Facets of Love Ch. 12


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If I was positively identified as Kristen...

then Kirsten would have the same thought and... after an hour or so... our brains would merge again."

"Have you considered giving yourself some type of permanent reminder? Perhaps an unobtrusive tattoo, or different haircuts, or maybe something as simple as different colored blouses?"

"We'd never agree to get a tattoo... but we have tried different hair styles and clothing. Neither of which worked... because what's the use of looking different... if you are the same person inside.

"We like the way we look... we enjoy being identical twins... but we want to experience what it feels like to be true sisters... with different feelings... different desires... and different futures."

I thought about their words, which, although there was only one girl in front of me, I knew what she said sprang from two different minds.

"Let's circle back to what you said earlier. Besides a detailed fingerprint analysis, is there any other way to distinguish one of you from the other?"

"Yes... there is one other way to tell Kristen from Kirsten... it's kind of embarrassing... something we seldom do... but if we really have to... there is a rather simple way to figure it out."


Robbie Jones

I walked into Grandma's office a few minutes after 10:00 to find a ladder standing against the waiting room wall, a 'still in the box' ceiling fan on the floor, and an absolutely gorgeous redhead sitting on a comfortable chair.

Actually, I didn't see the box or the ladder until the stunning girl restarted my heart by saying,

"Are you here to install the fan?"

"I uh... Yeah... I guess I am."

I was usually a lot wittier than that with women, but this one kind of took my breath away.

"Do you mind if I help?" she asked. "It gets kind of boring waiting on my sister."

"Is she one of Doctor Spencer's clients?"

"We both are."

Knowing better than to ask why they were seeing a therapist, I decided it best to change subjects and introduce myself.

"Robbie," I said, extending my hand.

"Kirsten," she said, putting her hand in mine. "Or Kristen. I'll answer to either."

"Okay Kristen or Kirsten. How about you and I hang this fan."

I knew better. Mom, Grandma, and Aunt Gloria all told me to look a girl in the eyes when you talk to her. "I don't care how well she is built, do not stare at her boobs."

I didn't do it on purpose. But, while I stood on the ladder, with the redhead standing directly beneath me, handing up the parts I requested, it was impossible to not look down the bodice of her dress. And when a tiny screw slipped out of my hand and ended up between two of the most perfectly formed boobs God had ever made... the impulse to climb down the ladder and personally retrieve the errant screw was damn near irresistible.

Fortunately, the girl's melodious giggle temporarily broke her spell, but I was still not able to take my eyes off of her as she slipped two recently manicured fingers into her cleavage and fished out the last bit of hardware I'd need to finish the job.

Thanks to the good-looking girl's help, I got the fan hung in a lot less time than I'd envisioned. Plenty of time to put the ladder back where it belonged, put the old fan in the dumpster, and get on the road before Grandma came out of her office.

"How much longer will your sister be?" I asked my auburn-haired helper.

She paused for a second or two before saying, "another hour or so."

"Would you be interested in joining me for a late breakfast or early lunch?"

"Why not?" she said after another short pause.

"Great. Give me a minute to clean up and we'll be off."

While I was folding up the ladder, when she thought I wasn't looking, she pulled up the back of her skirt with one hand and stuck her other hand inside her panties. Just for a second. Yeah. Kind of a strange thing to do, but I'd been with a lot less attractive women with much more obnoxious habits.

"I'm Kristen," she said as we walked out the door and towards my truck. "Thank you for brightening my morning and what I'm sure will be a wonderful brunch."

She was right. It was a marvelous meal. Not because of the food. Neither of us liked what we ordered. And not because of the ambiance. A greasy roadside café is not the best place to take a girl on your first, second, or any date. But I loved her laugh, enjoyed her wit, and - Mom would be proud - couldn't take my eyes off of hers.

I completely lost track of time and would have sat with her until sunset but, as if she had an internal Alexa reminding her of the time, she rose from her chair at 11:30 sharp and said,

"You'd better get me back. Doctor Spencer and my sister are almost done."

"Can we do this again sometime?" I asked after parking outside Grandma's office.

"I'd like that. But I have to warn you. My life is kind of complicated."

