Eyes of Desire

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A blood elf mage is saved by a worgen in Ashenvale.
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A request featuring a client's worgen and blood elf OCs. I've been reading a lot of Batman & Catwoman comics recently so their relationship may have rubbed off on my writing a bit here. Might have to write a story about those two some time but for now, hopefully you will enjoy this.


Felicia could feel the rocking of the wagon beneath her, it's roof pelted by a light drizzle of rain. The shaky movement prevented her from sleeping, though she was completely exhausted from her journey.

So exhausted.

For some reason, her vision--everything she was seeing and experiencing--seemed disconnected. It was an odd feeling but she quickly came to ignore it. Around her were her companions: an old orc and a lanky troll she didn't remember the names of. She felt a tinge of guilt over this, but the scene played on. They were talking to each other while another orc drove the caravan, his reigns connected to a runt of a kodo that easily pulled them despite it's size. She didn't remember this orc's name either; she never was good with non-elven names. What she did remember was that he was a good man and had come to her defense when the troll had tried to flirt with her.

Not that the troll was a bad man, but she was introverted and he was not. Furthermore, she wasn't one for one night stands or dalliances with trolls.

Her companions spoke of the Alliance and delicious food they wished to eat, until it was more than just rain hitting the wagon and their speech centered around the Alliance and the Alliance only. They shouted as arrows pierced the thin fabric sheltering them, carrying fire despite the light rain. In an instant her companions had left, jumping out of the wagon and wielding axes not yet stained with blood. She followed shortly behind, stepping out into the rain and remembering for the first time where they were: Ashenvale.

Her companions were on the ground and unknown men rushed towards her, colored blue but lacking any distinct features. She reached for her wand but dropped it when a fist collided with her gut. Why hadn't she taken it out before? Dazed, she found herself bent over the wagon entrance as the attackers spat vulgarities and hiked up her robe.

Panic set in as she realized what was happening. She struggled and was gifted with a face full of wood, head bashed against the wagon that was crackling with fire. Her consciousness slipped, but before it did she felt her attacker's hands release her. Stumbling to her feet, she made out the form of her assailant on the ground and a human fighting another human before she collapsed, crumpling into the dirt and her eyes finally closing.

So exhausted.


She awoke with a start, gasping as she sat upright on the bed she had been placed upon. Immediately, she looked for her wand--instead, she found a human.

"Relax." The man was tall and well built with short black hair. He seemed to be military, though he looked raggedy with a short beard.

"Who are you?" She quickly glanced down to make sure that she was decent before looking back up at the human.

"I'm your savior," he replied, voice like a stern rock.

"I am... Felicia Dawnblade," she answered, rubbing the spot where she had been bashed on the head. It was wet with water but devoid of blood. Still not in a proper state of mind, she didn't seem to process the fact that he had not actually given his name.

They stared at each other for a few moments; her eyes were a glowing violet, while his were a striking gray. They reminded her of her hair--silver just like his eyes. Suddenly, he smiled. A slight smile, more of a smirk really, but kind. Felicia sniffed, blinking away her thoughts and his eyes. Looking down, she briefly inspected herself for signs of injury. Nothing. She would need to do a more thorough job later when she was alone.

"Thank you. Those men..." Felicia paused, still coming to terms with what had happened. It all seemed like a dream. "were really bad people."

"That's one way to put it." The smallest touch of amusement laced his voice. "Don't worry about them, they won't be harming you or anyone else ever again."

She nodded, understanding the hidden meaning behind those words. Her attackers were dead.

"Did anyone else survive? From the caravan I mean?" She already knew the answer but felt the need to ask anyways.

"No." His tone was somber and knowing. This man was no stranger to lost comrades.

Felicia nodded solemnly. Though she had barely known the three men, in her youth she had almost become a priest before she ultimately chose to become a mage. Whether a peasant or a noble, the loss of life always saddened her.

"Where are you going?" She looked up at her savior as he made to leave the room.

"Getting food, you need to eat." Straight and to the point, he seemed to be a man of few words. She liked that.

