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"I don't know," Faith admitted. "He seemed kind of happy to see me. You don't understand; his old girlfriend hurt him really badly. I did something that made him think he couldn't trust me. I didn't mean to, but I know I ruined everything. He's such an amazing man; I still can't forgive myself." She absently wiped a tear away from her eye.

"Young people today," the old woman muttered. "What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Faith," she said, distractedly.

"Oh, what a lovely name. Well, Faith, I've been married forty years and do you know what I've learned?"

"What?" Faith mumbled.

"That people these days don't seem to have a clue about love. You miss him, he misses you, but instead of telling him so, you hide and hope something happens to fix everything. I'd hazard a guess that right now he's doing the same thing.

"I had more knock-down, drag-out fights with my husband than you'd believe, but I wouldn't trade a second of my life...even the tough times. They are what made us strong, because we never gave up on each other. That's how you know someone loves you; when things go wrong, but the person is still there for you. A trust develops that is a stronger bond than how cute he is or how much money he makes."

The old woman pulled the shawl tighter around her shoulders, then continued. "I became very ill and was frightened out of my mind. My husband stood by me every second of my illness and let me know I was never alone. I didn't know that it was possible for one human being to love that much. We still talk about our lives every day, although mostly he talks and I listen," she said with a grin. "That would have never happened if the first time we had a fight I ran away and waited for it to get better."

Faith blushed. "I didn't run away. He refused to talk to me."

"Yes dear, so you said. You also said that he had a good reason to be hurt." She raised her eyebrows questioningly.

"He did," she said grudgingly. "But he said things to hurt me, too."

"I believe you, Faith. How do you think he feels about that?"

She looked down. "He told me he was sorry and had tried to contact me."

"That's not what I asked," the old woman prodded.

Faith looked up at her. "I'm sure he's hurting. He's the kindest man I've ever met."

"Well?" the old woman asked, a sly smile on her face.

"What if he's found someone else?"

"Honey, I'm sure you know him well enough to know if that's true. Besides, I don't think that's what's really bothering you." She looked sternly at Faith, the intensity of her gaze causing the younger woman to look away.

"What if he doesn't want me anymore?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Now there's the question. The answer is plain to see. Do you care more about his pain, or your own fear?"

"I...yes," she admitted slowly, beginning to understand what she needed to do.

"That's good to hear," the woman said, sounding exhausted. "You are a sweet young woman and deserve good things. I sincerely hope it works out for you and your young man. Now if you'll excuse me, I've been away for too long. I need to get back. These old bones need their rest," she said with a smile.

"Would you like some help?" Faith asked, concerned with the woman's fragile appearance.

"No dear, I'll be fine. Give it some thought and decide what would be best. I'm sure you'll do the right thing."

Faith nodded and watched the woman slowly walk away, scolding herself for not thinking to shake her hand or give her a hug for her advice. She turned and walked the opposite way, taking one last look over her shoulder, but the old woman was already out of sight.


"Come on Ty, hurry up. Everybody's waiting for you," Ray scolded his son from the doorway.

"I'll be there in a second, Dad," Tyler grumbled, digging through his car for the rest of the presents. When he finished getting them together, he headed for the front door.

At least this year won't just be us, he thought.

Randi, her husband and both kids were already there. They had decided to start making Christmas more of a family affair. The kids were looking forward to it because they knew they'd be getting more presents. Their parents were looking forward to having no mess to clean up afterwards. Ray was happy to have a house full of guests and couldn't wait to make dinner for everyone.

Tyler was the lone exception. He was trying to put on a good face, but the encounter with Faith had devastated him. More than anything, he wanted to make her understand that he still loved her and was sorry for what had happened. But her reaction at the mall showed that although she didn't seem angry, there may not be any feelings left for him. Anger he could deal with; he could always try to win her back. But if she just didn't care...

He opened the door and stumbled into the hallway. "Uncle Ty," the kids screamed as they ran to him, hugging him and then quickly shifting into Christmas mode, searching his gift bag for presents.

"Hold it," he scolded. "Let me get my coat off, and we'll all open presents, OK?"

The kids giggled and grabbed the bag, dragging it into the living room. Tyler hung up his coat and followed them.

"All right, I'm here. Let's start ripping open the presents before..." His voice trailed off as he turned toward the tree to see Faith sitting in front, dressed in a white sweater and blue jeans, with a large bow on top of her head. He stood, frozen in place, unable to say anything. Janie and Steven ran back to her side and looked at him with excited faces.

