Fantastic Four: A Hard Day's Night


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"Ah, full of hang-ups, are you?"

"That's stupid!" Sue replied. "Ben is the one at stake here. His is the opinion that matters!"

"Good point. You would have made a good lawyer."

"Is that another insult?"

"Take it as you will."

"You bet."

"We should have a second round. Like finals."

"You just want an excuse to fuck Ben again."

"To prove that Ben can fuck me and not worry about squashing me like a bug!"

"I have a force field, you know. I can make it skin-thin and take it as hard as you can, and more!"



"Care to put your cunt where your mouth is?"




"BEN!" both called out at once.



Ben raised his rocky brows. A guy did not get requests like that every day. "Um..."




"Afraid I'll leave him worn out?"




"Uh, excuse me?" Ben asked. "May I speak?"

"WHAT?" both asked at once.

"Better none go first," Ben stated, smiling broadly at the two beautiful woman arguing over him. Most people underestimated Ben because of his lingering Yancy Street accent, and often understated manner, and that was often the undoing of his foes. But he had not worked his way from the slums into being a top test pilot by being a fool.


"You don't want-?"

"Much better both at once, says me."

Sue and Jen turned to each other in surprise. Their eyes gazed furtively upon the obvious charms of each other's nude figure, and both blushed.


"Why, I-I-," Jen stammered.

"I could do that," Sue said.

"Won't mind it myself," Jen added.

"Why didn't we think of that first?"

"Fine!" Ben said, with a sigh of relief. "Now why dontcha two just kiss and make up?"

"There'd better be no more interruptions this time," Sue muttered, eyes fixed on Jennifer, as she licked briefly her lips.


"Damn! Look at the time!" Ben said, jumping to his feet. "Where are my shorts?"

"Didn't Jen eat them?" Sue whispered.

"What? Alicia's gonna kill me!"

"Oh, Herbie did the laundry. There's surely another one there."

"Uh, look, girls, I gotta go."

"You have to?" Jen asked breathlessly. "How about one for the road?"

"I can't!"

"Just a quickie?" Jen begged, rubbing her glistening left breast, covered in sweat and other fluids.

"Each?" Sue added.

"Jeez, dontcha two never have 'nuff?"

"Look who's talking," Jen quipped with a smile.

Ben looked down and sighed. That could be hard to explain indeed. Thankfully, he thought, Alicia would not see him walk in like that, literally.

"Just tell her you're happy to see her," Sue advised. "Really happy."

"And bring her with you next time," Jen purred.

"Yes, we do work best as a foursome," Sue agreed.

"And it would be fantastic, indeed," Jen added.


Ben strode down the corridor and breathed out with relief. Thankfully he would not have to see Reed for a while. Sure the dumb nerd deserved it, neglecting a woman like Sue, but that did not make Ben feel any less guilty.

Ben sighed. He just could never say no to the dames.


"God, so big and so pussy-whipped," Sue muttered, stretching on the remnants of the bed.

"He really does love her, doesn't he?" Jen said with a pout.

"Alicia? He adores her," Sue said.

"She's so lucky!" Jen protested. "He's so adorable, and kind, and-"

"And can fuck so well!"

"That, too! Just one of his fingers is better than most guys I've had!"

"Oh, yes! They drove me crazy! When he was fucking you in the ass, and he had one of them in each of my-"

"Why can't I have someone like him?"

"Well, there's only one Ben. That's his charm."

"Can we really share him?"

"I think so. I don't mind his doing you too."

"That's so cool of you."

"As long as I can join in sometimes."

"You can have me alone, too, you know."

"Now, that's an idea," Sue said, sliding over her, their lips joining in a slow, lingering kiss, hands caressing welcoming flesh.

"Sue, about what I said before-" Jen began, after their mouths drew apart, long minutes later.

"Oh, forget it."

"No, it's just that -I'm sorry-"

"I'm sorry, too."

"God, I can be a possessive bitch sometimes," Jen said, twisting her mouth. "You had every right to hate me."

"Oh, no," Sue protested. "I just overreacted. I just had such a lousy day..."

"But I started with the insults."

"The blonde cliché thing? Forget it, you weren't thinking straight."


"After that fucking Ben gave you, it's a wonder you could talk, much less think."

"Oh, yes. It was quite something-!"

