Family Secrets - New Orleans Pt. 01


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"That's the spirit!" Eric said clasping his brother's shoulder.

"Okay, you all know what to do," Samuel said giving them a nod.

"What about me?" Marie asked wondering why she had been left out as everyone moved to their spots around the property.

"I didn't forget about you," Samuel said directing Paul to start on the right while Eric laid down a line of salt to his left, "since you are the head of this branch of our family. You will be in charge of ensuring the pack is remade every six months on the waning moon," he said pulling out two new index cards one containing the incantation he had already chanted and the one for when the others were done with their tasks, he had set them out on. "You won't need the runestones again after this, unless of course someone breaches this ward. Although I doubt anyone has the kind of power to defeat this Guardian, other than me that is," Samuel said handing her the cards.

"And why do you say that?" Marie asked as she mouth the spell.

"Because I doubt anyone has gone up against the Celtic's greatest Golem in their magical lore in what sixteen hundred years or so. Hence why it takes so many to do this spell, five for the anchors to summon the body parts of it, four to tell it what to protect, and those two to draw the salt lines," Samuel said nodding to Eric.

"Man, you most really know your stuff," Eric said in admiration.

"Not really, my aunt, sister, and Mom knows far more than I do," Samuel said bashfully as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Nonsense," Marie said waving off the statement, "that display earlier only shows us just what we have lost when my family married into a hoodoo sect, I hope in the future my family can come to rely on you and yours in relearning the knowledge we have lost over the ages," she said her deep emerald green eyes lustered as her body prickled at the slightest touch of his magic. "I wonder what his magic is like during sex?" Marie asked herself as she stepped over the line of salt to stand at his side. "You know we all are sex witches like your sister and your aunt is, right?" Marie asked hoping to entice him to line her bed.

"Yeah, I kind of figured that," Samuel said glancing over at her waiting for the spell and the lines of salt to be done.

"We would be more than happy to help feed the three of you if you so wished," Marie said inching closer to him. "I know it couldn't have been easy on you or your family with so few of you."

"Think my sister and aunt had it rougher than I did, seeing how I didn't become like this until three months ago," Samuel said watching Kelly and Magdalene bent down to dig their own holes for the runes.

"What?!" Marie said in disbelief. She knew no new born that had tenth of his power just starting out. "Just what are you?"

"I am the Herald of Hekatê," Samuel said plainly, "through her I draw my magic as do all of you. I just have a more direct line to said magic per say," he said offhandedly. Samuel's legs grew tired standing in the same spot (due to the spell that kept him rooted in place) as the minutes wore on, silently groaning in his mind urging them to hurry up as Eric and Paul ran a line of salt to Kelly and Magdalene. "Good, that's good," Samuel said nodding as Paul laid the line of salt down at his feet, "you might want to back up, and call everyone here wouldn't want them getting caught in the spell," he said looking over at Marie.

"No we wouldn't, what about our children, your grandmother, and your child mother? Should they not be out here?" Marie asked holding Eric back as she sent Paul to round up the others. Giving Eric the order once Samuel nodded.

"Baby, just what have you gotten yourself into?" Wendy asked peering around at all the lines of salt that marred the landscape.

"Oh, nothing much, just an ancient summoning spell I learned on the way down," Samuel said as Martha stepped over the salt line.

"Was that in you-know-what you were reading on the way here?" Wendy asked studying her son's back.

"Yep, now I need silence, then we'll talk, okay Mom?" Samuel asked peering over his left shoulder.

"I'll hold you to it," Wendy said with a stern nod.

