Falling for a Tgirl


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A few minutes later our waitress approached with a message.

"The couple at the other table has ordered you both another round."

So...clearly they had knowledge of how Ellavee overpowers men in the bedroom when she drinks and they were ensuring that later tonight I'd get what was coming to me.

It wasn't going to be much later. We barely made it through a bowl of Miso Soup when Ellavee quickly grabbed the tab and announced loudly she needed her ass licked.

"We haven't even had any sushi, yet?" I pointed out.

"All the sucking down can happen at my place," she said loudly...giggling.

I knew I shouldn't have, but I looked back at Ricklette and Kurky to privately flip them the bird only to see Kurky mimicking male oral sex with his fist rocking in front of his mouth with his tongue poking into his cheek. His gesture suggested a dick in my mouth. And Ricklette was pointing at me and then Kurky's mouth and then me again to make sure I understood that Ellavee was bringing me to her flat to suck cock. And unfortunately, I didn't have any reason to believe that Ellavee's former chastity boys wouldn't be spot on right.


When we got to her flat, I noticed the bedroom light was on in Kirasee's room.

"Is your roommate home?"

I knew I shouldn't have asked right after the words escaped my mouth.

"Her name is Kirasee. Why? Are you thinking about her cock again?"

Ellavee momentarily left the room as I mumbled that I was just wondering if we were alone. I'm not even sure she heard me.

"Tonight we say goodbye to straight, boring little Petre! Are you ready to be my bottom?!" she called out from around the corner.

Before I could answer, I had my first answer. Ellavee was sporting a massive strap on cock. It was light pink, thick and at least ten inches long. That's what those two flockers were mimicking. They knew I'd be on my knees sucking a dildo! My knees felt wobbly like I was about to tip over.

"You must be wanting to get on your knees, little Petre?"

She wasn't really asking. She was expecting. But I answered anyway.

"I guess so."

"No more guesses. No more boring. I told you I don't date straight men. It's time for you to suck my cock," she stated clearly.

"Well, I wouldn't be sucking your cock. It's just rubber."

I don't even know what I was trying to rationalize. My heart was pounding in my chest and my head was spinning. I think maybe I was just stalling.

"OH, I see. You'd rather have a real cock. You can't stop thinking about Kirasee's. She keeps telling me about how you were admiring her cock."

"I'm interested in you. You're my woman."

"I'm not your woman, but I'd make you my bitch," she teased.

Ellavee went over to her fuchsia briefcase.

"Given your receptiveness, I have a better idea now," Ellavee posited.

She retrieved a pink blindfold with a white furry border and expertly secured it around my head making it impossible for me to see anything while I stayed crouched on my knees.

I stayed kneeling and listened for what was next. Moments later, I heard whispering.

"Open your mouth. Open it as wide as you can."

When I stretched my mouth as open as I could, Ellavee told me to stick my tongue out, too. I felt like I was at the dentist's office. But in this position, under these conditions, I felt very vulnerable. Even though my penis was locked, it was starting to drip little drops of semen, suggesting it either liked what was happening or was jealous of it.

Kirasee's cock was now resting on my tongue and partially in my mouth. I was surprised at how warm it felt and how I realized that having a cock in my mouth was really no big deal.

"Seeing how this is your first time, we should take it slow," Ellavee said softly. "Just explore your new pleasure toy in any way you want. Think of it as your own. What would feel good to you? You can touch it with your hands, too."

I did feel safe to explore. But it was weird. I lightly touched Kirasee's shaved balls and carefully felt the hard shaft in my hands. It was strange to explore a cock with my hands that wasn't my own, especially a larger one. Although, I was thinking it odd that her cock didn't feel as huge as it looked the other day.

I didn't feel bold enough to suck on it but I wiggled my tongue a little, caressing the sensitive underside of the hard shaft while my hands slightly stroked it.

"Oh, that feels great."

WAIT! Hold on! That really sounded like Ellavee's voice just then. I was stunned out of my skin and reached for my blindfold.

My arm was forcefully pushed away from my face.

"That stays on until you're finished."

I was confused. Really confused. Was the cock in my mouth actually Ellavee's?

My mind raced through the last few weeks. All the comments about straight and gay. About top and bottom. The gay bars. Her trans roommate. But I kept remembering how I licked her ass. Could she have been hiding her cock this whole time?

And if so, why wouldn't she just tell me?

I guess she is telling me now.

I was so attracted to her that I got really light headed and suddenly very turned on. A warm flush came over me and me penis began to drip constantly while attempting an erection in chastity. And my mouth? Well, I can't explain it; I just went for it. I put my lips around Ellavee's cock and fully enclosed her shaft in my oral cavity. I wanted to please her. I lightly sucked and caressed her cock with my tongue and fondled her soft shaved balls. I think I was pretty good at this because Ellavee was moaning loudly now. It was her. It was her cock and she was about to blow her load in my mouth. And I have no explanation why, but I wanted her to.

