All Comments on 'Falling off of the Swing'

by StangStar06

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FD45FD45about 12 years ago
A change to your usual fare

And I enjoyed it. I found Donna ...a bit...odd.

I think one of the most engaging things about the piece was exactly how hard it was to regain the trust, as well as the wife understanding that even though the hubby wasn't demanding all these things, she KNEW it was incumbent for her to be beyond a doubt...because she's already used up all her chances.

As far as the 'waiting for me to fail' that resonated a lot. I've both felt that way and felt another was looking at me the same way. It's very common in strained relationships.

The swinging wasn't so strange. The falling in love wasn't so strange. Donna...that was strange.

As you seem a man who likes chin thingies and spoilers with stuff sticking out of the hood et al ad naseaum, may I (with difficulty) introduce you to a new concept for cars...and writing: aerodynamics. Sometimes less is more. I don't care how many horses are under the hood of the story. If you have a large monologue dragging out the back, the story isn't going to move fast.

Nicely done and I'm glad you are venturing out in new directions.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
A good fable story again

I like the fable stories, as this is. The true Love has 2 sides, the romantic and the sex sides. The true love consists of both. When the love consists of only one of them will often be problems. Good fable story, thank you. Unfortunately there are 5 stars only. Very interesting the new results of the modern biology found the romantic love is living state for our brain. The modern research instrument could show the TRUE LOVE. (BTW th same research instrument can show the lie with almost 100% sure, our brain uses twice more brain parts during lying).

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 12 years ago
I gave it a four

it was unusual for you but good just the same.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
stupid story

Stephen is a wimp and his wife is a slut


Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 12 years ago
CARE OF THE SOUL .... by Thomas Moore

One of the better NEW AGE books out there that folks should read is a tilted CARE OF THE SOUL by Thomas Moore. It was a New York Times bestseller back in the early 1990s spending almost a year at #1. One in his major themes is that Humans will claim that they do not want to be this or that-- say like the father who was cold unemotional and aloof -- so that we go out of are way not to be hurt by people who are not warm and caring and doing so we end up like our fathers because we will not risk rejection with anybody.

I am not really a new age guy but this is a pretty subtle and deep insight and one that I have not forgotten over the years.

This story sort of reminds me of that concept. Here SS06 uses a very interesting and unusual approach to discuss a realistic approach to the lifestyle known as swinging. What makes this story so very unique is the attempt by the author to build a strong profile or background to both the husband and the wife character. This makes the drift into the this swinging lifestyle appears to be believable. We understand why the husband even though h is not really comfortable with this whole swinging idea ... he is willing to go along with it and why the wife thinks it is going to make the marriage better.

This is a very unique approach and extremely well written....IMO... And the unique approach really counts or scores a lot of points in my book. If one goes back to takes a look at some of the other swing stories done by other prolific LW authors... JPB for example.. Those stories inevitably fail because there is no character background and development which gets the reader to think "yeah I can understand what is happening now..."

The primary reason why Serena wanted to engage in swinging was to downplay the importance of sex and the marriage so that it could not drive the marriage apart. This is what she seems to have deduced was the problem with her parents' marriage. She viewed the sex as the primary problem as opposed to the symptom and therefore ... since her premise was wrong her solution or conclusion can only be flawed.

Of course during the course of all the sex and swinging Serena engages in a series of actions which end up causing a sexual rift between Stephen and her... which is supposedly is the exact thing she did not want to see happen to her marriage

QED... see Thomas Moore reference above.

I suppose some may suggest that the ending is too bizarre or fanciful with Donna's husband freaking out and shooting her. But I think what SS06 was trying to do here was not just show a neat tidy ending -- don't forget that Stephen had decided to give his wife another chance before he found out that gonna have been shot !! -- but also to show that other folks in the swinging lifestyle ( in this case Jerry and Donna) have some sort of psychological hangs up as well.

I know there are people who do this and their marriages seem to work but in the experiences I have had with friends and friends are friends were done this sort of thing it always leads to problems.

beautyfishbeautyfishabout 12 years ago
Really different!

I really enjoyed this one, as it was a real break from the direction your stories have taken the past month or two. The characters were a little more complex, the female lead was less of an airhead, and there was a dark twist that I didn't see coming with the back story to the Donna character. Great job!

shuttlepilotshuttlepilotabout 12 years ago
I'm not sure

I could vote correctly for this story. About halfway through, it became very difficult to read and I felt uncomfortable with it. And that was before the story of Donna became evident. I don't know, it wasn't the usual Mustang story I had come to expect and enjoy. Women that act like the wife did... I don't want to ever have a life like that as a husband and I'm sorry that he agreed to let her do what she did in the first place. I wouldn't have but then, I wasn't in the story, was I?

I know this sounds convoluted but then, so is life.

I look forward to your next story.


Sidney43Sidney43about 12 years ago

I think that hands down this is your best story by far. The first part of the story, where each of them analyzes the failures of their parents marriages is very insightful and it made me think about life and marriage in general. The second part of the story starts to get into the same old themes as many of your stories, but then you really threw a wrench into the plot line. All I can say is that you have some imagination and that is a classic bit of understatement. I did not like your last story (Savannah) and did not comment on it, but this one is first rate indeed, five stars.

LamwayLamwayabout 12 years ago
good and different

Stang, I have to say that I like the fact that sometimes your stories have an unusual twist to them. I like it that I don't know what will happen or how things might turn out. In real life sometimes people get back together but then again they might not. Even when you write a part that seems weird to me, I still want to know how it finishes. There does usually seem to be a sense of need for recompense for causing suffering in your stories however they end. Of course, most readers love your stories, so no need to say that again. Just wanted to tell you why. Thanks

AeroielAeroielabout 12 years ago
The story started out OK....

but went off the rails for me with the conversation with the detective and police officers.

For me that situation was not even possible in any realm of fantasy, just a weak, lame way as a vehicle to try to keep the story moving forward. I could have stopped reading at this point, but I finished it anyway. I'm not sorry I read it, but it was a waste of time in my opinion. I finished it mostly in respect for Mikothebaby's EXCELLENT editing.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
250 years free media and the people can not understand a fable story!