"De réir a chéile, de dhó, trí cinn, ag ceathrar. Tá na línte ceangailte," Samuel began to chant softly, an azure cloak of blue light slowly inched up Samuel's legs as his magic grew. "Éist orm ó 'ársa. Éist leis an nglaoch a thogann tú chuig an réimse talún seo. Lig do na línte do chosán a threorú," his voice steadily rose as did his hands. Small azure balls of flame started to appear a centimeter or two from the tips of his fingers. "Faigh an áit, garda é, é a choinneáil slán. Lig dóibh siúd a thugann dochar don talamh seo, do na daoine a bhfuil cónaí orthu a bhfuil a fhios agat!" Samuel shouted to the heavens causing the three lines of salt to catch on fire. Samuel watched on as his blue flames rose as it raced around the property. He heard them gasp behind him as the blue-white magical shell rose around the property and their house.

"Sammy!" Kelly and Charlotte shouted in worry as Samuel collapsed to a knee.

"I'm okay, just didn't think it would take that much out of me," Samuel said as he gathered breath from his laborious task.

"So our home is protected now?!" Marie asked wondering why the shell disappeared.

"Yes," Samuel nodded, "if the time comes you will know when the magic activates. Remember what I told you, every six months..."

"You have my word, I shall recite this spell on the waning moon," Marie said nodding her head. She wasn't about to allow such a powerful spell to crumble away. Not if she had anything to say about it.

"Good. It shouldn't be as taxing next time, do remember the blood though," Samuel said glancing at her as Kelly and Charlotte helped him to stand.

"Of course," Marie said stuffing the index cards into her bra. "Now how about we show our honored guest here the hospitality of the Beaudoin clan," she said looking at her family young and old.

"Yes Marie!" her family chanted in unison.

"So there I was sound asleep then I felt this sudden rise of magic filling my house," Charlotte said recounting the night she had rushed into the room after his date with his sister, "Magic I have never seen running amuck as my Sammy slumbered," she said as they all sat in Marie's grand ballroom turned living room. "Sam here was thrashing about shouting Murderer! I'll kill you! You'll burn!" Charlotte said rubbing her nephew's back. "Then this bubble of pure arcane energy just surrounds his body, tossing me against the wall as Samuel sat up and this murderous glowing eye peering at me. His voice was cold and cruel as he spoke, I know everything!" she said flashing everyone a warm smile as she told them about their lives in Salem. Watching how the adults and children alike were glued to her story.

"Samuel, let me ask you just how did you destroy the coven?" Joan asked as her two children sat in front of her and Rick as were everyone else's children were doing.

"I took away their magic, as was per Hekatê's order for that coven to be destroyed. I was already planning on doing such a thing the moment I learned the truth of Eva's and Beth's involvement in Norman's schemes," Samuel said looking up as he held his mother to his chest.

"But how did you accomplish such a thing? I thought no one could take one's magic away?" Marie asked sitting at the edge of her chair as she looked at Samuel from across the room.

"Yes, you simply can't rid a person of the magic they had inherited," said a dark haired man Samuel came to know as Michael. While Michael was a witch, yet he wasn't like his family having married into this family Michael could only practice hoodoo magic and not the form of magic Samuel, Kelly, and Charlotte could perform.

"Is that what you think," Samuel said with an arrogant smirk.

"Then tell us how you did it?" Aurore asked her brunette hair streaked with blue highlights bounced on her shoulders as the nearly legal teenager spoke up.

"Mana burn," Samuel said plainly.

"But...that's impossible!" Rick said in astonishment.

"If it was natural, yes I agree it would have been impossible for the coven to burn from the inside out. However, I created a parasite that would amplify their magic ten fold and repeat the process until it reached critical mass. Then it was a simple matter to watch and wait until the time came for them to die," Samuel in a cold matter-of-fact tone.

"You just watched them die?!" Aurore asked in fear.

"Of course," Samuel said his voice taking on a serious tone, "what would you have done when you knew they were the cause of your mother's death and at the time your father's stroke?" he said with a pointed look at the teenager. "But my father is gone now, but not far away," Samuel said softly placing his hand over Charlotte's stomach.

"Kelly, Charlotte, please tell me you didn't perform that spell again?" Joan asked aghast that they would so blatantly use that forbidden spell once again.