"I doubt that your life is any more complex than mine. And to prove my point, please don't use my name if Doctor Spencer asks who replaced her fan."

"Do you and Doctor Spencer not get along?" she asked.

"Actually, we're very close. But I'm not supposed to get involved with her clients."

"Is that your plan? To get involved with me?"

"No," I said, giving her a peck on the cheek. "I think us getting involved is God's plan."


Kristen and her sister shared a small condo on the outskirts of Tampa. Kristen and I had dinner together Saturday night, went to an open-air concert Sunday afternoon, and found excuses to see each other nearly every day the following week. After two or three dates, my infatuation with her flawless beauty was overpowered by my fascination with the girl inside the perfect body. Not that she didn't take my breath away every time she walked out of her condo, she did. But something behind those emerald-green eyes called to me when I was with her and filled my dreams long after I dropped her off.

I'm not saying she didn't have her quirks. I've already mentioned her unusual habit of reaching under her dress to touch her ass. But, if I had a derriere as cute as hers, I too might want to give it a squeeze now and then.

There was also her tendency to refer to herself as "we". For instance, when I asked how she slept last night, instead of saying, "I slept great", she'd say "we slept great".

"Are you talking about you and Kirsten," I asked, half kiddingly, "or are you referring to the 'Royal We'? I thought only Kings and Queens had that privilege."

From the look she gave me, I realized I had said something wrong and immediately changed the subject. Something she often did when I brought up the topic of her sister... a girl I knew existed but had yet to meet.

Maybe that's why the two of them are seeing Grandma. Maybe they don't get along. No. That can't be it. If they hated each other, they wouldn't share a condo.

Maybe Kirsten is completely different from Kristen. Maybe Kirsten is a special needs kind of girl and Kristen is her caretaker. That kind of responsibility would certainly require some counseling.

Or maybe I'm just full of shit and trying to find a flaw that isn't there. Some sort of defense mechanism to keep me from falling for the girl.

Well, it's too late for that. Mom said I'd immediately know when I met "the girl". And I did. I knew Kristen was the only woman for me before we left Grandma's office. Hell, I knew even before I stole a look down her dress.

Having come to that realization, I remembered what Mom told me the night I graduated from high school. It was a Saturday night, our night to sleep together, and I was complaining about not liking the girls my age.

Mom told me to be patient. Said, "don't go looking for the girl, she'll find you."

"Assuming a miracle happens, and I meet the woman of my dreams while eating lunch in the school cafeteria. What's my next move?" I asked.

"That's simple. You invite her home for Sunday dinner to meet your family."

So, that's what I did. After my Friday night dinner date with Kristen, while parked in front of her condo, I asked if she would come to Sunday dinner at my parent's house.

"That's... that's a big step," Kristen said.

"Too soon?"

"No," she said after one of her usual pauses. "If we're going to do this, we might as well get the ugly stuff behind us."

"You know about my family?" I asked, wondering how she could possibly know about the incestuous relationships I had with every female that ever slept under my parent's roof.

"No. It's not about you. I'm talking about my sister and me."

"You mean the sister you live with, but I have yet to meet? Listen Kristen, we all have family secrets, mine more than most, but whatever her faults, if your sister is anything at all like you, I'm sure I'll learn to love her almost as much as I love you."

"Do you, Robbie? Do you love me?"

"Yes. I do."

"Then you already love my sister. And she is in love with you."

"But we've never met."

"Actually, you have. Come in and I'll prove it to you."

Hand in hand, we took the elevator to the third floor of her building, walked down a short hallway, and, as if she knew we were coming, the door to apartment 3D opened and Kristen's clone stepped out to greet us.

"Wow!" was the best I could do.

Both girls giggled.

"Yeah, we get that all the time," Kirsten said.

They invited me in, offered me a drink, and regaled me with a completely implausible tale of mental telepathy. A story I at first thought was a joke. And then questioned their sanity when they insisted it was true. But, when Kirsten repeated Kristen's and my previous conversation verbatim, I finally became a believer.

"Just to set the record straight," I asked Kristen, "when you said your sister and I had already met, do you mean that you two took turns going out with me this past week?"

"No. My body was with you the entire week," Kristen said.

"But both of our minds enjoyed your company," Kirsten added.

"We apologize..."

