Falling off of the Swing


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"Serena," I supplied. He looked at me like there was something wrong with me.

"There's nothing serene about her," he laughed. "Just like Donna, she was barking up the wrong fucking tree. She was looking for something at the club that she was never going to find. I thought at first that she was addicted to sex. She always wanted more. I saw her screw guys one after another always screaming more or next. It was like get on, get off, get out, then get lost."

"It could be a real blow to a guy's ego. I mean you're there fucking the shit out of a woman and she's urging you on and you're thinking that you're really laying the pipe to her. But as soon as you cum or worse yet get tired, you realize that she not only doesn't care about your performance, she doesn't care, period. She just moves on to the next guy. It doesn't matter if you're a big tall strong handsome guy or some dweeb with glasses and a bald head. All you are to her, all you'll ever be is a dick."

"And nobody fucks her more than two or three times, unless they're just crazy. The first time you think oh, she was just in a frenzy trying to get her climax. So the second time you meet her, you really give her all of your moves. Your ego demands that you make her cum just so you can keep deluding yourself that you're this awesome fucker. But you get the same thing. You start to think that no one guy is enough for her. Then you get devious. You decided that the next time you run into her you're going to try something really hard core or something kinky or make her scream in pain if nothing else. But it doesn't work."

"In my case, I tried fucking her ass. I figured it would hurt her at least if I didn't get her off. But I also thought that maybe she'd like it. All she said was, that if my dick was as big as her husband's that would have hurt. I noticed it then that little flash in her eyes when she said, "My husband," but I didn't take it seriously."

"The other night, when we followed you guys, it all became clear. She loves you something awful. The same woman that can take on three of four guys at a time without blinking an eyelash starts crying like a little girl when she saw you kiss Donna. It physically hurt her to see you holding Donna's hand. In the car, I asked her, more out of curiosity, if she ever has orgasms when you and she fuck. She looked at me like I was insane. "All the time, and usually more than one," she said. I realized then that it wasn't a physical thing she was looking for, it was some kind of emotional thing she needed and she wasn't going to get it at the club. She has a lot of sex but it's never going to satisfy her because what she really wants is love and she wants it from you."

"Now, Donna on the other hand was almost exactly the same, except she went about it in a different way. Donna also wanted the whole love and romance thing. But neither you, or me, or any other guy was ever going to have sex with Donna." I started laughing at him.

"You're trying to convince me that Donna was a lesbian," I laughed. I remembered sharing feverish kisses with Donna while I squeezed her big ass and she pressed those large, soft, pillow-like breasts against me for all she was worth. "There's no way."

"No, Donna wasn't into women either," he said. "Donna was asexual. She did not and never had penetrative sex. Technically, she's still a virgin. I have been allowed to lick her pussy once or twice during our marriage, but that's the extent of it."

"You're shitting me?" I said. "Then why the hell did you get married?"

"Because I loved her," he said. "I loved her more than anything. And if things had gone on for much longer you would have too."

"Donna was tired of me," he said. "Just like all of her other husbands, there came a time where they either couldn't take it anymore or she wanted to move on herself."

"Wait a minute," I said. "What do you mean all of her other husbands?"

"Donna has been married eight times," he said. "She and I have been together for four years. I've lasted the longest out of all of us. Part of that is because of the club. For a normal, healthy, male like myself or you, going without sex for long periods of time won't work. So I'd go to the club, have sex for a few hours and then Donna and I would go home and cuddle. That's all she ever needed, but it gets to be torture for the guys. It's especially bad when you had to watch her walking around the house or getting dressed."

"Your wife is pretty," he said. "She's prettier than Donna. But she isn't built better. She's built like one of those models. You know the human clothes racks. They aren't exactly built like real women. They're built to look good in clothes. Dresses hang on them well because they don't have much in the way of breasts or a butt that sticks out too much."

