Far Pangaea 84 : Out Sorcerer

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One Knight stand. It's a Magic Man. Moody Blue. Headlights.
17.8k words

Part 84 of the 96 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/06/2017
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"Is this really Stonehenge? It looks brand new. No falling rocks or missing sections like I remember from our family trip to England."

Ruby Goddard hesitates in replying. The wonder of it all just blew her away, "This is back in the Medieval period Sophia. For all we know it could be a year old. Of course the grasslands around it look pretty darn green. Not much foot or horse traffic. This seems totally different than my first trip through the wall. Even the trip through the hula hoop James saved me from. No ocean. Not even the smell of salt in the air."

"Sunny day at least." Greta Winston points out, "All them books I read wrote about it raining in Jolly Ole. All I smell is green grass and flowers. I like it here."

"Maybe we should move everyone over." Sophia dances in a circle, "It's beautiful. Much better than our desert."

"We can't. Let's get it together Ladies. Finding the boys and getting back before we get trapped here is our top priority. No telling how long we even have as it is."

"Right. Any idea where we start lookin'?"

Peering in all directions Ruby growls at Greta, "Horse path over there to the East. Looks well traveled. You know horses Greta, you're our scout. Go check out which direction looks to be the most used."

"On it Ruby. But, for the record I'm no scout. Only knew Kansas. My Pa was the tracker. I just followed his lead. I'll give it my best shot though."

"All I ask Greta."

As the Cowgal sprints away to examine the road Sophia in her freedom went from stone to stone admiring the architecture. Grinning devilishly she reaches out and touches her palm to a large stone, her acidic impression leaving a hand print. Making sure Ruby wasn't looking she proceeded to use her index finger to etch Sophia loves James inside a heart. Laughing at her artwork attracts Ruby turning to see the unexpected graffiti. Rolling her eyes Ruby snaps, "Really? At a time like this?"

"Just in case James wanders through here and we miss him. At least he knows we were here searching for him. England is huge. We might not ever find him." She pouts, "I thought it was clever."

"Defacing a Historical Wonder of the World is your idea of clever?" Ruby frowns, "And, don't think like that. We're going to find them. All we need is a direction."

Sophia looks down at Ruby's belly. Through her shirt letters were glowing, "I think we have a GPS."

"What?" Ruby looks down at herself and lifts her life fiber t-shirt up for a better view, "Of course. Why didn't I think of this. Can you two track James?" In reply the letters EA and ST light up simultaneously. Ruby smiles and rubs her tummy, "How do you two even know what directions are?" The letters I and Q light up, "Yes but you two are only fetuses. Although you guys do communicate telepathically...wait..." Ruby paces outside the stones toward the East. Realizing James had also become telepathic recently gave her an idea. Closing her eyes she calls out in her mind, "James? It's Ruby...Mom...if you can hear me I'm here to take you home."

Nothing. Silence save for birds singing. Bees buzzing about. Ruby was disappointed to say the least. If James was close by he would certainly acknowledge it. Wouldn't he? Hands on her hip she circles in step peering up at the sun.

"Okay, that didn't work."

"Let me try." Sophia turns away so Ruby couldn't see her smirk, "Hey Handsome? If you're out there we should hook up. I don't think I can wait until you're 18. Let's get these Tyrants nudged aside and party." She of course wasn't serious but hoped her enticing nature would lure him in. Again nothing. Pouting she turns back toward Ruby who was inches from her. Making her jump Ruby glared knowing exactly what Sophia had been up to. Wincing the girl whines, "A girl can dream."

Behind them Greta calls out excitedly, "I don't gotta track any horses. We got company comin'." All eyes looking west they hear horses running along. Three men on horseback wearing an early form of Knight's armor. More chainmail than actual armor. Colorful outfits none the less.

"Knights." She presumed, "Sophia? Duck behind a rock. Seeing you nude won't help our cause." Ruby encourages before heading out to the road to join Greta, "Our life fiber won't help us either. Maybe you should go invisible. One questionable clothing from the future might pass any judgment."

"Right. Not leaving your side though." Greta easily vanishes before the Knights drew any closer. Minutes later the three future Knights crossed paths with a beautiful redhead, slowing their steeds into a trot. A skin tight life fiber suit had to look suspicious. She hoped that they wouldn't call her a witch or demon.

"What is this?" A lead Knight comes to a halt leaning forward on his saddle horn, "Good morn most beautiful Lady. Where be thy clothing?"

