Fantasies Fulfilled

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Slut wife comes out of the closet.
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Though the characters in this story are real, the events are a work of fiction based on past events that are real. Enjoy!

Lori and I had been together for three years, engaged for two of those. Then she left me and married another man 8 years her junior. I knew their marriage wouldn't last. First the age difference would be an issue. True love though, would be the thing that brought her back to me.

I won't say that a woman 8 years older than her man won't work, but in Lori's case I didn't figure it would because of the particulars of her situation. She had body image problems. Nature hadn't been nice and Lori had breasts that were tiny by any standard. Basically nipples that sat on a spoonful of breast tissue. If the scale went that small likely an AAAA cup, so she wore 34B padded bras to hide the fact. I love little titties so it didn't bother me that naked from the waist up she was more like a skinny boy in physique than a 43 year old woman.

What I had done, and in retrospect it was just one of the mistakes that hurt our relationship, was to offer to get her breast enhancement surgery. I had approached it even from a joking perspective calling them 'store bought tits'.

Though my intent was to seek a solution that would make Lori happy and give her peace of mind, all I did in retrospect was to chip away at what little self-esteem she had.

Lori also had a dinner plate sized stretch mark on her belly from carrying her two pregnancies right in front. This bothered her too, but not as much as her tiny breasts. In my attempt to make her happy, I offered laser abrasion therapy. Again sterling intent resulted in pewter results. Though not the self-esteem chipper the breast enhancement idea had been, it wasn't a helpful thing as I intended.

Anything that isn't a part of the solution is a part of the problem.

I have a saying, I don't know who authored, but it fits. I have it framed on my wall. It says, "There are no perfect men, only perfect intentions."

These things contributed to the demise of our relationship, but the thing that was probably the real killer was my pressure on Lori living out her fantasies. Her fantasies were wide and varied. She freely confided them in me.

She also confided that in 19-years of marriage she had cheated on her husband on average two times a year. 40 some odd affairs, though affairs are not the correct word, for they were all, except me, one-night-stands.

I thought Lori was addicted to the salacious and tawdry and the lust high those produced.

In fact, the term 'lust high' was a phrase I learned from her. Fearing I too would become a victim of her wandering ways, I pushed her to experience her fantasies.

This led to frequent fights. She didn't want to have lovers outside our relationship, but I incorrectly felt if she didn't satisfy her desire for strange with me, she would do so without me. My frequent pressure in this regard was, at the very least, the catalyst for her terminating the relationship and leaving.

After she left, in the few months immediately after while I fought tooth and nail to get her back, she had stated that if I loved her I wouldn't desire to share her sexually. I countered to no avail that I loved her enough to allow it. It wasn't that I 'desired' to share her sexually it was that I loved her enough to 'allow' it if that was what made her happy.

I patiently awaited her return. Mutual friends assured me ours was true love and true love never dies so she would be back. I pined and waited. I did try to establish new relationships, perhaps more of a test to my love for Lori than for the respite from the pain I suffered.

None of these were successful. At first I talked about her too much, but then once I realized that would destroy any relationship and started to carefully watch what I said, they still failed to materialize into meaningful relationships. I was hopelessly smitten by my love for Lori. When I couldn't perform sexually these women were gone. It was kind of like a psychological chastity belt. Attaining and maintaining an erection was difficult.

Moreover, the sexual tension that exists in the beginning of a relationship and is so healthy to it, was missing in these, too.

While she was gone, I got an eye-opener regarding Lori's cheating ways. So this hiatus in our relationship proved two things. First I truly was smitten and in love with her. And second I had been wrong about her addiction. She wasn't addicted to the salacious and tawdry, though she was sex addicted. They do say everything happens for a reason and this would seem to prove that fact.

This seems likely when you consider while we were together we rarely saw a day when we didn't have sex four to five times.

We are both Scorpios, so sex was an essential element in our relationship. Even when she was on her period our sex frequencies only diminished slightly.