Majority of SS06's stories are fable stories, sometime they are spiced with humor or sad plot . He is not La Fontain or Aesopus so he uses human characters for his fables instead of animal characters. Central meat of his fables is around the marriage, true paternityis not DNA, fidelity, etc and this time a verry good example about the two side of the true love. Donna is the protagonist of one side of the true love (The Author shows us readers an interesting example about Donna's sex organ operation background at the end, look out sign for free madia blind this is a fable story).She is not able to do any sex, Donna is the 100% romantic side of the true love. Stephen is boring and keep drifting away from Serena during swinging and remeet with the true love romantic side with the asexual Donna, WHERE in the swinger club, FUNNY??? The story shows to the cenzorship trained reader Donna is not a living character with 7 husbands to overrun Marilyn Monroe and Gabor Zsazsa in her short life. SUCH A WOMAN AS DONNA THERE IS NOT AT ALL!!!! LOOK OUT FABLE STORY SIGN!!!. Serena is the true love sex side she sank in the sex orgazmic part, she becam the protagonist of true love sex part. The true life is the parents life, who show us 2 types of the divorce. At Serena parents the father was a serial cheater and after his cooling her mother divorced him. Stephen's mother cheated once and his father divorced her at once and he found happiness with a second wife and 2 kids. The background Serena and Stephen want to avoid the future marriage crisis and the swinger lifstyle was thought by her as a remedia. Serena who almost reached the true love sex side 100% part, after seeing secretly with Donna's husband her husband, she recognize her husband wants the true love romantic part as well. She decide on leaving the swinger lifestyle together with Stephen to find the golden central way of the life. Many male and female people like the true love both parts as the gold central way of the life according to HORATIUS. Jerry Donna's husband is the key for the fable story lock and he is not true living character same to Donna and the murder also a step to the custody meeting.

Kind American friends I am sorry for you, because to recognize a fable story could give plus to enjoy more stories as the humor sense.....................

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 12 years ago
Neutered Woman & Neutered Story ( not that there's anything wrong with that )

This was different . I empathized with no one yet every character had 'a certain quality ' that combined kept me reading to the bittersweet ending. The twist with Jerry's character ( a true romantic cloaked as a sybaritic hedonist) & Donna's ' reveal was a tour de force curveball I never saw coming. Bravo on that account.

Very mixed feelings on Stephen & Serena staying together . She was so oblivious to his increasing discomfiture. I personally don't see her being able to do a 180 degree turn. But hey ! Maybe it's me. Ty to the author & editor who must have worked very hard to cover new territory in multiple facets !

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007about 12 years ago

I hated this story. It did nothing for me. I agree with the comment that the wife was a worthless slut and the husband a weak willed wimp.

bruce22bruce22about 12 years ago
Truly full of suprises!

The story was well worth the time that SS spent constructing it, though I was a bit bothered by the number of times that Serena repeating the same thing but I guess that it was to keep us focused on what she thought should be going on.

Harry made some very impressive comments here and I discovered that I missed the whole New Age movement though now that I researched it, I suspect that one of my daughters is a bit oriented in that direction.

Basically I worry about them getting back together at the end...

BTTapBTTapabout 12 years ago
That was strange, in a good way

Definitely outside the box.

My favorite part was the reminicing about the foreplay on the couch during commercials-I know that seduction very well. Well told!

The dialogue and all of that was clunky from the time of the police investigation onward. Should have just cut out all the wife's rambling about their history at the club-it was superfluous.

HarryVa was right about the unintended consequences stuff-I think you were really onto something there.

The crazy facts brought out about Donna at the end were-well, crazy. Not sure it was necessary to the story, but it sure was a creative twist. it also makes the reader (and hero) feel like he dodged a bullet in Donna.

I was under the impression that the hubby's real issue with the wife was her lack of concern over his feelings about the swing club. That neglect on her part and disregard of his needs and wants seemed to be a critical issue. Instead, his issue transmorphs into a disgust over seeing her the object of a couple of gangbangs. I can see how either would bother a husband. But, the disregard/disrespect issue seems like it should be the more serious transgression-yet it gets very little attention at the end of the story.

I enjoyed the tale overall quite a bit.

TheEndBeginsTheEndBeginsabout 12 years ago

Well-written and original as always.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
e harmony thing was hilarious

Great story, never saw the whole Donna situation coming, pretty crazy. Nice to see a non-formula story, retards like cuckeye0007 are sad (well, they are sad sacks of shit as well) but nice to see some unpredictable stories in this category. 5 stars.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
Alliens????? Newer help for free media blinds......

It is very interesting, nobody recocognize Jerry and Donna characters are very strange as Aliens were from a other Galaxy. What was Jerry's iniciative to kill Donna? If Jerry had divorced her he would have got high figure alimony and he would have lived a free playboy as the earlier 6 husbands of Donna. She is a 100% asexual beings, Jerry went to swinger club to find sex to replace Donna asexuality. What a strange iniciative, that Jerry killed Donna to save Stephen to avoid the unhappyness with Donna. Jerry the superhero to save Stephen from the sadness and unhappy life???? My KIND AMERICAN FRIENDS ARE YOU BLIND??????? It may be this is a FABLE STORY?????

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Different but Excellent:)

SleeplessinMD3SleeplessinMD3about 12 years ago
Your stories explore the whole world of cheating...

in its various forms and this story is no exception. Stephen is a wimp. He bascially went along with something his wife did which violated his core beliefs. He did cheat by letting another woman get between him and his wife. When he began to see his wife as a slut he should have just stop going to the club period. Another take on this swinger theme could have been if Serena had formed an emotional bond with another man (or woman) in the club. How would Mr. Mustang husband dealth with that situation? Good story but weird ending. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Another good yarn from SS06, with a real twist about Donna.

1Thinkingman1Thinkingmanabout 12 years ago

What do men and woman get out of marriage. It's all in the evolution. People who can separate love and sex are on the wrong evolutionary path, their way lead to extinction. Sereqna is a case in point. She destroys her marriage because she lacks the evolutional framework that love and sex are linked. Even though Steven takes her back, she realizes that what they had has fundamentally change. Steven loves her but the trust is gone and she sees it in the little things. I will say this, I never would have married Serena and I certainly would have left her the first time she went to the club. I gave this *****

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
Why did Jerry kill Donna????? Is Jerry hero???????? Only questions

1. Why did Jerry Kill Donna??? If Donna had divorced Jerry, he would have got much money alimony and he would have got rid of the asexual Donna and he could have lived as a free happy man. The earlier 6 exhusbands had got much money alimony.

2.Is Stephen lawyer???? Will Stephen be Jerry's advocat for Jerry's criminal trial???

Why was Stephen allowed to meet in the custody prison with Jerry by the Police????