"... you had no way to know that you were wooing two girls at the same time..."

"... but, in our mind..."

"... we are the same."

"You see us as two different girls..."

"... even though we look exactly alike."

"But we feel like one person..."

"... a single person who is extremely intrigued by a wonderful man..."

"... a man named Robbie Jones."

"Is that why you're seeing Doctor Spencer?" I asked.

"Are you saying that any woman who likes you needs a shrink?" Kristen teased.

"Well, there's that possibility, but I was wondering about you two thinking you're one person."

"Yes..." Kirsten said.

"... she's probably the last of a long list of shrinks..." Kirsten added.

"... who claim to be able to cure us," Kristen finished.

"Cure you of what?"

"Our impairment..."

"... the inability to separate our thoughts and feelings."

"What are your plans if she can't? Do you find another Doctor?"


"... Doctor Spencer is our last resort..."

"... if she can't divorce our brains..."

"... we'll just suck it up and carry on like we always have."

"Would that be so bad?" I asked.

"No. We guess not..."

"... as long as we have someone special to share our lives with."

I was extremely tempted to stay. At least for another hour, and possibly for the night. Just the thought of having those two heavenly bodies curled up naked on either side of me pumped enough blood into my cock to make my khakis bulge. But Kristen wasn't a one-night stand, and I had a lot to think about before committing to such an unusual relationship. So, I told my trouser tree to stand down, said my goodbyes, and went home to call Mom.


Robert Ryan Jones

For the last twenty-four years, ever since Robbie was born, Frank died, and Martha seduced me, I routinely slept with more than one woman.

I'm not bragging, I'm complaining.

The seven women who shared my bed were gorgeous creatures. Martha was a sex expert who kind of forced herself on me, Gloria May was a fortunate mistake, Nurse Angela was like a stray puppy begging for attention, and the three sisters... well they were a different story altogether.

My point being, as much as I enjoyed my time with the other six ladies, Mary was the only girl I couldn't live without and, simultaneously, all the woman I would ever need. Admittedly, once Martha moved in with James, Gloria May took Angela under her wing, and we sent the sisters to college, I got to spend a hell of a lot more time with Mary than I had the previous two decades. But I still cherished every second I spent in my wife's loving embrace.

That's why, when her phone rang at 10:45 on a Friday night, I not so silently cursed the caller. Not because he woke us up. We were both wide awake, smack dab in the middle of my favorite activity... doing it doggy.

"Don't you have a 'do not disturb' function on that phone?" I asked my heavily panting wife.

"I do, but the kids can call anytime."

"Well shit. I guess you better answer it. But if somebody's not in jail or bleeding, there's going to be hell to pay."

"Hush, it's Robbie.

"Yes dear. Are you all right?

"No, it's not too late. Your dad and I were just getting ready for bed.

"Sure, I have time to talk."

I unplugged from my wife's almost spasming pussy and silently watched as she rolled onto her back and listened to our son. I could only hear one side of the conversation but, from what Mary was saying, it didn't sound like he was in any trouble.

The last thing she said before hanging up was,

"6:00 will be fine. And feel free to get here a little early if you want. I've missed you terribly.

"I love you too. See you Sunday."

Mary ended the call and put her phone on the nightstand. From the beaming smile on her face, I could tell it was good news.

"Well?" I asked.

"Robbie is bringing a girl to Sunday night dinner."

"I thought he wasn't allowed to come home until Thanksgiving."

"Come on Robert, think this through. Why did we send Robbie to Tampa?"

"To go to college?"

"That was the excuse. We really sent him there to get away from his sisters, forcing him to meet other girls his age."

"He called at this hour to tell you he'd met a girl?"

"No, he called to ask if he could invite a girl to Sunday dinner."

"And that is significant because?"

"Because your son has fallen in love, and he wants us to meet her."

"Okay, I guess that makes sense, sort of. Did he mention her name?"

"It's either Kristen or Kirsten. The connection wasn't great so I couldn't tell, not that it really matters. He's found someone and it sounds serious."

I was about to ask why they couldn't have had this conversation the following morning but thought better of it. Which was an intelligent move on my part because, once she shared the news about our son, she looked down at my quickly shrinking erection and said,

"Oh my. That certainly won't do," and took things into her own hands... and then her mouth.