She grasped my head firmly. She wasn't trying to move it at all, but made it clear that I wasn't going anywhere.

I could hear Kirasee's voice clearly now. It was a little embarrassing to be orally pleasing my girl while her roommate watched and coached me to the finish line. Comment after condescending comment slipped into my ears.

"That's it. Suck her cock. Nice blowjob, straight, little Petre. You're a good bottom. Get ready to swallow. Show your respect and swallow. You can do it."

Ellavee was cumming. She was squirting streams of cum in my mouth. I paced myself and swallowed each chunk of sperm right after each squirt. It was hard to keep up but it all happened so fast that I realized I had easily ingested her entire load.

"Thank you."

That was all Ellavee said as she pulled off the blindfold. It took a moment for my eyes to focus to see Ellavee calm and satisfied leaning back. But my quick head turn was shocked to see Kirasee's long hard cock inches from my mouth.

Kirasee was beating off and pointing the tip right at my face.

Ellavee hadn't even noticed. I was paralyzed as to what to do. What's the protocol for this situation? Do I ask if Kirasee is allowed to cum on my face?

Too late. Long, thick, milky, white strands of sperm landed in streaks all over my face. Kirasee was towering over me with her exploding cock in her hand, painting my face with a large load of warm cum. Frustratingly, my locked envious penis continued to drip its excitement. I didn't know what to do. I just watched Kirasee cum all over my face.

Ellavee finally noticed what was going on.

"Hey, roomy! Time for you to go to bed."


My mind tried to set aside that my new girlfriend has a cock and focus on her hot ass that I still wanted to fuck. I rationalized that, even as a bottom, I had now earned the opportunity to fuck Ellavee's perfect butt and expressed this while still on my knees and my face still coated with Kirasee's massive cum load. In hindsight, I could've worked on some better timing.

"Not so fast. Let's think about this. What would this look like?" she asked.

I think she liked me there kneeling and coated with cum.

"I'd be on bottom, you'd be on top riding my penis." I explained trying to hold onto her rule that I be her bottom.

"What if I wanted to watch you ride me?" she quizzed back.

"Well," I stumbled, "I'm not gay. And I've not ever done anal."

Ellavee laughed loudly.

"You just sucked my cock! And you swallowed! Might be time to rethink your position on that."

"I really want to fuck," I said, starting to behave petulantly.

"I was hoping you'd say that. I do, too. I just have a different idea of what that looks like," she paused before continuing. "Geez, little Petre, are you going to eat that cum or what? Get cleaned up and so we can fuck!"

When I came back into the room, Ellavee's eyes were squinting with her adorable smile.

"I've got an idea. Let's arm wrestle for it."

Now this was a challenge I was certain I would win.

"But let's get completely naked, first."

So, there we were, sitting at the dining room table, Ellavee completely nude with her blonde hair pulled back up into a power ponytail. Her sexy, smooth flat chest tantalizing me, her nipples calling me and her large shaved cock--which was still semi erect--taunting me.

I sat there butt naked with my little penis in chastity suddenly feeling insecure.

We locked hands and started. I could see Ellavee was stronger than I anticipated with her defined pectoralis muscle holding her arm firm. I gave it my all, but I couldn't even nudge her from her position.

"You still have some cum on your cheek," she pointed out.

As I looked down to check, she suddenly slammed my arm down for the win.

I tried to explain that I lost focus. That I should get another chance.

"Two out of three. Two out of three," I pleaded.

"Okay, fine. But left handed, this time," she agreed.

Before we locked our left hands, I checked my face. There wasn't cum on it. I didn't think there was. I shouldn't have let her distract me.

Ellavee's left arm was stronger. I couldn't move it either. She just wore me down until I was trembling and shaking from the tense workout and not conceding.

"It's okay little Petre. Butt sex actually feels really good." Ellavee said referring to the idea that she was about to fuck my ass.

I was sweating and struggling trying to hold the impossible position of my wrist just inches above the table. And then it was over. I lost.

"This was too easy. I want to give you another chance. How about we REALLY wrestle for it. Two pins out of three. If you want to fuck me so bad, show me. Show me you can earn it."

I dabbled in wrestling in high school; I knew my way around a mat. I thought I would win. Or I thought I could win. I was losing confidence. Ellavee was overpowering me mentally.

"Deal." I responded somewhat enthusiastically.

