Experiences at the Surgery Pt. 01


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Helen did that night, and in the end I leant towards her and kissed her... on the lips...!

It's a funny thing kissing, but if it's done properly it always gets me going...that's what happened that night. We kissed... a lot, and then one thing led to another, and we ended up in her bed cuddling.

The following morning, with both of us nursing epic hangovers, we should have just had an awkward moment not knowing what to say and then got up and gone our separate ways...but we didn't.

We spent all day in her bed. Helen taught me about my body and especially how to cum. She had a small white vibrator that she teased me with and I could barely walk at the end of our tryst. She was patient and loving and gentle. She also had the must suckable nipples...

Helen and I might've become lovers if she hadn't decided to go to South Africa when she gaduated. We never did sleep together again...

Whilst my one lesbian experience had been lovely, I was far too conventional to go searching for another female partner. After graduation I lived at home for a couple of years, but then, as my career started to develop, I moved to London and shared a flat with my old school friend Sophie. Hugh was a friend of a friend of hers. We met at a Christmas party.

I was not very taken with him initially. He was dark and handsome, but rather swarthy. He also had a tendency to drink too much, and when he did he became loud and boorish.

He was clearly taken wth me though as he started appearing at the flat under all sorts of pretexts and then he asked me out. Things progressed. He was, when not fuelled with alcohol, the kindest and most attentive man I had ever met.

We soon started having sex...and Hugh was a virile lover...he was also blessed with quite a large penis...

It would be inaccurate to say our sex life was fulfilling. The problems were mainly mine. I was too prudish and my slight frame meant I rarely enjoyed penetration. He was sooo big... I became wary when he started caressing me, and that seemed to stop me getting wet...

I don't think he noticed to start with, but as our relationship developed he became frustrated that I would not suck him off or consider anal. I didn't even enjoy him licking me down below, but endured it because it helped my lubrication...

Perhaps it was then that we should have sought some medical help. But I was embarrassed and thought it was all my fault, so we didn't. Hugh started drinking more heavily.

There were discussions of us moving in together, my mother was even starting to talk about a wedding... it all became very difficult...

Then, one Friday evening, Hugh, drunk, forced himself on me. I was having my period, so whilst I was horny, I was tender...

He never really did understand my cycle and when was a good time or what foreplay was.

He yanked my tampon out and bulldozed his way in. I howled in pain, which seemed to arouse him more. He ignored my yells and attempts at trying to stop him, if anything they made him more ardent.

I was ravished that night. When he finished, I was very sore. I was bleeding, probably from my period, but the amount of blood spooked me. I burst into tears.

We had a row, he called me frigid, I called him an oaf and an animal. He got dressed and stormed out.

We never had sex again. Whilst he apologised for his behaviour, I couldn't forgive him, I'd lost my trust in him. We had another row about a week later, this time in the presence of Sophie. She was horrified about what had happened when I had told her and had already pleaded with me to finish with him.

When we started rowing again, she intervened and made Hugh leave.

It was over...my first proper relationship was a train crash...I suppose I should have had sought some sort of counselling, but I didn't...

I was finished with men, at least for a while. I searched for a new job. I wanted some space and a fresh start, and that's why I applied to Atlas...

Chapter 3

I did not see Marion for a while after the events of that Sunday in May. Nor did I see any evidence of her "house guest". Every night when I went to bed, I checked through the bathroom window whether there was a light in the bedroom over the courtyard, but there never was.

When I had time on my hands I thought back to what I'd seen and heard. It seemed so improbable and so at odds with the middle class suburban setting I was living in.

Lying in bed one night I began to fantasise a little about the goings on in "The Firs." Perhaps Marion had a whole string of "patients" who she was dominating??

Perhaps the pale thin young woman was her partner, but was locked up in some sort of bizarre sexual slavery??

My fingers played a sensual accompaniment to my musings. I fingered myself to orgasm, surprising myself with the intensity of my climax.

From then on the more lurid my imagination the more my pussy swelled with arousal. It was a strange phenomenon. When I imagined myself being the recipient of Marion disciplining me, I would find my opening was soaking and my button standing proud demanding relief...

