Falling Home Ch. 07


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"You couldn't have come at a better time," I told the bartender.

"It's why I like bartending; always coming at the right moment," she smirked at my now glowingly red face and mercifully turned away to pour my wine.

She sat the wine in front of me and said, "Give me your hand."


"Your hand; I have to mark off the drinks. You may be a VIP, but Blake's is strict on the three free drink rule." I put my hand on hers and she pulled a marker from around a string on her neck and made and "x" on my gold wrist band.

"You got two more to go; enjoy." She winked at me and whirled off to serve another customer.

I picked up my wine and left the bar, sipping as I walked around the perimeter of the main dance floor, passing by booths full of women and a few men in various degrees of costume. I took my time walking, eyeing whoever caught my fancy and soon I found myself near the restrooms. My wine glass was almost empty and I figured there was no time like the present to try figure out how Renaissance women would have used a modern toilet in their elaborate dresses.

I won't go into details, but fifteen minutes later I emerged from the restroom feeling refreshed, mainly because my corset had to be loosened and I didn't tie it back as tightly.

I picked my way back around the dance floor, contemplating going and having my third drink, when a set of hands grabbed me around the waist and pulled me backwards down into a booth.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?" I spat and tried to turn around to face the shameless person who grabbed me.

"That's no way for a lady to talk."

I should have known; it was Kim.

"I swear! You're going to give me a heart attack." I relaxed and sat back against the smooth leather of the booth.

"How's it going? Gotten any action yet?" Kim asked.

I ignored her question; instead I asked, "Since you're here, would you come with me and re-tie my corset?"

"Been letting someone into your knickers?" she asked in her best Irish accent.

"Good one, ass. For your information, I had to use the restroom and it's humanly impossible to go with this thing tight, and I live in England, not Ireland; so your lucky charm accent is lost on me." I turned my attention to the people she was sharing a booth with.

A flamboyantly gay boy with jeweled feathers appliquéd to his face around elaborately made up eyes and lips said, "I'm Alphonso, but my friends call me Alfie; we'll see what you can call me." He smiled coyly and I shook his proffered hand.

"Good job Kimberly, why didn't you tell us that you finally got rid of Bret and saw the light, and with such a scrumptious little dish."

"Because she's shy," Kim said and leaned over to roughly kiss me on the cheek. I could smell the liquor on her breath.

I waved my hand in front of my nose and turned to her companions. "She hasn't introduced me because she's known me so long that she thinks I know everyone she does."

"True story," Kim chimed in.

"I'm Adriane, but everyone calls me Adi."

"Well you know I'm Alfie, but this is Kendra. We work with Kim."

"More like we get together with Kim on Wednesdays for lunch and for drinks on Fridays," Kendra said.

I finally looked at Kendra. She had the most amazing black skin; she seemed to glow blue in the dark lights of the bar. She had on fire engine red lipstick and blue eye shadow that complimented her red dress.

"What's your costume?" I asked her.

"Dirty whore," Alfie answered for her.

"I'll show you a dirty whore, you cheap queen!" Kendra retaliated by grabbing Alfie's pink cocktail and downing it.

"Now look what you've done, I've only got one more free drink before I have to start paying for them."

"There's a hottie at the bar that I'll bet's willing to comp you a few if you play your cards right," I told him.

"Girl, that boy with the hair pinker than my ass? I've already checking that shit. Nothing to it."

"Aww. Alfie struck out," Kim joined in.

I turned to Kim. "Hey, will you tighten my corset?"

"Sure love, turn around."

I turned my back to Kim and looked towards the bar. The brunette bartender was wiping down the bar before serving the next customer. She looked up at me and I caught her gaze. She smiled before someone stepped into our line of sight and ordered a drink. I realized that Kim was talking to me.

"You gotta hold them up for me to tighten it."

"What?" I asked, desperately trying to remember what she had said.

"Hold up your tits," Alfie said.

"She was too busy making eyes at that hottie at the bar," Kendra said, "Not that I blame you; if I were single, I'd hit that."

"Your tits." Kim repeated.

I complied and lifted my boobs into place once again and happened to look up, the bar tender was watching me. I quickly took my hands off my boobs and found the floor lighting suddenly very interesting

"Seriously, Adi, if you don't hold them in place while I tighten this thing, it's not going to work."

"Go 'head; no one cares if you're grabbing yourself," Kendra encouraged me. She noticed my gaze flitting back to the bar. "Especially not her, why don't you give her a show?"

"I...," I tried to think of something intelligent to say; I had nothing. I sighed and held my lifted breasts in place while trying not to raise my eyes off the floor.