With that, he left the room, leaving her alone to contemplate things while she relaxed upon the bed. Resting her head on a surprisingly fluffy pilllow, Felicia stared up at the ceiling and went over what had happened in her head over and over until she began to drift off to sleep. The last thing she thought of before slipping into unconsciousness were the grey eyes of the man who had saved her.


Felicia awoke to a bowl of cold grits and a warm glass of water. The grits weren't very appealing and she could have just conjured up some of her own food but she opted not to, figuring it would be impolite. Nevertheless, she ate her fill, apparently unaware of how hungry she had truly been. The human--her rescuer--entered the room just as she finished.

"How are you doing?"

"Fine, thanks to you." Felicia got up and walked over to him. She wasn't very tall--perhaps a bit shorter than average for a blood elf--but she still felt small compared to him. Shooting him a quick smile, she moved to step around him but was blocked by a muscular arm. Before she could protest he spoke up, voice stern but gentle.

"The encampment you were heading towards has been taken by the Alliance. They'll be all over this area and they won't take kindly to finding a blood elf traveling east."

"Oh. Right then. So what you're saying is, 'leave now and you'll die,' is that it?"

The man nodded and Felicia crossed her arms under her sizeable chest as she contemplated her options. "The Horde and Alliance are always playing tug-o-war with this region. I suppose I'll just have to wait until the Horde recaptures it, yes?"

"Exactly." He lowered his arm.

"That shouldn't take long." She paused and looked him over, inspecting his well built physique a bit longer than she had intended to. "So... where are we? And who are you really, other than my knight in shining armor?"

"My name is James Buckley. I'm a trained warrior and scout in the military--thankfully for you, otherwise I wouldn't know about this abandoned home. It's in the middle of nowhere so we shouldn't have to worry about being found."

"I see." She paced back and forth in front of him, her eyes never leaving his. Such a beautiful grey. "Why did you save me?"

"You were being assaulted."

"You could have killed me then. I'm your enemy."

"You weren't a threat."

"I can summon fireballs you know," she said, doing exactly that. A smile lit her face though, and she quickly snuffed them out.

"Great. Summon some water, will you?" James turned and left the room.

Felicia huffed and followed behind, a smile still on her pretty face.

"Fine, fine!"


A day went by. And then another, and another, until they had been holed up for an entire week. Just the two of them. For a week.

Time had passed more quickly than she had expected, and each day James would scout the area, being careful to avoid detection as he searched for any signs of conflict. He risked his life for her sake and she found herself worrying about him, even growing fond of him until, finally, she did something uncharacteristic. She invited him to bed.

Uncharacteristic yes, but a mistake? Certainly not.

Felicia awoke with a yawn and a catlike stretch. Unsurprisingly, her new lover had already roused and left her alone in bed. She searched the house for him, and, finding it devoid of any handsome human scouts, slipped out back and cleaned herself up. Being a mage had it's benefits, and while she may have been in the middle of nowhere, she was still an elf and an elf did not allow themselves to remain dirty for long.

After drying herself off and getting dressed, Felicia went back inside the quaint Kal'dorei house, closing the back door just as the front door opened. James burst through, looking excited with his dark hair disheveled--wild and out of place, yet somehow perfect. Light, he was cu--

"Your friends are here"

"My what?" She blinked a few times, snapping out of her reverie.

"The Horde, they're pushing forward. Now is your chance to leave."

Her purple eyes lit up even brighter than usual and a wide grin spread across her face. Finally she could stop hiding out like a fugitive and eat something other than mana buns and army rations. Hell, maybe she could get off this continent and go back home. Grabbing what little belongings she had, Felicia turned to the human, her smile slowly fading as she looked at him. What about him?

"What about you?" She took a step towards him. "How are you going to get back to the Alliance?" What about us?

She didn't ask him that last question.

"Don't worry about me, you need to leave while you still can." It wasn't a suggestion, he was telling her.

Felicia nodded dejectedly, not satisfied with his response but unsure of what else to say. It's not as if he could come with her, so with her belongings in tow and with James holding the door for her, she exited the house.

"You know where to go?"