A lot of these sex sessions were what I termed 'drop and go for it rut fucking' and not romantic buildups or foreplay that lasts days, before the actual sex occurs. She liked these impromptu 'ruts' as much as I did, though the occasional romantic tête-à-têtes were important, as well. But sex addiction isn't about the sex.

The news magazine I saw that presented sex addiction, and its in's and out's, defined Lori perfectly. It isn't the sex that a sex addict is after. Sex is merely the means to an end.

A sex addict seeks the feelings of freshness that produce the intense romance.

Lori's husband had traveled a lot in his business, as had I. So Lori cheated not for a good hard fuck, but for the feelings of fresh romance the lustiness of the one-night-stand generated. This also explained why they were all one-might-stands. In the final analysis though Lori did cheat on me once, at least that I am aware of, I guess I was lucky it wasn't many more times.

The story on 20/20 or 60 Minutes, whichever one it was, featured an interview of a woman where she said she had felt tremendous guilt after each interlude, for she loved her husband and the sex they had was good. So it wasn't either love or satisfying sex she sought in these interludes.

She said each time she swore she would never do it again, but was drawn back to it over and over. It was truly an addiction.

Lori had told me she died a little inside each time she had cheated and swore she would never again, but did.

So I waited and just as our friends had predicted, her marriage ended and she came back.

I started to put what I had learned to work. After the awkwardness of her return had softened I sat and talked to her one day. First I addressed the pushing her to experience her fantasies in context of what I had learned from the sex addiction eye opener.

"I understand that you were telling me the truth in stating all but a couple of your fantasies you desired to leave in the world of fantasy. Since I now have an understanding regarding your sex addiction and what it is that motivates a sex addict, I see no reason to push you to experience your sexual fantasies. It was never my desire to share you sexually with another man or woman, to begin with."

I could see the love once again in her eyes as Lori responded to my comment.

"I appreciate your understanding. I hope that understanding carries with it a forgiveness for the horrible things I did to you when we ended."

"Of course it does. I am talking to you about it aren't I, besides my love is and has always been unconditional."

Her reply again was genuine and heartfelt. Though she was a good actress and had and could easily dupe me, I wasn't seeing that this time from her.

"Yes, I am beginning to see that. Though I thought unconditional love a myth or at the very least only available to a human from a dog or other pet, I see it is possible between humans now. Thank you for loving me this way."

I wanted to address another topic and put it to bed once and for all time.

"I want to say something else, and the topic was a problem before, but I need to address it once and then leave it lie. You have body image problems. Let me preface what I am about to say by saying I love your body just as it is. At the same time, I desire to see you happy. So if you want to get the stretch marks removed or to have your breasts enhanced, I am on board with that and will do whatever it takes, in that regard or any other, to make you happy. Also at your age it isn't likely you can conceive in the normal way. Also, my vasectomy occurred so long ago, conception after a reversal is virtually impossible, as well. So if you still want to have our child, it will probably require in vitro or something like it to get that result. But if this is what you desire, I will do what I can to make it happen. I won't bring up these topics again, but I will gladly discuss them with you if you bring them up."

The look of love in her eyes deepened and I knew I had approached the topic properly this time. Her response seemed to indicate that, as well.

"Chuck you are awesome. I can see that now. Gawd I am lucky for finding you and having you love me. I think after 43 years, I can live with my breast size, but I think I would like to have my belly laser scrapped. But I want to think on both of those topics first. If we successfully pick up the pieces and move forward with our relationship, as it looks like we will, I would love to have our baby."

This kind of open dialogue served as romantic for the both of us. A torrid love making session followed just as in days of old.

Time went by and Lori decided to have both procedures and now sports a smooth belly and 34C-cup breasts. One of the plusses is that even at 44 she doesn't sag like she would have had she developed these in her youth. Her breasts appear to belong to a woman in her teens or early twenties.

We carefully chose the surgeon. For though the surgical techniques most commonly employed with breast enhancement sees the surgeon make the incision at the edge of the areola and the scar is all but invisible, I had heard of a loss of sensitivity in the nipples as a result.