"You bet! Made me hornier than hell, and I had already had my own just before!"

"Was it as good?"

"You have no idea. Almost fainted."

"What about Alicia?"

"Oh, you are insatiable!"

"I mean about Ben. You think she'll find out?"

"She's very perceptive."

"Will she be mad?"

"We could convince her to understand," Sue said, kissing Jen again.

"I'd really love that, all kiddin' aside," Jen sighed. "She's really cute, in that sweet, delicate waif way. But she seems too... you know, innocent, for a foursome, or anything too daring."

"Probably Ben thinks the same."

"Who knows if she gives him any at all."

"I think Ben is worried that Alicia's relationship with her father was abusive, or something, and that she is too sensitive and fragile."

"Having a super-villain as father was surely tough."

"But I think it's a load of crap."


"Ben thinks that, because he has the whole knight in shining armor complex, but I think sweet dear Alicia has her wild side, too."


"You seen those sculptures she makes? Of all sorts of heroes and villains? All completely lifelike? Well, I've really checked them out and not only are they perfect likenesses, but she even has right all 'those' most particular sizes and shapes. In all of them!"

"She does?"

"And how else can a blind girl get such detailed, precise knowledge? I can see it: 'Oh, Mister Hyde, let me read you with my hands, please. This is how I see. It's all for my art! Innocent, my ass!"

"And how can you tell yourself?"

"Oh, believe me, ok? You aren't the only one who does get around."

"Why, you wicked... Who have you done?"

"All the right ones, dear."

"Ah! I knew it! Blaastar and Annhilius were way too familiar with you that time!"

"I was the token hostage of the FF for years, you know."

"We should compare lists."

"With Alicia, too."

"I bet you've missed some great ones."

"In the Avengers?"

"And elsewhere," Jen laughed. "Besides Ben, the best good guy I've had may be Cage."

"Luke? Power Man? Oh, God, he was awesome, yes!"

"You did Cage?"

"He did me, actually," Sue said, smiling impishly. "You are not the only one who filled in for Ben in one of his absences."

"Oh, I bet he 'filled-in' real well!"

"Oh, yes! But the man is obsessed with anal!"

"You tell me!"

"I walked funny for a month!"

"Only a month? He wasn't really trying, then."

"He's hanging with that Jones chick these days, right?"

"Yep. Don't know what he sees in her. Flat as a board, that one," Jen said with a shrug.

"It's all about size for you, isn't it?"

"You bet!" Jen said, playing with Sue's breasts.

"Cut that out!" Sue complained. "We should really get all this cleaned up."


"Not that Reed will notice," Sue shrugged. "And we should get some sleep sometime!"

"We could do that next week."

"I should go check up on Reed, too, or he'll stay in the lab for days without eating or washing."

"And that is bad because?"

"You haven't slept next to a smelly scientist."

"I have slept next to more smelly things you can imagine."

"Oh, I don't doubt that," Sue laughed, rising up. "I'll be back, don't worry. I'll just check if he's had dinner or not."

"The perfect housewife!" Jen mocked.

"Laugh, laugh," Sue replied, putting on a bathrobe. "I'll see you married to Speedball yet. Then we'll talk!"

"No way. I may reform one of the real big bad boys, tough. The REAL BIG bad boys... The Juggernaut perhaps."

"Oh! That would be too much!"

"Not really. Too much is often barely enough!" Jen added, making both laugh. "The Thinker's Awesome Android however..."

"Oh, yes! The Awesome part was right on target!"

"Oh-my-God! You know, too?"

"We really MUST go over those lists together," Sue stated. "Just wait, I'll be right back."

"Shouldn't you do something about the robot? It's really getting on my nerves."


"Oh, yes! Poor thing. It was doing so well, too."

"Doing what?"

Sue knelt by the HERBIE drone and straightened him against a wall. "It's a little dented, but Reed had self-repair functions built into it, so it should be already operational again, I think. You may find him useful."

"Doing what?"

"Oh, he's very handy!" Sue replied, pressing a hidden button in the metallic chassis. "Herbie, command mode. Reboot."

The drone's lights ran a complex pattern and after a small shudder, it rose to hover steadily again.

"May I be of any assistance?" HERBIE asked.

"Actually, Yes. Herbie, this is Jennifer."

"Ms. Waters is registered in my database. Welcome, Ms. Waters."