"Yea, yea, you only showed me three times." She turned to look up at him--into those grey eyes that seemed to sparkle and draw her in. Did he look at her the way she looked at him, or was she just a damsel that needed comforting? James answered with a lingering kiss that she melted into, standing on her toes to make up for their disparity in height.

Oh, she hated goodbyes.

"Get going little Moonsliver." James let go of her and did his best to force a smile.

Moonsliver. A name he had given her due to her crescent shaped ponytail and long silver hair. The nickname caused a twinge in her heart but Felicia reluctantly let go and did as she was told. There was no other option, for she was an elf and he a human; the war had brought them together momentarily and now it was forcing them apart forever.

"Goodbye James."


Felicia awoke with a yawn and a catlike stretch, memories from a year prior flooding back to her in a feeling of deja vu. She looked over at the other side of the bed, remembering the human who had saved her and forced his way into her heart. They had been together for only a week, yet he had been in her thoughts for the entire year since. On a whim, she had traveled to that remote night elf home in Ashenvale where they had first met. It was just as she left it, only without the handsome human man with his cute rounded ears.

The crunching of leaves outside the house caused her to jump out of bed, senses on high alert. She stood silently, a ball of fire forming within the palm of her hand as she waited for the intruder to show themself. Her heart pounded and she swallowed hard when the door creaked open. Maybe it was the home's rightful owner?

"Anyone home?"

What greeted Felicia made her jaw drop and her eyes bulge. A large black haired worgen ducked through the door and into the house. He was big, muscular and looking right at her. She had always been more of a cat kind of girl and this was just reinforcing that fact.

"Mother didn't teach you to knock?" she said, mustering her courage and trying her best to sound confident. Another fireball formed in her other hand, glowing a bright orange-red and casting a warm glow over the room. It was smoldering hot and quickly heating up the room--if her voice didn't intimidate the beast maybe that would. Then again, she might burn the house and the forest around it down if she wasn't careful.


He knew her name? She swallowed before speaking up.

"Alright furball, I've got three questions. Who are you, how do you know my name and what are you doing here?" She wasn't even going to bother asking how he got to such a desolate place in the middle of Horde territory... or how he knew of this desolate place in the middle of Horde territory.

"Well, I believe it all started about a year ago when your caravan was attacked," the worgen closed the door and took a step towards her. "...and I valiantly rescued you."

What the hell was he saying?

"You're trying to tell me that you're James? I'd sooner believe you were one of the men who attacked me!" Her pretty face scrunched up in anger and the balls of fire floating within her hands nearly doubled in size.

"I knew you were fiery in bed but this is something else," he said, raising his hands and continuing towards her. "Look into my eyes, little Moonsliver."

Moonsliver? Could it really be him? Felicia leaned forward, eyes narrowed as she gazed into the intruder's. They were an enchanting grey, almost silver. Beautiful and pure, they captivated her just like...


The fireballs sizzled out with an audible puff as Felicia jumped into the man's arms, a big dumb smile lighting up her face. He hoisted her up so that they could look each other in the eye, face to face after an entire year. Wrapping her arms around the tall, furry hunk of muscle, Felicia kissed him--or at least, she did so to the best of her ability. Kissing an oversized canine wasn't easy.

"So," she began, scratching at his ears and smiling. "you're... a worgen."

"You're... a blood elf," he mimicked, smiling just as she was albeit toothier.

"Well," she said with a giggle, "I suppose we both have functioning eyes."

James gingerly lowered her onto the ground so that she could gaze up at him, neck nearly having to crane backwards to do so. He was taller than her before but now he practically towered over her, a hulking mass of muscle and glossy black fur.

As if explaining a human to my parents wouldn't be hard enough.

"How did you know I would be here? Sniff me out with that big nose of yours?"

"I didn't know."

"Still a man of few words I see," she said with a smile. That was okay, she liked that about him.

"I prefer actions over words, you know that."

A tingle of desire blossomed in her loins.

"Mmm, is that so?" Her happy smile turned into what was more of a seductive smirk and her eyes drifted down to his crotch. Felicia hadn't seen many worgen before and she had never been attracted to one until now; James' new form seemed to be revealing a fetish she didn't know she had. She reached for the worgen's belt but he backed away from her, dodging her slender hands.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you sure you want to do this? I can turn back into a human if you'd like."