I had no concept of the world of BDSM, I'm not sure I even knew what the letters stood for back then. However the thought of a woman dictating to me about my carnal behaviour seemed very attractive.

My ability to satisfy a male partner had been pretty poor...but a woman teaching me what to do, as Helen had all those years before, would perhaps be more fulfilling??

As the weeks passed my musings diminished. I was busy with a big project researching a company in America, and that was so complex and intense I had little free time.


Things changed when i was invited by an old Uni friend to her wedding.

I asked one if the admin support girls at work where she got her hair done, it always looked gorgeous so I reckoned she must know someone good. She recommended a girl called Fay who worked in one of the salons on the High St. That evening after work I made my way into town and booked myself in with a Fay for a cut and finish the coming Friday.

On the Friday I arrived on time, but had to sit and wait for Fay to finish with her previous client. They gave me a coffee and I sat thumbing through the magazines.

I wasn't really paying attention when Fay finally appeared. She called out "Jane please?"

I looked up and nearly died of shock.

There, standing in front of me was the thin girl from "The Firs." Same pale brown hair, same pale blue eyes, same elfin features...same girl...

We shook hands, she took my jacket, I was wearing a sleeveless blouse and pencil skirt that day, and led me through to the main room for my consultation.

My mind was racing. Would she recognise me from my voice? What would I say if she did? I couldn't concentrate. I could feel my armpits were damp from the tension, and prayed she wouldn't smell me perspiring.

She asked me a lot of questions about my hair and how I had worn it over the years. I'm not sure how I replied, I wasn't really there... I just kept looking at her thinking about what I'd seen that day...

I didn't really concentrate on what we agreed she was going to do. She sent me off to get washed, and it was whilst a young trainee did that I came to my senses.

When I was led back to the cutting room, Fay put a gown on me and settled me down. Just before she started doing goodness knows what, I stopped her and told her I only wanted a trim.

So she trimmed my hair, it was hardly worth the expense really. However, I got the opportunity to talk to her and also assess whether she was any good at her job.

Carefully avoiding telling her exactly where I lived, but being friendly and chatty as we were of a similar age, I extracted quite a lot of information from her over the forty minutes she worked on my hair.

She was unmarried and lived in a small flat on her own at the edge of town. Like me she was an only child.. She had grown up in Birmingham and moved east when she had got this job. She was now the senior stylist, effectively the second most senior person in the salon. She liked yoga and going to the movies. She also enjoyed cooking and was doing a beauty therapy course part time at the college. She was 28, my guess had been right, she was younger than me. She'd always wanted to be a hair stylist, and had trained in London for three months at one of the top women's salons in Mayfair.

I watched her attentively in the mirror the whole way through. She had long fingers on small elegant hands. When she moved my head to adjust the cutting angle she did it with gentle but sensuous movements, caressing my chin or my cheek as she did so. It was quite bewitching. I worried that i was becoming aroused

We chatted away until she got the drier out, and when she had finished that, she straightened my hair with flat irons.

She spent a while point cutting before she was satisfied. Whilst she did that she talked about my hair and skull shape telling me I was lucky as I had lots of hair and an oval face which meant I could carry most hair styles, even short. She seemed genuinely interested in me, which surprised me. Hair dressers had never shown any interest in the past. As she finished and I studied the results, I immediately realised she was very talented. My hair looked really good. True it was only a tiny bit shorter, but the attention to detail meant it fell beautifully around my shoulders.

I was really quite taken with her so tipped her generously. At her suggestion I made another appointment for 6 weeks later. Walking up the High St back to the Car Park I kept looking at my reflection in the shop windows. I was really pleased...


The day after the wedding another envelope arrived on my doormat.. this time Marion wanted me to go for drinks the following Sunday lunchtime. I was going out for a curry with a colleague on the Saturday evening, so again I was free. The invitation this time had an RSVP and a phone number, so I rang Marion and accepted. She was pleasant but curt, she told me to be prompt at 12.30pm.

The day of the drinks do turned out to be blazing hot. Padding around the flat in my nightie that morning, I felt rather unwell. Something in one of the curries the previous evening had disagreed with me. My stomach cramped periodically. I found some stomach pills, but really did not feel like going out...

