Fantasy Football

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A happily married wife meets a pro football player.
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I don't feel good about this.

I went to go grocery shopping downtown. With our daughters finally back in school I had a little more time for it, and I just like being downtown. A couple niche groceries where you can get better stuff. It's a little more expensive, but it's worth it.

I had worked out this morning, too: another opportunity that disappears in the summer when kids are everywhere.

Even though I'm in my late 30's, I'm still the youngest regular at our club gym. It's pretty tiny and most of the people available to work out when I do on weekday mid-mornings are either retired or just have too much money to work. So I'm pretty popular to work out next to. I get some people to talk to and even though I know they are stealing a look when they can, no one ever actually comes on to me. I pepper our conversations with references to my husband and our kids and that generally helps keep things on the level.

After the workout I showered and changed into some shorts and a pink cotton shirt. It's the heart of the summer and for here especially it's been pretty hot.

I was actually on the way to the nearest store when I thought about shopping downtown instead.

It's just a little nicer there. More people. Feels like something is going on. As a stay-at-home mom I do sometimes go without much going on, especially when the summer is over and the kids go back. It's not time for the holidays yet and a we're a long way from our fall and winter vacations. It's just a slow time, and though I love my life it can be dull in spots.

So it would be less dull shopping downtown. I made the twenty minute drive and even found a parking space near my favorite grocery.

It's upscale and healthy; probably a lot people would call it trendy. Lot of food without gluten, everything organic...pretty much all the catch phrases of the grocery chic these days. But it is healthier and even though I've kept my figure, the fight is getting a little meaner.

My husband wouldn't tell you that, though. He's very complimentary and if I'm naked in the room he looks up from his phone, slides his glasses back down from his forehead. Fifteen years of marriage haven't diminished anything. In fact we've had sex each of the past two mornings, yesterday we both woke up handsy. I was brushing against the shorts he wears to bed, feeling him hardening against the back of my hand, while he had his up under my t-shirt, his fingers sliding and squeezing my breast.

This morning he was the one getting things going, his fingers dancing around my clit, making circles in the two-days growth of hair down there.

Of course both days the ultimate mechanics were the same, me coming under him, then him a few minutes later with his face buried into my neck. We've got a good sex life and he's happier with my body than I am.

I get a cart and start grabbing a few things. Hummus. A few vegetables.

They've got a sale on bottled water, a kind I actually like. Unfortunately, it's an entire case that's on sale. I hate lifting those damn things. I've strained by back before and that's no fun at all. Maybe next time.

A few minutes later I'm looking through all the cheeses. This place has an amazing selection. I pick a Manchego, consider something a Bleu for my husband. I can't stand them but he loves them. I see one his favorites and pick it up.

"What's that one?" a voice asks me. I glance over and then up. It's an African-American guy, maybe six-four or six-five. He's pretty big.

"This? It's Cambozola." I look at the sticker on the front. It has a drawing of a wedge of cheese on a cutting board. For some reason I always thought it was a picture of mountains. Guess you have look sometimes.

"Is it good?" he seems genuinely interested.

I laugh.

"Actually I don't like it," I say and he looks confused.

"My husband likes it a lot. Puts it on burgers. I don't like bleu cheeses, so..."

"I like Bleu cheese. I just wasn't sure if it was one. Looks kind of different."

"Well, it's like a mix of a Bleu and a Brie I think. Or a Camembert. I don't know exactly but he's told me," I laugh again, giving expert advice on a cheese I've had one bite of once and didn't like.

"I'll try some," he says, picking the biggest chunk they have and putting it in the green plastic basket he's carrying. It looks like a toy he's so big. "Thanks. And tell your husband thanks."

He smiled again and turns to walk away.

"Hey, could I ask you for a favor?"

He turns around, his face looking like a question mark.

"Could I get you to put some water in my cart? They're only selling it by the case and that's not so good on my back..."

He says sure and walks next to me back to the aisle the water is on. Along the way a few people we're passing are...noticing him. Smiling, turning their heads. He's kind of cute but not exactly enough to be getting that kind of attention.

