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Teacher to fuck puppet. Revenge, fantasy, hot sex.
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This is the first part of hopefully many about a conservative wife that is turned into a fuck puppet with a few twists thrown in. This story is about revenge, fantasy and hot, hot sex.

Also if you want to play along at home, I have sprinkled in some lyrics from a sexy song my wife strips and dances to. Can you name it?

Let me know in the comments.


How in the hell had Angelica fallen so far, and so fast?

Late summer at home

A high school teacher, a respected member of the community now on her knees with her hands tied behind her back in invisible bondage.

Decked out in latex as her huge pierced tits burst forth from her bustier almost obstructing her view. And for Angelica what a view it was. Her husband Enrique stood naked right in front of her. Angelica tracked his cock with every move, as if she was taking an eye test.

Enrique was latin with black hair and brown eyes. While Angelica was considered stacked, her husband was considered packed. A six pack of chiselled abs, which she was quite intimate with. Plus a large buried treasure down below.

Angelica looked longingly at his erect, eight inch cock, staring with a carnal lust as she instinctually rubbed her soaking wet pussy through the fabric. The darkness of the kitchen was the only thing hiding her stains of arousal, wetting through her black latex thong.

Her sweet, musky scent wafted from her neatly trimmed pussy, but she was too transfixed, too mesmerized on what was right in front of her. Every woman, even Angelica's friends, would gladly have traded places with her right then.

His cock was perfect.

Perfect in every way.

Perfect except that it wasn't in her eager mouth.

Enrique snapped his fingers to get his wife's attention as she wiggled her sublime ass back and forth, adding to the visual delight. As she regained some sense of reality, her hazel eyes hovered past his abs, taking in his muscular arms, arms he had worked years to get at the gym.

She made her way to his gorgeous face where he smiled mischievously. His chestnut coloured eyes locking with Angelica's, not only peering into her soul, but cementing her submission.

Earlier in April

The fall, her fall, all had started a couple of months ago, when Enrique had suggested a hypnotist for her. Although it was a long shot, her husband thought maybe being hypnotized would cure Angelica, or Angel as he called her, of her OCD tendencies, or at the very least help.

His wife was a knockout.

She had nice, full lips highlighting her porcelain complexion, perfect for many things. Her brunette hair with red streaks was cut in an angled bob. At five foot four, the brunette was not only beautiful, but blessed with a body made for sin.

She may be short in stature, but she wasn't short in sex appeal.

Her big, perfect, round ass and voluptuous tits made Angelica a walking talking wet dream to look at. However, it was more "dry" than wet, as she always covered her body carefully. Angelica dressed quite conservatively, as she was self-conscious about her pronounced curves, as well as her standing in the community.

What would parents, students, and her colleagues think if she dressed inappropriately?

High school boys have a hard enough time paying attention without a busty teacher distracting them. She couldn't have her tits popping out and her ass on display, even though Enrique told her they both deserved to be shown off.

With a body built for fucking, you would think the canvas would match the art when it came to sex.

However, that wasn't the case. When the couple did have sex, she treated it more like a chore than a pleasurable experience. Once a week, never twice. Sometimes it could even be a month with no action. Unless of course you counted the hand workouts Enrique had every night to bring himself to orgasm.

Blow jobs, cowgirl and most other things were not in play. Definitely not anal, even though Enrique thought her ass was made for spanking, licking and fucking. His wife's concerns put an end to any of those "asspirations."

Outside the bedroom, his wife was almost the definition of a soulmate, as she was thoughtful, smart, and kind. She was a wonderful teacher who was always there to help her students.

Angelica was the whole package, and Enrique knew he was an extremely lucky guy.

But besides being a little prudish, there was one other thing he didn't like, and he sought to change it. His wife was a germaphobe, which led to countless arguments, frustration, and for Enrique, bouts of rage. From shopping to regular day to day activities, the couple in their mid thirties would bicker about the same germophobic things.

He remembered one time in the winter looking for his parka. He looked everywhere before giving up, only to find it in the freezer when he went to get a frozen dinner.

