Exclusive Ch. 02


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"I'd wondered about it when we'd first started to dance, but wasn't really expecting it, but I didn't resist either. I'm always horny and even though he was my nephew, the opportunity to have sex with a young stud wasn't something that I was going to let go by. I was just getting back into action after Jimmy had left, so I was taking everything that was standing to attention for me. Putting it simply, I just took the opportunity to have someone fuck me senseless.

"You're going off at me for having sex with your son, what you need to know was that he was the one who took advantage of me, and my always ready state, not the other way around".

I said nothing but just glared daggers at her.

She continued, "We just went at it on the floor, the sex wasn't very good. I didn't know what I expected from an eighteen year old boy, but even so, I was disappointed. I wasn't used to a man just sticking his dick into me and coming in about five seconds flat. Greg thought that he was a real hero because he'd got laid, all it did for me was to make me more horny. I felt that it was nothing more than a form of foreplay, and now as far as I was concerned, I was ready for the main event. So, I took him upstairs and spent the rest of the time that you were away showing him the right way to look after a woman's needs.

"Like all young men he had a great deal of stamina, and an equal amount of trouble with his self control. That took a while to work through, but one day, it all seemed to fall into place and he just got it. From then on, I was pleasantly surprised at what a good student he'd become. You'd call him a natural learner, I guess. It was a most satisfying two and a half weeks for both of us, so much so that you would have expected me to be looking forward to you returning, but I wasn't."

I went to say something, but she waved me away, "Let me finish!! Greg wanted to continue seeing me after you came back, but I wasn't sure that it was right for him to sneak around here to see me, when he needed to find someone of his own age. Besides, he'd started to tell me that he loved me, and that wasn't something that I wanted to get into with my nephew. I didn't think that sleeping with him when he was living here was so wrong, but to continue doing so after he'd moved back home, was. It would have been taking advantage of him, just for the sex. It was a hard thing to do to tell him no, as I'd shown him where my hot spots were, and the sex was now intense...and often. It's amazing how quickly they can get it up again, and keep it up too at that age, but I guess you know that by now."

Her eyes pierced mine and a long pause followed as the realisation struck me that this was my sister, telling me directly, that she knew that Greg and I had been having sex.

I sat staring at my drink, unsure what to say that wouldn't make the situation even worse.

Cathie paused and was perhaps aware that some reality was now sinking in, and I was taking time to process it.

She eventually continued, "Even after you came home, he still came sniffing around for a long time, until I really had to lay it out for him, telling him the problems that it would cause in the family, if it came out, and your reaction today proved me correct.

"Soon after this however I started to see Mark, which hurt Greg I know, but at least he had to accept then that our time was over. You had such a hard time when Ken left that you never noticed how much it affected Greg, he was devastated, not only for himself, but for you also, and after he'd lost me as well.

"As time went on, he started to get more and more angry at Ken for leaving you, which overrode his own hurt. So that every time he came here, he ended up in tears because of the hurt that you were feeling. It was also obvious that there were now other feelings which were muddying the waters, and he was starting to see you as available.

"He was aware too that a couple of his mates had tried it on without success. So, if it was ok for them to see you as a desirable woman, what was wrong with him also wanting you. You have no idea how many times he's poured out his heart, siting right there in that chair.

"Mark by now had moved in with me, and one day when the two of them after a couple of beers started talking, he straight out asked Greg if he'd developed feelings for you that perhaps he shouldn't have. Greg broke down and confessed that he had, and if he ever saw Ken again, he'd be likely to punch him in the mouth for what he'd done to you. He thought that you were the most beautiful woman ever, and the sight of you being hurt was devastating for him.

"All that he wanted to do was put his arms around you, kiss you and make love to you. This was no surprise to Mark as he'd worked it out already, but to hear him speak out so raw and emotional was hard for both of us to hear. So Mark told him that if that's the way that he felt about you, he should just go for it. He told Greg, if you get a chance, don't die wondering, don't have regrets. I did it with Cathie, I took a chance, and look how happy we are, I can't imagine being with someone my own age now.

"Greg told Mark that there was a difference because you were his mother, but Mark told him that you were a woman before you were a mother, I backed him up, and so that was how he set about making his move on you.

"I've never been so happy in my life, I'm like a twenty year old. Mark thinks to bring me flowers and chocolates, he opens doors for me, and holds my chair when I sit at the table, and Greg is just like that for you.

"With my husband Jimmy, he was most likely to walk through a door first and let it slam in my face, and as for holding my chair, bringing me flowers or chocolates just forget it. In fact, if there were ever chocolates in the house, he'd be the one to eat them first, leaving me to put the wrapper in the bin for him.

"I must admit that I found myself pushing Greg's' case to you from time to time, because I wanted you to be as happy as I am with Mark, it's not my fault if you're too stupid to get the message, I tried, I really tried for both of you."

It was all starting to take shape now, how Greg had said that he'd dreamed about making love with me, his knowledge of a woman's hot spots and the other personal things that turned me on. His ability to make love, and to make it good for me, it all made sense now.