3. Is Jerry a hero??? Did Jerry sacrify himself for Stephen to save Stephen from a unhappy marriage with the asexual Donna?????

4. Why did StanStar06 put those interesting data in the begining of his story????


Whather this story is fable story????????????????????

Mousse9Mousse9about 12 years ago

Wow, different indeed.

Strictly speaking, Stephen WAS a wimp, and Serena WAS a slut. Stephen, because he let Serena trample all over his beliefs and values, and never ever saying "stop, no further". Serena, because she fucked a lot of men against her husband's wishes. As was said in the story, she simply never listened to Stephen's arguments, showing disrespect and neglectful of his feelings.

But I can't help but actually feel sympathy for these characters. Why? Because of their backgrounds. You know what happened to their parents, you know the conclusions they drew from them, and how it shaped them. You see their point of view and the logic behind them. That is all too rare in LW stories.

Take the example of how Stephen saw his dad. Originally he saw his father as rigid and unbending, unable to forgive his mother for a single mistake. Then after, he rubs it in her face by visiting her, and showing how happy he is. Such a point of view can very well be correct.

Then, Serena ropes Stephen into swinging, and Stephen changes his opinion of his father. It wasn't that Stephen's dad was rigid and unbending, but that he had to be able to look at himself in the mirror. Selfrespect. THIS point of view can be correct as well. Pretty deep for a LW story.

Jerry and Donna? A true tragedy, with no hope of a happy ending. And, like every reader out there, it came out of left field. Damn, Stang, that was a complete surprise. Good one. I felt a lot of pity for Jerry. Donna? Not so much, she was an emotional succubus, like Jerry said. In fact, the more I think about such a person, the creepier it is...Very disturbing.

In the end, I have enough sympathy for Stephen AND Serena that the reconciliation works for me. That it wasn't an abrupt "happily ever after" but a lot of pain and suffering too (like Serena says), helped a lot.

Great story, Stang.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
The first poster who understand this fable story......

@ Dear 1Thinkingman You are the FIRST POSTER HERE WHO BEGININGS UNDRSTANDING THIS FABLE STORY!!!!!!!!!!! My best wish for you!!!!!!!! Exactly the love consists of 2 parts and not one sided.. 50% of DGHear's stories talk about this as this fable story from SS06..

tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

it works both ways M or F. TK U MLJ LV NV

cueball961cueball961about 12 years ago
A New Level!

I consistently love Stang's stories, and loved this one as well. It had quite the message, was fodder for much thought, and had some truly great character work. This was especially true in the case of Donna.

Two main messages stayed with me after the read. First was the realization that our childhood is of such importance, and we are a direct product of our family background. Stephen and Serena were both impacted in their upbringing by the mistakes of their parents, which in turn led them to bring mistakes into their own marriage. The reader can only hope that their issues are resolved to a point where their children are not touched by it to carry it on yet another generation.

Secondly, I felt that Stephen and Serena nearly destroyed what they had for one major reason, and that was a lack of communication. Stephen let himself be pushed into something he did not want and felt was against his principles. Serena, for her part failed on the opposite side of the communication problem. When her husband clearly let her know he was no longer comfortable with the swinging, she didn't listen.

As I said, this was a deep story. It will be one that makes me think for awhile as I chew these things over in my mind. A good story always does that. Congratulations on yet another great effort Stang.

Richie4110Richie4110about 12 years ago
Great story

Another fine effort from one of the favorites. The finish was especially fulfilling.

Thank you

shaman43shaman43about 12 years ago
nice job

Different for you. Some insight into how thoughts and beliefs can change. It was interesting to read the beliefs on marriage and fidelity. Liked the idea that there was more than one way to live in marriage. Of course, need to know which one really fits ones concepts and beliefs. And in an entertaining story. Well done.

theaquarianpentheaquarianpenabout 12 years ago
still exploring new ground I see

and doing it well

jasonnhjasonnhabout 12 years ago
An interesting story

I had a hard time trying to decide if I liked this one or not. At times I found it infuriating but I guess it grew on me by the end.

First, Serena. She is a typical person who has a strong opinion but KNOWS nothing. SHE set a plan for their relationship but she based it on her own beliefs and ignored Stephens. She decided that sex was unrelated to love. The problem was, Stephen didn't feel that way. Serena complained that men have poor communication skills but in their conversation on the subject, Stephen clearly explained how he felt with some pretty good examples. Serena decided that instead of respecting his wishes she would have to wear him down. And because Stephen loved her, she succeeded, kind of. Stephen did not change his mind, he pushed his concerns into the back of his mind. Meanwhile, Serena decided she could be a slut. Many times Stephen tells her (no communication?) he would like to stop going to the club but Serena insists on doing what she wants to do while ignoring Stephens clearly expressed feelings.

The good part about all this is that the characters are well developed and you get their thinking on the topic even if it's dopey.

Then we start out with Stephen stating "my dad never hit my mom or even raised his voice to her, but he destroyed her life far more completely than if he'd done either" WRONG! SHE destroyed her own life. Not all of us are capable of forgiving a betrayal. Or, if we can, the price is the loss of closeness that existed. Consider a friend who steals something from you. You might forgive them but do you really ever look at them the same way again? Probably not. Later on, Stephen manages to figure this out.

The relationship of Stephen and Donna is really funny. They are close friends. To Serena, that is a worse betrayal than all the wild but emotionally disconnected sex she has been having. I actually agree with her in a sense. However, the reason the relationship exists is BECAUSE of the sex that Serena is having.

The ending with Donna's sewed up pussy is just too weird. It's explained and I get it. I logically accept it. But it's really, really weird and it feels disconnected from the rest of the story.

As to the resolution between Stephen and Serena, they both pulled their heads out of their asses. Serena realized that Stephen gets to decide how he feels about the relationship between sex and love and if she wants to be with him, she needs to accept it. Stephen realized that giving in to someone you love about something important to you is toxic to your relationship. Is there blame to be assigned, yeah, Sarena pushed them into a situation that wasn't good for their relationship. Stephen was a wimp and let it happen. I'm not sure I could have stayed with someone who had acted as slutty as Serena but Stephen laid down some tough rules and had a preagreed divorce document so he was pretty clear minded about it.

This was a complex and nuanced story. The characters were well developed and acted within their character. Good story.

