All Comments on 'Fantasy Man'

by DG Hear

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DesertPirateDesertPiratealmost 18 years ago
I should be so lucky!


Once again you have touched on an older mans fantasy. You sir are one hell of an author. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
As always a gretat read.

DG, I don't believe there is any story out there that you couldn't make interesting. I wanted to read the Halloween contest stories but when I saw a story posted by DG Hear, it had to be read first.

An avid fan

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
a lovely story!

my title says it all.i'm 75+,happily married 50+ years.thank you so much!

ItztheSecretMeItztheSecretMealmost 18 years ago

Another great story from you DG. I always look forward to reading your work. Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Lucky old dog.

That was a nice little trip to fantasy land. Keep doing the unusual, DG.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
I like it...

Not the story of course. The author seems to know the dullest, least funny, most unimaginative people on the planet.

No, what I like is that's he's written a cheating wife story and his entourage, the sourest, most vindictive bunch of Y-chromosomed individuals one is ever likely to meet aren't screaming about what a crappy, piece-of-shit story this is because the cheating bitches Holly and Ashley aren't punished like they should be.

In other words, Mr. Hear, those praising your stuff are a bunch of hypocrites who, were this the work of another, would be jumping up and down, and hollering, and gleefully awarding a bunch of zero percents to. But, because they like your attitude expressed in other works are willing to cut you some slack because, at the end of the day, they have no standards.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 18 years ago
well NOT DG's Best by any means

the previous poster I LIKE IT has a point but comes across as Idiot...

the hypocrisy is not that everyone likes it b/c DGHear wrote it ...

the hypocrisy is that IF DG hear or some other writer wrote this from POV of ASLEY's or HOLLY's husbands...

THEN many readers would be have a VERY different reaction to this story

I gotta tell ya I kind of agree. Its nice to see this old guy getting some But come on...

IF the two husbands would freak out if they ever found out. Especially HOLLY's husband .... who would be crushed to learn that his bride to be was fucking some old guy a few times a weeks for months on end BEFORE thery married and while engaged.

jack_strawjack_strawalmost 18 years ago
Not bad ...

... But not great, either.

Let's face it, DG Hear could make the phone book an interesting read, and this is another example. Nice, well-written fantasy, but nowhere near his best.

Ah well, as one commenter wrote about one of my stories that was, shall we say, less than my best, you can't hit a home run every time at bat.

I think the main problem was the rather cavalier attitude toward adultery on the part of these kids. I don't blame the old guy; he's like any of the rest of us. If they're going to give it away, he's going to take it. Regardless of what they got out of it, however, they were still cheating on their significant others without much regret or remorse. Doesn't bode well for their marriages.

I find it interesting, too, that Brent's mother was the one who insisted on the DNA paternity test. Think maybe she suspected something was going on? Like she knew what the old codger was like?

Anyway, it says a lot about the author that if this is one of his poorer efforts, then it means he's got a pretty estimable body of work.

PEATBOGPEATBOGalmost 18 years ago
Great as always!!!

DG! How do you do it? Whatever you write seems to please me and keep the majority of your fans happy! Some comments decry the fact that Holly and Ashley were cheating but, what the hell, our hero deserved his rewards for keeping them happy and, perhaps, ensuring that their home lives are more satisfying also. Thanks again DG. This was rather a special one for us ‘older folk’! After 40 years with the same wonderful woman I try not to think too much about our mortality, the way that the years go speeding by and what may be. An exceptional story. Pete.

Nightowl22Nightowl22almost 18 years ago

It's great because I can dream of repeating it myself. It would be wonderful. A really ggreat story for an old man!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Actually I would have married Holly and I am 68

she was the woman meant for this man, a shame they both couldnt get the strength to act on it. Instead the women commit adultry on thier husbands and he gets an occassional piece of used pussy.

Scorpio44Scorpio44about 14 years ago
A little clipped at the end.

Still a good story, good appropriate title too. I'll have a hot tub installed next week. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
DG Scores Again

DG I alwats enjoy your well thought out stories. They are :real and believable.

Don't stop writing.


LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggalmost 11 years ago
I hate this story ( but not due to the writing ) !

Although I love spas, hot tubs and swimming in pools, but have developed an allergy to them & can't partake anymore. I've tried anti- chlorine bodywash but nothing works. In terms of the story, there was some flagrant cheating, yet there were mitigating circumstances.

1) the boyfriend and husband were selfish/ inhibited lovers. If you don't go down on your woman, expecting her not to cheat is about as realistic as a pawnshop leaving it's doors open and unlocked at at night. 2) the narrator was older and not a viable threat to steal the women. This was pretty much his last hurrah.

3) the narrator had a vasectomy. Bastard kids are a dealbreaker. that rationalization aside, had they been found out - the mind boggles. Good story about how regular people who can get pretty shady, if the right set of circumstances are in place.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 10 years ago

Ignoring the lies and cheating and betrayal - the lack of integrity of even mr g - who would likely have gone ballistic if it was his wife "learning" and having fantasy fulfillment - it is a great story well delivered.

Ooops - we do have to ignore the foundation of the story though - it Holly was the neighbors daughter with no boy friend and Ashley her BFF and unmarried it would get all kudos - as good a the story is it is still about cheaters so the 5 stars are for the intesity of the story and the way it is presented not what they did LOL

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Not your best

So often we look for the cheating wife to get what she deserves in the end. Here is a story where the author celebrates their cheating on their boyfriend/husbands. Let the old geezer find someone he can fuck without the marriage connection. The whole story seems hypocritical.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

asyou condone women cheating on their husbands....

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Sorry I sent you that story...

I'm older now, I still get a married one once in a while. I don't feel right about it but we are very discreet and sometimes the hubby is okay with it and joins in. True story...bill

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
WOW. !!!!!

The first part of the story (about his married sex life) really hit home. I'm there now. The wife dying was sad. Now! All I have to do is figure out how to make the remainder of the story work for me......


jtwheelsjtwheelsover 5 years ago
Bush not bald or shaven thanks

Love hair

He got it all

PapaGolf414PapaGolf414over 3 years ago

This was my fourth DG Hear story, all uniquely different, and each one a 5* in its own right. BRAVO, DG! This was probably the kindest story you could have written, about an older man who still enjoyed sex, and his ability to attract beautiful young women more than willingly into his sex spa. It couldn't get any better than this! THANX for the Read!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

5* material for me.


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userDG Hear@DG Hear
I want to thank all the readers who read and comment on my stories. If anyone would have told me 8 yrs ago (now it's 16 yrs ago) I would be writing stories (on an adult web site) I would have laughed at them. Thank you so much for the feedback and comments. It's what keep m...