cocksucking slut and Matt adored it when she whispered it was time for her daddy to give her another big mouthful of his hot, gooey semen.

As soon as he lay back in the chair, his erect penis jutting up from his flies and quivering with his arousal, Katie straddled his lap, lifting her skirt so her father could watch her settle the lips of her smooth-shaven slit over the base, sliding her hips forward slightly so his cock was pressed flat against his belly, precum squeezed out by the pressure of her cuntlips on the shaft as she slowly rocked her body back and forth, masturbating herself on the thickness of her father's steel-hard prick. Time and again she did this, pausing only to reach up and unbutton the front of her cream silk blouse and expose her pretty breasts, bare beneath, to Matt's hands and suckling mouth.

The sensation of sliding his hands round Katie's body so he could suck her nipples, first one and then the other, into his mouth at the same time as she slid her creamy cuntlips back and forth along the shaft of his swollen prick, was so exquisite Matt had to fight to stop himself from exploding in orgasm. He knew Katie needed him in her body and he wanted that more than anything but the incredible sensation of Katie massaging his prick with her wet pussylips was almost overwhelming. The only thing he could do to stop her from bringing him off which, he could tell, was about to happen, was to close his teeth on the firm tip of her nipple and bite gently, causing her to let out a soft 'Ow!' in protest.

"Sorry, darling," Matt said, releasing Katie's breast reluctantly. "But I want to fuck you and I thought that's what you wanted too?"

"Of course, Daddy," she said, her hands holding his head to her breasts. "But Grandma told me if you make a man come in the first minutes of making love then he lasts longer when he's inside you."

"Your Grandma doesn't know everything," Matt said with a soft laugh. "This particular man makes up for coming big by climaxing repeatedly. You know that..."

"Yes, Daddy," Katie said in a contrite little-girl voice and Matt crushed her mouth with his, enchanted by her sly delight in wanting to give him as much pleasure as a daughter can give her father.

"Where do you want me, baby?" Matt said as he broke the kiss, his breath ragged in his chest he was so aroused.

Without speaking, a soft smile on her face, Katie showed him by lifting herself slightly and reaching back to close her fingers round the shaft of his cock and moving forward so the tip was positioned against her anus. Her eyes met her father's as, blissfully slowly for both of them, she lowered her body so first his glans pushed through the tight muscle of her anus and then the shaft, sinking down so Matt's cock slid slowly along the tight walls of her rectum until the head was lodged in her bowels and Katie let out a soft sigh of ecstasy, grinding her hips in a circle to heighten her pleasure at having her back passage crammed to capacity.

If Matt found it difficult to hold his orgasm back when Katie was masturbating him with her pussylips, he found it almost impossible to withstand the sensual overload of having his prick swallowed up by his daughter's asshole. He had long since lost count of how many times he had sodomized her since his father-in-law first fucked Katie's ass but he gave daily thanks that she loved it so much she insisted on her loving daddy doing it to her at least once a day and sometimes more. She was unashamedly as big an anal slut as her mother and Matt counted himself doubly fortunate that both women in his life loved having their assholes fucked as much as he loved doing it.

Matt slid his hands down to grasp Katie by the waist and effortlessly lifted her until only the head of his prick was clasped tight by the grip of her sphincter muscle. She squealed with delight as he then used her weight to slide her back down, a flood of her cum spurting from her cunt as she climaxed to pool between his buttocks which meant he would have to change his pants before he returned to the wake but damn, it was worth it.