Expecting a Visitor

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She was expecting a visitor who might seduce her.
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It was a beautiful spring morning and I was stuck at home for the day but did I mind? Not so that anyone would notice. My parents had been pleasantly surprised that I'd assented so easily. They'd probably been prepared to put some muscle into the request but I'd assented as gently as a lamb, not minding the restrictions to my movements in any way.

As a side note, I might have forgotten to tell them that I was expecting a visitor. Stan was going to drop in and see me sometime today and spend the rest of the day with me. There would be cooking, talking, listening to music, watching videos, more talking, and a general good time had by all - by me and Stan, anyway.

Did I mention that there would also be some flirting going on? There would be - quite a lot of it. If I worked it right there would also be some seduction taking place and you can bet your boobs that I'd be working it right. I had turned eighteen and had already primed the pump where Stan was concerned. It wasn't going to take too much effort before he jumped me, getting all hot and bothered just looking at me.

This didn't mean that I'd admit him and then fall on my back, legs spread wide. I would certainly admit him but then I'd feed and water him, fresh coffee and some newly made scones with jam and cream. After that there would be some listening to music as that's when things would get really interesting. I would lead him on while holding him off, the trick being to lead him on until he snapped and ignored the holding off bit. It wouldn't be rape. That wouldn't be fair to the poor man. No, no. I would succumb to his blandishments because I wouldn't be able to help myself and he'll have ample evidence of this.

My estimate was that once he got my panties off I'd be able to call for one more breather while he contemplated what he was going to do. Once we started petting after having our last little break he'd probably be ready in no time flat. I was pretty sure I knew how things would go from there.

It was nearly two o'clock before Stan arrived. I should have guessed that on a fine day like today that he'd be late getting to my place. Stan probably slept in until nearly one which meant I was lucky to see him in time for some lunch. I'd expected to have had several hours of interaction by this time, including a couple of petting sessions. As it was I let the petting go on for a while before switching to playing some music. I also brewed some more coffee and after that we relaxed

During that relaxation the petting started up again and after a while it seemed to me that Stan was starting to get the idea as to what to do. The mood was drifting in the direction that I wanted. Then, finally, my panties were slipped off and things were looking up.

I was elated. Even though it was pushing three o'clock my panties were gone and it would still be a couple of hours before my parents were due home. I was relaxing, letting Stan take control and it finally seemed as though everything was coming up roses.

The doorbell rang and my stomach sank with a sickening thud. Oh, yeah, that was why I was at home - to take delivery of a refrigerator. I hastily dressed, looked around for my panties, failed to see them, and hurried to the front door, minus panties. My dress would suffice.

Baron was at the door. He was a friend of my father and had offered to pick up and deliver a refrigerator. He'd told my father that he'd deliver it today and as long as someone was there to receive it all would be sweet.

"Baron, I'm delighted to see you," I burbled.

Although this morning or in a couple of hours would have been preferable. As it was Stan could help him take it through to the kitchen and get it set in place. Then Baron could bugger off and Stan could make his moves on me.

"Mum will be so pleased. Stan, since you're here can you help Baron bring the new refrigerator in and move the old one onto the front veranda? We have a charity coming to pick the old one up next Monday. With two of you it'll only take a couple of minutes."

Stan didn't look particularly happy but chipped in and gave a hand while I fluttered around being helpless. (Like I was going to chip in, bend over and put my back into it, and flash my bare ass and other parts. Yeah, I'll play the part of the helpless twit.)

I'd been fairly accurate in my time estimate. Five minutes from depositing the old fridge on the veranda to positioning the new one in the kitchen. I was smiling happily. Task one, stick around and get the fridge installed was now complete. Task two, get Stan to seduce me would proceed according to schedule as soon as Baron departed.

"Thank you so much, Baron," I gushed. "Mum will be delighted. Can I get you a mug of coffee before you go?"

I shouldn't have asked that last, but mum had drilled politeness into us. Even before I finished speaking I could see that Baron was going to accept.

"Thanks, Mel, I wouldn't mind," Baron said cheerfully, sitting down comfortably at the kitchen table.