"Oh, he's so cute!" Jennifer said, rising and clapping her hands in child-like delight.

"Jennifer will be with us for a while, so we must be very nice to her, understand?"

"Please define 'nice'."

"You should do whatever she needs."

"I will be of assistance."

"Oh, I am sure you will. You do have higher power levels for your ... extensible arm functions?"

"Yes, madam. My maximum level is-"

"I think we should test those. Right now."


Sue was walking down the corridor when Jen's first cry of surprise filled the air. Surely that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, Sue thought. And Reed did have several other HERBIE models that could be activated as well, she recalled with a broad, broad smile.


Pausing only to run a hand through her hair and make sure that her bathrobe was properly tied at the waist, Sue pressed the access pad in the Multi-Lab's door. The security system verified her fingerprints and retinal print, and opened the multiple locks. Only Sue had full access to override the "no disturb" directive Reed Richards placed when he was working.

Stepping into the lab, a much happier and relaxed Susan Storm addressed her husband: "Reed, honey, you're staying up far too late, and-"

She stopped as Reed, who sat hunched in his chair with his back to her, immediately shut off the monitor arrays and fumbled with his pants.

"What are you doing?" Sue demanded, striding forward.

"I-I can explain, I-" Reed stammered, still trying to get his stretchable pants in place.

Sue's mouth hung open as she realized the nature of the fluid patches splattered in the floor before her husband's seat. There was even some in the console before him.

"You'd better have a damn good explanation," Sue hissed.

"Well, I-I was-You see, I noticed-" he began, searching for words in highly uncharacteristic fashion.

"You noticed? YOU NOTICED WHAT?"

"I was just checking-"

"I've been trying to get you to notice me for weeks! I've been going crazy trying to get your damn attention! Trying to get you to treat me like a woman, like your woman! All in vain! And all the while you have been here watching porn and jerking off like some pathetic comic-collecting geek?"

"Not really, I-"

"Do you have any idea what you've put me through? Do you realize the aggravation I suffer for your sake? The things you have driven me to do?"

"Actually, I-"

"Most men would do anything to have me! Some of our deadliest enemies would imperil the world just to have my body once, and you prefer to jerk off to some damn slut in a video?"

"Not really, I-"

"What the fuck were you watching? What the hell was preferable to having me, your flesh and blood wife?"

"It isn't-"

"Computer! Codeword Franklin. Activate the monitor array and replay the last minutes of displayed video!"

"No, Sue, it-"


The monitor array went on, and in the screens, multiple angles showed the huge, rocky figure of the Thing holding the soft body of Susan Storm Richards in his arms, his enormous phallus entering her from behind with powerful thrusts while her face lay busy between the spread legs of Jennifer Waters.

The replayed grunts, moans, and cries filled the silence in the room, while in the background the faint sound of the fallen drone could be heard repeating a single word.

Sue stood speechless. The first thought to cross her mind was how ridiculous her utterances sounded from outside the context.

"I can explain," Sue whispered.

"Oh, it is quite self-evident," Reed stated. "I was neglecting your sexual needs as usual, and you were again forced to seek alternate venues of satisfaction. Rather understandable."

"When did you-?"

"I accessed our room while doing a full security check and well, it was not hard to grasp the situation."

"You saw all?"

"Oh, yes. I reviewed the previous events later, too. I really had never considered such applications for HERBIE, but-"

"You saw all that and you just jerked off to it?"

"I am afraid so, dear," Reed admitted, blushing deeply. "More than once, as it is obvious, I must confess, but I-"

"You saw me letting a machine fuck me and just jerked off?"

"Yes. I do apologize for dismantling your vibrator, by the way, but-"


"Yes, but-"

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" she yelled, jumping at him, battering furiously with her bunched fists.

"Actually I approve of the choice of Ben," Reed said, letting his pliable flesh absorb the blows harmlessly. "It is the most convenient option, both in the situational availability and-"


"I care! But I want you to be happy!"

"You want me to be happy?" Sue echoed incredulously.

"Of course! I love you, dear, and-"


"Well, I want us both to be happy."

"You want to make me happy? Then you fuck me as you should, you asshole!" Sue yelled, opening her robe wide. "I'm here! Stop throwing come at a damn screen and fuck me!"