I was processing all of this when Cathie said, "He loves you totally, will never cheat, and will never leave you for another woman. So what if he's your son, a half of the women in Caesars court had sex with their sons and they weren't the first nor the last. History is loaded with stories of incest, particularly amongst the aristocracy. You know the people in the history books that we look up to, if they weren't fucking their mothers, their sisters, or their brothers' wives, they were into their cousins or their aunties."

I didn't know what to say, I was confused, my mind was screaming a million different things, none of which made any sense to me at all. I so desperately wanted to believe what Cathie was saying, but firmly fixed into the back of my mind was the burning fact that, SHE, THE BITCH, had fucked my only son. I wasn't rational enough at that time to admit to myself that I'd done the same thing. The difference of course was that in my case, I'd broken the law. Cathie hadn't really, she'd only overstepped the boundaries of good taste and family protocols. I could go to jail, she wouldn't.

Then it hit me like a speeding truck, the fact was that I was jealous, I was jealous of my sister because she'd had sex with Greg.

I'd been impressed with the way that he'd made love to me, and with his knowledge of a woman's body. In the back of my mind several times I'd thought that he'd probably had a mature woman somewhere along the way. If I'm to be honest about it, I'd been quite proud at that thought, and had sometimes wondered if it might have been someone that I knew. Little did I know how well I knew her, THE BITCH.

My default position at this time seemed to be tears, which flowed freely down my cheeks, and onto my breasts. I can't tell you any particular thing that I was crying over, there was so much going on in my mind at the time. I was just crying at anything and everything. For no reason at all, other than to vent, I yelled, "FUCKING SLUT."

She didn't react, just sat there looking sombre.

Finally, she said, "Well do you want to hear the rest of it?"

"THERE'S MORE??? What the fuck else have you done to my son?"

"Nothing, just listen to me. I rang Greg on Friday when he was driving to meet you in Belldale. I knew that there was something going on as every time I'd rung him for several weeks, he was so evasive about what he was doing. I kept on questioning him until he finally broke and told me what'd happened a few weeks ago, and that you and he were meeting up to have a weekend of gratuitous sex.

"He then said he was happy that I'd called as he was worried that he wouldn't make it as good for you as it had been the first time, as you'd been so horny then. He asked me what were the things that I knew really rang your bells. So, I told him that you liked to be tied up, have your hair pulled, be gently spanked, that you liked to be put on show, and could easily be talked into anal if the moon was in the right quarter.

"I told him all about the time that you went to that festival thing in Florida, and what you did there. I know that that was a private conversation that we'd had, but I was so keen for you to realise that he was the right one for you. I wanted for you to be as happy with him, as I am with Mark."

"You bitch that was private stuff between sisters."

"Did he ring your bells?" She was grinning as she asked.

I couldn't help myself, and started grinning back, I nodded. "You're still a Bitch."

"Ok now?"

"Ok, I guess,"

She looked at the clock, "It's five thirty, I think someone else needs to talk to you."

"Of course, he'll be worried sick, I'll call him now."

"No, he won't answer you, he's been shitting himself all day, I'll have to call him for you."

As soon as his phone started ringing, he answered, "Yes?"

"Talk to him," she said as she got up and walked away, leaving me in private.

I think it took me about ten minutes to say anything intelligent, as all I seemed to be able do was cry, and if I wasn't crying, Greg was. We talked for two hours, I hadn't realised that Mark had come home, as Cathie had got him to come in through the back door, so that I wouldn't be disturbed.

I told Greg that I'd left the restraints still attached to the bed, and we both roared with laughter as we tried to imagine the reaction of the two maids.

Greg said that he didn't think that he'd impressed his prospective employers as he'd had nothing in his mind but us, and been a bit vague, but he decided that he'd tell them tomorrow that he'd been worried because his wife had been unwell.

I liked the thought of being his wife, it sounded just right for me.



Greg got his job, he had to work in Belldale for six months being inducted into the company, before being sent into the field. He'd applied for, and got a posting overseas, which would get us away from there. I used a lot of my annual leave going to see him on a regular basis whilst he was being inducted.

I always stayed at The Rex Hotel, and wondered if the maids who found the restraints in the room recognised me. My manager wasn't happy about me being away so often, but I didn't care as I planned to resign as soon as he'd got posted away.

I knew that Greg was going to introduce me as his wife, so I went on a diet, used lots of, 'look younger in 14 days' cream and worked out in a gym to get in shape.

We got lots of strange looks at first when we were together, but our 'new' wedding bands worked for us, plus I'd got new credit cards with Mrs Mel James on them. Most women don't want to be seen as being owned by a man by having, Mrs, on their credit cards. But if it gave people the information that I was, 'owned', then that's fine with me. So, I let people get a good look at my credit cards with Mrs on them.