"Merry Christmas," the kids shouted, prompting a laugh from everyone. Faith got up and walked over to him.

"Ty, I hope this is all right. I asked your dad if I could come over and surprise you. He thought it was a good idea. If you don't want me here..."

He interrupted her by suddenly pulling her close and kissing her urgently.

Faith felt her knees go weak at the sudden release of tension and fear she had been feeling. She clung tightly to Tyler, savoring the way her body seemed to fit perfectly against his. The kiss sent shivers of pleasure through her body, stirring up passionate memories.

When he slowly broke the kiss, Tyler looked over her shoulder at his father. "You really got a kick out of watching me mope, didn't you," he said with a mock frown.

Ray looked at his son with fondness. "Well, you wouldn't listen to me, so I figured this was the best way. Besides, I wanted to see the look on your face," he said, laughing.

"All right, you vultures," Tyler chided. "Give us a second." He pulled Faith into the hallway, ignoring the outraged cries of the kids, who desperately wanted to start opening presents. After guiding her into his old bedroom, he closed the door behind them.

"Ok, now I need to know what's really going on." Despite his joy at seeing her, Ty didn't want to risk jumping to the wrong conclusions.

Faith sat on the edge of the bed, patting the spot next to her. When Tyler sat down, she spoke softly.

"I was wrong about dancing. Even though I enjoyed it, I knew how it made you feel. It was selfish of me not to listen more to what you were saying." Tyler tried to object, but she silenced him by putting her fingers against his lips.

"Ty, you were right about everything. I didn't have health insurance. If I got sick or hurt, I wouldn't have been able to dance and there's no way I could have made ends meet. Even if nothing bad happened, I wasn't going to keep making the same kind of money indefinitely. Eventually I would have had to go someplace else; someplace where I had to do more." She looked down sadly.

Tyler put his hand under her chin and tilted it up. "I was wrong not to trust you. It wasn't just what happened that night. I was afraid something would happen like it did with Renee. That wasn't your fault, and I shouldn't have punished you because of what she did."

"Fine," she conceded. "But I did go too far that night. When I saw the look in your eyes, I felt so terrible. I knew how much I had hurt you. You have to believe me, Ty, nothing would have happened between them and me, no matter what they thought."

He nodded sympathetically. "I believe you. That night I was angry, afraid, and I let it control me. To be honest, after the way I acted, I didn't hold out much hope that you'd ever talk to me again."

Faith looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I didn't think you'd ever forgive me. After calling in sick a couple of times, I just quit. I couldn't bear the thought of going back after what happened."

Tyler leaned in and kissed her again, this time softly. His tongue caressed her lips, then slipped between, dancing with hers. Her hands ran down his back, grabbing him and pulling her chest against his.

His hands slipped under her sweater, sliding up the smooth skin of her back, then to her bra. In one motion, he deftly unclasped it, then ran his fingers under the strap, moving them around to the front where he cupped her breasts.

"Ty!" she scolded. "Everyone's out there waiting for us."

"Let them wait," he mumbled, kissing his way down to her breasts. He pinched the nipple of one breast with his fingers, while his lips found the other. He ran his tongue in circles around her nipple, then took it between his lips and sucked. She moaned her encouragement as he slid to one knee, freeing up a hand to reach for her belt.

"Umm," she groaned as his fingers unsnapped the jeans, his other hand slipping inside. His fingers slid under her panties, brushing across the coarse pubic hair. Although unexpected, the sensation was arousing, almost like touching her for the first time.

His fingertip brushed across her clit, drawing a louder moan from her. She was already wet and his middle finger slid along her slit, quickly sinking into her moist, warm entrance.

"Ty, that feels so good."

He smiled, reveling in her surrender. Ty gently pushed Faith onto her back, sliding off her jeans. His fingers hooked into the waistband of her panties, and he pulled them down her legs, watching as the material dragged across the smooth surface of her skin. He pushed a finger deeply inside her, bending it and stroking the soft walls of her pussy.

Faith couldn't remember ever feeling so turned on. She could feel the juices running down her skin as he began plunging it in and out of her. He moved his mouth down to taste her, but she stopped him.

"There's time for that later. I need you inside me," she pleaded.

Tyler nodded, feeling the same. He stood and quickly shed his clothes, while she pulled the sweater over her head. She lay back on the bed and he covered her body with his, kissing her navel and letting his tongue roam the sensitive area. Slowly, he slid his body up hers, feeling her shiver with anticipation.