Around noon I felt a little better so I changed into my newest sundress. It was floral and delicate with tiny straps. I deliberated about the need for a bra, but the devil in me decided to dispense with one. It would be interesting to see how Marion would react to glimpses of my boobs. I didn't have a lot, but hell why not show them off!!

I found my strappy wedge sandals and my crochet bag. A little eye liner, blusher and trusty lip gloss and I was ready to go...


Marion smiled as she welcomed me for the second time. She was a good looking woman even though she was in her early 50's, and as I'd noticed at our first meeting took pride in her appearance.

That day she was in a pretty white sleeveless blouse embroidered with delicate pink roses, and tight pink high waisted trousers that I could see the outline of lacy knickers through as I walked behind her.

I followed her through the hall, but this time into the Lounge which faced the courtyard between the two buildings. Large French windows led out into the courtyard where There was a garden table, parasol and four padded chairs. One of these was already occupied by an elegantly dressed woman in her early forties. She rose to greet us as we walked through.

"Toni, say hello to my new neighbour and tenant Jane," Marion said.

I shook Toni's hand, immediately noticing the chunky gold watch that adorned her wrist and the large diamond ring on her middle finger.

"Hello, Jane, come and sit next to me and enjoy the sunshine," and she put her hand on my shoulder to help guide me past her seat.

I sat down and put my bag down. Marion picked up a crystal flute and poured Prosecco into it before handing it to me.

"Cheers," we all said simultaneously and raised our glasses.

There were Olives and Tapinade already on the table and Marion then btought out other appetisers before sitting herself down. There were four places set at the table, and I wondered who else was yet to arrive.

"So," Toni said, with a warm affectionate smile on her face, "Marion tells me you are in Finance, are you terribly bright?"

"Well no not really," I demurred. "I always enjoyed Maths at school so went on to read it at Uni. I only got a 2.2 though so I'm not that good..."

"I'm sure you're being modest. So tell me, if you don't think I'm being too nosey, why is a pretty girl like you not on the arm of some handsome man on a sunny day like today?"

"Well I.."

"She and her last partner separated recently Toni, so leave her alone," Marion interrupted.

Toni ignored Marion and carried on.

"I assume you have a successor to your last lover in mind though?"

I felt the colour rise to my cheeks. I wasn't used to such direct questioning from someone I'd only met a few moments ago...

"Well there is someone, but we've only met a couple of times," I lied, hoping Toni would let the subject go.

"Well good, that sounds nice. It's such a pity for one to have to rely on one's fingers to provide the only pleasures in life," and she winked at me knowingly.

My embarrassment at her candour was obvious, my cheeks were burning, and I sensed my armpits were moist. I wondered how much Prosecco Toni had already consumed before my arrival, her lewd language was certainly provoked by something...

"Don't pay any attention to Toni, Jane, she always does this with people she doesn't know. She's obsessed by sex."

"Oh that's rich coming from you Marion," she replied loudly. "I bet you haven't told Jane what you really do for a living have you?"

"Well actually she did. The first time we met. She said she helped people reach their potential," I said, a hint of triumph in my voice.

Toni erupted into laughter. "Well I've heard it called many things, but that's just plain silly," she said picking up her glass and draining it.

"Toni please," Marion tried to interject.

"No I'm sorry Marion, Jane deserves to know the truth. She is living here...

So Jane, I'll tell you what Marion is. She's a sex therapist. She specialises in helping women achieve sexual satisfaction. Oh and in case it's not obvious I might as well tell you that where she really excels is in BDSM and Med Fet"

"Med Fet." I repeated, not knowing what Toni was on about.

"Yes, Medical Fetish. She has a whole surgery full of stuff that she enjoys using on people...I'm sure she'll show you if you're interested in that type of thing.."

Marion glared at Toni. It was obvious she was furious.

I was lost for words..

Toni sat back in her chair and twiddled her hair between her fingers. Her eyes were on Marion.

There was a prolonged silence. I felt extremely uncomfortable caught between what was clearly a conflict of some sort between the two of them.

Toni leaned forwards and picked up the Prosecco and refilled her glass and then mine. Sh then looked at me and smiled.