He reaches down and snatches a case. I mean he snatched it. Like it weighed a pound. Set it in my cart. I get it now. I start to nod to myself.

"What?" he asks.

"Are you a football player?"

The pro team is back in town, back practicing. I did know many of them live downtown. I guess I should have made the connection earlier but watching him grab the water was kind of the final piece of a very small puzzle. He smiled.

"Yeah, I am."

He held out his hand.


I took his hand in mine. Kind of. I'm a fairly tall person (for a woman) but I do have small hands. And mine disappears into his.

"Karen," I said. "What position do you play?"

"Tight end," he said.

"I'll have to tell my husband I met someone famous. Thank you again, Donte."

He fake-bowed as I walked by.

I only had a few more things that interested me. Some Buffalo Mozzarella, a couple bottles of wine. I was ready to go home and open one of them up maybe, sit on the backyard porch and wait until time to go get the girls.

I got in line to check out. Maybe a minute later I heard Donte behind me.

"We meet again," he said. His green basket was filled.

"That thing's overflowing," I said. "Maybe you needed a cart."He smiled and shook his head.

"Nah, I just shop for today," he said. I frowned, but also noticed how soft his voice was.

"That has to get old," I said. "A lot of trips."

"I live right next door, though." He points and I know he means the skyscraper. It's a hotel that also has a bunch of floors of condos.

"Ok, that makes more sense then. For me it's a drive."

"Where you live?"

I tell him which suburb.

"They have grocery stores out there, right?"

Again I smile.

"They do. Just like to be in the city sometime."

He gives me a little bit of an up-and-down look. I think he's actually checking me out.

"It's good to have you in the city."

The person two people up gets their receipt.

I'm now next in line. I think about thanking him for the compliment, but decide to stay silent. I'm actually a little turned on from the attention. I'll probably leave that part out when I tell my husband this story.

I actually look at him a little more. He's very muscular (what I can see) wearing a tight designer white T-shirt and some jeans.

My husband is many things. He's funny and very sexy. He's not muscular.

Donte looks me up and down again and leans a close to me.

"Would you like to see my apartment?"

I pull back, no doubt a look of shock on my face. He can tell I'm caught off-guard. His cologne smelled nice.

"Sorry if that was inappropriate," he says.

"No, it's just. I don't do that. I don't cheat on my husband."

He nods.

"Plus, I'm a lot older than you. A lot older, Donte."

"That part doesn't matter," he says, moving a little closer again.

I step back a bit but almost step into the guy checking out in front of me.

"I'm sure you get all sorts of girls your own age," I say.

He reluctantly nods his head a little.

"I guess I do. But not as many as you might think."

He leans into my ear.

"No one has to know."

The cashier hands a receipt to the guy in front of me and looks to me. I've been...distracted and haven't unloaded my cart.

"How are you today, ma'am?" He's gently trying to focus me on unpacking my cart.

Donte cocks his head, making his offer for the third time, this time silently.


I honestly feel woozy. Scared. Jelly legs. And yes, a little wet. I've been one hundred percent faithful to everyone I've ever dated. And totally faithful to my husband, who I truly believe has been faithful to me.

Donte whispers one more thing in my ear.

I turn back to the cashier.

"Can you hold these groceries for me?"

We walk out of the store and right into the building next to it. Maybe twenty seconds. I don't say anything.

We turn into the lobby, and now I have no choice to follow him since I have no idea where I'm going. We don't get on the main elevators, but keep walking deeper into the building until I see just one lonely elevator. He pushes the button, we exchange smiles. Then we wait.

When the elevator opens I'm a little freaked to see an attendant, maybe mid-fifties guy balding with a mustache. He greets Donte and smiles at me as we get on.

"Good afternoon, ma'am."

I'm blushing. I mean it's just so fucking obvious what's going on. We're not talking as the elevator is going up - all the way to the top - and I'm looking straight ahead, blushing even more because my original blushing obviously gave it all away.

Finally we're at the top. We step off and the attendant waves to us.