LegionsOfLiesLegionsOfLiesabout 12 years ago

That was different. We had a slut, a man-whore, a wimp, and a psychotic bitch. Maybe you should spend some time in the horror section, this story could almost fit into that with the description of the torture. Anyways thanks for sharing as always and please continue to do so.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

is the LOL - why aren't ya out "tracking down and killing anons" you fucking nonce? Can't find your way way out of mommy's basement? What a putz...

cpetecpeteabout 12 years ago

Dude you are just WACKED.

This was a real change-up story from you, and really caught me and many posters by surprise. Judging by the length of some of the posts-you hit a deep spot.

Nice job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
LesionOnLips can find his way

out of mommy's basement - but she didn't give him permission to go out. Rest assured anon, he will track you down and kill you, just as soon as his mommy says he can go outside.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
way over the top

did i like the story or not.some parts were okay other parts unbelievable..i can see his point and at least they fiqured out what was important. but the guy killing his wife who had her vagina sown up so steven did not get involved with her. was really over the top..

JonTaylorJonTaylorabout 12 years ago

I don't like swinging stories, but since you wrote it, I read it. Something Serena said early on was true and made much that followed hard to believe. She said Stephen didn't communicate. I don't think it's plausible that Stephen kept going to the club for months when it was tearing him apart, letting Serena think he was also having sex when he wasn't, letting her continue the behavior he found abhorent.

As I suggested awhile ago, you needed to give your female characters more depth and strength. This story went in that direction, some. I look forward to your entries. Keep em coming.

LegionsOfLiesLegionsOfLiesabout 12 years ago
Wait, what's that?

The sound of some anon that doesn't know which hole shit comes out of. Seriously my anon groupies I appreciate all your love but I don't want herpes do please be gone.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
The biological research results and this fable story

@ Dear jasonnh You are the second who discovered the central message of this fable story. However you did not recognize this story fable story. What is it like a characters Jerry and Donna??? A good fable story much more interesting as a near to life story, because the majority of them have interesting and humanist message.

The last decade new biological discovery in the brain research is our brain working state the romantic love. The average working time in our brain lasts 4 years and according to the instrumental measurment the romantic love can last 20 years.

A will start a longer assay about this story, I almost start writing from it..........

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
LOL is the lol

Don't worry anon, LOL is on the way to 'track you down and kill you' like the Billy Badass he is, he just needs to finish sucking a few cocks and find a big buttplug to ram up his ass to keep the jizz from leaking out while he drives around town in his Pinto looking for you. Be afraid, be very afraid...

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 12 years ago
A bit extreme

Donna's reassignment surgery was a real stretch, as was the rapist's torture. Her family's craziness was gratuitous in this story, and congenital vaginal malformation could have put her (and her eight hubbies) in that same bind. I also suspect that the club would have determined that Donna's failure to participate would have precipitated membership revocation - as well as our narrators' - !

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
The look out sign FABLE STORY

@ Anon before JonTaylor you are right what are like these characters Jerry and Donna??? You discovered the strange parts these story (Jerry iniciative for murder, surgicaly asexual Donna). Other Anon wrote a swinging other as in this story, newer strange thing: In the porn industry asks for every week new STD free medical results............. La Fontain and Aesopus they could understand this fable......

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
Newer reader who recognized something strange in the story

@ Lickideesplit You recognized also these characters as Donna is strange and her family with the tortured rapist and the many husbands. Aeaopus and La Fontain is glad on their tomb they was easier to write a fable story with animal characters..........

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
hey professor duna, step away from the keyboard

This nonsensical 'fable story' rant is making you look like even more of an asshole than usual. You clearly either don't understand what a fable story is or you're trying to shoehorn this story in to fit your warped definition after shitting the bed over last week's SS06 story.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

If the Anon offenders injuries me I do not stop, because this makes them more angry as YOU will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
to: 'hey professor duna'

Wrong: he cannot possibly make himself look like 'more' of an asshole, but yes, he is trying too hard this week after puking out on last weeks story. Noone pays any attention to him or Harry so let him blow hot air, not hurting anyone.

LegionsOfLiesLegionsOfLiesabout 12 years ago

Sorry for messing up your comments section replying to worthless trash SS but a Pinto seriously Anon that hurts that hurts bad bro.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

@ This story is only 5 pages and the last week story was longer, but later I will read it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
LOL does not drive a Pinto

Tracking down and killing anons might require abrupt stops and we all know what happens when a Pinto gets rear-ended. LOL is cruising in a Pacer; looks like a Pinto but is waaaay cooler.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
If you had any credibility left duna, you just lost it bud

You read SS06 story over on the other site but didn't like it. You irrationally felt betrayed, like you just found out your BFF (not bromance like some have said) was secretly a Democrat or something. But for you it was worse. He doesn't share your racial anxieties so your fairy tale image of him was blown.

Now everyone knows you are a flat out liar and not a good one. Had you admitted that you read the story and didn't like it you might have retained a little credibility. Now it is lost. Since you seem to like finding the moral of the story, here is the moral of this one: It isn't the crime, it's the cover up. Just ask Sean Payton.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
A refreshing change

SS06 is a good writer but has fallen recently into the trap of following the same formula that brought the earlier success, at the risk of becoming too predictable. This story was refreshingly different. Please keep writing and don't be afraid to be a little creative. Thanks for a good read. It made me think!

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

@ Dear Anon yes I looked at on SOL SS06's last story but I have not enough strong through reading it too long, this is only 5 pages here and 3 on the SOL. Sometime I have to write or to find good answers against the injuring anons. I will look for time later to read it. However I like giving good reposts, and assisting other nick named posters who are ijured by other Anons.

I am proud some idea which was used by other nick named posters I invented against the Anon. I am glad they used and use these.

Ben NicholsBen Nicholsabout 12 years ago
Favorite Line

"because my husband drives like fucking Batman"

Great work as always!

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 12 years ago
DUNA 55 comments ... 11 of them ( or more) are yours

you REALLY are not that interesting. shut up

11 out of 55 posts with No one speaking to you or about you

is waaaaay too much

You are out of control

this is ego trip for you... shut up

nwhalernwhalerabout 12 years ago
Nice Effort at a different take.

While I applaud the novel approach, it seems like this plot is from an alternate universe where functional members of society think and act like idiots. The marriage was going well, it was paradise and I don't understand why the wife would insist on the swinging part (in order to prove the sex != love issue).

Human beings have a tendency towards inertia, if things are good they seldom like to rock the boat unless if absolutely necessary.(even with folks with baggage).

He was reluctant in the beginning , middle and end and yet she prodded him and couldn't sense the troubled mind of her soul mate?