Then, it wasn't too long before they just accepted us as a man and his wife, and of course other women wanted to know how I got such a young catch. If anyone probes any deeper, we just tell them that I'd been married before, but that he'd left me for someone else. If they ask about children, I tell them that I have a son who was overseas working.

Many people hearing that my first husband left me say something along the lines of, he must be an idiot. I keep using the, 'look younger in 14 days' creams, and work out at the gym as often as I can. I want them to continue to think that.

While Greg was in Belldale, I spent the time selling up, I had to give Ken a half of the money we made from the sale of the house, and he rang one day to ask why I was selling. I told him that I'd found someone else and was moving away. This seemed to catch him off guard, he was silent for a moment, then said, "Oh, I never thought that you'd go with anyone else". He seemed quite put out, I liked that, he never rang back.

I lived for a couple of weeks with Cathie and Mark, and then when Greg got his assignment, we were away, and haven't been home since.

We've travelled a lot of the world in the last ten years. Mineral exploration isn't conducted in the major cities, it's done in isolated communities, many in developing countries, far from prying eyes, which suits us fine.

I don't know who gets the most admiration from our friends, me for getting a younger man, and keeping him still interested, or Greg for getting a sophisticated older woman, and keeping her still interested.

We worked in South East Asia at one point, and one day when having a break in Cebu City in the Philippines we went and renewed our vows in one of the many Catholic churches there. We got a nice multi coloured certificate, which is framed, and proudly displayed in our lounge room. They never asked us for our first certificate, a hundred dollars U.S. buys a lot over there. I didn't like the Philippines, the poverty and rubbish in the streets was really depressing.

Greg has done very well, and has been promoted into a departmental managers role, analysing samples and data, which is good for me as it means that he doesn't have to work out in the field, and is home more. He's been told that he'll soon be promoted to a position back in Belldale. It's good to be seen as someone with a future, but there is no way that we would ever go back home now. It's a problem we'll face when we have to.

Cathie told me that Ken, came looking for me. She'd already heard that his new wife had left him for a younger man in Paris. He'd not taken it very well, and trying to show her that he still had what it takes, had made advances to a much younger woman, who'd accused him of inappropriate behaviour. Todays' climate being what it is in that area, they very quickly showed him the door.

He'd asked about Greg, but she told him that she'd lost contact with him. Ken said that he'd try to email Greg, but we never heard from him, which suits us real fine, thank you.

Are we happy you ask? Absolutely, I'm glad that I'm so much older than Greg, it means that all things being equal, I'll die first, I couldn't possibly live without him.

After we'd been together about a year, I realised that I no longer thought of Greg as anything but my husband. When people ask if we have children, we say that I have a son from my first marriage, but he's working back at home.

The only setback came a couple of years ago now, when Mark left Cathie, he suddenly realised that he was getting older and wanted children, so he was honest with her and moved out. When it was clear that she was hurting badly, he moved away so she could get on with her life more easily.

She didn't cope with that well at all. Her girls have both got married and moved away, and she's on her own still. The age difference between her and the younger men that she's after has got greater now, and they just aren't interested in her any longer.

It's sad really, and I worry about her being alone, but she doesn't seem to want someone her own age. I must admit it unsettled me also and I worried that Greg might decide that he wants children too, but that's out of the question for me now.

After Mark left, Greg kept telling me that he would never leave me, he told me so many times, that I began to think that he was telling himself as much as he was reassuring me. Instead of making me secure, it made me worry that the thought was now in his mind too. We're still together, but as time passes, my breasts get more sag in them. I work as hard in the gym as I can, but a little more weight naturally comes on with age, and I become a little more insecure. It doesn't seem to worry Greg, and we still make love often, but it's still in the back of my mind. I just can't let it affect our relationship too much, as I have everything invested in him.

He continues to mark my skin which is something that surprisingly I now like, I've gone from thinking it looked cheap, to feeling very comfortable with. Most of the time I only have two or three on me, mostly around my groin area, but the care and love that he puts into them make them very special to me.

From time to time, often when I'm tied up, he'll spend a lot of time putting them on my back, as he did that first time in Belldale. I think back to how I didn't like them then, but now they're as much a part of our lovemaking as anything else that we do.

So that's about it I guess, now all I have to do is get up the courage to let Cathie give the ok to post this. It's going to be a big decision, but I know that I'll feel better when it's out there. I just need to tell someone about my life with Greg, and as you're reading this, I've obviously found the courage to make that decision.

So, if you're in the same situation as Greg and I were, and you're not sure what to do, I hope that when you've read this, that it helps you to make your decision.

However, the next time you see a woman married to a man who looks young enough to be her son, don't say, "Hello Mel," because that's not my real name.

Love, "Mel."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
My 2 cents

Finished chapter 2. Great story. I couldn't stop til I had finished it. Liked the pace of the story and the premise. Liked the characters and the interaction between them. Liked the way you showed the love between the mom and son and the emotional attachment they had. This story had a "true" ring to it as you showed (I think) real issues, problems and how they solved them. Thanks for your time and efforts.

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