One of the reasons I prefer small breasts is they respond so much more readily to the slightest stimulus and I didn't want to lose that aspect. We located a surgeon that would go in through the navel or the armpit so the scar was invisible and no loss of sensitivity resulted.

Lori's body image was enhanced tremendously as a result. This was evidenced by the fact she always wore cleavage-revealing blouses now. I was a happier man because she was a happier woman.

Things went on for a while and as had been the case before, fantasy discussions between us became commonplace, again. I knew she had fantasies of gangbangs, being with a woman, and other fantasies that saw her helplessly used like a fucktoy. She even had a fantasy of standing as a bitch and being fucked by a dog. My mind wasn't clouded with worries of her cheating, so I could listen objectively and hear her say her dog fantasy was one she wanted to leave in the world of fantasy. This also gave me the clarity of understanding to hear her say which of her fantasies she would really like to live.

Her birthday was approaching and I thought to give her a couple of these as birthday gifts. I set about setting them up and had to modify one of them to make it feasible, but the basic concept remained the same so I moved forward. I had things set up and the day of her birthday arrived.

The plan was to take her to dinner and roll out the plan afterwards. This way I could soften her by supplying liberal amounts of alcohol and other mood enhancers and take her from a romantic evening where even the alcohol and other substances might not have been necessary, to the roll out of her fantasies.

I located a nice new French restaurant that had the ambiance I was after and though I had never eaten anything French other than Escargot and omelets, I figured the restaurant wouldn't have been successful if its menu sucked. Besides wine and candlelight was what I was after anyway.

"What should I wear?" Lori asked when I announced dinner that night was on the town.

"Come on honey, you always dress appropriately and we are only going to dinner. The restaurant is somewhat fashionable, so casual elegance is probably appropriate. I'm not wearing a tie even if it is your birthday, so dress in that vein."

Lori dressed fashionably and tastefully, her cleavage though not visible apparent in the cashmere sweater she wore. Her skirt was short, but not too, and we went to dinner.

We chatted amiably through dinner, which turned out to be awesome in a nouveau French style. The champagne was tasty as well. I held back feigning the designated driver role and only had two glasses. Lori polished off the bottle. Though tipsy she wasn't drunk which was what I had wanted.

When we left the restaurant Lori immediately picked up we weren't moving toward home.

"Where are we going?"

"I have a surprise for your birthday, don't worry."

We pulled up at the motel where I had rented a room earlier that day and went inside.

"What's up Chuck?" She queried once we were inside.

"Remember in the beginning when we spent all of our time in motel rooms?"

"Yes, you grew so frustrated because you said you wanted to not have to hide your love and hated it. You said you wanted to proclaim your love from the mountain tops."

She remembered it well.

"Yes I know, but now that we don't have to hide, I miss the closeness we had during those times, so I thought to try to re-experience it."

She bought it and so phase one was complete.

"You old romantic. You are such an old softy sometimes."

The mood was set. I went to the chest of drawers in the room and pulled out a shorty nighty and garter belt and stockings.

"Will you indulge an old romantic with a little sexy lingerie?"

"How could I refuse?"

She took the items and headed for the bathroom.

"Holler once you have changed, but stay in the bathroom until I come for you, OK?"

"What are you cooking up Chuck?"

She knew me too well.

"That's for me to know and you to find out. You'll see soon enough and I know you will like it."

While she was changing, I set up a device of restraint I had created. I called it a rack. It was two uprights of 2X4 mounted to a padded sheet of plywood with a another 2X4 extended between the two. You could restrain a person 'crucifixion style' in the device, leaving their body totally exposed. It was designed for quick assembly and I pulled the pieces from where they were concealed and quickly had the device set up. I went to the dresser and retrieved the head mask I would need too. Lori called at about that time.

I went to the bathroom and stepped into the small room. She looked hot in the gown and stockings.

"My gawd you look fantastic. I think I will just chuck my plan and ravish you now."