He was already erect, and as his lips reached her neck, the tip of his cock made contact with her labia. Faith arched her back, anxious to feel him inside her. He reached between them and rubbed the tip along her folds, preparing them both. Finally, it slid between her outer lips and found her opening.

Tyler pulled one leg up, hooking his arm under her knee, then leaned back against her, watching her expression as he slid inside.

"Yes," he heard her moan as he pushed half his length into her. The emotion of the reunion, combined with the feel of her warm flesh, threatened to push him to the edge too quickly. He paused to regain control, then pulled back a few inches. As he moved, Tyler could feel the muscles inside her grab at his shaft, almost as if they didn't want to let him go. He lunged forward, burying himself all the way inside her, causing them both to moan in satisfaction. He pulled out again until only the tip remained inside her, then moved forward, his hips at a slight angle that he knew she loved.

"Oh baby, that's perfect," she cooed. Her hips began moving, encouraging him to thrust faster. Tyler responded by pushing her leg a little higher and using the improved angle to crash hard against her. His speed increased until he felt the beginnings of an impending orgasm. He stopped mid-thrust, trying to stave off cumming.

"Don't stop," Faith complained.

"I almost's been a while," he gasped with a sheepish grin.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to feel you inside me."

Tyler kissed her, fucking her in rapid, long strokes. Quickly, he felt himself on the edge.

"Faith," he groaned. "I'm cumming."

"Faster Ty, fuck me faster."

Tyler moved as fast as he could, his orgasm hitting him like an explosion. He forced her leg even higher, thrusting as deeply inside her as he could; their bodies joined as he came. The feeling triggered Faith's orgasm and she wrapped her other leg around him, trying to pull him even further into her. She bucked against him wildly, kissing him to keep from screaming.

They held each other as the passion began to drain away, leaving them with the warmth of each other's body. Tyler looked down at her face, which looked more peaceful than he thought was possible.

"I love you," he said, kissing her.

"I love you too, honey," she responded, snuggling against his neck.

He savored the feel of her skin against his for a moment longer, then looked at her in embarrassment.

"Um, Faith...I think we should get back now, before the kids come and drag us out of here." They shared a quick laugh, then took turns in the bathroom, removing the evidence of their tryst. After finishing, they dressed quickly and rejoined the others. The kids barely noticed them returning, obsessed with the gifts Ray had given them while they waited. The adults looked at them with knowing smiles.

After all the presents had been opened, they sat and talked while Ray finished lunch. Faith watched Tyler play with the children, amazed at how he never seemed to get tired of their games.

"He'll make a good father," Randi joked.

Faith got up and walked to Tyler. She embracing him tightly and whispered, "I know." As she rested her chin on his shoulder, she noticed a picture over the fireplace that she hadn't seen before. Something in it caused her knees to give out, forcing her to lean heavily against him.

"Ty, who is that?" she said shakily.

He turned, then smiled fondly. "It's the last picture of the three of us. That was when Mom was really sick. She changed so much in the last year that it was like a different person. Dad put it away because he couldn't bear to see her like that. I finally convinced him to put it back up this week."

She studied the picture, unable to grasp what she saw. The woman looked exactly like the old woman in the park. It can't be, she told herself. Just then Ray walked back into the room.

"Lunch is ready," he said cheerfully.

Faith turned and looked at him. "Ray, how long were you married to your wife?"

He looked surprised at the question, but quickly responded. "It was thirty-nine years."

"Oh," she said, leaning against Tyler again, remembering the woman's words. Just your imagination, she chided herself.

"It would have been forty last March," he continued, not noticing how pale she suddenly was. "You know, I still talk to her every night. I know it's silly, but I really feel like she's listening sometimes."

Faith hugged Tyler tightly, trying to make sense of what she knew was impossible.

"What is it, sweetheart?" he asked, stroking her hair.

She looked at the picture again, trying to decide if she was imagining things or just crazy. Shaking her head, Faith decided it didn't matter. She was where she wanted to be and it didn't make any difference how it happened. Turning, she grabbed Ray's hand and they walked to the kitchen.

"Would you tell me about Marie, Ray?" she asked, knowing she could never explain the thoughts she was having. She glanced back toward the living room at the picture above the fireplace. I don't know if I'm crazy, she thought somberly, but thank you.