"I'll pass," said Stan, but I'd half expected that seeing he'd had some not too long ago. He proceeded to wander out of the kitchen, hopefully lining up where the grand seduction would occur.

I turned on the electric Kettle and set down a couple of mugs, chatting cheerfully until I didn't feel like chatting, cheerfully or otherwise. From the kitchen window I could see Stan getting in his car and heading out. What the hell?

Did he think I'd only had him come around to help move the fridge? He surely couldn't be that dumb. Watching him drive away it occurred to me that maybe he could be that dumb and my seduction plans were ruined. I was so going to give him a mouthful the next time we met. Then it dawned on me I couldn't really. What sort of a reputation would a girl have if she complained about a boy not seducing her? Not a very good one. Still, somehow or other I would let my displeasure be known.

I gave Baron his coffee. He was an old friend of the family and I'd known him for years. We chatted casually, neither of us seeing any reason to gulp down our drink.

Drinks finished we put our mugs in the sink. I'd wash them later.

"Now, then," said Baron, turning me to face him, "if you'll excuse me for a moment?"

I gave him a slightly startled look. Was he going to kiss me? Not that I'd object too strenuously as he was quite a hunk. A working man, carpentry, I think, half-way between me and my father in age. Thirtyish, I was sure, and all that manual labour sure kept him in good condition. I suspected that he could have picked up the fridge and carried it without Stan's assistance.

My slightly startled look changed to total shock when he reached down and lifted the front of my dress, revealing that I had no panties. His hand promptly came down and covered me there, covered me most intimately.

"The way your dress pressed against you indicated a certain lack of under-things," he said affably. "Spotting some panties kicked under the couch backed up the suggestion. The way you carefully didn't bend over while we installed the fridge was corroborating evidence as you've never worried if you'd flashed your panties in the past. I assume your beau was working on some hijinks prior to my arrival. Why did he flee the scene? It was obvious you didn't expect him to."

I glared at him, trying to push my dress back into place and remove his hand.

"I have no idea," I griped. "Maybe he thought I only wanted him here to give you a hand."

"So he did a runner before you could tell him to piss off. Silly goose. Take a tip from me. Dump him. Find someone better."

"I probably will. Will you please shift your hand?"

"Oh, right. Sorry. It felt so comfortable there that I just forgot."

With that he released me and I breathed a sigh of relief. I turned and headed towards the front door to escort him out and he followed along like the gentleman that he wasn't.

Everything was fine until we reached the door to the lounge room. That's the point when he stopped and swung me up into his arms and carried me in, depositing me on the couch. He then crouched on the floor next to me.

I could have guessed the next bit with a single guess. He simply brushed my dress up so it was bunched around my waist with me naked from the waist down. A pair of light slip-on shoes don't count as clothing no matter who is doing the assessing.

"It's obvious that you're wanting more attention and seeing Fred isn't here I suppose I'd better give it to you. It's the gentlemanly thing to do, after all."

"How would you know? You're not a gentleman. And who's Fred?"

"You know, Fred. Your wannabe playmate." Baron airily waved his hand in the general direction of the road Stan had departed down.

"His name is Stan," I said repressively. "Um, would you mind not touching me there? For that matter would you mind not touching me at all?"

"Stan or Fred, it doesn't make much difference. His heart was obviously not on the job that was waiting to be done. Now me, I tend to side with Bob. That's how to get things done."

I was going to regret this, I just knew it.

"Who is Bob?"

"The guy on TV. Bob the builder. Has a motto of 'Can we fix it? Yes we can.' Your Fred seems to have a motto of 'Can we fix it. No -- That's stuffed. See you later.'"

"His name is Stan," I repeated, although I was sure he already knew that. He was deliberately getting it wrong. And his hands were just as deliberately touching all the wrong places.

"Acting as Bob I have to bring to light those things I want to work on," he said. "Raise your arms."

I didn't, just wrapping my arms around me. Let's see him strip me while I'm holding my clothes. I was pretty sure that was his intention.

He sighed, shaking his head sadly.

"Now, love, there are two ways we can do this. The first way is you lift up your arms and I take your things off. Easy as pie. The second way is for you to hold onto your clothes and I proceed to rend them, tearing them into little bitty pieces. Both ways you end up undressed the way I want but the second way I'll have to buy you a new dress and undies. You don't really want to lumber me with the cost of new clothes plus the embarrassment of having to go out and buy them, now do you?"