"Your wife is pretty, but she could sit around in her underwear and look good doing it. A guy could see her in her underwear and not go crazy. Someone might even want to come by and take pictures of her. Donna was not like that. Donna was pretty too, but she was just drop dead sexy. Donna's body was not the kind they take pictures of, but she drove men fucking nuts. "

"If you saw Donna sitting around in her underwear, your dick would swell up like a balloon. You'd see those big tits overflowing her bra and you'd want to fuck her. That little bit of cellulite on the back of her thighs was like the marbling on a good cut of steak. You see those child bearing hips and that ass hanging out of her panties and it was on."

"Now imagine having to see that every day and knowing that you can't have it. You're married to her. You have to sleep next to her every God damned night and you can't have it. She'll roll over and press herself into you. The blood is rushing through you and you want her badly. It's maddening."

"And it isn't just when you're in bed," he said. "It's every fucking day. It's all of the little things. You're going out to dinner and she comes sashaying that ass into the room to ask you put a necklace on for her. She turns around and bumps that ass into your dick and you're harder than a diamond encrusted rock, but it's all for nothing."

I was beginning to see the picture. "So why haven't any of you husbands just taken her?" I asked.

"Taken what?" he asked. The he looked at me and laughed. "You don't know yet do you? God she pulled a number on you." He laughed some more. "At least I knew."

After he'd had his little laugh, he wiped his eyes and looked at me. "Remember when I said that your wife was a model of a woman because she doesn't have that great of an ass and small breasts. Well, she has something that Donna doesn't. She has a functioning vagina." He saw my surprise and started laughing again.

"It's amazing what you can do when you have an almost unlimited amount of money," he laughed. "You've surely heard of sexual reassignment surgery?"

I told him that I had.

"You know the way they turn women into men. Well, Donna had them sew up or redo all of her internal female organs. She had a total hysterectomy the whole nine yards. She still peed through her urethra. Her clit still functioned but there's no slit there. There's no hole. She neutered herself. Donna could experience orgasms just from you rubbing against her clit, but you were never going to have sex with her unless it was anal and she didn't do that."

I was horrified. "Why would..." I began, but then I waited for him. It was his story after all.

"Donna grew up in a house with her older sister and their parents. They were very rich and had a wonderful life she told me," he said. "When Donna was very young, her older sister fell in love. The older sister was built like Donna. Every day, she came home and told Donna about how good she felt and how wonderful and romantic love was. Apparently, the boy got tired of waiting for Donna's sister. He ended up brutally raping her. While she was in the hospital she told Donna about how awful and brutal sex was. She'd been a virgin and told Donna to make sure she never did it. She ended up killing herself."

"From what I've been able to piece together from the family and close friends, the boy simply disappeared. He never even told his family where he was going. At least that's the official story. The real story is that Donna's father spent over two million dollars having the kid taken care of. They tortured him until he begged them to kill him. They did the most terrible things you can imagine to him for over three years then they started killing the people he loved in front of him just to give him more pain. "

"When he finally died, he was just a lump of flesh. They'd cut off each of his fingers individually then his hands then the rest of his arms. Then they started with his feet and legs, by segments. They cut off his eyelids and let his eyes dry out. They pierced him and hung him for hours from chains, real nasty shit. In the end, they told him that they were going to kill him and kill someone else that he knew instead. It must have been awful. I don't know if it made them feel any better. It sure as hell didn't bring Donna's sister back to life and it didn't save Donna. She grew up addicted to romance but mentally unhinged when it came to sex. She got the operation when she was only twenty."

"She was some kind of emotional succubus. She feeds on love and romance and the orgasms she gets from guys rubbing against her. The problem is that she gives very little in return. She'd fall in love and savor all of the feelings and then when the guy couldn't take it any more, he'd leave her. Or he'd cheat on her and she'd leave him. When we got together, she'd been married seven times. Often to guys who really loved her, but just as often to guys who really loved her family's money."

