Family Tradition

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You never know what will happen at music festivals...
6.9k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 04/06/2023
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*This is my first submission, everyone. It's definitely a slow lead up, but I hope you enjoy it!*

**all characters are over 18. All characters are fictional.**

It was a normal July, hot and muggy during the day. I found myself with some extra cash, and a week off of work. I wanted to get the hell away from home, where it was the same old, boring routine that drove me nuts.

So, why not drive 5 hours north, into Canada, and go to a country music festival I have been DYING to go to?

The lineup was awesome, acts I wanted to see all weekend long. Tickets were a little steep, but I was able to find a cheaper place to stay (not like I was going to be doing much in the hotel room, basically there to just sleep for a couple of hours before heading back out).

I booked it. I hopped in my vehicle, and I drove. As a single guy on his own, you get to make these kinds of choices, just pack up and go. Nothing holding you back. Did I want to find my 'soulmate?' Absolutely. But at 20 years old, I had nothing but time.

I crossed the border with no worries, and continued my drive. It was a peaceful part of the Canadian prairies, anything but flat, but you could still see for miles, or kilometres, I guess.

I pulled into the parking lot of my hotel, and walked into the lobby, bag in hand, ready to check in.

"Room for Darnell Stanley, please," I asked the front desk lady. I saw her name tag, Abbey was her name. Kind of cute, definitely my type, with blonde hair, green eyes, and a pretty sizable rack. I like to think I'm not a pig, or a pervert, but sometimes, you just have to admire the first thing you see.

"Not a problem Mr. Stanley," Abbey replied. I could sense she was trying to use a "customer service" voice, but would rather be anywhere but here. "Just yourself in the room?"

"Yes, I'm up here for the festival," I answered. I saw her eyes light up for a mere moment.

"I'm sure you'll have a blast. I'm going to try and go on the Saturday night," Abbey smiled, and then handed me a standard form for vehicle description, and of course, to get a credit card on file.

"Maybe I'll see you there," I looked at her and smiled. By no means am I a player, but what's the harm in asking?

Well, getting laughed at. Abbey snorted while she giggled at my proposal. "I have a boyfriend. Enjoy your stay, but try not to be creepy while you're here."

I grabbed the card key for the room and walked away, mildly hurt, but more or less just happy to be there. I wasn't going to let one mean bitch at a hotel ruin my weekend.

I threw my bag onto the bed and exhaled. I then looked into the full body-length mirror. By no means was I Channing Tatum. I could have lost 10 or 20 pounds, but I was still tall, had some strong facial features, and I felt like I was still handsome enough to get by. I did not have a problem getting women where I was from, a small midwestern U.S. town where I had lived for most of my life. My problem was that I cared way too much about my job and invested too much of my time in my hobbies, like traveling, sports, and other trivial things, to care about finding a woman to settle down. like I said before, I'm 20, I had lots of time.

I decided against hitting the town my first night, but instead decided to catch up on some sleep. I hadn't slept well in anticipation for the trip, so as soon as my body hit the mattress, I was out like a light.


The Thursday portion of the lineup was nothing special, just some local 'talent' I had no interest in. So I decided to walk through the downtown of this city I had never been to before. I did some shopping, walked through one of the nicer parks I had looked up before leaving, and did things that I never made time for back home. I just relaxed a bit and took in the sites. It drove me nuts when people would just whip out their phone to capture the moment, so I left my phone at the hotel and just walked.

However, it made for a long day. I was absolutely spent by the time I got back to the hotel. That said, I still made time for a little social media, just to see what I missed.

The first picture on my Instagram feed was from a girl back home, who was at the same festival. 'Small world, huh?' I thought to myself. They had just finished unpacking it looked like, and were already barely wearing clothes, just cut-off shorts and bikini tops. The girl from back home, Katelyn, was definitely the hottest in the picture. She was a girl I never shot for, figuring I was out of my league.

I scrolled through her feed for a moment or two, not seeing a man in her life in any of the pictures. While that doesn't mean shit in this day and age, her profile was definitely one indicating she was single. VERY single.

I commented on that post; 'hope to see you there!' Innocent enough, right? She liked it, almost immediately after.

'Maybe I'll have a chance after all,' I thought to myself as I hopped in the shower.