Was he feeling insecure? How cute.

"Oh honey, I love you no matter what form you take." Felicia sank down onto her knees and grabbed at his belt, this time taking a solid hold on it before James could pull away. "And I'll prove it, too."

In an instant his belt was undone and his pants laid in a heap around his feet, revealing the prize that she sought. It was bigger than she expected, to say the least.

"You weren't big enough before?" she teased, half humorously and half in awe.

"Figured you could use the challenge."

"Always thinking of me, hm?" Her voice was a husky murmur as she began to work his manhood within her little hands, twisting and jerking her lover's beastly cock. She had missed him dearly, body and soul, and she would not let this reunion go to waste.

Or this cock.

Even semi-hard the hunk of manhood mesmerized her and she soon found herself sucking on the tip, glazing it with her saliva until it began to harden and leak it's precious fluid. Precum dribbled up like oil and she greedily slurped it up, moaning while she padded his head with her tongue and drew circles around it. Though she was nearly three centuries old, Felicia was not the most experienced of elves. Despite this, she strove to please her human-turned-worgen lover to the best of her ability, jerking him off with long strokes while she tested the limits of her mouth.

Suppressing her gag reflex as much as she possibly could, Felicia pushed further and further, taking in more of James' length with each valiant attempt downwards onto his cock. She soon discovered that her limit was a little over halfway down the worgen's shaft, which left both her throat and her purple eyes bulging outwards.

Not bad, she complimented herself.

Her ears perked up when she heard a moan and an encouraging hand gently wrapped around her head, stroking at her silver hair. It would seem that her efforts had not gone to waste, James was squirming in place and took to rubbing at her long elven ears. This caused a surge of pride to rush through her--happy that she was pleasing her lover so--yet the ear stimulation was causing her to squirm and moan herself.

Perhaps it wasn't common knowledge, but elves had sensitive ears and Felicia was no exception. Whether or not James knew this she had no idea, but she was finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on her blowjob. With his cock halfway down her throat, she stopped and suckled on it, eyes half-lidded as bolts of pleasure ran through her body.

"Mmmn," Felicia moaned around the cock stuffing her mouth, blowing little bubbles on it with her saliva. The irony of a giant canine rubbing her ears wasn't lost on her, and as much as she enjoyed the treatment it was severely impacting her concentration.

She pulled herself off and away from him, shooting him an impish smile before ducking beneath his shaft so that she could attend to his balls. Aided by her hands which continued to jerk his cock, Felicia got to work, lovingly painting the worgen's sack with her saliva. She was attentive and determined, thoroughly enjoying his masculine flavor as she gave it a rigorous tongue bath. Plush lips occasionally planted kisses upon the hefty sack, and her thoughts soon drifted to the contents within.

Felicia took one of the worgen's nuts into her mouth, disregarding ladylike decency and lewdly slurping on it. As she cleaned it her desire to receive his cum grew, however a mouthful of sperm was not what she wanted--Felicia wanted a creampie, a womb full of her lover's hot sticky baby batter.

Oh Light, I've got baby fever.

The nut exited her mouth with a pop, after which she gave him a kiss on the knot and one last lick, long and from his sack all the way up to the tip of his mushroom-like cockhead. Delicious. Darting her tongue out to lick at her lips, Felicia rose, smiling at her lover as she worked on shedding her unwanted clothing. First the robe, then the simple underwear beneath it until she was finally naked and on display.

Though she was a bit below average in height for an elf, her curves were far from ordinary. As short and slim as she was, her breasts were plump and filled out the entirety of her upper torso. Hanging ever so slightly, the supple pair of tits looked like pale mountains on her small frame and they were topped by little pink nipples, already hard from all of the excitement.

Large tits, an hourglass figure with a thin waist and an ass that even her thick robes couldn't hide, Felicia had a body that men dreamed of. Knowing this, she grinned up at the worgen, hands on her wide hips. It wouldn't be long before--

She found herself on her back atop the bed, legs spread apart with fur tickling her inner thighs. And then his tongue came, glorious and probing, it's coarse texture teasing her sensitive clit.