"Hey, Angel. Nothing I like more in minus 40 than going outside with a nice, frozen winter jacket." This elicited a hearty laugh from his wife.

Although it was a lighter moment, it was just an example of her OCD tendencies.

He had visited the walk-in clinic the day prior, so just like so many other times the jacket and pants had to go in the freezer upon arrival, for fear of germs and bedbugs. Maybe this hypnotist would be the person to help not only his loving wife, but make a great marriage even better.

He had done his research online, looking for hypnotists in Minneapolis. After searching a number of them Enrique had finally hit the jackpot, or so he thought. Everything was set for Friday the following week.

Late summer at home

Angelica, waited for Enrique's next command. Gone were the thoughts of English lessons. The only lessons on her mind now were centred around cock.

Enrique's perfect cock.

'Cock, cock, cock.'

Monday morning

Patrick Murphy checked his scheduled appointments for the week, when something caught his eye.

Angelica Nightingale: Friday 9:30 am.

"Nightingale, Nightingale, Nightingale," he said out loud when an internal alarm bell rang.

"Mrs. Nightingale, my grade 12 English teacher? No, it couldn't be?"

The same teacher that failed him, causing a considerable amount of pain and suffering. Not only did he not graduate that year, as he was one credit short, but that was just the beginning of his downward spiral.

That summer his girlfriend Jasmine broke up with him. He had loved her more than anything.

The 18 year old Jasmine was a brunette with big bouncy tits. Tits that made the other boys at school drool. Her ass would stop boys in their tracks as they would fall over themselves to sneak a peek. Tight jeans and tube tops were the norm and no one was complaining, at least on the male side.

His friends always told him he was punching above his weight class.

Senior year, he was proud to call Jasmine his girlfriend, something he reminded his friends of every day. That's why it was so difficult when she gave him the talk. The one every teenager dreads growing up.

She didn't want to be with a loser was how she framed it. Not mincing words, just his already ailing heart.

"I'll be in college while you will still be in grade 12."

"But I'm going to go to summer school." Patrick begged and pleaded, but her decision was final, even after everything he had recently been through.

Without Jasmine and no college prospects, Patrick fell into a free falling funk, a deep dark depression. His friends had all been accepted to out of state colleges, so there was no one left in his life.

"That fucking bitch Mrs. Nightingale failed me even after everything I went through."

In December of that school year Patrick's mom Deborah had passed away after a long bout with stomach cancer.

It was the summer after grade 11, that Pat's mom received the original terminal diagnosis. As his mom's health was ailing so were his grades. Patrick was smart, and had been well on his way to a prestigious university before the awful news.

Instead of dances, parties and the rest of the social gatherings that go on in high school, Pat's senior year included attending chemo, Dr's appointments and the like.

It was just after Christmas when she finally passed. It was an awful battle with a terrible predetermined outcome. Taking care of his mom, and balancing school and girlfriend had taken their toll emotionally and physically. And her death was the poisoned icing on the cake.

Studying and school continued to take a backseat as he dealt with his considerable pain. It took some time before he would get back on his feet.

Down on his luck and cash, Patrick was walking by a bookstore when he noticed a black book in the window. "Intro to hypno."

'This looks interesting,' he thought.

Drawn into the bookstore like a magnet, Pat purchased the book before heading home. Patrick took to the book and the art of hypnotism. It was a welcome escape from the mental and emotional bondage he was experiencing.

Shortly thereafter, after scraping together enough funds, he enrolled in a computer course offered in an advertisement on the outside of the book. Learning everything to know, Patrick knew it was his calling. After scoring high marks, he graduated. Things were now on the up and up.

He had opened his practice ten years ago with a slow response, fast forward to today, business was booming.

Yes, his life was improving and it was about to get even better.

"If it's her," he said, "this should be a lot of fun."

Patrick had a sinister plan brewing for revenge, and it was going to be incredibly sweet.

Late summer at home

After Angelica was complimented on her big tits by Enrique, she looked down at them. She felt proud as she played with her pierced nipple. Proud and incredibly turned on as her breast play made her pussy gush.