Sure enough, Friday came, and I made my way to the grounds. Because the province I was in apparently had a nasty drinking and driving problem, there was a courtesy shuttle leaving from one of the mall parking lots nearby, so that's what I took out to the site. The music was already blaring, and the atmosphere was already in full swing. It was about 12 o'clock, so I grabbed some lunch, and my first of what would be many drinks that day.

I was watching one of the up-and-coming artists I liked from the grandstands. She was finishing her set, and the next act was not for another hour after hers. I decided to walk around. 'Maybe I'll run into Katelyn,' I thought, smiling while dismissing the idea.

My walk took me to the campground, where, if I had any faith in humanity, it would have been lost there. People were living like sewer rats for the first few rows of the campground, but the more you walked, the nicer the sites got. It seemed backwards to me, but I didn't question it.

It became apparent to me how alone I actually was, as literally everyone else was with a group of people. 3, 4 or more all walking together, looking at the doofus with jeans and a collared country shirt on with no idea where he was going. Man, I must have looked pitiful.

Then, I saw the camper from Katelyn's picture. I thought 'that can't be the same one,' but then I saw her, walking towards the porta-potties near her site. She was pencil thin, basically flat up top, but had a nice, tight ass that she displayed with her cut-off shorts. I tried to stop myself from staring, but man, it was hard. And so was I.

She emerged from the porta-potties and I tried to act as natural as possible, trying to make it seem like I wasn't stalking her. I called out her name, but she didn't hear me. So, Plan B. I walked up beside her, and simply asked "do I know you from somewhere?"

She smiled, and gave me the biggest hug I had ever received. 'I didn't think we were this close,' I thought to myself, but who am I to turn down a hug like this?

She pulled away, and she had obviously been drinking, or smoking weed, or both. "I haven't seen you in FOREVER," she shouted. "Come over to our site for a drink!"

Who am I to say no?

I sat down at an open lawn chair on her camp site while she fished through a cooler to hand me a beer. I was not even trying to stop myself from staring while she bent over, looking into the cooler. It was more of an admiration than anything that such a petite woman could have such a nice ass. She sat down beside me, handing me a Canadian beer, and smiled.

We made small-talk for what seemed like minutes, but was actually hours. I discovered she was still living in that same small town as well, but trying to get out. I smiled, and said I hadn't seen her around much, spoke about how the small business I was now running was starting to thrive to the point where expansion into another small town, or even a city, was on the horizon. She smiled, as her blue eyes and blonde hair glowed in the scorching afternoon sun. She ended up handing me another beer, and we talked until we noticed the main headliners were going to start soon.

"Are you here by yourself?" She asked.

"I sure am, but I thought you were here with others, as well..." I looked around, just noticing I hadn't seen any of her fellow campers from the Instagram post.

She sighed and laughed a little. "Turns out, they all found guys last night during the concert. I'm here by myself it looks like."

"Not anymore. Want to go to the show?" I smiled as she almost looked relieved. She grabbed me by the hand and we walked to the main stage, continuing to catch up. I couldn't believe how open she was with me at first, and maybe it was just the beers I was drinking, but I was starting to get the impression she really wanted me, and did for a long time.

We got to the main stage and started making our way to the mosh pit area. She was MAYBE 5'1", so there was no way she could see. I looked around and saw a lot of girls up on guys shoulders. I pointed them out to her, and asked; "wanna try?"

We figured out how to make it work, and she stayed up on my shoulders for most of the show. She was light enough that my back and legs were hardly getting tired before she motioned for me to let her down.

"At the very least, I can buy you a drink," she said to me, in a teasing sort of way.

"And here I thought guys bought girls drinks. I thought how country music was supposed to go," I smiled, while she hit my arm.

We walked over to the bar, and waited in line for drinks. The concert was ending before the big headline act, so we were able to beat the rush. In this Canadian province, the legal drinking age was 19, so I was old enough, and Katelyn's ID showed she was 19, but turning 20 in about a month or so. I paid for four drinks; two each, and we headed back to our spots in the mosh pit.

A smaller girl like Katelyn doesn't take long to get drunk, but she held her liquor really well. For most of the headline act, she was on my shoulders again, screaming the lyrics to every song. All I could do was smile. It was a helluva night.