Authors Note: I'd like to give a heartfelt thank you to the real Faith for letting me write a story, using her as a character. You can find her in the club I described, if you are in the area. Although most of the details are products of my imagination, her dancing is even more amazing than I could describe. The tattoo is really cool too.

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ForsakenGray1928ForsakenGray19282 days ago

Simply beautiful. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Four stars. It was five until the sex before presents, which, in my opinion, simply didn’t mesh with the rest of the story. It felt like an idea that should have been scrapped after a couple of read-throughs … the reunion sex still would have worked (better— more emotional buildup) after the family event. In my opinion.

gofakyusefgofakyusefabout 2 months ago

Although only an idiot would not have seen the Marie thing coming a mile away, still a 5-star feel good effort. Kudos. Just gotta work on that M. Night Shyamalan move, but no worries -- even he can't seem to pull it off too well anymore (largely because everyone now knows it's coming). Thanks for a good story!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A very good tale that I've enjoyed a few times. Thank you s-des, keep the Faith!

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A very heartwarming love story. The misunderstandings, the hurt and later regret-all happen and are normal in a romance. He should have realized that if you fall for a pole-dancer in a nightclub, you should know what you are getting into. She will be dancing to other men, raunchy dancing because that's her job. He should have accepted that. And she, if she was serious about her guy, she should remembered him and not bent the rules to dance to a crowd or gone overboard with her dancing whatever the money. But hey, it was Christmas, the time of goodwill and cheer. Just the right time for all misunderstanding to dissolve and lovebirds to get together. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 💘❤️❤️💋💋💋

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Reading the first sentence I thought it was a tale I've spent years trying to find. While it wasn't it still wasn't a disappointment. 5 stars

somewhere east of Omaha

DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmith5 months ago

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ what a beautiful story.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Great story. Very heartwarming. Tyler and Faith were good people and managed to overcome their issues and insecurities. They deserve happiness and I hope the real Faith finds hers. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The slut Faith is angry at how he treated her as she told asshole Ray. She was a fucking whore and acted like one too. Stupid guy had to apologize to the whore and get back with her

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Once a whore always a whore. The old bitch Ray would definitely welcome even the slut Faith who would do anything for money!! She would have fucked Paul for 300!! Ray was an interfering asshole

TwmatthewsTwmatthews6 months ago

This is a really good story. It speaks of the importance of trust and honest communication. I particularly liked the introduction of the old woman giving out advice. Well done and thanks for a great read.

FandeborisFandeboris6 months ago

A moving story about faith and trust. Also a tragedy of errors.

Tyler should not have listened to his father. His telling him what she does for living, didn’t help.

I think things would have been a little smoother if Faith had not gone as far she did. If all she could say to make things okay was it was for the money, makes her more like what she says she isn’t. Then the fight. Still two wrongs don’t make it right.

There was a lot of play with morality and feelings for one another. Also a lot of denial of what they did really feel about each other.

I knew Tyler’s mother had to make an appearance. I was not disappointed by the spirit.

Great story got 5 stars.

ncdeepdiverncdeepdiver6 months ago

Great story. Especially now at Christmas!!

Thank you for sharing!!

EVLoverEVLover8 months ago

I can only imagine how challenging it would be for someone to be in relationship with someone like Faith. Similarly, I can only imagine how challenging it would be for someone like Faith to find a “nice guy”:who can get past her sexy, beautiful, and exotic “exterior act” and cherish the beautiful person she has inside.

Thanks for a wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Ray should have taken her, he would get a second Faith second time round

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Tyler's father can go fuck himself or go to Johhnys and fuck the bitch Faith! Asshole believes the prostitute rather than his son!!

The old bitch Faith died and hooked her son up with her namesake prostitute

jni551jni55112 months ago

Just wonderful!

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15about 1 year ago

She should tell them about the woman.

charles215charles215about 1 year ago

….always a sucker for these stories…5 stars

Helen1899Helen1899about 1 year ago

Whose the bitter xhristianj, what a sad git they are. How sad to live a life like that. Me I loved the story, lots of love and a good twist at the end. I actually think it should have had an epilogue, with them marrying and living happily ever after.

newford9bnewford9babout 1 year ago

Enjoyed the story, thought it was slightly left of centre until I started to read some of the comments and came across Mr, Mrs, Miss or whatever xhristianj (think it was supposed to read christianj), for pity's sake, it's a story, fiction, a figment of the writers imagination, not some scientific dribble. Chill out, take a pill relax and go read the Encyclopedia Britannica

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