It didn't take long for me to figure out this was a mistake. Because Ellavee was now seriously dominating me physically and just downright fucking with me. She worked me over and around until I was jelly. And every time she pinned me she stuck a finger up my butt as an exclamation point. The first two times she lubed her finger with her own saliva. But the third time she expected me to.

"Open your mouth," she ordered.

At first, I refused.

It's a bad idea to refuse a demand when your dominating girlfriend has you in a headlock.

"Suit yourself. It feels better if it's lubed."

I immediately changed my mind and opened my mouth. And in the next three pins she had me lube and suck her middle finger each time before sliding it up my bunger.

It was time.

"Bend over," Ellavee said.

And just as I did, there was a knock at the front door.


Freakin' Kurky, Ricklette and Crystaltee (from Ryda Pink Pony) barged through the door right as Ellavee opened it--while standing there with her rock hard cock and without a stitch of clothing on.

"Oh, sorry. Obviously, we're interrupting something," Crystaltee said while giggling upon entry.

She looked incredible in her white dress shirt, white fishnet stockings and patterned mini skirt.

"Well, what do you know..." Kurky said smugly while looking at me bent over and ready to receive my girl.

"Are you okay if we come in for a drink?" Ricklette asked as if nothing was happening.

"Sure. We're almost done here. I doubt little Petre would mind. You don't mind, do you Petre?"

And before I could answer, the three of them were in the kitchen fixing alcoholic drinks.

But not before all three of them sized up the situation.

"Wow, that's the tiniest penis I've ever seen," Crystaltee quipped.

"Ellavee has done it again! Hail to the queen!" Ricklette roared.

"Been there; done that," Kurky added. "But miss it, too..."


Ellavee inserted the tip of a tube of lubrication and squeezed it hard clenching down and forcing a sizable squirt of cool gel up my rectum. A sure sign I was about to be fucked. And Kurky, Ricklette and Crystaltee were suddenly there to watch.

I closed my eyes and fully submitted, listening to the thoughts of my sexually charged brain.

Okay. I'll admit it. It felt good. I might have even liked it. Some. It was just humiliating to lose my anal virginity in front of a crowd while my penis was locked in chastity.

Ellavee certainly knew what she was doing. Gentle at first. Slow, shallow strokes until my ass got used to her cock. And then deeper and even more deep. I think I might've groaned a few times. When Ellavee was ready to climax, she thrust until her balls rested against mine and held herself there. Her strong hands held my pelvic at each side as she deposited her sperm. My chastised envious penis felt like it could explode. I could tell she was cumming. The crowd of guests stopped to take notice.

What was weird was how Kurky and Ricklette went about the flat fixing themselves a drink and turning on the television while I got thoroughly ass fucked like it was just something that was happening in the background. Yet, Crystaltee was more interested; she kind of hovered and watched. Before my christening was over, she was rubbing--what appeared to be--a bulge in her crotch.

And what was even more weird was going to the bathroom and sitting over the toilet expelling large streams of sperm that had inseminated my ass while the voices in the other room talked about me. And...and I was so freakin' horny.

Is this how women feel after getting fucked?

I do get it. I signed up for this. I was warned plenty of times in advance. And I am hugely attracted to Ellavee. Before I left the bathroom I was thinking about how I could take her out on another date. I didn't want Kurky or Ricklette horning in on my woman.

I was very horny and yet my penis was still locked. I threw a vanity towel around my waist when I reappeared to hear Ellavee ask...

"Do you want to suck Crystaltee's cock?"

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ShortyMacShortyMac3 months ago

Totally interesting story, I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it. I’m not into being dominated or in a cage. I did like how after he sucked Ellavee off then having Kirasee jerk off all over Petre’s face was so hot. You get 15 rock hard stars for this epic story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Being introduced to cock is always great! And hung shemales are so hot! Keep writing about Ellavee and her girl friends

charmer949charmer949over 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks for this advice. I'll consider this in future postings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I really liked this story, easy 5 stars from me but I almost skipped over it.

One thing you might think about though is making your titles more catchy to your target audience. There are a mass of stories on here so when I’m skimming titles I look at rating, favorites, and description to see if it’s worth reading. I imagine a lot of people do the same. Being pretty niche you’re probably not too likely to get too many ‘H’ ratings but if you had put dominant or chastity in the title or short description you might get more people who want to read this type of story.

Or not. Either way, thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love this story! I definitely hope there are many more (or at least a couple) more parts to it!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
Holy Fuck

I am so horny reading all about Petre. I would love to meet a big strong Transexual that would make me get down on my knees and swallow a huge juicy load from her big hard Lady Stick(Cock). I just need to find someone like Ellavee to make me her little sissy slut. Please Please write more on this wonderful sexy story.

Frances xxx

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