"Stephen, I loved Donna. I could have walked away a rich man several different times but I stayed with her. Over the past few years, there were lots of women who wanted to take me away from Donna. None of them could. I loved her the way your wife loves you. She was everything to me. When we came up with the idea of the swing club it worked fine until Donna met you. I could go out and do things with women like your wife that I couldn't do with Donna, then go home and give her all of the cuddling she needed. "

"Donna had begun to fall in love with you, Stephen. She wanted to throw me away like a pair of old panties that she didn't want to wear anymore. I couldn't let her do that to me and I couldn't let her do it to you. Either you'd have become as crazy and frustrated as the rest of them were, or you'd have tried to leave her too. It had to end Stephen. Do you know how many of Donna's ex-husbands are still alive?"

"Three," he said. "Only me and the two guys that she got tired of and left are still alive. I suspect that dear old dad has a way of getting back at the guys who hurt his baby. It's probably not as bad as he did to the guy who hurt her sister but I don't know for sure. Maybe that torture thing is his kink. The whole family is crazy. Anyway, you're safe now and dear old dad will have problems getting to me in here. Maybe he'll decide that life in prison is enough punishment."

There were lots of other things that I wanted to ask him but he got up and walked away. The door on the other side closed and I was left alone. The cop who'd brought me there came back and took me back upstairs and gave me my keys and sent me on my way.

The detective did come by later on and ask me if he'd said anything. I told him that he had spent the whole time ranting crazily about how he was going to kill me when he got out. I figured that was what Jerry would have wanted. I was so confused that I didn't know what to do. The detective told me that he owed me a favor for trying. They had an open and shut case anyway.

When I walked back into the house, Serena took one look at me and took me to bed. We didn't do anything. We just lounged there together. When we got up for dinner we cooked together and ate out on our deck and watched the sun go down. It was a beautiful sunset.

I looked at Serena and saw that she was crying. "What's wrong Serena?" I asked.

"Just sitting here with you the way we always used to and watching that sunset knowing that it may be going down on our marriage makes me sad," she said.

"Serena, do you want to stay married to me?" I asked her. She nodded her head vigorously. I got up and walked away from her. I made a phone call to the detective and told him what I wanted. I pulled a set of papers from my desk drawer out and took them back out to the deck where Serena awaited me.

"Serena, do you love me?" I asked her. She nodded her head again.

"More than anything, Stephen," she said. "If you give me another chance, no other man will ever touch me for the rest of my life."

"Then sign these," I said. I gave her the papers and she looked them over.

"Stephen no," she screamed. "I love you. I'll fight this with everything I have. I'll never sign them."

"Serena even if you refuse to sign them, I can still get a divorce. But if you do sign them we might stay together. It's up to you. I want you to sign these divorce papers in the event that you fail what I'm going to ask you to do. Tomorrow, that detective has arranged for you to take a lie detector test to put my mind at ease. If you pass the test, we'll stay married, at least for now. It's going to take some work and a lot of time, but I do love you too. I just have to try to wrap my mind around everything we've gone through in the last year or so. If you don't pass, I'll file for the divorce. The settlement is very fair 50/50 all the way. So you have nothing to worry about if you're telling the truth. But if you're lying about the way you feel about me, it's only fair that I be able to move on with my life."

"You mean like your father did, don't you?" she asked. "Well, you're already being kinder than he was. At least you're giving me a chance. And Stephen, I won't fail the test, so you're stuck with me."

Serena signed the papers. We fell asleep in each other's arms and spent the morning the way we had the previous one.

Serena passed the lie detector test with flying colors. Apparently she really did love me and only wanted us to be in the swing club to make sure that sex didn't separate us the way it had our parents. She'd always been wild even before we got married, but losing me had burned the wild out of her. I'd like to think she's learned that there is a difference between just fucking for the hell of it and being with someone you love. I hope she also knows that she can't have both.

I was glad she turned me down when I offered to take the test too. I'm not sure I'd have passed. Even today, years later, there are times when I look at her and imagine her with some guy on top of her and two more waiting and I'm filled with rage. At those times Serena just walks over to me as if she's psychic and reminds me that it was a long time ago and even then she loved only me. Sometimes it's enough. Sometimes it takes me a while to get over it. We're happy and still in love though most of the time.