"Who's on rounds?" Kendra asked.

"Definitely Kim," Alfie said.

"What? I got the last one," Kim said, "Besides, I already have 2 X's on my band. I think it's Adi's turn."

"My turn?"

"You know," Alfie smiled, "Now's as good a time as ever to get in with Kim's friends."

"Your it," Kendra said.

"It'll give you a chance to hit on that hot bartender." Kim nudged me in the ribs and lowered her voice, "No time like the present Adi."

I wasn't convinced. Kendra and Alfie didn't care. They rattled off their drink orders and looked at me expectantly. I didn't move. Kim rolled her eyes and dramatically pulled out ten dollars from her pocket and said, "Fine," with an exasperated sigh.

I took the money and made my way across the floor to the bar. I didn't really want Kim and her friends to see me bumble like the awkward idiot I was, so I moved as far from their line of sight as I could.

The pink haired bartender looked at me and once again turned away just as I was opening my mouth to speak.

"Don't worry; he's done that to me a couple of times. I've been here for ten minutes waiting for a damn cider," said a large guy with a mustache and sunglasses, and then he smiled. I couldn't tell if the mustache was real or not, but his infatuation with gyms and sleeveless shirts was obvious.

"Ten minutes. That's crazy. Why didn't you go to the other bar?"

"Cause then I wouldn't get to watch a certain pink haired boy pull my pint."

"You're not getting to watch him pull your pint here either, from the looks of it."

"No, but I get to watch him do a lot of serving, and until my buzz wears off, that's fine with me." He grinned like a schoolboy.

The brunette walked up to us and smiled at me. "Hey, what can I get you? Wine again?"

"Well, if it's not too much to ask, can you get him," I pointed at the bartender with pink hair, "and have him pour this guy a pint of..." I paused and looked to the guy for an answer.

"A cider," he chimed in.

The bar tender smiled at me and said, "Sure thing," before turning away.

"What's your name anyway?" My new companion asked me.

"Adrianne; Adi."

"Well, thanks for that."

The guy with pink hair walked up as I was saying my name, closely followed by the brunette. While the pink haired guy pulled the cider, the brunette served customers around me.

The cider was sat on the bar top with a wink. The big guy smiled bigger than ever and pulled a twenty from his pocket. "I'll take this, and whatever she wants."

"I can't let you do that." I pushed his hand away, "I'm ordering for four."

He pulled out another ten and slapped it on top of the twenty. "Well this should cover whatever you want. Thank you my dear; have a lovely night." And like that, the big guy in sunglasses faded into the crowd.

I turned back to the bar and looked idly at the money. The cute bartender had watched the exchange and slid the money over to my hand. I looked up, "I'm not entirely sure what just happened."

"Well, you got his drink, so he's buying rounds for you. What do your friends, girlfriend, want?" She was fishing, and I took the bait without realizing it.


"Yeah, the girl that was lacing you up." She smirked and quickly mopped up a beer that was sloshed on the bar.

"Her?" I said incredulously. "That's just Kim. We've been friends since we could walk."

She continued to clean the mess and glance at me. I realized that admitting knowing Kim since we were toddlers wasn't really an answer and I tried again. "Besides, I don't think her fiancé would really appreciate it if we hooked up."

"Oh I don't know, I bet the two of you would put on quite a show."

Then, mercifully, she changed the subject. "So Adrianne, what can I get you and your friends?"

"Wait, how did you know..." she cut me off.

"I was standing right here when you told the mustache guy."

"Right," I blushed some more. I counted off the drinks on my fingers as I ordered, "I would like a Multiple Screaming Orgasm, a scotch on the rocks, a Slow Screw, a glass of red and a cup of water; please." As I ordered, her smile grew in intensity to match my red cheeks. Damn.

She leaned against the bar and spoke slowly, "So, let me get this right, you want a slow screw, followed by a multiple screaming orgasm, a glass of wine, scotch on the rocks and water?"

"Yup," I squeaked.

She stood back up, smiling, obviously proud at how uncomfortable she was making me. "Coming right up."

I stood by and watched her mix the drinks. She was elegantly built and sure with her movements. Within minutes I had five glasses lined up in front of me. "That'll be $21.50. Let me get you a tray."

I paid her out of the guy's money and waited while she put them on a tray. "The bar's not too busy right now; I'll carry them for you."

"You don't have to do that," I protested.

"No, but I want to."

I conceded and she came around the front of the bar and handed me my wine. "After you."