"Wait. So your father is in there?!" Marie asked stunned as she pointed at Charlotte's womb.

"Yes," Charlotte said sweetly as her hands lavished on her growing stomach, "he will be my first born, but I hope my Sammy will be willing for some more children," she said snuggling up to Samuel.

"If I ever turn you down you have my permission to take me out back and put me down," Samuel said placing a lingering kiss on her cheek.

"Dad, Mom, did you know about this?!" Joan asked trying to keep her anger in check at their blatant use of magic that was long held to be forbidden.

"Of course Joan," Carson said sternly as he narrowed his eyes at his youngest daughter.

"I would not deprive my sweet Wendy of the love of her life," Martha said taking Wendy from Samuel, "what kind of mother would I be if I let my sweet baby suffer in her grief?" she asked with a pointed look.

"But it's against her teachings!" Joan shouted jumping from her seat.

"I beg to differ aunt," Samuel said peering at her. His eyes glowed eerily in the waning light.

"Just because you are her Herald does not mean that even you wouldn't be punished," Joan said placing her clenched fist on her hips.

"Oh, I know all about Hekatê's punishments aunt," Samuel said with deathly undertones.

"So...," Carson said clearing his throat, "what was it that you wanted to tell us, Kelly?" he asked looking over at his granddaughter trying to distract them from coming to blows.

"I'm pregnant!" Kelly cried joyfully thrusting her arms into the air.

"P-p-pregnant!" Joan stammered.

"Congratulations!" Martha cried bringing Kelly into a crushing hug. "I assume Samuel is the father?"

"Of course," Kelly nodding her head vehemently, "you think I'm going to let this delicious man just run off on his own?!" she giggled as she snuggled Samuel.

"My, the Goodall family is just bound full of joy these days," Marie mused sitting back in her seat, "Joan, why don't you sit down, they did come here to help us not to be berated by us," she said taking charge.

"Yes Marie," Joan sighed hanging her head.

"We'll talk to them," Rick whispered as he gently pulled his wife back into her seat, "privately," he quickly added. He wouldn't have spoken so open before his extended family when it was an internal family matter. Yet with Joan she took her faith in Hekatê very seriously.

"Now tell me what exactly is the Herald of Hekatê? I know I am not the only one here eager to know why this man has such strange magics," Marie said gesturing to Samuel.

"Samuel was born touched by the goddess," Wendy said turning around in Martha's lap, "I felt it the moment he was born. Every day I would draw a sigil on his left hand to keep him hidden from the coven. I knew if they found out about Samuel, they wouldn't hesitate to destroy him. I wouldn't allow anyone to harm my baby, and that was the case until two years ago when I sort of died. Then my family was thrown into a whirlwind of uncertainty. Then Victor became ill and I could no longer keep Samuel in the dark any longer. We needed him, well Kelly and Charlotte needed him, as you can see, I'm not at that stage yet," she said running her small hands up and down her chest. "Norman's hex hurt my sweet Victor in ways the doctors can never understand. So we had to awaken Samuel's magic, since my baby was a good son to his ailing mother. His magic laid dormant until Charlotte awoken it when she had him to help her turn back time. Hence why she looks younger than you," Wendy said looking directly at Joan. "So my sweet baby's magic has been growing since that day, changing, strengthening, empowering those that partakes of it."

"I see," Marie said her finger tapping her chin. Still pondering on how she was going to talk him into lining her bed. "Well, I am sure the four of you had a very long journey," she said rising from her chair, "why don't I show you where you be staying, the rest of you get to your nightly chores. Oh and, Eric see about making us a new altar."

"What happened to your last one?" Samuel asked quizzically.

"It was the latest victim in their attack on our family," Marie said, "please if you follow me," she said gesturing to the door.

"Like all of it or is there like parts of it left?"

"Samuel what are you thinking?" Kelly asked as she stood at his back.

"There's nothing left of it but ash," Eric spat in hate for those that had been attacking his family from the shadows.