Substitute sex with even clubbing/bar hopping/shopping and it makes it even clearer to see the downright silliness and the low probability of it being a thought being followed to action by someone.

All said and done - an interesting read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Great Story

I blew coffee through my nose reading that batman line too. I never saw the ending of this one coming. I was sure this would be the typical he leaves the cheating wife and ends up with Donna story. Good work Stang and MTB you surprised me.

polarbear66polarbear66about 12 years ago

Good story. Trust is easy to lose and almost impossible to totally regain. You are always trying to get over some doubt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Like Harry said, shut up duna

Doubling down on the "I didn't have time to read a few extra pages" excuse makes you a stupid asshole. You have time to write dozens of comments hundreds of words long but can't read a couple extra pages of a story? You are a sad, little fucking liar, STFU and piss off already.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 12 years ago

It was mentioned towards the end of the tale, and it has been picked up by many anti-bitch commenters...I CANNOT see where Serena EVER did anything to lose hubby's trust! It is obvious she was not sensitive to his repeated and increasingly emotional concerns about getting away from 'the scene' (and she apologized for that insensitivity!) It is also clear she was getting wilder, more frequent and indiscriminant in her 'in-club' sessions...but they were 'public' and not secret. (and she has a plausible explanation for trying to substitute quantity and variety for the quality she only experienced with 'her man!') There ARE a lot of things for him to try to get over, but TRUST does not seem to be one of them! And they are things HE has to get over (or give up on), not anything SHE can fix by changing - although she probably can help him!

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
An assay

An longer assay about this fable story I think not too many people will read my assay , but those very very few who tries to read it I tried writting interesting things.

1. I understand, the Americans and British have lived under free media for almost 250 years and to understand a second message may be the meat of a story is difficult for them. I am not an expert of the English Literature, but I think the fable as a litareture genre is rarly in it. The free media is such an effect. During almost 300 years the East and Central Europe was without free media more than half of this time and the Literature was used instead of a free press. Some literature work was fable story with second message in it and our literature teachers taught us to recognize in our literature. During the communizm the literature and the media were similar, first message from the direct sentences and the second meaning beyond the sentences. We in Central Europe are trained for second message of a story. We are not smarter as you are only we lived such circumtances where this was the normal, that there is a second message of a story. The satira is easier to recognize, the character, background and the plot are so strange, but to recognize a fable is more difficult, because it is near to the normal life (plot, character and the background).

2. Many SS06’s stories are not 100% near to the life stories. When I discovered his first story „Circling On Drain” I wrote SS06 an angry feedback, the husband revenge is over the top, etc.. His humor was (similar to the Central European Humor) which puts his stories in my favorits. I read a comment on the „Circling on Drain”, if the father had hid their common children in the USA the FBI would have investigated them as kidnappers. Decide on the children custody is only responsible the tribunal system. I understood SS06’s stories are not 100% true life from that comment. His stories is fable stories around of the marriage, fidelity, paternity as DGHear’s stories are. The difference between DGHear and SS06 the next DGHear is more romantic and SS06 more humorous. Both are my favorits. From that point I discovered here on LIT there are some excellent (not too many) Authors who write their story with second message. Yes SS06 and DG Hear are such Authors for example.

3. In the majority of SS06’stories the fable part is easy because almost same as the story plot itself. Generaly the next an average woman whose are a good devoted husband who is not cheater, good in the bed and good personality, provider to cheat on him is mistake, because the husband will find a second woman easily and he may be more happy with her or the consequence may be more drastic. The readers understood well these stories. The problem was „The Forever Gone, Forever You” was to understand. This story second message was a little other as the plot. To understand this story we should go back to the XIX Century or earlier Centuries. In those Century if a husband was low sperm count the wife looked for a similar stranger(s) as the husband was and she gathered with natural method the neccessary sperm cells. The family got descendenses. This method with DNA test and with spermbanks is humiliating in the XXI Century. In the story the husband was infertile and the first daughter was before the marriage, the second was adopted and the third daughter was produced by XIX Centurian method. The Author hid many look out fable sign about the wife movement during the plot, but the last key is the biological father beggar scen with the 2 daughters, which is an excellent humorous Author invent and this is the main key for the fable story’s lock.

4. The modern biologia new results show the romantic love is an ordinary state of our brain and the neocortex and the instruments can show the romantic love. (The lie can be showed by these instruments almost 100% sure) The average time for the romantic love is 4 years in our brain but many people have been in romantic love state for more than 20 years according to the instruments.

5. We arrived this story. First message the simple plot is also interesting, but look at the funny thing inventory before the second massege and last the plot will be crossectioned. A. Begining of the the story the first narrator Sephen talks about the sex time volume (6 moths) in the life of average people and a match with other activities. B. There is a idea about that 25% of the first married pairs achived to be together in retired ages, because of divorce or death. C.. Both main character Serena and Stephen are children of divorced parents. However in the divorcing reason they are opposite because Serena’s father was serial cheater and after his cooling affairs Serena’s mother divorced him, Stephen’s Mom cheated and his father divorced her and he remarried and he have 2 teenager children. (funny exactly the opposite Murphy Law???). D. To start swinging Serena explains not the higher sex drive but to avoid the future family problem is the main motive (funny). E. I heard in the porn industry such rule that the actors must go VD investigation WEEKLY, but I have not heard about such medical requerments in the swinging (I may be wrong). F. Developing of Donna and Stephen interesting emotional connection in the swinger club. G Donna had 8 husbands. H.. The Murder of the asexual Donna. The 8th husbands would have gotten much alimoney in the divorce and he get rid of the asexual wife. He told Sephen he saved him. I. Operation of the sexual organs of Donna, which transformed her into asexual. J. Why the family talks about the raper terrible death? An skeleton in the cupboard is secret in front of a son in law or the family talk about it with the all 8 husbands? K. Sephen was allowed to meet Jerry in the police, but he is not lawyer of the killer.