"Morning Kind Sir. I ran afoul of bandits. They stole my dress. Forgive my modesty."

"Indeed. Art thee headed for Camelot?"

"Yes. My...ward is there." She refrained from admitting her Son, "We were supposed to meet today. Until I got delayed by those bandits."

"Your words are strange. Where doth thee hail from?"

"South. Deep South. How far is it to Camelot?"

"Glastonbury be but a half a days ride. You may join us if you like. I am Sir Tristin. My fellows are Sir Gawain and Sir Armand."

"That is very generous of you. Again forgive my lack of clothing. I am most ashamed."

Tristen removes a tethered cloak from his tunic and passes it toward Ruby gallantly, "Allow me."

"Thank you." She quickly wraps it around herself with a faked blush. Keeping this charade up was going to cost them time. Finally concealed she opts for more information, "Have you see a young boy and a monkey running around out here?"

The Soldiers pause to glare amongst themselves, "A strapping young lad that pulled Excalibur from the stone? Indeed."

"He what?" Ruby turned pale, "How could he be that stupid?"

"You would ridicule the future heir to the throne?" Gawain grumbles with scrutiny.

"No. Of course not. He...is my ward. We lost each other when the bandits overtook us. I merely want to reunite with him."

"Ward you say?" Armand leans forward on his horse, "And, who might you be?"

"Oh, forget it." Ruby tosses the cloak off and reveals her concealed Glock pointing it at them. Having never seen a gun before they wince queerly, "Everyone off your horses. I don't have time to be friendly."

Swords are unsheathed and horse reins are tugged to the side defensively, "Ye must be a sister to Morgana Le Fey. The fiery red hair unmistakable. Put down your wand and ye may live to see another eve."

"Not gonna happen. Greta?"

Before their eyes Greta Winston turns visible, her own Winchester pointing up with a squint, "I reckon we redheads stick together with our magic sticks. Don't make me cast a spell on ya that drops ya like a fly on molasses."

"Another witch. To battle." Tristin prepares to hop from his saddle until Ruby groans and points her Glock over their heads and fires a single shot that echoed throughout the meadows. The noise riling the horses. Giving pause the Soldiers grow leery.

"My sticks louder Boys. We'll be taking those horses now." Greta winks at them.

"Nay Witches. Your thundering wands are but sound and annoyance. Nothing compared to a magnificently forged blade." Gawain leaps to the ground and rushes in toward Ruby. With huffed cheeks Ruby Goddard disarms him with a flying drop kick. Being a black belt in Medieval times would be to her advantage. Gawain falls back against his spooked stallion as Tristin and Armand join him on the ground to engage in battle. Armand losing sight of Greta as she goes invisible again and scurries out of harms way. The Cowgal was not much of a hand to hand combatant. Nor did she want to waste any bullets or harm them. Ruby saw Sophia begin to dart around the stones and motions her back. This was Ruby's fight. Evading a slashing sword she somersaults backwards and regains her footing. An immediate rush pummels Gawain on the chin. Her speed and agility lighting up her golden flesh brightly. In her altering appearance the Soldiers step back and gather their wits. Ruby grins devilishly as she inches toward their nervous stance.

Behind them the three Soldiers didn't see the invisible Greta climb up in a saddle and snatch up another horses bridle. With a loud 'YAWWWW!" Greta and all three horses bolted away down the path. The Soldiers completely caught off guard.

"You can find your horses in Camelot. All we needed was a ride. Our time is running out. Forgive us." Ruby turns and races away. The Soldiers giving chase but hardly keeping up. Ruby was running at least 30 miles an hour. Catching up to Greta she hops into a second saddle and turns the horse back toward the Soldiers. Knights before the given term. Motioning Sophia to stay put and hidden Ruby and Greta head out with all three horses. Sophia was left behind to hold her hips and pout. She wouldn't stay idle long. Her Tyrants were calling out to her. Hungry lil buggers. Still, Sophia Ridge refrained from exposing herself to the Soldiers who took to walking after their horses. It would be a long walk.

Waiting until the Soldiers faded around a bend in the road Sophia decided to follow at a distance. There was a thick forest up ahead and the sounds of water. A brook maybe. Where there was water there was likely fish.

"Lunch time Guys." The Tyrants were eager to dine.