"Well that works for me, but since you went to all this trouble to develop a plan, restrain yourself mister and go for your plan."

She didn't even know what the plan was but was encouraging it. I hoped that attitude would prevail throughout the evening.

"Ok. Turn around."

She did as she was told and I placed the mask over her head. It covered her face, but had cut outs for the mouth and nose. I sat her down on the toilet seat. I lit a joint and passed it to her.

Without hesitation she drew in its intoxicating smoke. We had smoked pot before and the sex afterwards was always incredible with your senses sharpened to keen awareness, so she was a willing participant in this, though truth be told she really didn't approve of pot smoking. We finished the joint and I led her from the room.

I took her to the restraining device and offered her a drink of wine before placing her in the device.

"What is this?" She asked.

"You like being made to feel helpless and used sexually, so you shall have it my love. Remember your safe words?"

"Yes, I remember them."

"Use them if you feel a need."

I placed headphones on her head and started a homemade CD of all her favorite romantic tunes, then kissed her deeply. I hooked a splitter to the output jack of the CD Player to attach a set of speakers to the output so it could be herd in the room. I then pulled the front of her gown down so her breasts were hanging out the front. She probably thought whatever I had planned was about to begin, but I had a few more minutes to wait.

My four partners in crime wouldn't arrive for several more minutes yet. I hoped the anticipation would just pique her senses even more, but lit another joint and refortified our high. Then I gave her a sip of ice water. The knock came on the door promptly at 8 as anticipated. The headphones were so she couldn't hear any of the noise the next few minutes was likely to produce. I opened the door and the four stood there.

Rex and Sherri a married couple. Sherri was bi. Eric and Todd. They were both single males, and Eric was African-American. I let them in and they all stood staring at Lori, clad only in see-though gown, and garter belt and stockings, her breasts on display, secured as if being crucified in the device, her arms bound to the cross member, her legs spread apart and secured to the sides of the upright. Her eyes covered so she couldn't see anything.

I went over the plan as I had outlined it when I had recruited them.

"Sherri you will slide between her legs from behind. Eric and Todd you two will position in front of her. On my command you three will start to orally use her. Sherri you will eat her pussy, Eric and Todd you two will suck her breasts. If everything goes well, she will want to suck all of you off and then who knows what will occur. Rex you need to be ready so you can offer her your cock when she asks to suck the guys off. So everybody remove your clothes and lets get going."

Everyone, including me got naked. Sherri looked great nude and the guys all had impressive equipment. Eric being African-American was well endowed, as is characteristic of the race. But all were well hung. If Lori let this go to conclusion, she would be well used. I would respect her safe word should she use it but I didn't think I would hear 'red light' this night. Once all were undressed I moved them into position and cautioned them again.

"Try not to touch her until all are in position. She will likely feel your presence as you slide between her legs Sherri, but I want all three of you to contact her tits and pussy at the same time."

They all got into position and from the look on Lori's face as Sherri slid between her legs she knew somebody was between her legs, but ostensibly it was me. She wasn't aware there were others in the room, yet.

I gave the signal and Sherri went after Lori's pussy. At the same instant Eric and Todd sucked in her turgid nipples. A look of pleasure followed immediately by a look of surprise came across what I could see of her face. If she was going to safe word it would be now, instead she just moaned.


She was involved in a sexual situation with outsiders, which fulfilled her fantasy or one of them at least, and wasn't protesting the fact. This was the part that was a modification of her fantasy. Her fantasy with women was to be the one eating the pussy, and not just to have her pussy eaten by a woman. She didn't even know a woman was eating her pussy. I had decided Sherri would eat her pussy, because I felt a bi or lesbian woman would eat pussy from the enjoyment aspect of it. Some men, myself included, ate pussy because we enjoyed it, but some men did it from a sense of obligation. I wanted whoever was eating her pussy to do it from an enjoyment aspect.

After a time Lori was moaning constantly, her hips moving in a discernable circular rhythm. I moved to phase two.

I changed the CD to one I had recorded earlier. I started it and a dialogue began.