Fallen Angel


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Rather than looking away in embarrassment as she expected, he grinned and slowed to a crawl. "I can't see much, but yeah."

A month earlier she would never have dared, but as the cab pulled up at their destination, she casually unbuttoned her shirt to expose her half bra, which barely covered her nipples. "Better?" She could see the hesitation in his eyes. After all, it wasn't unknown for half drunk women to tease cabbies, then call a cop if things went further than they wanted, or if the driver refused to let them off without paying. She took a note from her purse and tucked it into his shirt pocket as she leaned back against the seat. "Go ahead, I know you want to."

He carefully lifted one breast from its confining cup, and she sighed. This was exactly what she needed right now, to be admired. Turning to face him she freed the other boob, and looked meaningfully at his mouth. As his lips locked on her stiffened nipple, he slid his hand between her legs, but she pushed it away. "No," she said firmly. "Tits only." He shrugged in acceptance, and continued to suck and fondle her boobs. As the familiar feelings began to course through her she relented a little, and reached across to free his cock, working it up and down until his cum spilled onto his lap. It hadn't been as much as he hoped for, but it was more than he expected, and he smiled his thanks as she climbed from the car.

Not bothering to cover herself she crossed the deserted lobby to the elevator, feeling more like her usual self. Andrew was wearing nothing but his satin boxers when he opened the door to admit her, and he stared in surprise at her exposed tits, pushed high on her chest by the empty bra cups, whilst in turn she stared with pleasure at his growing bulge. Pushing him inside, she closed the door and grasped his tool through the shiny fabric. The cab driver's hands and mouth on her tits, and his stiff cock in her hand had her primed for action, so she was in no mood to waste time on foreplay. After her earlier degrading experience she felt the need to wind back the clock, to try to start afresh by reliving the moment she had lost her innocence.

Leading Andrew across to the couch, she sat down and tugged his shorts to his ankles, before leaning back. "I want you to start with my breasts," she whispered. Intrigued but uncomplaining, he knelt before her and leaned over to fondle and suck the resilient orbs. With a deep sigh she closed her eyes, picturing her school mate's father's mouth and tongue, sucking and teasing first one stiffening nipple, then its twin. In her mind the two men merged into one, and she used one hand to guide his head down as the other pushed her jeans off, and pulled the crotch of her panties aside. She could almost convince herself it was the first time, as his tongue worked its way up and down her slit, sending sparks through her ultra sensitive clit.

The intensity of her climax made her scream, and she pushed his head from between her legs. "Now!" she moaned. "Put it in now!" Her entire existence was centred on the burning in her loins, and she clung to him, crushing her tits against his chest and lifting her hips, as his hard cock bored into her through the gaping leg of her panties. She lost track of how long he fucked her like that, but she felt reborn as his cleansing cum bathed her hidden depths.

He seemed to sense that she had been driven by some secret need, for when he withdrew he lifted her from the couch and carried her like a child into the bedroom. Laying her on the bed he kissed her forehead, smiling at her murmured "Thank you", then he spooned up against her, pulling the sheet over them both and holding her until she fell asleep.

It was early afternoon again when she woke, and as she had the day before, she interrupted his preparation of lunch to suck his cock. She guessed she must be acquiring a taste for it, because the first time he had cum in her mouth, she had found it better than when other guys had done it. Not great, but definitely better. Now she rolled it on her tongue with genuine pleasure before letting it slide down her throat.

They spent a very pleasant Sunday afternoon, simply content with being together. She tried to analyse their budding relationship, because although they had only met a couple of days earlier, there seemed to be a chemistry between them that went beyond just sexual attraction. Certainly sex was a part of it, and she made sure he had plenty of opportunities to look at her pussy, not solely because it made her horny, although that was undeniably a factor, but because it pleased him.

She didn't know why she felt more connected with him than with any previous relationships, but it was definitely there. It couldn't possibly be love, because everyone knew that whores and their clients didn't fall in love with each other. The only problem with this reasoning was that whores weren't supposed to enjoy being fucked either, and she most certainly did enjoy having his cock inside her.

The fact that she had refused his offer of payment didn't make her any less of a whore, and no man was stupid enough to refuse a fuck when it was handed to him on a plate. In fact getting for free what other men had to pay for probably added to the attraction. Eventually she gave up trying to work it out, and told herself that they were together because they felt comfortable with each other, and no other reason was needed.

As the day wore on her belief that they weren't together purely for sex became stronger, because although she was constantly available, it wasn't until after dinner that he actually fucked her. When she was dressing to go to work he told her he would wait up for her, but she told him she had to go home, because she had to attend classes next day, and besides he had a job to go to. Monday was also out for the same reason, but since she didn't have to work on Tuesday night, there was no reason they couldn't spend a few hours together.