"Sorry if that was a bit of a bolt from the blue Jane, I'm sure you didn't really want to know what I told you. You see Marion has rather upset me recently. She took it upon herself to discipline one of my staff in a rather unconventional way and I have only just found about it."

"Discipline One of your staff?" I asked, the fog in my brain all of a sudden starting to clear.

"Yes, you see I own a hair salon on the High St, and Marion has been a client of mine for many years. A few weeks ago she came to get her hair done when I was on holiday, so in my absence my senior stylist Fay took the appointment for me and Marion was not happy with the result and took it out on the poor girl..."

The fog was gone..,poor Fay...

"But your hair always looks so immaculate," I said looking at Marion.

"The stupid girl didn't listen Jane. I told her I wanted a change. I was quite specific, I fancied a short graduated bob, and she cut it one level blunt... But don't feel too sorry for her, she left here having had about eight orgasms. I also shaved her little pussy. She loved every minute of it..."

"You forgot to mention the caning Marion, she didn't enjoy that!..."

"Maybe not, but she enjoyed the three fingers in her cunt and one in her anus afterwards. She marked the carpet in the bedroom with her spend...I can show you if you don't believe me! Anyway she deserved it..."

"I've told you I will do your hair on Friday next week. Free and for nothing..."

The silence returned.

Toni then got up from her chair, said a polite goodbye to me and told Marion she would find her own way out and see her at 2pm on Friday.

Left on our own, Marion tried to put the events with Fay into context by telling me that she had helped hundreds of women over the years and that she offered a wide variety of treatments. A bit of me was interested in hearing more, as I was still fascinated by the idea of her dominance, but I was uncomfortable being there alone with her after what had happened.

I drank my Prosecco, ate some of the appetisers and after about half an hour departed.

Returning to the flat I decided to change out of my dress, and attend to my sticky armpits.

Standing in the bathroom as I pulled my dress over my head my oyster coloured panties were revealed. There was a dark stain on them covering my mound, my dark pubic hair clearly visible. My panties were wet again, really really wet...

End of Part 1

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really good start to the story. Loved it.

Robingreen678Robingreen678over 1 year ago

Late to the party but I very much enjoyed this story and will read more of your work.

Very good character development and just the right pace.

Bio571Bio571about 2 years ago

I love it! that's a really interesting and intense story already, I'm eager to read more :) I love Jane character, and Fay seem to be a cute and innocent young woman as well, I hope we see her again :)

ChinaSorrowChinaSorrowover 2 years ago

Very interesting and tantalizing start. Nice and slow, this is how it has to be done. Will hurry on to the next chapter immediately.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great writing, thanks!

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 3 years ago

Curiosity kills the cat ...... Hopefully it just pains her ...... Interesting first chapter

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Nothing more need be said.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Most amazing. I can't believe it's your first.

It's clearly written more for women than for men, but I still enjoyed it.

Familyluv2114uFamilyluv2114uabout 6 years ago

Are an amazing writer Jane this was nothing shy of perfection!! And it's you're very first story too eh? I'm impressed👌🏽

Oh wow,so many more chapters too go lol,I'm gonna enjoy this very much!! Thank you...

paulb85paulb85almost 7 years ago
Excellent start

This is an excellent start and your readers will want more to follow. You are building up the story line really well. It is well told and most enjoyable to read. Well done. A very good story line.

rdoolittlerdoolittlealmost 7 years ago
Well written.

You are developing a following...all waiting for part 2.

ScottrodoScottrodoalmost 7 years ago
Articulate and engaging

Nice set-up. This shows the value of good writing and exposition. Can't wait for the follow ups.

barepussloverbarepussloveralmost 7 years ago
Wonderful Lead, Potential Award Winner

Left wanting more and from a male perspective I now need relief. Will wait with baited breath for more soon. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Love your characters, pacing, and voice. I look forward to the next installment!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Med fet and bdsm!

I can't wait to read more. Wonderful set up. Please write more about what she submits to inside and outside of the infirmary. I'm thinking about her coming back unannounced and asking for an appointment. The embarrassment and surrender of willing going to the house to ask for an appointment in her surgery.


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