Mary has an endearing habit of singing when she is happy. Unable to sing with my cock down her throat, she started to hum, which turned into the best blow job she'd given me for years.

I'll have to remember to thank Robbie for that, right after I kick his ass for calling so late.


Robbie Jones

I pulled up to the twins' condo at 4:30 Sunday afternoon, planning to do the proper thing... Park, go up to their apartment, and knock on the door. The girls saved me the trouble and walked out the front condo door before I got out of my truck. Both of them. Dressed in identical outfits. With identical bows in their hair. And identical shoes on their feet.

"Is it okay if we both come?" Kristen asked.

"We thought about it last night," Kirsten added, "and believe it's best to tell your parents the truth about us from day one."

"That way, there'll be no misunderstanding," Kristen said.

"Good plan," I said, "as long as one of you doesn't mind riding in the back seat. I know it's kind of cramped back there, but we aren't going very far."

Trying my best to be a gentleman, I opened the passenger side door, pushed up the passenger seat and helped Kirsten into the back.

"Sorry Kirsten. If it's too uncomfortable, maybe Kristen will let you have the front seat on the way home."

Having deposited her sister in the back, I took Kristen by the hand, gave her a quick kiss, and helped her into the much more comfortable front passenger seat.

I was thinking about how proud Mom would have been with my chivalrous gestures when both sisters gave me the strangest looks and then did that thing that I'd seen Kristen do... put her hand under her dress and on her ass.

Crap, I hope they don't do that in front of my parents. I'm going to have enough problems explaining their telepathy thing as it is. Not to mention explaining my slightly unconventional family to the twins.

To get ahead of the game, I spent a good bit of the thirty-minute drive giving the girls a quick and dirty rundown of who they would be having dinner with.

"Just so we don't mess things up any more than normal," Kristen said from the front seat.

"Let's go through the names again," Kirsten added from the back.

"Your mom is Mary, and your dad is Robert."


"And you have three sisters named April, June, and Julie."

"Correct. Except June and Julie are my half-sisters. We share the same father but have different mothers."

"Who are their mothers?" Kristen asked.

"Aunt Gloria is Julie's mom..."

"Is Aunt Gloria the medical doctor who lives in the house next door to your parents?"

"That's correct, except she's not really a blood relative and, if Dad talks about May, he's referring to Gloria."

"Not to press the issue," Kirsten said, "but how does your mom feel about living next door to a woman who had an affair with your father?"

"Mom's not too happy about it. She'd rather have Gloria move back in with her and Dad, but ever since Gloria hooked up with Angela, they felt it best to give them a little space."

"Is Angela the short, submissive woman with big boobs?"


"Ohhhkay," Kirsten said. "Now that we've made that perfectly clear, let's move on to your other half-sister. Tell us about June."

"She's Martha's second daughter."

"I thought you only had three sisters. Who is Martha's first daughter?"

"That would be Mary, my mom."

Both girls paused as their joint brains visualized my family's lineage.

"Martha is your grandmother?" Kristen asked.

"Which means, your father had a child with his mother-in-law." Kirsten said.

"And didn't you say that she lived in the house on the other side of your parents'?"

"Yep, with James."

"Who we can only assume is your grandfather."

"Actually, James is my great uncle... and also Martha's brother-in-law."

"Holy Brady Bunch. Is there anything else we need to know before we meet your family?"

"Maybe one more thing. Grandma's full name is Doctor Martha Weaver Spencer."

"Your grandmother is our shrink?"

"Yeah, maybe I should have mentioned that earlier."


What I hoped would be a quiet dinner with Mom, Dad, Kristen, and me was anything but.

My first hint of trouble was the three cars parked in the circular drive. My sisters' cars. Apparently, Mom had given the sisters permission to come home from college for the grand event. I was barely stopped before the sisters pulled me out of the truck and attacked me with hugs and kisses.

Extricating myself from the four-way embrace, I went to the passenger side and opened the door for Kristen.

"Oh my God. She is absolutely gorgeous," April said.

The other sisters were about to add their equally lavish praise but momentarily stopped dead in their tracks when I helped Kirsten out of the back seat.