The silver nipple rings were prominently displayed like ornaments hanging from a Christmas tree. Visual ornaments of her transformation and submission. If her tits were near perfect, the piercings only made them look even more so.

Friday morning

"Are you sure you still want to go, Angel?" Enrique asked.

Angelica responded with, "Honey, I think it's worth a shot. You said this guy specializes in this sort of thing. Let's just go and get it over with," sounding slightly pissed that her husband arranged the appointment in the first place which was scheduled for 25 minutes later.

The couple got in their Volvo and drove to the nearby strip mall, and nary a word was spoken on the ride.

The National was playing on Sirius, it was a welcome reprieve from the awkwardness of the trip. Matt Berninger's monotone voice singing, "I have only two emotions: careful fear and dead devotion." Lyrics from the song "Don't swallow the cap." The song was melancholy much like the mood in the car, and the rainy cold weather outside.

"Well, we're here," Enrique said, breaking the awkward silence. "Have you got the guts to go through with it?" he laughed trying to ease the tension.

Angelica nodded and said in a hurried state, "Let's just get this over with."

The suburban strip mall contained five businesses, one which read Patrick Murphy, hypnotist. They entered the building where the older receptionist greeted the couple, and ushered them in and out of the rain.

For Angelica everything was cloudy, and her nerves were getting the best of her. As the stress around her worsened, so did her condition. Before sitting in the waiting room Angelica took out a Lysol wipe to clean the chair.

"Please just wait while I let him know you guys are here," the receptionist said in a friendly manner from her desk.

The business was nothing special to look at with grey covered walls. The seats were the kind you would find in a normal waiting room. The room was boring, dull and uninteresting, not like the activities being performed inside.

A few minutes later Angelica's name was called by the receptionist.

"You guys can go in now."

The curious couple entered the room where they were greeted enthusiastically.

"Hi, I'm Pat. You must be Angelica and this must be your husband."

"I'm Enrique, nice to meet you," as he stuck out his hand to shake his.

Little did Angelica know that the two men had talked a couple days before. Mrs. Nightingale had no idea what she was walking into. She thought it was an innocent appointment just to help her with the one problem, but it was much much more.

There was no way Mrs. Nightingale could recognize him, he assured himself.

In high school he was skinny with teen graffiti all over his face. Acne had been something he suffered from until he grew out of it. He was also quite skinny and short.

Angelica, who was dressed in a black cardigan and a long black skirt, was struck by how handsome the hypnotist was. She felt at ease even as he stared at her, giving her a flirtatious smile.

His grey eyes met hers. The hypnotist wore a black shirt that made his eyes stand out. The other thing that stood out was he was quite muscular, but not that of a bodybuilder. While short in high school, Pat now stood six foot two.

As Angelica was taking in Patrick, Pat knew now it was indeed the Mrs. Nightingale that had fucked him over.

She still looked amazing, even for her age. If age is only a number then it was a ten, as in she was a perfect ten. Even under the conservative clothing Pat could tell his old teacher had a banging body.

"Please sit down?" Patrick asked the couple.

"Ok, I understand, Angelica, you are here to cure your germaphobia. I think I can help you, and in turn help your marriage as well."

Pat's head turned to her husband. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but Enrique, I'm going to ask you to wait outside now?"

Enrique said, "Sure," before kissing his wife on the cheek, then leaving the room. The two were now alone.

For Pat, today was all about gaining his former teachers' trust.

"Do you know what hypnosis is?" Pat asked.

Angelica replied, "Kind of, but can you explain it to me more."

"It's rather simple", Pat started with. "Hypnosis is the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion and direction."

Angelica didn't like the sound of that at all. As a teacher she was used to being the one in power. Now here the script was being flipped.

Patrick picked up on her trepidation and aimed to calm her down. "I have had lots of people come through these doors, suffering from the same condition. I was able to help them, and I am sure I can help you as well."

"Angelica, how many secrets can you keep?" he whispered. "I too have had my issues with germs." He smiled widely as he recanted the lie.