"You two have a delightful afternoon."

The doors close and I mutter "Jesus" as Donte laughs.

He presses a few buttons and his door unlocks. He pushes into the condo and I follow. He closes the door and locks it behind us. I set my purse down on the first chair in the living room. As I turn around to see where he is, he's right in front of me. He leans down and runs his hand down my face, then the back of his hand across the front of my top.

"Nice," he whispers.

I'm a little shocked by how forward he is, but why? He asked me to come up here. I followed him into the elevator, into his condo. Now I'm here. I'm here to let him fuck me.

I step back from him, holding his gaze. I touch the front of my shirt, run my hand down to the bottom of it, then with both hands I pull it off, leaving me in a very ordinary nude bra. Clearly I wasn't dressing for this this morning.

I wonder if he's going to step towards me again but he doesn't. He looks patient, waiting for me to do more.

I reach back and unhook my bra. Part of me feels like this is the point of no return. I could still leave, maybe without a little dignity but still faithful. But deep down I know I'm not leaving yet. The metal of my bra clasp hits the hardwood floor, making the only sound in the room.

I'm actually glad to have the bra off. It's a very ordinary bra, yes, but in all honesty I feel pretty good about my tits.

He's taking in an eyeful for sure. Looking straight at them, D-cups, nipples hard. My husband says I have puffy nipples and that's rare and wonderful. I know they look different than a lot of others, and I'm glad he likes them.

Donte seems to, too.

"Damn," he looks up from them and to my face. "Very, very nice."

Again I think he's going to move closer but again he just stands staring.

Finally I unsnap my shorts, then realize I have sandals still on. I step out of them, my tits swinging around as I balance and imbalance. I almost laugh. Finally I'm back on two feet and I slide my shorts and panties down my thighs.

If I'd known I was going to fuck an NFL player I'd have probably fake-baked. It's summer but I'm still not as tan as I could be.

Donte again takes in the full package, looking me up and down. He indicated I should turn around for him and I'm not crazy about that either but I do. He whistles at my ass. My husband says that's why he married me. I'm pretty sure he's kidding.

I turn back around and start to walk to him.

"That's what I wanted," he says, his voice husky with some lust.

He reaches down and unzips his fly, pulls out his semi-hard dick.


It's not small. It's not like some porn movie python or anything, but it's the biggest I've seen in-person. And the only black one I've ever seen, too. I definitely approve.

I drop to my knees and take it in my hand. I look up at him and he smiles down at me. I smile back but puts his hand in the back of my head, making it clear what happens next.

I close my eyes and slide it into my mouth. I take it back til it hits the back of my throat, then slide myself back off it again. His huge hand on the back of my head sets the pace. My knees hurt a little on the hard wood floors, and the echoes of my slurps sound kind of loud. I make sure to swirl my tongue on the underside closed to his head. His head goes back each time.

I bring my other hand around, rubbing it on his ass cheek, which when it tenses feels like warm steel. I seriously wonder if stuff is running out of me and down my leg.

His hand speeds me up and I keep at it, the tip of his dick hitting my throat more and more often.

Just as I think it might be time to get up and lead him to his bedroom, give him total access, imagining what he'll feel like on top of me, my breasts soaking in his saliva and sweat as he parts me in a major way, I hear him exhale hard.

My mouth fills with him, burst after burst after burst. I had no idea he was so close, but to be fair I got a little lost in what I was doing and wasn't exactly sucking him slow.

I pull him out of my mouth and more stuff flies onto my chin, my neck and the tops of my breasts.

I look to spit him out but there's no place to do it. I swallow as I look up at him. He's breathing hard but really in pretty good control.

He offers me his hand; helps me up.

"I think you might want a shower," he says, zipping himself back up. He's right. I can't leave like this.

We walk towards the bedroom but first he shows me his kitchen and the view out the sliding glass door. He says we can walk out the patio and look around, no one will see but I'm not buying it. We'll stay inside.

He shows me the rest of the house, him completely clothed, me absolutely naked, a little of him drying to my neck and tits.