Right as the encore began, she motioned for me to let her down again. When she came down, she grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me down for a kiss. We made out the entire encore. And not even sloppy, it was a really hot kiss, and if I didn't know it, my cock sure did, as it was trying to burst out of my jeans. She must have noticed, because she lifted up from the kiss and said "You're coming with me."

Again, who am I to say no?

As fast as we could get out of the main stage area with everyone trying to do the exact same thing, we did it. I'm not proud of it, but I may have shoved people out of the way, but hey, a hot chick wanted me. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

We were basically running to the camp site once we hit the campground, both laughing our asses off as we joked about what we saw in the line to get out.

"Did you see that big guy trying to climb the railings?" Katelyn laughed.

"If he fell, we both would have been goners," I replied.

Katelyn found the hidden key outside their camper. No one was at the site, again, so it was just us. Inside their mini camper -- which supposedly slept four, but was MAYBE big enough for two -- was what you'd expect to see; booze, some weed, and bedding. But no condoms, and as a single guy in a different country by himself, I guess you could say I was unprepared.

Katelyn must have sensed my worry, as she started kissing my neck. "Don't worry, baby. I'm on the pill."

Seven words a horned-up 20-year-old lives to hear.

It did not take long for what little clothes Katelyn had on to be tossed onto the floor, and she wasn't wasting any time trying to pull mine off. We were kissing, tugging at my belt, and trying to find a spot to lay down all at the same time.

Finally, my pants came off, and then my underwear. Katelyn kneeled down as she pulled my pants off, and my 9 1/2" cock swung and slapped her in the face.

"Oh. My. God." She said. "Were you this big in High School?"

"Two years ago? Yes." I laughed.

"I'm getting wet just looking at it," she whispered. Her mouth got closer and closer until she took it in her mouth. She was sucking my cock like a pornstar.

"Holy FUCK," I moaned. She was bobbing her head back and forth while I held her hair back. I definitely didn't want to risk her calling it quits because of me face-fucking her, so I just let her pace herself.

She then gasped for air and looked up at me. "I want this inside me so bad."

Don't tempt me with a good time.

I laid down on the ground and she slowly guided my cock inside her pussy. I could tell it was soaked, just by the way it slid in. When I was fully inside her, she screamed in delight. I started to push my hips up to fuck her from underneath, but she then rocked her hips back and forth, riding me.

"Oh my fucking God," Katelyn muttered. "Where has this cock been my entire life? FUCK."

She built her pace. I could tell she was really close to an orgasm. And so I held her hips and pumped her from underneath.

"OH MY GOD, YES DARNELL!" She moaned. Then screamed as she squirted all over my cock, almost causing me to slip out.

"Did you like that?" I smiled. She looked at me with the wildest eyes I had ever seen.

"Keep fucking going, baby." She looked me dead in the eyes while I increased my pace. Within moments, she was clawing at my shoulders, screaming my name again.

I lifted her up and got her to bend over. I had wanted this girl from behind for many years, and now, it was my time. I made sure I wasn't going to disappoint.

I fucked her hard from behind while she bit into a pillow and moaned. I could feel her orgasms on my cock, but I held her hips in place. Finally, it was my turn to cum.

"Where do you want it?" I asked.

"Fucking where ever you want, baby." That alone almost made me burst.

That said, I thought better. I pulled out, with the intention of cumming on her back or on her ass. But almost instinctively, she turned around, put her mouth near my cock, and stuck her tongue out.

"Feed me," she begged.

I came so hard to that line. I had no idea Katelyn was such a freak, but my God, it was the hottest thing I'd ever heard, or seen. My seed covered her face and her tongue, but once I finished, she swallowed it all, and even cleaned my cock after.

"Mmmm thanks, big boy," she smiled.

I just smiled and laughed, sitting back down on what little room we had in that mini-trailer. "I'm not trying to be judgmental or anything, but are you always like this during sex?"

She looked at me in a strange way.

"I'm not complaining, either," I added, trying to make the situation better. "It's just, it was really hot, and I did not see that coming."

She started to laugh, then cuddled up to me. She then looked up and said "I needed a good fuck. I just broke up with my boyfriend, and needed to let a little bit of steam out. You understand, right?"

I sighed, still thrilled as hell I just fucked a super hot chick, but mildly disappointed I was basically used as a rebound.