"Public places were something I tried to avoid. And forget about relationships. My life was unraveling like an after school special. Without help I don't know if I would be sitting here with you right now. A hypnotist helped me overcome my condition. It's kind of why I decided to get into this profession in the first place. I want to help people, like my hypnotist helped me."

Again a lie, lying came naturally to Pat. He was comfortable not telling the truth in order to make Angelica feel more comfortable.

The hypnotist giggled before speaking. "So now that I bared my soul to you... cause I always do, can you please tell me a little bit about yourself and your condition, Angelica?"

Angelica who was a ball of nerves upon arrival, was now becoming more relaxed.

'Surely he can help me,' she thought after hearing what Pat just said 'He knows what it's like to be like me.'

Of course, Pat had no idea, but he played the part so well.

"Well, Patrick, is it ok if I call you that?" Angelica asked in a submissive tone.

"Of course, it is," the hypnotist replied.

"I'm a 36 year old high school English teacher. I have been happily married to Enrique for 11 years now. I love dogs and cheesy romance novels. As for my condition, I guess it all began when I was a kid. My dad was a germaphobe, he was always getting on us about washing our hands, we always had to have sanitizer on us, any deliveries had to be put in the freezer.

"Public places were always extra stressful, with people coughing and sneezing all over the place. Hospitals, walk-in clinics, were all beacons for the condition to rear its ugly head. I mean, is it too much to ask people to cover their mouth? You are supposed to do the elephant and sneeze or cough into your elbow.

"Should I go on?" she laughed.

"Unfortunately just like my condition was passed on to me, my father's was passed on by his mother. My grandma was the nicest woman ever, but she struggled with it as well. I thought I outgrew it, but as the stress intensifies so does the condition. I don't see it as a big problem, but my husband obviously does. Hence, why I'm here," she giggled nervously.

"It usually gets worse at report card time. My stress level is through the roof, I guess I can be rather difficult to be around during that time."

After a long pause, Angelica began to break down.

"Sometimes I see my students stick pens in their mouth, I start to feel physically ill. At home my husband walks through the house with his outdoor shoes, like who does that?"

Besides the tears, Angelica wasn't holding anything back now.

"And doesn't everyone put their clothes in the freezer after they visit a doctor, a dentist or restaurant?"

Pat didn't say anything he just listened. She was openly sobbing now. The hypnotist had seen much worse, but could tell this woman was not well, however there was no time for empathy. Empathy would only get in the way of his plans.

"Well, I guess maybe it is bad, I don't know," she said.

Pat reached out to her with a box of Kleenex. The visually upset teacher took a tissue from the box, saying thanks.

Patrick began to speak. "Angelica, I can tell this condition has caused you and Enrique a great deal of stress and frustration. What if I told you I could help you? Let you have your life back? Wouldn't you want to take that opportunity?"

She nodded her head in agreement.

"Angelica, in a few sessions I guarantee you will be a new woman," inside his head he was already envisioning what that woman would be.

"Today was all about getting to know you. The real work will start next week when you come in for your next session. We will start slowly, I promise," Pat mused.

"Ok," she said. "I guess I'm doing this."

The two laughed as she got up.

Patrick stuck his hand out to shake hers but remembering her condition he did a mock shake with her.

The two laughed again before she left the room.

As she was leaving she felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. 'Maybe this guy can help me.' She was excited about the possibilities. She smiled as she walked out and saw Enrique standing waiting for her.

Angelica told Enrique the session went great. "Oh, before I forget I have to book another session."

"I can help you with that, dear," the receptionist said.

Late summer at home

'Lick, suck, fuck.'

Angelica's mind was racing, with each thought dirtier than the last. Her attention was again on Enrique's huge cock as it swung back and forth mere inches away.

From naughty to dirty to downright filthy thoughts, she licked her ruby red lips while never taking her eyes off the sizable prize.

Ten days before the first session

Enrique had spoken over the phone with Pat. The husband explained how his wife suffered from being a germaphobe which made family and work life difficult. He explained that Angelica was a teacher and a wonderful wife.