Finally we're in his bedroom and the bed I didn't get into. It's actually made. Wonder if that was him or housekeeping. He walks me into his bathroom and I have to say the shower is huge. Just a big square room, grey tile everywhere but still huge. He turns on the water for me and says he'll go find my clothes and a towel.

I get under the water and let it - all warm and intense - wash me off. I can't believe I did this. I'm embarrassed. I feel guilt. And I'm still horny. It's a ridiculous combo. I still have to dress while he watches and try to get out of here with a shred of dignity. I can't believe this really happened. Is really happening.

Then I hear the shower door open.

"Room for me?" Donte asks.

I turn to face him. He honestly looks like a gladiator. Or a god. He's naked, almost no hair on his chest, muscles curving everywhere.

I look at his cock, which is clearly rebounding. God, I love guys in their twenties. My husband would be out of commission until tomorrow.

He comes towards me, small water droplets landing in his hair, on his shoulders.

I look down again.

"I honestly don't know if there is that much room, " I joke.

He pulls me close. My tits hit him on his stomach.

Then he lifts me up.

Lifts. Me up.

His hands are under my ass, my confused legs scrambling to wrap around him as he lowers me onto him, succeeding on just the second try. I look at him looking at me as all of him slides into me, the head no doubt going places no one has ever been in me.

My breath sucks in. My tits jiggle in front of him, then slide against his chest as the shower rain hits us both.

No guy has ever picked me up before, with the exception of my husband taking me over the threshold on our wedding night. But he sure didn't - couldn't - do this.

One of his fingers circles my asshole as I lose control of whatever hint of restraint I had been clasped onto. His biceps tense and loosen as he lifts me up and down, my entire body just something he can wrap around his cock, make it happy. And so I do. I clench when I feel like I can. My moans are echoing off every shower wall. His hands grow tighter on my ass.

"Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuckmefuckmefuckme," I keep saying. As his breathing changes cadence and he sucks in air, my entire vagina feels like it's melting, and I arch my back, orgasm cascading up and through me. I feel like lightning might shoot out my nipples. I know he's ejaculating inside me but at the moment I don't care.

My eyes closed, my mouth almost involuntarily moves onto his. Our one and only kiss. My legs slide down his ass and thighs as he sets me down.

I do dress quietly, his eyes on my ass as I step into my panties, which he had arranged on his bed along with everything else.

Again he didn't talk as he watched me, this time him naked, leaning against the bathroom doorway as he watched my slide shorts up my still tingling thighs, rearranged my breasts back into the cups of my bra.

Once I was back fully clothed, he walked in front of me, leading me to the door. He opened it and looked at me.

"Cambozola cheese, huh?"

"Yeah. Cambozola," as I stepped out.

He smiled as the door closed.

The elevator down, with my hair wet and me still flushed, was even more embarrassing. The same attendant smirking and checking me out more openly, not like when Donte was present.

A quick re-shop at a different store, a drive home, another shower, and then back into my life. Picked up the kids. Made dinner.

A couple days later I layed under my husband and tried not to think about what I'd done.

I don't feel good about this. I hope I don't have a disease. I hope I'm not pregnant (my vasectomied husband might wonder about that) and I hope I can lose this guilt someday.

The other night we watched the preseason game on TV and Donte scored a touchdown.

"That guy is really improving," said the man I've known for twenty years. "I really want him on my fantasy team this year."

On screen Donte spiked the ball and flexes, his bicep protruding from his jersey sleeve.

"He'd be good in fantasy," I agreed.

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NickTeeNickTee7 months ago

Wife is a slut. Only a matter of time before sho goes out looking for more, now that the door has been opened. But where is the pathos, the fear of getting caught, the blowback... the emotion? it reads like a porn movie. Woman walks into room. She sees man. She drops to her knees and sucks his cock. He sucks her pussy. He fucks her cunt. She climbs on top and rides his cock with her ass. The camera pans to show her gaped ass-hole. He ejaculates (take your pick) on her face, on her tits, on her ass, she puts out her tongue and licks the last few drips off his cock. She puts out her tongue to show his come on it... Credits roll

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Same format as another author's story of a wife taking on a famous athlete but she sneaks out on her husband at a dinner. Regular readers will know the story. This one seem less likely to occur but then it is his story so if you think you can do it.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Can't imagine a husband so blind that he doesn't notice his wife's inflamed vaginal lips and promptly divorce the cheating slut. Badly done.