She had been at the club less than thirty minutes when a customer approached her for a fuck, and when they had finished, Dirk proved true to his word. Four times during the course of her shift, he called her to the bar and introduced her to men who he said were not confident enough to approach any of the girls themselves. At the end of her shift it seemed as though she had spent more time on her back with cocks in her, than she had waiting on tables and being groped for tips. Even better, the pocket in her skirt was satisfactorily full, even after Dirk had taken his cut.

Monday night was almost a carbon copy, and during her lunch break on Tuesday she decided it wasn't safe to keep so much cash on hand, so she paid a visit to the bank on campus. It wasn't until she saw her balance in figures that it sank in just how much she had made in just a few days, simply by spreading her legs.

After school she had a quick snack, then buckled down to work on an assignment. It went so well that she didn't notice the time passing, until she closed her books and looked at the clock. There was a moment of panic when she realised that she was supposed to have been at Andrew's place more than an hour ago. Taking a quick shower, she pulled on a light summer button through dress and caught a cab.

Andrew smiled with relief when he let her in. "I thought you had changed your mind. There's someone I want you to meet." It took a moment or two to register, and then she recognised the man sitting on the couch sipping a beer as the one who had felt her pussy in the club, arousing her to the point where she was willing to prostitute herself with Andrew. "This is Keith."

She hardly heard the introduction, because she was too busy jumping to conclusions. To her the empty and half empty beer bottles on the coffee table told the story, and her temper flared. What the fuck did he think this was? Share a whore day? Fixing Andrew with an angry glare calculated to stun an elephant, she spun on her heel and left the apartment.

He caught up with her at the elevator. " Shannon! What's going on?"

She glared at him. "Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I don't know what you're up to? You found yourself a free whore, and you thought you could bring a friend along so you could watch him fuck me too!"

He shook his head violently. "You're wrong. Firstly, Keith is my brother, not my friend. I asked him here to meet you because I told him you are my girlfriend. He doesn't know I paid you. All my life he's teased me because I never had the confidence to get a girlfriend, and I just wanted to show him he's wrong."

Still unconvinced, she looked at him suspiciously. "Are you saying you wouldn't like to see him fuck me?"

He thought hard before he replied. "Of course I would," he said honestly, "but only because I thought that was what you wanted when you said you wished I had a brother. That's not why he's here though. I just wanted to show you off."

She knew she had never told him she wished she had a brother. What she had said was that it was a pity he didn't, and even then she had been joking. Rather than make an issue of it she let it pass, because at least he had been honest enough to admit that he would like to see Keith stick his cock into her. Not that it was likely to happen, but admitting to it was a step in the right direction, because most men would hotly deny it. At the same time there had been something in his tone that made her wonder if he had a secret side to his personality. A side that suggested that maybe there were times when he might prefer to see a girl being fucked, rather than fucking her himself. This was something she could understand, because long before she had acquired a taste for Andrew's cum, in fact even before she ever had a cock in her mouth, she had been turned on by videos showing girls sucking cocks and swallowing cum, without having the slightest inclination to do it herself.

Partly mollified by his explanation, she allowed him to persuade her to return to the apartment. She still felt some resentment, but she wasn't sure if it was directed at him or herself, because the instant she had recognised Keith, she had felt a tingling between her legs at the memory of how he had stroked her pussy. When they were back in the apartment she was relieved to see that he had moved to the armchair, leaving the couch vacant for her and Andrew. She sat in awkward silence as Keith studied her, then the buzz of the intercom distracted them all. Andrew plucked the receiver from its wall mounting and spoke briefly, before turning to her and his brother.

"Back in a few, just going down to the lobby." Looking at Shannon he explained "I was going to take you to dinner, but when I thought you had changed your mind about coming over, I ordered pizzas. Won't be long."

When he had gone Keith sucked on his beer and studied her, then he suddenly snapped his fingers. "I know now. Blue Heaven, right? I didn't know you without the wig and outfit."

She was a little dismayed that he had recognised her, because the tingling started again, but she put on a show of nonchalance and nodded.

"Andrew's a lucky bastard. If I didn't know you were his girlfriend I'd be tempted to take up where we left off."

She shrugged cynically. "Since when has a little thing like that ever stopped any man?" It hadn't occurred to her that her remark could be seen as an invitation, but it had obviously occurred to him, because suddenly he was beside her with his hand under her dress, and to her added mortification she was doing nothing to stop him, as he stroked the fabric covering her slit. She sat paralysed as he worked on her clit, drawing out her wetness, until the 'ding' of the elevator returning shook her out of the spell.