6. The Solution of these funny things, Jerry tells Stephen both women were hungry for the emotional side of the love. Donna had to have only the emotional side of the love and Jerry saw when Stephen and Donna was a little near ech other Serena was emotional. This is true, because Jerry saw Serena loves Stephen. However this is not the exact true. Stephen was not for the swinger lifestyle and Serena was who wanted this. Stephen saw his wife in gang bangs and he wanted to stop this, but he met Donna and he wanted the emotional side of the love. The love has 2 sides and both are important, the sex and the romantic emotional sides together. The eyes of Stephen and the apreciative of the second message readers Serena became the protagonist of the sex side of the love and Donna the protagonist of the romantic emotional side of the love. Stephen who drifts apart from Serena slowly, and he approaches to the romantic emotional side of the love with Donna. We are at half part of the second message of this story: At average people ONLY the sex side of the love could couse the end of a connection. When she and Jerry saw Donna and Stephen romantic emotional approching secretly SERENA FEELS and UNDERSTANDS her husband request to an only you and me connection and she gives up to be one sided in the love. (Jerry tells Stephen both women bark to same tree.).The Author has excellent dramaturgy sense and the reconcilation first step was written before the murder. After the murder Stephen knows from Jerry Donna was the perfect protagonist of the romantic emotial love without the sex side and this would be unhappy life other direction, which was showed by Jerry. Stephen could see both directions catastrophic side and he is glad to accepted turning back of Serena to the GOLDEN MIDDLE WAY before the murder. Stephen and Serena know they can save their marriage with the 2 (both) sides of the love. The SECOND MESSAGE OF THIS STORY IS FOR THE AVERAGE PEOPLE BOTH (2) SIDES ARE IMPORTANT IN THE LOVE THE SEX AND THE ROMANTIC EMOTIONAL.

7. Let’s look at the original plot. I will jump up and down without time order. The whole story assists the second message. The Serena’s plan to save the future of their marriage with swinging (she is afraid of following her parents fate). Stephen decides on the reconcilation, because he can see his mother fate. Stephen gives chance for the reconcilation with some conditions as a signed bianco divorce document and lie detector test. Serena has followed more lie detector tests next years and SHE HAS SENT HIS HUSBAND FOR DNA TEST WITH THEIR FIRST BABY!!!! Extrem steps, because Serena tells us the reconcilation was long time and at the story end the reconcilation main aim the total trust each other has not been 100%. Posters wrote in their comments Serena cheated or Stephen cheated. Both posters are right. Stephen cheated emotionaly Serena cheated with that she pushed Stephen swinging when he wanted to stop. Because sex was not between Stephen and Donna so Serena was responsible 66% of the marital crisis. THE STORY IS A FABLE STORY SO THE RECONCILATION BELIEVABLE AS AT „ Forever Gone, Forever You”.

8. Conclusions:A. For the majority of the people the love consists of 2 parts sex and emotion and both are equal important in a happy pair connection.

B. This story 5 stars story.

BelgiumBelgiumabout 12 years ago

The wife Serena really was a big idiot. Whoever in his or her right mind can think that swinging will make a marriage stronger. It’s the behaviour that contains the seed to destroy it. As to Donna: if her murderer/husband Jerry was right, than Stephen had a narrow escape because she too was fucked up in the head. But was he lying or not? That’s the question.

donofNYSoutherntierdonofNYSoutherntierabout 12 years ago
Just keep on writing

As you said in the start of this it was going to be different....It sure had its swits and turns...

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
Fable story has its own logic............

@ Belgium From the story logic Donna sexual organs operation is fact. Why do I say this? Have you see such thing a related person as Stephen the Police will allow to meet the criminal in the Police custody after arresting . Stephen is not lawyer!!!!!!!

This inpossible event a releted person talks with the arrested criminal makes Jerry's story be true about Donna's sexual organ operation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This story has its own logic as a fable story logic.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 12 years ago
ss06 Please ban Duna from posting

he is a nutcase that its going to ruin every story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I concur with HIV that duna is a nutcase

but why not let him continue posting? No one is forcing us to read his "assays" anyway, lol.

FD45FD45about 12 years ago

I disagree.

Let's take her actions and put it in another context:

"Hi honey. Let's have anal sex. You haven't tried it. Stop yelling...Okay. You didn't like it THIS time. Next time it will be great. Trust me."

"What do you mean you didn't like it this time either? You need to loosen up. Maybe you're doing it wrong. Okay. We'll quit next week. But this is THIS week, so lube up!"

"I said I'd quit last week (Trust) but what I really meant is next Sunday. I fully intend to enjoy anal sex all week until Sunday. But I promise that next week after Sunday, we'll quit. I know it's painful to you, but you DID agree to this week..."

"Hey honey! I found a great article on how to make anal sex more comfortable! We haven't tried any of these things yet, so you really haven't given it a good faith effort unless you try it again. Why are you crying? This time will be magic! I promised I'd quit if you didn't ENJOY it! Now we have a way to make you enjoy it."

" that article didn't work. I talked to a lot of friends who love it. We're going to have an intervention to show you how wonderful anal sex is. They can tell you all about the wonderful full feeling and how it turns them on. What do you mean 'no way'? Don't you love me? How can you say you love me when you won't try to make me happy?"

"Okay...I know I promised no anal sex with me. But look. I got a bunch of various sized dildos and four different types of lube. We'll get you loosened up so that you'll absolutely fall in love with it. What do you mean 'no anal sex ever'? Look...this is a marriage. It's about compromise! I'm not sticking my dick in your ass. We're just using some small plastic implements. Okay, THAT one IS bigger then me. But we need to loosen you up that much if you're going to eventually take...why are you packing?"

Put in that context, exactly how much trust would you have in that man...or in this case, that woman? Trust is also about keeping your word.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 12 years ago

I granted her insensitivity and that Hubby has a lot to reconcile if they are going to be together in a healthy relationship. Since I read none of the issues you address as -looking at her actions- I assume this is a scenario you have generated where trust is violated. OK, but I see nothing about your scenario which parallels her behavior in this tale.

I believe that dialogues among commenters is inappropriate in this venue, and almost did not respond, and will NOT any longer on this thread, and will try to avoid it on all threads in the future!

FD45FD45about 12 years ago
Last comment to Lickidee

If I tell you I will or won't do something and continually fail to do so, that also involves trust. I trust you to keep your word. I trust you to understand my feelings. I trust you to stop hurting me when I make it plain that something IS hurting me.

Unless, you (generic) as a person continually fail to do so. How many times did she break her word? Next week became next week became next week ad infinitum.

That isn't insensitivity. That is breaking your word. Constantly.

So, to me it's a trust issue. Your mileage may vary

nwhalernwhalerabout 12 years ago
@FD45 - nice comparison to point out the inherent stupidity in the approach.

I mentioned clubbing or drinking but your example of anal sex seems much easier to understand or relate.

The issue is not just with Charlie brown having the ball yanked away each time but it is with the moronic nature of the wife who thought that it would make sense to introduce a schism in an otherwise perfect marriage. I find it hard to believe that any normal human would behave in this fashion.