"Yes, I do," I said, putting some snark in my voice. The trouble was that the dress I had on was one of my favourites, really suited me, and I didn't want to lose it. Muttering quiet threats I lifted my arms and Baron hastily removed my dress, blouse and bra. He apparently had good hearing as he also reprimanded me for the language I was using.

Now that I was naked he pushed me flat on my back, leaning over me. One hand was stroking a breast, him mouth seemed preoccupied with my other breast, and his other hand was pressing down between my legs, coaxing my thighs to part while he made himself comfortable.

Fingers teased the soft folds of my flesh, touching, tantalising. I gasped when a couple of fingers slipped between those folds, finding and entering my passage. That achieved he started playing with me, his fingers sliding in and out, building on the arousal that was already there.

I was making little sounds of shock and excitement as Baron teased me, deliberately getting me all worked up. At some stage he found time to undo his trousers and push them out of the way and his erection was protruding, semaphoring its intentions.

We reached a point where I was going to have to tell him to call a halt or he was going to fuck me. Problem was, instead of saying 'that's enough' I was saying 'yes, more, do it', and pushing myself firmly against him, wanting his cock to enter me.

(I had this little side issue taking place mentally. Yes I'd wanted to get laid but he wasn't Stan. But Stan had done a runner for whatever reason and Baron was right here, ready, willing, and able. Very able from the way I was feeling. Was I being a tart letting Baron take Stan's place? Being a tart or not I was certainly all hot and confused. Baron seemed confident, knowing what he was doing, while I was operating from instinct only. I let my instincts come down firmly on following Baron's lead.)

He pushed my legs further apart, lying over me, on me. He eased his cock out of my grip (and just how long had I been holding it?) and started stoking it against me, drawing it up and down along my slit. Decision made he parted my lips and moved into me, his cock pressing down and into me, my passage being forced apart by the size and hardness of his erection.

Hands either side of me he pressed himself up, holding himself with his rigid arms. I was looking down the length of his body, seeing his cock pressing against me, sinking into me. There was a sharp stinging pain as he pushed home, and it bothered me not at all. As far as I was concerned it was simply a message saying I wasn't a virgin anymore and it wasn't as though I needed that reminder. Watching his cock vanish into me was message enough.

His groin finally pressed against mine and he rubbed against me. Then his whole body collapsed over me. You'd think that he would crush me but not so. His weight just seemed right and proper. As though that was the signal he'd been waiting for he got to work.

He pulled back and drove in again and I was all 'Oh, yes, again" taking the greatest delight in the way his body was interacting with mine. I wasn't putting any thought into the situation, just moving with him, interacting body against body, and cheering him on with quite a degree of enthusiasm. I had been waiting for this and now that I was getting it I was accepting it gracefully and gratefully, bucking under him and taking whatever he cared to dish out.

It was wonderful. I'd anticipated having sex and I'd just known it would be fun. I'd had talks about sex with my mother and she wasn't backwards about telling me what to expect. Even so, I found that what she said fell short of the actuality. Not that I was going to discuss this with her for quite a while. It's one thing to discuss in theory as something I would experience sometime in the future. It would be something else to discuss it having been an actual participant. I suspected that my mother would be blasé about one but go absolutely spare if she thought I'd joined the ranks of participating players. Some things you just don't discuss.

A pity that last bit. Baron had every reason to boast about what he was doing to me. I was totally enthralled by his activities, bouncing along happily and thoroughly enjoying myself.

Baron finally ran out of steam. That may be the wrong description for the closing act. Let's say he trod on the accelerator and blew me out of the water, giving me an explosive climax that caused me to scream rather loudly. Fortunately I managed to jam my hands against my mouth and didn't disturb the neighbours with noisy screams.

Baron departed and I went to have a shower and air out the front room. I was content and practically floating across the floor. Baron told me before he left that he'd be back around 8:00, He was taking me out to dinner and we'd go to a night-club afterwards. Subsequent to that we'd see what happens. I'd have to call Stan and drop him.

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