685 AD...The Kingdom of Alba, by a day . In what is now modern day Scotland.

There was a young girl who was said to see visions while looking into a river. Her reflection quite stunning. A young Lass that had lost her family to War. The Picts constantly moving against the Scots and the Romans. Today this young girl of age 12 would recall the loss of her sight. A childhood prank leading to a stone cast. A turn into its trajectory ending her daylight. The last time she saw reality. All that she had left were visions in her mind. Water still her influence although only to the touch. The liquid never failed her. Its merest touch drowning her literally in the future. Some call her Seer. Others Witch. Both. She witnesses herself as she grows older. She will dabble in sorcery with the greats. For now she is just a little girl.

"Hello." She smiles staring off into nothingness. Breathing behind her enough to know that she had company. Footsteps snapping twigs on the ground her second telltale sign, "I have been waiting for you."

"You have?" A young boy of 15 swallows dryly. His name Shamus. It was he whose aim had taken her sight one year ago. Here to pay his respect for his misdeed.

"I forgave you long ago. I know you did not wish to cause me harm."

"I did nae mean to. Know that. I canae help me guilt."

"I see what needs to be seen now. I know what will come. Shamus you must know something. You shall be visited shortly by someone who is on a journey."

"A journey ye say? Who be he?"

"He be you."

"What? Are ye mad Helena?"

"Not at all. You shall see."

Eyes full of wonder Shamus of the Clan Derelei holds his breath. As if a warming sensation enters his body, "Have ye bewitched me?"

"I have not. Hello again." Helena grins and teases the creek water before her with a brush of her knuckles.

"Ummm Hi. Where am I?" Shamus hears a voice claim his lips. Panic sets in but he cannot move. Finally the voice calms him, "Sorry about the takeover. My name is James Ian. I guess this makes us family." Shamus in turn whines and pees down his leg. The fur covering his loins would reek for days.

Helena giggles at the boys reaction, "Remain calm Shamus. James will not be here long. He is needed elsewhere."

"Right. Hey there Shamus. I'm not sure why I stopped over at this point in time but I'm here for a reason. My jumps usually allow me to see or cross paths with something or someone important."

"That would be me." Helena reveals, "Welcome James Ian. I see your future. I see your past. I hear your present." Shamus/ James fans his hand over Helena's eyes deciding for certain that she was blind, "Shamus knows of my missing sight. As do you now. I see within the waters that you will soon intersect with a dear friend whom I have yet to meet. We have known each other longer than I foresaw. You are He."

"Umm Okay. Not helping at the moment but at least we're friends." James fidgets, Shamus hearing everything but too afraid to enter the conversation.

"I see many conflicting visions. Your journey disturbs the path of others. Including your own future. Confusing. You try to save your friends. Your...family. How intriguing. We shall meet again someday. When I am much older."

As James absorbs her revelation he notices something that makes him glance all around Shamus, "Ummm! Do you notice all of the rabbits around us?"

"Yes. Like I they are watchers. Learning. Seeing the present to predict the future. Much like you James Ian. Reflections all."

"Funny you should mention reflections. Considering you can't see but your reflection in the water seems pretty open to sight."

"A gift."

"From God? I recently met God. Crazy Dude for sure."

"Of a sort. If not directly. I see that God is lost. You shall meet again one day. Perhaps even to save him. The waters are murky."

"I'll meet God again? Cool."

"Darkness clouds the future. Like a shadow over all that is."


"Life anew." She creases her brow, "You must go James Ian. Do not tarry longer than you have to. Your own lives depend on your speedy ascension."

"Right. One quick question if you can see the past and future. Do I succeed? In saving my friends."

"Many times. All different."

"Paradox shifting each time something alters my original future. This is going to be tougher than I thought. Every mistake I make switches things up."

"Mistakes are destiny James Ian. I may see. I may predict. I may be wrong. I might be right."

"Shamus is peeing again I better let him lead his own life. Thanks for sharing insight...what was your name again?"

"Helena. Destined to be a Wretch."

"Too cute to be any Wretch. I guess I'll be seeing you again then. If your visions are accurate."

"Thank you for the compliment James Ian. I will blush recalling your words until the day I meet my end."

"Live a long life then." With a controlled military style salute James Ian released Shamus. The second he resumed control Shamus ran off screaming. He was not one of the bravest reflections in the pond.