LickideesplitLickideesplit7 months ago

Something missing.

IMHO, the base of LW is not just a cheating wife. It is the changes the couple’s undergo due to Sweetie’s adventurous exploits.*

This opus belongs (so far) in Erotic Coupling.

* whether or not Hubby discovers her indiscretion(s)!

PondLife2023PondLife20238 months ago

I don’t understand the interest in supporting cheaters? I suppose the authors of these stories must enjoy being second class men (or women).

I come to this site to enjoy thoughtful work (Van1 for example) not feminist drivel, or anti male. This site needs a BTB (burn the BITCH) section, aimed at the people who read the first few lines, see perversion coming and change story.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

cheating wife cucks loving husband with entitled, spoiled athlete. shows no shame or remorse. Husband needs to divorce loser wife asap. Not much of a story about two totally worthless people. No need to write more.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Na, just another bullshit story. But if you look at society today. You will see an increase in the stupid assed white girls who think its cool to go fuck a black guy. Well there is also another saying tnats a little different then the old bullshit. In the area where i live if you get caught dating a black guy, here you dont get to come back. You are labeled a black cock slut and the whites wont touch you. I got a dumbass sisterinlaw that married a black and her family doesnt have much to do with her. Blacks should stay with blacks and whites with whites. Mixing is fucked up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sorry, I hated it. I found it unrealistic and condescending, as well as racist. I hated everyone except the poor betrayed husband.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I.R. dumb ass!

gingerhuntergingerhunterover 3 years ago
Is human nature truly so shallow?

I am troubled by the idea a woman in a good marriage that is currently nurturing children could be so easily enticed to betray her husband and family. The football player no doubt was an impressive physical presence but he was neither charming nor particularly entertaining. Her personality and character have never before predisposed her to sudden bouts of promiscuity. She apparently had no medical illnesses that might give rise to sudden slut syndrome or a case of corneous cunt. Nonetheless, after a brief, bland discussion about an aromatic cheese, she made a mini spectacle of departing the checkout of an upscale grocery and walking directly to the nearby building in which he lived. Her brazen behavior essentially advertised her intended infidelity to all who saw her with the well known giant.

Unfortunately, achieving acceptance of her sudden decision to cuckold her husband does not resolve all of the questions that arose from her troubling behavior. She did not stop to consider STD's at all? She was fertile and on no form of birth control yet never thought to request he wear a condom? She cannot even be bothered to obtain a morning after pill to ensure she would not give birth to her lover's multiracial child? What had her husband done to in any way make her actions justifiable?

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 3 years ago
Well done ****

Well written !

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Above average sexy story.


26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

Donte smiled as he walked down the steps from Karen's apartment. He had gone back for a repeat sex session with the sexy , white, married women. His thoughts now turned to the first preseason game Saturday and the upcoming NFL season. Donte expected to start at cornerback this year and play well enough to get a big raise. His happy thoughts were interrupted by a terrible pain in his right knee. The knee collapsed and Donte found himself crying in pain in the ground. He looked up as Karen's husband raised the bat again. Donte knew his football career was over and maybe even his worthless life.

Upstairs, Karen smiled as she showered. She and Donte had gotten away with It again. Maybe they could make it a regular thing. Poor old clueless husband. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt her. She was shocked as she opened the shower door and saw clueless standing there. Then she.noticed the blood stained clothes and the bloody bat raised over his head.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
What he didn't know

Was her husband was going to make sure Donte kept her and her cheating ways.

Noe she is the team bike..

LightningSeedLightningSeedover 5 years agoAuthor
Re: What did he say?

Whatever he said, it worked :)

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