Seeing our kids helps a lot. As does remembering that this is all about the end game and despite what almost ended our marriage, I really do want to watch those sunsets together when we're old and feeble. I used to think about Donna a lot and how tragic her life was. I find that now even if I do have one of those rare moments when I think about her, I can't even remember what she looked like.

* * * * * *


In the end, everything worked out the way it was supposed to. Stephen and I are still together. After I passed the lie detector test, Stephen makes it seem like everything was just wine and roses. The reality was far from that. It took me years to regain his trust even though I had never cheated on him. I had never had sex with any man outside of the club and I had permission to do so inside the club. It didn't matter. Stephen was still just as hurt as if I had cheated on him. I had to prove to him that I was still his and always would be.

We went through some awful times. It was as if Stephen, even though he'd promised to give me a second chance, was simply waiting for me to fail. He was training himself to live without me. He did things that hurt me badly. There were times when I'd go out and buy him a present, like the year I bought him that jacket with all of the Mustang patches on it. He never wore it once. But someone else gave him the same jacket and it became his favorite. I cried for weeks over that.

Our sex life seemed to recover in spurts too. There were times when we made love constantly, as if we had to prove that we still loved each other and belonged together. But there were also times when he wouldn't touch me for weeks.

Things seemed to get better after I got pregnant the first time. I insisted that we get a DNA test. He told me it wasn't necessary but I made him go through with it. I wanted him to know that our baby was his, even if he didn't think it's mother was. I also sat through another lie detector test every year for the first three or four years after we got back together. Stephen kept telling me it wasn't necessary but I needed him to know. Winning back the trust of someone who loves you that much takes a long time and in some ways you never fully get it back, but I'll keep working at it until the end.

The end

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Too weird.

ncdeepdiverncdeepdiver3 months ago

While I am not secure enough to be in an open or swinging relationship, the context of it in the story made sense to me.

Many seem to disagree, but I really likes the story, and I really liked the twist regarding Donna in the end.

Well done!!

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

I actually like this story because from the perspective of both characters, their spouse is a cheater. Stephen had an emotional affair with Donna and well, Serena was a human pincushion for dicks. I don't think Serena had a sex addiction, I think rather than that she developed an obsessive compulsion about keeping both partners in the marriage "sexually satisfied" and she had no confidence that she could do it normally because of the example of her parents - the real twist of the knife here is that despite all the sex Serena had at the club, she was NOT sexually satisfied, because she was actually just like her husband - she needed that emotional intimate connection to climax. It was just her compulsion and insecurity that drove her to enter into the swinging lifestyle. Also, let's not forget that Stephen was complicit in this. Hell, he even opens up in his narration that the source of all their problems was him not being honest about how he felt and allowing them to start swinging. I think that this is why I like this story - both characters perspectives are valid and both characters share similar culpability in the damage that was done to the relationship. Remember, even based on the club rules, at any time Stephen just should have refused to go with Serena even if she wanted to and she couldn't get in. They had to be a couple to enter and leave. Honestly, I like the way everything was crafted in this story, I can tell that Stang here put a lot of effort into trying to spread the faultlines around between both characters. Of course, I think some people will have biases in either direction here, but from my own perspective I think he did an excellent job. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Someone said it best 12 months ago. 5 pages of nonsense. 1 star for this literary diarrhea. It's foul so much so that a thousand rotting corpses would collectively smell and look better.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

An interesting premise for a story. But, Nah, I don't believe a real couple could survive her sort of sexual shenanigans. Just no way. She had a mental illness involving a sex addiction, and that wouldn't be fixed by "love" or even her intentions. And one wonders how that much sex (and risk of exposure) would effect her fertility. What kind of man would want to RISK their future on such a messed up personality? I have read of prostitutes who moved on from that profession to lead normal lives and marry so intentions count, but this women was so fucked up that what intelligent person would TRUST those intentions? She admitted herself they were not trustworthy. So an interesting story, but a premise that could only exist in fiction. But Stangstar does a good job with it.

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