Alone now Helena smiles, "Interesting. I see another offer his goodbyes in the same fashion. A very handsome man indeed. A very important man. Ah, I see now. A Father he is. Of many." Before her swaying fingers in the water the image of Jack Ramse forms. Fading just as fast. Helena tilts her head as a rabbit eases next to her nudging her left palm rested on a rock for support. Sensing it she looks down. Her other hand leaving the water to react. Petting its fur she smiles. If she could only witness the bright blue light around her. Or, the beautiful woman standing over her shoulder. Her presence unseen. The smile on the woman's face proud and thoughtful. In the blink of an eye she is gone. Helena curled up and took a nap. The trickling water so very relaxing.

Pocket dimension Avalon...

"Your Majesty!" Bows a royal advisor as Soldiers of greater Camelot escort a trembling pair of young men into court. James Ian Pryce and his ancestor Moe the pre-dawn Man of similar age reluctantly trudge along behind and between his guards. The Advisor had been filled in on the events as spoken of by peasants of the land who had witnessed a miracle. A miracle known as the Sword in the Stone. Essentially a ploy by Merlin and King Uther himself. Call it a gimmick. Enchantments keeping the blade held firm against all attempts to remove it. The King scowling at his bold err in judgment. To his knowledge he had no heir to the throne as yet. Save for a daughter to be birthed very soon. His Queen beside him in full on pregnancy. It was just a matter of time. The look on her own face worried.

James swallows dryly as the procession halts and all bow. James in turn looks around then decides he needed to show respect himself. Beside him Moe had other ideas. A young woman held flowers in front of her bosom. He loved the scent of fresh flowers. It takes James to realize his predicament and edges over to grab Moe's arm dragging him back to the center of the attention. Motioning him to bow Moe slaps his hand and razzes him with moody lips. His reluctance finds laughter. From of all people the King himself.

"Ah! A Jester. We have much need of laughter in these trying times." Uther perks up, looking to his Queen Ingrid for smiles. She merely strains in her seat for comfort and offers a shy flare of eyes. Uther understood.

The Advisor takes over acknowledging James and Moe who wield the sword. Moe still hadn't forgiven James for taking the blade from him just seconds prior to their being discovered at the stone. Moe returned to the flowers regardless. He knew no better. The young blond no more than 18 blushes as she lowers the flowers. Moe in turn eyes her cleavage and begins sniffing between her curves. Her eyes bulged as more laughter filled the air. The girl dropped the flowers turning red but stood her ground.

"MOE! Get back here. Stop being a perv." James bellows telepathically. Moe in response sniffs deeper into the cleavage causing the girl to whine. Finding humor in his vulgarity the King admires the blond himself. She was indeed a beauty. In a panic James steps again toward Moe and looks over at the Royals with gnashed teeth . He was worried Moe might get them tossed into a dungeon or worse. Of course things were a tad more open in this era. Grabbing Moe James looks deeply into the girls eyes. With a gulp he realized just how stunning she was, "Sorry." She nibbled her lower lip and continued blushing. By now Moe had poised a finger in her cleavage tugging at her dress. She peers fretfully toward the King who took pity.

"ENOW! Step away young Jester." Moe spooked by the bellow shies over to hug James by the arm. Even that drew laughter, "Let us get to the business at hand. Who art thee who has pulled the sword from its prison?"

"Ummm! My name is James Ian. This here is my trusted friend Moe. Travelers from afar. Way far. Please don't ask how far. By the way Big Fan. Love Camelot. Even the musical."

"Strange words indeed. How did thee remove the sword?" Uther looks puzzled and losing his patience. Beside him Queen Ingrid looks especially curious. James was drawn to her sudden reactions. His telepathy peeping in on her thoughts. Not what he expected. Pausing to breath and listen to her brings forth a repeated query. James had heard the Queen stress that her baby might never see the Crown. She would not let this happen. She had planned her deception too well. Troubled James shakes his head to regain his composure.

"I don't know Your Highness. I tugged at it and it slipped free in my grasp." Moe slaps James in the belly with his knuckles. James in turn glares at his ancestor coldly using telepathy to speak to him unheard by others, "Dude I'm going to shave you bald if you do that again. You have to behave and trust me. If they think you pulled the sword out it would create problems. Please chill out."

"Moe still mad. You lie."

"Only because I know what the truth might do. I don't want us to get locked up here. Let's just play this out, grab Xander outside and head home before we get trapped here."

"Moe like it here. Girl smell good. Like flowers."

"I know. She's hot. Still, we don't have time. Just stay by my side and let me do the talking."

"Have we met before Young Man?" Uther leans forward examining them.

"No Sir. No relation whatsoever. I know for a fact I am not your son. I wish I was."