I led her back through the crowd to my table and where I could see Alfie kick Kim under the table to get her attention. I stood by while the brunette sat the tray down. "I'm guessing," she pondered the group, "That you have the screaming orgasm; yours is the slow screw and you look like a scotch girl." She handed the drinks to Alfie, Kim and Kendra in turn.

Kendra was the first to speak. "Well we weren't expecting table service, but I'm happy to tip you, er..." Kendra waited for a name, and I looked at the bartender expectantly.

"It's Shea, and I don't need a tip. It's my pleasure." With that she turned and touched my arm slightly with her hand as she passed me by. I watched her go.

"She's a hottie." Kim said.

"Nice, I like good service," Alfie said.

I ignored their comments and sat down with my wine. I was still holding the change from the thirty in my hand and sat it down on the table unceremoniously.

"That must have been some service you gave her, if all those drinks, and extra help only cost you a dollar fifty," Kendra raised her eyebrow at me.

"Do I need to find another way home?" Kim teased.

"No, get your mind out of the gutter." I told them about the man and the money.

"And you didn't tip her?" Kendra asked.

"I didn't think about it."

"Well, you can tip her all you want later. She likes you," Alfie sipped his cocktail.

"You should have tipped her. Nothing says love like cold, hard cash," Kendra was adamant.

Kim, who had been swirling her drink, stuck up for me, "I happen to know that Adi is one of the best tippers I've ever known." Kendra huffed. "Really," Kim began to smile, "and I don't think there is anything that Adi would rather do than march right back up there and give her the rest of this money as a proper tip."

"I do?" I hoped I was hearing things.

"You do," Kim was decisive and put the money into my hand and closed my fingers around it. She whispered into my ear. "Be brave, tonight's about doing things you wouldn't normally do."

I sighed and stood up. Alfie clapped; he was well on his way to being drunk. I walked back toward the bar and glanced back to see Kim watching me; she nodded in reassurance and I took a deep breath and carried on.

I went back to the corner of the bar out of sight of our table and waited my turn to get to the front. Shea spotted me and looked slightly confused. "What's wrong hun?"

"What? Nothing. I just..." and I froze.

She saved me by picking up the conversation after only a brief second. "You looked really worried. Are your friends giving you a hard time cause I carried the drinks for you?"

I shook my head, and found my tongue, "No, I'm just awkward and I wanted to give you this." I held out the $8.50 and she looked at it and smiled sweetly.

"Tell you what, you save that," she counted the money in my hand, "$8.50, and keep it to buy me a drink tomorrow. How's that sound?"

"Um, good."

She took a one dollar bill out of my hand and pulled the marker from her neck and wrote her number on it. "How "bout you call me tomorrow when you get up and we'll sort everything out."

I nodded dumbly in reply.

"You're cute when you blush," she said as she put the dollar back in my hand and folded her hands around mine. I smiled; she released my hand and got back to work.

I returned to the table and sat down.

"Well?" Alfie asked.

"It went well," I said and nonchalantly stuffed money back into my little purse. Kim caught my eye and gave me the 'We'll talk about this later' look. I smiled, grateful that she was willing to let it drop for the time being.

The rest of the night passed in a blurring progression of wine to cocktails to shots of Sambuca, punctuated by, what I thought were coy glances at Shea. At some point Kim switched to water and managed to get us both home and re-hydrated with multiple bottles of water before allowing me to fall asleep on the sofa with Toby by my side.

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Nerdyqueen94Nerdyqueen94about 3 years ago

Oh the bitter tragedy of an unfinished tale.

tygztygzover 7 years ago

Warning to anyone who sees this - it's a fantastic story, and you shouldn't miss it - but be aware that it's apparently permanently unfinished :(

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
We want more - please

This story is going so well you can't leave it hanging time this!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
next chapter?

where is next part...?? please complete your story. what happened to nat and adi?

Arago007Arago007about 10 years ago
How did I kiss this?

I love this series, but it's being doled out so slowly... Please, if you see a new chapter posted, send me a message!

I liked this chapter, but I am wanting to see Natalie and Adi back together.

redlion75redlion75about 10 years ago

did we lose another writer to the ether

tygztygzabout 10 years ago

Still loving the buildup here, but Adi's reaction to Shea makes me wonder if she's just finding out that she's lesbian in general and her not-quite-a-fling with Natalie was just timely coincidence … which would be sad, as Adi hasn't been written as a floozy at all, and jumping into something with Shea seems quite out of character.

Hopefully they get together a bit, and Adi realizes that while she is really lesbian, she doesn't want just anyone.

Can't wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Nat is the bartender?? Would be super cool:)

redlion75redlion75over 10 years ago

her friend is going to cause her to lose nat before she gets her

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