Reed stood silent for a couple of seconds, staring at his wife, before shaking his head and answering. "I wish I could, really, but I can't."


"Technically, I am a form of voyeur," Reed said, lowering his eyes. "I suppose it has to do with my tendency to concentrate on my work, to observe and measure and tinker, from a vantage position that is transcendent rather than immanent to the actual action."


"Computer, halt the feed," Reed ordered, before continuing. "I conjecture that I have allowed myself to become too clinically detached in my studies and interests, seeking an outside observer position, so that it has become harder and harder to perform as active participant in sexual activities, until it seems to have become an unworkable situation."

"So you can't-?" Sue began, horrified.

"Become aroused unless I watch from a distance, metaphorical or actual, yes," Reed nodded. "I tried using some of the drugs available for erectile dysfunction but apparently my cosmic-ray mutated metabolism does not respond adequately."

"But if you can masturbate, then you can become erect!" Sue said, her eyes filled with growing desperation.

"As a non-involved observer I can and do become functional."

"Then we could use pornographic videos or-"

"I have experimented, but-" Reed began, and for a moment hesitated, before continuing: "I duplicated most of Johnny's extensive collection, but diverse as the contents were, none could arouse me into functionality. I just felt no interest for any of the performers sampled."

"But you just-"

"Because you were involved, dear, and I do love you."

"Oh, Reed!"

"I am not interested in anyone else."

"But I stripped for you and it didn't-"

"It has to be actual sexual intercourse with a partner to work, unfortunately."

"Oh, Reed!" Sue exclaimed and hugged him tightly. "So to function, you'd need to..."

"See you having sex with other people, yes. That is why I found the choice of Ben inspired. He is a dear friend, and I would not like so much the idea of your having casual sex with strangers or persons of unknown conditions or motives. I must say that I was quite impressed by his exemplary performance, as well as yours, dear. Truly magnificent. Particularly when Jennifer was also involved."

"Show me."

"Excuse me?"

"Show me how it works."

"It is an embarrassing situation-"

"Nonsense, dear," Sue said, caressing his hair tenderly. "We are consenting adults, right? What is one fetish or the other? I do have my own fetishes, too."

"Computer, continue video replay," Reed asked, the assurance gone from his voice.

The recorded grunting and groaning resumed, but Sue's eyes were fixed only on her husband. Reed swallowed uncomfortably, but his eyes were soon drawn to the monitors. Several seconds later, his phallus began to react noticeably.

Sue stared for almost a minute before moving slowly towards him. Kneeling before him, she released his growing erection from his pants and cradled it in her hands.

"I've missed this so much," she muttered, before taking it into her mouth.

Reed's eyes were fixed on the images before him, but he soon began to groan in appreciation of Sue's actions.

"I'm not going to waste this," Sue said softly as she stood up, and straddled him, taking his now fully erect member into her with a sigh of delight. "Oh, Reed, it had been so long!" she moaned.

"I concur," Reed said, stretching his neck to better retain sight of the main monitors. "You are as exquisite as always, and you copulate with Ben so well!"

"Oh, yes! He took me so hard and so deep!" she moaned. "He rammed his huge cock into me until I screamed with pleasure!"

"Yes, go on."

"It was so big, and thick, it hurt like hell, but I loved every hard inch of it, as it fucked me harder and harder!"

"Yes, yes! Tell me more!"

"I loved his huge hands squeezing my tits, kneading them like dough! And the way his teeth bit on me, making me whimper and cry, I could have come just there!" she continued, gasping more and more, as she rode him with frantic urgency, and his hands roamed her body, mirroring the actions described.

"Oh, yes, Sue!"

"And when he rammed a big thick finger in my ass, I felt my body explode!" she said, gasping as Reed's finger followed suit. "Oh, I just wanted to fuck him forever! To fuck him until I died!"

"Oh, Susan!" Reed gasped. "More! Tell me more!"


The video had stopped long before, but Susan's voice had gone on, describing in minute detail her actions and feelings while coupling first with the Thing and then with him and the She-Hulk as well, until both she and Reed reached a second climax together, collapsing together to the floor, giddy with their shared orgasmic euphoria.

"That was fantastic, dear," Reed gasped.

"Is that a pun?" Sue laughed.

"I would say your enthusiastic descriptions worked as effectively as the images themselves."

"Oh, you do have a great imagination."