"Did you remove it?" Samuel asked his eyes darting to and fro as his mind combed through the vast knowledge Hekatê had inserted into his mind.

"No, I told them to leave it until we could purify the site once again," Marie said studying the man, "but come, I will answer all the questions you have," she said leading them out of the room.

"Wow!" Kelly said in awe at the large spacious room that was converted to act as their bedroom during their stay. "This place is huge!"

"We're going to need to do something about that echo though," Charlotte said cocking out her hip. Knowing how her jeans would contour tightly to her ass as she stood in front of Samuel.

"My, you gaze so lewdly at their posteriors," Marie giggled behind her hand.

"Can you blame me?" Samuel said taking all his will to tear his eyes away from those firm, tight, kissable ass' of theirs.

"Remember I want a spanking later," Kelly said shooting her brother a coy smile.

"Oh my," Marie said fanning her face, "are all pure sex witches so flirtatious?"

"Oh yes," Charlotte said walking seductively up to Samuel, "especially when there is one whose magic fills us in ways even, I haven't experienced before," she cooed as she ran her hands up Samuel's chest. "I do hope we won't disturb anyone of you, because me and Kelly just can't keep our hands to ourselves when Samuel is naked."

"Ah, no need to worry, as your parents have stated that when they told us of your arrival. I had Michael sound proof this room and had him secure that door, so no one will be able to open it until your stay is over," Marie said pointing to the double doors on the right side of the room, "this one has a simple lock on it, yet if you lock it, I'm sure there will be no one interrupting you," she said with a knowing smile. "Now I know you my not need to feed, but everyone here is willing to help you if you so wish. I'm not saying you have to, but it would be nice to see pure-blood sex witches in action. Since your sister keeps her and her husband's act private, we have only seen what sex magic looks like in books."

"Really?! Joan's been here for how long and yet to show you?" Charlotte said in disbelief. Shaking her head at her sister's need to hide who they are.

"Sammy, why not show them? It couldn't hurt them to see what we can do, and I mean everything we can do," Kelly said draping herself along Samuel's left side.

"Then I guess I'm going to have to do something about this altar first," Samuel mused as his arm instinctively moved on its own wrapping itself around his sister's waist.

"You know how I love it when I feel your touch on me," Kelly purred wishing to feel his magic filling her to the brim as it had done last night.

"Well...," Marie could feel her cheeks heating at the display. Was Samuel that enticing for them to so vivaciously draped themselves over him? Would her own family become as such once they joined their ranks, or was Samuel just that special to make two women act like sex starved women? "Any help you can proved with our altar would be most appreciated...!" Marie yelped in surprise as Charlotte pulled her over, her eyes widening as Charlotte kissed her with such passion that left her breathless. Moaning loudly as Charlotte fondled her breasts through her light, thin blouse.

To be continued...

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linnearlinnearabout 5 years ago

Thanks for more of the Goddall family. I loved the first series and this seems to me to be just as good. Every time Wendy speaks and acts like an adult I laugh, that was a brilliant idea.

goducks1goducks1over 5 years ago
i saw chapter 3 posted

so i went back and read chapter 1. its a clever story - but to much "voodoo" for me. great sex scenes - i know thats key to at least me - but i found it tough to read through sections of the story - particularly the religion stuff. so good luck, keep writing, you're very good at it, just not a story for me. i'll try reading your next story.

Ranger621Ranger621over 5 years ago
Thank you for continuing these characters.

This story has the potential to go a long way and I really enjoy these characters.

soul71soul71over 5 years agoAuthor
Dear Connie.

I can't message you if you send it anonymously, not that there's anything wrong with that. But I doubt you want this made public. As to your question yes I do when I think I can do the story justice. That being said, please write to me again with an email this time.



soul71soul71over 5 years agoAuthor

Thanks jneric.

jneric2691jneric2691over 5 years ago
One of my favorite story lines!

I love these characters. Damn, this was really a great story, soul. Can't wait for the next Part!

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