Let us assume that the wife's dad used to drink and it lead to her parent's divorce because he wouldn't stop and the mother thought it was because he didn't care for her or didn't listen to her.

She is now married happily with a teetotaler and is very happy and yet she decides to force the husband to join her in binge drinking EVERY SINGLE WEEK to prove that drinking doesn't cause issues in the marriage?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Hey Harry

You should talk.

You have been creating drunken rants that make little sense for years.

If you don't like Duna's comments don't read them dumb ass.

I agree Duna is over the top. But I quit reading his comments a long time ago because I figure it's a low self-esteem issue.

You on the other hand are just a bully with a bloated ego.

If anyone should be banned it's you!

People put up with your stupidity because you're good for a laugh.

We are always wondering what stupid comment will come from you next.

The only ones who agree with you are a few other drunken morons that can't create an original thought for themselves.

BTTapBTTapabout 12 years ago
I see the point of both Lickedeesplit and FD45

Seems like splitting hairs, to some extent. I tend to agree more with LDS on this, but I get FD45's point. Lack of trust in the sense of lying-no history of that here. Lack of trust in the sense of not being able to count on your partner prioritizing you, being in YOUR corner and having YOUR best interests at heart-that is an element of trust that is missing.

Of course, the flip side is HIS betrayal. He showed the same lack of concern for her at the end, when he disregarded her wishes. He also intentionally developed an intimate emotional relationship with another woman-to the point that he was convinced he loved her and wanted a divorce from his wife. And, he did all that behind her back, specifically contrary to their marriage vows and understanding. I would think she would have some trust issues, too.

SS06 gave the readers a lot to chew on.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
Cenzoship in the freedom's home!?

I came a country where the cenzorship was the rule from 1947 untill 1989. It is very interesting and funny in a country where the media free from Centuries somebody wants it again..............

I do not like people injur others (and me) and sometime I agree I was over the top for these (plural) things. I am sorry for injureing some people who was inocent in injureing others.

I wrote here a longer comment to conclude a Central European' eyes POV about this and other SS06's stories. I would not write here newer comment to this story if somebody said I am mass and serial killer..............

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Oh my fuck! Harry callin' time on Duh!na!!

Harry, drop it. You're sounding second class after the abuse you've handed out over the years. Not that i haven't appreciated it at times. So live and let. Unless you happen to be x_!_x d'oh in which case...

You carry on Duna me old mate, no-one's listening anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
When duna outed himself as a liar

he limited himself to sideshow circus clown, not a serious commenter. Why can't Fox News broadcast in Canada? Because Canadian law prohibits "lies and misrepresentations" from broadcasting as news. The reason duna got called out is because he holds himself out as "news" and not "sitcom." He is like a BILLY or DWormcock now, a total fucking joke who we can laugh at but not take seriously.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago
you are definitely crazy

loved the stitched it up part. wife was your typicle nut case, you seem to like that character for a wife, but it was a pretty funny read. gave u another 5.

count2threecount2threeabout 12 years ago
Run of the Mill Story with AWESOME take on what a real vampire is.

Awesome take on what a real vampire is like, an emotional vampire. She lured him in, feeds of him to her hearts content and then destroys her victim. That her father is a maniac who then kills them for real is just icing.

I dont even comment on the whole swinger thing, its the same shit different day. Just miscommunication. Serena just didn't get it that men bond through sex and women bond through romance. So when she made the rules it was all the sex we want for us (which will hurt him but not her, because sex without romance isn't threatening for women) but NO Romance for us (So that she is save). Then Steven (like many beta males) made the mistake of not wreaking havoc when he should have but instead letting that little passive-aggressive Bucket fill itself to the brim and then quietly running away with Donna (or trying to at least, what would have been his doom)

count2threecount2threeabout 12 years ago

I agree with you that someone rocking the boat who is already happy is a stretch. Or at least I would if I would not see it every single day in the real world. Do you think all the obese people for example don't know that they fuck up their lifes ? Of course they do, but they can't help it. The Wife in the Story knew she had a happy marriage but that was nothing special to her, everyone can have that in the younger years, she wanted to make sure she has a happy marriage in her late life. So in her mind, she tried to replace some planks on the boat while in calm waters to make it sturdier for the coming storms, only she totally fucked up her variables and removed the wrong planks which destroyed the structural integrity of the vessel (trekkies ho!) and the boat nearly sank in those calm waters. So in my opinion its not unlikely, its just very tragic.

count2threecount2threeabout 12 years ago
@Lickideesplit: 'Trust' - Yes she did destroy the trust, just not in the common way.

I totally agree with you that she did not destroy the trust in the common cheating-wife sense. Nontheless the trust he had in being enough for her was completely destroyed. And that is devestating for every (sane!) husband in the world. And it also was her fault, not because she went behind his back, but because she PRESSURED him into letting her have sex with other men. In her mind that was only because she wanted to prevent cheating to become even an issue. But in his mind it became 'I am not enough for my wife' and she SHOULD have known that. Thats like murdering someone by shooting him in the head vs. accidently killing someone by shooting him in the head while sinking skulls are bulletproof. So YES the trust is destroyed and it was her fault for beeing unbelievable stupid and careless.

What she really did was to seperate the core issue ('I am not enough for my wife') from the usual circumstances and managed to pull of the improbable: To manifest all the negative consequences of cheating, without actually cheating. And thus her fears became a selffullfilling prophecy. Its quite poetic actually.

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdabout 12 years ago
Interesting Commentary On Trust & Respect

And how fragile they can be to maintain...almost impossible to regain. Many of the commentors seem to think losing spousal trust requires tremendous overt betrayal; not so. Once that tenuous bond is severed, the fall can be precipitous. Nice story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
A couple of thoughts:

1. Different for sure, SS, but I enjoyed it. Thanks for writing.

2. Suggestion. Tighten up your writing, too much repeating, ie, several of paragraphs explaining to the cops about the night before, etc, were just repeating. Don't make us wade through it all twice or more.

3. Commentators: be kind to HIV and Luna--commenting on stories are important to them and probably a major part of their life. I know it's not fun reading, so don't--skip them.

4. SS: please don't write about sewing up pussies anymore. That depresses me!

tom anon

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 12 years ago
Certainly a different outlook on marriage.

A wonderful story that is well written and edited.

A little wordy in spots, but overall a very good story.

I like the trust aspect that the author was making and felt sympathy for both Stephen and Serena for what they were going through.