When Andrew came in with the pizzas, his brother was back in the armchair as though nothing had happened, and she was trying to fight her confusion. She was supposed to be Andrew's girlfriend, yet she had done nothing to stop his brother feeling her. OK, so he had only rubbed her panties, so technically he hadn't actually felt her pussy, but her pussy had sure as hell felt his fingers. More to the point, she would have let him do more if there had been time. She felt a little guilty, but only because Andrew didn't know. Anyway, she rationalised, it wasn't really cheating. She and Andrew had made no commitment, so they were both free agents, and even if they hadn't been, she was a prostitute and cheating was what prostitutes did. Besides, Andrew had already said he would like to watch her having sex with his brother, so really all they had done was make an unscheduled start.

She had never before been in a situation where she had to consider it, but now she began to wonder how it would feel to be fucked with someone looking on. The more she thought about it, the more she warmed to the idea, until she realised that she was seriously considering doing what she had angrily accused Andrew of planning. She wasn't sure at what point considering doing it became wanting to do it, but the decision had definitely been influenced by the way Keith had been studying her as they ate the pizza, and even more so by how his fingers had felt on her pussy.

After the meal was finished, Andrew went for fresh drinks, and clearing the debris from the coffee table, Shannon followed him into the kitchen. "Were you serious about wanting to watch Keith do me?" she asked quietly.

He looked up from the refrigerator. "Yes, why?"

"I just wanted to be sure." She took one of the bottles from his hand and took a long pull. "OK then, but who starts it and how is up to you two. He recognised me from the club so he's already felt my pussy, but unless you want him to know I'm a whore I won't make the first move."

He thought for a moment then unfastened the top two buttons of her dress, and handed her another beer to replace the one she was drinking from. "Fair enough. Why don't you give this to him and we'll play it by ear?"

Accepting the bottle, she took it to Keith and stood looking down at him as she sipped her own drink. "I think she fancies you." Andrew's voice came from close behind her, and she flinched involuntarily, causing her to reveal a little more cleavage.

Keith's eyes were fixed firmly on the gap in her dress, and he took a swig of his drink. "She belongs to you little brother, I'm not coming between you."

She sipped again and took a deep breath, then with a courage she didn't know she had, she said evenly. "I don't belong to anyone. I make my own decisions."

"Even about this?" He unfastened another button, and when she didn't pull away he slipped a hand into the widened gap and cupped her braless breast.

She glanced uncertainly at Andrew, and seeing his eyes focussed avidly on his brother's groping hand, she nodded. "Yes, especially about this." There was no going back for her now, and she stood quiescently as the two brothers removed her dress. Then Andrew was sliding her briefs down her legs, and for the third time Keith's hand was on her pussy, but now with nothing in the way. She shuddered as he pushed a finger into her, and on suddenly weak legs she backed towards the couch.

Andrew's eyes were gleaming as he watched his brother finger fuck his girlfriend, then his hands and mouth were on her tits, sucking hungrily at the swollen nipples.

She was vaguely aware that the two men were undressing, and then she was moaning softly as Keith pushed his hard cock inside her. Andrew's hands on her breasts were sending hot spears to join with the sensations between her legs, and she closed her eyes as her whole body caught fire. The light touch of fingers on her cheek made her turn her head, and she looked to see his stiff prick only inches from her face.

She watched it come closer, studying the smooth purple shine of the engorged head, then opening her mouth as it touched her lips, engulfing, licking, sucking in rhythm with the thrusting cock that was bringing agony/ecstasy to her spasming cunt. Her clit felt impossibly huge against the plundering shaft, and the blood pounded in her ears as all three orgasmed together, her cum pouring out to make room for Keith's in the liquid depths of her cunt, as his brother flooded her mouth with his thick viscous cream. As Andrew slowly withdrew she pursed her lips, holding his cum in her mouth until Keith's cock stopped pumping, then let it ooze gradually down her throat.

Only a couple of days earlier she had been thinking in terms of a relationship, but as she slumped back with a full pussy, and the taste of cum lingering in her mouth, she knew she had literally blown any chance of that. Strangely, she didn't feel as disappointed as she would have thought, because she wasn't sure she wanted a relationship with a guy who was so willing to share her. Not that she would mind being shared provided it was her choice like now, bur she sure as hell didn't intend to spread her legs for just anyone he brought along. Her first threesome had been the most awesome experience she could ever have imagined though, so for now she was happy to go with the flow, and let the future take care of itself.

A half hour later she was smiling at the rapt expression on Andrew's face, as he eased her cunt lips apart and watched his brother drive his cock deep into her.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

was hoping she would find that andrew and her would make a relationship out of this and she would teach him

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Hope you add more

I enjoyed this story I hope you add more to it

trysttrystover 10 years ago

Very sexy story. Hope you continue it.

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