"Totally get it. I guess you'll know where to find me when we get back home."

We sat there and talked about nothing for a few hours, until eventually, we fell asleep.


Waking up the morning after a hook-up, especially rebound sex, can be rough. Especially when you're the guy, and you wake up first.

Katelyn was still cuddled up to me, but I had to find a way to get out, and get back to my hotel. Thankfully, the shuttles ran 24 hours a day during the festival.

I was able to replace my body shape with some blankets, and sneak out, closing the door carefully. Once I got to the main strip, I was able to get back to where the shuttle made pickups, and I was on my way.

After a shower and a bite to eat at the hotel, I finally had a chance to process the night before. It was a complete chance running into Katelyn, but at the same time, the whole night seemed choreographed. It was like we were MEANT to end up hooking up.

But at the same time, as she said, she was out for a rebound. It could have been any guy, it just happened to be me. There's no way it was anything more. At least, I think...

I let the thought eat away at me for most of the morning, and into the afternoon. I finally decided that if I run into her again, we hang out, and maybe talk about getting serious. If not, good riddance, I move on.

I stayed in the grandstands and mosh pit for most of the afternoon and all evening on that Saturday night. I saw Abbey from the front desk, but sure enough, she had a guy holding her hand as she danced and sang. Still got to admire those tits bouncing from afar...

I didn't see Katelyn at all. It's not like she wouldn't be hard to find in a crowd of people that large, but I did see two of the other three girls she was supposedly with.

I found my way to the bar, and chatted up with a local girl. As soon as she heard I was from the U.S., she asked "why don't you talk funny?"

I laughed, and then asked how her igloo was keeping in such heat. We hit it off, but nothing more. Turns out, she had a boyfriend back home two provinces over. That's a deal breaker to me. Loyalty and honesty is the best policy.

For the rest of the night, it was like I was in my own little bubble that no one else entered or left. I stood back and watched a kick-ass show. 'This one show was worth the money itself,' I thought.

I check my phone and see an Instagram message, from Katelyn. This left me in a bit of a grey area, so I opened the message.

*Hey cowboy, want round 2? You know where to find me*


I reply back:

*Why aren't you at the show?*

No response.

Well, shit. What would you do?

During the encore, I make my way out of the main stage area, and start walking towards the campground. I start making my way to Katelyn's site. Sure enough, Katelyn is outside, but she's not alone. There's a girl and two other guys there, around a fire. Katelyn sees me, and smiles, but doesn't get up. I come a little closer before she realizes I'm not coming into the site while two dudes watch, so she comes to meet me.

"I figured I could get you here somehow," she smiled.

"You spent all this money, drove all this way, just to miss the best act. Why?" I joked with her.

"Well, that wasn't the plan..." she trailed off.

Just then, the bigger of the two guys walks up to us.

"Katelyn, whatcha doin' with this loser?"

Oh, that's how it's going to go.

"Um, Darnell, this is Jeff. He's my older brother."

Weird, I couldn't see the resemblance, but I guess it checked out.

"He looks fuckin' soft, definitely wouldn't be a good candidate."

Um, candidate?

"Jeff, shut up. Stop talking," Katelyn was getting flustered.

"She didn't tell you about the tradition? Oh, bro, you better hope she acts quick," Jeff laughed, almost cackled.

"Okay, Jeff, that's enough," I started. "Katelyn, you can explain this to me later, but not here. Here's my hotel information, meet me there tonight or tomorrow, whatever works."

Jeff was still laughing to himself when I turned back to him.

"And as for you, I bet you piss in the same bowl you eat out of, you fucking jackass."

He swung first, and he missed. I'm not proud of it, but I landed an upper cut on him that sent him stumbling. He tried to regain his balance but I socked him in the face again, knocking him out cold.

Okay, maybe I'm a little proud.

Katelyn looked at me, shocked, while I shook my hand after the punches and walked away. I took a significantly earlier-than-last-night shuttle back to the hotel, and slowly made my way to my hotel room.

And I was just dozing off until I heard a knock at the door.

Katelyn. And she had been crying.

"We need to talk."

Uh oh...


She sat down in the empty chair beside the bed. The oversized sweater she was wearing was doing it's best to mop up the tears, but I still handed her a tissue box.