Thanks Stang and Miko for the good read.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 12 years ago
Fascinating yet again -

The way you are able to shift gears in your approach -

This was great - to pick on an idea that was fully planned to eliminate the risk of damage by replacing the offending behavior with an "innocent" one and then having it fail because of the real primary issue - poor communication - priceless in its simplicity.

The complexity was all manufactured and never needed to happen - a very common thread in people's lives.

More good reading as expected thanks -

Scorpio44aScorpio44aabout 12 years ago
Not a stroke story...

But a story about intimacy and the importance of married people being able and willing to communicate effectively. I really liked the way you expressed their feelings and thoughts. Thank you.

NellaBarely2NellaBarely2about 12 years ago
Real or Not - It's POSSIBLE *****

I'M proud StangStar wrote this story beyond its numerous possible conclusions to demonstrate the wide range of situations people make for themselves OR stumble into without any help. Shit does happen and some find a way to clean their shoes and move on ... with awkward memories at times. SUPERIOR STORY.

This is a perhaps rabid story according to too many reviewers. I personally value this unique story theme for the insight into how incidents though everyone's life cycle can impact so many others long into the future. Every reader Should be open to the realization that each person has the power, and unwittingly uses that power to change to lives of others without even trying. Others Should realize that ALL people respond to daily situations according to their past exposure to limited life situations, not necessarily the way others would expect them to react. That said, please pause before you judge another person according to Your beliefs ... which could be flawed.

Preaching done. I loved the story for it's realism ... as I believe it could have been. My bride and I have been 'messing with' other people's lives for many years as swingers. Long ago we realized we had the potential to either improve, or damage, another couple's personal relationship depending on their good or bad life experiences. A significant percentage of subjects in the wannabe playful couples market are doomed to failure and should be treated carefully. I saw several reflections in this story as a perfect fit with individuals we have known; all are realistic characteristics ... and potentially dangerous.

I'm not surprised that this one story stirs up so much response. I am surprised that there is so much venom and sever judgement over one man's vision - that some of us do fully appreciate and encourage.

MadBrownMadBrownalmost 12 years ago

I am very nearly speechless! I am pretty much convinced that you are either a psychologist or you have had considerable psychological training. I am certainly going to have to reread this story several times. I have friends who swing and I will definitely recommend they read this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

She drove him to accept going to a swingers club. She fucked 100's of guys and had them inside her. If i was him the divorce would have been final and no chance of recovery. She was a slut the whole i love you shit is bullshit.

She just didnt want to lose her meal ticket. I would bet she cheated again and again on him anyway there would be no way i would EVER trust her.

tazz317tazz317over 11 years ago

no ones life ever is not should it be, TK U MLJ LV NV

phil2213phil2213about 11 years ago
Communication was the core problem in this one

Like so many of these stories, the couple fails miserably communicating their feelings. Serena was a complete fool in not investigating the change in behavior of her husband further. The author prepared the characters nicely.

BfreetorunBfreetorunalmost 11 years ago
A strange story, very strange.

I don't know about this story, it makes me feel funny. Too bad about Donna and Jerry, really strange. Stephen lucked out on that one. (I realize that it is just a story but stranger things have happened.) Thank you for writing, I will go take my Haldol and a Valium, too.

krosis666krosis666almost 11 years ago
True love? I think not

When you love someone, you put their feelings before your own. Serena never at any point in the marriage did that. She said she loved Stephen, yet forced him to join the club even when she knew it would hurt him, all in order to satisfy her own urges. She didn't love him, she loved dick. To her Stephen was like a cuddly toy or a security blanket to a child. He was there to stop her feeling alone after she (pardon the pun) got her fill of cock.

hopelessly_otakuhopelessly_otakuover 10 years ago
a very original story

Serena loved her husband as much as he loved her. She wanted to grow old together but was too much of an idiot to see that her way of ensuring just that would have the exact opposite effect. I wager that had they not joined the swingers club, she wouldn't have had sex with any other man than her husband. She was trying to achieve the right goal through the wrong means. Too bad, that once something is broken, the cracks will always show, no matter how you try to put it back together.

Although she lucked out on the Donna front, don't guess she'd get a second chance if Donna wasn't out of the picture.

Funny thing about Steve, for one who professed that he loved Donna, he was pretty unperturbed after hearing the news of her demise.

All in all a really life-like story (even accounting for the less believable bits). You plan with the best intentions at heart, but you're only human and you have to live with your mistakes and choices.

FiftyshadesofmeFiftyshadesofmeover 10 years ago

Amazingly written. Poor tortured boy though....

ifeanyiifeanyiover 10 years ago

SS06 , You are great . All of your stories that I've read so far merit 5 star. Maybe not just 5 but a galaxy of 'em.

Thank you

connoisseur29connoisseur29almost 10 years ago

Bfreetorun expressed my sentiments. Weird. Good writing. Quite a different story line. Thanks. Cheers!

javmor79javmor79over 9 years ago
Another good one.

I think that I may have misjudged this author. The few stories that I have read of his (Besides Chrissie) have left me with a one sided view of this author. But for some reason I began to read other stories. This is the third story in a row by this author that I have read and have liked. My apologies StangStar06.

Tootight1Tootight1over 9 years ago
really good story

a bit over done at the end, but well thought out. they will watch their last sunset together. there was a lot in this story, too much actually to try and ridicule the author. the reasoning, and logic was understandable. nice job.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
good work

good work.

Uncertain about the psychology of her actions.

I can see doing more and more to compensate for loss of intimacy.

But just stopping swinging would have done the same thing while proving she wanted her husband.

Swinging, cheating, sex with others, it never works out long term

Its a certain relationship killer.

No man, however new age, can long term tolerate his wife with others. Unless he has a mental illness of course.

RhomanovRhomanovover 8 years ago

Not sure if there were any emotionally undamaged characters in this tale. Wow.

Good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
well now

I love a happy ending, when a couple can work things out.

But, she had sex hundreds if not thousands of times with others.

What was written? 20 guys in last month alone.

How in real life could any guy get around that? In this regard the story was not true to life, a guy that could accept that, would want to divorce in first place.

dyonysosdyonysosover 8 years ago
swinging and clubs

I know a few people that go to swingersclubs,is theyr life better because of it ?i seriously doubt it, from the 5 couples i know 3 are divorced and the two others are living together for the kids,i still think that people who get involved in this lifestyle are hoping to find smth better as if those places could provide that

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